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Broken Hate

A M/M Romance Novel

Maela Bale
Copyright © 2024 Maela Bale

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and
incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Printed in the United States of America

For more information or to book an event, contact:

X: maela_bale

Book design by: Maela Bale

Cover design by: Minty

First Edition: April 2024

To Biu,
Thank you for being my muse. For inspiring this
whole story. For being you.
Author’s Note

Here’s a little background on this story to better understand the writing.
This story, although written in English, takes place in Thailand, therefore,
references some words and location from there. Things to note:
- In the Thai language, it’s common to speak about oneself in the
third person.
- “Khun” is used to address someone with respect before their
name or can be used alone.
- “Phi” is used to address someone older than you, male or female,
related or not.
- “Nong” is used to address someone younger than you, male or
female, related or not.
- “Khun Noo” is used to address a son/daughter born into a rich
family (often used by workers in the family).
- This story is a work of fiction and does include some sensitive
content such as abuse and suicide. Please read at your own
Thank you and happy reading!

5 years ago…

Loud sirens blasted away in the distance as red lights flashed all
around. The sky had darkened, bringing along with it, cold air. But the
chilly air wasn’t the reason for my shivers or goosebumps. It was the loud
screams and cries and the possibility that my siblings and I were about to
become orphans.
“Where is she? What did you do to my daughter!” Mrs. Kang, Rome’s
mother, screamed at my own mother who was in handcuffs and detained by
a couple of officers.
Police officers separated them apart so a fight wouldn’t break out as
Mrs. Kang tried to rush toward my mother. My father was also in handcuffs
seated inside a police vehicle, being watched closely. And I was holding
onto my two younger siblings who were frightened and crying, shivering in
my grip as we watched a nightmare unfold before us.
How did this happen? In the morning, we woke up and met up with
Rome’s family at the park like we had planned the week before. Everything
was going great like normal. Their family and mine, hanging out like we
always did in the past. The day was filled with fun and laughter. That was
until Paris, Rome’s sister who was only eight, disappeared. Then, all hell
broke loose.
Upon trying to find Rome’s sister and figuring out who was the culprit
behind her disappearance, a horrible dark secret was revealed. One that no
one knew about, apparently except for my mother. My father has been
sexually molesting Paris, his own best friend’s daughter, for who knows
how long. The revealing was so disturbing, it caused an uproar between the
families. Rome’s father beat my father soundly before the cops were able to
pull him off and placed my father in cuffs. The thought made me sick to my
stomach and I wanted to hurl.
After, my mom was accused of being the reason behind Paris's
disappearance. Apparently, she knew for a while that my father was a sick
bastard, but instead of protecting Paris, she became jealous of her. And
then, Paris was gone. Everyone thought she had something to do with it.
The thing was, I think my mom took her. No, I knew she took her. Before
Rome and I left to go fishing by the river in the park woods, I saw. I saw
Paris following my mom. I didn’t think nothing of it at the time, but it all
fitted somehow.
When I was questioned by the cops earlier though, I couldn’t bring
myself to say it. To tell them what I saw. I cried as tears slipped from my
eyes. By me not revealing what I had seen earlier had caused a delay in the
investigation and Paris could very well be dead because of my closed lips.
But I just couldn’t say it at the time of questioning, she was my mother after
all. There’s no way my mom could do something like that.
Rome was standing by his mother and father who were frantically
talking to the police officers. I could hear them yelling, telling them to find
Paris, telling them to make my mom tell them where she was. The scared
and worried look on Rome’s face made me feel even more guilty. I never
wanted to hurt him, ever.
Rome Kang, my best friend, my secret crush, my first love. The Phi I
grew up with. Even though he was three years older than me, he never left
me out of anything and treated me as an equal. We played together,
confided in each other, loved each other. Although his love for me was as a
Phi to his Nong, mine was deeper. I loved him as a man and have loved him
as one for a while and was never able to tell him. But because of this, I’m
sure it was all over for us.
I nudged the cop beside me, and he looked down at me. “Please let me
talk to my mom. I’ll convince her to tell the truth.”
The cop hesitated for a moment before walking away to talk to his
superior. Finally, he returned and told me I was granted permission to talk
to her, but only for a few minutes.
“Mom.” I called out to my mother when I reached where she was
being held. My mother was sitting down on the grassy lawn and looked up
at me upon hearing my voice. There were tears running down her face and
regret along with sorrow burned in her eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she cried. “I’m sorry Cass.”
I bent down to her level and wiped her tears away. “Mom, where is
she? I know you know. You must tell the officers before it’s too late.
My mother looked away, not able to look me in the eyes anymore, but
the guilt was definitely there.
“Mom, please.” I placed my hand on her thigh shaking her a little.
“You’ll become a murderer if she dies.”
A choked cry escaped from her lips, and she turned back to me. “Cass,
it was all her fault. Your father loved her and not us. I’m sorry.”
“Please tell the officers where she is mom.” I tried my best not to think
about what had happened to Paris, but instead continued to focus on
convincing my mother.
“Think about us, your kids.” My mom looked at me and then passed
me to where Austin and Seoul who were only six and four, were standing
with the police officer. “Tell them for us, please.”
Her face twisted painfully, one only a mother could show. She returned
her gaze to me. “I’m so sorry, Cass. I wasn’t a better mother. But I do love
you and your brother and sister so much. I’m sorry about everything you
had to endured.”
Finally, she turned her attention to the detectives that were close by,
listening to us. “I’m ready to talk.”
That was the last thing I heard before I was dragged away from her
and returned to my siblings. Not twenty minutes later, Paris was found with
her hands and legs bound, mouth covered and unconscious. She was on the
brink of death but was still breathing and alive. Thank God.
Paris was taken away in an ambulance with her mother in tow. Both of
my parents were dragged away in patrol cars. I sighed, thinking what’s
going to happen to me and my siblings now?
“I’m sorry kid.” The officer that had been with us the whole time said
to me. Kid? He’s right, I’m only sixteen.
“No, I’m sorry. I should have told you earlier I saw her with my
“It's alright, I understand. You were only protecting your family.”
“Cass?” I heard Rome’s voice call out to me. I turned to look at him
and there was a disbelief and hurtful expression on his face.
“You knew? Tell me you didn’t know.” Rome said, walking up to me
with a look of betrayal in his eyes.
“Rome, I…”
“You knew and you didn’t tell the cops earlier!” He yelled accusingly
but hurt. “My sister almost died!”
“I’m so sorry, Phi.” I started to say with tears in my eyes. I truly
understood his anger and frustration but didn’t know how to make him
understand me, so I could only apologize.
“Don’t call me your Phi! I never want to see your face ever again. I
hate you, your family, all of you.” Rome breathed with a shaky voice. A
single tear slipped his eyes. He gave me one last look before turning away
and walking out of my life forever. Or so I thought…


“Austin! Seoul! Are you all ready for school?” I shout from the small
living room in our apartment.
“Almost!” Seoul shouts back just as Austin runs out to the living room
with his backpack.
“Where’s your sister?” I ask impatiently.
Already I’m running late for my interview and need to get the kids to
the bus stop as soon as possible. If they miss the bus, I won’t be able to take
them to school and they will have to skip school, which I do not want.
“Seoul!” I yell out again.
“Coming! Coming! I’m here!” Seoul emerges, dashing out of the
“Okay let’s go!” I hurry both eleven- and nine-year-olds out the door.
We run to the bus stop, arriving just as the bus is approaching.
“Do you have the house keys?” I ask Austin. He quickly checks his
pockets and nods to confirm.
“I won’t be home until late because I have to work. Are you able to
come home alone with your sister and take care of her until I get back?”
“I’ve done it before.” Austin says like he was used to it.
In reality, he is. Although he’s only eleven, he’s beyond his years. He
understands that I must work, so he takes the role of an adult, taking care of
Seoul whenever I’m not around. I feel bad and guilty, but there is no way
around it. I must work for us to survive.
“Okay, get to school safely and take care of each other.” I give him and
Seoul a quick kiss each and watch them board the bus. I watch as they sit by
one of Austin’s classmates already on board.
After the bus drives off, I flag down a motorbike taxi. It’s not ideal for
me to take taxis of any kind, because it costs more than the bus, but I can’t
afford to be late to this interview.
This is our daily life now since that horrid day. I work while the kids
go to school. Austin helps out whenever I’m not around. We lead busy lives
but somehow it works with many sacrifices.
Both of our parents were sentenced to prison. I haven’t seen or visited
my father since. I want nothing to do with him and don’t want my siblings
to be involved with anything that can possibly harm them. If the other
students know, they will probably get bullied even if none of this is their
fault. How my father was able to do that to his best friend’s own child
disgusts me and frightens me. Especially when our families were so close.
Austin and Seoul literally got their names because of Mr. Kang. He
liked naming his kids after cities, and my father followed in his footsteps.
Although not with me since I was born before they became best friends.
Not soon after my mother was sentenced, she was murdered in prison
because some of the mother prisoners found out about her crime and wasn’t
too happy to have her as a cellmate. Not even a year after sentencing, she
was gone forever from this world.
My heart was broken but I didn’t even have time to mourn her death.
Not when I was so busy trying to do everything to keep Austin and Seoul. I
refused to let the system separate us. Because of that, I dropped out of high
school and immediately started working so I could afford for us to stay
One of our elderly neighbors kindly took pity on us and let us stay
with her but only until I was of legal age. As soon as I turned eighteen, we
moved out on our own to our now tiny apartment. It’s only a one-bedroom,
so the kids sleep in the room while I sleep in the living room. It’s all I can
afford with bills, their school, everyday living expenses and whatever
leftover debts my parents left behind.
Now I work three jobs tirelessly just to make ends meet and it’s still
never enough. That’s why I’m counting so much on this interview. It’s a job
for a high-end hotel. Even if the position is of a maid, the pay is high
enough for me to quit two of my part-time jobs, allowing me to have more
time for Austin and Seoul.
I tell the driver to speed up, making it just in time for the interview.
When my name is call, I take a deep breath and silently pray for the best
After the interview, I walk out of the building and straight to the river
walk situated in front of the hotel. I look around me to see if anyone is
present. The place is mostly empty since it’s still work and school hours.
My gaze then lands on the water, flowing and sparkling under the hot sun. It
looks inviting, cool, and refreshing. I sigh heavily.
“Whoo-hoo!” I fist-punch the air excitedly. I got the job! I actually
fucking did it! They seem to be desperate for people since the busy season
is fast approaching and I was offered the job right after my interview. This
cannot have gone any better. I smile joyously to myself.
I get to start right away too. That means quitting my day job at the
garage since the position of maid is also a day job. And I can safely quit my
third shift part-time job as a waiter at a night club. No more pouring drinks
and dealing with drunks! I cannot be happier. My other part-time job as a
waiter at a restaurant I’ll keep since it pays the most out of the three. I’ll
just have to switch to evening hours. Speaking of which, my shift there
starts in an hour. I daringly take a taxi to the restaurant, all too happy about
this new opportunity.

A million thoughts run through my head as I stare at what’s left of my
sister. She is now nothing more than ashes in a jar. Yesterday, she made the
final decision to take her own life. This hurts and angers me deeply because
I loved her dearly. But maybe it’s better this way. All of the nights she woke
up crying and screaming. The distrust she had for anyone male and female
that wasn’t her family. She suffered through the trauma for five years and
finally the pressure was too much. She wanted to escape it all and finally
did. At only thirteen, she sliced her wrists a little too deep this time.
I close my eyes, my jaws clenching at the memory of her lifeless body
when I found her in her bathroom, lying in the tub within a pool of her own
blood. There was so much blood. That image will forever burn in my
I don’t blame her one bit for wanting to die. No, it was all that family’s
fault. My fists shake just thinking about them. My sister had suffered way
longer than five years. That disgusting bastard molested my sister for who
knows how long. I want him not only in prison but dead. The mother got
what was coming for her. She tried murdering my sister and now she was
dead. Good fucking riddance. Now that leaves him. Cass.
Cass, my ex best friend. Someone who I cared for and loved as much
as Paris. Although I’m older than him, we were inseparable. He was my
comfort and safe zone. We took care of each other and confided in one
another. He was the first person I told that I maybe liked men too. I thought
I could trust him with everything, but I was wrong.
He knew but he betrayed me, my trust. Without trust, we have nothing.
I haven’t seen him since that day. And I never thought I would again, but
with my sister gone, I’m so damn angry. There’s this ball of hate burning
inside of me. I want to let it all the fuck out. And who better than to let it
out on than him. His family all must pay for their part in my sister’s death,
and it’s his turn.
“Khun Noo, your mother won’t stop crying. She’s refusing to eat
anything. What should I do?” Yai, the head housemaid, who has been with
us as long as I can remember, interrupts my thoughts.
“It’ll take some time. Just watch her closely. I can’t lose my only
family left.” I tell Yai.
“Yes, Khun Noo.” She nods before leaving.
My father left us three years ago due to a heart attack. Yesterday, my
sister joined him. I cannot lose my mother too. She’s in such a fragile state
that I fear she might just go crazy and kill herself as well. If that happens…
even I fear what I might be capable of doing.
This life, this situation is so damn fucked up. Everything started with
them and must end with them. Yeah, I made up my mind. That family must
suffer for the rest of their lives.
“Nom!” I shout for one of the workers in this house.
“Yes, Khun Noo?” He appears before me, ready to do my bidding.
“Cass. Find him.”
“Yes sir!” He leaves right away, knowing exactly who I want. He is
also a long-time worker of our family and knows everything that happened.
Cass, how old is he now? Twenty-one? He made it to adulthood. Now
it’s time to realize how cruel life can really get. I’m going to shake his
world to the core and then tear it all down. That is a damn promise.


“Thank you for the hard work today, Cass!” Nana, my restaurant
supervisor praises.
“Of course!” I bow, thanking her. She approved of my schedule change
and I’m grateful for it.
“See you tomorrow.” She waves at me and walks away.
I check the time on my phone, and it’s almost ten at night. Usually, I’d
be heading straight to the nightclub job, but I don’t have to do that anymore.
Instead, on my way back, I stop at Austin’s favorite fried chicken restaurant
and order a bucket for home.
The kids are probably sleeping at this time but can wake up to the little
savory treat in the morning. Eating out and ordering out is never ideal for
us. Only on very special occasions do I allow this, like our birthdays and
that’s basically it. But today, it is a special occasion. I get to start my new
job tomorrow. And Austin and Seoul both deserve this after helping me out
so much.
When I open the door, the apartment is dark except for the little light
that comes from the nightlight in their bedroom. I quietly enter the room
just to make sure they are in there sleeping. I always worry about leaving
them alone. If anything ever happens to them, I will never forgive myself.
Just another reason why I’m so glad for this new job opportunity.
Austin shifts a little then opens his eyes, looking up to me.
“Phi. You’re back already?” He says in a hush tone.
I nod my head at him. “Mmm. Why aren’t you sleeping yet? Is it
because of the nightlight?”
He nods his head to what I already know. Austin is older now and not
afraid of the dark like Seoul. But because of Seoul, he pretends like he
needs the light too, so she won’t feel bad asking for it all the time. He loves
and cares for his sister so much, it breaks my heart that I can’t do more for
him, for both of them.
I walk over to Austin and place a kiss on his head. “Thank you, Austin.
For being so brave. Phi promises that it will get better soon. I got a new job
“Another one? But you barely have time now.” He questions with
concern laced in his voice.
“This one allows me to quit my two other jobs. Now I’ll have more
time to take care of you two.” I smile down at him.
Austin’s eyes light up from the news. “That’s good, Phi.”
“Now go to sleep buddy.” I pat him on the head before heading out of
the room.
I quickly wash up and head to bed myself. On the couch, I stretch my
sore muscles from overwork, letting the weight of the day release from my
body. In all honesty, I’m tire. So damn tired. I wish I can get a good paying
job one day where I don’t have to work side jobs anymore. I wish I could be
a normal twenty-one-year-old going to college, partying with friends and
dating. But here I am, a high school dropout that no decent job wants to
hire, living paycheck to paycheck with a dark past that can scare anyone
away if they ever know.
A single tear falls down the side of my face as I stare into the darkness.
This is the only time I’m able to be weak and show vulnerability. When
Austin and Seoul are sleeping. I sigh deeply.
I’ve heard about miracles but where is mine? Or do I not deserve one
because a child must pay for the sins of their parents?
“Go to sleep, Cass. You got this. Tomorrow is a new day.” I silently
mouth to myself. I wipe my tears away and force a little smile on my face
as I close my eyes to the darkness.

“You’re so good at this!” My new coworker, Fah, who is training me

says while we exit a room after cleaning it.
“Ah yes, I had some experience working at a small motel.” I nod and
This morning, I followed her around while she showed me the process
the hotel uses to clean the rooms. We also ran some room services and
cleaned the public areas. The job is simple enough, nothing I’m not used to.
Only now, the clientele changed from regular people to upper class riches,
so top-notch service is a must.
“Lunch break will be soon, should we have lunch together?” Fah asks
me with a smile on her face.
“Ah, I was so excited about work today, I forgot to pack a lunch.” I
scratch my head chuckling.
“Oh, it’s okay! We can eat at one of the restaurants here. Employees
get fifty percent off!” She seems overly excited about having lunch with
If I’m not mistaken, she likes me. Unfortunately for her, I’m into men.
Well, one man in particular. But since then, I haven’t found anyone else
attractive, or maybe I just don’t have the time. I quickly shake the thought
away because I don’t want to think about him. It always makes me sad
whenever I do.
Regardless, I don’t have the money to eat at a luxurious hotel
restaurant, even if it’s fifty percent off. As I’m trying to figure out a way to
reject her offer, our manager calls for us.
“Hey, a VIP guest just requested lunch and wine to be brought to their
room. Can one of you drop it off before lunch break?”
“I’ll do it!” I volunteer right away.
“Okay. Thank you, Cass,” the manager says.
I follow the manager, waving bye to Fah who looks at me dejectedly.
Sorry. I silently apologize.
I push the cart with a covered tray and a wine bottle towards the room
that requested it, room 666. How ominous to have that as a room number.
“Room service!” I call out knocking on the door once I reach and wait
for a reply.
“Come in!” A female voice sounds from the other side.
I use my universal keycard to enter the room, pushing the cart along. A
beautiful female, dressed in the hotel robe, stands in the middle of the suite
living room, which is bigger than my entire apartment. The robe is open,
revealing her lingerie underneath.
“Oh! I’m sorry!” I quickly look away. I can feel my cheeks warming
but not from attraction, more from embarrassment.
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” The beautiful brunette says. Still, I can’t
look her in the eyes.
“Where would you like this ma’am?”
“Just set it on the table and you may go. There’s a tip there for you
too,” she replies.
“Yes ma'am.” I turn towards the table and push the cart over. I want to
get out as soon as possible. She may be comfortable showing off her body,
but I’m not comfortable seeing it.
“Who’s here?”
My body immediately freezes, the utensil in my hand drops to the
floor. My breath hitches and goosebumps spread throughout my skin. That
voice… I can never mistake it for another. I hear the footsteps of that man
approaching and the sound of my heart gets louder with each closing step.
“Just room service. Ordered us lunch.” The woman replies to him.
“But looks like we just lost our utensils.”
I quickly turn around with my head bowed. I bow down twice more
apologizing. “I’m sorry, I’ll get you new ones right away.”
I nervously peek from under my lashes and indeed I wasn’t mistaken at
all. Rome is standing there, hair wet, dressed in boxers and an open robe.
He looks even more handsome than before. His jawline is more prominent,
his body more built, his hair longer. And those gorgeous brown eyes I used
to adore so much are currently piercing through my soul. I force myself not
to cower back.
Rome walks up behind the woman putting his arms around her tiny
waist. I turn my head away, not wanting to be rude. I remember when Rome
confessed to me back then that he liked men too, but that didn’t mean he
still doesn’t sleep with women.
“Will you take a shower too?” I hear him ask her.
“Yes, then we can have lunch.” She replies before walking away,
leaving us alone.
As Rome stares at me in silence, I become enveloped in fear, scare and
nervous, not knowing what to do. That look in his eyes, even though I only
saw it for a moment, it’s full of hate. All the memories, good and bad,
suddenly attack me at once and I feel like throwing up. Another feeling that
I hid deep within my heart, suddenly pushes through to the surface. I never
got over him.
I want to no more than to run out of this room, away from this hotel.
As far away from here as possible but I’m stunned silent and frozen like a

There he is. Cass, that traitor. That son of trash. I have yet to say a
single word or do anything and he’s already standing there shaking in his
pants. Good!
I watch as he keeps his head down, hiding his face from me, with his
hands nervously gripping his black slacks. It’s the same old habit he had as
a child whenever he was nervous or knew he was in trouble. The only
difference is, he’s grown taller, though not by much. His bowl cut hair style
is still the same, his baby face makes him seem like he hasn’t aged a day,
although there are apparent dark circles under his eyes. His frame is small.
That white button up shirt and black slack uniform looks too big for him.
It was so damn easy to find him. Nom returned to me the same night
about his whereabouts. Where he lived, where his siblings went to school,
where he works. Today is his first day here. Should I just get him fired right
away? I have the daughter of the hotel owner in the room with me. It’d be
as simple as the snap of a finger. But no, too easy. He needs to squirm a
little first before losing it all.
“Say something…” Cass whispers under his breath. Still, he doesn’t
dare look at me.
“I’m sorry, do I know you?” I reply sarcastically. Finally, Cass lifts his
head and looks at me while he nervously gnaws at the corner of his bottom
“You know it’s me, Phi.” Cass says.
“Phi?” I smirk.
I slowly walk up to him, stopping before him. I reach out to grab the
name tag on his shirt and read it out loud.
“Cass… ah that rings a stupid little bell. You’re that son of a pedophile
and murderer. I thought I told you to never call me Phi again.” I shove his
chest back where his name tag is placed.
He stumbles a little hitting into the table behind him but doesn’t say
anything. That’s right, he has no damn right whatsoever to say anything or
deny my claims because they are all true.
Cass quickly looks away, blinking his eyes a few times, then looks
back down biting on his trembling lips. The soft bastard is about to cry. Ha,
once a crybaby, always a crybaby.
When we were younger, he often cried over things although he usually
did it alone. I would find him crying and would always console him. Once
upon a time, that look made me soft for him. Now I want to make him cry a
fucking river and be the reason for the damn blood and tears I’m going to
make him shed from now on.
Cass clears his throat and looks back up at me with a friendly smile,
surprising me.
“I’m sorry sir, I mistaken you for someone else. I’ll get you a new set
of utensils right away.” He puts up a professional front. Cass bends down to
pick up the utensil and then looks at me, smiles, and bows once again. He
walks past me leaving me dumbfounded. The fucker.
I clench my fist wanting to punch the smile off his face. Before he can
make it to the door, I follow him, grab him, and push him against the wall,
the utensils once again falling to the ground. I pin him there with my body
and place my hands firmly beside him, caging him in.
“Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now?” I
breathe down his face. Cass’s eyes widen in shock and his body stiffens but
only for a moment.
“Because, you don’t know me…” Cass replies, pissing me off even
“You have a smartass mouth now, don’t you?” I say looking at his lips.
Why the fuck are they so red?
“You’re the one that said it yourself.” He mumbles under his breath. I
angrily snatch his jaw in my grip, pulling his face closer to mine.
“Let me go Phi!” Cass winces in pain. He brings his hands to my
naked chest and tries to push me away. His hands are cold against my warm
skin. He’s scare for sure and that highly satisfy me.
“I fucking told you not to call me Phi!” I shout at him, gripping his
chin even harder.
“Fine! Let me go, Rome!” Cass attempts to shove at my chest again.
Has he always been this weak? I knew the fucker was fragile, always
getting hurt in the past but I don’t remember him being so damn weak.
“What do you want?” Cass stops struggling and looks right at me,
breathing heavily.
I smile wickedly shoving him back against the wall. “You. Groveling
at my feet, begging for forgiveness. You. Losing everything important to
you. You. Disappearing from this world.”
Cass inhales a shaky breath, giving me a sad look. “You hate me that
“Hate doesn’t even begin to describe my feelings towards you. I
despise you with a passion. I detest your very existence. Just breathing the
same air as you is appalling.” I spit at him, the rage in me churning.
“So now what?” Cass asks, with fresh new tears in his eyes. I can tell
my words hurt him deeply as he looks at me sadly.
“Now what...” I hear the door to the bathroom suite opening. “Now…”
I grab Cass’s face and smash my lips into his. His breath hitches, and
his hands freeze against my chest. I hate to fucking admit it, but his lips are
soft as hell, especially for a man. It might even be the softest lips I’ve
kissed yet.
It took Cass only a moment to come to. He shoves me hard and this
time I let him. I fall to the ground just as Anna, the hotel owner’s daughter,
appears in the walkway.
“What the fuck are you doing?” She snaps at Cass. She runs over to
me, bending down to help me up. “Rome are you okay?”
“I… I… he…” Cass bite nervously at his lips that are even redder now,
his cheeks flushed, matching his lips. He looks down at me and I smirk at
him. I got you now bastard.


He hates me. In fact, he despises me. The Rome I once knew, the one
that loved and cared for me is no more, replaced with this one in front of me
who is wholly enjoying me getting yell at by my new manager.
“I’m sorry sir, I really didn’t mean to.” I bow my head low as I
continue to apologize.
“You didn’t mean to? I saw it with my own fucking eyes! You pushed
him!” Anna, who I just found out is the daughter of the hotel owner, angrily
points a finger at me.
I’m completely doomed. There is no way in hell I’m going to get out
of this one. Not unless Rome speaks up for me. Even so, I doubt I’ll be
allowed to work here after doing that to the owner’s daughter’s boyfriend.
At least I assume she is dating him, seeing how she is reacting now.
I just can’t afford to lose this job. I finally got a decent paying job and
quit my other two. If I lose this, I’ll be in very deep shit. I just promised
Austin last night that things will get better.
“I’m so sorry, Khun Rome. Please forgive me. I was just shocked
when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I pushed without thinking. I’m sorry.” I
look to Rome, begging with my eyes for him to help me out and go along
with my story.
“I’m so sorry sir, he’s new here. Today is his first day and you can be
assured it will be his last,” my manager says.
“But sir…” I look up at my manager then at Rome pleadingly.
“Shut your mouth! Turn in your badge and go,” the manager shouts.
I bite my bottom lips to keep it from trembling. I want to cry, scream
and shout. This is all so unfair.
I never thought I would see Rome in this lifetime again. At least never
like this. When I saw him earlier, I was too stunned to say anything to him.
Really, I wanted to run to him and throw my arms around my Phi. I missed
him so much. I wanted to apologize for the past and beg for his forgiveness.
Now I wish it really wasn’t him, I wish he really had just pretended not to
know me. Because in less than the span of fifteen minutes, he was able to
insult me, push me around, steal my first kiss shamelessly, and now, get me
fire. And there isn’t a single thing I can do about it.
I sigh defeated and reach for my name tag.
“Wait…” Rome says, gaining everyone’s attention. “He’s right. I did
surprise him by grabbing onto his shoulder. I wanted to ask him to bring
some fresh towels when he was leaving, I just didn’t expect that response
from him.”
“Ah… oh, well what he did was still wrong so we will still let him go.”
The manager nervously chuckles.
“That’s right. Someone like him shouldn’t work at my hotel.” Anna
chimes in like I’m not even here.
“No, really. I’m okay. It was my fault and besides, he apologized
already.” Rome looks at me and smiles.
He then gets up and walks towards me. He slaps his palm on my
shoulder making me jump, then squeezes me tightly. “I accept your apology
and I’m sorry for touching you.”
Rome is toying with me. He doesn’t mean a single word he just
“I still don’t want him here,” Anna says.
“But if you fired him, it will be on my conscience. I’ll feel that it was
my fault.” Rome moves away to grab Anna’s hand in his and gently rubs
over it. My eyes follow the movement unintentionally and when I look back
up, Rome’s curious gaze is on me.
Anna scrunches her brows contemplating for a bit before finally
conceding. “Fine, but I want him off the suite floor.”
“Thank you! I promise to do better!” I bow, relief immediately
washing over me.
“Let’s go, Rome. I’m hungry.”
“Yes darling.” Rome gives me one last cunning look, promising this
isn’t the last time I’m going to see him, before following Anna out.
“You’re one lucky bastard.” My manager says as soon as they are out
the door. “I’m sorry by the way, I needed to save my ass first.”
I chuckle nervously and nod, understanding him. I can’t blame him for
just doing his job. Still, I can’t believe Rome saved my ass. I’m not sure
what he is planning but all that matters is that I didn’t get fired.
Although I’m relieved, I can’t help wondering the whole day why of
all times, Rome suddenly appeared in my life today. Why is he back now
after five years or is this all just a coincidence? And also, what the hell does
he want from me?

“Phi you’re back!” Seoul runs to the door just as I enter. Austin also
walks out of the bedroom looking tired. It’s already past ten at night.
I bend down to pick up Seoul with my sore arms. Right after my hotel
shift, I had the dinner shift at the restaurant. I’m exhausted but seeing Seoul
is always so energizing in a way. She’s so small and innocent, full of love
and joy. I want to keep her world that way.
“Why aren’t you sleeping yet? Both of you.” I carry Seoul to the couch
and sit down with her in my lap. Austin crawls next to us on the couch.
“Seoul said it was the weekend, so she wanted to stay up and wait for
you.” Austin yawns and rubs his eyes.
“Mmm. I wanted to thank you for the chicken! It was delicious!” Seoul
smiles brightly at me.
“Mmm. It was good. Thank you, Phi.” Austin adds.
“But next time! Can we get McDonald’s? Chicken is Austin’s favorite.
Mine is McDonald’s!” Seoul asks in her high pitch voice.
“You like the chicken nuggets from there. Still chicken.” Austin says
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
I chuckle at their little quarrel. At times like this, I’m reminded that
they are indeed still children, only eleven and nine.
“Okay stop. Next time we will get McDonald’s. Okay?” Seoul shouts
happily with my words and Austin agrees. Even though it isn’t his favorite,
he still enjoys the junk food.
I put the kids to bed before preparing myself. I have another day at the
hotel tomorrow and pray that Rome will not be there. Pray that it was just a
one-time thing. Maybe he was just visiting his girlfriend. Rome has a
For some reason, the thought doesn’t sit well with me, which only
confirms my earlier feelings that clawed its way through my heart. I never
really did get over him. He is still there, always in my heart.
I touch my lips with my fingers, remembering his own lips on mine.
His lips were plump, soft and warm. I remember the butterflies in my
stomach and my cheeks warm. Why did he even kiss me? I mean, I get that
he wanted to get a reaction out of me, but he could have done something
else. It was my first kiss, and he stole it without a second thought.
I quickly shake my head. The kiss doesn’t mean anything. At least not
to him for sure. It doesn’t mean anything to me either, but why is my heart
racing just thinking about it? I pull the little blanket over my head, forcing
myself to sleep so I can stop thinking about it.

I reach my fingers to touch my lips, remembering Cass’s soft lips on
mine. The look he had on his face afterward made kissing the bastard all
worth it. He looked surprised and frustrated as hell, almost as if it was his
first kiss. I didn’t want to kiss him or even touch the vile thing, but if I can
keep getting these reactions out of him, it’s worth it.
What I really want to do is make him suffer. That is the only reason I
saved his ass yesterday. So, I can tear him apart even more. Give him a tiny
ray of hope and then destroy it all within a flash.
Anna isn’t at the hotel today and thank fucking God for that. She is
wildly annoying and just a fling. I don’t even like her, though she does suck
a good dick. That’s the only reason I keep her around, but who knew she
would come in handy like this one day. She’s allowing me to roam freely in
her family’s hotel. Everything is at my disposal. The room, the service, the
staff, and him.
I was made aware when Cass arrived in the morning. This whole time I
watch him from afar as he works, cleaning public spaces. He works fast and
efficiently, doing his job perfectly. He treats the clientele with respect and
kindness. Every time he smiles at one of them, I have an urge to wipe the
smile off his face. The only look he should be wearing is agony and tears.
There’s also another worker, a female, that sticks close to Cass. It’s
clear as day that she likes him. She tries flirting with him many times, but
he brushes her off always. That pleases me very much in a weird way.
Maybe because I don’t want anyone to become close to him. He deserves to
be alone.
I find myself checking out his profile more than I like to admit. We are
about the same height with just a few inches separating us, although his
frame is much smaller than mine. Cass, even though he is skinny, is very
handsome. Whenever he smiles, his dimples deepen making him look more
cute than handsome. His nose bridge is annoyingly straight and sat high on
his face. I should break the damn thing. Not only his face but his body,
though small, curves in all the right places. I catch myself eyeing his ass for
a little too long and curse myself for even thinking about it. It doesn’t
matter how good he looks. My goal is still set and that is his ruination.
When it’s about lunch time, I finally return to my room and call for
room service, specifically requesting for Cass to bring it to me. Let the fun
It doesn’t take long for Cass to knock on the door.
“Room service.” I hear the nerves in his voice behind the door and
“Enter,” I reply.
The door slowly opens, and Cass slowly pushes a cart in, his steps
timid. When he makes it fully into the room, he looks around nervously and
finally his gaze fall upon me when he realizes we are alone. I don’t know if
it makes him more uncomfortable being alone with me. I hope to God it
I sit in the middle of the couch staring directly at him. I make sure he
can see the hate and amusement in my eyes. He takes a nervous gulp as his
Adam’s apple shifts up and down. Then he fakes that same professional
smile he had been giving everyone all morning.
“Good afternoon, Khun Rome. Where would you like me to set your
lunch?” He asks. So, he’s playing this game now. No more Phi.
“On the table.”
“Yes sir.” Cass turns to the table on the side, but I stop him.
“Not that one, this one.” He looks as I point to the coffee table right in
front of me. He gulps nervously again but makes a slow move towards me.
He places the covered tray down first before carefully setting the utensils
out, so he doesn’t drop it again.
I stare at his every movement. The way his hands tremble slightly, the
little bead of sweat hanging on his sideburn and his attempt to control his
breathing every time he near me when putting something down. I like it
very much that I have this effect on him.
“Is there anything else I can do for you?” Cass asks once he’s done.
His hands are clasp respectfully and he doesn’t make eye contact.
When I fail to reply, he bows his head. “Have a good day, sir.”
“Wait.” I stop him before he can walk away. “You forgot your tip.”
I take out my wallet and pull out a stack of bills. I don’t know how
much and really don’t care. Money means nothing to me when I have so
much. My family is into real estate, owning properties all over Thailand.
But for someone like Cass, money is his lifeline. I know he needs money,
seeing how many jobs he had until now and how he is solely responsible for
raising his siblings.
Cass looks at the money in my hand and for a moment his eyes widen
at the stack I’m holding before he turns slightly away.
“It’s okay sir, I don’t need it.” He quickly denies.
“What do you mean you don’t need it? It’s a tip. You take tips, don’t
“Yes, but… that’s too much.”
“It’s nothing, I want to give it to you. Now take it.”
Cass doesn’t make a move to grab it and that amuses me. He’s a
prideful mother fucker that’s for sure.
“Is it because it’s my money? If it were anyone else, you would take it
right?” I sigh disappointed.
“No, it’s still too much,” he replies.
“Fine.” I remove half the stash. “Now here!”
Cass sighs. “Will you let me leave if I take it?”
“You’re free to go if you do,” I lie. He isn’t getting out of this room so
Cass reaches for the money in my hand but before he can grab it, I pull
my hand back.
I smirk at him. “Just kidding.”
Cass’s gaze wavers in confusion.
“If you want it, pick it up.” I toss the bills at him, hitting him in the
chest before the bills fall all around him. “I know you need it, just the smell
of you reeks of poverty.”
Cass gnaws at the corner of his lips again and tears brim on his lids
from the humiliation I’m causing. In all truth, this isn’t something I will
ever do to someone else but to Cass, I want to hit him where it hurts.
“Rome this is too much, even for you.” He says through a shaky
“This doesn’t even come close to what you and your family put mines
through.” The thought of Paris’s dead body emerges in my head. This is
fucking nothing. Paris is dead, they are alive.
Cass flinches at the mention of the past. “I’m sorry, I really am. But
what do you want me to do? I can’t change the past.”
“No, you can’t. But I can change the future. Your whole future that is.
Now pick up that money, I know you fucking need it,” I say again.
Cass fists his pants, contemplating what to do. Finally, he gets down
on his knees and slowly starts to pick up the bills. His head is lowered, and
I can’t see his face well, but I don’t miss it. Those huge teardrops falling.
One even landing perfectly on his hand as he reaches for a bill. He silently
sniffles while picking up the money, one by one. And damn it all if it
doesn’t pull a damn cord at my heartstrings. I refuse to feel sorry for this
The last bill fell right at my foot. As Cass crawls over to pick it up, I
grab his chin in my grip and pull him to look at me. His lips tremble and a
teardrop falls, landing on my hand. My jaws clench tightly. Why the fuck
do he still look so pretty with tears in his eyes?
“Are you happy now?” He all but whispers.
“Not even close.” I squeeze my grip harder and pull him closer. He
winces in pain closing his eyes. His lashes are so long, fanning over his
Cass is fucking beautiful and that pisses me off even more. I never
thought of him like this when we were younger. He was just my adorable
Nong. Now, his face alone lights up something in me I don’t even want to
begin to admit. Not to mention, even though he smells like cheap body
wash, he smells alluring.
“Tell me Cass, was yesterday your first kiss?” I ask, staring at his ruby
red lips. His eyes flutter open and he looks away from my gaze, his cheek
reddening, confirming that it was indeed his first kiss. I grin, elated by that
“Are you interested in men or women or both? You never told me
before when we were younger. Or were you too young to even think about
that at the time?” My thumb traces over his bottom lips, and I lean closer to
“Or did you like me?” I whisper.
Cass gasps in my grip.
“I don’t like you.” He quickly denies making me smile.
“Is that why you were never interested in anyone?”
“I didn’t like you.” He repeats, but it seems he’s trying to convince
himself more than me.
“Oh yeah? Then why is your heart beating out of control right now?” I
place my other hand over his rapidly beating heart.
“Because you’re scaring me.”
I laugh sinisterly at his words through a toothy grin. “Good, I should.”
I shove Cass away from me, and he falls back but quickly gets up to
his feet. He wipes his eyes and then looks at me.
“Have a good day, Khun Rome.” He says quickly, turning around and
running out the door before I can stop him.
I lean back into the couch letting him go. His first kiss, and he liked
me when we were younger. I kind of knew back then he did, I just chose to
ignore him because I only saw him as a Nong. But with him all grown up, I
hate to admit it, but the attraction is there. I find him highly attractive and
that is going to be a damn problem.

When Cass’s shift is over, I finally decide that it’s time to leave the
hotel. I have no reason to be here any longer. As I walk through the lobby
the receptionist calls my name, stopping me.
“Khun Rome!” She runs around the counter and hands me a stack of
bills that’s been rubber band together. “One of the maids said you dropped
this and to return it to you.”
I take the money from her with a smile. “Thank you.”
She walks away as I stare at the money in my hand. Fucking Cass. I
scoff but still can’t help the little smile on my face. He’s a daring little one.
Good, it will be more fun this way.


How can he be so cruel? I understand he’s mad, angry and hates my
guts and my whole family but still. I was once someone he cared about.
After everything we’ve been through. We laughed together, cried together,
for so many years. How can he just forget all of that? Even if he hates me,
he can just easily avoid me. He didn’t have to belittle me like that. He’s
purposely hurting me, and it does fucking hurt. Because even after what
he’s done, I still care for him.
I understand that what my parents did to Paris, his family, is
unforgiving. If that had happened to my family, I would be mad too. But
can’t he understand me just a little. It’s not my fault, nor my siblings. Yes, I
hid the truth but that was because I was scared, I was only sixteen. My
siblings and I were victims too. We lost absolutely everything that day.
I swipe at the tears that stained my cheeks. I held them in all afternoon
after leaving Rome’s room. Now that I was off work, I can’t hold them back
anymore. After I dropped off his money at the front desk, I came
immediately here to the river walk to calm my mind. No, more like to
release all the pain I’ve been holding in.
Why the hell did he request for me anyways? Khun Anna already said
I wasn’t allowed on the suite floor. She wasn’t even here today too. He
didn’t need to be at the hotel. He was just doing this to torture me. I wipe
my tears again.
Luckily tonight I don’t have to work at the restaurant. I should really
go home to Austin and Seoul. I promised them that I would be able to spend
more time with them. I close my eyes, taking a couple more deep breaths
before walking towards the direction of the bus stop.
On my way home, I stop at the convenience store by the corner of our
apartment and pick up some cheap snacks so we can share it together. I can
finally spend some quality time with Austin and Seoul. It’s been a while
since we had time together.
“I’m home!” I call out to Austin and Seoul as I open the door.
Right when I enter, the bag of snacks drops out of my grip. Rome is
sitting there on the couch with Seoul in his lap and Austin by his side. All
three of them look up at me with smiles on their faces but dread slowly and
surely starts to consume me.
Why the hell had he come here? How the hell does he know where I
live? What is he planning? I fear even more for Seoul and Austin. What if
he hurts them?
“Phi! You’re home!” Seoul jumps off Rome’s lap and runs towards me,
throwing her little arms around my legs. I force a shaky smile and pat her
back, but my eyes never left Rome. He greets me with a sly smile, taunting
“Phi Cass, do you remember Phi Rome? He came to visit us?” Austin
joins us with a smile on his face too.
“Yes. Phi remembers.” I look down at Austin and gave him the same
forced smile.
“Nong Cass…” Rome calls my name as he walks up to me with a
mischievous grin. Austin and Seoul move out of the way, allowing him to
come right up to me. Rome grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug. “I miss
you… Nong Cass.”
My body shivers involuntarily in his arms as he says my name with
Nong. Rome chuckles lowly in my ear, raising the hair on my skin. When
he pulls back, he holds onto my arms. He gives me the sweetest smile, one
that I remember clearly from back then. But this time, I know it’s all fake.
“Do you miss me Cass?” He asks, his eyes arch into curves, mirroring
his lips.
When I don’t answer, his fingers dig into my arms. I bite back the pain
and catch Austin and Seoul standing behind him, waiting for my answer as
I force a little chuckle. “Yes, Phi Rome.”
Rome smiles at me satisfied and then pulls me into another hug. Austin
and Seoul keep their gaze on me, so I reluctantly move my arms to hold
Rome back. I smile down at my siblings just so they won’t get suspicious of
anything. Suddenly, Rome runs his fingers slowly down my spine, leaving a
trail of goosebumps wherever he touches, forcing a shiver out of me. I can
sense his smile as he continues down lower. Right before he can touch my
ass, I pull back.
“Phi! What are you doing here?” I say a little too loudly. I quickly take
a step back putting a little distance between us.
“He said he was in the neighborhood, so he wanted to stop by! Look,
he even brought us so many snacks!” Seoul says happily, showing me the
variety of expensive snacks placed on the little coffee table. She opens an
orange juice bottle and starts sipping on it without a care in the world. If
only she’s aware of the danger in the room.
“That’s right.” Rome moves back to sit on the couch. He leans back
crossing his legs like he owns the place.
“At first, I didn’t remember him, but Austin did. He helped me
remember,” Seoul continues.
It doesn’t surprise me if she doesn’t remember, or even Austin too.
They were so young at the time. Seoul doesn’t even remember our parents
and Austin barely. Including that night, they have forgotten it all. As far as I
know, they just know that it has always been us three. If Austin remembers
Rome, it must be because Rome was always so nice to him.
But this Rome is anything but nice. He is doing this to torture me and
to prove a very alarming point that he can do just about anything. I need to
get my siblings away from him.
“Seoul, Austin, did you guys do your homework? Go to your room, go
do your homework,” I say randomly.
“It’s the weekend silly, we didn’t get any homework.” Seoul replies,
laughing at me.
“Oh yeah, sorry I forgot.” What do I do now?
“Can Rome stay for dinner? I told him you are a really good cook.”
Austin asks me, making me scream internally. These kids are helping Rome
dig my grave even deeper and they aren’t even aware of it.
“But Phi wanted to spend time with you two. We finally can have
family time.”
“But Rome is family. We grew up together,” Austin says.
“Nong Cass, please. Let me stay for dinner. I miss your cooking.”
Rome stares at me with a mocking smirk on his face. He is enjoying this,
me squirming where I stand. Just then, Seoul spills the juice she’s drinking
on herself and onto the floor.
“Phi I’m sorry!” Seoul turns to look at me with an apologetic face.
“It’s okay. Phi will clean it up. Austin, go help your sister change.”
“I don’t need help, I’m a big girl now.” Seoul runs to the bedroom.
“Just go.” I say to Austin, and he follows Seoul.
As soon as the kids are in the room, I stalk over to Rome and grab his
arm. I try to pull him to his feet, but he resists.
“Rome!” I angrily whisper.
“Yes, Nong Cass?” He grins, teasing me. My face scrunches up in
“Rome.” I whisper desperately, pulling his arm again. I need to get him
to leave immediately. “Get up.”
Instead of listening to me, Rome jerks his arm back, making me lose
my balance and falling right on top of him. One of his strong arms curls
around my waist catching my fall. I push against his shoulder trying to get
back up, but he holds me in place. Our faces are mere inches apart. I can
feel his warm breath fanning my skin and his hard muscled body under
mine. He smirks up at me, daringly pulling me closer to him.
“Let me go.” I desperately say, turning my head to the bedroom, afraid
that my siblings will walk out and see us in this compromising position.
“Is this where you sleep Cass? Your smell is all over this couch.”
Rome ignores my request.
“Rome!” I reach for his hand on my waist and try to pry his fingers off.
“Don’t you want me to leave?” He asks, gaining my attention again.
“Yes. Why the hell did you even come here anyways?”
“To return your tip.” He nudges his head towards the coffee table.
“That’s 10,000 baht worth of junk food.”
My jaw drops at the ridiculous amount of money he will spend on junk
food just to spite me, but I don’t have time to argue with him or play his
“Okay I got my tip, now go!” I say through clenched teeth.
“No. Not until after you feed me,” he whispers. His eyes land on my
lips. Why is he always looking at my lips?
“So?” He arches a single brow.
“Are you going to hurt my siblings? Promise me you’re not going to
hurt Austin and Seoul.”
“I promise I won’t hurt them.” He says with a serious face. My eyes
dart to the bedroom again. I know Austin and Seoul will be out at any
“So, are you going to feed me?” He repeats, holding onto me tightly.
“Yes! Now let go!” Rome smiles and releases me. Just as I get on my
feet, Austin and Seoul exit the bedroom.
“You haven’t cleaned it yet?” Austin asks, staring at the juice still on
the floor.
“I’m doing it right now.” I say, walking to the little kitchen to grab the
paper towel. I return to clean the mess with my heart racing wildly, while
Austin and Seoul entertain Rome with stories.

I listen as Seoul talks about her school life, her friends, and her
interests. I also engage with Austin in conversation about his favorite school
subjects and how he is too smart for his class, but his school doesn’t offer a
better education system for bright kids like him because it’s underfunded.
All information I already know.
Although I listen to both kids intently, my focus is on him, Cass. He’s
in the kitchen chopping vegetables, preparing for dinner. Every now and
then his anxious gaze shifts towards me. He keeps a close watch on me in
case I go back on my words.
I’m not kidding about not harming the kids, at least physically. Even
an asshole like me know they are innocent in all of this. They were barely
out of their pull-ups when everything happened. But still, because of their
parents and their older brother, they will have to suffer. I know that by
ruining Cass, I will be ruining them too.
I feel a little guilty about it. Especially now that I’ve spent some time
with them. Seoul reminds me so much of Paris, innocent and small. And
Austin is a smart kid that can have a very bright future with the proper help.
But they belong to the family that molested and murdered my sister. This
creates another dilemma along with my apparent attraction to Cass.
I recall Cass’s body on top of mine and my arm around his waist. His
waist is small and soft, not hard like a man’s. And it felt damn good. I’m
going to have to figure something out. Maybe I can ruin him another way.
The thought of Cass in my bed flashes quickly through my mind and I
almost like it. Fuck.
“Phi Rome? Did you hear what I said?” Seoul pokes me in the arm.
“Uh yeah I’m sorry, I was distracted.” I tell her.
“Why did you look at Phi Cass like that? Like you wanted to eat him.”
Austin blurts out with a suspicious gaze.
The sound of the knife hitting the cutting board a little too hard catches
my attention. I turn back to look at Cass who has a horrified look on his
face, yet he’s blushing.
“I wasn’t looking at Cass, I was looking at the vegetables. I’m
hungry.” I address Austin with a smile.
“Ohh…” Austin doesn’t look like he believes me much but refrain
from say anything else. This boy is definitely smarter than he looks.
Cass continues chopping and I once again engage in conversation with
the kids. When dinner is ready, Cass serves the food out on their little
circular kitchen table and calls us over. Everyone sits down except for Cass,
and it’s only then that I notice there are only three chairs.
“It’s always just us three so…” Cass looks away embarrassed at the
fact that he doesn’t have another chair.
He can’t seriously be this poor to not buy more chairs. My thoughts are
answered when I look at the meal before us. All the dishes consist of only
vegetables accompanied with a side of rice.
“We don’t eat a lot of meat because it’s expensive.” Austin explains as
he sees me staring at the dishes.
I look over to Cass and he can’t even look at me. “I didn’t know we
were going to have a guest, otherwise I would have gone to the store.”
I almost want to laugh. His poor excuse of a life is already shitty
without me even having to do anything. This most definitely must be the
work of Karma. Still, this is nothing compared to what happened to Paris.
I’m still very angry about her death. I want him to suffer even more, until
he has absolutely nothing left.
“You three go ahead and eat here, I’ll grab a plate and go sit on the
couch,” Cass says.
He reaches for an empty plate on the table, but I grab his wrist instead.
I pull him onto my lap and hold an arm firmly around his waist so he can’t
“Rome! What are you doing?” Cass wiggles on top of me.
“Nong Cass, you can sit on my lap then we can all eat together.” I
smile at him mischievously. “Don’t you agree kids?”
“Yes.” “No.” Both Seoul and Austin say simultaneously. That smart
brat, Austin, is going to be tough to handle.
“Then what do you suggest Austin? You want Phi Cass to eat alone in
the living room?” I say trying to guilt trip the boy.
“Well, no…” He tilts his head thinking of something.
Cass grabs my hand that is on his waist and tries pulling it off.
“Rome, let me go.” He grounds through his teeth. It only makes me
hold on tighter. His face turns pink at my touch. Cass wiggles in my lap
again, unaware that he’s brushing his ass against my dick over and over. I
try not to think about it, but his ass feels too fucking good sitting on top of
My hold on his waist tightens as my dick starts to harden. I know the
exact moment Cass feels my hard cock because he stops moving and his
body stiffens. He turns to look at me with wide eyes. I wiggle my brows
teasing him and he scrunches his in return. I admit I love these reactions
from him and the way I make him squirm with every little touch.
“How about we all move to the living room? We can all sit around the
coffee table.” Austin suggests, interrupting our silent battle.
“Good idea Austin. Let’s do that.” I turn to him smiling and let Cass
go. Cass immediately jumps off me and smiles at his siblings. Quickly, he
transfers the dishes over.
Over dinner, Cass avoids all eye contact with me while having
conversation with his siblings. I join here and there but for the most part, I
observe. I can tell they are really close, and Cass loves them dearly. They
mean the world to him. Now if he lost them… Let’s say, child protective
service finds out about the kids being left home alone constantly for long
periods of time.
When I look back up, Cass has his gaze train on me. He studies me
closely and I’m sure by now, he knows I didn’t come in peace. I came here
to fuck with his peace of mind and learn more about his personal life. The
corner of my lips tilt, and I purposely let him see it. He awards me with a
pout. Cute.
Once dinner is over, Cass instructs the kids to clear the dishes, which
they do without complaint. I have to admit, even though the menu was all
vegetarian, it was indeed flavorful and quite delicious. Cass has always
been a good cook even when we were younger.
“Rome, can I talk to you outside?” Cass asks.
I raise a brow at him. “Why? We can talk here.”
“Stop being an ass and get up.” Cass barks, loud enough so only I can
hear. Ah, there’s the Cass from back then. He was innocent and caring but
quite sassy at times.
He grabs my arm and ushers me closer to the door. I allow him to drag
me along.
“Kids, say bye to Phi Rome. He’s leaving now.” Cass calls out, making
me smirk as I put on my shoes. Austin and Seoul pause doing the dishes and
run over to me. Seoul hugs my legs with her little arms.
“Thank you, Phi Rome, for all the snacks. I’m sorry I didn’t remember
you. I promise next time you visit I will.” She grins at me. I give her a pat
on her head and smile down at her.
“Next time, eh?” I look at Cass and he give me a look that say there
won’t be a next time.
“It was nice seeing you again. Thank you for the snacks.” Austin says,
also giving me a quick hug.
“I’ll be right back after sending Phi Rome off.” Cass tells the kids and
then pulls me out of the door.
I let him drag me all the way outside of their little apartment complex
before he lets me go. Cass looks up to the window where their room is on
the third floor. He contemplates for a bit before taking my arm again and
dragging me to the side of the apartment, away from their window. He
probably doesn’t want Seoul and Austin to witness anything.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” He angrily says, shoving
me against the brick wall. Since we met again, this is the first time Cass is
“I already told you, returning your tip.” I casually say, like this isn’t a
big matter.
“Stop messing around Rome! This isn’t funny!” Cass shouts at me. “I
don’t know how you know where I live and why you came here but don’t
ever come here again.”
I swiftly grab Cass and twist us around, shoving his back against the
wall but keep my hold on him.
“You think I’m fucking around, Cass?” I grin before wiping all humor
from my face. “I’m going to make your life a living hell. Starting with your
“If you touch them…or hurt them.”
“Then what? What the fuck can you do about it, huh?” I shake him,
making his back hit the wall again. Cass tries to get off the wall, but I push
him back.
“Let go of me!” He grabs my wrists and tries to remove my hands
from his shoulders.
“You’re the one that dragged me to this dark alley. Very ballsy of you
to do that with someone who wants you dead.” I seethe through my teeth.
Cass stops moving and releases my wrists. He huffs, tired from
struggling. “I don’t care what you do to me, just leave Austin and Seoul out
of it.”
“Even if I beat you right now?” His face twists in fear hearing my
words. He doesn’t say anything for a little bit and just stares at me with
scared, sad eyes.
“If that will make you leave, then go ahead. Hit me.” Cass utters under
his breath. He presses his lips tightly together to keep it from trembling.
I throw my head back, laughing loudly, before looking at him again.
Wiping the humor off my face, I lean in closer to him.
“I told you I will leave after you feed me.” I say, my voice low.
“I already did.” Cass stares at me with his sparkling brown eyes.
“No, not what I wanted to eat.”
“And what is that?”
His eyes widen, he opens his mouth to say something but before he
can, I crush my lips to his, swallowing up his little whimpers and drowning
anything that he was going to say.


Why is he doing this? He hates me, claims he despises me and wants
me gone. Yet, he keeps appearing in front of me, keeps touching me and
now, he’s kissing me again, stealing my breath away.
Rome’s lips are soft and warm like before, but this time, his
movements are rougher. I stand frozen between the brick wall and his hard
body. My senses are in a haze, drowning from his touch and engulfed in his
fresh woody scent.
For a hypnotizing moment, I don’t move, don’t fight back, my eyes
widen from shock. It isn’t until I feel his hot tongue trying to slip between
my lips that my eyes close and I try to push him away. This only makes him
press against me harder, closer, leaving no space between us. If this is how
kissing is like, I don’t like it and I don’t want it.
“Why do you keep doing this to me?” I shout, turning my head away.
“Do you hate it?” He whispers in my ear, making the hair on my neck
“Yes,” I breathe.
“Then that’s why I’m doing it.”
Before I can say anything more, Rome finds my lips again. This time,
his hand curls around my nape and the other around my waist, holding me
in place, flush against his body. I whimper helplessly in his arms as he
assaults my lips.
He grabs hold of my hair between his fingers and with a quick yank,
my mouth opens as I whimper out in pain. He takes this opportunity to
thrust his wet, hot tongue into my mouth finally. He expertly sweeps his
tongue over every inch of my mouth, tasting every corner. I push against his
tongue with my own, trying to get him away but that only entangles our
tongues even more. Rome makes a sound similar to a soft satisfied groan as
my tongue twists against his. I’m not kissing him back, I just want to get
I try pushing against Rome’s strong chest one more time but to no
avail. Tears begin to trek down my cheeks as he continues to assault my
mouth. In a desperate move to get away, I do the only thing I can think of. I
bite down on his tongue, hard.
Rome finally releases me with a loud growl, falling a few steps back.
My hand automatically covers my mouth. I watch Rome touch his tongue
with a finger and when he pulls back out, blood stained his fingers making
me gasp. He looks at me with a death glare and I curl back in fear.
He takes a step towards me but before he can say or do anything, I
blurt out loud without thinking. “You’re assaulting me just like my father
did to Paris!”
As soon as the words left my mouth, my eyes widen and immediately,
I regret it so much. Rome’s eyes also widen before slanting. And for the
slightest second, I see pain flashing through his eyes, making me regret my
words even more. His jaws clench and his fists shake by his side. If I
thought his glare before was intimidating, this one is pure hatred.
“Rome, I– ”
He’s upon me in a second, his fist shoots out towards me. My eyes
shut close as I instinctively throw my arms up to protect my face. If Rome
beats me now, I deserve it.
I wait for the blow to come but it never does. Instead, I hear heavy
breathing and feel it fanning down my face. Timidly, I open my eyes slowly.
Rome is indeed in front of me with his arms thrust out, but his fist is perch
on the brick wall right next to my face.
He looks down at me with so much hatred, but his pain is clearly there
too. Slowly, he backs away from me, his eyes never leaving mine. As he
removes his fist from the wall, I catch sight of his bloody knuckles. His skin
is torn pretty badly, but I know my words cut deeper.
“Rome, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
I feel so bad and want to make a move towards him, but his dark gaze
alone stops me. He takes one final look at me before turning around and
walking away.
When Rome is gone, I slide down the wall, throw my face into my
hands and burst into tears. I just hurt him again.

“Phi what took you so long?” Seoul asks as soon as I return. “Will Phi
Rome visit again?”
“Phi where did you go?” Austin adds.
I rarely get mad at my siblings or yell at them. But what happened
today, I can’t just ignore it.
“Austin.” I call his name with a stern voice. He looks at me already
sensing something was off.
“What did I tell you about opening the door to strangers? Both of
you.” My disappointed gaze shifts between them.
“But we didn’t.” Austin defends. “It was Phi Rome. We know him.”
“It doesn’t matter!” I snap a little too loudly, my emotions getting the
best of me. “You don’t open the door for anyone when I’m not home!”
Seoul flinches back at my tone, running to hide behind Austin and
Austin makes an upset face.
“We didn’t do anything wrong. Why are you yelling at us?” Austin
argues back.
“Because you didn’t listen to me! Do you know how dangerous it can
be letting people in when I’m not home?”
“Well then stop leaving us home alone! Is it my fault? You forget that
I’m only eleven! I’m not an adult! I’m a kid and kids make mistakes!” He
cries with tears brimming in his eyes.
His words hit me hard. He is completely right. It’s not his fault at all.
Everything had just been too much lately, and I’m taking it out on the kids.
I’m a complete asshole.
“Austin I– ” He turns around, grabs Seoul’s hand, and they run to the
bedroom, shutting the door behind them.
Fuck me. Why did I have to take my frustration out on them? They
don’t deserve this. I need to do better at keeping myself together. My own
tears return and stay with me throughout the rest of the night.

