Advanced AI DataCamp 5

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innovation and adaptability.

• The Future of Programming: Accelerating

Coding Workflows with LLMs: Michele Catasta, VP

of AI at Replit; Jordan Tigani, CEO at Motherduck; and

Ryan J. Salva, VP of Product at GitHub, explore the use

of Large Language Models (LLMs) in programming and

data workflows, discussing future trends and integration

strategies for AI-assisted coding.

• Hugging Face & the Future of the Open Source

AI Ecosystem: Julien Simon, Chief Evangelist at

Hugging Face, presents an in-depth look at how

Hugging Face is influencing the open source AI

ecosystem and its future development.

• Building an AI Strategy: Key Steps for Aligning

AI with Business Goals: Vin Vashishta, Founder and

Chief Revenue Officer at V Squared; Cindi Howson,

Chief Data Strategy Officer at ThoughtSpot; and Sonali

Bhavsar, Managing Director at Accenture, offer a

blueprint for developing an AI strategy that aligns with

organizational objectives, identifying opportunities and

integrating AI into existing processes.

• Charting the Path: What the Future Holds for

Generative AI: Tom Tunguz, General Partner at

Theory Ventures; Edo Liberty, CEO at Pinecone; and

Nick Elprin, CEO at Domino Data Lab, discuss the

evolution of generative AI, examining emerging trends

and strategic implications for businesses.

• Closing Session & AMA: Jonathan Cornelissen, CEO,

and Martijn Theuwissen, COO of DataCamp, provide

closing remarks and engage in an "ask me anything"

session to wrap up the event.

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