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Generic Routes of Dosage Mechanism of Actions & Side Adverse Nursing

Name Administration Indications Effects Reaction Responsibilities

Atropine Intravenous Adults: 1 mg, Mechanism of Action:  dry mouth CNS: coma, Follow the 14 rights of
Sulfate repeated in 3  blurred vision delirium, seizures medication administration.
to 5 min, and Atropine sulfate binds to and  sensitivity to
repeated again inhibits the muscarinic action of light CV: arrhythmias, Use atropine sulfate with
in 3 to 5 min, acetylcholine receptors at the  lack of chest pain, MI caution to patients with known
as needed. neuroeffector junctions of smooth sweating cardiac problems because of the
muscles, cardiac muscles,  dizziness EENT: vision drug’s effect on the heart.
Maximum: 3 exocrine glands, SA and AV  nausea problems, nasal
mg total dose nodes, and the urinary bladder, congestions, oral Monitor patients with chronic
 loss of balance
competitively blocking the effects lesions lung disease closely because
 tachycardia
of acetylcholine and other choline atropine sulfate may cause
esters. The actions of atropine can GI: abdominal thickening of bronchial
be overcome by increasing the distention or pain, secretions and formation of
concentration of acetylcholine at vomiting dangerous viscid plugs.
receptor sites.
GU: bladder Remind patient that they still
Indications: distention, need to seek additional
elevated BUN, emergency care since atropine
Atropine sulfate is indicated to polydipsia sulfate is only an initial
reduce salivation and bronchial emergency treatment.
secretions and block vagal effects MS: hypertonia,
preoperatively. muscle twitching Advise patient to notify
prescriber immediately if any
In small doses, it inhibits salivary RESP: bradypnea, adverse reactions to the drug
and bronchial secretions and dyspnea, have occurred.
diaphoresis. In moderate doses, it tachypnea
increases impulse conduction Since atropine may inhibit
through the AV node and OTHER: sweating, advise patient to avoid
increases heart rate. In large anaphylaxis, pain excessive exercise or heat
doses, it decreases GI and urinary in injection site, exposure, which can lead to
tract motility and gastric acid sensations of hyperthermia and heat injury.
secretion. warmth
Reference: Jones, D. & Bartlett, A. (n.d.). 2021 Nurse’s Drug Handbook (20th ed., pp. 262 – 267). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning

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