I wake up early to make breakfast for Austin and Seoul before they
head off to school. Flashbacks of yesterday haunted me as soon as I woke. I
need to apologize to them.
When breakfast is almost ready, the bedroom door slowly creaks open.
Austin and Seoul walk out dressed for school but neither one looks at me.
Seoul still hangs onto Austin, and he stands beside her protectively as a big
brother would his sister. I smile, the act warming my heart.
“Good morning, breakfast is ready. Hungry?” I ask, setting the food on
the table.
Austin doesn’t react, but Seoul stares at the food on the table, then at
me, before quickly looking away.
“Phi.” Seoul tugs Austin’s sleeves and attempts to whisper so I can’t
hear. “I’m hungry.”
I can’t help the little smile that appears on my face. Austin looks down
at Seoul and contemplates what to do. He’s still mad at me, but he won’t
want Seoul to starve.
“Okay, let’s eat.” Reluctantly, he starts walking towards the table with
Seoul following him closely.
They sit down across from me but avoid eye contact with me. I hand
each of them a plate and both starts eating right away. I wait until they are
done before I decide to address them.
“Austin, look at me.” He looks up at me and I give him a soft smile.
“Phi is sorry. I was wrong. Seoul, Phi is sorry. Because you two are so
smart and bright, I forget that you’re still kids sometimes. From now on, I
will remember and do better. I still have to work and from time to time, you
will still be alone, but I won’t get upset anymore. Will you forgive me?” I
give them a sad little pout.
“I think we should forgive him.” Seoul leans over to Austin and
whispers loudly, again making my lips twitch.
Austin nods. “I’m sorry too. I should have known better not to open
the door for anyone. And I know work is important so from now on, I will
do my best to take care of Seoul.”
“And yourself.” I add and he nods.
“And I’m sorry too. For…” Seoul looks up trying to think of
something. “For… I don’t know.” Both Austin and I chuckle.
“To make it up, next week when I get my first paycheck, we will go
eat at McDonald’s!” I cheerfully announce.
“Yay!” Seoul shouts excitedly and Austin grins.
My lips curve with my heart feeling so much lighter. Yes indeed, they
are both still just kids.

The week passed by just like that. Surprisingly, Rome hadn’t come to
the hotel or my home since that night. I admit I’m a little worried about
him. He was obviously hurt. My words were a little too much and I still
regret ever saying them. He is nothing like my father. He only did what he
did because he’s hurting and still angry about the past. At least that’s what I
keep telling myself. I just hope he’s okay.
Today is going to be a good day, I tell myself on my way to work. It’s
finally payday. I get my first full check and can finally pay off some past
due bills and take Austin and Seoul out like I promised. Seoul even
reminded me before going to school today.
Right when I enter the hotel, I can tell the atmosphere is different. It’s
quiet and eerie almost. Everyone I pass by avoids my gaze.
I spot Fah in the distance, talking to another coworker and as they see
me approach, their conversation halts.
“Good morning, Fah.” I greet her.
The friendly Fah who likes me and always tries to get my attention
looks at me with disgust.
“Get away from me psycho. You son of a pedophile and murderer,”
she shouts.
My smile falters and my heart sinks. Goosebumps quickly spread all
over my body. I look around me and suddenly, all eyes are on me. It seems
like everyone was talking, pointing, or laughing at me. They know. There is
no such thing as a good day for me.
I look into the distance and there he is. Rome stands there, arms
crossed, staring at me with his cold dark eyes.

I’m nothing like his father. How dare Cass say such an insulting thing.
His words cut deeply, not because I thought I’m like his father, but because
he dared put his father and Paris in the same sentence. Because he reminded
me of everything bad that’d happened, when he himself knows nothing.
I should have punched him in the face! Why the fuck did I divert my
aim at the last second? I stare at my bruised and cut knuckles remembering
that night. I remember coming home that other night so upset and hurt. I
thought after all this time, I had no more tears left to cry, but apparently, I
still do. Paris didn’t deserve this, my family doesn’t deserve this, I don’t
deserve this.
I do have to thank him though. Thank him for bringing me back to my
senses and reminding me of my ultimate goal, his ruin. For a minute there, I
got sidetracked with Cass. His luscious lips and alluring beauty scream out
to me every time he is near. I forgot myself for a moment, getting lost in his
soft warm body and his delicious taste. Damn it, he tastes like what I
imagine heaven tastes like.
I recall the feel of his body in my arms and how he shivered in my
embrace. His little whimpers when I kissed him and his blushed cheeks
after I kissed him. He was so inexperience but that only makes him all the
more attractive. I want to own him. Fuck! I throw the nearest thing to me
across my bedroom. I’m fucking thinking about him again.
Suddenly, my bedroom door bursts open and Yai runs in without
knocking. A look of terror mirrors her face.
“Khun Noo! Your mother, she’s missing!” Yai cries frantically.
I immediately run out of my room, fear gripping my heart. My mother
is still vulnerable these days and not thinking straight. I dash directly into
her bedroom to find it empty. Running out, I instruct all the workers of the
household to look for her. I pray that she is still here on the property. Pray
that she just needs time alone.
“Ma! Ma! Where are you?” I frantically call out to her as I search the
outside of the house.
“We found her! Khun Noo!” I hear Nom's voice and run towards the
direction of it. His voice came from the pool area. An image of my mother’s
floating body flashes through my mind, causing me to run even faster.
Please be okay.
When I get to the pool area, my first instinct is to look at the pool, but
it’s empty. Thank God.
“Khun Noo over here!” Yai calls out to me from the pool house.
I sprint into the pool house but immediately freeze as I see my mother
laying on the ground next to Nom. An empty pill bottle lays beside her with
a few pills scattered around her. She lay there, lifeless. A choked cry
escapes my lips as my eyes start to burn.

“Your mother is okay now, but I suggest she stays here for a few
days.” Dr. Min informs. “Emotionally, she’s very unstable. I suggest you
seek professional help for her immediately if you plan to keep her at home.
Otherwise, a psych ward is another option.”
“No, I want her home. I’ll keep her monitor twenty-four hours.” I
breathe, my eyes on my mother.
“As you wish.” Dr. Min says and leaves the room.
Once he’s gone, I pull up a chair next to my mother. I take her hand in
mine and kiss it tenderly before looking at her.
“Ma, why did you do this? Don’t you love me anymore? If you leave
me too, I’ll have no one left. I’ll be all alone.” I exhale a shaky breath as
tears slide down my face. “Please don’t leave me alone.”
The only reply I receive is the sound of the beeping heart monitor. I
can’t believe I came so close to losing her. I thanked the heavens we found
her when we did because any later and she would have followed in Paris’s
My gaze gravitates out the window towards the blue sky. Is it not
enough that you’ve taken my father and sister? Now you want my mother
too? A ray of sun pokes through from behind the huge cloud that was
shading it. Is this some sort of sign?
When I realize what I’m doing, silently speaking to the sky, I scoff at
myself. It’s not heaven’s fault that all this is happening. That’s right, it’s all
that family’s fault.
A newfound determination flows through my veins. If Cass comparing
me to his father wasn’t determination enough to ruin him, this is the icing
on the fucking cake. No more games. He’s done for and I’m going to make
sure of it.
I take out my phone and text Anna. Not a minute later and she
immediately calls me. I begin to tell her about a rumor I heard about Cass’s
parents. She becomes livid and can’t believe someone like that is working
in her hotel. And before hanging up, she swears to expose him. I’m finally
able to smile again after hanging up.

I return to the hotel early in the morning and I can already hear the
whispers about Cass. I stare at my watch. He should be here at any moment,
and I’m not going to miss this for the world. I find myself a spot that has a
full view of the hotel lobby and glue myself there. Right then, Cass enters
through the front revolving doors.
He has a smile on his face as usual but slowly that smile falters as the
atmosphere changes around him. He walks up to that female coworker who
likes him and greets her. Her face twists into disgust as she shouts loud and
clear for him to get away, reminding him who his parents are.
I watch as the smile dies on his face, and he shrinks back. I watch as
he timidly looks at everyone around him. Then I watch as he looks away
from everyone and his eyes lands on mine. His lips tremble and I give him a
full-blown smile.


I can’t believe Rome would do this to me. He’s angry enough to
expose my past because of that night. I’m aware I hurt him but this, this is
just over the top. Now everyone knows and God knows I won’t be able to
work here anymore. My lips tremble as my new life crumbles before my
very eyes.
I look at him as he stares back at me with his cold eyes. Then his face
breaks out into a sickening smile due to my suffering.
A tear runs down my face and I swipe at it angrily. It hurts but I’m also
furious. This is definitely too much, even for me. I stomp my way towards
him, my hands fisting at my sides. He smirks before turning around and
walking off in the opposite direction. I follow him because I refuse to let
him get away with this.
“Rome!” I call out to him, but he ignores me and continues to walk
away. He turns left and enters through a door leading to the stairwell. I open
the door following him through. Rome sits close to the bottom steps,
waiting for me. We stare at each other as the door shuts, echoing behind us.
“How can you do this to me? How can you reach so low?” I seethe
through my teeth.
“What did I do wrong? I just told the truth to Anna. It’s not my fault
she has a big mouth.” He replies like this matter is something small.
“You sabotage me! You know how much I need this job!”
“And? What the fuck does that have to do with me? If I remember
correctly, you said I can do anything to you so long as I don’t touch the
kids. Did you change your mind?”
“You’re heartless.” I choke on a sob.
“I’m heartless?” Rome stands and walks towards me. I back up until I
knock into the door behind me. He places his hands beside me and leans in.
“If I’m heartless, it’s because you, your family, made me this way. So, you
have no one else to blame but yourself.”
His gaze falls on my lips and for a second, I think he might kiss me
again, but he backs away.
“Prepare yourself Cass. This is only the beginning.” With those final
words, he leaves me alone in the stairwell.

Just as I expected, after working half of my shift and ignoring

everyone’s quiet whispers and revolting gaze, my manager calls me into his
“Cass I’m going to get straight to the point. Because of your past, it’s
causing many if not all the workers here to be uncomfortable working
alongside you. After discussing with the management team, I think it’s best
if you just voluntarily resign. Otherwise, this issue can blow up out of
proportion. So, for your safety and others, please turn in your badge.” My
manager says, with a look of pity. “You’re a hard worker but this is out of
my power. I hope you understand.”
“I understand, thank you for this opportunity, sir.” I offer him a
reassuring smile even though I’m dying inside.
“Here take this.” He hands me an envelope. “This is your pay for your
time here including today. I wish you the best of luck.”
I take the check from him and immediately return to the employee’s
break room to go collect my belongings. The few employees in there move
away from me as if I’m a disease when I pass by. Ignoring them, I hold my
head high as I change out of my uniform and grab my things, all the while
constantly telling myself not to cry. Not yet.
When I exit the room, I almost run into Fah who’s coming in. She
looks at the bag in my hand, aware that I’m leaving for good. She then
looks at me like she wants to say something but when she notices the eyes
on us, she decides not to. I walk away not expecting anything less.
I go to my favorite place on the river walk, sit down on an empty
bench away from others, and that’s when I finally allow myself to let it all
out. My tears, my suffering, my sorrows, everything. What do I do now?
I sit for a long time before my eyes dry up. Even so, my heart is still in
pain. I take a couple deep breaths and clear my throat. I remind myself that
now isn’t the time to cry. I check the time on my phone and have three
hours before Austin and Seoul get home from school. For the time being, I
need to find a new job right away or try to get my old ones back.
I dial one of my coworkers from the restaurant and ask, practically
begging her, for her shift tomorrow since I’m not scheduled. Thankfully,
she is more than happy to give it to me.

By the time Seoul and Austin jump off the bus, I’m here waiting for
them. Seoul sees me and with excitement, run straight into my arms.
“Phi you’re here early! Are you going to take us to McDonald’s?” She
squeals happily.
I look down at her happy face and nod with a smile. I promised her
and Austin this meal so they will receive it. But unfortunately, after this, it
will be a very, very long time before they get to eat out again. I can’t afford
it anymore, but no way can I tell them that. Nor can I tell them I lost my job
Seoul being so excited to go to her favorite place, we don’t bother to
stop by the apartment to drop off their bags.
“I want the chicken nuggets!” Seoul says as we arrive.
“Okay, and what about you Austin?” I turn to Austin who looks at the
“Can I have the Big Mac meal?” Austin asks, unsure if I will say yes.
He knows about our financial situation and always ordered off the dollar
menu in the past. He truly always helps me out, even now.
I nod and he smiles brightly. It won’t make sense not to buy it for him.
Not only does he deserve it and so much more, but he thinks I have more
money now.
I order the kids’ menu and tell the cashier it’s for here.
“Phi, you didn’t order for yourself?” Austin mentions.
“I ate at the hotel before coming home, so I’m still full,” I lie. Really, I
need to save every single penny possible. At least until I find another stable
“I really want to try hotel food.” Seoul says as we wait for their food.
“One day.” I promise.
After getting our food, Austin and Seoul opt to sit outside and enjoy
their meal under the sun. I agree with their request and watch as they
eagerly eat their meal, laughing and talking about their day. The smiles and
happiness on their faces is enough for me to feel full. It’s great motivation
to work even harder, so I can provide them with better lives.
The next day after unsuccessfully getting my garage job back, I go
around the city to apply for more openings, praying that one will call me
back soon. As for the night club job, I haven’t heard back from them.
Before I know it, I’m already at the restaurant working the dinner shift
thanks to my coworker.
“Cass, reservations for table seven just came in, it’s yours.” Nana
hollers across the kitchen as I wait for dishes for table five.
I take table five’s food to them then head over to table seven, and I
can’t even say I’m surprised anymore. He is out to ruin me. Rome sits there
with Anna at table seven, both looking at me like they were ready to skin
me alive.
I may not be surprised that he is here, but there is no way in hell I will
lose this job too. And I’m not going to let him do it this time.

As I drive to the restaurant, I think about yesterday. Yesterday when
Cass left the hotel, I followed him. I watched as he cried his heart out by the
river. The agony in his voice and the tears that stained his beautiful face
inconveniently gripped my heart. I didn’t want to feel sorry for him at all,
but the annoying ache was still there gnawing at me.
After his tears dried, I listened as he called his coworker at his second
job asking for her shift. Then like a damn stalker, I followed him around
town as he desperately searched for a new job. I couldn’t help myself, my
legs just kept going after him. I even watched as he took Austin and Seoul
to McDonald’s. The fucker didn’t even eat. And again, an annoying ache
sparked in my chest because of him.
He smiled for his siblings, but I could tell it was all fake. The smile
didn’t reach his eyes at all. I did that to him. It was what I wanted, I had to
remind myself. My mom almost died.
I shook off any leftover feelings of guilt and forced myself to walk
away from following him any longer but not before I pulled out my phone
and quickly searched for the restaurant number, making reservation for two.
I quickly rid myself of my thoughts as I pull into the restaurant parking
lot with Anna in tow. I don’t plan on really doing anything today. I just want
to see him squirm in his pants as he realizes that I’m here and I can destroy
him with just my words alone.
The hostess quickly guides us to our table, and I specifically request
Cass to be our server. Just moments later, Cass enters the dining hall with a
serving tray. I watch as he fluidly moves between tables with a bright smile
on his face. Why is the bastard so good at that?
As Cass finishes serving the food to the other table, he turns towards
mine and stops for a moment, not even looking surprised anymore, but
more annoyed if anything. He stares at me with a challenging gaze igniting
a new fire within me. I thought he would coward away upon seeing me. But
instead, Cass walks right up to me, ignoring Anna.
“Come with me.” Cass grabs my arm, pulling me up. Anna says
something but we both ignore her. I allow him to pull me up and drag me
through the restaurant not because he’s strong, but because I’m intrigued
with what he is planning.
He stops before a female worker. “Khun Nana, I’ll be right back, I just
need five minutes.”
Before the Nana chick, who I assume is his manager, can say anything,
he pulls me away through the kitchen to the back doors of the restaurant.
Once again, we find ourselves in a dark alley. Did he not learn from the last
time that being alone with me in a dark corner is dangerous, for him.
Cass shoves me against the wall and surprisingly he grabs my collar,
pulling me close to his face.
“If you came here to make me lose this job too, you can fucking
leave.” He snaps. How cute, I chuckle. His eyes slant, but he holds on
“Hmmm… an employee assaulting a customer outside of the
restaurant. I wonder what will happen if I scream for help right now?”
Cass’s face twists in anger, but he backs away from me, letting me go.
“Ah that’s it? Giving up so easily, Cass? This is why you will always
lose.” I taunt, fixing my collar.
“Just tell me what you want so all of this can end.” Cass responds,
already the fight is diminishing from his eyes.
“I’ve told you before what I’ve wanted.”
“You want me to beg on my knees? Grovel like a dog? Ask for
forgiveness? Is that what you want? Will that make you happy? Fine!” Cass
shouts, falling to his knees in front of me.
“Rome, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything my family did to yours.
I’m sorry for not telling the cops the truth. I’m sorry for all the pain and
hurt you had to go through all these years. I’m so fucking sorry. I don’t
even know where to begin to make you even think about forgiving me. I
promise to do whatever I can to make it up to you so long as you leave my
family alone. I’m so sorry, Rome.” Cass apologizes through tears with his
voice shaking. His fucking sad face is starting to really piss me off more
and more.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing too.” I ground through my
Cass looks up at me with his tear-stained face. “Then who? Paris? Fine
I’ll go apologize to her on my knees too!”
“You want to apologize to her? Get up!” I grab Cass by the arm,
yanking him up. My hand holds tightly onto his arm as I pull him through
the dark alley.
“Where are you taking me?” Cass tries pulling back but he’s not going
anywhere. “Rome I still have to work!”
Ignoring him, I drag him to my car and throw him into the passenger
seat. Cass attempts to get out, but I shove him back in.
“If you even think about coming out of this car, I’ll make your life
even worse than it is now!” I threaten, making sure he doesn’t try to escape
again. I slam the door in his face and run over to the driver’s side, getting
in. I start my car and head towards home.
Cass nervously puts on his seatbelt as I speed through traffic, but he
refrains from saying anything. It’s not until we are in front of my house that
he finally speaks again.
“What are we doing here? Whose house is this?” Cass asks, not
making a move to get out. He wouldn’t know this house belongs to my
family. We purchased this house after the incident since there were horrid
memories tied to the old house.
“You said you wanted to beg Paris for forgiveness. Now get out!” I
exit the car and go over to the passenger side, pulling Cass out.
“Khun Noo, you’ve return…” Nom says, coming out of the house but
immediately shuts up upon seeing Cass.
“Don’t bother us.” I order, dragging Cass inside, who lowers his head
upon recognizing Nom.
“Yes sir.” Nom replies from behind us.
“Rome…” Cass starts to say.
“Shut up Cass!” I snap at him. It’s high time he realizes the disaster his
family left mine in.
I open the bedroom door where Paris used to sleep and pull Cass
inside. I drag him to where Paris’s photo and the urn that carries her ashes
sits on top of the fireplace. I push Cass down to the ground onto his knees
and point to Paris’s photo.
“You want to fucking beg and apologize! Do it!” I yelled at him. “See
what the fuck your family did to mine!”
“This…” Cass looks at the frame photo of Paris then at me, his eyes
widen trying to comprehend what’s going on. “Rome, this… Paris. What
“She took her own life after suffering for years. The living nightmare
was too much for her to bear.” I say through a shaky breath.
“No…” Cass whispers. “No.”
His voice cracks and tears immediately drown his face.
“This is what you guys did to her.” I feel my own tears on my cheeks.
“So, tell me Cass, do I have a right to hate you, your family?”
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.” Cass cries on his knees, his hand gripping at
his heart. “I’m so sorry Paris.”
I watch as Cass break down before Paris’s photo, apologizing over and
over with my own heart shattering again for the loss of my sister. Biting
down on my trembling lips, I close my eyes to contain myself. My hands
fist at my side, shaking slightly. Suddenly, I feel a warm body against mine
as arms wrap around my waist tightly.
I open my eyes to see Cass with his face buried in my chest, crying
softly. “I’m so sorry Rome. I didn’t know.”
I sigh and close my eyes once more as Cass holds onto me, his
shoulders shaking. My hands move up to hold him but then I stop myself
before touching him. It’s not supposed to be this way. He’s not supposed to
be crying in my arms. His embrace isn’t supposed to feel good or
comforting, but it does.
“My mom’s in the hospital right now. Two days ago, she tried to take
her own life too.” I swallow the lump in my throat.
Cass looks up at me with his puppy eyes and sad lips.
“Is she okay?” He asks, and I shake my head.
“I’m sorry Rome. I don’t know what I can do to make it better. I wish I
could take all the pain away. Just tell me how.” He hugs me even tighter,
comforting me.
The look on Cass’s face is full of regret and sorrow, and I know he
means every word. Suddenly, I realize I want him close to me. I want to
always have eyes on him. I don’t want him close to anyone else.
The craziest idea crosses my mind and before I even have time to think
it through, the words left my mouth.
“Pack all your bags.”
“What...” Cass looks at me confused.
“Be ready by ten tomorrow. I’ll have someone come pick you and your
siblings up.”
“Rome? What are you talking about?”
This time, I wrap my arm around Cass and with my other, I bring it to
the side of his face.
“You want to make it up to me and my family? Give your life to me.
Until I kick you out, you’re going to stay here.”
“But– ”
“No buts! Unless you were lying about making it all better.”
“No, I just don’t get what you want…”
“Work here. You’ll be a maid here full time. You’re good at it
anyways. As for Austin and Seoul, I’ll get them into the best school this city
has to offer with the best education. All funds covered. Wouldn’t that be
good for someone as smart as Austin? All you have to do is move in and
work here.”
“This is insane.” Cass releases me and attempts to pull away, but I hold
him close.
“No. What’s insane is you rejecting the offer. What’s insane is what I
can do and how far I can go to actually ruin you, Cass. I will go after every
job you find. I’ll buy that building you’re living in and any other one you
move into. I’ll let the whole world know your past. I’ll make sure you’re
left with nothing. Think about it Cass.”
Cass nibbles on his bottom lips as he contemplates what I just offered
him. Those damn lips.
To be honest, if he refuses, I don’t know what I will do. But for sure,
I’m not going to leave him alone.
“You won’t hurt my siblings?”
“No. They will be treated as long term guests here,” I promise.
He sighs. “For how long?”
“Until I’m happy again, suffer alongside me Cass,” I finish.
The corner of my lips twitches slightly. Cass just signed his life over to
me. He was mine now.


How did it come to this? To go and live with him, work for him?
That’s possibly the worst idea ever. I just put myself right in the ring of fire
with him. But then again, Rome will never stop messing up my life. At least
this way, I’m guaranteed a job and Austin and Seoul will be looked after.
Also, I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way, but I feel like I owe it to him.
After what happened to Paris…
Rome’s sweet innocent sister. The real victim of all of this. I exhale
heavily. Why did you do it, Paris? Why? My heart is still in so much pain
after discovering about her death.
Rome and his mother must be so broken over it. She was only thirteen.
And now, his mother is suicidal as well. I figured that was why Rome
exposed my past. He must have gone mad after what his mother did. I
understand him even if it’s wrong. I quickly shake my head. Look at me
trying to understand the person out to ruin me. I must be going out of my
mind as well.

I return from Rome’s house, entering my apartment. On my way home,

I called Nana and apologized to her for leaving work and to resign from my
position. She was surprised, sadden and a little disappointed but understood
that I had personal issues that I must deal with. The real issue currently is
breaking the news to Austin and Seoul.
“Austin, Seoul, can you guys come here for a moment?” I call out to
them. Right away, they exit the bedroom, coming to sit next to me on the
“Phi what is it? We were doing homework,” Seoul says.
“You don’t have to do that homework anymore. You both are changing
school tomorrow.”
“Huh?” They both gasp at the same time.
“And we are moving out of here,” I add.
“We’re moving? To where?” Austin asks.
“I don’t want to surprise you, but Phi Rome offered me a job in his
house and to do the job, we must move there.”
“We are going to live with Phi Rome?” Seoul jumps up from her seat. I
nod my head.
“He has a really big house, far from here so you will attend a new
school. But I promise it’s going to be the best school in town.”
“But what about our friends?” Seoul’s voice saddens at the thought of
losing her friends.
“You will make new ones. And you can still visit your friends on the
“Why Phi? I don’t want to move,” Austin says.
“Austin, listen to me? This is for the best. We will get to live in a nice
house, and you will finally get the education you’ve always wanted. Plus,
since I’m working there, we will always be together. No more late nights
and staying home alone. Wouldn’t that be great?”
“Well, yes… when do we have to move by?” He asks.
“Tomorrow. I must start working right away since I already left my
other jobs. So go pack your things.” I tell them.
“What! That’s fast.” Seoul shouts but already she’s moving. “I must
pack everything!”
Austin gives me a look of uncertainty before finally leaving to pack.

At exactly ten in the morning, a car pulls up in front of my apartment.

Nom walks out of the driver’s seat and jogs over to where we were waiting.
“Whoa, this car is nice!” Seoul squeals, full of excitement.
“Go in the car. I will load our stuff in the back.”
Nom opens the door for the kids to get in. He then walks up to me, his
face stoic. “Good morning, Khun Cass.”
“Good morning, how have you been?” I ask.
“Same as always. Let me help with the bags.” Nom reaches for the
biggest suitcase which contains Austin and Seoul’s belongings. The smaller
duffle bag belongs to me. I don’t have much to start with anyways. Just
some clothes and little things important to me. I hand everything over to
Nom, who puts everything in the trunk.
“Get in Khun Cass.”
I wonder if I should sit in the back with the kids but decide against it.
Nom and I are on the same level now and both work for Rome. I’m not
going there as a guest but an employee, so I make my way to the front
passenger seat.
On the drive there, Nom doesn’t speak leading me to wonder what he
thinks about this whole situation and how he feels about me. Does he hate
me too? He knows of the past and everything that happened after. If he does
hate me, he isn’t showing it. In fact, he isn’t showing any emotions at all.
When we pull up to Rome’s house, both Austin and Seoul scoot over
to the window with their mouths open in awe.
“Whoaaa… we are going to live here?” Seoul says in disbelief. “My
friends are going to freak, if they come visit.”
Austin nods his head in agreement, and I smile lightly. At least they
like the house. Entering the house, we follow Nom upstairs to two
bedrooms opposite of where Rome had dragged me last night.
“These two rooms will be where Nong Seoul and Nong Austin will be
sleeping,” Nom explains.
“We get our own rooms?” Austin finally sounds excited. He’s a
growing boy, and I know for a long time he wanted his own space. I’m glad
that he finally got it.
“I want this room!” Austin runs into the further bedroom.
“But I never slept alone before.” Seoul looks at me with worry.
“You will be fine. You’re a big girl now, right? Plus, you can still use
your nightlight.” I gently pat her on the head.
We explore both spacious bedrooms, each big enough to fit our whole
apartment in. Both kids are happy with the setup, Austin especially. Seoul
expresses a little concern about sleeping alone but other than that,
everything seems great.
“What about me?” I ask Nom.
“You will not be on this floor.” A voice comes from behind me.
I turn around to see Yai standing in the hallway and my heart flips. Yai,
she’d been with Rome’s family for as long as I can remember. She used to
adore me and was super nice to me. Not knowing any better, I smile seeing
her, but my smile wavers when she doesn’t reciprocate. Her too… I cry
internally, just another person who blames me.
“Follow me, Khun Cass.” She orders coldly.
I wave bye to my siblings and follow her down the stairs to the back of
the house. She opens a door leading to a small room, one similar to the
bedroom in our apartment.
“This is where you will sleep. All maids and workers of the estate stay
in this quarter of the home. Since you will be working here, you will be
staying here as well.” She explains.
“Understood.” I’m okay with it. This room is more than enough for
“There’s already a uniform in there you can wear. Khun Noo informed
us of your size. Get dress and come out.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
I quickly change into the uniform. The outfit clings to my body
perfectly unlike the hotel uniform that was a little too big. How the hell
does Rome know my size so perfectly? The image of Rome’s arms around
my waist suddenly appears, making me blush. Of course he will know.
When I exit, Khun Yai walks me through the huge interior, explaining
the many different rooms and where things are located. I mentally take
down all the details. Finally, we end up in the spacious modern kitchen.
“This kitchen is where we cook for the masters of the house and their
guests only. Although we live here, we are not to touch any food in this
kitchen. The only thing allowed is water. Workers have their own small
kitchen at the back of the house where we store our own food. Just because
you work here, doesn’t mean you eat for free. We all still buy our own food
and make our own meals during break times like any other job.
“Yes. Seoul and Austin…”
“Nong Austin and Nong Seoul are here as Khun Noo's guests, so they
will be treated as such. Everything here and the services will be accessible
to them.” Yai finishes.
I nod, understanding. At least Rome is keeping his word about my
“I don’t know why Khun Noo brought you into this household. But I
know nothing good can come from this. Especially when madam returns
from the hospital.”
I totally forgot about Rome’s mother. There is no way she will allow
us to stay here. Why didn’t he think of that? And frankly, I’m afraid of her,
not only her, but Khun Yai too, whose stare is as cold as ice.
“I will tell you honestly right now, I don’t want you here and I don’t
like you. Your family has caused this family a great deal of pain. I
understand that it was your parents doing, but as long as you carry their last
name, their blood in your vein, this nightmare will follow you for the rest of
your life.” Yai says without flinching at all.
She’s absolutely right, and I don’t blame her. I know coming here will
be a challenge, but I didn’t come here for people to like me. I came to work,
to protect my siblings and pay for what my parents did. In fact, maybe it’s
better to work here after all. At least everyone knows already, so I have
absolutely nothing to hide or lose.
“Khun Noo is at work right now and will be returning this evening.
I’m returning to the hospital now to take care of madam until she gets
discharged. I will have my niece tell you about your duties for now. Cindy!”
Yai yells and a girl around my age enters.
“Take Khun Cass and tell him about his duties for the week. Introduce
him to the others.”
“Okay auntie!” Cindy salutes Yai before she leaves.
“Hello I’m Cass. It’s nice to meet you Khun…”
“Just call me Cindy! We look about the same age. Let’s be casual with
each other!” She sticks out her hand for me to shake and offers me a
friendly smile.
“Okay.” I shake her hand and return her smile. She definitely doesn’t
know about me, otherwise she wouldn’t be this friendly.
The whole day, Cindy takes me around, showing me the ropes and
introducing me to everyone. Besides Nom, Yai and Cindy working here,
there are two other maids, Katie and Sun, as well as a man named Ping who
drives for the family. There is also Adam, who stopped by to help me
register the kids into their new and very expensive school. He works for
Rome but doesn’t live in the house. After he leaves, I go in search of Cindy.
I find Cindy and Sun in the large kitchen preparing for dinner.
“Can I help?” I offer.
“Cass you know how to cook?” Cindy asks.
“A little bit,” I admit.
“Good! Khun Noo hasn’t been eating well lately since Auntie Yai
usually cooks but she’s been stuck at the hospital,” Cindy says.
“I’ll do my best.” I grab an apron and start to help prepare some dishes
I remember Rome used to love eating.
“Ping, drive faster. I want to get home quickly.” I say, rubbing my
Today had been a long day. Mostly with catching up with work that
I’ve ignored because I was too busy following Cass around like a lost
puppy. Also, I was annoyed that Anna wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone.
Since I left her alone at the restaurant, she had been annoying me nonstop.
It’s time to cut her off completely.
The most bothersome thing though, is him. He was on my mind all day
long. Nom informed me earlier that he successfully picked up Cass and his
siblings this morning and that they had settled in with Cass starting his
work already.
I ache to witness for myself that he is really there. I want to see how
he’s dealing with this sudden change in his life. Knowing Cass, he’s
probably doing everything with a fake smile. And I want to break that fake
Arriving home, Katie greets me, informing me that dinner will be
served soon. For the time being, I head to my bedroom to unwind. I change
into more casual clothes and try to relax my mind a little. I’m going to see
him soon. With him, I need to be prepared for anything.
Just as I exit my bedroom, Austin and Seoul walk from the other
direction. When Seoul sees me, her face lights up.
“Phi Rome! You’re home!” The little girl runs up to me and I pick her
up. “Oh my gosh, I have so many things to tell you. I love your home! It’s
so big and beautiful!”
“Why don’t you tell me over dinner?” I smile at her.
“Okay! I’m hungry anyways.”
“Hello Phi Rome.” Austin greets. “Thank you for letting us stay here.
It’s nice.”
“My home is your home now,” I say.
The kids follow me into the dining room, and we arrive just as Cass
sets the last plate down on the table. He looks up at me and immediately
bows his head, backing away to the side.
“Phi Cass! Phi Rome is home! Look!” Seoul yells loudly. Cass looks at
Seoul with his face slowly turning pink from embarrassment. He shakes his
head lightly at her.
I usher the kids to sit but keep my gaze on Cass. Dinner starts and right
away a few of the dishes catch my attention. Cass made them. I remember
them very well because he always made them for me.
“Phi, why aren’t you sitting and eating with us?” Seoul asks Cass.
“Shh. He can’t. He’s working right now.” Austin leans over to tell
“Oh sorry. I forgot.” I see Cass smile slightly and it bugs me.
I start to taste the dishes, one by one. Each dish brings up memories
I’ve long buried. It’s as delicious as I remember but I refuse to compliment
him in any way.
“These dishes, I don’t like them.” I lie, pointing to the three dishes
Cass made. He looks at me with a frown.
“Really? I think it’s delicious.” Austin inputs.
“Sorry, I made them. I’m not sure of your personal taste. I won’t make
it again next time.” Cass apologizes. Cindy looks at him, providing an
encouraging smile.
“I’ll eat it all!” Seoul grins at her older brother.
I don’t say anything else and purposely pick at all the other dishes
except his. In all honesty, the other dishes don’t compare to his. But because
he made it, I won’t admit it aloud.
Seoul talks throughout dinner keeping everyone busy with
conversations of my house and asking about their new school. Cass silently
stands on the side waiting with Cindy to clean up after us. He looks nervous
but composed for the most part. It’s time to shake him up.
When dinner is over, Seoul and Austin say a quick goodbye to Cass
and I before heading back upstairs. I stand up, backing away from the table.
Right away, Cass and Cindy start piling up the dishes. Cindy walks past me
and Cass follows, but before he passes, I stick out my foot. Cass falls onto
the floor with a hard thud. The plates break and scatter all around him.
“Oops, my bad. I didn’t see you there.” I say, staring down at him.
Cindy turns around with a surprised look. “Cass are you okay?”
Cass looks up at her then gives her a reassuring smile. “I’m fine.”
He gets up and turns to me. “Sorry Khun Noo. I wasn’t looking where
I was going.”
Ha, he’s calling me Khun Noo now. I guess it’s only right for him to
address me that way in front of everyone. He looks down and brushes off
some of the food stuck to his uniform. I smirk as I see his lips waver
slightly but when he looks back up, he fakes a smile again.
“Go ahead Cindy, I’ll clean this up right away.”
“O…okay.” Cindy nods before reluctantly leaving Cass behind with
me alone. He bends down and starts picking up the bigger pieces of the
broken glass.
“You’re taking this well.” I also bend down to Cass’s level.
“I know you’re just trying to get a reaction out of me. Your childish.”
“Maybe Seoul is rubbing off of me,” I grin.
“What else do you want Rome. I’m already working here.” Cass
doesn’t look at me but continues cleaning up.
“I told you, suffer with me until I’m happy.”
“I guess if pushing me around makes you happy. Go ahead.”
I hook a finger under Cass’s chin, tilting his face towards me. “It does.
I hate that fake smile on your face. I like this look better. It’s real.”
“Well since you already know it’s fake, then you know I’m suffering
inside. You don’t need to do all this.”
“You’re right. Keep suffering Cass, until I allow you to leave, suffer.” I
stand up and walk away, leaving him there.
I return to my room and wash up, wanting to rest for the evening. But
right when I’m trying to relax, my brain fills with thoughts of him. Damn it
I’m really starting to develop an unhealthy obsession with Cass. He
invades my mind daily. I follow him around. I always want to know what
he is doing or thinking. I need to see him.
I roll out of bed in search of Cass. Just one look, I tell myself. I make
it to the workers’ quarter in the back of the house. The workers are off after
dinner services unless called upon for something later. Most will be
gathered in the little kitchen having dinner at this time, so I walk that way.
I stop before the doorway, peeking in when I hear Cindy. “Cass, why
aren’t you eating?”
“Ah, I haven’t had time to go to the store for groceries. I’ll go some
time tomorrow.” Cass says, with a little chuckle.
“Oh well, here, join me.” Cindy pushes her plate of food towards Cass.
“It’s okay, water is fine for me. I’m used to it.” He smiles.
“Cass, eat.” Cindy says in a sad tone. “No one should ever be used to
not eating.”
Damn it. That annoying ache in my chest returns. He’s so damn small
already. Take her damn food, Cass. I hear my thoughts loudly and step back.
I need to get out of here before I do something I’ll regret later. Like
forcing food down his throat. I turn around, leaving before anyone notices
I’m here.

Today I decided to work from my home office. I skipped out on

breakfast, so I hadn’t seen Cass or his siblings all morning, although Nom
did report to me that Ping sent the kids off to their new school after Cass bid
them farewell. Later, Ping will also go and pick them up.
I check the time on the wall clock in my office and it’s almost noon. I
ring Cindy for lunch to be brought to my office. Not half an hour later,
there’s a soft knock on the door.
The door opens slowly, and Cass timidly walks in, carrying a tray.
“Cindy had to take a call, so she asked me to bring you lunch. But
don’t worry, I didn’t cook it.” Cass says, looking at me.
“Close the door and set the lunch on the table.”
Cass does as I say, shutting the door behind him and walking to the
table in front of my desk, surrounded by a couch on each side. He puts the
plates down one by one.
“Enjoy your lunch.” Cass bows once he’s done and turns to leave.
“Sit.” I order, before he can walk away.
“Sit. And don’t go anywhere until you’ve finished everything on those
“I have work to do sir.” Cass looks at me with a questioning gaze and
doesn’t budge.
“Your job is to do what I tell you. Now sit.”
He gnaws at the inside of his cheeks but sits down. He doesn’t make a
move for the food. Instead, he stares off into the distance. I sigh in
frustration. He’s really going to make me hand feed him, huh?
I stand from my desk and walk over to him. I sit right next to him, and
he starts to scoot away. I grab him around the waist and pull him close. The
smell of fresh laundry hits my nose. Cass washed his uniform from the food
stain last night. I make a mental note to buy him more uniforms.
“You’re really going to make me hand feed you?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“I didn’t ask if you’re hungry Cass. I told you to eat.” I move closer to
him, making him back into the couch.
“Unless you want to eat something else instead?” I whisper. Cass’s
eyes widen, aware of what I’m insinuating.
“No, maybe I’ll eat something else.” I say staring at his red lips. My
face draws closer to his, almost touching him.
“I’ll eat!” Cass shouts, closing his eyes and turning his face away.
I move my head to his side and whisper into his ears. “Now was that
so hard?”
I let him go and walk back to my desk, sitting down. I grab the file I
was working on before he entered but keep my eyes on him. I watch as
Cass starts to eat, chewing the food slowly. My lips twitch into a small
smile. I don’t want to admit it, but it makes me happy seeing him eat.
Cass might have denied it, but he’s hungry. He clears all the dishes in
no time. When Cass is done, he cleans up after himself, placing the empty
plates back on the tray. He stands up with the tray in hand but doesn’t walk
“Umm…” Cass clears his throat, gaining my attention away from my
work. I raise a brow at him.
“Do you want me to bring you another set?”
“No, come here.” Cass hesitates for a moment but comes closer to me
regardless. I take out my wallet and hand him one of my credit cards.
“Go to the store and buy me these items.” I nudge a list of random
junk I scribbled down while he ate, towards him.
“Now?” He asks, with a questioning gaze. He looks at the list and
blinks a few times.
“Yes now. And shop for yourself while you’re already out.” I return
my attention to the work on my desk, letting him know this conversation is
over. Cass asks nothing else and leaves.
I stare as the door closes behind him before sighing in disbelief. I just
gave him a fake excuse to go to the store so he can buy himself some
groceries. I run my hands through my hair chuckling. I must be going


That man is so damn confusing. One minute, he’s tripping me like a
damn child, the next, he’s seducing me and forcing me to eat his lunch.
Suddenly, I’m on my way to the grocery store because he has a taste for
mango with sticky rice. He hates mango with sticky rice.
I arrive at the store and start shopping for Rome’s list of items first. He
told me to shop for myself too, which surprised me. How did he know I
needed to shop? Was that why he forced me to eat? But he can care less
about me. Not that I should be complaining. I was very hungry indeed. I ate
with Cindy last night but just the bare minimal, so she didn’t get upset. In
the morning, I didn’t have breakfast either.
After finding all the items on Rome’s list, I start to shop for myself,
picking up what I’m used to buying, vegetables. When it comes time to
check out, I pay for Rome’s groceries with his card then pay for mine
separately. Afterward, I quickly return to the mansion.
I put my things away first before going back to Rome’s office. I don’t
know if he wants these snacks put away or if he wants to eat them right
away. I’m fully aware that Rome had missed breakfast and now lunch too,
thanks to me. I knock on his office door but there’s no answer.
“Khun Noo. I’m coming in.” I say loud enough to be heard from the
other side of the door.
I grab the doorknob and try to twist it, but it’s locked. Is he not in his
office anymore? I decide to leave and just store the snacks for now. As I
turn down the hall, I run into Adam.
“Oh Khun Cass. You’re back? Are you looking for Khun Noo? He’s in
his room.” Adam says, pointing down the hall.
“Yes,” I reply. “Khun Adam, you don’t have to use honorifics with me.
Just calling me Cass is enough.”
He nods and informs me to do the same with him before walking
away. I stare at the bag in my hand and then the direction of Rome’s room,
debating if I should bring it to him. Being alone with Rome is always
intimidating but I start for his room anyways. Knowing him, he will find
fault with me if I don’t report back to him. Plus, I have his credit card.
I knock on his door, but there’s no answer. I knock again. Still, no
answer. Maybe he’s in the bathroom or something and I can just drop it off
quickly without having to see him. I try his doorknob and it’s unlocked, so I
slowly enter his bedroom, looking around for him. I’m greeted with his
His bedroom is massive, larger than any of the rooms I’ve been to in
the house. A huge king size bed covered in black sheets sits near windows
that reach from ceiling to floor, connected to a balcony. On the other side of
the room where a river rock fireplace decorated the wall, there’s a set of
black couches in front of a large TV screen. Shelves of books lined the back
wall of the room. He has such a big room but so little in it.
It must be nice to be so rich. At one point, my family was well off. We
were never as rich as Rome’s family but had enough to never wanted
anything. It was only after the incident that I found out my parents were
really in debt and everything we owned was repossessed.
I walk over to the nightstand by his bed and place the bag of snacks
there. Deciding to leave a note, I open the nightstand drawer in search of a
pen and paper. Instead, I see packages of condoms and I gasp.
“You like what you see?” Rome’s voice comes from behind me,
making me jump.
I immediately shut the drawer and turn to face him. He walks in
through the last panel of glass window that apparently opens to the balcony
and closes it behind him. He then slowly approaches me with a raised brow.
“Umm. I didn’t see anything.” I can feel my cheeks burning. “I
knocked but no one answered so I came in. I brought your groceries.” I
move aside so he can see the bag. “Oh, and your card.” I dig into my pocket
for his card, almost forgetting about it.
“Leaving the groceries means digging through the drawers?” Rome
steps closer to me, making my heart race faster.
“No! I was just going to leave a note behind. I promise!”
“Mm.” Rome mumbles stopping right in front of me. I nudge his card
forwards, but he doesn’t grab it.
“I’ll just leave it here with your bag.” I place it down on the
nightstand. Quickly, I turn around to scurry past Rome, but he grabs my
arms, stopping me.
“Did you shop for yourself?” Rome asks, looking at me.
“Yes. But I didn’t spend your money so don’t worry.”
His eyes slant, but he remains silent.
“I’ll go back to work now.” I say, grabbing his hand with mine to get
his grip off.
“Look at me.”
I lift my head and stare at him from under my lashes.
“You’re aware how you make me feel right?” Rome turns me to face
him completely. “Yet you daringly come into my bedroom alone.”
I inhale a shaky breath. “You hate me, I know that.”
“Not that feeling, a different one.”
Rome backs me into the bed and lightly shoves me down. He then gets
on top of me, straddling my legs between his.
“Rome! What are you doing?” I squeal in panic. I try to rise but can
only get up on my elbows with Rome basically hovering over me.
“Checking something. Be quiet for a minute.”
“Shhh… or do you want me to shut those lips for you?” Immediately I
curl my lips in, shutting up.
Rome slowly glides his thumb across my jawline, leaving a trail of his
scorching touch behind. I try to control my breathing as he slides his thumb
down the pulsing vein on my neck and then over my chest. Rome stops at
my beating heart and lays his palm flat there. The corner of his lips curve.
“You feel just as I do.” Rome smiles, touching my face again, this time
his thumb slides over my bottom lip. “Admit it Cass, your heart doesn’t
“I told you. I’m scare of you that’s why my heart beats faster when
you’re around.” It’s half-truth at least. He does scares me because he’s so
unpredictable. But his touches, his kisses, it all makes my heart race faster
and spreads goosebumps on my skin. And it makes me question myself
about my own sanity. I still like him.
As if reading my mind, Rome asks me, “Cass do you still like me?”
“No. I told you I never liked you.” I turn my head away, lying through
my teeth. Why does it matter so much to him if I like him or not anyways?
“No?” Rome tilts my head back to him. “Then close your eyes.”
“Are you going to kiss me again?”
Rome smiles and brings his face within an inch of mine.
“Then you’re in for a surprise. Here I’ll prove that I never liked you.”
I grab Rome’s face, and in one swift motion, I crush my lips to his,
closing my eyes in the process. I can hear Rome’s breath halting and feel
my heart coming to a complete stop.
His lips are as soft and warm as I remember. It feels nice but I wish it
didn’t. I want to prove to him that his kisses, his touch, none of it affects me
at all.
I pull back, opening my eyes. My face warms and my heart finally
starts beating again. I look at Rome and he looks at me, our faces still
inches apart only. Before I can say anything, he grabs my face and presses
our lips together once more.
Unlike before, Rome kisses me slowly and gently. His hand cups the
side of my face tilting my head up more as he continues his sweet assault.
He slowly works over my mouth, coaxing me to open for him. When I
don’t, he grabs my chin, pulling my mouth open with little effort. His
tongue sweeps inside my mouth finding my own tongue and starts slowly
massaging it with his own.
I buckle, losing the battle to this sweet torture. I start to kiss him back
shyly, making very little movements, tasting him like how he does me. I can
taste the lingering nicotine on his tongue mixed with mint. For some reason,
I find it sexy. Or maybe it’s just him, he tastes delicious to me.
Rome pulls away with a smile on his face, his thumb still gently
rubbing on my cheek.
“You like me.” He says in a low voice full of lust.
In a daring act, I grab his arms and flip him around, so I’m on top of
him. He looks up at me with shock.
“No, I’m pretty sure you like me.” My lips lift into a half smile. His
expression changes into confusion as I push myself off him. I take a few
steps back, give him a bow, then turn away with a victorious grin on my
face. I totally won this round.
Rome might hate me, but I am sure of one thing. Somewhere in that
broken cold heart of his, a tiny flame burns for me.

I don’t like him. I hate him. I’m just fucking highly attractive to him,
that’s all. Cass is beautiful and alluring as hell, I’ll admit that. And he
makes me lose my mind constantly, but I don’t like him. Not like that.
Yet his words replayed in my mind for the rest of the day and
throughout the night. I even dreamt of the little shit last night. And damn it,
if he wasn’t just as enticing in my dreams as he is in real life. His sweet shy
kisses haunt me, and his taste hypnotizes me. I want more. But fuck me, if I
ever admit to liking the little brat.
I arrive home from work early, so dinner isn’t prepared yet. Naturally,
my thoughts gravitate towards Cass. What is he doing right now? What
little corner of the house is he cleaning? I want to punish him. It angers me
that he pulled that fast one on me yesterday.
I look at my nightstand and the bag of junk is still there with my credit
card. I put the card back in my wallet and take the bag with me. I leave in
search of the kids.
I find Austin and Seoul in one of the many sitting rooms in the house,
doing homework. It seems that they are blending in not only at home but at
their new school just fine. Only now their uniforms are fancier and more
expensive and they have their own personal chauffeur.
“Hey guys.” I greet them walking in.
Seoul looks up from her work and smiles brightly like she always
does. “Hi Phi!”
“Hello Phi,” Austin adds.
“Would y’all like to take a break? I brought snacks.” I show them the
Instantly Seoul’s eyes light up. “Yes!”
I walk over, setting the bag on the table. Austin moves their homework
aside as Seoul takes everything out one by one.
“Mango and sticky rice! My favorite even though I only had it once!”
Seoul exclaims.
“Mine too.” Austin says, sounding fascinated.
They open it up and dig in right away.
“So kids, tell me something. What’s your favorite thing to do and least
favorite?” I carefully plan how I want this conversation to go.
“I hate homework, but I love school!” Seoul talks with a mouthful.
“Hmmm. I like solving complex math equations,” Austin says. “And I
hate gym. I think it’s a waste of time.”
“Gym helps to keep you in shape.”
“I would rather read the Bible,” Austin chuckles.
“I like making money and I hate mango and sticky rice,” I confess.
“Really? Then why'd you buy it?” Seoul asks.
“For you of course.” I smile at her and receive a grin in return.
“What about your Phi Cass? What does he like and doesn’t like?” I
finally ask what I really want to know.
“I think Phi just likes to work and also make money,” Seoul answers.
“Yes, all Phi does is work. I haven’t seen him do anything else, so I
don’t know what he likes.” Austin chimes in.
“Oh, but Phi Cass hates the dark just like me! It’s scary.” Seoul
whispers the last part.
“No Seoul, Phi isn’t afraid of the dark. He doesn’t like tight, dark
spaces.” Austin corrects her.
Huh, interesting. Is Cass claustrophobic? I don’t remember him being
afraid of dark small spaces. No, we used to hide in places like that all the
time, whether we just wanted time to talk to ourselves or we were running
from whatever ruckus I’ve caused, Cass was always okay. Maybe he
doesn’t like being there alone? Regardless, thank you kids for the
Just then, Cass appears. He looks at the kids eating the snacks he got
for me yesterday and then at me. I lift a brow at him smiling.
“Kids, are you guys bothering Khun Noo? Those are his snacks.” Cass
walks over.
“Nong Cass, don’t call me Khun Noo. Just call me Rome or Phi.” I
stretch the word, Phi.
“Sorry Khun Noo, I can’t do that.”
“You do when we’re alone…” I lick the corner of my lips to tease him.
Cass’s eyes widen just for a split second before he looks away.
“Phi Rome brought us these snacks. He hates mango sticky rice, so we
are eating it for him.” Seoul says cheerily.
Damn Seoul, Cass isn’t supposed to know that.
“Oh really, I wondered why he bought it then?” Cass looks at me with
a knowing smile. Of course, he knows my dislike for the dish since
childhood. He probably already figured out that the trip to the store was for
“Don’t you have work to do?” I ask, changing the subject.
“I’m on break, so I came to check on the kids,” he replies.
“Oh really. Well, that’s perfect. There’s something I need you to do for
me once your break is over. Come to the back garden.” I get up and walk
away, already planning the little prank I’m going to play on him.

Cass showed up just as I expected him to after his little break.

“What can I do for Khun Noo.” Cass asks, walking up to me.
“You’re really going to play that name game?” I actually don’t care if
he calls me Khun Noo or not, I just enjoy teasing him.
“You’re the one who doesn’t like it when I call you Phi. And plus, I’m
working for you so I should call you correctly.”
“Whatever, just follow me.”
Cass follows me to the back of the garden far away from the house
where there’s a small shed that stores some junk we no longer use. I unlock
the padlock on the door and pull it open. The inside is dark, dusty, and
covered in cobwebs. Perfect.
“I need you to clean out the shed. Everything is junk so just throw it all
out. And dust the place a little.” I turn to look at Cass.
He peeks over my shoulder into the dirty shed, scanning the space.
There’s no windows or light switches, so it’s dark unless the door is kept
open to allow the sunlight in.
“Mm… okay.” Cass nods his head nervously but immediately walks
into the shed after pushing the door as far open as it could go.
So, he is afraid…
I watch as Cass gets to work, grabbing an empty box and tossing the
smaller items into it. I wait a little bit, once again appreciating how he
moves around so efficiently. His body movements are always so fluid. I
wonder how he will move on top of my dick. Fuck! I am not supposed to be
thinking about my dick!
I grab the door and swiftly slam it shut before putting the padlock back
on. I can hear the sound of the box dropping and the items scattering
“Rome!” Cass shouts in a panic. “Rome! Open up!” He starts
pounding on the door frantically.
“I thought you’re calling me Khun Noo?” I yell back, laughing.
“Rome this isn’t funny! Open up!” Cass shouts again.
“Nope stay in there Cass! Reflect on your wrong doings for a while.”
I toss the key in the air and catch it before putting it in my pocket. I
check my watch, and it’s about dinnertime. I’ll come and release him after
I walk away as Cass continues to shout from the shed but once I get far
enough, his voice dies out. No one will be able to hear him call for help.
During dinner, Seoul asks me where Cass is, and I lie that I sent him
out on an errand. I also tell the workers the same thing, so they don’t
question his whereabouts.
When dinner is over, I check my watch again. Cass has been in there
for a little over an hour. He probably wetted his pants by now. I smile at the
I stand up to leave but Nom comes running through the dining room.
“Khun Noo! Khun Yai called! Your mother is missing!”
“Get me my keys!” Instantly, I panic.
“Already did!” Nom pulls out my keys and I take them from him,
rushing out the front door.

“I’m sorry Khun Noo. I stepped out just for a moment. I didn’t know
she was going to wake and try to leave.” Yai apologizes with her head bow.
“It’s okay. Everything is fine now. Just don’t leave her alone again. Or
if you need to go somewhere, call in a nurse or someone first.” I say, though
my heart is still recovering from the scare.
“Yes Khun Noo.”
“Did you let Nom know it was a false alarm?”
“You can go do what you need to do. I’ll watch her for a little bit.”
Yai hurries out of the room, leaving me alone with my mother. I sit on
the chair next to her and take her hand in mine.
“Ma, just be patient for a few more days. I’ll take you home with me.”
I thought my heart was going to explode on my way here. Yai said my
mother was missing and that scared the hell out of me. The last time she
went missing, she attempted suicide.
When I got to the hospital, they had just found her. My mother was
aimlessly wondering the outsides of the hospital. To say I am angry about
their lack of security and care is an understatement. I had the longest talk
with Dr. Min and just returned, completely threatening him and the staff. If
they want our continued support, they better not let another incident happen
After spending some time with my mother, I return home. It’s late now
and the house is cloaked in darkness. I quietly go to my room and prepare
for bed, taking a quick shower, and then changing into black sweatpants,
not bothering to put a shirt on.
As I lay in bed, I try to relieve all the stress from my body. There’s one
person that seems to always take my mind off things lately. The image of
Cass’s blushed face flashes through my mind and I smile.
Damn it, how did I forget! I jump out of bed, find the key, and sprint
out the door. My heart races faster with each step I take closer to the back
garden. An unsettling inkling claws at my insides, making me pick up the


It feels like forever before I arrive at the shed. Quickly, I unlock it and
throw the door open. My heart pounds as loud as the sound of the door’s
creak in the silent night.
“Cass!” I desperately call out to him, but all is quiet.
I scan the shed, trying to adjust to the darkness. With the moonlight
shining in, I quickly make out the shadow of his body curled up in one of
the corners.
I sigh, relief washing over me. “Cass."
Cass lays on his side with his knees to his chest and with his arms
wrapped around them.
“Cass.” I bend down and touch his arm. A whimper escapes his lips as
his body shivers. “Shit, Cass.”
I pull him into my arms and shake him a little.
“Cass, answer me!” My voice becomes desperate when he doesn’t.
I touch his face and it’s wet, stained with tears. His eyes are closed
tightly. It isn’t responding to me and seems to have sealed himself into his
own little world.
Damn it. I pick him up in my arms and head towards the house with
regret clawing at me. I should have never locked him up.
I carry Cass through the house, up the stairs, and into my room. I put
him on the bed but just as I let him go, his hands spring forward and clasp
onto my arm tightly. His hands are ice cold, and his body is still shivering.
Fuck, he’s genuinely scared.
I climb into bed next to him and pull his shivering body to my naked
chest, sharing my warmth. Then I grab the blanket, covering us both.
“It’s okay now. You’re safe.” I whisper, hugging him tighter. “Don’t be
afraid anymore, I’m here.”
Cass doesn’t respond and only shakes in my arms with quiet little
whimpers escaping his lips. Fuck me, I feel like such an asshole forgetting
about him. But my mother… I had to get to her.
I’m sorry Cass. My heart pains for the both of them.
I silently apologize to Cass as I hold him close. Every now and then, I
touch his hand until I feel his temperature return to normal. Eventually, his
shaking stops, and he falls into a deep slumber.
I reach for my phone on the nightstand and text Nom, informing him
that Cass will have the day off tomorrow. He quickly replies acknowledging
my order.

