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• From Learning to Earning: Navigating the AI

Job Landscape: Megan Finck, Global Head of Talent

Acquisition in Engineering, IT, and Data Analytics at

Boeing, and Sadie St. Lawrence, Founder of Women in

Data, provide insights into the AI job market, detailing

emerging roles, essential skills, and job search strategies

for 2024.

• Generative AI: Trends, Impact, and Practical

Applications for 2024: Crissy Costa Brehrens,

Principal at Insight Partners, and Sandhya

Venkatachalam, Partner at Khosla Ventures, discuss

significant trends in Generative AI, its impacts on

various industries, and key applications driving business


• The High Cost of AI Hype: Eric Siegel, consultant

and bestselling author, addresses the misconceptions

surrounding the term "AI" in machine learning projects,

explaining its misuse and the reality behind the AI hype.

• Building Tomorrow's Workforce, Today: Scaling

Internal AI Academies: Mike Baylor, Vice President

& CDAO at Lockheed Martin, Carolann Diskin, Senior

Technical Program Manager at Dropbox, and Matthew

Graviss, CDAIO at US Department of State, discuss best

practices for establishing AI upskilling programs within

organizations, including curriculum development and

engagement strategies.

• Scaling Data Quality in the Age of Generative AI:

This session focuses on improving data quality

management strategies in response to the complexities

introduced by Generative AI technologies.

Day 2: June 27

• Building Trust in AI: Scaling Responsible AI

Within Your Organization: Haniyeh Mahmoudian,

Chief AI Ethicist at Datarobot; Eske Montoya Martinez

van Egerschot, Chief AI Governance and Ethics at

DigiDiplomacy & Associate Partner at Meines Holla &

Partners; and Alexandra Ebert, Chief Trust Officer at

MOSTLY AI, discuss actionable strategies for

embedding responsible AI principles to ensure

transparency, fairness, and accountability in your

organization’s AI initiatives.

• Leading with AI: Leadership Insights on Driving

Successful AI Transformation: Chandra Donelson,

Space Data and Analytics Officer at United States Space

Force; Semih Kumluk, Head of AI and Digital at PwC;

and Giorleny Altamirano Rayo, Chief Data Scientist at

U.S. Department of State, share insights on integrating

AI into business models and cultivating a culture of

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