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Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 below illustrates the conceptual framework of the research. The paradigm

presents the variables that will be considered in the research.

a. Self- esteem SHS Students Academic Performance

b. Motivation a. High Level of performance

b. Low level of performance
c. Technological Distractions
d. Task Aversion
e. Preparatory Anxiety

Figure 1. The Schematic diagram of the study

The Procrastination Level of Senior High School students performance will be described in the

research in terms of two sub-variables: (a) Procrastination by the following sub- topics: (i) Self-esteem,

(ii) Motivation, (iii) Technological Distractions, (iv) Task Aversion , (v) Preparatory Anxiety, and (b)

Senior High School students academic performance by the following sub- topics: (i) High Level of

Performance, (ii) Low Level of Performance. In the research, this variable is seen to posses a

hypothesized relationship with Senior High School students’ academic performance. This hypothesized

relationship is presented by the leaded arrow connecting both variables.

Research Hypothesis

HO: There is no significant relationship between self-esteem, motivation, technological

distractions, self-determination, task aversion, preparatory anxiety, and procrastination

among high school students.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between self-esteem, motivation, technological

distractions, self-determination, task aversion, preparatory anxiety, and procrastination

among high school students.

HO: There is no significant relationship between procrastination and academic performance

among high school students.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between procrastination and academic performance

among high school students.

Definition of Terms

Procrastination’ Deliberately delaying tasks, often resulting in negative consequences and


Mañana Habit’ Postponing tasks, synonymous with procrastination in Filipino culture.

Academic Procrastination’ Delaying academic tasks, leading to poor academic performance.

Task Aversion’ Avoiding tasks due to disinterest or difficulty, leading to procrastination.

Motivation’ Inner drive prompting action and goal pursuit.

Self-Determination’ Ability to regulate actions based on personal motivations.

Preparatory Anxiety’ Nervousness before tasks, contributing to procrastination.

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