The sound of birds chirping early in the morning and the sun beaming
down through the windows wakes me up. As soon as I open my eyes, I see
Cass’s face. He’s still curled up in my arms, sleeping peacefully. A warm
feeling rush through me. His small frame fits perfectly against mine like
two pieces of a puzzle. I touch his face with a finger and his brows twitch a
little, but he doesn’t wake. Then I trace the dark circles under his eyes, the
only flaw on his beautiful face.
“You’ve worked a long time, huh?” I say in a low voice so not to
disturb him.
Cass may be small and look fragile, but he’s strong inside. I’m fully
aware of how much he worked ever since that horrid incident. To keep his
siblings, he even dropped out of school. It’s unfortunate but at the end of
the day, he still had them. My sibling is gone forever.
Even after that horrible incident, after raising his siblings alone and
after what I put him through. He still fights. So, what exactly is the reason
behind this immense fear of dark confined spaces?
I thought I knew everything about him growing up but apparently, I
didn’t know this. But then why did he go into all those dark places with me?
He trusted you. The little voice in the back of my head whispers loudly.
Well, I trusted him too and look what happened.
I sigh, turn around and reach for my phone to check the time. Austin
and Seoul should be getting ready for school. I should get out of bed and
send them off since Cass is still sleeping. Otherwise, they might get worried
about him.
I slowly pull myself from Cass, trying my best not to wake him.
Luckily, he doesn’t. I quickly put on a shirt and head downstairs.
“Good morning, Khun Noo.” Nom says upon seeing me. “I assume
you’re working from home today?”
I nod. “Where’s the kids?”
“Just about done with breakfast. They were asking for Khun Cass and
then you,” he replies.
I enter the dining room just as the dishes are being cleared. Austin and
Seoul are still sitting at the table.
“Ah, Khun Noo, would you like some breakfast?” Cindy offers.
“No thanks.” Cindy nods and walks away with the dirty dishes.
“Phi, do you know where my brother is?” Austin asks as he puts on his
“We didn’t see him all morning,” Seoul adds.
“Cass is tire so I’m letting him sleep longer.” I say, helping Seoul with
her bag.
“Ah, but he wasn’t in his bedroom.” Seoul looks at me.
Fuck, what do I say?
“The air conditioner in his bedroom is broken, so he’s sleeping in
another room until it’s fix.” I say the first thing that comes to mind.
“Aww, so we won’t see him before school then.” Seoul pouts.
“It’s okay, you will see him after.” I pat her head.
“Come here.” Seoul motions for me to go near her. I bend down to her
level, and she plants a kiss on my cheek.
“What was that for?” I grin at her, a little surprised but touched.
“Give Phi Cass my good morning kiss for me.” She smiles.
“Okay princess.” Seoul is really such a darling.
Austin on the other hand looks at me like he doesn’t believe a single
word I said about the broken air, but he keeps quiet.
“Come on now, you guys will be late."
After bidding the kids farewell, I quickly return to my room. I thought
maybe Cass had woken and left but I see him as soon as I open the door,
he’s still sleeping. So doing the only thing I wanted to do now, I get back in
bed with him.

My eyes open as I feel movement next to me. Cass is stirring awake in

my arms. His face scrunches into a cute pout before relaxing and then his
eyes slowly open.
My naked chest greets Cass and for a moment he looks confuse.
Slowly he turns his face upwards and meet my gaze.
“Good morning.” I mouth and proceed to place a kiss on his cheek. I
did what Seoul asked.
Cass’s eyes enlarge, and I thought maybe it’s from the kiss but then he
pushes me away before getting up.
“What the hell Cass.” I say, getting up myself. Before I can say
anything else, I feel the sting on my cheek as he smacks me across the face.
I turn back to look at Cass, shocked and ready to yell at him but his
expression stops me. Pain shines through his glassy eyes, and his lips
tremble ever so lightly. Yet he also seems a little surprised at his own action.
Cass shuffles off the bed and runs away before I can get another word
“…Sorry.” I breathe the last word, but he’s gone.
I touch my cheek and wince a little. Yeah, he’s definitely not weak at
all. And I deserved it.

For a just a moment, I allow myself to cry in my room behind closed
door. Rome is so damn cruel. How could he lock me up like that? He has no
clue what I’ve been through, and he goes and does that to me. I hate small
dark places the most. Scary memories of being locked up in that dark
smelly closet flash through my mind and I choke on a cry. He knows
I don’t know how long Rome left me in there. At some point, I curled
up into one corner and drowned myself in my own little universe. One I
created whenever I find myself in these dark tiny spaces alone. The
universe isn’t beautiful, in fact, it’s colorless. But it’s still better than being
alone, trapped with nowhere to go.
I stare at my shaky hand that still stings from hitting Rome a little too
hard. That was the first time I’ve ever hit someone. I despise violence so it
also surprised me when I did that. I feel bad about it because I promised
myself, I’ll never harm a person after what I’ve been through. Not saying
the bastard didn’t deserve it.
What really confuses me is how I ended up in Rome’s bedroom and
slept on his bed. It only made sense that Rome was the one that brought me
there, but why? He could have just taken me back to my room.
I remember dreaming in my ugly universe. Everything was black and
gray, colorless. Out of nowhere, a rainbow danced across the gray sky,
bringing along with it, color, and beauty. It was nice, painting almost a
peaceful picture. And then, I woke up in his arms.
I exhale a shaky breath trying to chase away all the bad memories. It’s
getting late, almost lunch time. I need to start my work for the day. I
quickly straighten myself out, ignoring the pain in my chest. When I make
it to the kitchen, Cindy and Sun are already preparing lunch.
“Cass, what are you doing here? We were told you weren’t feeling
good and have the day off. Matter of fact, you look very pale.” Cindy says
with a worried expression. She walks up to me and touches her palm to my
“You don’t feel hot? You actually feel kind of cold.” She takes her
hand away with a concerned look.
“I’m fine, just a little headache this morning.” I give her a reassuring
“I think you should rest more.” She mentions and Sun agrees.
“If I sleep anymore, I’ll die of boredom,” I chuckle. “Here let me
I want to do something, anything. I need to keep my mind and
thoughts busy, so I don’t think about unnecessary things or someone in
Cindy and Sun reluctantly allow me to help prepare lunch. This time I
make a few dishes I’ve never made for Rome before. I tell Cindy not to let
Rome know that I cooked them. She gives me a questioning look but
doesn’t comment. If Rome knows I cooked it, he won’t eat it.
After making lunch, I sit down for a quick lunch with Cindy and Sun
and then I head to the back garden towards that small scary shed.
I stand in front of it, staring hard into it. I close my eyes for a minute
trying to calm myself. It’s just a small shed. Nothing else. You have a
rainbow now, Cass.
I grab the padlock and the key that’s still in it and store it in my pocket.
Then I open the door widely, putting a heavy box there to make sure it
won’t close accidentally. When all preparations are set, I finally enter and
start cleaning up the shed.
It takes a couple hours, but I finally finish cleaning it out. I step out
and lock it again. I stare at the shed and smile proudly to myself, give it the
door was opened, but baby steps.
I return inside with sweat dripping down my body from the heat
outside. I want to quickly wash up and change before returning to work but
this is my only uniform. Maybe I can ask to borrow Nom's. We are about
the same height although he is bulkier.
I walk towards the workers’ quarter in the back but stop in my track
when I reach my room. Rome is standing outside my door, leaning against
the wall, with a bag in his hand and his head down.
My heart begins to race annoyingly like it always does in his presence.
I really don’t want to see him at the moment and have nothing to say to
him. I’m still very hurt and angry, but I also know there’s no way to avoid
this confrontation. I wonder how he will hurt me now that I’ve laid my
hands on him.
Rome lifts his head as I approach. My steps falter seeing his face. One
side of his cheek sports a faded red mark. I struck him harder than I
“Where have you been, Cass? I’ve been looking for you.” Rome says
with no emotion.
“Cleaning,” I answer curtly, not wanting to talk to him more than
“You weren’t in the house.”
I dig through my pocket and pull out the key for the shed, handing it
over to him.
“I cleaned the shed like you asked sir. Sorry I didn’t get it done
Rome looks a little surprised like he can’t believe I was actually able
to go back after what happened.
“I’m going to clean myself up a bit before returning to work, excuse
me.” I try to walk pass him to get into my room, but Rome grabs my wrist.
“Cass…” He calls out my name softer than usual.
I peek at him from the corner of my eyes and see his red cheek.
Sighing, I take my wrist out of his grasp and instead, I grab his wrist,
pulling him into my room. Rome follows without resistance.
I plant him on the bed and grab my arnica cream from my desk that I
often used on my many bruises from work in the past. I sit down next to
him and put a little of the cream on my finger then reach for his cheek.
Rome grabs my wrist, stopping me.
“It’s just arnica cream to stop the swelling,” I explain.
Rome remains silent and just stares at me before letting my wrist go. I
carefully apply the cream to his cheek, rubbing it slowly in circular motion.
I’m fully aware of our close proximity and how my heart still hasn’t
calm down. I can feel the heat emanating from his body and smell the fresh
woody scent on his skin. Still, I do my best to ignore it.
“Your hand is still cold,” Rome mentions, breaking the silence.
“It’s just the cream,” I reply, spreading the last of the ointment on.
“Sorry for hitting you, I was surprised and quite frankly, upset. But I
should have never strike you,” I mumbled quietly.
Rome’s jaw tense under my touch, but he doesn’t reply. When I finish,
I put the cap back on the ointment and place it back on the little desk in my
room. I turn to face him not knowing what else to say or do. He stares at me
like he wants to say something but can’t bring himself to say it.
After a moment’s silence, I clear my throat. “I need to get back to
Rome exhales a slow breath, getting up from the bed. He takes the
short couple steps toward me and hands me the bag in his grip.
“This is for you.” I furrow my brows at him but take the bag.
Without another word, Rome turns on his heel and walks out of my
room. As soon as he’s gone, I feel like I can finally breathe again. I open the
bag to see what’s in it. Within the bag lies three new identical uniforms. As
I remove them, a shiny gold item at the bottom of the bag catches my
attention. I reach in and pull it out.
A small smile slowly forms across my face as I stare at my favorite
Ferrero Rocher chocolate. Rome always bought me this when I was upset or
in a bad mood. I look over to the door where he just walked out from.
“Could have just said sorry, jerk.” I can’t help but smile.

- 10 -

I really am such a simple person to please. Just a little chocolate and
already, my mood is better tenfold. I’m still upset at Rome, but I’m
definitely feeling better. I guess that little gesture coming from someone
like Rome, can be consider a huge milestone. In fact, anything from him
that doesn’t involve hating me is a huge accomplishment.
“Phi Cass! There you are!” Seoul comes running through the library
door, interrupting my thoughts.
“Seoul, you’re home.” I smile and set the feather duster I’m holding
“Yes, and I have something to ask so I came looking for you right
“And what can I help you with my lady?” I bend down to Seoul’s
level. Judging by her excitement, this must be good news, for her at least.
“Can I join the orchestra? I want to learn how to play the violin! My
friend Dao is in it, and he said they are looking for new students to join!
Please Phi Cass! I really want to join.” Seoul begs in one breath, then gives
me her cutest puppy eyes.
Her enthusiasm makes me smile. It pleases me that she finds interest in
music. The only problem is, I’m broke, and this doesn’t sound like
something cheap at all.
“Please Phi. Pretty please…”
“Seoul, you don’t have a violin and– ”
“We can rent one from school! They have a lot!” Seoul cuts me off.
“And just how much will this cost me?” I ask in a joking matter.
“Here, I have the permission slip.” She fumbles through her bag until
finally pulling out a piece of paper and hands it to me.
Just the instrument rental costs almost 10,000 baht for the school year.
Seoul looks at me expectantly as I read through the slip. I really want her to
do this, but my bank account will suffer. I quickly do some calculations in
my head to see how much I have. With my last check, I paid off some past
due bills, plus I took the kids to McDonald’s, then I just used some for
groceries. I should have just about 10,000 baht left. I won’t get pay from
here for a while but…
“Phi…” Seoul calls out to me.
“Okay…” I smile at her. “Phi will sign the slip and give it to Khun
Ping to turn it in tomorrow when he drops you off.”
Seoul shrieks in happiness and jumps into my arms, giving me a tight
“You are the best brother ever!” She kisses me on the cheek.
“There you guys are!” Austin comes into the library followed by
Rome. Immediately my smile drops.
“Hi Phi Rome! Phi Cass is the best! Did you give him my good
morning kiss?” Seoul asks Rome.
“Huh?” I stare at Seoul not sure if I heard her right.
“I told Phi Rome to give you a good morning kiss from me.”
I look at her then at Rome and remember the kiss Rome gave me this
morning before I smacked him silly. I could feel my cheeks slowly
warming. So that’s why he randomly did that. Rome smiles and nods at her.
Seoul is plotting against me and doesn’t even realize it.
“Phi, where did you sleep this morning?” Austin asks. “We went into
your room to find you, but you weren’t there.”
“Oh yeah, did your air conditioner get fixed yet? If not, you can sleep
in my room tonight.” Seoul adds, confusing me even more. What crazy
story did Rome tell the kids this morning?
“Nom worked on it and the air is working again.” Rome quickly
inserts. “Right Cass?”
“Ah… yes.” I chuckle nervously.
“It’s weird though, this morning when I went into your room, I
remembered the room being nice and cool. It didn’t seem broken.” Austin
looks at me suspiciously as if I have a single clue what he’s talking about,
before giving Rome the same gaze.
“It was broken last night, and Nom fixed it this morning before you
two went in there,” Rome explains.
Austin draws his brows together like he’s in deep thought then nods
his head, accepting the explanation from Rome. I think I kind of figured out
what may have happened but still, I keep quiet in case I ruin whatever this
scenario is supposed to be. And Austin, he’s more observant with age. I
need to be more cautious with my actions now.
“Phi, let’s go do our homework.” Seoul drags Austin out of the library.
I want to scream for them to come back and stay, for them to not leave me
alone with Rome, but they left as quickly as they came.
As soon as the kids are out of the room, Rome’s hard gaze falls upon
me. The silence between us is deafening and the air thick. I sneak a glance
at him from under my lashes. At least his face isn’t so red anymore.
“Can I do something for you?” I ask, not able to take the silence
“Since when are you afraid of dark small spaces?” He asks outright.
“I…uh…” I hesitate, not expecting him to ask about this. Those horrid
memories, they are my secret alone and no one here knows about it, not
even Rome.
“When, Cass?” Rome asks again.
“Why'd you lock me up?” I change the subject, remembering I’m still
upset with him.
“Revenge for kissing me.” He blatantly states, not even trying to hide
I scoff at him. “You’re fucking childish.”
“Again, when Cass?” He’s not going to let it go, is he?
“I don’t know. Just after what happened, losing my parents, and
everything. I became afraid,” I lied.
Rome smirks knowing damn well I’m lying. “You suck at lying. But
I’ll find out the truth sooner or later.”
Just then, Rome’s phone rings, saving me. He picks it up, gives me one
last look, and exits the library, leaving me alone with my thoughts. He will
never find out, because the only two people that knew are no longer here,
my parents.

In the morning, I find out that Rome left to work, and I thank God for
that. I need this break from his piercing gaze and ever questioning
demeanor. Unfortunately, the day continues and already, the kids are
coming home soon. That also means Rome will too.
While in my bedroom on a short break, Austin comes into my room
looking excited. I haven’t seen that look on him since he found out he
would have his own room.
“Phi, can I talk to you?” Austin walks up to me with a hopeful smile.
“Of course, always.” I gesture for him to sit next to me. He sits down
and takes out a sheet of paper from his backpack, handing it to me.
“Seoul said that you let her sign up for violin classes. So, can I go on
this trip? It’s almost due so I have to pay and turn it in by Friday if I want to
go. Please Phi let me go!”
I take the slip from him with a smile and read it over. A class trip to
Phuket with a total cost of almost 20,000 baht, twice as much as Seoul’s
rental. I try to keep my face neutral as I continue to read but already, I’m
dreading the outcome.
There is no way I can afford this. I barely have 500 baht to my name
after paying for Seoul’s violin rental. And even if I didn’t pay for the rental,
I still can’t afford this.
I look at Austin who still smiles hopefully. Instead, I return with a sad
“Austin… Phi is sorry. I can’t afford this.” I start to say and the smile
on his face slowly disappears. “I– ”
Austin snatches the paper from my hand.
“It’s okay. I don’t want to go on this stupid trip anyways.” Austin turns
and runs out of my room but not before I see his lips tremble, breaking my
“Austin!” I yell out after him. I quickly get up and follow him. I can’t
let him hurt alone like this.
I find Austin in his room with the slip already crumbled and tossed into
the waste bin.
“Austin, listen to me.” I sit down on his bed next to him.
“There’s nothing to listen to. I know you have no money.” Austin says,
trying to hide the hurt in his voice.
“Phi is sorry.”
“Yeah… you’re always sorry when it comes to me, huh?” Austin looks
up at me with tears in his eyes.
“Why is it always Seoul? Huh? She gets everything! And I always
have to sacrifice every time! It’s not fair! I know I’m older but I’m still just
a kid! Seoul always gets everything!” Austin lets his tears fall, his words
breaking me more and more.
“Austin it’s not like that.” I reach for him, but he pulls away.
“Yes, it is! I always give Seoul my food, always let her pick what she
wants to eat first, always leave the lights on at night, always let her win in a
fight, always have to watch her. And even you, you always pick her first
before me. Just like you missed my competition for Seoul, that’s why I
didn’t win!” Austin shouts all his pent-up frustration at me.
I know everything has been so hard on Austin and he’s great at hiding
it. I hate that at such a young age, he’s sacrificed so much. Especially when
I missed his event. Seoul got sick so I couldn’t go. He lost a chance at a
scholarship that day. I hate myself for not being able to provide them with a
better life. A life they deserve.
“You care for Seoul more than me…” Austin’s lips shake, and he
angrily wipes his eyes.
“That’s not true Austin. I love and care for you both.” My own tears
gather under my lids.
“Well, you sure have a way of showing it. Please leave. I want to be
alone.” He turns around, giving me his back.
“I’m so sorry if I ever made you feel any less loved. I love you so
much Austin.” I say, but he ignores me.
After that, I leave him alone. I want to explain more to him, but I have
to return to work. Maybe he is right, I neglect him too much. Even now. I’m
choosing to ignore the tight pain in my chest and work instead.

Rome didn’t come home for dinner, nor did he come home tonight at
all. I was a little thankful for the break of not having to deal with him too,
but yet, I was a little worried. Cindy told me that he had gone to the hospital
last night when his mother went missing. I guess that explains why I was
locked up for so long. Now I can’t even be properly upset with him.
I throw myself on the bed and massage my temples. Why is life so
complicated? Maybe in my past life, I was an evil mercenary or something
and am paying for it this lifetime. Even so, if not me, please give the people
around me a break. They don’t deserve this too. Let me pay for the sins
alone. I pray silently.
I turn to look at my duffle bag on the floor. I’ve been so busy since
I’ve gotten here that I never fully unpacked. Suddenly, a thought hits me.
Getting up, I grab my bag and dig through what little possession I own.
I pull out a little red velvet box and open it, revealing the last item I have
belonging to my late mother, a gold necklace. Everything else has either
been repossessed or pawned to pay bills.
I take the necklace and hold it to my heart. Never do I want to part
from this last memory of my mother, but Austin’s sad disappointed face
flashes through my mind and immediately, I know what I must do. He said
he has until Friday to turn in the slip. That gives me a couple days still to
pawn it and pay for his trip.
I look at the necklace one last time before closing the box and putting
it away. Tomorrow, tomorrow I will sell it.

“Cindy, has Khun Noo return?” I ask during breakfast.

“No, he hasn’t,” she replies.
Rome not being here is a little worrisome but then it actually helps me
out. I can slip away to pawn the necklace during lunch. If I go any later, the
shop will be closed.
“I haven’t heard anything. Usually, Nom will tell us if it’s something
important. When he doesn’t, Khun Noo is probably with a lover.” She
whispers the last part to me, and my heart annoyingly skips a beat. I don’t
care, I tell myself, ignoring the little hint of pain in my chest.
“Can you do me a small favor?” I ask Cindy, not wanting to miss this
chance. “I need to step out during lunch for something personal. Can you
cover for me until I get back?”
“Oh, where are you going, Cass?” Cindy wiggles her brows
suggestively like I’m going to meet a secret lover or something.
“Please?” I say, ignoring her.
“Fine. But you must give me juicy details later.” She winks at me.
When lunch break comes around, I grab the little red box, hold it
tightly in my palm, and debate for the last time if I’m really going to pawn
the necklace. In the end, I leave the estate.
I arrive at the pawn shop that I’m too familiar with. I hate this place,
yet this place has saved me more than once. So many things were pawned
in this shop in the past. Sighing, I enter the shop.
I hand the red velvet box over to the owner and wait as he assesses the
“How much do you want for this necklace?” The owner asks, finally
looking at me.
“I want 40,000 baht,” I tell him. I did the calculations. It’s worth at
least that much. And with that money, I will be able to cover Austin’s trip,
give him some spending money, and still have some leftover funds.
“Too much! This necklace is old,” he grunts. “You’d be lucky if you
get 25k.”
“No but the necklace is worth more!”
“I’ll tell you what. Since you come here often, I’ll make you a good
deal. 30k, that’s my best price. Take it or leave it.”
I know the necklace is worth way more. The asshole is trying to low
ball me because he knows whoever walks through his shop door is
desperate for money. And I am fucking desperate.
“Fine… I’ll take it,” I reluctantly agree. I don’t have the time to take
the necklace to another shop. And besides, most pawn shop owners are all
the same.
I quickly fill out the paperwork and hand over the necklace. In return, I
receive the 30k in an envelope. I walk away feeling sad. Now I really do
have nothing left to my name. No regrets Cass, no regrets.

Yesterday, I went into the office so I can better concentrate on my
work instead of him. And good thing I did, I had an important meeting
about a new investment I almost completely forgot about.
After work, I decided to visit my mother and ended up staying the
night with her. Soon, she will be release and I still had not broken the news
to her that Cass and his siblings are now residing at our house. I guess I
really didn’t think this through when I had Cass moved in. She’ll probably
flip out and have my neck for making such a decision. But I’ll have to deal
with that battle when it comes because Cass isn’t going anywhere.
“Khun Noo. Isn’t that Khun Cass over there? I wonder where he’s
going.” Ping mentions from the driver seat, slowing the car down.
I look out the window and it is indeed Cass, walking out of the gates
and towards the opposite direction of my car. Where the hell is he going?
He’s supposed to be working right now.
“Follow him,” I order.
“Yes sir.” Ping nods.
We follow him to a pawn shop close to his old apartment. I watch as
Cass stares at the pawn shop with a sullen face before walking in. Not ten
minutes later, he walks out looking even worse than when entering.
“Should I continue to follow him?” Ping asks as Cass starts walking
“No.” I want to know what he was doing in there.
I enter the pawn shop with Ping following closely behind me. The
place is small and smells like a pigsty. I walk right up to the man behind the
glass counter who’s smugly smiling to himself like he just made the deal of
his life.
“The man that just left, what did he sell to you?” I ask, getting straight
to the point.
The man looks at me up and down before grinning. “Ah, you don’t
look like you’re here to sell something. Are you looking for something to
I ignore his disgusting face and nod. “What did the man before me
“Oh, you’re looking for gold? Here, this gold necklace, it’s one of a
kind, very beautiful and in mint condition. I just bought it off of the man
that just left and didn’t even have time to display it yet.”
The guy pulls out a red velvet box and opens it, showing me a gold
necklace which I instantly recognize. I’ve seen Cass’s mother wear this
necklace before. Why did he sell it?
“How much did he sell it for?” I ask, my eyes still on the necklace.
The necklace has to be worth at least 50k.
“I’ll give you a good deal. 50k. Necklaces like this one aren’t easy to
find, you know.”
If he’s trying to sell me the necklace for 50k, that means he paid Cass
much less for it.
“I’ll give you whatever you gave the man before, not a penny more.” I
tell him, closing the box.
“What, no! I paid a lot for the necklace. I need to make a profit too!”
He yelps and reaches for the box, but I pull my hand with the box back.
“How much? I can either return your money or I can take it and you
get nothing.”
“This is theft! I’m calling the cops!” He yells and reaches for his
Ping knew exactly what to do. He grabs the man’s phone and smashes
it to the ground before finding a receipt with Cass’s name on the back
counter and hands it to me.
“What the hell are you guys doing!” The man shouts in a panic but is
The bastard gave Cass only 30k for the necklace. I take out my wallet
and throw money on the counter.
“30k for the necklace and an extra five for your phone. Call the cops if
you want.” I also toss my business card on the counter. The man picks it up
and reads it before his eyes widen.
“Thank you for your service, sir.” He bows and starts picking up the
Grabbing the necklace, I leave the filthy shop. Now it’s time to find
out what my little Cass has been up to.

I carefully watch Cass from a distance, ignoring my own work again.

Cass goes about his daily tasks as usual and like nothing is out of the
ordinary. I don’t get my answer to why he needs the money and just as I’m
about to give up, I see Cass pulling a dejected looking Austin into one of
the sitting rooms. It peaks my interest, and I listen in on them intently.
“Austin, Phi has something for you.” Cass shells out a folded-up paper
that looks like it’s been crumbled up and hands it to Austin.
Austin stares at him suspiciously before taking the paper and opening
it. Instantly, his face lights up and he smiles widely.
“Phi!... does this mean...”
“Yes. You can go on the trip. I signed the slip and will have Khun Ping
drop off the money tomorrow.” Cass informs Austin.
“Oh, Phi thank you so much! You’re the best!” Austin jumps into his
brother’s arm. “I’m so sorry for being mean to you yesterday.”
I watch as Cass hugs him back, hiding a sad smile. When Austin
moves out of his arms, he puts on a happy grin.
“It’s okay, you deserve it.” Cass pats his head.
“But where did you get the money?” Austin asks.
“Don’t worry about it. Phi had some money saved up. I was saving it
for emergencies, but I can just save more later,” Cass replies.
Lies. All lies. I don’t know what I missed while I was gone but it seems
Austin is going somewhere, and Cass pawned their mother’s necklace so he
can pay for the expense.
“I’m sorry Phi. If we really don’t have the money, I cannot go,” Austin
“It’s okay. Go and have fun with your friends.”
“Thank you so much.” The brothers embrace once more.
I leave the brothers and tell Nom to find out what happened. He
returns to me shortly with the information I already guessed. Austin has an
expensive class trip to Phuket coming up and Seoul had joined the
orchestra. To be able to fund both, he pawned the necklace.
Why didn’t he just come to me? I laugh at my own thoughts. Like I
would have helped him. Seeing him suffer is what I want. Then why'd you
buy the necklace back?
Fuck my thoughts. I don’t care about him, yet guilt gnaws at me.

In the morning, I’m on my way to a meeting when I hear shouting

between two people and one of them is Cass. I follow the voices to the
workers’ kitchen and see Cass and Katie there with Cindy standing in
between them.
“I know you took the money! Give it back!” Cass cries desperately
with tears in his eyes.
“How can you accuse me of stealing! You have no proof!” Katie
shouts back at him.
“I saw you leaving my room this morning!”
The tears drop from his lids and instantly, rage boils within me. A
protective force I didn’t know I still possess for Cass emerges to the
surface. No one is allowed to make him cry. Only me.

- 11 -

I can’t believe this is happening to me. In the morning, I caught Katie
leaving my room and when she saw me, she played it off as she was looking
for me to help her with a task. At the time, I didn’t suspect anything of it
and helped her gladly, but when I went to go grab the money to give to Ping
to drop it off at the school, it was gone. Who could have taken it if not her.
I don’t want to blindly accuse her as she says since I have no evidence,
but when I asked her nicely about it, she got really defensive. Only a guilty
person would get so defensive. I just know it in my gut, Katie took my
money. And I need it back. I already told Austin he can go on his trip. If I
go back on my words, Austin will be so hurt and broken.
“It’s important to me, please give it back.” I cry desperately, not able
to hold my tears.
“What the hell is going on here!” Rome shouts, gaining all our
I turn to look at Rome, staring at us with cold eyes. Even though his
gaze is cold, I want nothing more than to run into his arms and ask him for
help like in the past. He would always help me, make things right when
they were wrong. But now, he probably won’t even lift a finger. I wipe the
tears from my eyes and lower my head.
“Khun Noo! Cass is accusing me of stealing his money from his room,
but I never did. This morning, I only went into his room to look for him and
ask for his help.” Katie starts explaining.
“Lift up your head, Cass.” Rome calls out to me. Slowly I do as he say,
my eyes landing on him. “What money is she talking about?”
“I had money for Austin’s school trip, and it’s gone.” The words leave
my shaky lips.
“And you think Katie took it?” I nod my head.
“I didn’t Khun Noo! I worked here for a year now and never stole from
anyone, why would I start now?” Katie cries with crocodile tears filling her
“Do you have proof?” Rome ignores her and asks me.
I slowly shake my head. In this world, without evidence, I know it will
be a losing battle.
“Then there’s nothing that can be done.”
“Unless you have proof Cass, there’s nothing I can do.” Rome
announces, making his final verdict.
I can’t help the tears that continue to fall as I shift my head back down
to stare at my feet. This is all so unfair. I lost 30,000 baht. What will I tell
“Thank you, Khun Noo.” Katie says, sounding much happier.
I hear the shuffling of feet and then I’m alone or so I thought. A warm
hand grabs onto my shoulder and gives me a tiny squeeze.
“Cass, don’t cry.” Cindy pleads, trying to console me. “I’ll help you
find it.”
“Where’s the last place you put it? Let’s go look again.” She asks, but I
know it’s hopeless. The money is gone. I cry harder and Cindy pulls me in
for a hug.
“I’m sorry, Cass. I don’t have much money, but I can lend you half the
amount. We can ask someone else to borrow the other half. Or I can ask my
aunt to borrow her money?” Cindy pats me on the back as she speaks.
I shake my head. I can’t possibly take money from her when she
herself doesn’t have much. And besides her, this whole household probably
hates me so no one will lend me the money. Cindy continues to stay with
me until my eyes dry.
Afterwards, I sullenly return to work with my emotions in shambles. I
keep making mistakes and don’t work efficiently like I’m used to. The only
thing I can think about is how to break the news to Austin? I have nothing
left to pawn and no money in my account. He will probably hate me so
much and be so hurt by it all. It will be a while before he talks to me again.
Should I just swallow my pride and go ask, beg Rome for the money?
Will he even give it to me when he hates me so much? I guess I’m about to
find out. I’m all out of options.
I wait patiently for Rome to return home. Nom told me he left for an
important meeting and doesn’t know exactly when Rome will return. I just
hope he comes back before Austin gets home. Otherwise, I’ll have to break
the news to him first.
Soon enough, Rome returns, and I find him in his office. I knock on
his door before timidly entering and closing the door behind me. Rome
looks up at me from his desk. I walk up to him nervously, picking at my
fingers, not able to make eye contact with him.
“What is it?” Rome asks, when I fail to speak. “If you have nothing to
say, leave, I’m busy.”
“Can you lend me 30,000? No just twenty.” I ask, still not looking at
“Is that how you ask someone for money?”
I finally find the courage to look at him. “Please lend me 20,000 baht. I
promise to pay you back. Or just take it out of my paycheck. I really need
the money.”
“No.” Rome outright refuses, killing any hope I have.
“Please, Rome. I’m desperate. Austin would be so sad if…”
“That doesn’t concern me. Leave.”
“I’ll do whatever you want, just please lend me the money.” I beg one
last time.
“Whatever I want?” Rome drops the pen in his hand and leans back in
his chair. I nod my head once at him. “Come here.”
I slowly tread over, rounding the desk and stop right in front of him.
“Strip.” He repeats himself.
“Rome…” My hands begin to tremble at my side, refusing to move to
do his bidding.
“See, you can’t even begin to do what I want Cass, without your body
shaking in fear. So don’t talk about doing whatever I want.” Rome turns his
attention back to his work.
“Will you give me the money if I strip?” I breathe. Rome looks back
up at me, his expression blank and eyes cold.
My shaking hands move to the buttons on my shirt. One by one, I undo
the buttons and one by one, teardrops fall down my face.
“Stop.” Rome’s voice vibrates through the room. I don’t listen and
continue to undo another button.
“I said stop it!” Rome jumps up from his seat and grabs my hand just
as a tear falls off my chin, landing on his hand. He stares as the teardrop
disappears through the cracks of his fingers and his jaws tighten.
“Button up your shirt and get out.” Rome releases me, giving me his
I walk out of Rome’s office with all hope lost. I’m so sorry Austin. So,
so sorry.

I wait nervously in the foyer for Austin and Seoul to return from
school. I decided to break the news to him right away rather than give him
false hope and hurt him later. Somehow, I will make it up to him in the
A car pulls up and Austin and Seoul hop out of the car, running inside.
Austin has a bright smile on his face and I’m about to tear it apart. My heart
pains at the thought.
Right when Austin sees me, he runs to me and throw his little arms
around me.
“Phi! I love you! Thank you so much!” He yells, elated.
“Austin…” My heart begins to race, fearing I’ll break the little boy’s
heart. “Austin… listen to me. About the trip– ”
“My teacher said she received the money! So, thank you so much!”
Austin sings.
“What?” What’s going on here?
“I’m so excited! I cannot wait. I’m going to pack everything…” Austin
continues rambling, but his words fall on deaf ears. His trip is paid for?
How? By whom?
I turn my head up and Rome is standing there on the second floor by
the railing, looking down at us. We make eye contact for a brief moment
before Rome turns around and walks away. The corners of my lips lift, and I
hug Austin tighter.

As soon as I leave the worker’s kitchen, I go to my office. I was so
damn close. So close to losing it. So close to grabbing Cass and holding
him protectively. So close to slapping those fake crocodile tears from that
maid. Cass doesn’t lie and when he does, I’m aware of his tells. I call the
maid, Katie, to my office. She enters shortly after closing the door behind
“Khun Noo, you called for me?” She smiles up at me but her smile
wavers when she sees the look on my face. I make sure to show her my
displeasure. To look menacing and threatening. I want her to tremble in fear
and cry a fucking river like Cass did.
“Give me the money,” I demand through my teeth.
“What...” She looks at me surprised and slowly swallows the lump in
her throat. The bitch is guilty.
“I don’t have the money… I thought we already decided that I’m
innocent?” She stammers.
“We, never decided that you’re innocent. I just decided that Cass
doesn’t have evidence.” I give her a hard stare and repeat myself, sterner
this time. “Give me the fucking money.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Khun Noo. I swear I don’t
have it. I’m being framed,” Katie denies.
“Fine, we’ll search through all your belongings. And when I find it, I’ll
let the cops deal with it.”
“You can’t do that!” Her voice squeals in panic and fear engulfs her
“Yes, I can. And I will. You have nothing to hide, right? You’re
innocent after all.” I give her a crooked smile.
Katie gnaws at her lips, pondering what to do. If she doesn’t give the
money up, she will be caught regardless after a thorough search and the
consequences will be graver.
“I guess we’ll be going through your things. Nom!” I yell loudly for
“I have it. I took it.” Katie bows her head, finally admitting to it. “I’m
sorry, I just wanted to tease him. I didn’t mean to steal.”
I scoff at her poor attempts to save herself. “Why’d you take it?”
“I don’t like him. He’s the son of bad people.” She says with a look of
disgust on her face.
“I want that money on my desk, and you gone from my property by the
time I return home from my meeting. Otherwise, Nom will be tossing all
your shit on the street and the cops will be dealing with you. Now get the
fuck out of my face before I decide to throw your ass out myself.” I all but
growl at her.
“You like him, don’t you? You pretend to hate him, but you like him. I
saw you carry him into the house the other night. I know he slept in your
room.” Katie says, dropping all pretense.
So, there’s the real reason. She’s jealous of Cass. I had an inkling that
Katie liked me but ignored it since she never acted upon her desires. But
with Cass here, she decided to do something stupid.
I push myself off the desk and step towards her. I cup her cheek with
my hand before grabbing her chin in my grip.
“Whether I hate him or like him, that isn’t your concern. You’re ugly
and I’ll never like you. Now return the 30k and get the fuck out of my
house!” I shove her away. Katie quickly darts from my office, looking
angry and finally with real tears in her eyes.
Not giving her another thought, I grab my phone and call Ping to
prepare the car. My meeting has been delayed long enough.
After my meeting, I instruct Ping to stop at the kids' school. I go in and
pay for Austin’s trip in full before returning home.
Not a minute after entering my office, Cass knocks on the door. I pick
up the envelope with his money left on my desk and stuff it in the drawer as
he enters. Quickly, I pick up my pen and pretend like I’m doing something.
Cass looks nervous but nonetheless, asks for money. Immediately I
turn him down. Even though I already paid for Austin’s trip and have his
money, I didn’t let him know. I still hate him after all. I only helped him out
because I don’t want anyone else to touch him. He’s mine alone to hurt and
torture as I see fit.
I begin to tease him a little but when he starts to cry, unbuttoning his
shirt, my heart oddly pained. His damn tears are getting so annoying, and
he’s been crying so much, his eyes are red. By the minute, I’m starting to
feel guiltier and guiltier with how I’m treating him, even though I don’t
want to feel this way. Needing to get away from him, I kick him out of my
office. Any longer with Cass and I’m afraid I won’t be able to control my
need to console him.
I hide in my office and work until it’s time for the kids to come home.
Making my way to the staircase, I see Cass waiting down below in the
foyer, pacing back and forth nervously.
Finally, the kids return with Austin jumping into Cass’s arms and
expressing his thanks. My lips twitch on its own accord, bewitched by their
little display of happiness. Before I know it, Cass looks up and catches me
staring at them. Immediately, I turn around and leave, pretending like I’m
none the wiser.
After dinner, I return to my office to make a phone call to a client that
I’m working with to acquire new developing land in the South. Right when
the conversation is over, a soft knock sounds from the other side of the
door. I know who it is before even seeing the person. Only he knocks so
softly. Cass enters through the door, freshly showered with his hair still semi
wet, and he no longer dressed in his uniform but a blue t-shirt and black
He timidly walks over to me like he always does, stopping before my
desk. He stares at me with his soft brown eyes, giving me a tiny smile.
“Thank you so much Rome.” He bows his head. “Really, thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. I didn’t do it for you. I did it for Austin. I told you
from the beginning, they will be treated as guests here. It’s only right that I
help pay for his trip.” I reply with my poor excuse.
“Regardless of your reason, thank you.” Cass lifts his head. “I promise
to pay you back.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I open the drawer and take out his envelope.
“Here, take this.”
Cass’s eyes expand as he looks at the envelope. His small smile
returns. “You got it back…”
“No, I found it laying around on the ground,” I lie. “Take it, it’s yours.
You were crying so much about it.”
He shakes his head. “You keep it since you already paid for the trip.”
I tsk. “And to think I worked so hard just to get it back, but the owner
doesn’t want it. Guess I’ll just toss it.”
“No!” Cass reaches a hand towards me.
“I don’t want this money Cass, if you don’t take it back, the dumpster
“But how am I supposed to pay you back?”
“I told you not to worry about it."
“Nothing comes free Rome. Especially from you.” Cass voices and
bites down on his lip.
“True… I’ll let you know when I want something.” I stare at his lips a
minute too long, and he notices.
Clearing my throat, I look away and nudge the envelope in my hand
towards him again. Why can’t he just take the damn money and leave while
I’m being nice.
Cass contemplates for a bit like he’s having a very complicated
internal battle with himself. Finally, he walks around the desk and grabs the
envelope from my hand.
“That wasn’t so hard now.” Leaning back into my chair, I look up at
Cass standing before me.
His lips thin out, showing off his dimples.
“Cass…” I’m ready to tell him to leave my office before I lose control
of my urges that desperately wants him, but he moves before I can get
another word out.
Cass brings a hand to my face and covers my eyes, blinding me. His
callus hand is warm against my skin, yet still felt soft to the touch. All my
other senses heighten with my loss of sight. I feel his warm breath on my
skin and smell his scent of fresh soap. Then, I feel him. His soft lips press
gently against mine as his hand continues to blind me. He allows his lips to
linger on mine for just a moment longer before he pulls away. With his hand
still covering my eyes, I hear him sigh softly.
“Thank you for today,” Cass whispers.
He finally pulls back and the sound of him running out of the room
follows. Only when he is gone do I open my eyes, realizing that I’m
gripping the arm rests and I need air. For that moment, I forget how to

- 12 -

What the hell was I thinking? Why did I do that? I wanted to thank
him for helping me out. He wouldn’t take the money so my only thought
was to give him the only other thing I knew he would want from me. I
kissed him. The thing is, I wanted to kiss him too.
My heart is still beating erratically, and my cheeks warm every time I
think about it. It was such a simple kiss, yet to me, it’s the most intimate we
shared. I exhale a heavy breath like I’ve been doing since that moment,
trying to control my beating heart.
All morning, I avoid Rome until he leaves for work, since I’m not
ready to face reality. I wonder what he thinks of me now.
With my thoughts already in shambles, Cindy informs me that Katie
no longer works here, and that Rome had fired her yesterday. That only
confirms that she really stole my money and Rome got it back for me. But
why? Why would he do all this? He claims it wasn’t for me but… I quickly
shake the thought away.
It's Friday today and the weekend is upon us. The workers in this
house have alternate weekends on and off. This is my first weekend off and
I admit to being a little excited. I’ve never had a weekend off before. I can
finally spend time with Austin and Seoul. But what can we actually do?
The weather forecast for the weekend includes rain so hanging out
outside isn’t really an option, and I don’t have money to take them out.
Well, technically, I have the 30,000 but for some reason, I still feel it
belongs to Rome even if he doesn’t want it. Maybe I can gift him something
small with it later. Knowing him though, he won’t accept anything from me.
I wait in the foyer for Austin and Seoul to get home from school. The
rain is heavily pouring, and I can’t help but worry a little. I shouldn’t be
since they have their own ride to and from school, but Seoul doesn’t like
thunderstorms. Anything dark and loud scares her.
When the car pulls up, I feel relief as they both hop out. Seoul sees me
waiting and smiles, calming me.
“Phi, it’s the weekend now! No more homework!” She shouts happily.
“That’s great to hear Seoul.” I bring her in for a hug.
“But this weather sucks!” She complains.
“I don’t know. I like it.” Austin says, coming up behind her. They
cannot be more opposite.
The kids quickly disperse to their rooms, changing out of their
uniforms before Austin settles for a book in the library, while Seoul
practices with her new violin rental beside him. I leave them alone to finish
my shift today.

For the rest of the day, rain continues to pour and as dinner rolls by,
Rome still isn’t home. I find myself thinking about him more than I like to.
As the night approaches, I retire to my room and prepare for bed. Soon,
there’s a knock at my door, and it’s Cindy here to inform me that Rome has
return and he has guests so one of us have to serve them.
“I can do it, Cass. You can rest now,” Cindy volunteers. She’s still a
little worried about me after the money incident, but I feel bad. Cindy is
scheduled to work the weekend shift and if she works tonight too, it will be
too much. Although I’m not ready to face Rome, I can’t let her work back-
to-back. I know how tiring that can be.
“I can do it, Cindy. You still have a shift tomorrow. I’m off so I can
work late.” I smile at her, already grabbing my uniform.
“Oh, you don’t need to wear uniform afterhours. And thank you so
much Cass. I owe you one.”
Cindy leaves for bed after telling me to grab a specific bottle of wine
from the wine cellar. Putting my uniform away, I go retrieve the wine and
then I go in search of Rome and his guests.
I find Rome and two other men with their backs to me in the game
room. Rome leans over a pool table with a cue stick, focusing on the game.
I watch as he smoothly but powerfully hits the cue ball into one of the other
balls, making it into the corner pocket perfectly. He stands up and smirks at
his guests before his eyes land on me. His gaze immediately falls on my lips
and his smile disappears. I unconsciously lick my dry lips before catching
I nervously raise the bottle so he can see it. It feels like I’m intruding
on their private time. Rome nudges his chin towards a table that already has
alcohol set out.
“Who are you nudging at?” One of the men asks as I make my way
over to the table. His voice sounds calm and cool.
“Nong Cass? It’s you, right?” I set the bottle down and look in the
direction of the familiar voice I haven’t heard in over five years, my eyes
widen, and a smile spreads across my face. “It is you!”
“Phi!” I can’t help the excitement in my voice. “Phi Tye!”
Tye, an old friend of Rome and I, well more of Rome’s friend and my
Phi, comes running over to me. He throws his arms over me, shrieking
“Nong Cass! What are you doing here! Oh my gosh!” Tye engulfs me
in a bear hug, shaking me back in forth. I hold him back with just as much
“Let me look at you! You are all grown up! Rawr, so cute and
handsome!” Tye teases me, walking a full circle around me.
“Rome! Why didn’t you tell me Cass is here!” Tye turns to shout at
“When did you get back, Phi?” I ask Tye.
“Just a few days ago! Then I came and found this bastard. I didn’t
expect to see you too.” Tye hugs me again.
Tye and Rome are good friends and often got into trouble together and
sometimes, I was with them. About six years ago, he left to study abroad,
and I haven’t seen him since. He was always so nice and sweet to me, just
like a real brother. It’s nice seeing him again.
“Get away from him, Tye.” Rome says with a rough voice.
My gaze shifts to Rome who doesn’t seem too excited about our
“What are you doing here Cass?” Tye asks, ignoring Rome. Suddenly,
I remember Tye had left before the incident. He doesn’t know about what
happened. If he did, he wouldn’t be this friendly with me.
“Um… I…”
“He works here.” Rome finishes for me.
“What? Why?” Tye looks at us like we just committed a ridiculous
“Long story, I’ll tell you later. Are you going to come here so I can
continue kicking your ass or are you scare?” Rome changes the subject
which I’m a little thankful for.
“Please! Tye is afraid of no one!” Tye scoffs. He grabs my wrist and
drags me over to the group.
“Let me kick his ass first, then we can play catch up,” Tye grins.
“Uh, I should go.”
“Nonsense. I haven’t seen you both in so long. Let’s party!” He claps
his hands and pushes me down to sit on the couch next to the other man I
don’t know. I bump into his arms and excuse myself.
“Hurry up Rome, or are you scare now?” Tye shouts. Rome keeps his
steely eyes on me for a little longer before finally returning to the game. I
exhale a breath not believing that this is actually happening. Tye is here and
Rome didn’t tell me to leave.
“Hey.” The man next to me say, grabbing my attention.
I turn to look at him and smile shyly. He is damn handsome. His voice
is smooth and his skin, flawless. He wears hazel contact lenses, intensifying
his gaze and his hair falls to his shoulders.
“Hi.” I breathe out and he chuckles. “Oh… uh sorry for hitting into
“That’s okay, we can blame Tye for that. What’s your name? Cass?”
“I’m Kale, it’s nice to meet you Cass.”
Kale smiles at me with a million-dollar smile that can make anyone
swoon. I can feel the blush forming on my face and automatically, I nibble
on my bottom lips, feeling shy. Suddenly, the sound of a ball hits the floor,
breaking my gaze from Kale.
“Ha, you lost! You lost!” Tye shouts loudly but Rome pays him no
Instead, Rome stares at me with a look I’m not too familiar with on
him. His eyes look craze, almost possessive-like. His grip tightens around
the cue stick like he can snap it in two any moment now. My heart starts
racing as he moves toward me.

Stop, Rome. Stop.
But I can’t. I ignore the damn voice in my head and stalk over to Cass
who’s blushing at fucking Kale. He sees me coming and immediately jumps
up from the couch.
“I think I’ll leave now!” He announces loudly, stopping me in my
“What! No! You just got here!” Tye whines, walking up next to me. He
hooks his arm around my neck and pulls me toward him. “We have to party
all night! Rome you owe me a shot for losing. Cass you’re old enough to
drink now, right? Yeah, you are. Come on, let’s all take one!”
Cass chuckles nervously before looking at me and then quickly
shifting his gaze away. Tye drags me over to Cass and hooks his other arm
around him, then drags us both to the table full of liquor.
“C'mon Kale. Stop being a wuss!” Tye shouts and Kale joins us.
Tye and I have been friends for almost as long as Cass and I were. The
idiot is fucking wild and crazy but somehow, we’re friends. Kale, I met him
in college the year after that horrid incident. He’s more like me, quiet and
observing. He’s also the biggest playboy, possessing a voice of an angel that
makes both male and female fall to his feet. But I’ll be damn if I let any of
these fuckers get close to Cass. Not that Cass and Tye aren’t already close,
but still, times have changed. Cass, he’s grown up now and fucking
beautiful at that too.
Tye pours everyone a shot and serves us each a cup. When he reaches
Cass, Cass hesitates, looking at me.
“Here Cass. Take it!” Tye nudges the glass forward.
“I’ve never drank before,” Cass admits. That doesn’t surprise me. He
does nothing but work and take care of his siblings. He probably never went
out a day in his life.
“Oh, a virgin. This shall be fun.” Tye squeals excitedly.
He hands Cass the glass again and Cass looks at me as if asking for
permission. I remain silent, so Cass takes the glass from him. Even if I say
no, Tye will have his way. He always has his way.
We clink our glasses together before downing the drink. I watch Cass’s
face twist in disgust before he starts coughing.
Tye laughs loudly and smacks Cass’s back. “Good job! Another one!”
Tye continues pouring drinks, talking about his time abroad, and
reminiscing about the past. Cass makes small talk with Tye while avoiding
the topic of why he’s here. He also politely answers questions Kale asks. I
don’t miss the way Kale is staring at Cass either. He’s interested and I don’t
like that one bit. As time passes, Kale and Cass only seem to become closer
and Cass more intoxicated.
“Rome, let’s go smoke.” Tye says, dragging me away.
We exit out to the covered veranda shielding us from the rain. I light a
cigarette, taking the first drag. Tye stares at me through the corners of his
“What? Aren’t you going to smoke?”
“I don’t smoke.”
“I thought so. Just say what you want to say.” I knew he dragged me
out here for a different reason. Tye isn’t a smoker, never was.
“How’s things? And I’m sorry about Paris. I wasn’t able to come until
now.” Tye says apologetically.
I sigh deeply. “It sucks. Everything is fucked up.”
“What happened? You never told me the full story.”
I give Tye the short version of everything, from what happened to
Paris, to what Cass’s family did, and to how Cass ended up here. I leave out
the extra details of intimate moments. He doesn’t need to know that.
“Wow. All that happened while I was gone?”
I nod. “Unfortunately.”
“So, to simply put it, you want revenge, but you want to fuck him at
the same time?”
My jaws tighten and my eyes narrow. He crosses his arms with a
smirk, knowing all too well even if I don’t tell him. Tye may look like an
idiot, but he’s smart.
“You’re a dumbass, you know that? It’s not his fault,” Tye says.
“You’re not me, you don’t know how I feel.” I flick the cigarette butt
away and watch as the amber dies in the rain.
“You’re right. I don’t. I won’t and probably can’t stop you from this
craziness. But a word of advice. Be careful, that heart is already so fragile
and there’s a thin line between love and hate. That heart might just start
beating for a different reason.”
“I know what Cass feels in his heart,” I say.
“I was talking about your heart, Rome.” Tye smile before walking
away. That bastard.
We make our way back inside, changing the subject. As I enter the
game room and see what’s in front of me, my fists clenches.
Cass’s face is flushed while his canine sinks into his lips again. Kale
has a hand on Cass’s shoulder and the other on his face, while sporting his
ridiculous playboy smile. Cass shyly smiles back with his hazy eyes.
“Cass!” I shout his name. I stalk towards him and pull him up from
Kale’s grasp.
“Rome…” Cass looks at me like he just got out of a trance. Kale looks
at us shocked but keeps quiet. I grab Cass’s wrist and start for the door.
“Rome! Where are y’all going?” Tye shouts from behind.
“Go home!” I yell back not caring about anything else but getting Cass
out of here.
I pull Cass out of the game room into the dark hallway and round the
corner. As soon as we are out if sight, I push him against the wall and cage
him within my arms.
Cass looks at me with a frightened face and shrinks back against the
wall as I stare daggers into him. I’m piss but even more so, I feel irritatingly
possessive. He fucking blushed at another man, he nibbled on his lips in
front of Kale, twice! And he even allowed Kale to touch him. He’s never
done that before in front of someone else other than me and that makes me
livid. This sudden spark of a feeling I refuse to admit grips at my core.
Just last night, he daringly kissed me so softly, making my mind go
insane with thoughts of him all night and day. I couldn’t focus on a damn
thing except for the lingering feel of his warm touch blinding me and his
sweet lips kissing me. Even now, I can still feel his soft lips on me. And
today, he fucking goes shy because of another man? Fuck me if I’m going
to let that happen.
Lighting flashes through the windows behind us, perfectly lighting up
Cass’s face for a few seconds before we are engulfed in darkness again. Our
heavy breathing and the sound of splattering rain echoes through the quiet
“Rome.” Cass calls out above a whisper when I don’t move but only
continue to stare at him. He starts to slide down the wall slowly trying to
dunk under my arms, but my hands follow his movement, not letting him go
Cass straightens back up with a huff. “What do you want?”
He sighs again and turns his face away, sinking his teeth into his
bottom lips. I hook my hand under his chin and turn him to face me.
“That look, don’t give it to anyone else ever again.”
“What look?” Cass scrunches his brows in confusion, his eyes hazy
from the alcohol and his cheeks pink. But his lips, they’re so damn red.
I slowly lean towards his lips wanting to taste them.
“Rome, what are you doing?” Cass’s hands find my chest and he
slightly push me back.
“Reminding you of who you like.” I say in a low voice. I grab both of
his wrists and pin them against the wall. Then I press my lips to his.
Cass’s body freezes against mine and for a second, I think he will push
me away. Instead, his eyes close, and he starts to move his lips. I almost
want to sigh as I close my own eyes and press on his lips harder. They’re so
damn soft, warm and addicting. I need more.
I stick out my tongue, teasing his lips to open up for me. Cass releases
out a soft whimper, opening his mouth and letting me in. Even with the
alcohol, he tastes of sweet whiskey.
He slowly laps at my tongue, tasting me just as I’m doing him, his
movements more confident this time. Maybe it’s from experience or the
alcohol, maybe both. But whatever he’s doing to my tongue, I’m loving
every bit of it.
I slide Cass’s hands above his head and pin them both under one of
mine. With my other, I wrap it around his back, pulling his body closer to
mine. My hand glides up his back slowly, seductively, tracing over every
curve of his body. He arches forward into me and shivers in my arms,
driving me mad.
I move my hand to his face, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. I start
kissing him rougher, more possessively. I suck his tongue into my mouth
greedily caressing it. Cass lets out a small moan and I smile satisfied,
finally pulling back. He stares at me, his eyes hazy but full of lust. His lips
deliciously bruised. He breathes heavily, his chest heaving with his arms
still pinned above him. He looks so fucking sexy. I want him.
“Be careful… I was talking about your heart, Rome.”
Tye’s annoying voice whispers in the back of my mind.
I take another look at Cass who still stares at me with needy eyes. Fuck
what Tye said. I will cross that mountain if it ever comes to. I grab Cass’s
hand and lead him to my bedroom.

- 13 -

Cass follows me obediently into my room. I shut the door and lock it
after us, then I lead him over to the bed. With a light push, he falls onto the
bed with his arms spread out at his sides.
The room is darker than usual with the storm raging outside. I quickly
turn on the lamp on the nightstand, setting it at its lowest so only a hue casts
over the room but enough to not miss a single moment to the darkness.
The dim light dances across Cass’s body making him glow like an
angel, a naughty angel. His hooded eyes cry out to me, and his plump red
lips sit slightly apart, enticing me. A bulge had formed under his black
shorts. His smooth ivory legs beg to be marked by my lips. He wants it just
as bad as I do.
I climb on top of Cass, spreading his legs apart for me. In one slow
motion, I grind my own hard cock against his, making sure he could feel all
of me just as I feel him. I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation as a breathy
moan escapes my lips. Cass also sighs, his own eyes closing. I lean down
and place a kiss on his lips.
“Cass look at me.” I pull back just enough so he can see me clearly. He
slowly opens his eyes, fixing his gaze on mine.
“How drunk are you?” I ask. Cass tilts his head but doesn’t say
“I’m going to fuck you Cass. Tell me no now if you don’t want this.”
Please don’t say no.
Drunk or not, I don’t think I’ll be able to control my urges anymore. I
want him so badly.
Cass grabs my face, lifting himself up and tries to kiss me but I hold
back. He falls back onto the bed and stares at me with those lusty brown
eyes of his.
“Tell me. Tell me you want this too,” I repeat. It’s getting harder and
harder to control myself with each passing moment.
“Do it Rome. I want it,” Cass breathes.
As soon as the words left his lips, my lips crash down on his. Cass
moans into my mouth as his hands wrap around my back, bringing us closer
together. He kisses me back with as much fervent, opening his mouth wider,
allowing me to thrust my tongue down his throat. He hums softly, sending a
nice vibration against my tongue.
Cass’s body arches off the bed, and I place my hand behind his small
back carrying him up to a sitting position. I release my hand from his body
only long enough to rip my shirt off with the buttons flying everywhere,
while my lips still attack his. I toss the shirt aside and move onto his shirt.
Not wanting to break the kiss, I grab the top hem of his blue t-shirt and rip
it right down to the bottom. Cass gasps at my action but I capture his lips
refusing to let go.
I slide his torn shirt over his shoulders, loving the feel of his skin on
my fingertips. Finally, I can feel his naked skin against mine. I move Cass
back down on the bed and loom over him, kissing him, touching him,
letting my fingers explore his smooth soft body.
I break the kiss but only to appreciate the rest of his body. I slowly kiss
his neck, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses all the way down to his chest.
My lips stop moving when his scar catches my attention. He had
gotten the scar after falling down a set of stairs, breaking his arm in the
process. I remember how scared I was for him when my parents and I
rushed to the hospital just so I could get to him. He had another scar not too
far away down on his waist. Cass had always been so clumsy as a child,
always getting hurt. I worried so much for him back then.
Cass’s hand slips over his chest, covering the scar. I look up to see his
eyes staring at me.
“Don’t look at it, it’s ugly.” Cass says, embarrassed by his flaws.
I take his hand and move it out of the way before placing a kiss on his
scar. It’s not ugly, it’s a symbol of his strength and will. He survived a nasty
fall and had the trophies engraved on his body.
Cass closes his eyes as I once more continue to treasure his body.
When I get to his waist. I hook his shorts and boxer under my finger, slowly
removing them down his milky legs.
I stand back appreciating the naked creature before me. Cass in all his
glory is finally exposed to my eyes. He is everything I expected and more.
His body is small but curvy. His dick, perfection. My own dick jerks in my
pants at the sight of him spread across my bed.
I unbutton my pants, letting it fall to the ground, follow by my briefs.
Cass looks at me through his hazy eyes, his gaze landing on my hard dick.
He bites at his bottom lip, turning his head away with his cheek tinting.
He’s shy and I find that cute.
“Cass, look at me,” I say. He turns his head back to me with his face
I grab a condom from inside the nightstand drawer. Ripping the little
package, I glide the rubber over my dick as Cass watch me with my eyes
never leaving his. I then pour a generous amount of lube on it, spreading the
wet gel with my hand.
I get on top of Cass and start kissing him again, taking his tongue into
my mouth. I can tell Cass is nervous since he has never done this before. I
try alleviating those nerves by distracting him with my tongue. As I kiss
him, my hand finds his dick. I start to run my hand up and down his length,
making him moan in my mouth. Cass’s hands twirl in hair, gripping tightly
as he kisses me harder, more desperate with each tug. It doesn’t take long
for Cass to cry out in pleasure as his cum spews in my hand. He breathes
heavily and his body shakes deliciously beneath me.
It's time. I waited for this moment for so long, I can’t wait anymore. I
spread Cass’s legs wider and position my dick at his hole. His body stiffens
and he looks at me with a worrying gaze.
“Relax Cass.” I say, rubbing the lube over his hole along with his own
His hands grasp my arms as I stare down at him. “Ready?”
He nods his head once and in one smooth motion, I push into him,
breaking his barrier, until I’m completely buried inside his warm walls. Our
bodies collide, merging into one.
A loud moan escapes both of our lips at the same time. Cass’s hands
tighten around my arms. His eyes widen in shock from the pain before he
closes them tightly, biting down on his lips. He’s gorgeous, hot, and tight as
fuck. His hole, sucking me in.
The pleasure of being inside Cass is beyond anything I can ever
imagine. He feels so good, so damn right. Like my dick belongs here and
nowhere else.
“Rome, it hurts…” Cass cries out softly. He looks so seductive yet
“I promise it will get better.” I place a kiss on his forehead. So fucking
Slowly, I slide out of his body almost completely before thrusting back
inside of him. Cass moans again, making me go crazy. Why is his voice the
sweetest melody?
“Open your eyes Cass, look at me as I fuck you.” I want to see his
eyes. All those emotions burning in them as I thrust so deeply into him, I
want to see it all.
Cass opens his eyes just as I drive into him again. His lips part as his
moan escapes, his eyes squints but doesn’t close. A streak of tears runs
down the side of his face. By God is he beautiful. I continue to thrust into
him repeatedly, our eyes never leaving each other’s. With each thrust, his
grip on my arms tightens, his moans become louder, and I become needier.
“Cass…” His name automatically rolls off my tongue. “Cass.”
“Rome…” Cass moans out, driving me even more insane.
I can’t control this slow rhythm anymore and can tell Cass wants more
as his body arches off the bed and his once spread legs now wraps around
my back tightly.
“Rome… it feels good.” He whimpers through his red lips. “More…”
I capture his lips with mine and speed up my tempo, stealing his every
breath and sound. I grunt desperately into his mouth as my orgasm near. I
want to cum so badly, it hurts. Cass’s hand found my back and his nails dig
into it as he shouts loudly into my mouth and his body trembles under me
with his hot cum coating our stomach. I growl in pain and pleasure with my
own orgasm ripping through me as I bury my dick deep within Cass one last
time. My lips clasp onto Cass’s neck and I suck, hard. I can hear Cass
whimper but I’m too out of my mind to let go. I keep his skin between my
teeth until I come down from my high.
I finally look at Cass who is no longer awake. He looks exhausted, his
face still flushed but none the less, exquisite.
“Fuck.” I breath out, finally able to catch my breath. He’s perfect. Too
damn perfect. I lean down, kissing the corner of his eyes where his tears
had fallen.

