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your work.

The analogy I like to use is a music

box. If you've ever seen a music box, when it's
closed and just sitting on the table, you never
actually get to hear what the beautiful sound is
inside of it. It’s similar for data scientists that
lack communication skills. They may have these
amazing skills, but they're all locked in this box,
and no one ever knows about them. You have to
open the box, and you do that by being able to
tell those stories and communicate those skills.
So, it's really up to you. Do you want people to
hear your story and experience your amazing
skills and ability? Then you're going to need the
communication skills so that you can open your

Sadie St. Lawrence, CEO of Women in Data

Large Language Models like ChatGPT are

revolutionizing the way we interact with
software. Whether it's customer service, project
management, or data analysis, these AI tools are
enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity
across all sectors.

Noelle Silver Russel, Global AI Solutions & Generative

AI & LLM Industry Lead at Accenture

How long does it take to learn AI?

Why should I learn Artificial Intelligence right


Who can benefit from learning AI?

Is AI difficult to learn?

What skills should I develop to learn AI?

Which AI tools and packages should I learn?

How can I stay updated with the latest trends in


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