As soon as I come to, I feel the pain of my aching body, my sore
muscles and my ass. My head also pounds relentlessly, reminding me of all
the alcohol I consumed last night. I groan out as I try to stretch my body.
Yes, that’s exactly what I did. I slept with Rome last night. I pray over
and over again for it to be a dream, but when I open my eyes, I’m indeed in
Rome’s room, on his bed.
What did I do?... How can I face him now? I clearly remember having
too much to drink but I can’t even blame it on the alcohol because
everything that happened is still so vivid in my mind. He clearly asked me
for permission more than once and instead of rejecting him, my drunken
mouth said yes.
I remember everything from the moment we kissed in the hallway to
the moment I let him take me to his room. I can still feel his touch all over
my body. The way his lips kissed my skin and the way my name rolled off
his tongue. I still feel him buried inside of me. The feeling of euphoria he
gifted me. The moment was almost perfect. If only he loves me…
A tear slides down the side of my face as reality hits me. I really had
sex with Rome. My first time and I willing gave it to the only man who is
out to destroy me, who hates me with a passion. And like a damn whore, I
enjoyed every second of it. He now owns both my body and my heart.
I look over to the other side of the bed and it’s empty. Rome had
already woken and left. I then turn to stare out the glass window. The sky is
gray and light rain fell down compared to last night’s storm, yet the day
seems drearier.
Another tear falls and I wipe it away. It was just sex Cass. It was
nothing. You wanted it. Asked for it. So, deal with it.
I roll out of bed, ignoring my aching muscle. I’m still completely
naked and for some reason, my face warms at the thought. Even though I’m
alone in Rome’s room, I feel exposed. He can very well walk in at any time,
and I want to be gone before that.
I look around the floor and bed for my clothes but it’s no were to be
found. Where the hell did it go? A flashback of Rome ripping my t-shirt
right off my body makes me blush again. That shirt was trash, Rome
probably tossed it.
I have no choice but to borrow Rome’s clothing if I don’t want to run
out of here naked. I enter his huge walk-in closet that is bigger than my
current bedroom and fully stocked, with everything looking so expensive. I
tsk. He has so much clothing, but he always wears the same boring outfits.
All around, the walls are lined with mirrors, reflecting my naked body.
I shiver seeing myself. I look a wreck. My hair is a mess, and my body
sports little love bites all over, the most prominent one is right where my
neck and shoulder connect. Where Rome bit me when he cum still buried
deep inside me. My dick involuntary twitches at the memory and I angrily
shake the thought away.
I quickly jog over to a rack of shirts and pick out a black t-shirt,
avoiding anything that looks elegant. I then found a pair of black
sweatpants in the drawers and throw them on. His clothes are a little big,
but it will have to do.
I slowly exit his room making sure no one is around. I don’t want to
get caught leaving his room especially at this time. I’m not aware of what
time it is, but if Rome is up and gone, it must be late.
I round the corner just about to take the stairs down back to my room
when I get caught.
“Phi, where are you going?” Seoul calls out from behind me. “We
were just about to come look for you.”
I slowly turn around with a cheesy grin on my face. “Phi was just
about to come find you too…”
My words trail off as I see Rome standing there with Austin and Seoul.
He stares at me, shifting his burning gaze from my head down to my toes.
Right away, I feel my cheeks warming as my heart starts to beat faster. He’s
only looking at me, yet my body feels like it’s on fire. I quickly turn my
face away because all I can see is not Rome, but his sensual face moaning
and calling out my name as he thrust into me. Damn it.
“Phi, what’s that on your neck?” Austin points out, staring at my neck.
My hand flies to my neck, covering the dark hickey. I should have
picked a different shirt.
“It’s… Phi fell,” I quickly lie.
“On your neck?” Seoul asks, squinting her eyes.
All of a sudden, Rome bursts out laughing, making me feel even more
embarrassed. But I have to admit, his laughter, that smile, I haven’t seen it
in so long. He looks just like my Phi back then. I bite the inside of my
cheek, hiding the little satisfaction I got from his laugh.
“Nong Cass sure is clumsy, isn’t he?” Rome chuckles.
“Mmm. He is,” Seoul agrees.
“We are going down for lunch. You don’t work today right, Phi? Will
you join us?” Austin asks.
“Of course he will.” Rome answers him before I can say anything.
He’s teasing me. He wants to see me squirm.
Austin and Seoul skips pass me going down the stairs. Rome follows
closely behind them but stops right in front of me. He looks me over one
more time, his eyes landing on the hickey on my neck.
“Must have been a hard fall. By the way, I like your outfit,” he says
above a whisper.
I swallow the lump in my throat before clearing it. “Thanks for letting
me sleep in your room. I was so drunk I don’t remember anything. Sorry if I
was trouble.”
Rome smirks at my obvious lie. “I bet your sore behind remembers.”
I inhale a gasp and bite down on my bottom lip, so I don’t accidentally
call him a word even the devil won’t dare use.
“Come along Nong Cass. You must be hungry after last night. I know I
am.” He brushes past me still smirking like the jerk that he is.
Did last night not affect him at all? Am I the only one feeling this way?
My heart is hammering, and butterflies swarm my stomach at the memories.
But of course, he wouldn’t feel anything. Sex is most likely common for
I wait until he walks pass me down the stairs before I exhale a breath.
“Cass wake up!” I angrily whisper to myself while clapping my hands
on my cheek. It was just sex.
I’m about to go to my room and change first but decide against it.
Austin and Seoul will just start questioning me again. Cindy sees me enter
the dining room and her eyes immediately land on the hickey on my neck.
She gasps silently before thinning her lips out and blinking a few times. She
scans my outfit and gives me an all too knowing look. I wish to crawl into a
corner and die from this embarrassment.
“Come sit next to me Phi.” Seoul pats the chair next to her.
I don’t want to. The spot next to her is exactly across from Rome. I
can’t bear to stare at him right now. Also, I’ve yet to eat with them since
I’ve been here. It just feels weird sitting and being served. I’m still a worker
and I’m not supposed to eat the owner’s food.
“Ah, how about I help Cindy serve the food,” I offer.
“But you’re off,” Austin says.
“I feel bad. If I eat with you then Cindy will have to eat alone later.” I
explain to Austin to which he contemplates my words carefully.
“Serve the food Cindy. Then join us,” Rome interjects.
“Hah?” Cindy looks at him like he’s gone mad.
“You heard me.”
“Okay…” Cindy can only do as he ordered.
This cannot be anymore awkward. Cindy ends up sitting next to Austin
and Seoul and I, next to Rome. I quietly sip on my curry soup as I listen to
Seoul and Austin talk about their experiences so far at school. Rome doesn’t
speak either, while Cindy keeps shifting her gaze between us.
“Phi, did you hear what I said?” Seoul asks, waving her tiny hand at
“Ah sorry Seoul, I was distracted by the flavor of the soup. It’s
delicious Cindy.” I give her a smile.
“You know what’s delicious?” Rome asks no one in particular.
Suddenly, I feel Rome’s hand on my thigh from under the table. My
body goes rigid, my spoon stops midway in the air. I turn my attention to
him and give him a hard smile, with my eyes telling him to take his hands
off me. Instead, Rome squeezes my thigh.
“What’s delicious?” Seoul asks innocently. I turn to Seoul giving her a
fake smile.
“Buns.” Rome squeezes my thigh again, then slowly moves his hand
up. “Soft, fluffy, creamy, buns…”
“Okay! I’m full!” I jump up from the table, knocking my soup over in
the process all over me. Everyone looks at me like I’ve gone insane.
“Sorry, I’ll go clean myself up.” I all but run to the kitchen.
That asshole! Why the hell is he teasing me like this? Just because we
slept together, he thinks he can just touch me. I will never admit to it and
continue to play drunk with memory loss.
I walk over to the sink, turning on the water. Now I even got Rome’s
clothing dirty. He will probably use this against me. But whatever, he ripped
my shirt, and this was partially his fault anyways.
“Cass?” Cindy walks up to me with some plates. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just a little food stain.” I laugh it off.
“That’s more than a little.” Cindy sets the plates down in the sink then
stares at me.
“What’s going on between you and Khun Noo?”
“What? Nothing. Why would you ask?” I get defensive.
“Well for starters, you’re dressed in his clothing. Not to mention that
huge hickey on your neck.
“Oh this? I fell.”
“Right, still doesn’t explain the clothes.”
“I just borrowed it. I’m going to clean it right up and return it.”
“Yeah, like Khun Noo just randomly lets you borrow his name brand
clothing.” She rolls her eyes but has a smile on her face.
“Name brand? It’s just a black t-shirt and sweatpants.” I look down at
the outfit.
“Cass, you’re wearing like a 50,000-baht outfit. That’s Gucci.” She
points to the little logo on the shirt that I missed. “Yeah. You can’t just wash
it in the sink.”
“Ha ha…” I laugh hopelessly. Great. I just ruined his 50k Gucci. Just
what I needed.
Rome enters the kitchen pausing our conversation. “Come see me
when you’re done cleaning yourself up.”
I can only nod.

I go find Rome in his office after showering and changing my clothes.

I knock before entering and purposely leave the door wide open behind me.
Rome smirks at my antics. “I have no problem talking about what
happened last night with the door open.”
Jerk. I turn around, shutting the door close before turning back to him.
“Nothing happened Rome. I was drunk. I don’t remember anything.”
“Do you remember waking up to a sore body this morning? Waking up
naked? And seeing that mark on your neck?”
I breathe in a shaky breath as his words caress my ears.
“I don’t know what happened last night.” I keep up with my fake
amnesia. “The last thing I remember is talking to Kale and– ”
Rome slams his hand on his desk, stopping me midsentence. His jaw
shifts back and forth and his nostril flares. He looks angry. Rome strides
purposefully toward me and I cower back until I hit the door behind me.
“What did you do with Kale?” He grounds through his teeth, stopping
right in front of him.
“What are you talking about?”
I didn’t do anything with Kale. We just talked last night. Kale tried
flirting a little and I admit, he’s charming and handsome. But we didn’t do
“What. Did. You. Do.” Rome enunciated every word, making
goosebumps spread across my skin.
“N…nothing,” I stutter. He’s too close.
Rome cups the side of my face before letting his finger slide down my
neck to trace his mark on my skin. A shiver runs down my spine at his
gentle touch. He smirks at my reaction.
“I fucked you until you cried shaking, cumming in my arms, and you
don’t recall. But Kale does nothing, and he’s the last thing you remember?”
Rome’s hand returns to my face. He brushes his thumb over my
bottom lip and leans in closer, stopping just right before his lips touch mine.
“I should fuck you now, right against this door. So deep until that
sweet tight little hole of yours take the shape of my dick. And the only thing
you’ll be remembering is my name falling off those red lips of yours.”
I slowly gasp at Rome’s vulgar words, my body reacting lewdly to it.
Help me God, because I want Rome to do just that. What the hell was
wrong with me?

- 14 -

Rome’s words have my skin crawling with goosebumps, sending an
electrifying bolt straight to my groin. My dick’s getting hard, and this is a
very, very dangerous situation. If I don’t quickly gain control of my sanity,
his words can very well become reality.
Rome takes one look at me and starts laughing loudly.
“Look at you. Pretending not to remember but you’re already so
flustered… and hard.” His eyes shift to my groin area, and I automatically
twist my body to the side, embarrassed by my body's reaction.
“Should I help you relieve that ache?” Rome whispers in my ear,
making me involuntarily shiver. He’s too close, I need to get him away.
“Don’t tell me you’re already addicted? After just one time.” I say,
wanting to throw him off like he’s doing to me with just his gaze alone.
Rome chuckles slowly but doesn’t back away. “It’s just sex, Cass.
Don’t think so highly of yourself. I was horny and you were available. I
would have fucked anyone else the same.”
Of course, I mean nothing to Rome. He probably treats all his sex
partners the same. I’m just another number in his list. But that doesn’t mean
his words don’t hurt like hell. I can feel my heart slowly breaking, the dull
pain sharpening with each breath.
I’m not expecting Rome to suddenly like me or treat me so much
better after last night. But I thought maybe, just maybe, he might have felt a
little something. After all, he’s treated me a little nicer these past few days. I
guess I’m wrong.
Even if yesterday, he treated me as the most precious thing in the
world to him, with his gentle touch and sweet voice. At the end, it’s just sex
to him and he still hates me.
Rome suddenly bursts out laughing, finally walking away, and giving
me the space I need.
“Don’t tell me you actually thought us fucking meant something?”
I turn to look at Rome, his mocking tone and teasing smile make the
pain in my chest hurt even more. I can feel the hot tears forming in my eyes
and that pisses me off because there’s no reason to cry over this. If I do, it
just confirms that he affected me so much more than I want to admit.
“The look on your face says it all.” Rome still chuckles a little. “I
admit Cass, sex with you was great and I don’t mind doing it again.”
Rome walks back to me and wipes away a tear on my cheek that I
didn’t even know had fallen.
“How about, I just fuck you when I’m horny and you tell me when
you’re horny. We can help each other out.” He smirks.
I press my lips together to keep it from trembling. With a hard shove, I
push him away from me.
“Don’t ever touch me again.” I turn around and run out the door with
his cruel suggestion ringing in my ears.

Rome has hurt me numerous times in the past but this time, it hurts me
the most. His words were so cruel and degrading. He sees me as nothing
more than a tool. Someone he can push and boss around and someone he
can stick his junk into whenever he wants. But I’m never going to let him
touch me again. Not willingly.
Rome doesn’t seek out for me after that. I thought for sure he would
come for my neck since I shoved him hard. Look at me, I’m becoming more
and more violent around him. This isn’t who I am nor who I want to be. I
will have to learn to just ignore him and walk away in the future.
Because I’m off for the weekend and spending my day with Austin and
Seoul, I pretend like everything is okay, even when my heart is crumbling.
But no matter how hard I try to forget, last night plays over and over again
in my head.
I busy myself planning for Austin’s trip with him and listening to
Seoul practice her violin. Afterwards, we opt to watch a movie together in
the family room.
“Phi, can we have some snacks?” Seoul asks me just as the movie
“Yes. I can go grab some snacks from the kitchen.” I smile.
I get up and leave in search of some snacks, all the while hoping I
won’t run into anyone. Cindy, I like her a lot, but she’s starting to suspect
things and ask questions I can’t give her answers to. I especially don’t want
to run into Rome. I can’t handle seeing him at the moment.
I make my way into the main kitchen without seeing anyone. Quickly,
I grab some instant popcorn and toss them in the microwave. I then reach
for a bag of potato chips, pouring them into a bowl and some juice, placing
both on a serving tray.
As I wait for the popcorn to finish, I hear talking and feet shuffling
towards the kitchen. The voices are too low to distinguish who it belongs to.
I just hope it’s other workers and they are just passing through.
“Please, go to your room. I can have someone bring you tea.” I hear
Yai’s voice as they come closer.
Immediately, my heart starts racing. Yai scares me after she openly
told me she doesn’t like me and doesn’t want me here. What is she doing
here and who is she talking to?
“I told you, I’m tired of the bed. I’ve been glued to one for too long.”
That voice… Rome’s mother is back.
If I wasn’t scared before, I definitely am now. I can feel all the hair on
my body rising and cold sweat starts to break through my skin. I need to get
out of here.
I grab the tray, deciding to abandon the popcorn for now. I turn to
leave in the opposite direction but am too late.
“Son is that you?” I stop where I stand, not knowing what to do. “It’s
not. Who are you and why are you here?”
“Madam. I think you should go to your room first.” Yai says, her voice
“Are you new here?” Mrs. Kang asks.
There is no way to avoid this. Sooner or later, this is bound to happen.
I exhale a shaky breath and slowly turn around with my head down. I nod
once before lifting my head. My eyes land on her and hers on me.
Rome’s mother still looks the same. Skinnier, but still very gorgeous.
Right when her eyes land on me, her head tilts. The confused look in her
gaze quickly shifts as her eyes widen and recognition hits her. I look like
my parents too much to not recognize.
She screams loudly, her voice piercing, before she comes dashing
towards me with hate burning in her eyes.
“Madam!” Yai shouts after her.
I don’t move a single inch from where I stand and can only bow my
head. She has every right to be angry with me.
I feel the sting on my cheek as my head rocks to the side with her slap
to my face. Another hit quickly follows to my other cheek. She then grabs
my collar and starts shaking me, making me drop the tray in my hand,
spilling the juice and chips all around us.
“You! Why are you here! You killed my daughter!” She screams in my
“I’m so sorry,” I say above a whisper.
“Why did you guys have to kill her? Why?! Give me my daughter
back!” Mrs. Kang cries, her eyes swelling with tears.
“I’m so sorry…”
I can’t say anything else. She looks so broken, and I can feel how hurt
she is. Her voice, though angry, is filled with agony. It’s all our fault, so I
can only stand here and apologize as she delivers her anger, loss, and pain
on me.
“Madam! Let him go!” Yai grabs her wrists and tries to pry her hands
off my collar. Mrs. Kang shoves her away.
“I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you all!”
I feel another slap on my already sore face. Her hands are in my hair in
an instant and she drags me to the ground in front of her. I can feel my own
tears trekking over my warm cheeks. Mrs. Kang raises her hand to strike me
again but before she can, a hand stops her.
I look up to see Rome, holding his mother’s wrist and staring down at
me. Is he looking worried for me? Or was I just hit one too many times to
comprehend the look on his face?

Cass, that little fox. If he thinks last night is a one-time thing, he’s got
something else coming for him. He should have said no last night. He
should have never let me have a taste. Because, now that I have, I want so
much more.
It’s clear as day now that Cass likes me or maybe even holds a much
stronger feeling for me. He is definitely affected by last night and by my
words today. Though he can deny it a million times, it won’t change how he
truly feels. And damn it if that doesn’t highly satisfy me. I still hate him, but
that doesn’t mean I can’t play with that body of his from time to time.
I stroke my dick faster and moan loudly as I imagine his tight hole
squeezing my cock just like last night. He was so tight and hot. So sensitive
and seductive. Fuck.
I never should have let him run out of my office earlier. I should have
done good by my words and fuck him against the door. An image of him
with his legs wrapped around my back, pin between the door and my hard
body, flashes through my mind. I can almost hear him crying out my name.
My balls tighten, ready to burst.
“Ugh… fuck Cass. Cass…” I groan out as white cum shoots from my
dick, painting the shower walls.
For a moment, I stand there breathing heavily letting the feeling run its
course through my veins. A chuckle leaves my lips as I realize what I just
did. I masturbated because of Cass. Like a damn teenager in heat. No Cass,
that definitely won’t be the last time.
I quickly clean myself up and dress before leaving in search of him.
He’s probably hanging out with his siblings somewhere in this big house.
I make my way to the sitting room where the siblings usually hang out.
Suddenly, a commotion in the kitchen catches my attention. I quickly
change direction and head that way. The last time a commotion happened,
Cass was in the middle of it. My annoying heart races at the thought of
something else happening to him.
I enter the huge kitchen and my heart drops at the sight of my mother
slapping Cass across the face. It feels like I was the one slapped. What the
hell is my mother doing home?
I run over to them just as my mom throws Cass onto the ground and
raises her hand to hit him again. I grab her wrist, stopping her and look
down at Cass to see if he is okay. He isn’t. His face is red from who knows
how many times he was hit, and tears stained his face.
I don’t have time to react as my mother turns around and slaps me in
the face without thinking.
“Oh my God! Son! I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you! I’m sorry.”
She cries, her own face is drenched with tears.
“Ma… what are you doing here?” The words left my mouth as my
mother throws herself into my arms. “Are you okay?”
“Rome, son, why is he here?” She turns to point at Cass who is still on
the ground with his head down, hiding his face.
“Ma, let’s go. You need to rest.”
“No! I need to kick him out first!” Mom lets me go and tries to grab
Cass again. I stop her, holding her against me.
“Ma stop!”
“Let me go!”
“Cass get out of here!” I shout at him.
“What’s going on here?”
We all turn our heads at the timid voice, including my mother who
stops struggling in my arms. Austin stands by the entryway with Seoul
hiding behind him.
Cass looks at his siblings before turning his head away, trying to hide
the obvious red marks on his skin.
“Phi, are you hurt?” Seoul says, stepping out from behind Austin.
“Paris? Paris! That’s you right!” Mom cries.
She shrugs me off and runs toward a very frightening looking Seoul.
She falls to her knees and grabs Seoul, pulling her into an embrace and
instantly starts bawling on her shoulder.
“Paris, my child. Don’t ever leave mom again.”
“Excuse me ma’am, you’re scaring me.” Seoul whimpers, trying to
pull away.
“Seoul!” Cass is on his feet and ready to intervene, but I grab his wrist,
holding him back.
“Rome, let me go.” Cass tries pulling away.
“Stay here. Let me.” I let him go and walk over to where they are. If
Cass tries to stop her, he will only get hurt again.
“Ma… let Seoul go.” I bend down and put a hand on my mother.
“Look at me, Ma. That’s not Paris.”
She looks at me and then back at Seoul who still looks scared. Austin
is right next to us ready to pry my mother off his sister.
“But Paris… why doesn’t she recognize me?”
“It’s not Paris.” I can’t help my own tears forming from the pain in my
heart. “Paris is gone.”
My mother breaks out in tears finally letting Seoul go. She holds me,
shaking and wailing in my arms. My own tears fall. I never want to see my
mother like this again.
“Ma, let me take you to your room.” I put my arms around her waist,
helping her stand. I turn to look at Cass one more time who now stands
protectively beside Seoul and Austin. He looks at me with sad, regretful
“Let’s go, Ma.” I turn to leave with my mother, both her and Cass’s
face scorching my heart.

I hold onto my mother’s hand as she sleeps in her bed. She is finally
home. It turns out, she was given the okay to leave the hospital today.
According to Yai, she wanted to surprise me, so no one called. And fucking
surprise me she did.
Cass was probably even more surprised. Cass. His face. I can’t help
but wonder if he is okay. Not that he doesn’t deserve this. They all deserve
this. Yet my heart shifts uncomfortably at the thought.
I end up telling my mother the truth that Cass is working here now.
She wanted him out of the house immediately but when I told her that
means Seoul will be leaving too, she quickly had a change of heart. She still
thinks that Seoul is Paris, and that Paris doesn’t remember her because she’s
been gone. She reluctantly agreed for Cass to stay, only for Seoul.
I don’t want to use Seoul in this way, but I also don’t want to upset my
mother any more than she already is, and I’m not ready for Cass to leave.
Not yet. Not until I’m happy again, I tell myself. So instead, my mother
said to just keep the vile thing away from her, referring to Cass.
I’ll just have to talk to Cass about her condition and the role Seoul will
play. Maybe this can even help her get better. I finally let go of my mother’s
hand and go in search of Cass. I find all three siblings in Seoul’s bedroom. I
stand outside listening as Cass talks to them.
“Phi, what’s wrong with the lady?” Seoul asks. “And why did she call
me Paris? Who’s Paris?”
“Phi, did she hit you?” Austin adds with a worry tone.
“Austin, Seoul, listen to me. That was Mrs. Kang, Phi Rome’s mother.
She just returned from the hospital. She’s still unwell.” Cass starts to
“That doesn’t give her the right to hit you!” Austin fumes.
“Phi is okay. It was just in the heat of the moment. She’s sick. And like
you Seoul, she only mistook me for someone else. She didn’t hit me on
Lies. He’s always lying. My mother knew exactly who she hit, and he
knows it too. Why isn’t he telling the truth? Why is he protecting my
mother’s image? He's so damn annoying. Always playing innocent and
“I don’t know if you two remember but there used to be a little girl
here.” Cass sighs sadly before continuing. “The girl, her name was Paris.
She was Mrs. Kang’s daughter and Phi Rome’s younger sister.”
“What happened to her?” Austin asks.
“She unfortunately went to heaven a little early.” Cass’s voice cracks
and my eyes shut, trying not to remember my sister’s death.
“That’s why Mrs. Kang became sick. So, we must be nice and try to
understand her. We must help her as best as we can, okay?”
“That’s very sad but she’s kind of scary,” Seoul says.
“I doubt she will hurt you at all Seoul. She thinks you’re her daughter.
Just be nice to her, okay? You too Austin.” Cass finishes.
“But what if she hurts you again, Phi?” Austin says.
“I can take care of myself. Don’t worry,” Cass replies. “C'mon it’s
getting late. Get ready for bed. We will try to watch the movie again
I quickly walk away not wanting to get caught eavesdropping but
instead of walking towards my room, I make my way to Cass’s bedroom. I
wait on Cass’s bed, laying with my back against the bed frame, for his
return. His scent surrounds me and even though this isn’t the right time, my
body reacts. Now only his smell alone is enough to get me hard. I chuckle
ridiculously at the thought. The bedroom door slowly opens and Cass walks
in. I hear him close the door before he appears from the little walkway. He
stops, looking a little shock upon seeing me. I mask my own expression at
the sight of him. His face is still red. You can almost see the handprint on
his cheeks.
It takes him a moment to come to but when he does, he slowly enters
his little room, and walks towards the desk.
“Can I help you?” He quietly asks.
“My ma…”
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware that she would be returning today. If I knew
I wouldn’t have made my presence in the house known.” Cass quickly
apologizes, cutting me off.
I stare at him hard before getting off the bed and taking the few steps
towards him. Cass backs away, his behind hitting the desk but I trudge
forward. He ends up falling and sitting on the desk. I walk right between his
legs and place my hand on each side of him, caging him in. I lean in closer,
inhaling his cheap soap scent.
“Rome…” Cass leans back and puts his palms on my chest to prevent
me from moving closer. “What are you doing?” He turns his head away
when my lips are mere inches from his.
I continue to lean in, and Cass closes his eyes, holding in his breath.
Right before my lips touch his, I turn my head away and reach behind him.
I grab the arnica cream from his desk that he used on me before and back
away. I open it, put some on my finger, and start applying it onto Cass’s
Cass’s eyes flutter open and he peeks at me from under his long lashes.
He tries to turn his head, but I quickly grab his chin keeping his head in
place. His skin where he was hit, is warm and soft under my touch.
“I can do it by myself Rome.”
I ignore him and continue to apply the cream. When he winces from
the pressure of my finger, I find myself being gentler with my touch.
Once I’m done with one side, I turn his face to the other side and
repeat the process. Finally, I let him go and close the cap, setting the cream
back on his desk. I back away but my eyes stay on him. Cass gnaws on his
lower lips staring at me nervously. He then grabs the arnica cream and
slides off the desk, walking to me.
“I don’t need it.” I say, stopping him.
“You were hit too…” He begins to say.
“Worry about yourself.” Right when the words left my lips, I realize
what a hypocrite that statement is. I just applied the cream on him when he
said he could do it himself.
Cass stubbornly drags me to the bed and sits next to me.
“Cass, if you touch me now, I’m not leaving this room tonight.” I tell
him honestly. Cass inhales a shaky breath and doesn’t make a move for my
cheek. Suddenly, I hope he will touch me.
“Then what do you want?”
“My mother, stay away from her. She has agreed to let you stay here
but only if you stay out of her sight. And Seoul, ma is still sick so she might
continue to confuse Seoul as Paris. I hope you can make her understand.” I
tell him although I already heard their conversation.
“Okay.” Cass nods his head. “But you don’t think she will harm Seoul,
do you?”
“No. I think it will actually help her heal. But if Seoul ever feels like
she’s in any kind of danger, we will get her away from my mother. And Yai
will always be there next to them, so they won’t ever be alone.”
“Mmm.” Cass nods again.
“About what happened.”
“I know, I deserve it.” Cass says with a sad smile.
“As long as you know.” Damn him. He sure knows how to make me
feel guilty recently.
When I don’t say anything more, Cass speaks again. “Um Rome, I
would like to go shower now.”
And just like that, the mood suddenly changes. With Cass, it’s always
like this between us. A rollercoaster of emotions.
“Is that an invitation, Cass?” I can’t help but tease him.
“To shower with you.”
“What! No!” Cass jumps up from the bed, creating space between us. I
get up and follow him, backing him to the wall.
“Rome, stop doing this to me.” Cass mutters when I get too close.
“Don’t worry. I won’t touch you again until you beg me to. Like last
night.” I whisper in his ears. “And Cass, this time I won’t wait for your
words. The moment your body begs me, I will consume you.”
I turn to walk away but before I reach out for the doorknob, I turn back
to him. “Earlier in the shower, I cummed stroking my dick while thinking
about you.”
Cass gasps and his face tints even under his already red skin. I smirk
and walk out the door wondering if he will do the same now.

- 15 -

Who would have ever thought trying to avoid someone in this big
mansion would be so hard. Already, I almost ran into Rome’s mother three
times, and it isn’t even noon yet. I was told she would be resting in her
room for the most part, yet I seem to see her wherever I go. Now, I’m
hiding in Seoul’s room with her and Austin, not wanting to go anywhere.
It’s a good thing that I’m still off today. Tomorrow is going to be even
harder when I actually have to move around and clean.
Austin, Seoul, and I are in the middle of a puzzle when Khun Yai
comes bursting through the door.
“Madam is on her way! Hide!” She says urgently, looking directly at
I immediately jump into action and run for the bathroom, leaving a
shock Austin and Seoul behind. I’ll just have to come up with an excuse
later for them. I shut the bathroom door just as I hear Mrs. Kang enter.
“There you are, Paris. I miss you.” She sounds so much better than
yesterday but still I hold my breath as I put my ear against the door to listen
“My name is Seoul.” I hear Seoul saying.
“Sure it is, Paris. And who is this fine young man?”
Immediately, I’m on edge. Until now, Austin wasn’t mentioned. How
will she react to him?
“That’s Austin, my brother,” Paris replies to her.
“Paris, your brother is Rome. And Austin, that sounds familiar. Have
we met before Austin?”
“Umm… I think so,” Austin replies politely. He’s being nice like I told
him to. It seems he doesn’t remember Rome’s mother as well.
“Austin, will you be joining Paris and I for lunch?”
“Who says I’m having lunch with you? I’m having lunch with Phi
Austin and Phi Cass today.” Seoul says and I almost want to reach out the
door to cover her mouth.
“Don’t say that name. I don’t like it.” Mrs. Kang snaps.
“What name?”
“Cass.” She grinds through her teeth.
“Why? That’s my Phi's name and I don’t like the name Paris, but you
keep calling me that.” Seoul shut up! I internally scream.
“But Paris, your father gave you that name.”
“I’m Seoul.” I can hear her sigh.
“Fine, I will call you Seoul if that makes you happy. But you can’t say
the name I don’t like either. And he isn’t your Phi.”
“He is and– ”
“Seoul, remember what Phi said yesterday?” I hear Austin cut her off
and am thankful for it. I fear I will have to expose myself if she continues.
“Fine…” Seoul mumbles. “I’ll listen to you, ma’am. But can you let
me go now? You’ve been hugging me this whole time.”
“Ma just misses you so much.” I can hear her sadden tone which pulls
at my heart strings.
“Don’t cry. I said I’ll listen to you.” Seoul says, her voice softer now.
“Mmm. Ma won’t cry anymore.” I hear her sniffle. “Now will you
have lunch with me?”
“Okay… Austin come with us.”
I can’t see him, but I can tell Austin hesitates before agreeing. Soon the
room becomes quiet as everyone leaves. I give it another five minutes just
for good measures before stepping out.
It seems that Mrs. Kang doesn’t remember Austin much either. I can
only hope she keeps treating my siblings sweetly. As for me, I can handle
everything else she throws at me.
As I exit the bedroom, I bump right into Rome. His arms quickly curl
around my waist catching me from stumbling back. I immediately jump
away from him and his burning touch. He lifts an amused brow but doesn’t
say anything.
“Sorry I didn’t see you,” I quickly apologize. “Do you need
“Go change, we’re going out for lunch,” Rome orders.
“Huh? Why?” This is so sudden and random. I don’t want to go
anywhere with him and more importantly, I don’t trust him. Why would he
want to go out to lunch with me anyways?
“Because I said so.”
“I’ll just eat here.”
“You’ve been dodging my mother all morning. Just leave the premise
with me and you won’t have to worry about running into her.” Rome tells
me. He’s right but then that means dealing with him. I don’t know which is
“Besides, it’s not me who invited you. It’s Tye. He wants to have lunch
together.” He continues as he sees me hesitate. “He’s upset that we just left
him the other night.”
My guard lightens up at the mention of Tye. I do want to see him
again. I’m sure he wondered what happened the other night. And I
definitely want to explain to him before Rome does if he hasn’t already. I
can feel my face warm at the thought of him telling Tye what conspired
between us. An image of Rome’s sultry face crosses my mind. I quickly
blink the image away and look at Rome whose gaze is as piercing as
“So?” He says, when I don’t reply.
“Just lunch and back?”
“That’s the plan. But you already know how Tye can be. We might get
into trouble.” He winks at me making my heart skip a beat.
“What about your mother?”
“I had breakfast with her. That’s how I saw you hightailing your ass
the opposite direction.” Rome grins. “She’s aware that I’m stepping out.”
“Okay…” I feebly agree, hoping this isn’t a mistake on my part.
I quickly change into something more presentable. For me, that’s the
only turtleneck I own and the only thing that covers the hickey on my neck.
The damn thing is going to take a while to disappear. I move the sweater
aside and tilt my head to look at the dark red mark, my fingers moving to
touch it. For some reason it hurts my heart seeing it. He was so sweet and
caring that night.
I sigh and stare at myself in the little full body mirror in my room. I’m
in my gray sweater and faded blue jeans along with my old, no brand, worn
out shoes. Will I embarrass them dressed like this? I start second guessing
myself, maybe I shouldn’t go out.
“Cass, hurry up.” Rome knocks on my door.
“C…coming!” I yell back. There’s no turning back now. I grab my
wallet and some money from the 30,000 baht I had hid before walking out
the door.
I sit in the passenger seat beside Rome as he drives us. We stay quiet
for the most part, listening to the light rain hitting the windshield. I can’t
help stealing side glances at him. He is so handsome and dressed casually
but fitting for him. He’s in all black, dressed in a loose-fitting long sleeve
and black ripped jeans with matching accessories. His hair is part in the
middle and just sits flawlessly, full of volume, on top of his head. It looks
so soft, I want to run my fingers through it. I quickly look away
embarrassed by my thoughts. Not to mention this whole car smells like him.
He smells like fresh rain and expensive wood. It’ll be embarrassing
standing next to him and Tye, who also always dresses lavishly.
“What are you sighing about Cass?” Rome asks, breaking the silence
and my thoughts.
“Oh nothing.” I lie, not realizing that I sighed out loud.
“Didn’t I tell you, you suck at lying?” Rome turns to look at me for a
second before looking back at the road. “Tell me. Is it my mother? Or is it
“Neither. Well… it kind of have to do with you,” I admit.
“Tell me.”
“It’s nothing. It’s stupid.”
“Tell me,” he repeats.
“Why? You’re just going to laugh at me.”
“What? Did you end up jerking off to me last night in the shower?”
His face twists into a mischievous smile, reminding me of his lewd words.
My cheeks begin to warm. That is not the reason, but I totally did. I
couldn’t help myself after he left knowing he did the same. If only he knew
that wasn’t the first time I jerked off to him, he will have a field day. I was
once a teenager crazy in love with him and shamelessly used him as my
“Th…that’s not it.” I stutter.
“So did you?” His brow arches with the smirk still on his face.
I bite my lower lip and stay silent. I refuse to answer him. And I can’t
even lie because he seems to always know when I’m lying.
“Fine, I won’t ask about that. Tell me what’s really bothering you. I
won’t laugh.”
I contemplate for a moment. This is better than admitting to jerking off
to him, I guess.
“It’s just. Won’t you be embarrassed being seen with me?”
“Why would I be?” He gives me an honest confused look.
“Well look at you and then look at me. Phi Tye too. You both are so
handsome and dress so nicely. You scream money and perfection. You even
smell expensive. Then there’s me. I’m just… me. Wouldn’t I embarrass you
both, hanging around you two?” I pick at my fingers nervously. My reason
sounds so stupid now that I’ve said it out loud. I wait for Rome to laugh and
tease me, but his jaws tighten instead and his nose flares for a second.
“That’s what’s been bothering you?”
“I guess…”
“You could have worn the Gucci you took from my closet,” he
“Ah… I haven’t found time to properly wash it yet. I’ll return it as
soon as I do.” I almost forgot about it. Thank goodness he hasn’t told me to
compensate for possibly ruining it.
“Keep it. I don’t need it,” he simply replies. Of course he doesn’t. He
had a rack full of them.
“I told you it was stupid.” Rome glances over to me but doesn’t say
anything else.
We drive for another ten minutes before Rome parks at a luxurious
shopping center. I remember coming to this mall once as a teen with
Rome’s family and never had the chance to come again. We must be eating
at one of the expensive restaurants inside. I squeeze the side of my pants
where my wallet is. I want to treat Rome to a meal for helping me with
Austin and getting my money back but now, if we eat here, I won’t be able
to afford it. I at least hope I brought enough to pay for my portion of the
Rome exits the car and I follow him. He moves fast with powerful
steps as if he has a purpose for every step he takes. I lag behind him but
make sure not to fall too far behind. As soon as we enter the mall, eyes from
both male and female are on us, or Rome. It only makes me feel more self-
conscious, but Rome ignores it like he’s used to it.
I follow Rome with my eyes glued to his back without paying attention
to my surrounding because I don’t want to lose him in the mall. He enters
through a pair of automatic doors before stopping. I stop behind him and
finally take a look at my surrounding. We’re in a clothing store with few
Rome turns around and looks at me. “Pick what you want and let’s
“Huh?” I look at him dumbfounded.
“You heard me Cass. Pick out an outfit, change into it and let’s go.” He
takes a step closer to me when I don’t move. He sighs and takes out his
phone from his pocket. I watch as he dials someone and places the phone to
his ears.
“We’re going to be late.” Rome says before hanging up. I assume that
was Tye.
“Can I help you sirs?” A sales lady walks up to us.
Rome looks at me and then looks at her and smiles.
“Give me one of everything in this store you have available in his
size.” He points to me.
My eyes widen along with the sales lady. Is he crazy! Just from the
looks of this store, I can already tell everything is expensive as hell.
“He’s just kidding.” I look at the sales lady, chuckling half-heartedly
before looking back at Rome.
“Are you going to pick something? Or am I buying you the whole
store?” Rome says in all seriousness.
With the help of the sales lady, I reluctantly pick out a white cashmere
turtleneck and the cheapest white shirt I can find to try both on. I stare at
both in the dressing room as Rome waits outside for me. I don’t even dare
pick out pants or shoes. The shirt alone is already 30,000 baht. The
turtleneck is over 50,000. I don’t want to pick the turtleneck because it’s so
expensive but then my hickey will show if I just get the shirt. Frankly, I
don’t want either. It’s so damn expensive. What the hell is Rome thinking?
I slide the turtleneck over my body first, loving the feel of the soft
material on my skin. It looks nice even with my shabby pants and shoes on.
I look nice.
Sighing, I step out of the dressing room. Rome automatically has his
eyes on me. He looks me over from head to toe before giving me a single
nod. I then return and put on the white shirt. It’s just a simple white v neck
shirt yet you can tell it looks luxurious and it feels nice on the skin as well.
The only thing wrong is the red mark glowing obviously against my skin. I
nervously step out again.
Rome looks up from his phone and once again he looks me over. This
time, his eyes linger on the mark on my neck. I watch as Rome swallow
before slowly licking his lips, making my breath hitch.
“I like this one better.” His eyes land on me and the corner of his lips
lift. “We’ll take both.”
“Rome.” I call out to him, and he looks at me with a questioning gaze.
I walk over to him and lean into his ears without a second thought.
“It’s too expensive,” I whisper. I hear Rome inhale deeply. I turn to
look at him and he has his eyes closed, only then do I realize how close we
are. I try to pull back, but he grabs my arms holding me in place. I can hear
the sales lady gasping and my cheeks flare.
“Then which one do you prefer, Cass? The more expensive sweater or
the cheaper shirt that shows your love bite?” Rome's voice dances across
my skin, raising the tiny hairs all over my body.
“Neither.” Rome smirks at my reply.
“We’ll take both and that’s final. You can bag the sweater.” He turns
and smiles at the sales lady.
“Yes sir.” She bows before walking away, her cheeks also red.
“Rome.” I try to pull back again but this time he wraps a hand around
my waist with his other moving up my back. In one swift motion, he tears
the tag off the shirt before letting me go.
“So, you can’t try and return it later.” He smiles at me before getting
up and walking over to the register. Jerk.

We’re on the road again, driving towards the hotel restaurant Tye
wants to dine at. Cass sits silently holding onto the bag that holds his old
sweater. He daringly put the new turtleneck on over the white shirt as soon
as we got into the car but not before I ripped the tag off the turtleneck too.
He can wear it as long as it makes him feel better. Though he looks fucking
sexy in that white t-shirt with his hickey on display. But no way in hell is he
going to try and return either one later.
Cass sells himself short and isn’t aware of just how attractive he is.
Even in his old clothes, he looks like a walking angel plucked right from
heaven. He doesn’t need any expensive clothing or jewelry. Although it
does flatter him well. I’m sure he can wear a paper bag and still shine.
I honestly didn’t think this was what was bothering him when I asked
earlier. Once he mentioned it, it was like I was on autopilot and headed
straight to the shopping mall. I wanted to buy him clothing. It bothers me
that he feels that way about himself. Especially when he so unwarily
admitted that I’m handsome and smell good. If only he knew what his scent
does to me. I wanted to devour him right there in that dressing room when
he leaned into me and whispered in my ears. Yes, Cass isn’t ordinary at all.
If he wasn’t so against me buying him more, I would have seriously bought
him the whole store.
We finally arrive at the hotel and Cass closely follows me into the
Japanese restaurant.
“Yahoo! Over here!” Tye waves his hand in the air, catching our
“Finally! Took you both long enough! Hello Nong Cass! Wow I like
your outfit.” Tye stands to give him a hug before turning to me with open
arms. When I don’t move, he sneers at me and sits back down.
“Hello Phi Tye. And thank you.” Cass shyly says, grabbing the hem of
the turtleneck.
He moves to sit next to Tye, but I pull him back. I usher him into the
opposite side of the booth and then sit next to him blocking him in. He
looks at me with a cute little pout but doesn’t say anything.
“So possessive.” Tye raises his brows. “Let’s order, I’m starving!”
I watch as Cass looks through the menu, his eyes widening before he
blinks a few times. He must be shocked about the prices. He nervously bites
down on his bottom lip. Why is he even concerned about the prices when he
isn’t paying?
A waiter comes to our table and prepares to take our order. Tye orders
a variety of sushi, sashimi, and a drink before looking up at us.
“Cass, what are you getting?” Tye asks.
“Umm. I’ll just take the vegetarian ramen. And a glass of water.” Cass
says to the waiter with a small smile.
“That’s it? Don’t you like eating seafood?” Tye asks. Yes, Cass loves
seafood but once again, he’s worrying about the cost and picked the
cheapest dish on the menu.
“I’m not too hungry,” Cass replies.
The waiter looks at me ready to take my order.
“I’ll have the wagyu steak, medium rare, the shrimp tempura and the
seafood udon. Also, tea and coke please.” I tell the waiter who writes it all
down before leaving.
“Wow Rome, you’re eating a lot.” Tye comments but I ignore it.
“So, tell me. What happened the other night? You both so rudely just
left me and Kale behind,” he asks.
Cass looks at him then at me nervously, his face already starting to
“Phi, sorry about that. It’s umm…”
“I was tired, so we went to sleep.” I cut Cass off.
“Together? With each other?” Tye grins.
“No!” Cass all but shouts. “I slept in my own room!”
“Uh huh…”
“I was drunk, so Rome just helped me to my room. I don’t know what
happened after he left. I assumed he came back but it appears he didn’t. I’m
sorry about abruptly leaving. Oh, and please extend my apologies to Khun
Kale as well.” I watch a flustered Cass try to explain himself and almost
laugh. He’s cute.
Tye chuckles knowing all too well that’s not what happened. He’s the
one who had guessed what I wanted from Cass anyways.
“You can tell Kale yourself.” Tye says looking past us, nudging his
I turn around and Kale is walking our way with a smile on his face.
Memories of him flirting with Cass emerge and I instantly become annoy.
What is he doing here?
“You said y’all will be late, so I called Kale to join me in case y’all
didn’t show.” Tye answers my thought.
Kale sits down next to Tye before greeting us.
“Hey bro.” He says to me then turns to look at Cass.
“It’s nice to see you again Cass.” He gives Cass his best smile. Cass
shyly smiles back at him.
“Hello Khun Kale,” Cass greets.
“Cass, can’t you call me Phi too? Khun sounds so distant.” Kale says,
pretending to be hurt.
“Ah… I– ”
“No, he can’t. Y’all barely know each other.” I say with a fake smile,
ignoring the annoyed look Cass is giving me.
“Well, then we’ll just have to change that, right Cass?” Kale says
smoothly. Why the fuck is the bastard so handsome? He’s my friend but
right now I seriously want to punch him. Maybe reposition that nose of his.
“It’s okay Phi Kale. I can call you Phi too.” I turn my head to look at
Cass who just defied me. This time, he ignores my gaze and smiles sweetly
back at Kale. I’m so going to punish him later.
“Kale, we already ordered. So, hurry up and order something.” Tye
“Sure thing.” Kale takes one last look at Cass before ordering.
Once our food arrives, we settle into light conversation and focus on
our food.
“Cass, that’s all you ordered?” Kale asks looking at the single ramen
bowl in front of Cass.
“Yes.” Cass nods his head and smiles.
“Here have some of my food.”
Kale picks up a sushi with chopsticks and moves it towards Cass but
before he can place it, I grab the sushi with my hand and plop it into my
mouth. Tye chokes on his drink and Cass looks at me with an agitated
expression. Kale just grins in amusement.
“Here.” I push the shrimp tempura and seafood udon to Cass,
pretending like I didn’t just rudely steal that sushi.
“Eat these. I don’t like them,” I lie.
Tye chuckles ridiculously and rolls his eyes but I don’t care. I
originally ordered it for Cass anyways. Plus, I don’t like all the attention
Kale is giving Cass. He’s mine. My heart skips a beat at the possessive
“Why did you ordered all of this if you’re not going to eat it?” Cass
whispers to me.
“I was going to, but after trying it, I don’t like it. You want the food to
go to waste?” I know how precious food is for Cass and he will never want
to waste such expensive food.
“Well, no.”
“Then eat it.” I tell him.
Cass slowly picks up a shrimp tempura and takes a bite. A small smile
breaks out on his face.
“Do you like it?” Cass slowly nods his head and I smile satisfied.
“Cass, can I have a shrimp too?” Kale asks. I’m so going to choke him.
“Sure.” Cass picks up a shrimp but his hand pauses when Kale opens
his mouth, wanting Cass to feed him. I’m so tired of this.
“Ahhh, I’m waiting.” Kale says, mouth still open. I watch as Cass
shyly places the shrimp into his mouth, my hands fist under the table.
“Mmm it is good. But I think it’s more delicious because you fed it to
me.” Kale flirts, making Cass nibble on his lip and look down shyly. I told
you not to give anyone else that look.
“Cass have some soda.” I hand him the coke I also ordered for him.
Cass moves to grab it but before he can, I drop the soda, spilling it all
over his turtleneck.
“Oh no, Nong Cass!” Tye shouts.
“Oh no!” Cass also shouts. He quickly grabs the napkin trying to wipe
the brown stain off.
“Rome move, I have to go to the bathroom!” Cass says in a panic.
“It’s fine Cass.” I say, not moving an inch.
“But you just bought it! It’s so expensive.” Cass has a sad look on his
face as if the shirt is special to him.
“Just take it off Cass. We’ll drop it off at the dry cleaners before going
“Ok.” Cass rips the turtleneck off him, leaving only the white shirt
behind. He looks at the shirt sadly before folding it and setting it next to
“Oh my God, Cass! What rapid dog bit your neck?” Tye shouts. Both
he and Kale had their eyes on the hickey on Cass’s neck. The confident look
on Kale’s face drops and his jaws clenched. I smirk satisfied. That’s right. It
was me.
Cass quickly covers the mark with his hand, his face flushed with
“Ah this. I fell!” Cass quickly lies, making Tye scoff.
“Cass, do you have a boyfriend?” Kale asks in a serious tone.
“Then that’s fine. I don’t mind a random dog bite.” Kale looks at me
and smirks.
The bastard is directly challenging me. This wouldn’t be the first time
too. Although we’re friends, we’ve competed often in college because of
our similar taste. But this is different. This is Cass and no one is going to
touch him but me.
I return his smirk before turning to Cass. I grab his face and crush my
lips to his.
- 16 -

The moment Rome grabs my face and presses his lips against mine,
my breath hitches. I can hear the chopsticks I was holding hit the table, and
I think I heard Tye gasp, but I can’t be sure. Because the only thing I can
hear loudly and clearly is the sound of my beating heart. Why does he
always do this to me? And how come every time we kiss, he still takes my
breath away as if it’s our first time?
His lips are warm and soft as always and he smells amazing. My eyes
automatically close and for a moment it feels like we are the only two
people in the world. I can drown in his touch forever. But wait Cass, why is
he even kissing you so suddenly?
My conscience finally kicks in and I pull away with a startle. He just
kissed me in front of his friends out in public.
“Rome…” The back of my palm moves to cover my lips and I’m sure
I’m blushing like an idiot.
Rome looks at me with his hooded gaze and raw hunger burning in his
eyes. He will and can definitely consume me if I let him.
“What was that?” Tye says, his mouth agape with his eyes shifting
between us.
“I… um I…” I don’t even know what to say. Why the hell did he
suddenly do that? He keeps confusing me with each passing moment we
spend together.
“He’s mine, Kale. So go stick your fangs in someone else.” Rome
looks directly at Kale, ignoring the existence of me and Tye.
Kale raises a curious brow at him but doesn’t say anything. What the
hell is going on between them? I’m Rome’s? I’m not his.
“Let’s go Cass.” Rome grabs my arm and starts pulling me out of the
“But we haven’t paid yet.” I reach for the turtleneck quickly as Rome
continues to tug at me.
“Thanks for the meal, Tye.” Rome throws out before dragging me
away. I can hear Tye saying something but can’t figure out what.
This isn’t right. We ate so much. We need to help pay. And we are once
again rudely leaving them behind without a word of explanation. Rome
drags me out of the restaurant, but I pull him back.
“Rome. What’s happening? We need– ”
Rome shoves me against the wall, his body presses dangerously close
to mine, not caring if anyone is around to witness.
“Cass, shut up. I’m this close to dragging you into one of these rooms
and having my way with you.” He growls at me.
I gasp before shutting my mouth tightly but don’t miss the tingly
sensation crawling down my spine. What the hell has gotten into him? The
jerk sounds jealous. Is he jealous of me and Kale? That’s why he suddenly
kissed me and claimed me as his? But Kale is just a new friend. Rome
doesn’t give me another second to think. He grabs my arm and continues to
pull me out of the hotel all the way to his car. Only then does he let me go.
We drove home in silence without stopping at the dry cleaner like he
said we would. I want to ask him, but he’s super tense and it scares me a
little seeing him like this.
I can’t help but wonder if what happened is really the case. Him being
jealous which made him boldly kiss me in front of his friends. It can’t be
though, he doesn’t like me. Maybe I just did something wrong.
Rome parks his car in the garage once we arrive but neither one of us
makes a move to get out.
“Did I do something wrong?” I finally muster up the courage to ask
when the silence becomes too deafening.
Rome doesn’t reply to me but just grips at the steering wheel tighter.
“I’m sorry if I did.” I don’t know why I’m apologizing. I just don’t
want him to continue to be upset because that only spells trouble for me.
Rome finally turns to look at me. He places his hand over the hickey
then gives my neck a light squeeze. My breathing quickens from his action
and my eyes closes.
“Stay away from Kale, Cass. And this is my last warning to you. Show
that face again to another man and I won’t spare you.” Rome puts pressure
on my neck again. I open my eyes and look at him with defiance.
“Why? Phi Kale is my friend. And I still don’t know what face you
keep talking about.” Rome has no right to tell me who I can and cannot
hang out with or talk to.
“He isn’t your Phi.”
“You’re not my Phi either,” I breathe.
The corner of Rome’s lips curls up. He wraps his hand behind my neck
and pulls me close to him like he’s going to kiss me again.
“Why do you keep doing this to me!” I shout, stopping him. For some
damn reason, I’m getting emotional and can feel hot tears burning in my
eyes. “You hate me, but you keep kissing me, touching me, buying me
things, helping me. Please stop. You’re confusing me. If you’re going to
hate me then just hate me. Don’t do this.”
I let my tears fall. Rome’s jaw ticks at the sight of my tears.
“Because… because I’m going to misunderstand and think you like me
too.” I whisper the last part.
Rome’s eyes widen and he takes his hand off me pulling back like my
skin just burned him.
“I don’t like you…” Rome says, but more to himself than to me. He
quickly gets out of the car leaving me behind. I touch a hand over my
beating heart. What the hell just happened? And I just admitted to him that I
still like him. Shit.

All evening, I think about Rome and what happened. How he really
feels about me. If he likes me or hates me. Or if he just wants to control me.
I conclude that that’s it. He just wants to control every aspect of my life.
And I guess technically, I gave him that right when I agreed to move here. I
willingly told myself I will do whatever to make up for what happened to
Paris. Yet, telling me who I can and cannot see. Isn’t that overstepping too
far? Maybe it’s best not to see Tye and Kale anyways. After kissing and
leaving like that, I don’t even know how to face them in the future.
I also spent the evening washing Rome’s Gucci shirt and the
turtleneck. After a while, I successfully removed all the stains out. I’ll
return his shirt when he isn’t home. As for the turtleneck and white shirt, I
guess it’s mine now. I take extra care to dry, iron and hang them nicely so
no wrinkles can be found. They are precious to me. I’ve never owned
anything like this before. Also, they are from him.

It’s Monday and I’m back to work, the kids to school and Rome to his
company office. Mrs. Kang is nowhere to be seen, which is a good thing for
me. I thought it would be hard to avoid her today but she, herself is staying
hidden. It appears that since Seoul left for school, she has no desire to come
out of her bedroom or do anything, including eating.
It’s lunch time and I find Cindy and Sun in the kitchen frantically
trying to put something together.
“Cindy, Sun, what are you two making?” I ask and both look up at me.
“Oh, we’re trying to put something together for madam. She skipped
breakfast and is refusing lunch, but Yai said we should make something
anyways.” Cindy says, looking at the pile of ingredients in front of her.
“She doesn’t seem to like anything we make,” Sun adds. “This is the
second lunch we are preparing already.”
“Um, maybe I can help?”
“No, you can’t! Yai said to not let you cook for madam because she
won’t eat it and will get upset if she knows you made it.” Cindy shakes her
head at me.
“Then we just won’t tell her it’s from me.” I smile at her, already
putting on an apron.
“Okay,” Cindy whispers, smiling back.
“Why doesn’t madam like you?” Sun asks as I start cutting chicken to
make chicken rice porridge. I stop chopping and look at her, giving her a
weak smile.
“Because I’ve done some things in the past, I’m not proud of,” I
simply reply.
“Would you like to share?” Cindy asks, but I shake my head. “It’s
okay. We all make mistakes. The important part is to learn from them and
not make them again.”
She smiles at me and Sun nods agreeing with her. If only they knew,
they would hate me too.
I make a simple chicken rice porridge that I usually make the kids
when they’re sick and place it on the tray with a glass of water. Then I hand
it off to Cindy.
“Tell madam that it’s Seoul, no, Paris’s favorite dish to eat when she’s
not feeling well.” I say to Cindy.
“Okay. Thank you, Cass!”
I leave the kitchen and start doing my other assigned tasks for the day.
About an hour later, Cindy finds me and informs me that Mrs. Kang ate
everything and also praised how good the dish was. That makes me smile
not only for the praise but that she ate. Rome will be worried about her if
she doesn’t eat. And seeing the worried look on his face for his mother
pains me, a lot.
I groan, realizing that I’m thinking about him again. I guess I should
return his shirt since he’s not home now. I go to my room and grab his shirt
before making my way to his bedroom. I open his bedroom door and step
in. My gaze gravitates towards his king size bed. All the memories of that
night… I still can’t believe we actually slept together.
A small smile crosses my face. Now that I think about it, I’m glad my
first time was with him. I’ve been in love with him for so long that I dreamt
of a day like that night so many times. And when it finally happened, it was
everything I expected and so much more. In my heart, even if Rome doesn’t
feel the same, we didn’t just have sex. We made love. For just that brief
moment in time, he loved me.
I go to his closet to hang the shirt back where I found it, but when I get
there, my torn-up shirt is hanging there where the Gucci shirt used to be.
My cheeks warm and I bite my lips. He didn’t throw it away after all. Why
the hell would he keep it and hang it up like this? It’s trash. I think about
taking it and tossing it but noise outside the closet makes me quickly put his
shirt away. I exit the closet and come face to face with his mother. Fuck.
“What the hell are you doing in my son’s room?” She points an
accusing finger at me. Yai is with her and is just as shock finding me in
“I’m just returning his shirt,” I quickly say.
“Why the hell would you have my son’s shirt? You’re trying to steal,
aren’t you?”
“No ma’am! I promise I’m just returning his thing.”
“Yai! Call the police! He’s a thief!” she shouts.
“Madam, I don’t think…” Yai begins to say.
“Are you defying me?” She snaps at Yai.
“No madam. I just think we have to think about Paris. Don’t you think
so? We might upset her if something happens to her Phi.”
“That vile thing isn’t her Phi! Call the police! Now!” She shouts again.
“I promise I didn’t take anything.” I lower my head not knowing what
else to do.
My heart starts to race in fear. Will I get arrested? What about Seoul
and Austin? Will Rome get mad at me for entering his room without
permission? But nothing frightens me more right now than the thought of
being tossed into a small, cold, dark cell all alone.
“Yes ma’am…” I hear Yai reluctantly say, making my whole body turn

I like him. Damn it, I like him. I sigh in frustration and run a hand
through my hair. This wasn’t supposed to fucking happen.
“That heart might just start beating for a different reason…I was
talking about your heart, Rome.” Fuck me. Tye’s words are slowly coming
back to haunt me. Not only his words but Cass’s words replayed in my head
like a broken record. And he is fucking right, I like him. Or at least I feel
something for him other than lust. That’s the only logical explanation for
my possessiveness and jealousy. For the damn way my heart speeds up
every time he’s near. Not to mention, that was the first time I ever wanted to
beat Kale to a pulp. Maybe being close to him has made me develop an
unhealthy obsession for him. This is going to be a major problem. I need to
distance myself from him immediately. I may feel something for him, but
the hate I still feel towards him is stronger. I think. Damn it all!
I toss the pen on my desk across the room just as Adam walks in. He
dodges it expertly and doesn’t even question why I threw the damn thing.
Instead, he looks panicked and comes right up to me.
“Khun Noo! Nom called. Cass is in jail.”
“What!” I jump from my chair. There it goes again. This beating heart.
I’m worried for him. “Explain on the way!”
Ping drives all of us to the police station in record time. It seems my
mother had the cops called on Cass when she caught him sneaking around
in my room. Why the hell was he in my room anyways?
Whatever the reason. I just know he wasn’t in there to steal anything as
she claims.
I run into the police station, scanning around for Cass. I find him
sitting across two officers. He looks scared and worried. A sigh of relief
leaves my body. At least they haven’t thrown him behind bars.
No one else from the household is here. I guess my mother called the
cops and just let them take him away. I walk right up to the officer’s desk
with Adam and Ping following closely behind.
“Cass,” I call out to him.
He looks up at me and his lips tremble. Without warning, he jumps
onto me, hugging me tightly and digging his head in my shoulder. His
fingers grip me as if I will slip away at any moment.
“Rome, I promise I didn’t steal anything! I was just putting your shirt
away. I promise. Please don’t let them lock me up.” He cries, shaking a
So that’s what this is all about. He returned the Gucci shirt even when
I told him to keep it. I almost want to laugh if not for Cass being so afraid
right now. I should let the cops keep him a little longer for disobeying me.
But if anyone is going to punish him, that’s me alone. The protective
instinct I’ve always had for him since we were kids emerges. I put a
protective arm around him.
“Who are you?” One of the officers asks me and I turn my head to him
with Cass still holding onto me.
Adam takes out a business card and hands it to him. The officer reads
it, recognizing the name, he bows his head with respect.
“He didn’t steal anything. It was my room he was in, and I allow him
full access to any and everything in there,” I explain to the officer. “Is he
being detain?”
Cass grips my shirt behind me tightly and I automatically move my
hand up and down his back to calm him just like when we were kids.
“Well, no. We are just trying to figure out what really happened,” the
same officer says.
“Then I’m taking him home. Adam, handle the rest.” The officer looks
at me dumbfounded but doesn’t stop me. He said it himself, Cass wasn’t
being detained. That means he’s free to leave whenever he wants.
I pry Cass from my body but grab his wrist. He wipes his eyes with his
free hand, his face sporting an adorable pout. I take him out of the police
station and instruct Ping to drive us home. Now I just have to figure out
how to deal with my mother. I sigh heavily.
“I’m sorry. I really just wanted to return your shirt. I didn’t know your
mother would come into the room,” Cass apologizes. He looks down at his
hands in his lap that’s still shaking a little.
I take his cold hands in mine and hold them in my lap. I don’t say
anything, nor even look at him. I don’t even know why I’m doing this. You
like him. My jaws tense and I keep my eyes out the window but can tell
Cass has his eyes on me.
“You’re being nice again.” He says with a sniffle.
“Would you rather I not come get you from the police station and they
lock you up?” I question without looking at him.
Cass squeezes my hand and even though he doesn’t say anything, I can
see from his reflection on the glass, he slowly shakes his head. We stay
silent for the rest of the ride.
Once we get closer to home, I feel Cass tug his hands from under
mine. “Rome, I’m okay now. You can let go.”
I open my palms, almost forgetting that I was holding his hands. I look
up at the review mirror and Ping has his eyes on me, and a stupid grin on
his face. He quickly clears his throat and looks away when he notices me
glaring at him.
We finally drive up to the front foyer to a complete stop. Now, here
goes the hard part. My mother is standing there, fist clenched with a death
glare in her eyes. Cass shrinks back looking down at his hands that are
gripping his black pants just like the first day we met again in that hotel
room. I look at my mother wondering if that was the same look I gave Cass
back then. If it was, no wonder he trembled in fear. The only positive thing
about his situation right now is that the kids aren’t home from school yet.
I open the door and exit. Instead of Cass opening the other side, he
slides over and exits through my side, hiding behind me like I can protect
him from the world. What a nuisance. He tells me to stop being nice to him,
yet he seeks shelter with me. And damn it if I don’t have the urge to protect
him from the world, even my own mother.
“What is the meaning of this, son?” Mom walks up right to me. “He
stole from us!”
Cass reaches out behind me and grabs the bottom of my suit jacket.
“Ma, he didn’t steal anything. He was returning my shirt.”
“Why would he have your shirt? And why the hell are you protecting
him? Did you forget what his family did to ours?” Mom grabs me and pulls
me away from Cass. I can feel his hand slip off my jacket. I want to protect
him, but she isn’t wrong either.
“He works here, ma. He was doing my laundry. Is that a crime?” I lie.
I’m lying for him.
“No but murdering my daughter is!” She screams and starts crying
hysterically. “They killed Paris! They killed my daughter.”
“I’m sorry.” I can hear Cass whisper. He has his head lowered with
tears running down his face.
“Give me my daughter back!” Mom continues to cry.
“Ma calm down!” I shake her a little. She shouts out another cry
before falling down. I quickly grab her before she hits the ground as she
passes out.
Yai and Cass dash towards us to help but I can’t contain myself.
“Get the fuck away from my mom!” I shout at Cass, and he flinches
back. His lips quiver but he doesn’t move.
I pick my mother in my arms and head towards her room telling Yai to
call Dr. Min. I set my mother on her bed. Her face is stained with tears yet
Cass’s sad face flashes before me too. Yes, it’s best if we continue to hate
each other. My mother is all I have left. I can’t lose her too.

When Dr. Min finally leaves after declaring my mother okay and that
she just needs more rest, it’s past dinner time. Yai had ordered Cindy and
Sun to go make the same chicken rice porridge they made earlier since she
said that was the only thing that my mother was able to eat all day. My
mother should be waking soon, and she’ll need to eat something to take her
I want to see him. I want to go find him and see how he is doing. Is he
already in bed? Or is he crying alone right now? His sad face haunts me
endlessly. I exhale a heavy breath and stand up from the bed.
“I’ll go grab the food.” I tell Yai before walking out. I can’t see him.
I’ve already decided it’s best if I just continue to hate him. And let him hate
me too. That way I don’t keep feeling these guilty stabs at my heart.
I make my way to the kitchen but stop when I see him. Cass is
standing there alone over the stove, mixing whatever is in the pot. I back
myself into a corner and continue to watch him like a creep. Like I’m not
the owner of this house and have to hide my presence. Why is he even there
anyways and cooking too?
Cass turns away from the stove and moves to the kitchen island under
the light, giving me a full view of his face. His eyes are red. He looks tire,
sad and so fucking defeated. My heart cries out to him but I remain where I
I watch as he slowly cuts some green onions and turns back to the
stove, tossing it into the pot. He stirs it for a little bit before turning it off.
Just then, Cindy walks in from the other end of the kitchen. She gives him a
little encouraging smile and he gives her the tiniest movement of his lips.
Cass grabs a bowl and scoops some of the porridge into it before
setting it on a tray with a glass of water. He hands the tray over to Cindy.
“Sorry for asking you to make it again, Cass. Next time when we have
more time, I’ll learn it from you. And thank you for helping Sun and I.”
Cindy says to him.
“You’re welcome.” Cass tries to smile at her, but his eyes don’t reflect
it at all.
“Get some rest now.” Cass only nods at her.
I watch as Cass cleans up the little mess he made and covers the
remainder of the porridge. The bastard, I swear. Why the fuck is he doing
all this? Why is he so fucking nice? Why the hell is he making it so hard to
hate him? I want to go over to him, grab him and shake him. Tell him to
fucking scream and shout his frustration. Tell him to fight back. But no,
Cass is too nice for all of that. And if he does fight back, then what? It’s not
like I’ll let him go anyways.
I return to my mother’s room just as she wakes. I help feed her the
porridge and surprisingly, she eats everything. If only she knew Cass was
the one cooking for her. After she eats, she takes her medicine and returns
to bed. By the time I leave her bedroom, the house is shrouded in darkness,
and everyone has gone to bed.
I return to my room and take a nice long shower before turning in for
the night as well. At least, that’s what I’m attempting to do. That person has
completely invaded all my thoughts. He dominates every space of my brain,
making me unable to fall asleep. I’m obsessed.
I push myself out of bed, grab my cigarettes and step out onto the
balcony. I light one up and inhale the nicotine deeply, letting it calm my
“What am I going to do about you, Cass?” I blow out another cloud of
When the smoke clears, I see a black shadow moving in the distance
towards the pool area. I step to the edge of the balcony and squint my eyes,
trying to make out the figure. It’s Cass. Even in darkness, I can recognize
his silhouette anywhere. And though he is a distance away, it becomes
clearer once he reaches the pool area where dim lights shine from beneath
the pool. What are you doing out there this late at night?
Cass wanders to the swimming pool and for a second, the worst
thought crosses my mind, causing my heart to panic. He wouldn’t.
Instead, Cass sits down beside the pool and just stares at the water. I
exhale a shaky breath, not even aware I was holding it. And then, the next
sound he makes hits me like a bullet tearing through my heart. His voice
cracks and he starts crying. Quickly, he covers his face with his hands to
muffle the sound and continues to break down.
His muffled cries sounds so heartbreaking in the silence of the night
under the crescent moon. This is Cass, screaming and shouting his
frustration, all alone in the dark without a single soul knowing his pain.
I wonder how many times he’s done this before all alone. I feel the
wetness on my face, realizing that my own tears have fallen. I kill the
cigarette in my hand and make a fist. Slowly, I hit my chest where my heart
lies beneath. This stupid heart, it won’t stop hurting. I bang at my chest
again and again. I let out a shaky, silent chuckle. My feet start moving and
the only thing on my mind is to get to Cass.

- 17 -

It hurts. It hurts so bad. This endless torture for crimes committed by
people who are supposed to love me and protect me. I don’t want to hurt
anymore. Please God, when will it all stop? Am I really destined to suffer
forever in damnation because of the sins of my parents?
I know I said I would rather take all the pain alone, suffer alone. But I
honestly don’t know if I’m strong enough. The pain in my heart is so heavy,
I don’t want to carry the weight anymore. But if not me, then the people I
love will suffer and continue to hurt.
I came out here to let it all out, the pain and misery. The confusion and
hate, everything. I couldn’t do it inside, risking anyone hearing me or
seeing me. So, all day, I held it in until nightfall, but now that I started, I
can’t stop. The tears keep falling and sobs rack through my body over and
“Cass…you’re okay. You’re just tired. You’re okay.” I choke on a sob
and once again cover my mouth.
“Stop lying to yourself. You’re not okay.”
Rome’s voice shocks me and I see his reflection in the water coming
up behind me. I quickly wipe my eyes and stand up. And for some reason, I
start running. I don’t want him to see me like this. Or maybe I’m just
embarrassed being caught crying like this.
I can hear Rome rush after me, our heavy steps loud in the silent night.
I round the corner of the pool and don’t get far before Rome grabs me from
behind pulling me back. My back hits against his hard chest and he wraps
his muscled arms around me, locking me in place. The athletic asshole.
“Rome let me go.” I say, trying not to cry but my tears are still falling.
“I want to be alone.”
Rome pulls me back as I struggle again. “Do you really? Do you really
want to be alone?”
No. I don’t want to be alone. But being in his arms like this, hurts too
much too. It gives me false hopes that all will be okay, that he cares. Rome
hugs me tighter as my downpour of tears starts again and my body shakes
uncontrollably in his embrace. I’m not able to control my voice, and I can’t
even cover my mouth because he trapped my arms within his hold. My sobs
ring throughout the night. No matter how much I want it to stop, I can’t. I
don’t want anyone else to see me like this.
“Please Rome… let me go…” I wail.
I feel Rome’s chin rest on my shoulder and his breath fans over my
“Cass, stop crying now,” he says in the softest voice.
“I…can’t help…it.” I say between sobs.
Rome turns my body around to him and I look down, trying to hide my
face. He lightly grabs my chin and moves my head up. I try to bite on my
trembling lips but this time it doesn’t work. The sobs still escape my mouth.
Rome slowly wipes my running tears with his thumbs.
I look at Rome's face through my teary eyes and he looks worried. Sad
like he’s been crying too. Like he really cares. Like my Phi from the past.
How I wish it was really him.
“Cass do you still trust me?” He asks and I slowly shake my head.
“Well, just trust me this one last time.
Rome takes a step closer to me. With one hand, he cups my cheek
tilting my face towards him. With his other hand, he covers my eyes,
blinding me. And then like I did him, his lips cover mine with the softest
My lips tremble against his but I don’t move out of his grasp. I can’t
see anything, but I can feel him so vividly. As time passes, my body starts
to calm slowly as I focus only on this moment. Soon, my crying and
shaking stop and the only thing on my mind is his lips against mine.
Rome presses his lips a little harder and I can’t help but sigh a little, a
shiver racks through my body. Rome uses this moment to sweep his tongue
into my mouth. With the gentlest touch like I’m made of glass, he chases
after my tongue. Slowly, our tongues entangle in a hot dance. I feel Rome’s
hand curl around my waist, only then do I realize that he is no longer
blinding me, but I gladly blind myself to keep this moment a little longer. I
need this. An escape from reality. And if Rome can make it happen, then I
guess I’ll blindly accept it.
My hands slowly slide up Rome’s muscled chest to around his neck. I
pull him closer, threading my fingers through his hair and kiss him even
harder. His fingers dig into my skin at my waist, making a small moan
escape my lips. I can feel Rome’s length extending and my own arousal
Rome finally breaks the kiss but keeps his hand on my face. He places
his forehead against mine, our nose touching. We breathe heavily as if we
share one breath.
“Cass…” he whispers.
“Rome, I want to forget. Please make me forget,” I whisper back.
“Don’t tempt me Cass.”
“Please…” I just want to forget even if just for a moment.
Rome sighs and grabs the back of my head and crushes our lips
together. This time there is nothing gentle about it. We ate each other’s face
like two lovers who have been separated for so long. All the pain, hurt and
frustration, I let it all out with this kiss. The kiss is desperate, harsh and
passionate all mixed in one.
I feel Rome's hands lock under my ass. He easily lifts me up into his
arms and my legs automatically wrap around his waist. I feel him moving,
walking us, but I don’t pay attention. My only focus is his lush lips and hot
I hear the sound of a door opening and finally, I open my eyes. He had
carried me inside the pool house. Rome kicks the door close behind him
before bringing me over to the huge couch and places me down. Rome
stands up, removes his shirt over his head and stares down at me. A blue
glow dances across his body from the dim moonlight shining through the
window. He looks ethereal, mythical almost. Like a being that only exists in
fairytales. I subconsciously lick my lips before removing my own shirt and
setting it aside.
I look at Rome as I lift my hand and glide it across his smooth hard
abs. His eyes close at my touch, his chest heaving slowly. Taking my other
hand, I pull his plain black pajama pants down, letting it drop to his feet.
His large cock strain against his briefs, begging to be set free.
He opens his eyes and looks down at me with his lustful gaze. He
wants me, needs me right now just as badly as I need him back. But as
much as he needs me, he holds back. This is my tune to step to and he’s
allowing me to lead.
I hook my fingers in his briefs and pull them down his legs too. His
cock springs to life right in front of my eyes. It’s long, thick, hard and
gorgeous. His whole body is sculpted to perfection.
The last time we did this, I was intoxicated and didn’t get the chance to
appreciate him like how he did me. I take both my hands and wrap it around
his thick length. Rome closes his eyes and sucks in a breath. He lets out a
moan when I start to stroke him slowly. He feels amazing in my hands,
warm, smooth and strong. I want to taste him.
I look up at Rome whose eyes are still shut tightly with his breathing
matching my every stroke. Without warning, I lean forward, open my
mouth and suck him in. I hear him hissing loudly, sending a sweet tingly
sensation to my core. I’m hard as hell.
“Cass…” Rome breathlessly calls my name. I look up at him with his
dick still in my mouth. He looks down at me like I’m the most beautiful
being he’s ever seen. I grab his hips, close my eyes and swallow him whole.
Rome moans deliciously, teasing my eardrums with his husky voice.
I’ve never done this before nor has anyone ever performed the act on
me. But I lick and suck Rome, imagining what I want if someone is to do it
to me. I remove one hand from his hips and fondle his balls. I hear another
hiss from him making me feel a rush of pride. He likes what I’m doing.
Rome’s fingers thread through my hair and he starts thrusting his hips,
taking over. His movement becomes faster with every thrust, hitting the
back of my throat. I choke on his cock a few times but admit it feels good.
“Cass…” Rome calls out to me again. I look up at him with tears in the
corner of my eyes.
“You look so fucking beautiful.” Rome grunts looking down at me. He
wipes the corner of my eye with his thumb. “I want to cum on your
beautiful face.”
He shoves his dick a few more times in my mouth. Just as he’s ready
to release me and take his dick out, I grab his buttocks and push him back
in. I suck his dick harder than before like I’ve been starved and am
desperate for his cum.
“Fuck, Cass. Stop I’m about to cum.” I don’t listen. I continue to suck
until I hear Rome roar loudly and then feel the first spurt of his hot cum
hitting the back of my throat. He’s like a damn faucet and I swallow every
last drop he has to offer. Rome shakes in my arms with his last spurt of cum
in my mouth. The taste of him, I like it a lot.
Finally, I let him go, releasing him from my mouth. Rome breathes
loudly trying to catch his breath. I look up at him and he, down at me. In
one swift motion, he grabs my shoulders and brings me to my feet. He
guides his tongue into my mouth and kisses me hard, tasting himself on my
tongue. He then breaks the kiss and pushes me back on the couch. In a
flash, he’s on his knees and tearing my shorts and boxer off of me. I don’t
even have the time to process when he spreads my legs wide, and I feel his
tongue on my hole. I throw my head back against the cushion and moan
“Rome…” I breathlessly cry out to him.
Rome makes a satisfying sound as he eats my ass like it was the most
delicious thing he’s ever taste. He licks my hole all the way to my balls
before taking my balls into his mouth, at the same time, he starts stroking
my dick.
“Oh God…” I groan out loudly from the sensation he’s creating in me.
It feels so damn good.
Rome slaps the inside of my thigh and releases my balls with a loud
“Say my name.” He growls at me making me grin.
“Rome…” I let his name roll off my tongue seductively. He smirks and
delves right back in.
Rome spreads my ass cheeks apart and lap at my hole a few more
times before he pushes his tongue pass my barrier.
“Yes, Rome.” My eyes shut as my fingers found his hair.
Rome tongue fucks me while playing with my dick until I’m a
withering mess. My orgasm is so close, and I just know it’s going to ruin
me completely. My hands grip Rome’s hair tightly and I toss my head back,
screaming out breathlessly as my orgasm hits me and cum shoots from my
dick all over my stomach. I swear I see white.
Rome removes his tongue from inside me and stands up. His dick is
back to its full hard glorious size. I stare at him with my half-hooded eyes,
breathing heavily.
He moves on top of the couch next to me. Grabbing me, he flips me
over so I’m on my belly. Rome gets behind me and trace his fingertips
down my spine all the way to my ass. My body shivers in response to his
flaring touch. I feel him position his hard cock by my wet hole. I turn my
head back to see him. Rome leans down against my back and grabs my
neck. He turns me more to him and kisses me passionately before breaking
the kiss.
“I don’t have a condom here Cass. But I’m still going to fuck you raw
and cum deep inside you.” His husky voice relays before he kisses me again
and at the same time, he thrust his dick deeply inside of me. I groan out in
pain and pleasure inside Rome’s mouth. So damn full…so good.
Rome continues to sweep his tongue inside my mouth as he slowly
pushes into me from behind. I can feel all his body muscles working against
my skin and his dick stretching me widely. His hand still curls around my
neck possessively. I can feel all of him.
Rome moves his other hand under me and finds one of my nipples,
placing it between his fingers, he squeezes tightly.
“Ahh…” I moan into his mouth. It hurts but feels so good, the pain
intensifying the pleasure so much more. With every thrust, he pinches my
nipple, sending a shocking wave of pleasure down my groin.
Rome finally releases my mouth and starts kissing down my neck to
my shoulder. He bites down on my shoulder blade making me whimper, and
I just know it’s going to leave a mark but at this moment, I don’t care. He is
giving me so much pleasure and I just want to receive it all.
“Cass…” He thrust hard into me, and I close my eyes at the feeling.
“Rome, please…”
“Tell me love.” He whispers in my ear, making my heart skip a beat.
“Harder. I need more…ah.” I say just has he shoves his cock inside
me. “Fuck…”
“I got you, love.”
Rome gets off my back and with his dick still inside me, he lifts me up
on my knees. His finger digs into the side of my hips tightly. He pulls out
almost all the way then quickly thrust his dick back in, his skin claps loudly
against mine. I cry out as his dick hits a spot inside of me, making my dick
twitch. What the hell was that?
I don’t have time to think as Rome continues his sweet assault,
pumping into me harder and faster and hitting that sensitive spot every time.
He’s about to make me cum again.
I grab the cushion next to me and hide my face in it to cover my
uncontrollable screams. I hear Rome growl behind me before feeling myself
being ripped away from the cushion. Rome pulls me up and presses my
back against his hard body. With my head on his shoulder, he wraps a hand
around my neck and turns my face to him.
“The only time I want your voice muffled is when my tongue is down
your throat.” With those words, he captures my mouth with his.
I grab my own dick and start to pull at it as Rome continues to destroy
both my holes. My other hand reaches behind me and curls around his head.
I feel Rome wrap his hands over my own hand and fist my cock with me. I
can see the image of us in my head like watching a TV screen. My back
against Rome’s body, one of his hands wrapped around my neck as he
kisses me and my own hand around his head pressing his face harder
against me. His other hand covers my hand that pulls at my cock. And his
dick pounding relentlessly into my tight hole, hitting that sweet, sweet spot.
It’s such an erotic image.
The sensation burning within me is too much as my balls tighten and I
feel my hole squeezing down on his dick. I moan loudly into Rome’s mouth
as my orgasm hits me, hard. My whole body shakes as spurts of cum shoots
from my dick onto the couch. I hear Rome's own voice howling as his
fingers tighten around my neck and feel warm hot liquid shooting up inside
me. The act is so lewd but so fucking erotic, it makes me cum even harder.
Finally, when all the cum is drained from my body, I fall forward onto
the couch with Rome following behind me, both of our bodies burning hot
and drench in sweat. He lays down beside me and pulls my body against
him. My eyes close and suddenly I feel super exhausted. I snuggle closer to
him listening to his rapidly beating heart. Rome places a gentle kiss on my
forehead, and I succumb to sleep.

I wake up to bright sunlight streaming through the window and alone. I
look at the empty space beside me and honestly, feel a little hurt being left
behind. Was this how Cass felt when he woke up alone in my bed? But I
only left him to take care of Austin and Seoul so they wouldn’t worry why
their Phi wasn’t around. Otherwise, I would have made him stay in bed with
me all day.
I stare at the clock on top of the door and realize that it’s ten in the
morning. Well, at least that explains why he’s gone. He has to work. I need
to work. At times like this, it’s a damn good thing being your own boss.
I stretch my sore muscle before lying flat on my back and stare blankly
at the ceiling.
“Cass…” I call out his name.
I wonder how he is feeling now. Yesterday’s image of him breaking
down still burns brightly in my memory. But the memory of us fucking
again burns even brighter. I will never get enough of him. Everything about
Cass is just perfect. His body, his voice, the way he feels against my body,
his moans and cries, even his scars. Perfect.
I’m fully aware that what happened last night was probably just a
moment of weakness for him. He asked for an escape from reality and
sleeping with me gave him that. But why am I wanting it to mean
something so much more to him? Remember what you said before, it’s just
sex. But then it isn’t. Admitting to myself that I like him makes last night
seem so much more than just sex. Not only my body but my heart was fully
involved last night. Even the first time it probably was but I just didn’t want
to admit it.
I sigh heavily. How did this all become so complicated in a such short
time? I really need to figure myself out before I do something that can truly
hurt my mother. And Cass…

I find my mother in her room after cleaning myself up. I feel bad not
seeing her first thing in the morning when she just fainted yesterday. I
haven’t been a very good son and that pains me and probably pains her even
She is sitting by the window with Yai by her side. I tell Yai to leave us
for a moment so I can spend some alone time with my mother.
“Ma, how are you feeling?” I ask sitting next to her. I grab her hand
and bring it to my lips.
“Where were you this morning, son?” She asks instead of answering
me, still staring out the window.
“I overslept, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay dear. You must be tired taking care of me all night.” I shake
my head at her.
“I’ll never get tired of taking care of you.” I smile. “Did you eat
“Mmm. Cindy warmed up the leftover porridge from last night for me.
It still tasted good.” The porridge that Cass made secretly even though we
hate him.
“That’s good. I have some work to do now. If you need anything, I’ll
be in my office, okay?”
My mother nods her head at me but before I can turn away, she speaks
“About that guy, how long do you plan on keeping him here?” I can
feel my pulse race as she mentions Cass.
“I guess that depends how long you want Seoul here. If he being here
really upsets you so much, I’ll have them leave.” I feel a spark of pain in
my chest at the thought of kicking him out, but my mother is the most
important to me right now.
I can see the struggle on my mother’s face as she thinks this through.
She wants Seoul here, that’s for sure. But does the pro of having her here
outweigh the con of having Cass here too? I hope to God it does because
I’m not ready to let Cass go, not yet.
“Fine, he can stay but only because of Paris. Why did you invite him
here in the first place?” she asks.
“I wanted to see him suffer,” I admit.
My mother gives me a small smile before replying. “I hope that’s still
I don’t reply anything else to her because even I don’t know myself
right now. I left her bedroom and go straight into my office to drown myself
in my work, so I won’t have to think about anything else.
After a couple hours of hiding myself in my office working, Adam
comes knocking at my door.
“Khun Noo, the land in the South that we are trying to acquire, there’s
some issue with the deal. You are being requested to fly down there and
close the deal yourself.” Adam reports.
“Tomorrow. And you probably won’t return until the weekend since
closing the deal isn’t the only issue. There’re other matters that need
attention down there as well. We must go as soon as possible, else we risk
losing the deal.” Adam finishes.
“Okay. I understand.” Adam bows and leaves my office.
Damn it. Now is probably the worst time to be going on a business
trip. My mother just returned, and Cass is still here. If something happens
while I’m gone, I won’t be able to help. But there’s no way around it if I
want that land.
I want to see Cass before I go, that’s for sure. I still don’t know what I
will say or do to him, but I want to see him, talk to him. Or maybe this is
better for me after all. Spend some days apart and clear my mind and fix
these feelings of mine.
I work until after the kids have long returned from school before
calling it a day. I head to my mother’s room to inform her that I will be
leaving for a business trip tomorrow. I find her with Seoul and Yai in her
room. Yai sits by the window knitting, while Seoul is doing her homework
with my mother helping her. I smile at their little interaction.
“Division is the opposite of multiplication. Here, like this.” Mom says.
“Oh. Phi Rome, hi!” Seoul looks up at me and smiles.
“Hi son. All done with work?”
“Yes. Hi Seoul.” I say sitting down next to the little girl. “What’s going
on here?”
“Your mom is helping me with my homework because…” She looks at
my mom before leaning into my ears and whispering. “Phi Cass is working,
and Phi Austin is busy.”
“Ah…” I nod my head, understanding. She is trying really hard not to
upset my mother and it touches my heart. I remind myself to get her a gift
when I come back from my trip. Speaking of the trip.
“Ma, I have to leave tomorrow on a business trip for a few days. I
won’t be back until the weekend. Will you be okay? Or should I not go?”
“You’re leaving too? Austin leaves on his trip next week and is busy
planning. That’s why he’s too busy to help me with my homework.” Seoul
replies to me instead of my mom. Is Austin’s trip already next week? I’ll
have to let Adam know to make sure Cass gets pay on Friday, so he can
have money for Austin.
“I’ll be fine. Focus on your work and don’t worry about me,” Mom
says. “I have Yai here to take care of me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes son. Don’t let me hold you back.” She gives me an encouraging
“I’ll be here too!” Seoul interjects happily, making us laugh together.
Almost like a real family.
In the evening, I call Cass into my bedroom which probably isn’t the
smartest idea. Him and I alone in my room. I can already feel my body
starting to burn. But I don’t want to leave on this trip without seeing him
just once.
Cass knocks on my door before entering slowly. I can see him struggle
with whether to close the door or not. Finally, he silently closes the door
and walks over to me by the bed. All the memories from last night dance
wildly in my head.
“What can I do for you Khun Noo?” So, we are back to the name
“I need you to go pack a small bag for me. I’m going on a business trip
tomorrow.” I say, my eyes never leaving him. I could have had Sun who
usually packs my luggage do it for me earlier, but I needed an excuse to see
Cass lifts his head and finally looks at me. “Pack you a bag?”
“I don’t know what to pack.”
“A little bit of everything. Work, sleep, casual clothing. Underwear…”
Cass licks his bottom lips and looks down to the floor. “Okay.”
He was so daring last night. The way he boldly sucked my cock into
his mouth and swallowed every drop I had to offer. Now he’s acting all shy
again and can’t even look at me for more than a few seconds.
Cass walks to my closet and enters, the lights automatically turn on
with movement. I follow behind him and stand by the entrance, leaning
against the wall. Cass grabs one of the smaller suitcases and opens it on the
floor. He stands up and freezes as he feels my eyes on him. He turns his
head a little and glances at me from the corner of his eyes. Sighing, he turns
away and starts going through my closet.
I watch as he follows my order, picking out a few types of clothing for
different occasions. He places them in the suitcase before he goes over to
the rack with my black shirts and grabs a few. In the process, his ripped
blue shirt that I hung there drops to the floor. Cass quickly bends down
picking it up, his face reddening.
“I’m… going to take my shirt back,” Cass says.
“But it’s mine.”
I walk over to him and grab the black Gucci he returned which got him
in trouble.
“This… this is yours.” I put it in his hand.
“I don’t want it,” he quickly says.
“Then I don’t want to give your shirt back.” I snatch his shirt out of his
grip. I know I’m being childish, but I want to tease him. It’s just like when
we were younger.
“Rome!” He reaches for the shirt, and I hold it up over my head. I’m
not too much taller than him, so it isn’t hard for him to reach it but I’m
stronger. He has a hard time trying to steal the shirt away.
I pull the shirt back, making Cass tumble towards me. He steps on my
toes, and I howl in pain. Cass jumps back letting go of the shirt.
“I’m sorry!” He says in a panic.
I fall to the ground and grab my toes, groaning in pain. Cass quickly
falls to his knees in front of me with a worried look on his face.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Rome are you okay?” He reaches out to
touch my toes and I take this opportunity. I grab him by the arms and pull
him towards me until he is lying half on top of me between my legs. I wrap
my hands around his waist, holding him in place.
“Rome! You lying jerk!” He squeals in my arms.
“Stop moving Cass.” I close my eyes, loving the way his body squirms
against mine. “I won’t be able to control myself.”
Cass gasps feeling my dick hardening. “Let me go Rome. I told you to
stop doing this to me.”
My hand slides up his body to his face. I turn him to look at me.
“So only you can do this to me? Last night you…”
“It’s just sex Rome. It didn’t mean anything.” Cass throws my words
back at me. I expected this but hearing him actually say it, is like a punch to
my gut. It hurts.
“Right. So now we both agree.” I press his body closer to mine. “So
there shouldn’t be an issue with us helping each other out.”
Cass opens his mouth to say something, but I seal his lips with a kiss.
He struggles in my arms for only a little bit before melting into my touch.
He starts kissing me back desperately. Yes, this is how it should be between
us. Just a give and take relationship.
Initially, I wanted to talk to him but what’s the point. No matter how
attracted we are to each other, or how our feelings might get involved, at the
end, we are destined to hate each other. That realization makes me kiss Cass
even harder.
I pick Cass up from the floor and set him on top of the closest drawer.
Cass starts working on my pants as I grab his shirt and once again tear the
damn cloth from top to bottom. He just manages to pull my dick out when I
step back and grab his pants, quickly pulling them off him. I hook his legs
over my arms, exposing his tight puckered hole. In one smooth push, I
shove myself all the way into him. He’s still so fucking tight.
Cass moans loudly throwing his head back. Not giving him time to
breathe, I start thrusting hard and fast into him. This isn’t like previous
times. There are no slow sweet kisses or gentle touches. This time is all
about pleasure.
Cass lays back against the drawer. While moaning and looking at me,
he finds his nipples and squeezes them. He bites down on his lips, and I feel
his hole tightening over me. Fuck, he’s sexy as hell. That little fox loved his
nipples being played with. I feel my balls tightening.
I pull his legs over my shoulder and wrap my arms around them. I dig
my fingers into his thighs to make sure I fuck him as deeply as humanly
“You like when I fuck you hard?” I breathe feeling a sweat roll down
the side of my face.
“Yes… harder Rome.”
I do as he say, making sure every time my thighs hit his ass is louder
than the last.
“Cass, play with yourself,” I order.
Leaving one hand on his nipple, he slides his other hand down his
belly and grab his dick. He starts frantically stroking it.
“That’s a good boy.” I growl, continuing to hit the deepest parts of
“I’m going to cum Rome.” He moans. “I’m going to cum.”
“Me too baby. Tell me where you want me to cum.”
“Inside… I want to feel you…ahh!” Cass moans out as his body starts
shaking wildly with his orgasm hitting him. His hole squeezes down on me
even tighter.
“Ah fuck!” I groan as my dick starts squirting hot cum between Cass’s
tight walls.
When I come down from my high, I slowly pullout of Cass, my dick
still semi hard. Cum oozes out of his stretched hole after my dick. It looks
beautiful. I wish I could take a photo of it.
Cass lays on top of the drawer with his arms spread out by his side,
breathing heavily. I tuck my dick back in my pants and grab a clean towel
and wipe his cum from his skin before tossing it aside. I pull him to a sitting
position. His shirt that I just torn in half slides off his shoulders, revealing
the new bite marks on his ivory skin from last night. I smile proudly. He
looks good with my marks all over him.
Cass watches me intently as I pick up the black Gucci that was
dropped on the floor. I remove his torn shirt from him and toss it aside. I’m
keeping that one too and I need to take him shopping again if I keep ripping
his shirts apart like this. I slide the Gucci shirt over him and thread his arms
through the hole. Then I pick up his pants and fix it on his legs before
standing him up and pulling it all the way over his ass and dick. The whole
time, Cass doesn’t utter a single word until I step back.
“You like me. You like me too.” Cass finally says with the tiniest bit of
My lips lift into a half smile. “I like having sex with you.”
His expression shifts from confidence to pain, but he quickly hides it. I
know I’m being a jerk, but I just can’t admit to him anything else. That will
just make our relationship more complicated than it already is.
“Fine Rome. Remember your words. It’s just sex. Nothing else.”
Cass walks out of my closet after that, and I hear the bedroom door
open and close. And for some damn reason, I feel like I just lost him.

- 18 -

I know sleeping with Rome again will only hurt me more at the end,
but I did it anyways, twice. The first time, I really just wanted to forget
reality for a moment. I was crying so hard and couldn’t control myself. The
pain was just too much, and his touches allowed me to escape into a world
of love and beauty. And the love we made, it was indeed beautiful.
After I woken up, there wasn’t an ounce of regret because I had
wanted it and enjoyed every moment of it. Rome is an amazing lover, and I
will never be able to deny that. He made me feel so pretty, so wanted. And
he cherishes my body like I’m made of gold.
Last night’s tussle, that was out of the blue. I don’t think either one of
us expected it but still it was pleasurable and once again, I enjoyed every
second of it. The sex was hard and rough but even after, he so carefully took
care of me, cleaning me and dressing me. The way he looked at me and
cared for me, I wholeheartedly thought, he liked me. But like a fool, I failed
to see reality. He doesn’t like me. It hurts so badly but I want to move on. It
just sucks so much because my body, my heart, my soul, every part of me
has fallen for the bastard.
It’s just sex Cass, I remind myself. I know damn well living in this
house with him, last night won’t be our final time sleeping together. We are
too attracted to each other physically, it’s only a matter of time until we find
ourselves entangled in each other’s embrace again. But fine, it’s only sex
and I’ll make sure he remembers that.
Rome already left this morning for his business trip with Adam. Adam
told me before leaving that my pay should be deposited into my account by
Friday morning. I can’t wait. I still have the 30k. And with this pay too, it
will be the most I’ve ever owned at one time. I still have bills to pay and to
shop for Austin’s trip. Fortunately, today the groceries in the main kitchen
need restocking, and Cindy and I are assigned to do the grocery shopping.
I’ll be able to pick up some things for Austin as well. Then he should be all
set for his trip come Monday.
The first day without Rome passes by just like that with no incidents
whatsoever. Surprisingly, I haven’t run into Mrs. Kang at all even though
I’m still cooking some of her meals secretly. It seems she has taken a liking
to my cooking. Aside from mine and Yai's cooking, she doesn’t eat anyone

On the second day Rome is gone, after the kids leave for school, Cindy
finds me and delivers some unfortunate news. Yai has taken ill and won’t be
able to cook for Mrs. Kang until she gets better. So, I’ll be in charge of all
her meals for the time being.
I just finished making some chicken soup for Cindy to take up when I
decide to grab another bowl and fill it with the leftover soup. I take the soup
to Yai’s room. Gently, I knock on her door.
“Khun Yai. It’s me Cass.” I call out to her. I open her door and slowly
enter. Yai is lying in bed, her face drained of color. I wonder what bug she
caught to be sick like this so suddenly. Yai looks up at me with a
questioning glance, as I enter.
“Khun Yai, I made some chicken soup. You should eat some and take
some medicine.” I set the tray down on her nightstand.
“I don’t feel like eating. Besides, that’s the main kitchens food, is it
not?” She grumbles like the old mean lady she is.
“I don’t think anyone will notice if you take some food from the main
kitchen. I won’t tell if you don’t.” I give her a little smile, but she just looks
at me with her piercing eyes.
I clear my throat before speaking again. “Anyways, eat a bit so you
can recover soon. I also placed some fever and pain medicine on the tray as
well. I’ll be leaving now.”
Yai continues to look at me but doesn’t say anything, so I take that as
my cue to leave. Cindy and Sun are busy looking after Mrs. Kang while no
one looks after Yai, so the least I can do is to bring her food and medicine.
Once upon a time, Yai did adore me and took good care of me after all.

I spend the day just working and find myself thinking about Rome a
lot. This is only the second day he’s gone and already, why did the house
feel so damn quiet. It’s not that I miss him messing with me or anything, it’s
just, the house seems dull without his presence.
“Phi what are you doing?” Seoul enters the kitchen just as I’m about to
start dinner.
“Phi is going to make dinner.”
“That’s good. I was in madam’s room, and she said she’s hungry. But I
couldn’t find Phi Cindy to tell her,” Seoul says.
“Okay, Phi will make something right now. Is Sun in the room with
“Yes, so she asks me to tell Phi Cindy, but I don’t know where she is.”
Seoul shrugs her little shoulders.
“It’s okay. I got it. What were you doing in madam’s room?” Seoul has
been hanging out with her more often and it seems they’re getting closer.
“She helped me with my homework again since you and Phi Austin are
so busy.”
“That’s so nice of her. Make sure you thank her, okay?” I pat Seoul on
the head.
“Yes, I always do.” Seoul gives me her warmest smile, reassuring me
that she’s fine hanging out with Mrs. Kang. At first, I was worried but now I
am grateful for her helping Seoul out since I’m so busy with work and
Austin with his trip planning.
I quickly make dinner, setting some aside for the kids and Yai before
making a plate for Mrs. Kang. Unfortunately, Cindy is nowhere to be found
so I decide to take the food up myself. This is probably the worst idea ever.
The last time I saw her was when she fainted after I barely escaped jail.
I knock on her bedroom door and after hearing Sun inviting me in, I
walk in with the tray of food. Sun’s eyes widen when she notices it’s me
and not Cindy.
“Dinner is here. Sorry, Cindy couldn’t bring it up, she’s caught up with
something. But she made it, don’t worry.” I say, nervously looking at Mrs.
Kang who is sitting by the window.
“Sun.” She doesn’t even acknowledge me. “Throw the food out and
bring me a new tray, it’s probably tainted by now or poisoned.”
My grip tightens around the tray, but I don’t say anything. It’s just
words, I tell myself.
“Uhh...” Sun looks at me apologetically. “Ma’am I can’t leave you
“You’d rather I eat tainted food than leave me alone for a few
minutes?” She snaps at Sun.
“No ma’am. But if I leave and something happens…”
Mrs. Kang doesn’t give her time to finish. She gets up from her chair,
stalks over to me and throws the tray in my hand on the floor. The food and
plates all scatter everywhere.
“Then I won’t eat!” She snaps then points a finger at me. “And you!
Never come into my room again. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
She turns and stomps back to her seat by the window.
“Cass, leave. I’ll clean it up,” Sun whispers. I walk out of there
expecting nothing less.

My pay is finally here and a generous amount too. Double of what I

would have made at the hotel. I don’t know why Rome is paying me so
much. We never discussed the pay, but I’ll gladly take it for all the bullshit
he’s put me through.
Without Rome or the kids here, my day progresses as usual, I make
breakfast, say goodbye to the kids, and set aside food for both Mrs. Kang
and Yai. I let Cindy and Sun deal with Mrs. Kang while I head towards
Yai’s room. She still doesn’t welcome me with open arms, but the fact that
she still ate all the food I prepared for her last night makes up for the effort
I’m putting in.
I decided that Yai isn’t a bad person at all. She’s scary with her looks
but she isn’t bad. She’s been with this family for so long, this whole
situation probably hurt her as well.
“Why do you keep bringing me food?” Yai asks as I walk in with
another tray again.
“You’re sick. You need to eat to get better.” I simply say, setting the
tray down.
“Doing this won’t soften my heart for you.” She grumbles, but it
makes me smile.
“It’s okay. I just want you to get better.” I reach out to touch her
forehead like I would do Austin and Seoul when they are sick before
removing my hand.
“There’s medicine too. Make sure to take it after you are done eating.”
I start to walk away but Yai calls out to me. “Cass.”
“Yes?” I turn back to her.
“Next time, bring tea.” She says without looking at me, but her tone is
“Okay, Khun Yai.” I give her one last smile before walking out.

At lunch time I make some tea for Yai which she seems to enjoy the
flavor. Her lips curve for a bit before she pastes on her stoic face and
pretends that it’s subpar. I silently chuckle. I may be naive for thinking this,
but I think she’s opening up to me a little bit.
Returning to the kitchen, I decide against my better judgment to bring
some tea to Mrs. Kang too, thinking she might like it after having lunch.
Like Yai, I don’t think Mrs. Kang is a bad person at all. I know damn well
she is hurt, and I’m aware why she hates me. She’s just a mother, who’s
broken over her deceased daughter. I try putting myself in her shoes, and if
I have to live in the same house as someone who is even remotely related to
my daughter’s death, I don’t think I can be kind either. And she may hate
me, but she adores Seoul. If she can still have that kind of love within her,
she is still a good person deep down. Or maybe I really am just too naive.
Cindy and Sun will think I’m definitely looking for trouble, but I really
want to help out as much as I can. Make things better if possible. To do that,
I must try my best at making things right little by little.
I make it to the room and nervously knock on the door.
“Come in.” Instead of Sun answering, it’s Mrs. Kang herself who
answers. For a second, I debate whether to go in. If I want to make things
better, I need to not be afraid and face the problem head on. I enter and find
her at the window again.
“Cindy, how is Yai doing?” Mrs. Kang asks without turning around to
see me.
I walk over and set the tea down on the table, pour her a cup and hand
it to her.
“She’s doing better ma’am,” I reply.
Mrs. Kang turns around, surprised. “What the hell are you doing
“And what the hell is this?” She looks at the tea in my hand.
“I brought you tea. I thought maybe– ”
“Get this away from me!” She slaps the tea from my hand, the hot
content spills and burns my wrist.
I squeal out in pain but quickly hold it in as I cover the burning skin.
Mrs. Kang’s eyes widen in shock and flash with worry before she hides it.
Sun comes barging through the bathroom door and Cindy through the
bedroom door, both looking just as surprised and worried.
“Cass, what happened?” Cindy says running over.
“I warned you not to come in here again.” Mrs. Kang looks away,
breathing heavily. “It’s not my fault.”
“I’m okay. I’m sorry for intruding.” I say to no one in particular before
power walking out of the room.
I hold onto my burning wrist as I make my way to the kitchen. Fuck, it
hurts. I quickly turn on the faucet and lift up my sleeve, running my already
red skin under cool water.
My eyes start to tear, and I wipe it with my other hand. I can’t blame
Mrs. Kang. It was my decision to go into her room even after being warned.
Not to mention I surprised her by just going in without a single word. But
still, I don’t want to give up. I want to keep trying. For Paris, for her. For
Suddenly, I’m wondering how that jerk is doing. How come every time
I’m in any sort of dilemma, he’s the first person I think about? Will he help
me if he’s here? Is he glad to get away from me? Is he enjoying his time
with someone else? Or is he thinking about me? Of course, he isn’t thinking
about me. And if he is, I’m sure it’s about sex. I wipe another tear from my
eye. Jerk. Stop thinking about him, Cass.
I run my hand under the water for about another twenty minutes when
Cindy and Sun enter the kitchen.
“Cass are you okay?” Cindy rushes over to me with a sad face, her
eyes wet. “Why didn’t you listen and not go in the room?”
“What are you both doing here? Who’s watching madam?” I turn off
the faucet.
Sun carries a first aid box over to me. “She took her medication and
went to sleep. Cass, let me see your arm.”
I stick my arm out to Sun and her face saddens. “Cass, look at this. It
must hurt.”
“Just a minor burn.” I shake my head at them though it does hurt like
Sun applies some cream onto the burn before loosely dressing my
wrist. “Don’t go in there anymore, okay?”
“Mmm. Don’t go in no matter what. We will take care of madam’s
needs,” Cindy adds.
“I know I shouldn’t, but I want to help as much as I can. It’s my fault
she’s like this anyways. At least that’s what everyone thinks.” I say, my
voice low.
“What do you mean Cass? What’s your fault?” Cindy asks.
“You both will hate me too if you know.” I look down at my wrapped
wrist and my lips quiver.
Cindy shakes her head. “I can’t hate you, you’ve been nothing but nice
since arriving here.”
“Mmm,” Sun agrees.
“I… I’m the reason why Paris is dead.” I whisper not looking at them,
a tear drops from my lids.
“What!” Cindy is almost shouting, her eyes wide.
“My mom and my dad…”
“If you’re going to tell me about what happened in the past with your
family and this family, I already know. And it is not your fault!” Cindy
I lift my head up and look at her confused. She knows?
“You already know? How? And you don’t hate me?”
“Of course, I know. My aunt is Yai. She’s been with the family forever.
I’ve heard it all, Cass. I didn’t say anything because it’s not my place to say.
But it’s not your fault. Don’t ever blame yourself. And I can never hate you
for something your parents did.” Cindy explains wiping her own tears.
“Cindy….” My lips tremble and I want to hug her. She’s the first
person ever to know my past and not blame me.
“I know too. Cindy is my best friend, and she has a big mouth.” Sun
adds giving me a smile.
“And I know too, because Sun is my girlfriend.” A voice comes from
behind us.
I turn to see Ping standing there, smiling at us. I had absolutely no clue
Sun and Ping is a thing but that doesn’t even matter right now. The way all
three are looking at me makes my heart swell.
“And none of us blames you.” Cindy concludes, making me finally
break down.
“You guys.” I start crying hard not able to control my emotions.
“Cass don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry too.” Cindy, who is
already bawling, comes and hugs me. Sun also joins us.
“I’m a sympathetic crier.” I hear Ping weep before he joins the group
We hug each other and cry together in the middle of the main kitchen.
A sense of relief washes over me. It’s not that I don’t have anyone on my
side, I just never wanted to talk about it to anyone because I was too afraid
of the outcome.
“What are you all doing?”
We all turn our heads to look at Yai who’s finally out of bed. She looks
at us like we’ve gone crazy.
“Auntie leave us alone. We’re having a moment right now!” Cindy
cries while looking at her aunt.
“I really do live with crazies only in this house.” Yai rolls her eyes and
walks away. I almost want to laugh.

For the first time in what feels like so long, I genuinely smile to
myself. It feels so good to know for sure now that at least three people in
this house, in this world, don’t hate me even after knowing my past. This
little boost gave me so much motivation to just continue and work hard at
life. I stare at the dough before me and knead it even harder.
It’s late and the house has already gone to sleep for the night.
Tomorrow, Cindy has the weekend off, so I decide to get a head start on
breakfast. With just Sun and I working and Yai still sick, even though she
can move around more now, we will be busy.
I continue to knead the dough with a little smile on my face when I see
movement from the corner of my eye. I turn to look and see Mrs. Kang
standing there, staring at me with an emotionless face.
My little bubble of happiness quickly burst, and I become nervous as
my hands seize its movement. Why isn’t she in bed? And more importantly,
she just caught me in the process of cooking in her kitchen in the middle of
the night. Now I probably have to throw this dough away and make a
different menu for tomorrow’s breakfast.
“Do I even need to ask why you’re still up in the kitchen at this time of
the night?” She stares me down.
I look down and gnaw at my lips nervously. “I’m sorry. I’m just
preparing some dough for tomorrow’s breakfast.”
I see no point in lying to her as I’m caught red handed. “I won’t serve
it to you for breakfast if you don’t want it. I’ll just have the kids eat it.”
She doesn’t say anything and continues to stare at me. These silent,
scary stares really run in the family. Both she and Rome do this often, even
Yai. It always makes me so nervous. I exhale a slow breath.
“I’m sorry. I know my words mean nothing now and I know you don’t
want to hear it, but I really am. If I can change the past and take all the pain
away, I really would.” I don’t know why I’m bringing this up now, but I just
want to say it. At least once properly when she’s not at my throat.
“So, it’s okay to hate me and take your frustration out on me. I won’t
mind and won’t hate you back. I don’t have that right.” I finish, turning
away to wipe my eyes on my shoulder.
“I only came down for a warm glass of milk because I can’t sleep. Sun
is snoring so loud in the room.” Mrs. Kang says, walking further into the
kitchen. Her eyes land on my neck and I instantly feel myself blushing. The
mark is fading, but it’s still definitely there.
“Ah, let me get it for you ma’am.” I quickly turn away.
I place a smile back on my face and get to work right away. I can feel
her eyes on me the whole time as I warm up some milk for her. When I
finish, I set the milk in front of her.
“Um. I can leave and come back when you’re done so you don’t have
to be in the same room as me.” I wipe my hands on the apron and move to
take it off.
“No, I’m leaving back to my room with the milk.” Mrs. Kang stands.
“That dough, what are you making?”
“Just going to bake some bread in the morning. I thought you might be
tired of all the soup I’ve been making so…” Fuck, I just exposed myself.
“…I mean the food Cindy has been making.” I really hope I didn’t just
get Cindy, who I just genuinely became friends with, in any trouble.
“How’s your arm?” She asks, looking at my bandaged wrist, surprising
me with the change of subject.
“Ah this, it’s just a little burn.” I lift up my arm and nervously chuckle.
Mrs. Kang doesn’t say anything else and just walks out with her warm
milk, leaving me behind with my confused thoughts.

- 19 -

In the morning while serving breakfast, Mrs. Kang surprisingly comes
to join Seoul and Austin, even eating the bread I put on the table. I’m so
glad it’s the weekend. With Austin and Seoul home, they help keep Mrs.
Kang occupy and happy, especially Seoul. The mood seems lighter with her
I’m not sure if Rome is returning today or tomorrow since he only said
he will be back on the weekend. But either way, for some reason, there’s a
pinch of excitement in me pending his return. I must be going crazy for
even feeling the tiniest hint of excitement.
After breakfast, I begin sweeping the foyer while Sun and Cindy take
care of Mrs. Kang. Cindy is supposed to be off this weekend, but like the
sweetheart that she is, she volunteered to work since Yai is still sick. As I’m
cleaning, a nice white car pulls up. I stop and watch as Tye and Kale jump
out of the car. A smile crosses my face.
“Nong Cass!” Tye excitedly runs up to me from the passenger side and
gives me a hug.
“Hello Phi Tye.” I greet him and then look over to Kale who is
standing at the driver’s side and waving at me. “Hello Phi Kale.”
“What are you two doing here? Rome isn’t back from his trip yet.” I
ask when Tye lets me go.
“I’m not here to see him today. I came to visit his mom. I heard she’s
out of the hospital and wanted to pay my respect.” Tye tells me.
Kale walks around the car carrying a basket of fruits. He keeps his
cool gaze on me and suddenly I’m reminded of our last meeting at the
restaurant. Rome was jealous, Rome claimed me, Rome told him to stay
away from me. Does that mean Kale likes me?
“How have you been Cass?” Kale asks.
“Um, I’m good. Same old me.”
“That’s nice. I miss you.” He shows his dashing smile that usually
makes me blush. But for some reason, Rome’s words are ringing loudly in
my ears. Instead of replying to Kale, I just return his smile.
Nom comes forward and greets both gentlemen before escorting them
away. Tye tells me once he is done with meeting Rome’s mom, he’ll come
find me.
After cleaning the foyer, I start on my next task which is the library.
Not ten minutes into dusting the shelves, Kale finds me, alone.
“Cass, can I help you with anything?” He comes stand next to me by
the bookshelf.
“No! It’s okay. Why are you here? I thought you’re visiting Rome’s
“That’s all Tye. I just went to say hi then left to come find you. I
volunteered to drive Tye today because I wanted to see you.” Kale brushes
the back of his hand against my cheek. I give him an awkward smile before
stepping out of his reach.
“What’s wrong, Cass? You’re acting as if I’m some stranger.” He
pretends to be hurt and pouts.
Yes, why am I acting like this? I’m being awkward around him all of a
sudden. It makes no sense. Kale is a friend now, a Phi. But he might like me.
If Kale likes me, then what? No one has ever liked me before, not
counting Fah. All I know is my feelings for him are nothing more than a
“I’m sorry, I’ve just been so busy with work. With Rome gone, I’m on
“So, you’re saying, you’re uncomfortable here without Rome’s
“No!” I deny a little too fast. It just feels safer with Rome around.
Maybe because he’s been saving me a lot lately.
“Cass, can we sit and talk for a bit?” Kale asks in all seriousness.
“I have to work.” I look down at the feather duster in my hand.
“Please, just for five minutes. I must know something.” Kale takes the
feather duster from me before taking my hand and leading me to the couch
in front of the fireplace.
“Cass, can you tell me honestly. What is the relationship between you
and Rome?” Kale looks at my eyes without blinking, like he is trying to
read right through me.
I turn my face away and instead, look at my hands in my lap. “There’s
nothing to tell. He’s my boss and I’m his employee.”
“Then what happened the other day…”
“I don’t know what’s going on between you and Rome, but please
don’t put me in the middle of it. Rome was just trying to prove a point to
you by doing that to me.”
Kale hooks his finger under my chin and turns my head back to him.
“So, you’re confirming that you and Rome aren’t in any real lover’s
It’s just sex, Cass.
“We aren’t.”
“And this?” Kale slides his finger down my neck to the fading hickey.
His finger, unlike Rome’s warm touch, is cool.
It’s just sex, Cass.
“Was a mistake,” I breathe. Why am I lying? It wasn’t a mistake. I’ve
already decided that I don’t regret having sex with Rome, but hearing his
voice in the back of my head makes my heart ache. His words are still fresh
in my mind.
“That’s good to hear.” Kale says, his hand still on my neck.
Kale smiles at me before he slowly leans into me. I can feel chills
running down my spine. He isn’t doing what I think he is, is he? Before his
lips touch mine, I turn my head away.
“Phi Kale,” I say with a shaky breath. We almost kissed.
Kale lets out a soft, almost silent chuckle, and then he pushes me down
on the couch and looms over me. His eyes suddenly darkens, his face no
longer friendly.
“What are you doing?” My heart starts racing but for all the wrong
reasons. This is different from Rome. Completely different. I’m scared.
“Cass…” Kale whispers leaning down on me.
“Phi Kale, please don’t.” I place my hand against his chest to keep him
from coming closer.
Kale’s phone suddenly starts ringing and I feel relief thinking he’s
going to get off me but then he ignores it.
“Phi Kale, your phone.”
“Ignore it. Cass, can’t you give me a chance?”
“Please get off of me.” I push against him again, ignoring his question.
I don’t like this at all.
Kale takes my wrists in his hands and pins it above me. I squint in pain
from the burn I got last night but Kale doesn’t seem to notice. He once
again leans down, trying to kiss me. Rome’s face flashes before my eyes.
“I belong to Rome!” I shout turning my head away, breathing heavily.
Kale’s silent chuckle fans my ear. “I knew you were lying.”
I feel Kale’s grip on me lighten up and he starts to pull away but
suddenly his head is whack to the side.
“Kale! Get off of Nong Cass you pervert!” Tye snaps.
“Damn it, Tye that hurt!” Kale groans, finally completely getting off
me. I quickly get up jumping away from Kale.
“Cass, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Kale says, suddenly he’s
back to his normal nice guy tone. “I just wanted to make sure– ”
“Make sure what? If I’m easy? You’re just as bad as him.” I breathe
with a shaky breath.
“Cass…” Kale says, his tone soft and facial expression seemingly
sincere but that doesn’t matter now.
“Goodbye. Goodbye Phi Tye, I have to work.” I quickly run out of the
library not looking back.
“Nong Cass!” Tye calls after me, but I ignore him.
What the hell just happened? It was like he was two different people.
My heart is still racing in fear and my wrist is in pain from him gripping it.
And once again, even though I called him bad and even though he isn’t
even here, Rome saved me.
But I don’t belong to him. I don’t. I just happened to shout it. I place a
hand over my beating heart. Suddenly, my phone rings. I pull it out of my
pocket and Rome’s name pops up.

It has been the four longest, boring days of my life on this trip. This
isn’t my first business trip, and it won’t be my last but for some reason,
these days seem so long and stretch out. They were never ending. By the
third day, I was able to admit that it was because I didn’t have a little
annoying someone with me. Cass. I decided that on my next business trip,
he is coming with me.
I think him not being in my sight distracted me more than if he was
actually here. I kept fighting with my phone wondering whether to call him
or not. At the end, I didn’t but that still didn’t stop me from wanting to and
constantly pulling out my phone.
The good thing is, Adam and I finally secure the land down here and
can leave. Adam was able to book us a same day flight but not until this
I just got done taking a relaxing bath in the jacuzzi in my room and
haven’t even put on clothes when my phone dings with a notification.
I unlock it and it’s a text from Tye. He had told me earlier that he was
stopping by my house to visit my mother. I open his text, and my heart
drops to the pit of my stomach with anger and jealousy swiftly consuming
It’s not a text but a photo of Kale on top of Cass. Cass’s palms rest
against Kale’s chest while both men look into each other’s eyes and their
lips almost touching. I want to reach into my phone and rip them apart.
My phone shakes in my hands as I rapidly text Tye back.
If you value our friendship, get Kale the fuck off him now!
I then dial Kale’s number after, but the fucker ignores my call.
Quickly, I send him a text too.
Kale I will fucking end you! GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!
I immediately call Adam. I need to get back now. The possessive need
to get Cass away from the bastard claws at my insides.
“Yes Khun Noo?” Adam picks up after a single ring.
“Get us on a plane back to Bangkok now! I don’t care how you do it!”
I hang up and toss my phone on the bed. Fuck!
I pace back and forth in my room with different scenarios playing in
my head. Why the fuck are they together? What the hell is their
relationship? What if they kissed? What if they did more?
All I fucking know is if Kale touches Cass, I’m killing him. And Cass,
I’m going to make sure he knows just who exactly he belongs to.
I look at my phone on the bed and quickly reach for it. I dial Cass’s
number this time and wait. One, two, three, four fucking rings and he
doesn’t pick up. Then it goes to voicemail. My hand clenches tightly around
my phone. I’m going to make him regret this.

Two hours later, I land in Bangkok. Adam was able to get us on a last-
minute flight. I don’t know how he did it and I don’t care. All that’s on my
mind right now is to get home.
Ping is already at the airport waiting for us when we arrived. When I
get in the car, I finally turn on my phone again. There are exactly three text
Tye: Don’t threaten me with our friendship. I was nice enough to
let you know. Anyways, we left already.
Kale: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Cass: Sorry I missed your call, I was busy.
I chuckle ridiculously to myself. These fuckers. I run a hand through
my hair. I’m going to strangle all of them.
It seems like hours before we finally pull up in front of the house. I
jump out of the car immediately, my only thought is to find Cass.
I go straight to the kitchen to look for him but he’s not there. Then I go
to the library where the photo was taken. I look over to the couch and my
hands shake. They were right there. In my fucking house, on my fucking
The thought of dragging Cass back in here and fucking him on that
couch passes through my mind and I don’t hate the thought at all. In fact, I
should fuck him all over this house so no matter where he turns and look,
he will see only us.
I leave the library and make my way up the stairs towards the kids’
“Son you’re back!” I stop in my track and turn around. My mother is
standing there with Sun smiling at me.
“Hi ma.” I put on a smile and walk towards here. “I was just about to
come say hi.”
“You should have called. You must be hungry after your flight. I would
have had Cindy cook something.” Mom hugs me.
“I’m okay ma. I ate before getting on the plane,” I lie. “Are you feeling
any better, and where are you headed off to? And where’s Yai?”
“Mmm, I’m fine. Your mother can survive a few days without you or
Yai. She’s bedridden and hasn’t been feeling well. I’m on my way to the
garden to have some tea. Care to join me? Paris and Austin will be there
“You go ahead ma. I want to relax a little first.” I tell her. No, I want to
fucking find Cass.
“Okay. Go relax son. You must be tired.” She places a kiss on my
cheek before we part ways.
I turn around and head for my bedroom instead of the kid’s room. If
my mother is going to have tea with them in the garden, then Cass won’t be
in the kid’s room. Where the hell is he?
I go into my room and change my clothes before grabbing a cigarette
and exiting out to the balcony. I start smoking my cigarette when I finally
spot him. I walk over to the railing, my eyes never leaving him. He looks
normal for the most part, like nothing ever happened.
Cass is carrying a tray with a teapot and some snacks on it. He stands
next to Cindy in the garden. My mother and the kids show up and sit around
the table set out there. Sun, who is with my mother, moves to stand aside.
In a surprising turn of events, Cass walks right up to them and serve
them their drinks and snacks and my mother doesn’t even bat an eye. Is it
because Seoul is there? She is oddly calm.
But it doesn’t matter. He is there and he is leaving. That means he will
be returning to the kitchen. I immediately toss my cigarette and make my
way down to the kitchen.
Finally. Cass is in my presence after four long days. My heart starts
beating with excitement like I’m seeing my crush after so long. It’s
annoying but I can’t deny the sparks rushing through my veins. It almost
makes me forget my initial reason of why I was looking for him. Him and
Cass has his back to me and stands over the sink. I take one good look
over him, from his head, down his back, to his curved ass and his long legs.
I lick my bottom lip before walking up right behind him. I grab his waist
with my hands and place my chin on his shoulder.
“Miss me?” I whisper in his ears. Cass’s body stiffens and he drops the
utensil in his hand.
“Rome…” My name left his lips and I close my eyes. I miss him
calling out my name. “Let me go.”
Cass places his hands over mine and tries to pry my fingers off his
waist. Instead, I grab his arm and turn him to face me. He looks at me with
the same frown he usually has on when in my presence. I miss that face as
“When did you get back?” Cass asks. Instead of answering him, I grab
him, bend down and toss him over my shoulder.
“Rome!” he shouts in shock. “Put me down!”
Cass struggles in my arms but that only makes me hold on tighter. I
carry him up the stairs towards my room, not worried about anyone seeing
us, since almost everyone is outside. If Nom spots us, he wouldn’t tell a
I bring Cass into my room, locking the door behind us. I then carry
him over to the bed before tossing him on it. Cass lifts himself up on his
elbows and looks up at me with irritation.
“What the hell are you doing?” He gets up from the bed, but I push
him back down.
Before Cass can get up or say anything else, I get on top of him and
kiss his mouth shut. Damn, how I’ve missed these soft red lips. I missed
everything about him.
Cass is stun silent for a bit before coming too and pushes me back with
his hands on my chest.
“What’s gotten into you?” Cass asks.
“What did you do with Kale?” I ask, ignoring his question. His eyes
widen like he just got caught, feeding into my anger.
“What are you talking about?”
Not getting off Cass, I dig into my pocket and pull out my phone. I
look for the photo then I show it to him. Cass gasps upon seeing the photo.
He looks back at me, shaking his little head. I smirk before tossing the
phone aside.
“It’s not what you think.” He begins to say.
“Then what is it?” I bend down closer to him. “What? Did you
accidentally trip and he just happen to fall on top of you? Did he force you?
Or did you just think since I’m not around, you can have fun with him? Is
that why you ignored my call?”
“You’re an idiot. Get off me, Rome.” Cass grounds through his teeth
like he has the right to be mad at me. He’s the one messing around with
I grip Cass’s chin and turn his head to the side, exposing his fading
hickey. I cover it with my mouth and start sucking on it, hard.
“Rome, stop!” Cass whimpers but I continue to suckle his skin.
I suck and lick his skin between my teeth until Cass stops struggling
against me. When I pull back, the mark is as red as before if not more. I
smile, satisfied.
“Are you happy now? Now get the fuck off me.” Cass turns back to
look at me, his eyes shine with hurt.
“No, not until you know who you belong to.” I press my lips on his
again and Cass pushes me back, breathing heavy now.
“I don’t belong to you. I can do whatever I want with anyone I want.
It’s just sex between us, remember?”
My heart annoyingly skips a beat. Yeah, that’s what we agreed on. But
then why can’t I control this urge to make him mine alone?
“Yeah, just sex. And I want it now,” I say.
I capture his lips and kiss him with a ferocious need. Cass struggles
against me, this time fighting harder.
“You’re forcing yourself on me!” Cass yells, moving his face away.
Forcing? So what if I’m forcing him. This was our deal anyways. We
pleasure each other when the other wants it.
I grab Cass’s wrists from my chest and pin them down beside him on
the bed. Cass hisses in pain and my grip lightens up a bit.
“You’re hurting me.” Cass says with tears in his eyes. Only then do I
notice something beneath his long sleeve. I quickly pull his sleeve back
exposing his arm. His wrist is wrapped with white cloth.
“Cass what happened?” I quickly get off him and pull him up to a
sitting position. Suddenly, my only focus is his injury. What the hell all
happened while I was gone?
“Nothing.” Cass tries to pull away, but I hold onto his elbow. I start to
unwrap the cloth and Cass tries to pull away again.
“Stop it. I’m fine. It’s not like you care anyways.” But I do.
I ignore him and continue to unwrap his wrist. When I get the cloth
off, my jaw drops. A red layer of skin covered in small blisters, hid beneath
the cloth. The injury is consistent with a burn.
“What happened Cass?” I look at him with genuine concern.
Cass looks down at his lap and nibbles on his bottom lip.
“Cass…” Still, he doesn’t answer.
“Fine, I’ll go ask Cindy. If she doesn’t know, I’ll ask everyone else
until I find out.”
I let him go and make a move off the bed, but Cass grabs my arm
holding me back.
“It’s not a big deal!”
“Then tell me.”
“I just... It was my fault. I brought tea into your mom’s room, and it
spilled on me. That’s all.” He confesses, not looking at me.
“It just spilled on you?”
Right away I know it was my mother’s doing and I don’t like it one bit.
I knew leaving them alone was a bad idea and now look what happened. I
look at the damage done to his skin and my jaw tense.
“I’ll go talk to my mom.” I move again but Cass pulls me back.
“It’s not like that. It was my fault really. I know I’m not supposed to go
into her room, but I did anyways. I just surprised her, and this accident
happened. Don’t say anything, please? Besides, it’s just a minor burn.”
I sigh, frustrated. Cass is right. Even if I go to my mother, there’s
nothing I can really say to her without causing an even bigger issue. But I
still don’t like the fact that he got hurt. I take Cass’s hand off me and get up
from the bed.
“Rome, where are you going?” Cass calls after me but I ignore him.
I go into the bathroom and come out with a first aid kit. I sit back
down next to Cass and open the box. Grabbing his arm, I start dressing his
injury. He winces but doesn’t complain. I make sure to be gentler.
“Cass, don’t go into my mother’s room anymore. Matter of fact, just
stay away from her if possible.” I tell him as I continue to dress his wound.
“I know…” he quietly replies to me.
“Now tell me. What was Kale doing here? And don’t lie to me. I’m
already hanging on by a thread.”
Cass sighs. “He came with Phi Tye to visit your mom. Then he found
me in the library while I was cleaning. He wanted to talk, so we sat down.
All of a sudden, he just pushed me down and tried to kiss me.”
My grip on Cass tightens. I’m so going to beat Kale to a pulp. I already
warned him to stay away from Cass.
“Ah that hurts!” He yelps.
“I’m sorry.” I quickly apologize.
“What did you just say?”
“Nothing. Continue.” I clear my throat.
“Well, that’s about it. Phi Tye came and hit him upside the head, and
he got off of me. Then I left.” Cass says, just as I finish bandaging his wrist.
I set the first aid kit aside and turn back to Cass. “What did he wanted
to talk about?”
“None of your business.” Cass pouts and his cheeks darken, making
me grin. Even if he doesn’t tell me now, I’ll find out eventually.
“I need to get back to work.” Cass says, changing the subject.
He starts to get off the bed and I let him. My phone dings with a
notification and I grab it, reading the text.
Tye: FYI don’t go all jealous and angry at Nong Cass. He did
shout loudly to Kale that he belongs to you after all.
A wide smile spreads across my face. Suddenly, it feels like everything
is back to normal.
I grab Cass’s arm, stopping him from walking away. I pull him down
into my lap and hold him around the waist. He sits on me like a child would
on Santa. Instead, he is Mrs. Claus and I, Santa.
“Now what, Rome?” Cass says, annoyed.
I rub my nose gently against his cheek before whispering in his ears.
“So, you do belong to me? You told Kale yourself.”
Cass sucks in air and blushes hard. “That…that was…”
“It’s okay Cass. You don’t have to explain,” I whisper. “Just show me.”
My hand curls around his head and I cover his mouth with mine. This
time, he kisses me back.

- 20 -

“Ahh…” I moan loudly with every thrust of Rome’s cock inside of me.
He’s hitting that sweet spot continuously, driving me insane.
It didn’t take long for Rome kissing me to turn into a full blown his
dick-in-my-hole session. This wild attraction between us, it’s so damn
addicting. Our own personal drug. My wanton body burns for him with just
the lightest touch. And not before long, I’m bend over on all four with my
pants down and his huge cock bury deep inside me.
“Cass I’m going to cum so hard.” Rome groans, his pace quickening.
“Tell me where.”
“Inside. Don’t get my shirt…ah… dirty.” I say between moans. This
all happened so quickly that only my pants are off.
Rome grabs my dick and starts stroking it fast. I can feel my balls
tightening. I’m so close.
“Rome…” My mind is going blank from the intense pleasure. I dig my
nails into the bed sheets, shutting my eyes tightly.
“Cass, cum with me.”
Rome’s dick hits the target and I come crumbling down. My sperm
shoots out of me like a faucet on steroids. I hear Rome roar behind me as
his nails dig into my hip and feel his own hot liquid filling me to the brim.
My ass involuntarily bounces on his dick as a shudder rack through my
Rome bends over my back and places a kiss on the back of my neck,
his warm breath fanning me. He gets back up and slowly I feel him pull out
of me. My asshole feels empty and stretched once he’s completely out. I
shiver again at the empty feeling.
“Ahh…” I squeal as Rome slaps my ass cheek, making a delicious
pain radiate through me.
“Sorry, can’t help it. Your ass looks beautiful with my cum dripping
out of it.” Rome chuckles behind me.
I hear Rome get off the bed and walk away. He shortly returns and I
feel a warm cloth on my sensitive skin. I twist my head back to see Rome
carefully cleaning me up. He even grabs my dick and wipes that too. My
body shivers from his touch and I breathlessly moan. He’s always taking
care of me…
“Cass, keep reacting like that and I’m going to go for round two.”
Rome says with humor hidden in his voice. He finishes wiping me and gets
“You ogre. I need to get back to work. Your mother is going to fire me
for not returning to the garden.” I say, getting up myself.
“She won’t. Not with Seoul still here. What’s up with you and ma,
anyways? She wasn’t trying to pull your hair out in the garden.” Rome asks
as we dress ourselves.
“I don’t know…” I begin to say, because I really don’t. Mrs. Kang was
calmer for the most part after the tea incident.
“Maybe because Seoul is around. And how did you know about the
garden?” I turn to look at him and he gives me a half smile.
“I was smoking on the balcony and saw.”
“Stalker,” I mumble. That’s how he found me in the kitchen.
Rome walks up to me and wraps an arm around my waist. He pulls me
to him and plants a kiss on my mouth, making my eyes automatically close.
He kisses me for a few seconds before letting go. What the hell was that
I look at him with a questioning gaze and he looks away like he didn’t
just romantically kiss me after sex.
“Get back to work before you really do get fire.” Rome says before
walking away to the bathroom.
Now this is weird. We just had a completely normal conversation after
sex, he kissed me and now, he’s sending me off to work. It feels domestic
almost. I feel the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach at the thought.
I quickly fix my hair and make sure my uniform is tucked in nicely
then I return to the kitchen. The plates that I was putting in the sink are
already washed and put away. And the extra cake snacks I was going to
bring out that was on the counter are missing. Shit, someone came in and
took it already. Obviously, I was gone for over thirty minutes.
I reluctantly make my way back to the garden where everyone is.
“Phi Cass! What took you so long?” Seoul asks as I approach.
“Um sorry… I…”
“Cass did you finish the dishes like I ask?” Cindy says. I look at her
and she gives me the eyes to play along. I want to hug her so badly right
“Yes.” I nod my head. “Sorry it took so long.”
“Did you fall on your neck again?” Seoul blurts. Fuck. I forgot to
cover it.
“Yeah, Phi is clumsy. I fell just before coming out.” I internally groan,
knowing how stupid the excuse sounds.
Mrs. Kang stares at the mark on my neck, her eyes slanting. I can feel
my cheeks warming from both embarrassment and fear. Does she suspect
anything at all? Because that will really be the death of me.
“Ma…” Rome calls out to her, thankfully taking her attention away
from me.
We all turn to see Rome walking towards us. He quickly looks at me
with humored eyes before looking at his mom and smiling.
“Son, you decided to join us?”
“Cass. Get us another cup.” Mrs. Kang orders with a snappy tone. I
almost jump where I stand, and it’s not because of her tone either. She’s
never said my name before. “And don’t take so long this time!”
“Yes ma’am!” I immediately run to the kitchen and return with a cup
for Rome.
Our evening continues with me listening to their light conversations.
All four of them, Rome, his mom, Austin and Seoul, are all smiling and
laughing together. A warm, fuzzy feeling fills my chest. I hope it can
always be this way.

I try immersing myself in a book about cats, but I can’t seem to focus
at all. This morning, Rome took his mother, Seoul and Austin out. Mrs.
Kang wanted fresh air, so he brought up the idea and invited Seoul and
Austin. I was reluctant at first to let my siblings go out, but then Seoul
begged me with her puppy dog eyes.
“Please Phi. We never got to go out like this before. Please let us go?”
Those were Seoul’s exact words and I agreed. Even Yai got out of bed and
went too, claiming she needed the fresh air as well.
I’m starting to worry because they’ve been gone for four hours now.
And all I’ve been doing is cleaning a house that’s completely sparkling
clean already which is why I’m taking a short break in the library.
I pick up my phone and send Rome a short text, asking if they care
coming back yet. Then I grab the book again. As soon as I open the book,
I’m interrupted.
“Khun Cass. You have a visitor.” Nom says from the library doorway.
Me having a visitor? Who would want to visit me? “He’s waiting in the
“Okay… thank you,” I reply.
I put the book away and make my way to the foyer. There, Kale stands,
dressed like a rockstar with black leather pants, jacket and boots and a
white t-shirt. He’s quite stunning if I have to say so myself. But then, I
remember what he did and my mood sour. Why is he here?
“Cass.” Kale walks towards me when he notices me but stops when he
sees the distaste on my face.
“Cass, I came to apologize and explain. Can we talk?”
“Alone with you? I don’t think so.” Kale’s face turns into a little pout.
“Please Cass, I promise I won’t do anything, unless you want me too.”
He winks at the end.
I sigh. It’s better to just quickly get it over with. “Fine. Follow me.”
I lead Kale to the back garden because I don’t want to be alone with
him in a closed room. We sit down on one of the many benches and Kale
stares at me without saying a word.
“Speak Kale, or I’m leaving.”
“So, I’m just Kale now?” He pretends hurt and I give him a frown.
“Okay. Okay I deserve it.”
“Cass, I didn’t mean to hurt you or scare you. I just wanted to know
your true feelings and I wanted you to be aware of that too.” Kale begins
“What do you mean?”
“I heard the story about your past with Rome from Tye. He didn’t tell
me everything, but I can pretty much guess the rest.”
“Everyone has a big mouth around here.” I roll my eyes. “Also, which
one of you told Rome about what happened yesterday?”
Kale chuckles at my little angry outburst. “Tye for sure.”
Phi Tye, that troublemaker.
“So, you know about my past. What does that have to do with why you
did what you did?” I ask, not able to look at him. Another person knows,
but with Kale, I don’t know how he feels about it.
“Cass you like Rome, don’t you? You love him actually,” Kale says.
I snap my head to look at him. The hair on my skin rises. Am I that
“Don’t lie to yourself Cass. Whose name did you call when you were
in danger yesterday?”
I blink a few times before looking away. He’s right. Every time I’m in
trouble, I think of Rome. I love Rome, I’ve loved him since I was a
teenager. But that doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t feel the same way
about me. And that he’s a total asshole.
“I only did that to scare you, so I can know for sure your feelings for
him. I wasn’t ever going to actually hurt you or do anything else. And I
think I paid for it already. My head is still throbbing from where Tye
smacked me.” He jokes lightly, pointing to his head. “But if you want to
smack me too, go for it.”
“No. I don’t like violence,” I say.
“I want to help you, Cass.”
“Help me? With what and why?” I ask, confused.
“Because Rome is a total douche, the way he is treating you even
though he himself knows he has feelings for you. You’re a nice person, you
don’t deserve to be treated that way, even if your families have issues.”
Kale smirks. “Also, I have a score to settle with him from our college
“I told you I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever is going on
between you two.” So, Kale doesn’t seem to mind my past. That makes me
feel a little better about him.
“Don’t you want to know how Rome truly feels about you? Or are you
okay being his toy until he throws you out?” Kale looks at the fresh mark
on my neck then back at my eyes. His words sting, but sadly it’s the ugly
truth. I do want to know what Rome really feels. He always says it’s just
sex but then he does all these little things for me too like he cares about me.
“And how will you help me find out?” I ask.
“Date me." Kale smiles.
“Go out with me, Cass. Be my boyfriend.”
I’m stump for words. He wants to help me by us dating? How will that
help? Rome will kill him, then probably me, after fucking me silly.
Fuck. That last thought irritates me because that’s exactly what he will
do. I’m just a sex toy to him.
“How will us dating help me know his true feelings?” I ask.
Kale smirks and leans towards me. Not this again. He grabs my arms
and moves closer.
Before he can kiss me, his face moves to the side, and he whispers in
my ear.
“Shhh.” His breath fans over my sensitive skin and I can’t help the
light shiver that runs through me.
“Like right now, I’m helping you,” he whispers.
“What?” I whisper back, confused.
“Rome is staring at us.” I try to move but Kale holds me put. “Don’t
move. He’s coming.”
My heart starts beating rapidly in fear. Rome is home. Does Kale have
a death wish? Rome is going to kill us. Before I can say or do anything, I
feel hands on me and I’m being yank apart from Kale. Rome pushes me
aside and grabs Kale by his shirt, pulling him up to his feet.
“Kale, you fucking bastard!” Rome seethes through his teeth. “I told
you not to touch him!”
Kale grins at Rome, not at all intimidated by his words. I on the other
hand, want to get as far away as possible.
Kale grabs Rome by the shirt too and then shoves him away. Rome
stumbles back a little. Kale comes up to me and grabs me, putting himself
in front of me like a protective barrier.
“You, stay away Rome. Cass is not yours. He just agreed to date me.”
Kale smirks.
I can’t believe he just blurted that out loud without a second thought.
Rome’s eyes widen and his hands turn into fists at his side.
“You must be out of your fucking mind!” Rome roars.
“Cass, tell him,” Kale says.
“Cass. Come here.” Rome orders, looking at me. Fuck me.
Rome looks surprised when I don’t make an effort to move.
“Cass. Come here, now.” He all but growls this time.
Kale reaches behind and finds my hand. He gives my hand a light
squeeze, a little encouragement. If I’m going to do this, I have to decide
“No... I’m dating Kale now.” I say in a low voice.
Rome looks shocked before an angry scowl masks his face.
“I’m only counting to three Cass.”
“Stop trying to control him, you don’t even like him!” Kale throws at
“I’m not coming to you anymore.”
“I’m with Phi Kale now."
My heart drops as he says three, because I have absolutely no clue
what he’s going to do.
“You can get out of my house.” Rome says, he actually looks hurt.
He’s kicking me out. That’s the last thing I expected.
“Perfect. Cass you can come live with me. And your siblings too.”
Kale offers.
This is not what I wanted. I grab the hem of Kale’s jacket and pull on
it. I don’t want this.
Rome roars loudly before coming straight for us. He grabs Kale and
punches him right in the face.
“Rome!” I throw myself in the middle, so he can’t hit Kale again.
Rome grabs my arm and pulls me towards him.
“You want to date Kale after just screaming my name yesterday. After
I fucked you so hard you came all over my bed. After my cum slipped out
of your ass. Huh, Cass? Tell me!” Rome yells at me, shaking me harshly.
He breathes heavily waiting for my answer.
“It’s just sex, Rome. Get over it,” I say just above a whisper. A tear
rolls down my face. Even now, all he thought about is sex.
Rome’s face twists, his mouth open but nothing comes out. His eyes
burn with pain. He’s hurt. And that makes my chest ache even more. I don’t
want to hurt him, but I don’t want to be his sex toy too. I want to know the
truth. This tug-a-war game with him is taking a toll on me.
Say it Rome. Say that you like me too. I look at Rome, hoping for just
that. That would be enough.
“Fine Kale. Have my sloppy seconds.” Rome pushes me and walks
As I watch his back, I feel my heart breaking all over again. He doesn’t
like me.
“Cass…” Kale calls out to me, but I don’t respond until I feel his hand
on me.
“Did you see that?”
“Huh? See what?” I ask, still looking at the direction Rome left.
“He likes you.” Kale chuckles.
“What?” I finally look at Kale.
“He got so jealous. Even punch me right in the face.” Kale shifts his
jaw back and forth.
“Ah shit. Are you okay?” I ask, touching his face.
“I’m fine.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He smiles at me. “But you saw it didn’t you?”
“All I saw is him throwing me away.” I sigh sadly.
“He only did that because of his stupid ego. Don’t give up. He will
come through.”
“But what if he doesn’t? What if he hurts you again?”
“I’ll use you as shield. He won’t hit you.” Kale winks at me. “Also, if
he doesn’t want you, I’ll just date you for real.”
I chuckle unconvincingly. After today, he might just hit me and then I
might just have to date Kale for real.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I angrily shout as I tear my closet to pieces.
Fuck them. Fuck both of them. They can be together, go to hell for all I
care! But you do care. I roar ripping a bunch of shirts from its hanger and
tossing it across the floor.
Today was such a good day. My mom was finally healthy enough to go
out. The kids went with us. We visited the zoo and even did some shopping.
Seoul now owns a brand-new violin and doesn’t have to borrow one from
school anymore. And Austin, he had enough books to last him a year. It was
such a good day. Then this happened. I come home and find them together.
I close my eyes with a shaky breath. Once I open them, I look around
my closet. Everything is in tatters except for one bag that sits on top of the
dresser where Cass and I made love. Made love… I chuckle to myself,
running my hands through my hair.
I walk over to the bag and open it. Within it are new uniforms, some t-
shirts, and a bunch of his favorite chocolate. I can’t believe I snuck away
from my mother to buy all this, but I did. The only thought on my mind at
the time was Cass’s smile when he receives the little gifts I got for him.
I angrily snatch the bag and get ready to throw it but my hand freezes
midair. I can’t even fucking throw the bag because it’s for him. The bag
drops out of my hand, and I slide down to the floor, burying my head
between my knees.
“It’s just sex Rome. You said so yourself.” I say to myself. “You
already know that you and Cass can never be a thing even if you like him.
Even if he likes you. We’re destined to hate each other.”
Fine. Let it be this way. It’s better. Then why are you fucking crying?

It’s going to rain tonight. I stare out my office window at work just
gazing but not really seeing anything. My mind has been in shambles since
yesterday. And admittedly my heart too. There is a constant annoying ache I
wish would just go away, but it won’t. No matter what I do. No matter how
much I try to work, it’s still there.
Did I really lose him? Is he really over me? Him and Kale. Of all
people, why Kale?
I bang my head against the glass window again and again.
“Get out of my head.” I whisper to myself.
Since that moment, I haven’t seen Cass. I avoided him. I don’t know if
I can control myself if I see him now. There is still this possessive urge to
claim him back. Lock him in my room and not let anyone near him.
I grab my phone from my pocket and check the time. It’s already
dinner time at the house. Speaking of dinner, I haven’t eaten all day. I
haven’t eaten since yesterday. My appetite is completely gone.
It’s time to stop hiding, I tell myself. I text Ping to bring the car. It’s not
like I’m getting any work done here anyways.

The house is quiet and dark for the most part when I enter the foyer,
aside from sounds coming from the kitchen.
Don’t go.
My feet start moving in that direction anyways. My stupid body, my
stupid heart, no part of me seems to be listening to my brain anymore.
Just as I suspect. Cass is in the kitchen alone doing the dishes from
dinner. His back is turn to me, so I watch him from the entrance. Like
always, he moves so fluidly, like whatever he is doing is as simple as a snap
of a finger.
Suddenly, his hands stop moving and I can see his body go rigid. I
quickly duck into a dark corner right before he turns around. I watch as he
scans the kitchen behind him. He blinks a few times with a quizzical face
before turning back to the sink.
I wait and watch until Cass is done with the dishes. He dries his hands
before finally taking the apron off and hanging it with the others. Cass takes
one more look at his surrounding before picking up a tray with a teacup. I
follow as he takes the tray to Yai’s room, knocking before entering. A few
minutes later, he comes out empty handed. When did he and Yai become
close again?
Cass starts walking towards his own room and I can’t help myself. I
need to talk to him. I need to find out what happened. Why he suddenly
decided to date Kale. Just as I’m about to reach out to him, his phone rings.
Cass picks it up and answers.
“Hello, Phi Kale.”
My heart drops to the pit if my stomach and I feel sick. If Kale is
making late night calls, then they must really be together now. Cass walks
away entering his own room.
I return to my own room, just hating everything. Hating this situation,
hating Kale, hating Cass, hating myself. I want to go out for a cigarette, but
the rain has already started pouring so instead, I opt for a shower and then
try to sleep.
My mind swirls with thoughts of Cass whether my eyes are open or
closed. Fuck, this is frustrating.
Suddenly, I hear a little knock at my door. Cass? Did he come to me?
My heart starts rapidly beating and a little spark of hope blooms inside
me. I quickly jump out of bed and have to force myself not to run to the
door. If it’s really him, how will I react? A part of me knows I’m going to be
angry, but another part of me just wants to throw him on the bed and make
mad love to him. Tell him not to be with Kale. Tell him to be with me.
I open my door, and nobody is there. What the fuck.
“Phi Rome, I’m down here.”
I look down to see little Seoul clutching her giraffe she got from the
zoo and looking up at me with big sad eyes.
“Seoul…” I breathe out. “What are you doing here?”
“Can I sleep with you?” She says rubbing her eyes with tears.
“Please Phi, I’m scare,” she whimpers.
“Here, come in.” I open the door wider for her to enter. She walks in
my room and just stands there. I close the door and bend down to her level.
“Why are you here? Why aren’t you sleeping in your room,” I ask.
“Please don’t tell Phi Cass.”
“I won’t. What’s wrong?”
“Ever since we moved here, I’ve been sleeping in Austin’s room,
because I’m scared of the dark even though I’m not supposed to sleep with
him anymore. But now Austin is on his school trip and there’s no one to
sleep with. And I’m scare.” She cries, shaking a little.
“Shh. It’s okay. Don’t cry.” I carry her up in my arms.
“I was going to go to Phi Cass’s room but it’s so dark and far away.
And it’s raining outside, and the thunder scares me. Can I please sleep with
you?” I can’t help but chuckle a little at her cuteness.
“Yes sweetheart. You can sleep with me.” I tell her.
“Thank you, Phi.”
I carry her to my bed before setting her down. We both get under the
blanket, and she snuggles close to me.
“You’re so nice Phi Rome. Sometimes you look mean, but you’re
nice,” she speaks.
If only your brother thought the same. What am I thinking? I have
never given him a reason to think I am nice.
Thunder roars across the sky and Seoul snuggles closer to me. I stuck
out my arms and let her use it as a pillow.
“You’re scare of the dark and thunder?” Seoul nods her head in my
“Seoul, do you know why Phi Cass is afraid of dark small spaces?” I
ask, suddenly remembering Cass’s fear.
“I don’t know. I just know he is. He used to not be scared though if I
remember correctly.” She says, thinking hard.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, when I was a baby, like really small. I remember we used to
play hide-and-seek a lot. And Phi Cass would hide in small spaces with me
and Austin. He wasn’t scared then. But then one day, he stopped hiding with
us and started seeking us instead. But he was a very bad seeker. Sometimes
it took him forever to find us and sometimes he never found us, so we just
had to come out ourselves.” Seoul finishes her little story down memory
What does that even mean though? It’s just hide-and-seek, a kid’s
game. When we were teenagers, he still hid in small dark spaces with me
too. So what exactly happened? What caused this fear to be born?
“Seoul, how come it took Phi Cass so long to find you guys?”
No reply. I look down at the little girl and her eyes were firmly shut
tight. The girl fell asleep already. How I wish I can fall asleep that fast.
I sigh heavily closing my own eyes. It took me a long time to fall
asleep but when I do. I dream of dark small spaces. Being with Cass, us
hiding. Then all of a sudden, Cass is gone and I’m alone. At the end, I’m the
one alone in the dark, trapped by my own walls I’ve built. I wake up with
tears in my eyes.

- 21 -

It’s been so hard to sleep these past nights. I can’t help but think about
Rome and what I’m doing with Kale. Is this really the right move to make?
Kale and I already agreed that this is just a fake relationship and
nothing else. There won’t be any touching whatsoever involved, unless
Rome is around according to Kale. But a hug is as far as I will go with him,
and he knows it.
I haven’t seen Rome since that whole ordeal and his pained face still
burns in my thoughts. To make matters worse, I found out he took my
siblings to the zoo and shopping, buying Seoul a brand-new violin and a
bunch of books for Austin. They were so happy about it that lying like this
makes me feel even guiltier. I haven’t even properly thanked him for it but
now I don’t even know how to approach him. I just don’t understand, if he
hates me so much, why is he doing all of this for my siblings?
Austin already left for his trip yesterday with all the excitement in the
world. That too, was all thanks to Rome. Damn it all, I’m feeling so guilty
the more I think about his pained face and the things he’s done for me and
my siblings. He didn’t have to do a single thing for us after what my family
did to his, yet he still does. I understand that he’s been cruel but still, I can’t
control the feelings in my heart.
“Cass, did you hear what I said? You’re zoning out often these last few
days.” Cindy waves her hands in front of me gaining my attention.
“I’m sorry Cindy, I’ve been distracted.” I apologize and quickly
continue on my task at hand. I grab the hot water and pour it into two
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asks, her face lace with concern.
“Maybe later.” I shake my head at her. Though we have become closer,
this, whatever this is going on between Rome and I, I’m not ready to share
it. Although I’m sure most can guess since it’s not hard to decipher,
especially with a hickey on my neck constantly.
“It’s okay, whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here for you.” Cindy smiles
at me. “So, I was just asking if you’re making tea for madam?”
“Yes. For her and Khun Yai.” I return her smile, thankful for her not
pushing the subject.
“Do you want me to bring it up?”
I think for a bit before shaking my head at her. “No, I think I got it.”
Mrs. Kang, although she hasn’t outright approved of me or anything,
has not been so hostile towards me as before. I don’t know what changed,
but I welcome the change with open arms. In fact, I want more change. For
some reason, I want to help her heal. Rome too, but… I seem to be doing
more harm than good.
Khun Yai too, though still grumpy, she has been kinder with her words.
I guess tea is the way to their hearts.
“I’m going to water the garden then. Be careful, okay?” I nod my head
and Cindy exits the kitchen.
I take the tea up to Mrs. Kang’s room, knocking before entering.
“Hello ma’am,” I say, walking in. “I thought maybe you would like
some tea after lunch with Khun Yai.”
Both women look up at me from their knitting but neither one says
anything. Yai looks over at Mrs. Kang than at me giving me a ‘what the hell
do you think you’re doing’ look. And she’s right, I may be overstepping
here but my mind is set on helping however I can.
“If you don’t want it, I can bring it back down.” I turn to leave,
disappointed but not defeated.
“Bring it here,” Mrs. Kang calls out.
I swiftly turn around with a smile. “Yes ma’am!”
I set the tea down and bow, ready to make my exit.
“Yai, is your shoulder still bothering you.” Mrs. Kang speaks, halting
“A little. You know, old age,” Yai replies.
I peak from under my lashes and see Yai rubbing her shoulder.
“I can massage it for you, Khun Yai.” Before Yai can accept or decline,
my hands are on her shoulder.
“Cass what are you doing?” Yai twists her head back to look at me.
“I’m good at it. I used to work at a massage parlor.”
I start pressing into Yai’s shoulder and instead of saying whatever she
was going to say, she makes a satisfying sound.
“Why would you work at a massage parlor?” Mrs. Kang asks,
surprising me. She picks up the cup of tea and sips it without making eye
contact with me.
“Well, it was one of the few places that would hire me at the time
when my pa…” I stop myself from saying parents. “When I was younger.”
“Aren’t you still so young now? You had no business working in a
place like that when you were younger. Those places can be so dirty and
sketchy.” Yai says leaning into my touch.
Mrs. Kang has her eyes on me now, so I advert my gaze to my hand
which has stopped moving. Yes, it wasn’t an ideal job for a teenager at the
time, but they paid me and that was all that mattered. Even though they pay
me way less than what I should have gotten. I was desperate and they knew
it and took advantage of it.
“True, but thanks to that experience I’m good at massages. So, if you
both ever need me to help massage you, I can.” I smile, pushing away the
thoughts of the past.
Mrs. Kang continues to throw glances at me and Yai continues to small
talk through the massage.

In the evening when Seoul comes home from school, she goes straight
to Mrs. Kang’s room like she’s been doing lately, bringing with her, her
backpack of homework and her new violin. Her rented violin was
successfully returned back to school and because she didn’t rent it out for
the whole period paid for, a partial refund was returned. I now have more
money than I ever owned and it’s all thanks to one man.
After dinner was served without Rome being present again, everyone
returns to their own private rooms for the night. Alone in my room, I start
thinking of Rome. Maybe, I’m the crazy one. Not seeing him at all makes
me worrier than I like to admit. It’s been days now since he’s avoided me.
He wakes up early and go to work and returns late at night when everyone
is already in bed.
I roll out of bed and make my way to Seoul’s bedroom to make sure
she’s tucked in. As I make it to the hallway that leads to Rome’s room, I
pause and look down. The hallway is empty and dark.
“Phi what are you doing out here?” Seoul says walking up to me.
“I should be asking you that. It’s almost time for bed.” I look away
from Rome’s room and towards Seoul, standing a few feet away from me.
She looks at me with a guilty expression like she’s been caught doing
something she isn’t supposed to. She nibbles on her bottom lip nervously.
“Seoul, are you hiding something?”
“Nope.” She looks away not making eye contact with me.
I chuckle at her cute demeanor. “Come on, let’s get you in bed.”
I take hold of her small hand and lead her to her bedroom and into bed.
I pull the blanket over her and kiss her on the forehead. Her face still looks
like she’s hiding something.
“Seoul, did you want to tell Phi something?” I sit down on her bed
beside her.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Anything sweetheart.”
“Are you mad at Phi Rome?” She asks, surprising me. Just his name
alone makes my heart skip a beat.
“No? Why would you ask that?”
“It’s just, I haven’t seen you two talk lately. I really like Phi Rome and
I would be sad if you two are not getting along.” Seoul admits.
“Sweetie why would you be worrying over that. Phi Rome and I are
fine. He’s just been so busy with work, I haven’t seen him lately. We are
okay.” I lie through my teeth.
It's only normal that Seoul will be fond of Rome. She’s only seen his
good side and to her, he’s only shown his good side. But I didn’t know or
stop to think how mine and Rome’s relationship can affect the kids. I need
to be more careful still.
“That’s good, because Phi Rome wouldn’t have bought you a present
then.” Seoul smiles up at me.
“Yeah, didn’t he give it to you yet. Oops!” Her little hand flies to cover
her mouth. “Sorry, it was a secret. I wasn’t supposed to tell.”
“What do you mean Seoul?”
What present? Rome bought me something too on that shopping trip?
Why would he even bother? For sure it was before he discovered me and
Kale in the garden. Otherwise, he wouldn’t dare buy me anything.
“Promise you won’t tell.” I nod my head once. “Well, when we were
shopping the other day. After Phi Rome bought my violin and Austin his
books, I saw him sneak away and he came back with a bag. So I asked him
who it was for and he said not to tell anyone, but it was for you. Sorry I
told. I thought he gave it to you already.”
I smile at Seoul and pat her head. “This can be our little secret.”
“I have another secret too.” She looks more concerned this time.
“You have a lot of secrets lately Seoul,” I say jokingly.
“It’s more of a confession. But you have to promise not to get mad or I
won’t tell you.”
“Scout’s honor.” I put my hand up. I can only imagine what it will be.
Hopefully she doesn’t throw another curveball at me.
“Since we moved here, I’ve been sleeping in Austin’s room. We kept it
a secret from you.”
I sigh in relief, that I can live with. I kind of figured that Seoul might
not be ready to sleep alone and maybe will sneak into Austin’s room some
nights, but I didn’t think it would be every night.
“And because Austin is gone this week, I’ve been sleeping with Phi
Never mind.
“What! Seoul!” I don’t mean to shout but I do. I palm my face in
“You promise you wouldn’t get mad!”
“I’m sorry. My bad, I’m not mad, just shock. Why would you go sleep
in his room?” I’m surprise Rome hasn’t come up to me and tell me to mind
my sibling.
“Your room is too far and I’m scared to walk that far in the dark. And
the first night, it was raining so I was scared and asked Phi Rome and he let
me sleep with him.” Seoul confesses it all and I wish she didn’t.
“And were you on your way to his room earlier?” Seoul nods her little
head. “I wish you would have told me Seoul. We shouldn’t bother Phi
Rome too much.”
“I’m sorry. I won’t do it anymore. It’s just, I want you to think I’m a
big girl now.” She whispers.
“You are sweetie. I know that. Even if you still want to sleep with
someone. You’re still a big girl now.” Seoul’s eyes light up with my words
and she grins at me.
“You want to know another secret?”
“No more secrets Seoul.” My heart can’t handle it even though I’m
curious as hell.
Seoul gets up and scoots closer to me. She turns to my ears and
whispers, “Phi Rome calls your name in his sleep.”
My eyes widen and I can feel the goosebumps spreading across my
skin. He dreams about me.
“He’s also hungry a lot. I hear his stomach grumbles in the middle of
the night too.”
Seoul lays back down and pulls the blanket over her. I don’t even
know what to say to her. Is he starving? Why isn’t he eating? Is he stress?
“Phi, I want to sleep now.” Seoul draws me out of my thoughts.
“Do you want to come sleep with me tonight?” I offer not knowing
what else to say.
Seoul thinks for a bit before shaking her head. “You’re right Phi. I am
a big girl now. Tonight, I will sleep by myself for sure. Just leave the
nightlight on.”
“Are you sure?”
“Okay, my big girl.” I lean down and give her another kiss before
leaving her room, my thoughts all over the place.
Why? Why does he keep making me feel horrible about myself? I’m
nothing to him. So why? Buying me gifts, secretly helping me, and treating
my siblings so nicely but he can’t even feed himself properly. He likes you.
Maybe my original guess is right and maybe Kale is right. He does like me.
I look down the hallway that leads to Rome’s room. I want to see him.
I want to confront him about everything. Knowing his damn ego though, he
will never admit it. Never. And he probably will only say mean things to
hurt me. Yet, my legs still move in that direction. Move until I’m standing
right in front of his bedroom door.
He's not even home. What am I going to do? Wait for him in his room?
Stand here until he gets back?
“Why are you standing in front of my room?”
I gasp. My body automatically reacts to his voice with my heart
quickening. I slowly turn to look at Rome and once again, gasp.
He stares at me with his dark steely eyes, his expression sullen. But
that’s not what made me gasp. He hasn’t shaved for what seems like days, a
shadow of his facial hair covers his lower face and his eyes sports dark
circles. His hair is a little disheveled. He looks messy not like his normal
clean look, yet he looks exotic almost.
“I asked you a question.” He says taking a step towards me. I force
myself not to step back like I always do.
“I need to talk to you.” I try not to sound intimidated by his
approaching form.
“Oh yeah?” Rome stops in front of me, and I can smell the faint scent
of cigarette on him.
“Well, I don’t have anything to say to you. Move.” Rome pushes me
out of the way. He opens his door but before he can go in, I grab his arm.
“Rome, we need to talk.” I turn him back to face me.
“Talk about what? Me or you or Kale? I don’t care who or what it’s
about. Let me go.”
Rome tries to loosen his arm from my grip, but I hold on. Why am I
trying so hard? Deep inside, I know why. I’m worried about him and want
an honest answer about his feelings.
Annoy with the pulling and tugging, Rome turns completely around to
me and grabs my waist with his loose arm pulling me flush against his
body, making my breath hitch.
“You want to talk, Cass? Fine. If you dare come in my room that is.
Because I promise you, if you come in, you’re not walking out tonight.”
Rome growls in a low voice, raising the hair on my skin.
His eyes lands on my lips as I exhale a shaky breath. He smirks before
looking back at my eyes.
“Thought so.” He shoves me away from him and enters his room.
My hands fist at my side. I want answers and he can’t scare me away. I
push his door open and follow him in.

I hear the stupid idiot follow me in and I almost want to laugh out
loud. Does he think I’m joking with him? Does he think just because he’s
with Kale now, I won’t ravage his body? In fact, it will please me greatly
making him scream my name while he’s dating another man.
I go straight to my bed, turning on the bedside lamp and sit down. I
watch as Cass walks over to me. Slowly, but with confidence. I smirk to
myself. What’s gotten into him tonight? Or has he always been this way?
It's been many days now that I have successfully avoided him. And
then now here he is, serving himself to me, looking better than ever. And
here I am, looking a whole hot mess, because I’ve been drowning in my
own misery. Because awake or asleep, he haunts me. It kind of angers me to
see him so well off.
I do have to say, I was surprised to see him at my door. If anybody, I
thought I will see Seoul at my door. Which reminds me, will she stop by
again tonight? The little girl has been sleeping here every night since Austin
left. So yes, she probably will. Damn, what a shame. I can’t even fuck Cass
properly even if I want too since Seoul might come knocking any minute
Cass stops a short distance in front of me.
“Why have you been avoiding me?”
“Ha, is that what you really wanted to talk about?”
Cass’s lips thin out, showing his deep dimples.
“Why? Because every time I see you, I want to either choke you or
throw you against the wall and fuck you.” I say with no shame. “Now that I
think about it, I want to do both at once.”
Although Cass’s face doesn’t show it, his hands nervously fist the side
of his black shorts.
“Is it always sex with you?” Cass utters.
“With us. Yes. You already know that.” Why is he even asking about
things we’ve made clear so many times already? “If this is all you have to
talk about, then leave while I’m being nice. I want to shower.”
I stand up and walk towards my closet.
“Then why did you buy Seoul a new violin? Austin new books? You
bought me something as well.” Cass says, stopping me.
He knows… But who cares if he knows, that changes nothing. I start
walking away again, and I can hear Cass following me.
“You even let Seoul sleep here with you!” Cass continues.
It seems that little girl’s been talking to her big brother. I ignore him
and enter my closet.
“I know you dream about me! And from the looks of you, Seoul is
right. You’ve probably been starving yourself! You…” Cass’s words trail
off as he enters my closet.
“What the hell happened here?” Cass looks at the disaster state my
closet is in then at me. I haven’t bother to clean up the mess or have anyone
else clean it. His eyes scan the clothing that covers every inch of this closet
before landing on the single untouched bag on the drawer.
“Are you done here? Leave if you are.” He wasn’t supposed to see this
mess. This mess only confirms how much Cass really affects me.
“Rome. Why can’t you just admit– ”
I growl out in frustration. Turning around, I grab Cass and push him
against the wall.
“Shut up Cass! You sure concern yourself with my business a lot for
someone who claims to have a boyfriend. And if you know that Seoul has
been sleeping here, then you know that any minute now, she’s going to
come knocking at that door. So get out if you don’t want to be caught
explaining to her why you’re in my room in the middle of the night.”
I need for him to leave, or I really won’t be able to control myself. He
has no damn clue how hard it was to avoid his existence these past few
days. How much he invaded my every thought. How much I just wanted to
ignore everything around me and just go to him. He has no fucking clue.
And him acting like this right now is not fucking helping.
“Seoul isn’t coming tonight. I already talked to her.” Cass offers the
one single information that was saving himself from me.
“Well, in that case then…”
I don’t give it another thought. I pull Cass into my arms and connect
my lips to his. God, I miss this feeling. And apparently, he did too.
Cass melts into my arms, allowing me to taste the inside of his soft,
hot mouth. Our tongues intertwine in the familiar tango I’ve become
addicted to. My hand slowly drifts down the curve of Cass’s back before
stopping at his ass. I squeeze his voluptuous cheek making Cass gasp in my
mouth. Suddenly, his body stiffens, and he pushes me away.
Cass takes a few steps back and stares at me, breathing heavily. His
cheeks are flush, and he gnaws at his already bruised lips like he’s done
something wrong. I take a step towards him.
“I have a boyfriend!” Cass pants stopping me. The brat would bring up
that bastard at this time. A little too late after kissing me back like that.
I grin at him before grabbing the hem of my shirt and ridding my body
of it. Cass’s eyes widen but I ignore him as I work on the belt of my pants. I
toss the belt aside, then let my pants drop to the ground, leaving me with
only my briefs. My bulging cock is already straining against it. Cass
swallows a nervous gulp.
“I already told you, follow me and you’re not leaving the room
tonight, Cass.” I take another step towards him.
“But you told me to leave earlier.”
“And yet, you’re still here.”
Cass turns to leave but I quickly close the gap between us. I grab his
arm and pull his back against me. I press against him making sure he can
feel my harden dick on his ass. A shiver runs down his back, letting me
know he feels every inch.
“Rome let me go.” Cass says with a shaky breath but doesn’t try to
pull away. He knows he can’t anyways.
I keep one hand around his waist as my other find his neck. I trace my
fingers down his neck, grabbing his shirt and moving it aside, exposing his
once again fading hickey.
I place my lips over it and start sucking on it, slowly unlike other times
before. Cass whimpers softly but doesn’t move.
“Rome don’t…” Cass breathes.
I ignore him, and continue to slowly suckle his skin, taking my sweet
time. I want him in my arms for as long as possible. Even if he belongs to
another man, I still want my mark on him. I close my eyes and let my
mouth and tongue do the work. Finally, I pull back, eyeing the fresh red
mark on his porcelain skin.
I let Cass go and step away from him.
“Go Cass.” I’m holding on by the thinnest thread. If he really doesn’t
leave now, he can’t blame me for what I will do next.
Cass moves his shirt back, covering his shoulder and a part of the
“You’re a jerk, Rome.” Cass says, turning his head to the side.
“And Cass…” I say as he starts to move. “The next time you come into
my room again, you’re not leaving.”
With those final words, Cass walks away. I don’t know how I found
the willpower to stop myself, but I did. I just know that fucking him now
will only hurt me more at the end, so I didn’t. But that still doesn’t help my
hard as cock right now. I look down at my bulge. Yes, I need a shower, a
very cold shower.

Since that night, Seoul hasn’t come into my room again. I must admit,
I kind of miss the little girl. She is a talkative one. She answered anything I
asked and freely spoke her mind. But I still don’t know more about Cass’s
fear since Seoul was too young to recall anything else. I guess it’s better this
way though, seeing that the little girl was able to frame me for calling out
Cass’s name in the middle of the night.
I’m still very curious as to why and how the trauma came to be but for
now, I set it aside. Because the thought of him and Kale together still
bothers me so much more.
This evening, I have to return home early. My mother requested to
have dinner with me, mentioning that she hasn’t seen me all week. And it
was true. Since I hid from Cass, I was gone before she left her room and
came back after she’s gone to bed. Because she hasn’t seen me, this
morning I decided to clean my face, so she doesn’t have to worry about me
looking homeless. I actually didn’t even need to go in today since it’s
Saturday, but I went in anyways because it’s Cass’s weekend off.
I make it home just before dinner, finding my mother with Seoul in the
living room. I give them my greetings before going to my room to change
out of my work clothes and then going back down for dinner.
My mother and Seoul sit at one side of the table and I on the other.
Once it’s time to serve dinner, Cass enters with Khun Yai, holding some
dishes. My eyes immediately land on him. He isn’t dressed in his work
uniform, but why is he working?
“What? I can’t have him cook on his day off?” Mom says, answering
my thoughts. Cass looks at me and then quickly looks away.
“I’m just shock you're able to eat the food he cooks,” I admit.
“Phi makes the best food!” Seoul chimes in, looking at my mom.
“Right ma’am?”
“It’s edible.” Mom says, looking at me. Well, isn’t this a hilarious turn
of event. She likes his cooking. She must have found out all the food she’s
been praising was Cass’s cooking all this time but doesn’t want to admit she
likes his cooking.
But you’re the same. Fuck my stupid conscience.
“It was actually me who offered to make dinner.” Cass cuts in. He
holds his hand together and looks down.
“Anyway, let’s eat. I’m starving.” Mom waves her hand to end the
“Wait. Can Phi Cass eat with us?” Seoul suddenly asks.
“Paris, he works here. He can’t eat at the table.” Mom tells her.
“I told you to stop calling me Paris. I’m Seoul.” The little girl huffs.
“Besides, Phi isn’t working today.”
My mother looks at Cass who keeps his eyes down. He had a light
blush on his cheek and is probably dying inside. Khun Yai stands next to
Cass but doesn’t say anything. Her facial expression stoic as usual.
“Fine, Seoul.” Mom looks back at her. Seoul sweetly smiles at my
mom thanking her.
“Cass, sit down.”
“Um, I’m okay, I can eat later.” Cass quickly says.
“I said sit,” mom orders.
“Yes ma’am.” Cass nods his head once. He moves over to their side
next to Seoul, but my mom stops him.
“Not there, next to Rome.”
Cass looks between me and my mom nervously but moves to sit next
to me regardless. Right away, I can feel the closeness of his body heat. I can
even smell him over the food.
“Now let’s eat,” mom announces.
My mother grabs the food first and puts some on Seoul’s plate. Cass
waits until there is food on everyone’s plate before he slowly grabs some
vegetables. Of all the meat dishes here, he grabs that. It’s no wonder the
man is so small. He has a whole feast in front of him, but he doesn’t touch
it. It annoys me and only makes me wonder what he eats daily while living
I grab some short beef rib and put it on his plate. Well, more than a
little. I place half the meat dish in his plate.
“Rome!” Cass whisper-shout and looks at me from under his lash
before stealing a glimpse at my mother who has her eyes on us.
“I’m sorry ma’am, I’ll put some back.”
“Don’t. It’s already on your plate. That’s unsanitary,” she voices.
Cass nibbles on his bottom lips and I smirk satisfyingly.
He leans over to me and whispers, “you can take it out of my
He moves back and starts slowly eating. The idiot really thinks I will. I
watch as Cass bites into one of the short ribs and a small smile touches his
lips. I try my best to contain my own smile that threatens to break across
my face. I definitely need to buy him some meat for his personal meals. I
look up to see my mother’s eyes on me. I clear my throat and start eating
The dinner conversation is mostly my mother and Seoul talking and
her asking about my work life. Cass doesn’t say anything but smile here and
there as he watches my mom and Seoul interact. I try my best to focus on
the food before me and not Cass so much. I can already tell my mother is
getting suspicious.
“Son, are you seeing anyone right now?” Mom suddenly asks me.
“You know I’m not.” I tell her.
“Well, you should and start a family of your own soon.”
“I’m only twenty-four, ma. I have time.”
“Before you know it, you’ll be old and crazy like me.”
“So you know you’re crazy too?” Seoul blurts.
I start choking on my food, quickly taking a sip of water.
“Seoul!” Cass speaks up for the first time.
Seoul’s little hands fly to cover her mouth. “Oops… sorry.”
“It’s okay sweetie. Mom understands.” My mother pats her on the head
and smiles at her. She will probably never get upset with Seoul. Seoul can
set this house on fire, and she will give her a lollipop.
“What about you Cass?” Mom switches her attention to him.
“Yes?” Cass eyes my mom nervously. I’m on edge too. Why is my
mom suddenly talking to him?
“Are you seeing anyone?” Her eyes land on Cass’s neck.
Cass gulps nervously. “Um no ma’am.”
“Then your neck…”
“Phi is so clumsy. He keeps falling!” Seoul yells.
“I wonder whose mouth you fell on.” My mother looks at me now.
Cass’s hand is no longer on the table but at his side, gripping at his
“Ma, he lied to you. He’s seeing Kale.” For a second, my mother’s
eyes widen. She probably thought for sure I made that mark on Cass’s neck.
Well, I did, but she doesn’t need to know that.
“Kale huh...”
“Who’s Kale?” Seoul asks.
“My friend,” I reply. My bastard of a friend that I want to murder.
“Your friend is seeing Phi Cass? What does that mean?” Seoul asks
“It means, I’m his friend too.” Cass tells her.
“Is he as cool as Phi Rome?”
“Aww baby girl, you know no one is as cool as me.” I grin at her
making her giggle.
When dinner is finally over, I can’t be happier. Although my mother
didn’t question us anymore, her wandering eyes still burned between Cass
and me.
Sun and Cindy clear the table as my mother requests Cass to make her
some tea. Seoul dismisses herself for the evening to go practice on her
violin and I help my mother to her room along with Yai. I make sure she
takes her medication as she waits for her tea. Not long after, Cass enters
with a tea tray. He sets the tea down on the table by the window before
coming towards us by the bed.
“Have a good evening, madam, Khun Yai.” He bows to them and then
looks at me and bows too. “Khun Noo.”
Suddenly, his phone starts ringing, and he takes it out to silence it but
not before I see who’s calling. Kale. A surge of jealousy starts boiling inside
me. Does he call every night?
“I’ll excuse myself now,” Cass says.
“Cass.” Mom stops him.
“Tomorrow, I want to eat pork and basil stir-fry.”
“Yes ma’am. I will go shopping for the ingredients in the morning to
make it for lunch or dinner if you prefer.” Cass smiles at my mother.
“No, I want to eat it from this restaurant I had before. It’s the best I’ve
“Okay, just tell me the place and I can go grab it for you tomorrow.”
“It’s in Chon Buri,” Mom mentions.
“Huh? Chon Buri?” The surprise in his voice is apparent.
“Yes, is there a problem?” She eyes him.
“No ma’am. It’s just, I don’t have a car to go that far.”
“Take one of ours.”
“I… I never learned how to drive.” Cass looks down embarrassed. Of
course, he never did. He never had the chance to.
My mother gazes at Cass wondering if he’s telling the truth.
“Ma, Chon Buri is almost two hours away. You want food from all the
way over there? Suddenly?” I cut in. I don’t like the look on Cass’s face
right now.
“Fine.” She shifts her gaze to me. “You take Cass then.”
“What!” “Huh?” Both Cass and I say at the same time.
“Why would I drive two hours for some damn stir-fry?” I spout.
“Because I’m your mother and you love me.” Mom snaps at me. I
open my mouth, but nothing comes out. “Okay it’s settled then!”
Cass can’t deny my mother so he can only agree before leaving the
room. I look at my mother and she dare me to say something with her gaze.
“How do you know I don’t work tomorrow?”
“It’s Sunday. Now move along. My tea is getting cold.” She shoos me
out of her room.
Well, this is just great then. I sigh. Tomorrow, two hours there and
back in the car alone with Cass. I don’t mind the driving so much as I mind
him. How am I going to survive him? Rather, how is he going to survive

- 22 -

I groan internally as I wait in the foyer for Rome. How did I get
entangled in this predicament? I was still trying to get over the fact that I
was invited to dine with the family last night by Mrs. Kang herself and her
suspicion of my neck. And then she suddenly threw this curve ball at me.
All damn night I could only imagine how today would go, alone with
Rome on this trip. I barely slept at all, because I was so worried of all the
terrible things that can go wrong. I also tried to come up with any possible
excuse I could use to avoid this trip but couldn’t come up with anything
brilliant. I then try to think positive and thought this is my chance to make
the hard-headed, egotistical asshole talk. But then again, what if I push him
too much and he ends up mad and abandons me at the side of the road? I
groan again.
“What’s got your panty all twisted?” Rome says walking into the
foyer, making me realize I groaned out loud.
He takes one look at me, and I force myself not to cower back at his
intense gaze. For some damn reason, because I’m going out with Rome, I
put on the turtleneck that he bought me. Maybe I shouldn’t have since I
claim to be with Kale now but the thought of not looking decent standing
next to him still bothers me.
Rome stands there waiting for an answer from me.
“You, who else.” I roll my eyes.
It’s too early for this. It’s barely eight in the morning. We are hoping to
go, get the food quickly, then come back by noon or one in time for lunch.
“If anything, I should be the one complaining. I got drag into this
because of you.” Rome sneers at me with his arms crossed.
I scoff at him. “It’s not my fault I don’t know how to drive.”
“You could have offered to take the bus there.”
“And what? Be back by dinner time? Tomorrow maybe?” That damn
“Gee, I can already tell this is going to be fun.” He says
unenthusiastically. Rome walks past me out to his car that’s already parked
out front.
“Yeah, fun.” I mumble, following him.
Rome is wearing a loose white button up shirt with one of the front
flaps tucked in his blue jeans. I swear this is the first time I’ve seen him in
white. The fucker is always wearing black like some demon from hell.
I go to the passenger side of the car and open the door, getting in next
to Rome. Rome starts the car and enters the restaurant location into the car
GPS system. Then he pulls out of the driveway. Now the fun really begins. I
cry internally. Please let me survive this trip.
We drive dead silence for thirty minutes before light rain starts
pouring. Even the weather is against me. This can’t be any more
uncomfortable. I want to talk to him, but I don’t know how to approach
him. I definitely don’t want to piss him off and get abandoned in the rain, so
I hold my tongue. Even though we don’t speak, his presence is so damn
strong. His scent is overpowering and the tension between us is thick as
Just as we are exiting the city, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I take
it out and stare at the message from Kale.
Cass should we go on a date today? Eat something then catch a
I peek at Rome from the corner of my eyes, but he’s focused on the
road, so I reply.
Sorry I can’t. I’m out right now.
Kale immediately replies back with a crying emoji.
Where did my little boyfriend go?
He follows the message with a wink. I silently chuckle. Kale is always
teasing me even though our relationship isn’t real. Suddenly, the car
swerves making me drop my phone.
“What the hell!” I look at the road thinking something might have
happened, but the road is clear for the most part. It’s a Sunday after all.
“Whoops, my bad. I had an itch.” Rome says, his eyes still on the road.
The fucker did that on purpose. I inhale an irritated breath before
picking up my phone.
Rome’s mother asked me to go buy her pork and basil stir fry. I’m
on my way now.
Yum. Please buy me some too. I’ll stop by later and pick it up.
Please don’t. I’m actually going with Rome.
Suddenly, my phone rings loudly in the quiet car. Kale is calling.
Rome looks over to me finally and I don’t know if I should pick it up. Will
he be mad if I pick up? Will he get jealous? The thought actually makes me
feel excited. Let the bastard get jealous. He deserves at least that. My phone
goes silent, and I curse myself for taking too long to decide. But then it
starts ringing again. This time, I pick up.
“Phi Kale.”
I watch as Rome’s grip on the steering wheel tightens. Okay, maybe
this isn’t such a great idea. What if he swerves the car again?
“Cass are you two alone?” Kale asks through the phone.
“Hmm… I’m jealous. My boyfriend is alone with a horny possessive
dog. Make sure he keeps his paws to himself.” Kale chuckles on the line.
“Phi, don’t say that.” I can feel my face heating up and bite my bottom
“Okay just be– ” my phone is rip from my ears.
“Hey!” I shout.
Rome opens the window and tosses my phone outside before closing
the window again.
“Rome! What the hell did you do that for?” I fume with anger.
My fists tighten in my lap. He has no right whatsoever to throw my
phone out. I had that phone forever! It was the only phone I could afford
and finally finished paying off just a few months ago. The pictures of
Austin and Seoul I had on there. It’s all gone now. I glare angrily at Rome,
waiting for him to justify himself.
“My hand slipped.” He simply replies, his stupid gaze back on the road
now. Fine. Two can play the game.
I grab Rome’s phone in the cup holder and opening my window, I toss
his stupid phone out too.
“Cass!” Rome shouts. I smirk, finally getting a reaction out of him.
“Whoops, my hand slipped,” I reply.
Rome looks at me with a challenging gaze then he forces a half smile.
“Okay, Cass. Okay.”
Rome turns his attention back to the road. “Remember whose car
you’re in.”
Instantly, I start regretting tossing his phone. The rain is heavier now
and he might just kick me out.
“You’re lucky I put the location in the GPS system already.” He says
through his teeth.
I didn’t think about that either. Good thing he did. But no, I shouldn’t
be feeling like this at all. The fucker started it. I cross my arms over my
chest and stare out the window. Now I really have nothing to pass the time.
“Can I listen to the radio? Or you’re going to toss that too if I touch
it?” I ask after a moment of silence.
“No, but I’ll toss you out if you don’t lose the smart mouth,” Rome
I want to tell him off but hold my tongue. I quickly press on the button
for the radio not bothering to scan for any particular station. Any noise right
now will do.
An upbeat song I’m not familiar with comes on. I don’t care for the
lyrics, I just want to listen to something. The song ends and the next song
comes on. We drive like this for the next thirty minutes before Rome stops
at a rest stop for gas.
He pays the attendant to fill up the tank. After, he pulls his car into a
parking space in front of the cafeteria area. He turns off the car and looks at
me. I side eye him with my arms still cross, but I don’t say anything. I’m
still upset about my phone.
“What, you’re not hungry?” He asks, his own voice annoyed.
I am hungry. I got up early to prepare for this trip and didn’t eat
breakfast yet, but I don’t want to talk to him.
“Fine. Squabble in here like a little kid while I go fill my stomach.”
Rome shrugs and gets out of the car.
I watch as he runs under the safety of the building from the rain. I huff
irritated and my stomach decides to growl angrily at the same time.
“Ugh. You fucking asshole.” I mumble to myself. I open the car door
and follow Rome into the cafeteria.
I walk up next Rome who’s staring at the food options. He takes a
quick glance at me before smirking. I wish I could slap that smirk right off.
Rome picks two options from the food that are set out buffet style with
white rice and I do the same. He waits for me to finish picking before
pulling out his wallet. The little lady behind the counter rings us up and the
total comes to less than 200 baht. I never realized how cheap rest stop food
is because I never had the chance to travel before.
“Wait! I’ll pay.” I say, grabbing Rome's wrist to stop him from paying.
I take out my wallet and fetch 200 baht from it and hand it to the lady.
I can finally say I bought Rome a meal to thank him for helping me in the
past even if I don’t tell him. Even if I’m still piss at him for tossing my
phone. But then Rome does the exact thing I did and grabs my wrist,
stopping me.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Rome asks.
“Paying.” I try to pull my hand away, but he holds tight.
“Save it. I can buy my own meals.” Rome shoves my hand away.
I sigh loudly. “Can’t you just agree with me for once?”
“I do agree with you, when you’re in my bed.” He looks at me and
smirks. The lady behind the counter giggles and blushes. I can feel my own
cheeks warming too.
“You know what, fine.” I turn to the lady behind the counter. “I would
like to have one of each item actually. Thank you.”
“Okay.” She smiles at me and starts putting the different food on
Rome gives me a hard smile but doesn’t say anything else. The lady
rings us up again and this time Rome pays for everything. We take our food
to an empty table with me making a couple trips to get all the plates. The
place itself is pretty empty since it’s a Sunday. When I get everything, I sit
down across from Rome and stare at all the food. I can’t believe I childishly
ordered all this food just to spite him. Who’s going to eat all this?
Rome starts digging in, only touching the food on his plate. I’m
surprised he can even eat food like this. I thought the prick can only eat
expensive meals, but I know that’s not true. As kids, he ate at food stalls
with me numerous times.
I start eating too, picking at each dish enjoying all the different taste.
“I thought you don’t like ginger?” Rome asks, when I stuff my mouth
with a ginger dish.
“I don’t have the luxury to be picky anymore.” I simply say,
continuing to chew. And the more I ate it growing up, the more I find
myself not minding the taste.
“Just eat what you like. Toss what you don’t,” he replies.
“Simple for you to say.” But even if I say that, there’s no way in hell
I’m going to finish all these dishes.
Rome finishes everything on his plate and waits for me patiently as I
eat as much as I possibly can without throwing up. Unfortunately, I barely
put a dent in the food and start to feel bad about wasting food. I apologize
to the lady behind the counter before we get back on the road.
With the rain falling and my stomach full, I start getting sleepy. We
have about an hour left before we arrive at the restaurant, so I allow my
eyes to close. Just for a little bit, I tell myself. I don’t dare fall asleep in
front of Rome. I don’t trust him. But with my lack of sleep last night, like
an idiot, I black out.

I turn off the music in the car as Cass’s head loll to the side. After
eating that much, it’s no wonder he’s tired. He even eats food he’s never
liked before, because as he mentioned, he can’t afford to be picky. Just that
line alone made my heart clench for him.
I look over to him and smile a little. He looks adorable sleeping like
that. I reach for my phone in the cup holder only to remember the little fox
toss it out the window. That too makes me smile. He’s becoming so daring.
With him trying to pay for the meal too. He’s reverting to the Cass I knew
in the old days.
I still can’t believe Cass tossed my phone, but I can’t blame him since
I did the same. I admit I was burning with jealousy even though I didn’t
voice it. I don’t know what they talked about but frankly I don’t care. I just
didn’t want to hear it anymore. I had to hold myself back from doing more.
What I really wanted to do was stop the car on the side of the road and
punish him. I should have. That phone had many of my work contacts in
there and important documents saved.
Cass shifts in his sleep and mumbles something. I steal another glance
at him before taking his hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. He
unconsciously grips my hand tighter making my heart race. I sigh, almost
feeling content with the warm feeling spreading in my veins.
I’ll probably never have the chance to hold you like this when you’re
awake. I thought to myself. Because once he wakes, our own storm
continues to rage on.
This, this is enough, I tell myself. I clutch his hand tighter in mine and
continue to drive in silence, just listening to the sound of the rain and the
soft breathing coming from the angel beside me.
After an hour of driving through nearly a damn forest and up a
mountain, we arrive at a little hidden restaurant that has a great view of the
valley and city below. When the hell did my mother eat somewhere like
Cass stirs beside me, and I quickly let go of his hand, placing mine
back on the steering wheel. Already, I’m missing the feel of his warmth.
“Are we here?” He yawns and slowly stretches his small body.
“Yeah, we are.” I say, reverting back to my original self.
Cass looks down at his hand with his brow scrunch. “It must had been
hot, my palm is sweating.”
I look out the windshield like I’m none the wiser.
“Where are we?” He finally looks out the window. If it was any other
sunny day, this view would have been a breathtaking one. Instead, the rain
is pouring hard, and the sky is dark.
“Hurry up and go get the stir-fry so we can leave.” I shoo with a hand.
“You’re not coming in with me?” Cass gives me a quizzical look.
“Why would I? It doesn’t take two people to order one dish.”
“Hey, I’m the one that drove all the way here while someone slept on a
full stomach.” I sneer at him.
Cass smacks his lips. “Fine! I’ll be back.”
I smile in victory. I actually just don’t want to get wet. I wait while he
disappears inside. After what seems like forever, he emerges and runs to the
car. Childishly, I lock the door. Cass grabs the handle and tries opening it.
He then pounds on the window.
“Rome! Open up! I’m getting wet!” He tries for the door again.
I begin whistling and looking in every direction but his. He pounds on
the window harder.
“Stop playing around Rome! Open the door!”
I take one look at him and start laughing. He’s drenched and pouting
like a kid. Finally, I unlock the door and Cass gets in.
“You asshole!” Cass jumps in the car as I continue to laugh.
Cass looks at me angrily before moving his head towards me. Like a
dog, he starts shaking his head really quickly, the excess water from his hair
flies all over me and the car.
“Okay. Okay. Stop. You’re getting the car all wet.” I smile, trying to
hold my laugh back.
“And who’s fault is that?” He fumes.
“I get it. Mine. So let’s go now.” I turn the car back on.
“Wait! I was going to tell you. The owner of the restaurant said it’s
raining so hard. By the time we make it down the mountain, the road will be
flooded, and we’ll have to turn back. She told us to stay until the storm
passes.” So that’s what took him so long. He was inside gossiping.
“Here in this little ass restaurant? No thanks. I’ll make it down before
any flooding.” There’s no way I’m staying at this restaurant. Besides, who
knows how long until this storm passes.
“Not here,” Cass continues. “She says they have a small lodging up the
road more, and we can rent a place there.”
I start laughing. “Don’t be a stupid idiot Cass, they just want money.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t mention the lodging.” Ignoring his warning, I put
the car into drive and head out.

“Who’s the fucking stupid idiot now?” Cass says staring at me while I
stare at the flooded road before us.
Me. I’m the stupid idiot.
“Whatever, I’ll show you who’s stupid when we make it back up.
Lodging, you said? Us alone?” I change my tone and give him suggestive
Cass inhales a sharp breath and I smile. Maybe this isn’t so bad. I turn
the car around and start driving back up the mountain. I sneak a peek at
Cass, and he has definitely become nervous. He keeps nibbling on his lower
lips and tugging at his shirt. The shirt I got him. It pleased me greatly this
morning seeing him wear it again.
Unfortunately for us, we make it only halfway when the car starts
acting up, coughing and smoking. I quickly pull over to the side.
“Now what!” I shout irritated.
Cass suddenly looks worried as I try starting the car again but to no
avail. Great, just fucking great. Now we are stuck in the middle of nowhere,
in a rainstorm. Not to mention the no fucking cellphones.
“What are we going to do?” Cass asks, looking around us. There isn’t
a single house or car in sight.
“Well, we could have called somebody for help, but a stupid idiot
tossed my phone out of the window.”
“You tossed mine first, jerk!” Cass snaps at me.
“Well, you fucking annoyed me talking to Kale in front of me!” I snap
“How is that my fault! He called!”
“You could have fucking ignored it! You know how I feel about you!”
I yell, feeling angry now that we are on the subject of Kale. Even now, I
want to punch that bastard.
“And how exactly do you feel about me huh, Rome! Fucking say it!”
Cass shouts, making me realize what I said.
My fingers clench the steering wheel and I look away. “Nothing.”
Cass falls back into his seat before sighing heavily. He starts to undo
his seatbelt and reach for the door.
“Where the hell are you going?” I ask him. What is he up to now?
“To find help! Since this is all my fault!” Cass snaps and gets out of
the car.
“Cass! Cass! Come back here!” I yell, but he doesn’t listen.
“Fuck!” I hit the steering wheel once before taking off my own seat
belt and running after him.
I grab Cass’s arm and stop him. He flings me off and starts walking
“Cass get your ass back in the car! It’s raining hard as hell!” I shout
out over the sound of the pouring rain.
“You didn’t care before! When you locked me out!”
“Stop being a baby!” I grab his arm again.
“Whatever! I’m a fucking child, a baby. You’re a grown ass man but
can’t admit your own damn feelings! Let me go asshole!”
Cass shoves me away, his words sting, but it’s not the time for that
right now. I watch Cass walking off again. This is getting fucking nowhere.
Annoyed, I go after Cass and grab him again but this time, I pick him up
and flip him over my shoulder and turn back towards the car.
“Rome! Put me down jerk!” He kicks his leg, but I hold him still.
Once I make it back to the car, I finally put him down. He tries to
make a run for it but doesn’t get far. I quickly grab him and pull him back
as he tries to fight me off.
“Stop fucking struggling!” I push him against the hood of the car and
pin his arms beneath mine until he finally gives up struggling.
Both Cass and I breathe heavily, our chest touching with every breath.
He looks up at me and I look down at him, our faces close. My eyes fall to
his wet red lips. I want to kiss him. Damn it, control yourself.
I set my focus on his eyes instead and it looks like he’s expecting me
too. I close my eyes for a second before opening them. Then I let go of
Cass. I shouldn’t kiss him.
I start to pull back but then Cass grabs my face and pulls me to him,
colliding our lips.
Cass stares at me through hooded eyes, a drop of water slides down
from his lid. I can’t tell if it’s from the pouring rain, or if it’s his tears. I
watch as Cass slowly closes his eyes and starts moving his lips gently
against mine. I lean over him, a little surprise.
I feel Cass’s tongue dart out of his mouth. His tongue glides across my
closed lips, teasing me to open up for him. I sigh, letting him into my
mouth. My eyes close and I take over.
Cass leans back against the hood of the car as I hover on top of him.
My hand finds his face and hold on as I thrust my tongue deeply into his
mouth. I tilt my head a little to deepen the kiss even more. The pouring rain
is cold on my skin, but the inside of his mouth burns, yet is soft and tastes
of the sweetest honey.
Cass expertly kisses me back, his tongue lapping every inch of my
mouth. He is so good at this now. To think one day, he will be doing this to
someone else makes me kiss him even harder. I want to be greedy and claim
him for my own. I don’t want anyone else to ever feel the sweet euphoria
that only Cass possesses. But he can never be mine. Fate had dealt us a
cruel hand.
We continue to kiss in the rain under the darkening sky. Thunder roars
and lighten flashes, but that only made us hold each other even closer,
tighter. Maybe even the Gods is against this reunion, that’s why the sky is
angry and crying so hard.
My hand curves around Cass’s back and I pull us up without breaking
the kiss. I blindly walk us to the backseat car door. I open the door and
finally break the kiss, ushering Cass inside and following after him. I stare
at Cass, who is drenched the same as me. He looks back at me, waiting for
my move. My decision.
The first time we had sex was during a thunderstorm too. So… I grab
and pull him against me capturing his lips again. So, for the last time. Dear
God, let me be greedy just one last time.

- 23 -

Dear God, please, let me be greedy for the first time.
That single thought crosses my mind as I stare at Rome, whose
beautiful brown eyes are filled with lust, yet beneath lies a layer of turmoil.
I want to be greedy and pray that he will let me be his. Only his. I want to
be greedy and want him to like only me. I want to be greedy. I want to be so
fucking greedy. So please, God for the first time, let me be greedy. Give him
to me.
The storm outside the car angrily answers my prayer, as lightning
flashes around us. Rome pulls me into his embrace and kisses desperately
but softly. I close my eyes to his touch, letting the tears I’ve been holding
slide down my face, hoping that he doesn’t notice them since we’re both
I’m really angry and frustrated with Rome. It kills me that he refuses
to speak of his feelings. He confuses me every day. I want to hate him and
dislike him. I want to push him away. I’ve tried. I’m still trying. But I can’t
be like him and deny my own feelings. I don’t want to be like him and lie to
myself. Because every time I look at him… I see a rainbow. Even in the
darkest of the storms, he’s my rainbow. And at the end of every rainbow,
there’s gold. I just need to find it.
I climb into Rome’s lap and kiss him even harder. His hand lifts one of
my legs over him so I’m straddling him. I place my hand against his chest
as he places a firm hand behind my back and his other snakes around my
neck. I press my body against his, our clothes cold from the rain but heat
emanates from our skin.
Rome’s hand slides beneath my shirt pulling it up over my head,
breaking our kiss. Right when I’m free of the soaking wet shirt, I lean back
into him. His white shirt has become see through, wet from the rain,
clinging onto his body and exposing his tan areolas. My own body shivers
as I feel his harden nipples against my chest.
I kiss him again as my hand starts to undo each button on his shirt
down to the last one. I slide his open shirt over his shoulders, and he lets me
go just long enough to take it off before his hand finds my naked back once
Rome buries his head in the crook of my neck, kissing me softly. I
close my eyes and sigh at the gentle touch, yet my skin ignites with every
kiss. I can feel his length extending beneath me matching my own. My hand
finds his pants, first unbuttoning it then unzipping it. Rome lifts his body as
I pull his pants down pass his harden cock. He shuffles around until he gets
his pants off. Then he places his own hands on my pants, helping me rid of
the clothe.
Completely naked now, I straddle Rome again. He threads his hand
through my wet hair, bringing my head back to his. We share a deep kiss as
Rome’s fingers find my hole. He inserts a long finger in, making my back
arch as I whimper into his mouth. He slowly slides his finger in and out of
me a few times before inserting another one. My little whimpers turn into
breathless moans with each thrust of his fingers. And my dick rubs against
his with my body rocking back and forth.
I’m getting so close, and Rome knows it. I wrap one arm around
Rome’s neck making sure we don’t break our kiss, and with my other, I
grab both of our dicks, stroking them together. With Rome’s free hand, he
covers my own hand and moves to my pace all the while still finger fucking
me. Our hands move faster, more desperately, as the promise of sweet
ecstasy nears. I cry out first into Rome’s mouth with the first spurt of cum
follow by a second one. Rome’s moan mimics my own with his own
orgasm ripping through him.
I breathe heavily into his mouth, my hand finally loosening its grip on
our cocks. Rome’s fingers slide out of my hole, leaving an empty feeling
I finally open my eyes and detach our lips but keep our faces close.
Rome opens his eyes and looks up at my hovering face. I lift my legs and
taking one hand, I position Rome’s still hard cock at my hole. With my
other hand, I cup the side of Rome’s face and turn his head towards me. I
place my forehead against his, staring deeply into his eyes, channeling
everything I feel for him through my gaze. Love, hate, desire, everything.
I’m willing to give you everything Rome, you just have to accept it.
I sit back down against his cock, letting it slowly enter my body until
my ass rests on his thigh. I close my eyes for a second and exhale a shallow
breath. Even now, he stretches me so much and fills me so deeply. I hear
Rome’s own satisfied breath and open my eyes again. His eyes are close, so
I close mine and nuzzle his nose with mine.
When I open my eyes again, he is staring at me. He stares at me with
that gaze full of love and adoration. The one I only see when we are at our
most intimate. My thumb lightly brushes his cheek as I place a small kiss on
his lips. Once, twice. I can feel my eyes burning as my emotion takes over
My feelings for this man, I know now will never change no matter
what happens. When I look at him again, the tears have fallen. Rome looks
at me with a pained face. His hand touches my cheek, gently wiping the tear
away before cupping my face. I close my eyes and lean into his warm touch
for a moment before staring back at him.
“What am I going to do with you, Cass?” He whispers, his thumb
gently caressing me.
“Love me, Rome. Just for this moment. Love me,” I whisper back.
A shaky breath leaves his lips. His fingers curl behind my head,
bringing my lips to his. He kisses me softly but passionately, making sure I
can feel all the emotion he’s pouring out.
My arms encircle his neck pulling us closer. Rome let’s go of my face,
sliding his hands down to my hip. He digs his fingers into my skin before
lifting me slowly up his length then pushing my body back down again. He
continues to guide my body up and down his length as I hold him close. I
breathlessly call out his name between kisses and he does the same.
Our slow movements intensify with each passing moment. I move my
lips down Rome’s neck, imitating how he pleasures my sensitive skin,
leaving butterfly kisses along the way while suckling his skin here and
there. When I reach the base of his neck, I bite down not as hard as he does
me but enough to make him groan out loud and slam into me harshly. I
moan loudly but keep his skin between my teeth. He slams into me again,
but I continue sucking, licking, marking him. When I’m satisfied, I pull
back, looking down at my work. He now sports an identical mark to mine.
Rome grins up at me before grabbing my hip tightly and thrusting up
hard into me. My hands grip his shoulder and I throw my head back
moaning loudly. He does it again and again, hitting my sweet spot each
“Rome…” I cry out his name. “Rome.”
Rome doesn’t answer me but instead I feel his lips around my nipple,
then his tongue teasing my already hard bud. Suddenly, he bites down hard
on my nipple, and I become undone. My body arches against his and I
throw my head back, screaming out loud with the most intense orgasm I’ve
experience yet. I see white, not sure if I’ve become blind or if it’s just the
lightening. I hear Rome roar shortly after me. Or is it the thunder?
Whatever it is, I want this moment to last forever.
It takes me a moment to come back to my senses. Slowly, I lift myself
off Rome, feeling his cum dripping down my legs. I throw my body next to
him on my side. I breathe heavily as I stare at his chest heaving, his muscles
expanding with every breath and sweat dripping down his skin. He turns his
head to me, and I give him a little smile. The car is heated, smell of sex and
the windows foggy.
“Thanks for indulging me.” I say just above a whisper.
Suddenly, Rome flips me over on my knees. One of my hands falls on
the headrest of the seat while my other on the foggy window, leaving a
handprint in the process. Rome thrust into my still sensitive hole with his
still hard cock, making me cry out in pleasure.
I feel his hot breath on my nape as he covers my body with his.
“I’m not done loving you yet.” Rome whispers in my ear, pushing into
me, his pace slower this time.
He licks my earlobe then moans into my ear. His husky moans send an
electrifying sensation right down to my groin and my dick immediately
hardens again.
I lay my head back against Rome’s shoulder, enjoying his slow sweet
torture. Accepting this little gift of love.

I wake up to little sunlight peeking through the windows. My body is

sore in places I’ve never expected can hurt. How many times did we go at it
before I blacked out? Three? Four?
I groan as I pull myself up to a sitting position and rub my eyes. I look
around me and I’m still naked and in the backseat. New red marks scattered
around my body but none that can’t be hidden. The rain seems to have
stopped and Rome is nowhere to be seen.
I search for my clothes, but they’re gone. Instead, I find the same bag
that I saw in Rome’s torn closet the other night. I open the bag realizing that
this is what Seoul was talking about. The presents. There are uniforms, a
couple of expensive-looking shirts and a lot of chocolate. I wonder how it
got here.
“You feel nothing for me, my ass.” I mumble looking at everything.
I pull out one of the expensive looking shirts and realize it looks
identical to the black one Rome gave me, instead this one is white. I try to
look for the price tag, but the tag was already taken off. Same goes for the
rest of the clothing in the bag. Typical Rome behavior. I roll my eyes but put
the shirt on and one of the uniform pants on too.
I exit the car slowly and look up to the sky. The clouds are slowly
clearing, and sun rays can be seen peeking through. I wonder what time it
I end up finding my clothes on the hood of the car, semi dry. But
Rome’s clothes are gone. Where did he go?
My thoughts are answer when a truck drives towards me and stops.
Rome hops out of the car with an older man. The older man looks at me,
and we exchange quick greetings. Rome’s eyes land on me then my outfit
before he looks away. That’s right, that fantasy, that moment, is over.
Rome silently grabs my clothes from the hood before placing it over
the trunk of the car. Then he pops the hood for the older man to take a look
at the car. They exchange light conversations and the older man grab his
toolbox and start working on the car. Finally, Rome comes to my side.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Okay. A little sore,” I reply. “Rome, your clothes… they’re still wet.”
“It’s drying up.”
He still wears the same clothes from this morning. Why didn’t he
change into one of the outfits in the bag? It’s not like I’m that much smaller
than him. Plus, he can get sick.
“You should change,” I suggest.
“I’ll be fine. We’ll be on our way soon.” He says, but I’m still worried
for his health.
“But the road?”
“The rain stopped for a few hours now. The water should have receded
enough to drive through. At least there’s been car passing by from both
directions,” he explains.
“How long did I sleep for?”
“For about three hours.”
“The rain stopped shortly after you fell asleep. I rested for a bit before
going to get help.”
“I still think you should change. You can get sick.” The mountain air is
a little chilly and who knows how long Rome walked for before finding
“Cass. Stop. Just stop.” Rome says sounding exhausted, he looks
almost defeated.
He wants me to stop but yet he doesn’t. His words may be cruel, but
his actions speak a thousand unspoken words. I bite the inside of my cheek
to keep from saying anything else. Only because he does seem exhausted. I
won’t push the matter anymore. But if he wants me to stop, I won’t. I want
to be greedy now. I found my rainbow. Now I want my pot of gold.

After getting the car running again, we drive home in silence. For the
most part, I drown in my thoughts and keep my eyes on the road. Even so, I
find myself stealing glances at Cass here and there. The whole time, he
clutches onto the bag with the clothes and chocolate I bought him. He even
ate some chocolate and silently offered me a piece but when I didn’t move
to grab it, he took it back and gobbled the circular sweet into his mouth.
Last night, I finally had my closet organized and was going to toss his
gift, but when I made it outside to the dumpster, I couldn’t, so I threw it in
the trunk of the car instead. I guess it was a good thing I did, otherwise Cass
would have still been in wet clothes and gotten sick.
By the time we reach the city, it’s six in the evening. My hand grips the
steering wheel. I admit it. I like him. I like him a lot. So much that the
feeling inside of me screams out something stronger, more potent. I
understand my feelings very well now.
I know his feelings very well too. He can claim all he wants about
being with Kale, but he left his heart with me a long time ago. Otherwise,
what happened between us earlier, he would have never done that. Cass
wouldn’t go around sleeping with another man, asking another man to love
him, not unless that man is the person he loves. He asked me to love him,
not Kale. Not anyone else. Me.
His love for me, I wish I can keep it forever. What he did in the past,
breaking my trust, I can forgive him and learn to trust again. What his
parents did, I can learn to let go. Paris’s death. It will forever haunt me, but
I know it’s not his fault. But my mother, I can’t hurt her that way ever. I
can’t lose her too. If accepting Cass means losing my mother than I rather
we hate each other.
I realize I’m still gripping the steering wheel when I pull into the
driveway. Right when I park in front of the house, Cass exits the car,
grabbing his bag of clothing and the bag that contains the long-forgotten
pork and basil stir-fry.
When we enter the foyer, my mother and Yai approach us with worried
expressions. When I found help, I ended up calling home, informing Nom
of the situation. I didn’t expect my mother to be waiting here. Not only her,
but Kale and Tye both stand not too far behind my mother. Fuck. I told
myself I’ll be greedy only one last time, but that doesn’t mean my heart
won’t rage with jealousy.
“Son, are you okay? We heard about what happened. I was so
worried.” Mom says, hugging me.
“Ma, I’m fine. Just a storm and minor car trouble.” I hug her back.
“Oh my. You’re wet.” She pulls back. “Go change before you get
“I’ll be fine, ma.”
My mother turns her head towards Cass and takes one look at him
from head to toe.
“What about you? Your clothes look dry.” Her tone changes instantly.
“I’m fine,” Cass quickly replies. “But the food. Sorry about the food.”
“Whatever. You can toss it now.” My mom turns back to me not giving
the food or Cass another thought.
“What happened to your phone? We couldn’t contact you at all,” she
I can see Cass nervously bite his bottom lip.
“We lost it in the storm when looking for help.” I lie to her.
“That’s unfortunate. Well, forget about it, I’m just glad you’re safe.
Come on, let’s head up.” She grabs my arm, already pulling me away.
“I’m coming too,” Tye says.
“Please don’t.” I stare at him silently, telling him to leave me the fuck
“Please do. Okay.” Tye starts after us, and I roll my eyes.
I turn back to look at Cass standing there alone in the foyer with Kale.
I don’t want to leave him alone with Kale. I don’t want them anywhere near
each other. My heart grips at me, telling me to get Cass away. Telling me,
he belongs to me. But my brain repeats over and over again to not be
greedy anymore.
“Son…” Mom tugs at my arm.
I turn back to look at her and she gives me worry eyes before looking
at Cass, then back at me again. Her gaze doesn’t miss the red mark on my
neck, but she doesn’t say anything. I provide her with a small smile.
“Let’s go, ma.”

“So what really happened?” Tye asks, when it’s just him and I alone in
my room.
I step out to the balcony for a smoke. The sun has already set behind
the horizon. Tye follows me out with a sly smile, his eyes on my neck.
“Leave it, Tye.” I reply, exhaling the smoke. Everything is already
complicated as it is. I don’t need his nosy nonsense too.
“He ate you up!” Tye chuckles, but I just glare at him.
“Fine, I won’t ask, but listen to me then.” Tye starts. “You like Cass.
You like him a lot. Maybe you even love him. You’re easily jealous of him
and super possessive of him. You think about him constantly when he’s
away and want to reach out for him when he’s near. That heart I warn you
about speeds up just thinking about him. Am I right?”
I remain silent because the fucker is spot on. Even now just thinking
about Cass, my heart races. My hand itches to go find him and touch him.
Get him away from Kale.
“I’ll take your silence as, yes. Then why the fuck are you letting Kale
play around with him?” Tye crosses his arms, his demeanor serious now.
“I’m not… it’s his decision. Cass’s.” I sigh. Was it really his? Or did I
push him to that point?
“Do you really believe so? You and I both know, Kale too. That we
don’t mess with each other’s lovers if it’s serious. Why are you letting Kale
steal Cass away?”
“It’s much more complicated than that…”
“What, because of your past? Because of your mother? You will
sacrifice your happiness, your heart, for the rest of your life?” Tye preaches.
“I don’t think it’s to that point yet.” I take another drag of my cigarette.
It’s not to that point yet.
“Then why do you want to run to him now?” Tye says, almost
sounding sorry for me.
His words slice right through my heart. Why does this fucker know me
so well?
“I have to think of my mom…”
“Your mother. You can help her heal. You both will heal. But if you
keep pushing Cass away, you will lose him forever. Are you really going to
give up on him, Rome? Dig deep in that stupid little head and heart of
yours. What is Cass really to you?” Tye says.
What is Cass to me? Cass’s face flashes through my mind and his
words “love me Rome” repeats in my head. His smile, his laugh, his cries of
pain and pleasure, his touches, his innocence and caring nature, everything.
It all made my heart race crying out to him. Cass is everything to me.
I toss my cigarette and then my feet move on their own.
“Where are you going, Rome?” Tye follows closely behind me.
“To Cass,” I simply say.
Cass is mine. He’s always been mine. And from the moment we met in
that hotel room again, I became his.
“Attaboy!” Tye shouts behind me.
I all but run out of my room and down the stairs to the foyer. It’s
empty. Nom passes by and I stop him.
“Nom, where did Cass go?”
“I believe he and Khun Kale went to go talk in the game room,” Nom
I immediately turn and head that way. No more games. No more lies.
This won’t be easy, and it will be painful. A new storm, a new battle, will
emerge with the start of this new relationship with my mother. But as long
as Cass and I are walking through the storm together, fighting together, I
know we can get through it.
I enter the game room and come to a complete stop. And all of a
sudden, it seems I lost the war. My rapidly beating heart slows painfully and
suddenly, breathing becomes hard to do.
Cass sits on top of Kale, straddling his lap like he did me just hours
ago. Kale has his hands firmly around Cass’s back with Cass leaning over
him. Cass’s back is to me, but his head is lower to Kale’s. He’s kissing
And here I stupidly thought I’m the only one. Stupidly thought Cass
can never do this to someone else other than me. Thought I knew his
feelings well. My hands clench at my side as my heart feels like it’s being
ripped out of my chest.
“Oh my God!” Tye squeals entering the game room behind me.
Cass turns around and makes eye contact with me, his eyes widening.
He gasps before jumping off of Kale and then slowly shakes his head. Kale
still on the couch, smirks up at me and I want to punch that smirk right off,
but my focus is on Cass. I stare at him like he just betrayed me all over
again. But this time, why did it hurt so much more?
I inhale an unsteady breath trying to get air to my lungs that feels like
someone is gripping tightly and won’t let go. My eyes start to sting
“Rome…” Cass takes a step towards me, and I take one back. This
can’t be happening.
He didn’t betray you. The little voice in the back of my head whispers.
That’s right he didn’t betray me. He just played me like a fool. All this talk
of like and love… it all means nothing in the end.
I should have known better. No such thing as love exists in this grey
world of mine. Ever since that horrid day, every day after has been bleak,
obsolete. A constant battle with my inner demons to not let them devour me
so I can stay strong. A constant battle to save my dad’s life. A constant
battle to save Paris’s life. And now, a constant battle to save my mom’s life.
I fought every day in hopes of finding the slightest normalcy in life again. A
little happiness. But with each battle, I keep losing. And now…
I look at Cass and he takes another step towards me. I release my fists.
It’s not even worth it. I’m not as strong as everyone thinks.
“I’m happy for you.” I say, stopping him from coming any closer.
I turn around and walk out of the room. I think I hear them calling me
but I’m too numb to listen. I walk straight out of the house to my car and
drive away. Only then do I let my tears fall. Only then, does a cry rack
through me. Only then, I realize I just lost the most important battle of them
I lost myself trying to fight for everyone else. And I lost him.

- 24 -

The look on Rome’s face. That broken, defeated look. No, I need to
explain. It’s all just a misunderstanding, me straddling Kale. I can’t let him
leave this way.
“Rome!” I run after him. This isn’t supposed to happen. He shouldn’t
have seen that.
“Cass!” Kale grabs me, stopping me from going to Rome.
“Kale you asshole, let me go!” I shout, struggling to get my arm loose
from his grasp.
“What the fuck did you guys do!” Tye angrily yells, coming up to us.
“Experimenting.” Kale chuckles like this is a damn game.
“We didn’t do anything!” I exclaim.
“Except you ate out Kale’s face after eating Rome! I’m so
disappointed in you Cass. I got you all wrong.” Tye sighs, shaking his head.
Ate out his face? Who? Kale’s?
“Phi what are you talking about?” I jerk my arm from Kale finally.
“Are you denying it? When we just saw you? Jeez, you’re lower than I
thought.” Tye says, confusing me more.
“I…I… I was just helping Kale put his contact lens back in. It fell out
when he rubbed his eye. Eat his face? I would never do that…”
“Right and you just had to sit on top of him to do that?” Tye rolls his
“That was idiot Kale’s doing!” I turn to glare at Kale who still sport
that stupid grin. “While I was putting it in, the idiot just grabbed me and
pulled me on top of him. He said he wouldn’t let me go until I finished
putting the lens in so that’s what I was doing and then you and Rome
walked in. Rome he...”
“You damn asshole! You just ruined all my hard work!” Tye glares at
Kale now and then looks at me. “Aww Nong Cass, I knew you were an
angel.” He smiles.
I scoff. You were ready to wring my neck a few seconds ago.
“Did it look like…”
“From where we were standing, it looked like you were ready to
pounce. Well… maybe not that but definitely like you were kissing Kale,”
Tye says.
“I need to go to him.” I start for the door and can hear the two men
following me. This is a bigger misunderstanding than I thought.
I hear a loud smack behind me and turn around to see Kale holding the
back of his head.
“Ow! Tye! I’m losing brain cells because of you!” Kale shouts.
“Please honey, I’m putting some in.” Tye sneers.
I turn back around not having the time for these idiots. What a mess. If
that’s what Tye thought he saw, then I can only imagine what Rome is
thinking. My back was to them, and I was sitting on top of Kale, but I swear
it wasn’t anything like that. That fucker Kale.
We went into the game room to talk. Kale said he was worried about
me because after the call was cut, he couldn’t get into contact with me or
Rome. So, he and Tye came over after some time. I was just explaining to
him what happened when he rubbed his beady eyes and his contact lens fell
out. And I helped him but now… I should have never helped that bastard!
Rome’s hurt face, the way he stepped back away from me. He never
steps back from me, only I from him. He didn’t even yell or fight. Didn’t
even claim me as his like he always did. He just walked away, after saying
he’s happy for me? Why is he such an idiot too? No wonder he and Kale are
Regardless, I need to explain. That look he gave me. I don’t like it one
bit. I make it out the front door, but his car is gone. Fuck.
I need to call him. Just then, I remember we currently have no phones.
“Shit.” I run a hand through my hair regretting ever tossing his phone.
“I’ll find him Cass. Don’t worry.” Tye says, coming next to me. “And
you Kale, you’re getting the hell out of here.”
“My bad, Cass. I was only teasing you. I didn’t know he was going to
walk in.” Kale says, looking apologetic. I’m not falling for that bullshit
“This fake relationship, it’s over.” I say through my teeth.
“Ah ha! I knew it was fake!” Tye shouts.
“And if I lose my rainbow because of your stupid trick, I’m never
forgiving you.” I glare at Kale one more time before walking away.
“Rainbow? What rainbow? I thought we were talking about Rome?” I
can hear Tye saying, as I walk away but I ignore him. I’m too upset to care.

It’s well past midnight already and Rome still hasn’t returned. My
worries grow by the second. What if he got hurt? What if he got into an
accident? After pacing around the foyer for hours, I finally crawl into bed,
but sleep eludes me. I can’t sleep. Not until I set this straight.
Frustrated and full of anxiety, I leave my room and find myself in
Rome’s bedroom. It’s empty but gives me little comfort. I go over to his bed
and sit down, letting his smell calm my senses.
I look over to the door praying that he will walk in anytime now. He
probably will get angry that I’m in here. He probably won’t want to talk to
me, let alone see me, but I don’t care.
“Last time you said if I come into your room again, I’m not leaving it.
Well, I’m here now Rome and you can’t make me leave.” I talk to myself. I
push myself back against his headboard and wait.
Finally, after some time, the bedroom door opens, and hush voices
follow. I perk myself up to a sitting position. Rome is back, and he isn’t
alone. My heart speeds at the thought of whoever he may have come home
with. It doesn’t matter. At least he made it home safe, I tell myself.
Rome stumbles through the door, almost tripping, but a pair of hands
catches him.
“Rome, you drunken shit. Control yourself.” Tye whisper-shouts.
Relief washes over me as I see Tye enter behind him before shutting
the door. He didn’t bring anyone else home. I hop off the bed right away
and go towards them.
“Rome. Phi Tye.” My voice is timid but full of concern.
“Ey… look who’s here. If it isn’t Cass… The man who broke my
heart.” Rome slurs in a drunken state, pointing at me. Drunk or not, his
words made me feel bad. He is hurting.
“What are you doing in here?” Tye huffs, seemingly out of breath.
“Never mind, come help me carry this bastard.”
I hurry to their side and put an arm around Rome. He looks at me and
smiles widely before turning to look at Tye.
“You…” Rome puts a hand on Tye’s face. “Go away.” He shoves Tye’s
head back.
“Argh! I should kick your ass,” Tye growls.
Rome ignores him and tosses his body over me. I catch him, trying my
best to keep us steady, so we don’t go crashing down.
“Rome, you’re drunk! And heavy!” I say from under him.
“Mmm… I carry you all the time… you can carry me this once.” He
mumbles into my neck.
“Phi, a little help here.” I look over to Tye.
“Ah my back.” Tye puts one hand on his back and bends over, making
me roll my eyes.
“Don’t give me those eyes! I got him out of the bar, into his car, out of
the car and up a flight of stairs. So yes, my back!” Tye complains.
“Besides aren’t you in here because…” He wiggles his brows and
“Just help me,” I say, annoyed.
“You got this Cass. I need to get out of here just in case his mom
wakes up. Last time we came home drunk like this, she chased me out with
a broom. Toodles!” Tye chuckles and rushes out of the room, slamming the
door behind him.
“Tye! Phi Tye!” He was gone. The bastard.
Rome groans in my shoulder and tilts a little in my arm. I quickly grab
him holding him tighter.
“Rome, come on. Walk with me.”
I start walking backwards towards the bed with Rome’s body barely
standing. He moves slowly, little by little, with me carrying most of his
weight. It seems like forever before we make it to his bed.
“Okay, we’re here.” I huff, already out of breath. I need to work out
Suddenly, Rome falls forward knocking me over onto the bed with him
sprawl on top of me. I groan from the impact of his heavy weight hitting
“Rome get off me.” I try pushing him, but he doesn’t budge.
I turn to look at him and his eyes are shut tightly. Dang it. Why did he
have to go and get so drunk? I wanted to talk to him, explain everything so
he understands clearly that what happened isn’t what it seems. That’s
possible now in his current state.
I free one of my arms and gently cup the side of his face moving his
hair back so I can see his face clearly.
“That must have worried you a lot, huh? To get this drunk?” I whisper.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”
Except now. I need to get him off of me. His dead weight is heavy as
hell. I slowly nudge my body from under him until I’m completely free. I
suck in a lung full of air before releasing it.
I get up to a sitting position and turn to look at Rome laying on his
belly. He’s still in the same clothes from this morning. He never even took
the time to change.
I get up and turn towards the closet when his hand reaches out and
grabs my wrist, pulling me back down on the bed. I gasp in shock as Rome
climbs on top of me. Rome places a hand on each side of my head, so I
can’t escape. I look up at him and his eyes stare down at me, hazy yet
“Rome…” I call to him. He moves his hand to caress my face gently.
“What am I going to do with you, Cass?” He asks again what he had
asked before.
“Love me, Rome.” I whisper repeating the same words. “For this
moment, from this moment on. Love me.”
“No…” He mumbles, his answer making me pout sadly. “I want to
lock you up in my room so you can’t leave.”
I smile, chuckling a little. “Okay, I won’t go anywhere tonight.”
“Good.” Rome palms my cheeks, squeezing them together. He bends
down and gives my puckered lips a sloppy kiss.
Rome lets me go, falling onto his side on the bed. I get up and make
my way to his closet, expecting a hot mess, but am shocked at how clean it
is once again. I search in his drawers for a pair of shorts before returning to
him. Undoing his jeans, I slide it off him, doing my best to ignore the bulge
in his briefs. He’s not even hard, but his bulge from the size of his dick
alone warms my cheek. I quickly slide on the shorts before my brain
entertains the idea of something else.
I then undo the buttons of his shirt, taking out each of his arms with a
little struggle, before pulling it from underneath him. I figure he can sleep
shirtless since that’s what he usually does anyways, but seeing all the love
marks I left behind on his body makes me shy almost. Did I really do all
I hook my arms under Rome’s armpits and drag him onto the pillow.
He groans and mumbles something but doesn’t wake again.
Finally, I turn off the little bedside lamp, drowning us in almost
complete darkness. The moonlight shines in, giving enough light to see.
I stare down at Rome’s face lovingly, adoring all his features. He’s so
handsome and beautiful to me and will always be. I bend down to the crook
of his neck placing a small kiss on his hickey before I stretch out his arm
across the pillow. I lay down on his arm and snuggle closer to him burying
my face against his hard warm body. Though asleep, Rome wraps his arms
around me, pulling me closer and bringing a smile to my face.

Why is it so damn hot? I stretch my body that seems to be drenched in

sweat before tiredly opening my eyes. I’m rewarded with Rome’s naked
chest, moving slowly up and down. It’s actually glistening with the sunlight
hitting it. What the hell.
I slide my hand across his warm chest and bring it to my face. It’s
Quickly, I get up and stare down at Rome. His whole body and face
have a sheen of sweat covering his skin. I place my hand on his forehead
and immediately pull it back. He’s burning up. Fuck, he’s running a fever.
“Rome.” I shake him a little, my voice full of concern. “Rome, wake
Rome doesn’t reply, he doesn’t even move. The rain yesterday, he
walked in it looking for help and had wet clothes on for so long. It’s no
wonder he caught a fever. He needs to be wiped down.
Covering him with the blanket, I quickly jump off the bed and head for
the door but suddenly the door opens and Mrs. Kang and Yai walk in. I stop
dead in my track as our eyes meet with dread slowly consuming me.
“Cass why are you in here?” Yai asks.
Mrs. Kang’s gaze shifts from first, shock and then to suspicion.
“Uh…I…I… Rome is sick ma’am! I need to go get water and a towel
to wipe him!” I quickly change the subject, hoping to distract them.
“What!” It works. Mrs. Kang shuffles past me to her son with a
worried look.
“Son… son… can you hear ma?” She touches her hand to his
forehead. “Oh my God, you’re burning up!”
She turns to me. “Hurry Cass go get the stuff!”
“Yes ma’am!” I turn and run out of the room.
After a few minutes, I return with a bowl of water and a towel. Mrs.
Kang moves out of the way for me to set the bowl down on the nightstand. I
dip the towel in completely before squeezing out the excess water. Sitting
down next to Rome, I start wiping his face before pulling the blanket back
to wipe his body. Suddenly I hear both Mrs. Kang and Yai gasps. Shit.
I totally forgot about all the bite marks I left on his body.
“Cass, what happened yesterday? Tell me the truth.” Mrs. Kang
I bite the insides of my cheeks nervously, not sure of what to say.
“Now,” she sternly says.
Sighing, I bow my head and confess. “Yesterday, after grabbing your
food we tried to return but the road was flooded, so we had to turn back
around. The car ended up dying and well, Rome left me behind to go look
for help in the rain. That’s why he was soaking wet, and I wasn’t. That’s
probably why he’s sick now too. I’m sorry. I should have been the one
looking for help.”
“Your phones?”
“I’m sorry. We got into an argument on the way there and he tossed my
phone out the window, so I tossed his too.” I don’t dare lift my head to look
at her expression and wait for her to yell at me.
“And the marks on his skin?”
My eyes shift to all the little red marks on his skin. Fuck, what do I
“Ummm… that…” I can feel my cheeks warming up from
embarrassment. “That… there were a lot of mosquitoes in the mountains!”
“Huh?” Both Mrs. Kang and Yai utter at the same time.
I finally look up at them and chuckle nervously. “Yes. And since Rome
was looking for help, he got bit a lot.”
This is so damn embarrassing. Mosquitoes in the rain? I want to crawl
into a hole. And I hate holes.
The corner of Mrs. Kang’s mouth twitches up before thinning out. It
was for just a millisecond, but I swear I saw it.
“You two… are crazy,” she states.
Not knowing how to respond to her, I just nod my head slowly in
“Cass.” She calls out to me.
“Yes ma’am?” I reluctantly look at her.
“Take care of him.” She says, shocking me.
“Take care of him? You mean…” Is she okay with Rome and I?
“Your duty for today. Take care of him.”
“Ah… yes ma’am.” Never mind. I’m thinking too much into it.
After Mrs. Kang and Yai leave the room, I wipe down Rome’s whole
body, then place a cool towel on his forehead. The whole time, Rome
doesn’t budge an inch and just sleeps. Leaving him alone, I dispose of the
bowl of water and start making some porridge. Once that is finished too, I
return to his room with the food and some medicine, placing both on the
Looking at Rome, I wish I could crawl into bed with him and hold
him, but I’m afraid that Mrs. Kang will walk through the door again.
Instead, I pull up a chair and sit down beside him. I take his hand in mine
and stare at him. I guess this misunderstanding will go on until he gets
better. I put his warm palm to my cheek, missing his touch.
“Hurry and wake up Rome. Wake up, so we can make up,” I whisper.

“Phi Cass! I’m back!” Not realizing when I fell asleep, I’m jerk awake
by sounds of voices and heavy footsteps. Sleepily, I turn to look at the door.
Austin and Seoul rush in with smiles on their faces.
“Austin!” I smile happily before getting up and hugging him. I totally
forgot it’s his return day. A little guilt gnaws at me.
“Phi, I had so much fun! I have to tell you all about it! The fish! The
ocean! Everything!” he exclaims.
“Shh… Austin, lower your voice. Phi Rome is sick and sleeping.”
Austin looks over my shoulder before apologizing in a much quieter
voice. “I’m sorry, ma’am told us Phi Rome is sick and you’re in here taking
care of him, but I forgot. I was too excited to see you.”
“It’s okay. I get it. I would be too.” I smile down at him. I turn back to
look at Rome who still hasn’t woken up at all before turning back to the
kids. “C’mon. Let’s get out of here and you can tell me all about it.”
I follow the kids out of the room and for the next hour, entertain
Austin’s stories. I’m so happy for him and am glad he enjoyed his trip so
much. It made all the trouble worth it.
Going back to Rome’s bedside, I wipe him down again and bring him
a new bowl of porridge. Night approaches, and it’s obvious he isn’t going to
wake up anytime soon. Giving into my urges, I crawl into bed with him,
pull him into my embrace, and fall asleep.

Fuck... My whole body is sore, and my throat is parched. I’m also
really hot. I open my eyes and stare directly at a chest. I look up to see Cass
sleeping soundly with his arms around me. What the hell happened? Why is
he here?
The last thing I remember is drinking at the bar then seeing Tye and
that’s it. My hand reaches up to touch Cass’s face but stops halfway. A
memory of Cass sitting on top of Kale and kissing him flashes through my
mind and I pull away, remembering why I was drinking in the first place.
What the fuck is this bastard doing here after doing something like that?
I pull myself away from Cass without waking him up. The sun is
barely up so it must still be early. I turn to look at the nightstand and see
pills and a bowl of porridge there. Was I sick?
It doesn’t matter. I reach for the water beside the pills and swallow the
whole contents before turning back to look at Cass. He probably took care
of me while I was out. What was he thinking? That doing this will change
anything? I’ve already made up my mind. I can’t trust him. Since that
horrible day, I’ve lost all trust in him. Between Cass and I, there will be
nothing but hate.
An hour later, I’m within my corporate office, arriving before anyone
else. On the way here, Ping updated me on my health, letting me know I
was out cold for a day and that Cass didn’t leave my side at all except when
his siblings returned home. The brat even slept in my room. Who does he
think he is?
I find myself angry at him, but I can’t help the annoying spark in my
chest. I run a hand through my hair, frustrated with my conflicting feelings.
I’m done with him. As a matter of fact, I think it’s time to let him go. Yeah,
even if just that thought pains me, it’s time.

I grab the bag that contains a new cellphone and step out of my car
after a long day of work. I had Adam pick up two of the latest models of
phones during work. Tomorrow, I’ll have Nom give the phone to Cass
before leaving for work. It’s the least I can do for tossing his phone out of
the window. After this, nothing else I tell myself.
I enter my room and head for my bed but stop when I see Cass sitting
on the edge of the bed waiting for me. My heartbeat immediately starts
quickening. This is fast becoming irritating as hell, because even after
witnessing what he did, my heart still beats for him.
Cass makes eye contact with me, his eyes lighting up before he gets up
and walks towards me.
“Rome! How are you feeling? Why did you go to work already? Why
didn’t you wake me up?” He throws numerous questions at me with a
concerned voice like he cares.
To his disappointment, I ignore him and walk right past him to the
table, placing the phone down. I then enter my closet, ridding myself of my
clothes before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me. When I exit,
Cass looks at me and blushes a little bit but treads towards me.
“Rome, we need to talk.” He says, stopping before me.
Again, I ignore him and enter the bathroom, locking the door behind
me just in case the little shit stupidly decides to come in here. Even though I
want nothing to do with him, my body remembers every part of him well.
Even now, as I stare at my reflection, all the bite marks he left behind still
tingle as if his lips are on me. Just thinking about it, my length starts to
grow, and I growl in frustration. I toss the towel aside and hop in the
Just as I expected, after the shower, Cass is still in my room sitting on
my bed. I go into the closet and come out with only a boxer on.
“Rome, I’m sorry. What happened with Kale…” He starts saying as he
approaches me.
Without saying a word, I harshly grab Cass by the arm and drag him
towards the door. Cass’s eyes widen before he starts pulling back.
“I’m not leaving!” His hand grips my wrist, and he starts pulling away.
“You have to listen to me first!”
Cass throws his body on the floor, making me lose my grip on him. He
starts crawling away from me back towards the bed before getting up and
jumping on the bed. I almost want to laugh watching him crawl away on all
four, but I’m still angry with him. I start stalking towards him and he jumps
to the other side of the bed to get away from me.
“Rome, what happened between me and Kale was a
misunderstanding!” Cass starts to shout but I don’t listen as I round the
corner to get to him.
“I was just helping him with his contact lens!” Cass screams and runs
away from me as I get closer to him. The little brat is really going to make
me chase him.
Annoy, I dash forward toward him and catch him before he can run
around the other side of the bed again. This time I hold on tight as I drag
him towards the door.
“Rome! Will you fucking listen!”
“Leave now!” I pull him towards me and shout in his face, making him
cower back.
“No,” Cass defiantly says. “You said that if I come into your room, I’m
not leaving. So, I’m staying.”
I give him a half smile. “Is this what this is all about? You want sex?
Well, why didn’t you just say so.”
Without warning, I toss Cass over my shoulder and walk over to my
bed, throwing him down while Cass yelps.
“Rome! It’s not that!” He shouts and starts backing away.
I climb onto the bed and grab his legs, pulling him to me.
“I don’t mind sharing with Kale, if it’s just sex. It’s not like we’ve
never shared before.” I say intending to hurt Cass. And hurt him I do.
Cass inhales a sharp breath before pressing his lips together tightly to
keep it from trembling. His eyes slants, showing pain.
“You bastard,” Cass whispers.
I lean over Cass’s small body, coming closer to his face as if I’m going
to kiss him. He turns his head away before I can touch his lips.
“That’s right. I’m a bastard so get out of here before I do something
you and I will both regret.” I growl into his ear before pulling back.
“No…” Cass says turning his head back to me. “Not until you listen
to– ”
I smash my lips into Cass’s cutting him off and kissing him harshly.
Cass squeals in shock before pushing me back against my chest.
“I didn’t kiss– ”
I crush my lips to his again. Cass tries to push me again, but I grab his
face holding on tight. I know I’m being a jerk, but I want to hurt him. Just
like how he hurts me. I want him to feel my pain.
I kiss him punishingly until I feel the fight in Cass stop and his lips
tremble against mine. I slowly pull away and Cass looks up to me with tears
in his eyes. Fuck. I want to hurt him but seeing him like this, is fucking
hurting me. I get off of him and move to the edge of the bed.
“Leave Cass.” I say with my back to him.
“No.” He repeats.
I growl in frustration, turning back to him. “Why won’t you leave?
You want me to force myself on you?”
“If that will make you listen to me, then do it.” Cass chokes on a cry.
I sigh in defeat, turning my back on him again. “Say what you want to
say, then go.”
I hear Cass move and the bed shifts as he comes behind me. Suddenly,
his arms encircle my waist from behind and Cass lays his head against my
back. I close my eyes for a moment, the feeling of him against me like this,
it’s nice but painful at the same time.
“I didn’t betray you, Rome. That day, I was really just helping Kale put
his contact lens back in.” Cass starts to say.
“I saw with my own eyes Cass, don’t lie to me.” I grab his arms but
then he hugs me even tighter. He shakes his head behind me.
“No. I’m not lying. When I was helping Kale, he just grabbed me and
pulled me on top of him. He said he wouldn’t let me go until I was done
helping him. I had no choice but to quickly put his lens in. Then you and
Phi Tye walked in, seeing us in that compromising position. I know it
looked like I was kissing him, but I promise I didn’t! Please believe me!”
Cass explains, still holding onto me if not even tighter now.
So that’s what happened. It was a case of fucking Kale again. A rush of
relief falls over me. Yet…
“It doesn’t matter Cass. You’re still dating him.”
“I’m not!” He says from behind me. “I never dated him. It was just a
ploy to make you confess your true feelings. I never did anything with him.
I don’t even like him. I like you Rome. Do you hear me. I like you, only
you. It’s always been you.”
This too was probably that bastard Kale’s idea. They teamed up to play
me like a fool. All the emotions I’m feeling right now, good and bad, I close
my eyes and let it all sink in. Now what do I do?
“Please say something. Tell me how you feel about me, Rome. I want
to know. Need to know.”
I grab his arms that’s still holding me and give it a light squeeze before
taking his arm off of me and walking away towards the table.
“Rome…” I hear Cass whimper sadly.
“I’m sorry, Cass. What I feel doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, we
can’t be together.” I grab the bag with the phone and turn to look at him. “I
can’t trust you.”
No matter how much I like him, if trust isn’t there, the relationship will
never work. Plus, my battle to save my mother still isn’t over. I was stupid
to think I could start a new one with him by my side.
Cass’s lip trembles making my heart ache. Then he gives me a smile
surprising me. “It’s okay. I’ll just have to make you trust me again.”
I walk over to him and hand him the bag. He takes it from me with a
confused look before looking inside and once again, a smile crosses his
face. Why is he smiling?
“Leave Cass. I listened to you. Now leave.”
Cass looks up at me and gets off the bed, holding the bag up. “This.
This proves that you don’t hate me. So, I’ll wait patiently until you trust me
His naïve interpretation of this situation is annoying. Why can’t he just
accept what I’m telling him? Why is he trying so hard?
“Cass you’re free to leave now.” I tell him ignoring his hopeful smile.
“Fine. I will leave for tonight but I’m not giving up,” he declares.
“No Cass. I mean you’re free to leave the house now. You don’t have
to work and live here anymore. You’re free to go.”
Cass bites his bottom lips seemingly to calm himself from saying
whatever is on his mind. Instead, he takes the few short steps towards me.
“I can’t leave yet. You said so yourself. I have to stay by your side
until you’re happy again. So…” He leans to my side and places a kiss on
my cheek. My eyes widen and my heart skips. How is this man finding
ways to turn everything I throw at him around?
“I’m staying. Good night, rainbow.” He whispers in my ear before
stepping back. He gives me one last smile before exiting my room, leaving
me more confused than ever. What am I going to do about him? At least, for
now, I know that what I thought happened before didn’t.
After Cass leaves, I pick up my new phone and dial a number, it’s high
time I return what Kale did to me.
“Hello Phi Rome, do you need something calling me so late?” The
man says through the phone.
“Hi, how have you been? Chance.”
- 25 -

That stupid egotistical jerk. I silently curse Rome under my breath as I
do the dishes. He always does this. The bastard went into hiding again,
trying his best to avoid me. He wakes up early and comes home even later
now so I can’t catch him at night. Once this week, I even snuck into his
room to wait for him, and he rudely kicked me out. Now he just doesn’t
come home. Nom said he’s been sleeping at the office or the hotel by his
workplace because he works late and couldn’t bother to come home. Well,
if he thinks I’m going to give up that easy, he has another thing coming for
I understand that it’s hard for him to outright start showering me with
love or whatever since he’s still worried about his mother, and he can’t trust
me yet, but that doesn’t mean he can’t at least be civil with me. Baby step is
all I want.
“Is that too much to ask, jerk? And would it kill you to admit it once
out loud that you like me?” I breathe under my breath angrily.
“Who are you cursing at so late at night?” Cindy asks, walking into the
kitchen with the tray of tea that had been sent earlier to Mrs. Kang’s room.
The tea was untouched, again.
“She didn’t drink it again?” I ask. She shakes her head looking
Not only has Rome gone off the charts but since yesterday, Mrs. Kang
has become moody and is almost back to her earlier days when she first
came home from the hospital. I don’t know what’s been triggering her lately
or if it’s because Rome has been gone, but she’s been quite agitated as of
late. Like mother, like son. I silently berate myself for thinking so rudely.
“So, are you going to tell me who’s got you mumbling angrily to
yourself?” Cindy asks again.
I bite the insides of my cheeks as I finish the last of the dishes she just
brought down, before turning to look at her. Cindy raises an eyebrow. She’s
always been so kind and patient with me, never pushing me to talk about
anything if I didn’t want to.
“Cindy, you know I love you right?”
“I know.” Cindy says through a smile. “And I love you.”
“It’s Rome… Umm, I mean Khun Noo.” I look down at my feet
feeling a little embarrassed. “But I guess you already know that.”
“Do you want my advice?” she asks. I silently nod my head before
telling her briefly about Rome and me. By the time I’m done, she’s smiling
like a fool.
“Aww….” She coos. “You two are so cute.”
“There’s nothing cute about this.” I mumble but can feel my cheeks
“Your love story is plucked right out of a screenplay.”
“Be serious Cindy. I need help.”
“Okay you have two options here. One, ignore him completely like
how he ignores you. Or two, make it so you can’t be ignored at all.” She
says, holding up two fingers in the air.
“But how?”
“Jealousy works wonder.”
“Umm last time I tried that route, it didn’t end well.” I tell her but she
smiles at me.
“There’re other ways to grab a man’s attention Cass and make him
jealous. For instance…” Cindy’s hand reaches for the buttons on top of my
shirt. She unbuttons a few exposing my flesh underneath. “It doesn’t hurt
showing a little skin.”
Cindy then turns to the sink and wets her hands. then runs it through
my hair. She pulls my hair back over my head, leaving the few loose strands
that rest on my forehead.
“Your hairstyle makes you look cute. But this… you look hot as hell!”
She grins at me, taking a step back.
“If Khun Noo can see you right now, I bet you’ll be falling a lot more
than you already do.” She winks, and I blush. I know she’s referring to my
hickeys and my poor excuse of falling every time Rome left a fresh mark on
my neck.
“This is stupid… it’s not like he’s home to see me anyways.” I say,
nibbling on my lips.
“Like that! Just like that! Dress like this with that look of biting your
lips. Khun Noo won’t be able to resist you!” She all but shouts.
“And don’t worry about Khun Noo not seeing you. He’s going to have
to be home sooner or later. You, just have to be prepare.” Cindy finishes.
This will never work on Rome. I guess Rome does have a tendency of
looking at my lips whenever I bite it. This must be the look he never wants
me to show anyone else. I smirk to myself, I will show the whole world.
Okay, I’ll indulge Cindy and go along with her idea.

The next day, I still haven’t seen Rome since he’s still expertly
avoiding me. But still, I have my shirt loosen and unbutton at the top with
my hair up. Just in case, I do see him.
I carefully balance the tray with lunch to Mrs. Kang’s room. She didn’t
come out for breakfast or lunch and I’m beginning to get worried. When I
arrive, I knock on her door before entering. As I enter, Yai looks up at me
with a shocked yet worried expression from where she is sitting.
Immediately, she jumps up and quietly hurries towards me. Right away, I
know something is wrong as my gaze turns to Mrs. Kang, hiding under the
cover of the bed.
“What are you doing in here? Get out Cass! Now!” She whisper-shouts
with urgency, her eyes never leaving Mrs. Kang.
“What’s going on?” I mouth.
“Go now.” She orders, already turning me around.
Suddenly, Mrs. Kang shifts in bed and opens her eyes, looking at Yai
trying to usher me out of the room. Her eyes widen before she screams
loudly. Her voice piercing, making my skin crawl with goosebumps.
“What are you doing here!” Mrs. Kang cries loudly, getting off the bed
coming straight towards me. “Go away! You killed my daughter!”
I take a small step back as Yai lets me go and tries to stop Mrs. Kang.
Shit, what the hell happened? Why is she back to this stage? Did she forget
to take her medication? Before I can think of doing anything else, Mrs.
Kang push pass Yai and is upon me. She grabs the collar of my shirt and
shakes me vigorously, making me drop the tray of food.
“Give me my daughter back! Paris… Paris!” She screams loudly with
tears flooding her face. “Give her back… please… give me my daughter
back…” Her voice breaks at the end and turns into heart wrenching sobs.
She stops shaking me as her own shoulder starts trembling uncontrollably.
Her head falls into my chest and she just cries. Cry for the loss of her
daughter all over again.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…” I breathe as my own tears swell in my
eyes. My arms curl around Mrs. Kang as she continues to cry.
“What am I supposed to do now?” She wails, her little fist pounds
against my chest weakly. “What do I do now?”
“Everything will be okay. I promise.” I hug her even tighter.
I look up, my eyes landing on Yai. Tears stream down her face as she
stares at Mrs. Kang and then me. Yai gives me a weak smile before coming
towards us.
“Madam, come here. Let’s get back in bed.”
Yai grabs Mrs. Kang and without a fight, she lets me go and follows
Yai to the bed all the while still crying. Yai gets her back under the blanket
before looking back at me. She nudges her head towards the door, signaling
me to leave. I walk out in a state of confusion and heartbreak all over again.
What happened?
Although I leave the room, I stand outside the bedroom door listening.
Mrs. Kang cries for another hour before her cries of misery stop and the
room becomes silent. Soon after the cries die down, Yai exits the room with
the tray and dishes I dropped earlier. She stops when she sees me.
“You’re still here?” She says in a low tone, looking exhausted.
“How is she?” I ask.
“Sleeping now.”
“What happened Khun Yai?” I want to know. Only then can I know
what I’m up against. Know if I’m back to square one again.
“Today… today is Paris’s birthday.” Yai’s lips waver. “Madam just
misses her daughter more today.”
Damn, it is. How did I forget it was Paris’s birthday? No wonder she
has been standoffish and finally broke down today. I exhale a heavy breath
as I close my eyes, the pain in my chest growing. Paris would have turned
fourteen today.
“Cass…” Yai calls out to me making me open my eyes and look at her.
“Are you okay?”
I bit on my bottom lip and give her a small smile nodding my head.
“I just… feel bad.” A tear slips my eyes.
Yai reaches a hand out to me and cups the side of my face wiping the
stray teardrop away.
“Don’t feel bad. You’re a good child, Cass. You’re good.” I can’t help
the choke sob that escapes my lips. Yai sees me again.

Later in the evening, Mrs. Kang doesn’t come down for dinner also.
So, against my better judgment, I bring the food to her room. As I enter, the
room is dimly lit by only a night lamp. Yai is sitting on a chair next to the
bed, the top half of her body lays across the bed and she’s sound asleep.
Mrs. Kang is nowhere to be seen. Instantly, I panic, thinking the worst.
I set the food down on the nightstand and without waking Yai because
I know how exhausted she must be taking care of Mrs. Kang alone, I go in
search of her. I first check Seoul’s room to see if she decided to visit Seoul
but she’s not there. I then make my way to Paris’s room.
Slowly, I open the door to Paris’s room and walk in. Right away, I spot
Mrs. Kang sitting on the floor with her back against the bed while hugging
her knees as she silently cries and stares at Paris’s photo above the
fireplace. I exhale a quiet breath, thankful that she’s in here and not hurt
somewhere else. Closing the door behind me, I make my way to her. I sit
down next to her and hug my knees to my chest as well, listening to her soft
After a while, she finally speaks. “Paris was such an angel when she
was here. And now… she became one.”
I nod my head and just listen silently, thinking that what Mrs. Kang
needs right now is an ear.
“She used to always laugh and play so joyously and then one day, she
slowly started losing her smile. I thought she was just growing up, but I
should have known. I should have seen the signs. We blindly invited evil
into our own home.” She sucks in a shaky breath and hiccups.
“I didn’t protect her. I failed as a mother.” Mrs. Kang starts breaking
down again, her shoulders shaking violently. I grab her and hug her. While
she bawls her eyes out, I gently pat her back as I hold her in my arms.
“It’s not your fault.” I finally break my silence. “It’s not your fault.
You’re a great mother.”
I’m sorry my parents are evil, I thought as I hold her close, trying to
console her, not realizing that I whispered the thought out loud before it’s
too late. Mrs. Kang pulls away from me and looks at me. I quickly look
down, preparing to be reprimanded. Suddenly, I feel warm arms embracing
me and a choking sob rips through my throat.
“I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to cry.” My body shakes in her arms.
“I’m sorry for everything. I wish it could be me instead. I’m sorry.”
“Look at me Cass.” Mrs. Kang palms my face and turns me towards
her. Her eyes are watery, but she has a smile on her face.
“Ma must have been horrible to deal with huh? Ma is sorry it took so
long to come to. Sorry for putting the blame on you. I know now, none of it
is Nong Cass’s fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong. So don’t apologize
anymore. I’m sorry. Will you please forgive this old lady?”
I break down even more and she pulls me into a hug, now trying to
console me. Finally, finally it feels like I can breathe again. The heavy
weight on my chest seems to have been lifted with her words. She called
herself ma when addressing me. Only people close with each other would
do such a thing. Now, if only Rome will feel the same then, I can fully
move on from this. Rome! How is he feeling now?
Suddenly, the weight comes back. How is Rome dealing with today?
He must be just as broken. Damn it! How did I forget about him? This
whole time I thought he was just avoiding me. But what if he’s been hurting
alone? I want to go to him, find him.
“Cass will you forgive me?” Mrs. Kang asks, pulling me from my
I give her an encouraging smile. “I can’t forgive you when you didn’t
do anything wrong.”
She quickly pulls me into a hug again and this time I hug back though
my thoughts are now on Rome.

I take a sip from the bottle of beer in my hand before staring blankly at
the cloudless night sky.
“Hey… how’s heaven little sis? Are you finally happy now?” I whisper
into the dark night. “I miss you. I miss you so damn much.”
This whole week was so hard to get through. Not only did I decide to
end things with Cass, but then Paris’s birthday near every single day,
reminding me that she was gone.
Now that her birthday is here, I find myself at our favorite spot as kids
alone. Alone in the park we used to play, alone in the park where that horrid
day changed everything. I never thought I would be able to come back here
again, but here I am. Memories, both good and evil, drown me and like I’ve
done in the past, I do my best to not let my demons consume me. I have to
stay strong.
“But it’s so damn hard to be strong all the time Paris. Phi is tired too.”
A single tear falls. I let it sit on my face for a moment before wiping it away
when I hear approaching footsteps.
“Need a friend?” Tye asks, sitting down next to me in the dark. He sets
down a bag of his own drinks.
The bastard always knew where to find me. It’s a little heartwarming if
I do say so myself. He pops open a can of beer and starts sipping on it not
saying anything else. He silently accompanies me while I work through my
As time passes and the night deepens, we finish all our drinks before
finally speaking again.
“Thanks Tye.” I say, but my gaze is still on the stars in the sky.
“Mmm… you owe me your life.” He jokingly says. I can feel his
curious gaze burning a hole in me.
“I know you want to ask me, so just ask.” I tell him, knowing that he
wants to bring up Cass.
“Not today. We can talk later,” Tye responds. Even he knows when the
right time and wrong time is to speak. That’s what I like most about Tye. He
spits the truth but knows the correct time and place to do so. Now he’s
letting me mourn my sister again without interruption.
“Good.” I stand up with the bag now filled with empty bottles in my
hand. “Come over tomorrow. Let’s swim.”
Tye lifts a brow but nods his head.
“Oh, and Tye.” I look down at him. “Bring that bastard Kale.”
Tye gives me a confused but curious gaze. He smiles and nods once

In the morning, I go check on my mother since I know yesterday could

have taken a toll on her as it did me. I cursed myself for being distracted by
my own feelings and not coming back to be with her. Anything could have
happened. Thank God nothing did, and my mother was fine. She is actually
in a much lighter, brighter mood than I would have ever imagined. But I’m
not going to start asking questions because I like her this way, happy.
After meeting with my mother and promising I’ll have lunch with her
since I’m skipping breakfast, I find Sun and let her know I’m having some
guests over and to prepare snacks and drinks for the afternoon.
When lunch time comes around, I know I’m going to finally see Cass
again. There’s no avoiding him completely while he still lives in this house.
I guess technically, I can just kick him out, but there is still something
inside of me that refuses to do it. I tell myself, my mom still needs Seoul,
but I know damn well I’m lying to myself. A part of me still needs Cass too.
Mentally preparing myself to see him during lunch, I enter the dining room
and sit across from my mom. That mentality quickly fades as Cass walks in
through the door carrying our lunch.
Once my eyes land on him, I can’t look away. The little fox has his
hair pulled back, showcasing all his sharp features perfectly. I always think
Cass cute and beautiful, but this look on him makes him look handsome,
hot and elegant all at once. His usually perfect fitting shirt isn’t tucked all
the way into his pants, and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. But what
really caught my attention is the undone buttons revealing his milky chest
beneath. Red bites no longer adorn his smooth ivory skin. Cass looks sexy
as fuck and damn good enough to eat. But… why the fuck is he dressed like
The need to grab him and drag him away to put some proper clothes
on him gnaws at me. And to top it all off, he looks at me and then smiles
shyly as he bites his bottom lip. That little action, I’ve seen it a thousand
times, but never has it looked so damn appetizing.
I have to force myself to turn away and then force myself again not to
reach out to him when he comes dangerously close to me to place the dishes
on the table. His smell that I’ve come to love is enticing, making my
nostrils flare. My hands fist in my lap tightly. And that isn’t the only tight
thing in my lap right now. The strain in my pants is troublesome to say the
I don’t know if Cass is doing it on purpose, but he bumps into my arms
not once but twice now. I try my best not to stare but my gaze still finds its
way to his ass beside me.
“Phi Rome, why are you looking at Phi Cass’s butt?” Seoul asks from
across the table. This girl has no filter whatsoever!
The utensil in Cass’s hand drops on the table and his face reddens right
away. I look up at Seoul then catch a glimpse of my mother staring at me.
I’m caught red handed.
“Seoul, that’s not nice outing other people.” Mom speaks before I can.
“I was just curious. Phi Rome was looking at Phi Cass’s…”
“Seoul!” Cass snaps loudly, shutting the girl up.
“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time Phi Rome looked at Phi Cass like
he wants to eat him.” Austin adds oil to the fire.
“Austin!” Cass shouts, his face tinting even more.
Are they honestly talking about me and Cass like we are not right
here? And what the hell is up with my mother? Why isn’t she flipping out
or asking me anything?
Cindy can be heard giggling on the side and Yai had an all too
knowing expression.
“Cass…” Mom calls out to him.
“Yes ma’am?”
“Sit down and join us for lunch.” She orders, surprising the hell out of
“Huh? Uh, I’m on duty today ma’am,” Cass replies.
“Just do as I say. Sit down before your butt becomes more of a
distraction here. Some people might not be able to eat if their eyes are focus
on a different kind of food.” My mother looks straight at me as she says that
last sentence.
Damn, I was too careless getting distracted by just a little change in
Cass. What’s bugging me is, I can’t tell if my mother is angry or teasing me.
Cass ends up sitting down next to me, this time without my mother
telling him to. And this time around, he serves himself more dishes than just
vegetables. I steal a glance at Cass eating and seeing perfectly down his
unbutton shirt. Now that I decided to let you go, you become comfortable?
Eating and dressing like that.
“Phi Rome what’s your favorite dish today?” Seoul asks, gaining my
“Uh, Phi likes the fish.” I say the first thing that came to my mind. “It
tastes good.”
“I agree.” The little girl nods. “What about you Phi Cass?”
“You know what’s good?” Cass says looking at the little girl, his gaze
suddenly changing. Out of nowhere, I feel his hand on my thighs under the
table, making my eyes widen. What the hell is he up to? I did my best to
ignore it.
“What’s good?” Seoul asks.
“Bananas. Long, thick, ripe, bananas.” Cass says with a smile as his
hand slides up my thigh, sending a wave of sweet sensation to my core. Is
he actually doing this in front of my mom? The situation is so insane, I don’t
know whether to laugh or be angry.
“Cass.” I say his name through my teeth, stopping his hand movement.
“Yes, Khun Noo?” Cass turns to look at me with an innocent smile.
But behind his foxy smile, his eyes twinkle with mischief. He’s probably
thinking to pay me back from the last time I did this to him. Okay.
I smirk back at him. Not caring for the wondering eyes around us, I
lean down closer to him and whisper, “If you’re going to do it, do it right.”
I grab his wrist and move his hand from my thighs over to my hard
cock. Cass gasp and I enjoy seeing his mischievous eyes turn into shock.
That’s right little one, don’t play with me if you’re not ready to tangle.
Cass keeps the smile on his face, but he tries to pull his hand away. I
hold his wrist tight, keeping his hand over my crotch. The back and forth
pull of his hand rubs deliciously over my cock, and I almost groan out loud.
“What the hell are you two doing!” Mom snaps loudly.
My hand on Cass’s wrist loosens and he jumps back, pulling his hand
away. Once again, his face is flushed.
“Nothing ma. Just scratching an itch.” I dully reply and return to
My mother rolls her eyes before setting her utensil down. “Cass, help
me to my room.”
If I thought nothing else could surprise me today, my mother’s request
for Cass’s company to her room hit the bull’s eye. I really must have missed
something while I hid this week. My mother is being too calm and a little
too nice. Frankly, it worries me because I’m afraid she might explode any
Just as Cass grabs my mom’s arm to help her up from the chair, an
annoying voice bounces into the room.
“Rome! Oh, I missed you so much! How come you haven’t called me
in so long?” Anna’s voice echoes through the dining room. She comes right
next to me where Cass was sitting before and curls her claws around my
arm. I can only imagine which of my bastard friends invited her today.
Anna then notices my mother and immediately takes her hand away
and bows.
“Ma! Hello, sorry I didn’t see you. How are you?” She smiles to my
mother to which my mother only nods.
“What the hell are you doing here?” She snaps, finally seeing Cass.
“Ma don’t let him touch you! He’s evil!”
Anna reaches for my arm again holding her body flush against me. I
look up to Cass and he’s staring at Anna’s hand on me with a frown on his
face. His hand on my mom’s arm tightens and my mother doesn’t miss it.
“Khun Anna, I suggest you speak nicely or don’t speak at all,” mom
“Ma…” Anna feigns hurt. Before she can say anything else, Tye and
Kale walk in followed by some old college buddies. Everyone greets my
mom with respect. Both Tye and Kale greet Cass also.
“Rome?” My mother raises a questioning brow at me.
“Just having a little pool party.” I assure her. She usually doesn’t mind
these things at all, so she just nods her head.
“Cass, let’s go.” My mom turns to Cass who’s still holding her. He
finally tears his gaze from Anna’s hold on me before making eye contact
with me. His eyes shine with hurt but more so jealousy. And for some
reason, that spark of jealousy is satisfying. It’s high time he experiences it
I get up from the table and walk away with Anna in tow, ignoring the
gaze of Cass, with the rest of the group following closely behind. Today
might be even more entertaining than I had imagined.

- 26 -

I help Mrs. Kang to her room as she asked me to. After yesterday in
Paris’s room, I lead her back to her room and got her to eat something
finally. Her eyes no longer held contempt for me. She hasn’t outright doted
on me, but she was much gentler with her words and actions and that was
more than enough for me. She has forgiven me and apologized for the past.
This gives me much hope for the future. For me and Rome.
Rome that bastard. If only he can get his stupid act together. I don’t
know where I had the courage to do what I did during lunch, but I guess it’s
good I did. It’s so obvious he’s not ready to move on from me as his mouth
so claims. That bulge in his pants spoke otherwise. He still wants and needs
me. But using Anna is a new low. I’ll show him, I silently fume.
“Ah! Cass! What are you doing?” Mrs. Kang shouts in pain and turns
her head slightly back to look at me.
I look at the hard grip I have on her shoulder and immediately release
my hands.
“I’m sorry!” I instantly apologize.
“I asked you to massage my shoulders not pulverize it,” she says.
“I’m so sorry, my mind was on… other things.” I apologize again
knowing that I squeezed her too hard. I blame stupid Rome for that.
“It’s okay, no need to apologize.” She gets up from her chair and
stretches her arms. “Thank you, it feels much better now.”
“Is there anything else I can do for you ma’am?” I ask. I’m still on
duty today and still have to clean out the game room.
“Who’s helping Rome outside?” she suddenly asks.
“Uh, Sun is helping with snacks and drinks.” I reply, to which she
“I can use some tea.”
“I’ll get it for you right away.”
“No, it’s okay. Let’s go down together. I need to be more active.”
“Oh, okay.” Mrs. Kang sticks out her arm a little and I move to grab it.
This confuses me too because she can walk by herself fine, but she’s been
having me hold on to her since yesterday. I don’t ask any questions though.
We walk back downstairs into the kitchen with Yai following us. On
the side of the huge kitchen where a table sits, are floor to ceiling windows
that look out to the garden and beyond the garden is the pool area in the
Mrs. Kang starts walking over to the table and then pauses in front of
the window looking out. My eyes naturally follow her gaze outside, and I
have to stop myself from squeezing her arm again. Rome is laying down in
only black shorts on a lounge chair by the pool and Anna in only her small
pink bikini sits by his legs, seemingly talking to him. Still, even if they are
just talking, do they have to be that close? Jealousy and rage boil within me
and I force myself to look away.
“Cass.” Mrs. Kang calls out to me.
“Yes ma’am?” I turn my face to look at her who’s still looking out. I
end up glancing out again and Anna is still there, now holding Rome’s arm
with her hand. Quickly I look down, my feelings a little hurt. That fucker.
“Cass, go put on your shortest shorts and go out there,” she says.
“Okay.” I nod my head slowly, still not looking up.
“Wait, huh?” My eyes fly open, and I look at Mrs. Kang in shock. Did
she just say…
“Just listen to me and go.” She gives me a sly smile.
“Uhh, okay.” I nod my head in confusion. What the hell is going on
and what is she thinking?
“Nong Cass, make sure you’re not wearing a shirt either.” Yai adds,
making me blush.
I’m aware I got into their good graces, but are they actually supporting
me and Rome? Do they know? Of course, any person with working eyes
can figure out by now with how Rome and I act towards each other, but
still. It’s just hard to believe they, especially Mrs. Kang, will support her
son being with me. It just doesn’t make sense.
Regardless, I leave Yai and Mrs. Kang behind and go do as they ask. I
find my shortest shorts, which isn’t all that short since I don’t own much
clothing and put it on. It comes down to my mid thighs. I then take off my
work shirt and stare at my body in the mirror. My body is pale and on the
thinner side with ugly scars running across my skin. I suddenly become
very insecure. If I go out there and stand next to Anna… I’m nothing
compared to her.
I cover the most prominent scar on my chest. The one that Rome
kissed. He made me feel so beautiful that night. I sigh heavily, letting my
hand drop to my side. Whatever, I’m going out there because Mrs. Kang
asked me to. I’m not sure what she wants me to do out there, but I’m going.
By the time I make it outside to the garden, the loud music playing can
be heard along with shouts and laughter. Anna is no longer by Rome and
Kale is next to Rome instead. Oh boy, here goes nothing.

“I’m surprised you even invited me here after what happened last
time.” Kale says, walking up to me before laying back on the lounge chair
next to me.
“I don’t hold grudges like you.” I yawn, not giving Kale much
“I guess you found out what really happened then? Because of you, my
boyfriend broke up with me.”
“Fake boyfriend.” I remind him.
“Ah, so you found that out too, huh? Cass is too kind. Makes me
wonder why he even fell for the likes of you.” Kale says, trying to get under
my skin, but nothing is going to ruin my mood today.
“My dick is bigger than yours.” I spit facts at him. He bursts out
laughing, but the bastard knows it’s true.
“So then why aren’t you all over Cass right now? You already know
everything, yet you distance yourself. I don’t know if you’re stupid or just
plain dumb. Someone like Cass won’t stay single forever, you know?”
“Stupid is you inviting Anna here.”
“I wanted to tease you.” He shrugs his shoulder.
“Anyways about Cass…” Kale begins again.
“Whatever, I don’t care,” I grunt.
“Really, if that’s the case I might just go after him for real this time. As
a matter of fact... Wow…” Kale stops talking as his mouth drops. He lifts
himself into a sitting position and lowers his sunglasses, staring pass me.
“Don’t mind if I start trying to make him mine now.”
Kale gets up from the seat and I pay him no mind until I hear Tye’s
loud voice.
“Wow! Wow! Wow! Nong Cass! Look at you! You decided to join
I immediately turn to look behind me and then grab my sunglasses and
rip them off my face just to see if I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing. Cass
stood there shyly with one arm cross over his bare chest, holding his other
arm. He’s in nothing but a tiny black short that barely covers his legs, his
body exposed to everyone at the party. And fucking damn it, if everyone
isn’t ogling at him right now.
The jealousy and possessive urge inside me scream to go cover him
up. To drag his ass out of here and teach him a lesson for showing off
what’s mine. Fuck! He’s not mine anymore. My jaws tense and I exhale an
annoyed breath.
What the fuck is he doing out here looking like that? Who the hell
gave him permission to come out here? Not that I wasn’t going to have him
come out here later, but I definitely wasn’t going to have him come out
He gives Tye a small smile and nods his head.
“Yes! We needed some fine meat out here. Everyone here is ugly but
me. Now that you’re here, you can join the sexy category with me.” Tye
spouts his nonsense and Cass chuckles.
“Cass. If I knew you look this good, I would have never let you break
up with me.” Kale says, walking up to Cass and winking. My hands grip the
armchair to keep me from sprinting towards them.
“Let me try again. Please?” Kale begs.
Cass’s eyes find mine just as Anna walks back to my side. The
annoying bitch won’t leave me alone even when I told her off earlier to
leave me the fuck alone or get the hell out of my house. Anna sits down
next to me on the same lounge chair.
“Why is he even out here looking like that? Ew.” She yaps but I ignore
her, my eyes still on Cass. Anna grabs my arm and Cass’s gaze shift to it,
his eyes slanting a little.
Finally, he turns to Kale and gives him a sweet smile.
“Okay.” He agrees, angering me even more. Kale gives a victorious
smile at his words.
“Kale, you stay away from Cass! You’re ugly.” Tye cuts in, making
Kale roll his eyes but grins. Cass also chuckles again at their teasing.
“Come here Cass, Phi will introduce you to some friends.” Tye grabs
Cass and drags him away to a group of men that is eyeing him like prey.
I manage to recollect myself and lay back on the lounger. I do my best
to ignore whatever Cass is doing. I can hear him talking, socializing with
the few people here and laughing too.
“If those people knew what kind of person that bastard is, they
wouldn’t come close to him,” Anna huffs.
The annoying bitch is still here, her eyes following Cass. I kick her off
my seat, so she sits next to where Kale was sitting before.
“Well, who’s going to tell them?”
“I can!” Anna says too excitedly.
I smirk. “Anna.”
“Yes Rome?” She squeals with a happy smile.
“If you so much as speak his name or touch a single hair on him, I’ll
destroy your father’s empire and make sure those pretty clothes you love so
much turn into rags that even the maids at your hotel will refuse to clean
Anna’s mouth drops open and her face twists into an ugly expression,
matching her character.
“You can’t talk to me like that!” She jumps up shouting, gaining
everyone’s attention. “I will tell my father on you!”
“Mmm. Go ahead,” I dully reply.
“I don’t need to stand for this! Goodbye Rome!” Anna stomps away
but stops when she’s about to pass Cass.
“Murderer!” She shouts at Cass. He flinches back at her words. That
fucking bitch. I get up from my chair, ready to stomp over and teach her a
“Slut!” Tye shouts back at Anna making me stop.
“Argh!” Anna screeches before turning around and stomping away.
“Bye! Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!” Tye adds laughing
“Nong Cass, don’t mind her. Are you okay?” Tye changes his tone to
one of a caring older brother.
Cass looks at the gazes on him. On the people he just befriended.
Everyone gives him a smile and shrugs it off, returning to what they were
doing before, drinking, talking, laughing. Thank goodness. I thought I was
going to have to start kicking people’s ass if they even think of hurting
I walk over to where Cass, Tye and Kale are left standing. “Cass.”
Cass looks at me then away like he’s upset with me. What the hell did I
do? If anything, I should be the one pissed off. He’s the one that came out
here with his ass half hanging out.
“Rome, did you decide to come back and claim ownership?” Kale
smirks before grabbing Cass’s wrist with one hand. “Cass already gave me
permission to chase after him again.”
Before I can tell the fucker to let Cass go, we get interrupted.
“Hello Phi Rome.” Kale’s eyes widen upon hearing the familiar voice
and I smile widely.
“Hello, Nong Chance.” I reply, looking past the group. My guest of
honor is finally here. Chance walks up to the group, stopping right next to
“Hello Phi Tye.” He then turns to look at Kale. “Kale.”
“Chance…” Kale whispers his name barely audible.
Chance ignores him and turns back to look at me. “Thanks for inviting
me, Phi. It’s been a long time everyone.”
“Nong Chance. Hello. You’re back in the country?” Tye says, finally
getting his bearings back. He goes up to the boy and gives him a hug.
“Yes. Because Phi Tye came back and left me alone in the states. I got
lonely.” He jokes with Tye.
Chance and Tye studied in the same university oversea. Tye had long
graduated and if I’m not mistaken, Chance should be graduating in a year or
“Chance…” Kale says again, finally letting go of Cass’s wrist. He
moves to step closer to him but Chance steps away. Kale’s face saddens.
“Let’s get this party started! I miss everybody!” Chance shouts, joining
the other guests who roar in agreement. Most of them already know Chance
from when he was studying here with us.
“What the fuck is this!” Kale comes up to me, his eyes no longer
friendly nor teasing. Just what I wanted.
“I missed Chance, so I bought him a plane ticket to come visit me.” I
“This is low Rome.” He growls through his teeth.
“Who the fuck started this?” I growl back. Yeah, I hold fucking
grudges and I will always win.
“You know damn well Cass and I have nothing going on. I was trying
to help your dumbass.”
“And you think Chance and I do?” I throw back at him.
“Hey, break it up guys!” Tye interrupts us.
I look away from Kale, noticing most are looking at us now. Chance
stares at us from where he stands, unsure if he should intervene, and Cass
looks at me with a confused gaze.
“Okay…” Kale backs away. “Cass let’s go swimming.”
Kale turns and grabs Cass and starts stalking towards the pool past
Chance who can only stare at Kale’s back.
“Phi Kale. Stop.” Cass’s says to him. “I can’t swim!”
Kale stops dragging him and turns to Cass and forces a small smile.
“Just… entertain me a bit, will you? We won’t go into the deep end.”
Cass looks at Kale with a worried expression before nodding his head.
Cass is too kind to decline anyone in need. And right now, Kale needs all
the help he can get. The first and only person he’s ever loved and lost is
here after all.
“Phi, who is that person?” Chance comes next to me and asks, his eyes
on Cass.
“My maid.”
“Huh?” He looks up at me confused.
“Chance don’t worry about him. Kale and Cass are not an item.” I try
to reassure the boy.
“Are you sure? When I was walking here, Phi Kale was holding his
wrist.” Chance says, a little sad.
“Mmm. I’m sure. So, you asking me about it, that means you still have
feelings for Kale?” I tear my eyes away from Cass who is now in the water
with Kale to look at Chance.
Chance nods his head. “He hurt me so badly, but I still like him. I’m
stupid huh?”
“No Chance. You’re not. We can’t control what our hearts feel. I would
know. But Kale, he’s not a bad person like Chance thinks. Kale was hurt
“I know…” Chance mumbles.
“It’s up to you how you want this to turn out now Chance. You have to
decide for yourself. Understand?”
“Yes. Thank you, Phi.” Chance smiles at me and gives me a hug, and I
hug him back.
Suddenly, I hear Cass scream making my heart drop. Cass can’t swim!
I quickly let Chance go but just when I turn, a beach ball comes flying,
hitting me right on the side of my head. What the fuck!
I turn to the pool and Cass stood there halfway in the water staring at
me with his hands fist by his side, fuming, letting me know that it was him
who threw the ball.
“Cass!” I shout angrily. I can hear Tye laughing in the background.
“Phi are you okay?” Chance says reaching out to touch the side of my
head where I was hit.
“I’m fine.” I tell him. “I’m sorry about…”
My head rocks to the side a little from the impact of another ball
hitting me.
“Cass! You little shit!” I snap.
Forgetting Chance, I stomp over to the pool, rounding it to the shallow
end where Cass is standing. Before I can reach him, he’s already out
walking away on the other side.
“Cass get back here right now!” I go after him.
“Rot in hell!” He shouts back at me, not turning around.
His small shorts are now stuck snuggly to his ass from the water,
showing off his perfect curves. Droplets of water ran down his back and
legs. Everyone stares at him like he was a damn filet mignon freshly served,
angering me even more. These fuckers.
I quickly catch up to Cass and grab his arm tightly.
“Rome! Let go of me!” He shouts, trying to pull away.
“Let me go asshole!” He screams again.
I ignore him and everyone else and drag Cass back into the house. Not
only did he throw a damn ball at my head twice, but he no longer has any
fucking business showing off his ass like this.
As I drag him in the house, I don’t know why I didn’t take him to his
room, but I drag him up the stairs instead.
“Rome! I can go myself! My room is downstairs!”
Suddenly, Cass stops shouting and struggling, making me look back.
“Ma’am…” Cass whispers.
My mom and Yai stood there looking at where we had just come from.
Cass’s eyes follow their gazes and look over to where we were just walking
and the trail of water that follows us.
“I’m sorry, I’ll clean it up right away.” Cass tries to move away but I
pull him back.
“Ma, he will clean it later. Right now, I need to talk to him.” Cass isn’t
going to get away that easily. And if my mom gets pissed off, I’ll deal with
that later too.
She raises a brow at me but then nods her head, signaling me to go.
Cass’s eyes widen in shock.
“Rome let me go! Ma’am, Khun Yai, help me!” Cass begs.
“Come here you little minx.” I start to pull Cass away. Before I turn
away, I swear I see my mother smile.
I pull Cass into my room before finally letting him go. He tries to push
pass me to get to the door, but I shove him back.
“Not so tough now, are you?” I stalk towards him, and he backs away.
“You deserved it!” He barks back.
“And you deserve a spanking.” I step closer to Cass, making him turn
and run to the other side of the room by the windows that lead out to the
“You’re the one snuggling all close to that Anna and whoever that new
boy is! If anything, I should be spanking you!” He sneers, crossing his
I stop moving and just stare at him in amusement. I run my eyes
slowly over his body before stopping at his crotch. Not only are his wet
shorts clinging onto his ass but also his cock too. And everyone out there
saw it. Spank me? He’s funny. I’ll teach him to go around looking like that
again. Shit!
I mentally cursed myself. I’m not fucking supposed to be doing this
anymore! Why the hell did I pull Cass into my room when he looks like
that, teasing me so damn bad. I should have known better. I only wanted to
chastise him for throwing the balls at me. But now I want nothing more
than to fuck the hell out of him.
Cass senses the change in me and he unfolds his arms. I look at him
and he looks at me. His eyes are no longer angry, and I, no longer know
what I want to do. Suddenly, his hand moves down to the waistband of his
shorts, and he grabs it, pulling it down his legs, his eyes never leaving mine.
He then stands up in all his naked glory, staring at me.
“Are you just going to stare at me? Or are you going to show me who
owns this body?” Cass whispers, his sultry voice making the hair on my
skin rise and that isn’t the only thing on my body rising. When I don’t
answer, Cass answers for me.
“Fine.” He walks over to me, stopping before me. “I’ll show you who
owns your body.”
With those words, Cass grabs my face and crushes his lips to mine.

- 27 -

I’ll show you who owns your body…
I stand frozen in place with goosebumps dancing across my skin as
Cass’s warm soft lips press hard against mine. His hand grabs the side of
my face with his soft naked body pressing firmly on my own naked chest. A
euphoric sensation quickly settles in, spreading through my bloodstream
and making my mind go hazy. My hands fist at my side wanting to grab
him and pull him closer, kiss him deeper, but the little still functioning part
of my brain screams at me to think logically.
I’ve told myself over and over again, it’s over between us and I can’t
do this anymore. I shouldn’t be greedy anymore and use Cass’s body when I
can’t return the feelings he so desperately craves. It will only hurt him in
the end if we continue this physical relationship, yet my mind continues to
draw blanks as he starts to boldly move his lips and stick out that sweet hot
tongue of his, begging for entrance into my mouth.
When did he get so bold, so brave, so fucking damn sexy? He can very
will own every part of me if I allow him to. And I want to so badly give him
everything he seeks and more.
Cass curls his hand behind my neck, wrapping my hair between his
fingers and pull my head back, causing little pain and forcing my mouth to
open. He then daringly darts his tongue inside my mouth eagerly tasting
every corner with his sweet tongue. Fuck me.
I groan defeated, wrapping my arms around his tiny waste and
pressing him even closer against me. Cass hums in satisfaction, our kiss
becoming more intense, more needy. We chase each other’s tongue until
neither one of us can breathe properly, only then do I pull away. We stare at
each other for a while, just looking and breathing heavily.
Cass finally lets me go and takes a step back. He looks me over with
his eyes landing on my midsection where my cock strain painfully in my
He smirks. “I own you.”
“You’re playing a very dangerous game, Cass.” I say, not denying his
words. I let my own eyes slide down his smooth naked body, stopping at his
beautiful harden cock before looking at his own eyes again. “Stop now
while you’re ahead.”
“Fine.” Cass says nonchalantly and shrugs his shoulder. He turns
around and starts walking towards the windows where he had dropped his
wet shorts. Thinking he will grab his shorts and put them back on, my eyes
widen when he reaches for the handle on the window.
“What the hell are you doing?” I growl at him. Did the little brat think
to go out onto the balcony naked?
Cass turns to look at me. “Well, you don’t want to fuck, so I’m going
to ask if anyone wants to come up here and fuck me.”
The bastard! An animalistic growl leaves my throat as anger and
jealousy overtakes me. Before Cass can do anything else, my body is
pressed hard against his, pinning him to the window. I place my hands on
each side of him caging him in.
“You want to be fuck so badly? I’ll fuck this little body of yours until
you forget how to walk.” I growl into his ears.
Cass gasps but doesn’t fight me. In fact, a small smile lifts on the
corner of his lips through his reflection on the glass. The little minx is
purposely pulling my strings and damn it, I’m reacting to his every pull.
Angry, I bite down on his neck where there is no longer a hickey and
suck hard. Cass whimpers but tilts his head to the side, exposing his neck
more. As I continue to suck hungrily on his skin, I run a hand down his
flesh, stopping at his dick. I grab it into my palms and stroke him
vigorously. With my other hand, I clasp his nipple between my fingers and
pinch harshly. Cass moans out loudly, his hands falling onto the glass
window to keep him standing.
I finally let go of my bite only to find the other side of his unmarked
skin and bite down on that. I want my marks all over him. He wants to
know who owns this body? Me. I own it and I’m going to mark every inch
of it. Then I’ll throw a damn pool party every fucking day just so everyone
can see that Cass is mine. And if anyone even thinks of touching him…
The thought of him even thinking of asking someone else to fuck him
angers me, so I bite down even harder and stroke him even faster.
“Yes Rome… more.” Cass moans loudly. “Just like that.”
He’s close, and I do as he wants. I pump even harder for him. In no
time, Cass is screaming and shaking in my arms, his hot cum painting the
glass window. He pants loudly but I allow him no break. I quickly remove
myself of my shorts. Placing my hands over his own that is still on the glass
window, I thrust into Cass’s tight hole. We both groan loudly as I fully enter
him, leaving only skin between us.
“Rome… what if they see us?” Cass all but moans.
I chuckle into his ears. “Now you’re worried about that? After you just
cum? Let them see Cass, so they know who owns this body.” I shove my
dick into Cass again. Hard and fast.
The pool is a distance away and I’m sure no one can see us, but the
thought of being seen makes it that much more thrilling.
“You want to be caught, don’t you?” I push into him, growling in his
ear. “Should we go out onto the balcony?”
“Nooo…” Cass’s hole tightens around my cock even though he denies
it. I chuckle and continue to pound into him.
I remove my hands from his and once again found his already hard
cock. My other hand curls around his neck, and I twist his head to the side
before leaning down and capturing his lips, enjoying the sweet, sweet taste
of him.
I continue to fuck Cass, each thrust harder and faster than the last
without letting go of his dick or breaking the kiss. He can take every last
breath of mine if he wants, because I refuse to let go of this moment.
Cass arches his body against me, and his body starts to convulse
violently with a new wave of hot cum shooting from his dick. A loud moan
escapes his lips which I gladly swallow before finally breaking the kiss. I
bite down on his shoulder as my own orgasm hits me hard and my cum
water his hole.
Cass’s hand slides off the glass window and he recline back into me
breathing heavily, a small smile lights his face. I release his skin from my
teeth and place a soft kiss on the mark I just left behind before slowly
sliding my dick out of his body. Cass tries to pull out from my arms still
wrapped around him, but I tug him back against me.
“Rome, I need to sit.” Cass tries to move again. Instead, I grab him and
pull him towards the bed before tossing him on it.
“Rome…” Cass turns around to look at me standing at the edge of the
bed looking down at him. His gaze land on my still hard dick and his eyes
“I’m not stopping Cass. Not until you forget how to walk.” I smirk at
Cass inhales sharply but then releases the breath slowly, his eyes
turning mischievous. He backs away on the bed until he reaches the pillows
at the headboard. He lays down on his back before raising his knees and
spreading his legs widely exposing every delicious inch of him.
“Then what are you waiting for?” he purrs with a grin.
I smile widely. Just you wait kitten, you’re in for a long wild ride.

“Rome, I need a break.” I groan loudly as Rome’s cock enter deeply
inside me hitting my now overly sensitive core.
This is already the fourth round, and the damn beast is insatiable. He
shows no sign of slowing down and is seriously going to make good on his
words of not letting me remember how to walk. This is partly my fault since
I poked the beast one too many times today, but I honestly thought he
would quit after two or three rounds. Fuck me, literally.
“Not a chance babe.” Rome grunts as he continues to push into me
with sweat rolling down our bodies. My dick perks up excitedly with Rome
calling me babe. This whole time actually, he’s been calling me love and
babe nonstop, making my heart sing happily.
Rome leans over my back and starts feeding on my skin as if he hasn’t
already left marks all over me. My neck, shoulders, chest, and thighs all
sported his marks. Not that I didn’t return to him what he gave me. Though
my bites on his skin aren’t as prominent as the ones he left me, that damn
dog, I left my claim all over his skin too.
“Tell me who owns this body, Cass.” He pushes into me, his pace
increasing. I can tell he is close to cumming again.
“Tell me who owns yours first.” I moan into the pillow. I feel a hard
slap on my ass and groan loudly at the sensation, my fingers twisting the
sheets beside me.
“Now!” he growls.
“No…you first…ah…” Another slap hits my buttock.
“Fine, I can go all day and night until you tell me.”
Oh God no.
I’m so damn exhausted, but I don’t want to give in to him. And I have
to admit I love teasing Rome a little too much. Drawing out his jealousy
and possessiveness is kind of fun even if I just know my ass is going to
regret it later, literally. My hole is now the shape of his dick.
“Say it.” Rome orders, pulling me up so I’m sitting in his lap as he
slowly fucks me from behind. His hand finds my neck and he turn me to
face him. “Who owns your body, Cass?”
I bite down on my lips not answering him and muffling my moans.
Rome’s hips stop moving and I look up at him with a pout.
“Tell me…” Rome cups my cheeks and leans to place two small kisses
on my lips. “Tell me now,” he whispers.
“You…” I whisper back, my eyes on his.
“And you, mine.” Rome says before taking my lips and kissing me
passionately. Inside, I’m screaming happily. He admitted it finally.
Rome continues kissing and fucking me until we both cum. This time I
lay back against him, my eyes close. My body is spent. I can feel Rome
planting small kisses on me as the last drops of his seeds enter me.
“You want to take a bath?” Rome asks, his hand now caressing my
sleepy face.
“Mmm… that would be nice,” I reply.
I feel Rome pull out of me and I instantly fall on the bed, desperately
wanting sleep. Just as I’m about to lose consciousness, Rome returns,
shaking me a little.
“The bath is ready, let’s go.” I feel Rome gently brushing my hair aside
from my face.
“I’m tire…” I groan. “Carry me.”
With my eyes still closed, I stick my arms up into the air. I can hear
Rome chuckling but don’t mind. I’m tired and it’s all his doing. Just
keeping my arms up is hard enough.
“You’re such a baby.” Rome says but still he scoops me up into his
arms. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me.
“It’s your fault I can’t walk.” I say burying my face into his chest
which only extract another soft laugh from him.
Rome lowers us into the warm bath, and I moan as the water does its
work on my sore muscles. Instead of having me lay with my back to his
front, Rome turns me to face him with me straddling him. Rome slowly
enters my body once more making me whimper.
“No more…” I whisper. My eyes are still close as I lean into his body
with my head resting in the crook of his neck.
“Last time, I promise.” Rome says as he grabs my ass cheeks and
slowly moves me up and down his length. I can’t help but moan softly
because even though I’m sore and tire, the sensation is nice.
For a while, the only sound that can be heard is the water splashing
around with every slow movement and my soft quiet moans. My eyes stay
close the whole time and I hold onto Rome as he lazily fucks me. The sex is
slow and calm but still just as satisfying. If anything, this feels more
It doesn’t take long before the pace quickens, not as rough as before,
but still enough for my small moans to turn into loud cries. Soon enough,
we both are overcome with sweet euphoria.
Finally, Rome leans back against the tub with me on top of him
breathing heavily. He doesn’t remove himself from me and just holds me
The bathroom becomes silent once more. With me leaning against his
chest, I can only hear the sound of his beating heart as it went from a fast
rhythm to, little by little, calming down into a slower pace. I like the sound
of his heartbeat.
“Rome.” I whisper in my hazy, exhausted state.
“I love you.” I hear myself saying.
When I realize what I said, I snuggle even closer to him. I don’t regret
saying it one bit, because it’s truly how I feel.
Rome doesn’t say anything, and his body stiffens underneath me, but
his now calm heart starts racing again. I smile because that’s all I need for
“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to let you know how I
truly feel about you. I can wait for you to trust me again.”
I hear Rome sighing before he wraps his arms tighter around me. After
that, I doze off into a deep sleep.

I stir awake with the sound of knocking at the door. The room is
submerged in darkness and I’m dressed and snuggled in Rome’s arms. He
must have brought me back in bed after the bath and dressed me before
joining me. We must have slept for a long time seeing that it’s dark out.
I try to move but the pain in my muscles stops me. Damn. The
knocking continues, louder this time and Rome shifts beside me. I quickly
close my eyes feigning sleep.
“Go away!” Rome shouts.
“Son, it’s ma! Open up!”
Immediately, I’m on high alert. Do I pretend to keep sleeping or do I
crawl out of bed and hide in a corner? We are going to be caught! Before I
can make a decision, Rome gets out of bed, and I hear him walking to the
door before opening it. Fake sleeping it is.
“Ma what is it?” I hear Rome say and tightly shut my eyes. My heart is
beating so rapidly, I think I might just die from nerves.
“What are you doing?” Mrs. Kang asks.
“Sleeping, what else?”
“How can you invite all these guests over and then abandon your own
party?” She says, sounding upset.
“They know to leave when I’m not around.” Rome replies, his voice
still laced with exhaustion.
“And Cass? Where’d he go? I haven’t seen him since you dragged him
to your room. He’s still on the clock you know.”
Shit. I am still on the clock. This is my working weekend. Damn it, I’m
thinking like Rome now, letting my stupid dick control me. What excuse am
I going to use this time?
“Cass. He’s sleeping too.” Rome answers, surprising me.
“Where?” Mrs. Kang asks.
“I think you know ma.”
I open my eyes a little to peek but how the bed is position, I can’t see
them and only see part of Rome’s back and the light that emits from the
hallway. “Ma, we need to talk but not now. It’s late. I’ll come find you
“Son, I hope to God you know damn well what you are doing.” I hear
her say, follow by the sound of retrieving footsteps and then the sound of
the door closing. What the hell does that mean?
I feel the bed dip and soon Rome is beside me again. My eyes are still
closed as I pretend to sleep. I feel his hand on my face moving my hair to
the side before he gently caresses my cheeks.
“Just wait a little longer Cass. I’ll make everything okay.” Rome
whispers and then I feel a soft kiss on my forehead.
I try my best not to react but internally, I’m screaming. Does this mean
what I think it means? Rome lays back down next to me and pulls me into
his embrace. I secretly smile in the dark and drift back to sleep with the
warmest heart.

- 28 -

The next morning, I wake up to an empty bed with Rome nowhere to
be seen. It takes me awhile to get my muscles to start working and get out
of bed. And it takes even longer to try and walk normally. Note to self,
never challenge Rome again when it comes to sex.
Even though I’m in pain, all the sweet memories of yesterday make it
all worth it. I got the hardheaded bastard to admit I own him. Although he
still hasn’t admitted his feelings, this is enough for now. And I’m not sure
what he meant when he said for me to wait a little longer and he will make
everything okay, but I’m thinking positively.
What really does bother me though, is what Mrs. Kang said to Rome
last night. For a moment, I thought she was on my side, but now I’m not so
sure. I just pray that she can open up her heart towards Rome and my
relationship. Otherwise, he will never admit his feelings, if that will cause
his mom any pain.

The house is quiet aside from Austin and Seoul watching TV in the
usual sitting room. Mrs. Kang and Yai left for the hospital for a checkup
with Nom taking them. And even though it’s a Sunday, Cindy had informed
me that Rome was called into work and left with Ping this morning. That’s
why he was gone before I woke up.
I’m completely fine with this moment to myself as I’m still trying to
conjure up a suitable enough excuse as to why I left my work duties
yesterday and completely disappeared. I mean, both Mrs. Kang and Yai saw
Rome dragged me away, but I don’t think they expected me to be gone for
that long. What do I tell them?...
“Cass.” Sun appears next to me.
“Yes?” I stop cleaning the mess left by the pool area to look at her.
“Madam is back and she’s asking for you,” Sun relays.
Fuck. I’m so fucked.
I make my way back to the house and stop by the bathroom first to
make sure none of the marks Rome left behind can be visible.
Unfortunately for me, there are two small lighter red ones just below my
jawline that the collars of my shirt can’t reach. I sigh, hoping that Mrs.
Kang won’t notice. Otherwise, mosquitoes to the rescue again.
I knock before entering and found Mrs. Kang sitting on the armchair
by the window with Yai standing beside her. When I walk up to her, she
takes a single look at me not missing the hickeys on my neck. Things have
been better between us but for some reason, today I’m nervous. Extremely
“Yai.” Mrs. Kang says without looking at her.
“Yes madam?” Yai answers.
“Leave us.”
“Yes ma’am.” Yai takes a single look at me with her stoic face and
then immediately leaves the room. The room is submerged in silence as I
stand there with her piercing gaze on me.
“Sit Cass,” She orders.
I silently sit down at the end of the couch. I keep my hands clasp in my
lap and my gaze on them.
“Cass, about my daughter…” Immediately, my heart starts racing.
Why is she bringing Paris up again? Did something happen at the hospital
“…about Paris. I’ve already stopped blaming you and apologized for
everything that I had done.” She continues.
“Uhh… yes.” I nod my head slowly, still not looking at her.
“Now tell me. Did you sleep with my son yesterday?”
My head lifts up and I look at her with wide eyes. I didn’t expect her to
change subjects like this so suddenly. Shit, what do I say?
“What I mean to say is, do you like my son? Do you like Rome?” Mrs.
Kang looks at me with a straight face, no humor whatsoever.
I return my gaze to my clasp hands that are slightly shaking. For some
reason, my eyes start to burn as a spark of pain grows in my chest. Because
I know that what I’m about to say now can very well end everything for me
and Rome. But I know I must do it.
I slowly shake my head. “No.”
“No?” Mrs. Kang sounds a little shock.
“No. I don’t like Rome.” I shake my head again.
Mrs. Kang sighs. “Well then…”
“Because it’s more than like. I love him. I love Rome.” I whisper with
my tears leaving my eyes.
“I was afraid of this.” I hear her say.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I took one of your children away already and
now I’m trying to take your other.” I say through shaky lips.
“Cass!” Mrs. Kang snaps loudly and stands up, making me flinch a
“What did I tell you! It’s not your fault! What happened to Paris, that’s
not your fault. If I hear you blame yourself one more time, I’m going to
have Rome whip you! Understand?” She yells at me.
I quickly nod my head not wanting to anger her more but then swiftly,
I look up at her, my eyes widening. Did she just say she will have Rome
whip me?
Slowly but surely, Mrs. Kang’s face breaks out into a smile, her tone
softening. “Unless you like it when my son whips you, then I’ll have to find
a different punishment for you.”
“Now, promise ma. No more self-blaming.” She adds.
“O..okay.” My tears start flowing and I break down.
Suddenly, Mrs. Kang is sitting next to me and throws her arms over me
“It must have been so hard on you huh?” She gently brushes my back.
“All this time, you must have felt so hurt and tire.”
I nod my head as I cry on her shoulders.
“You did well. You did so well. Working tirelessly, selflessly, raising
your siblings by yourself. You did well, son.”
Mrs. Kang moves me off her shoulder and cups my face to look at her.
She also has tears in her eyes but uses her thumbs to dry mine.
“Now stop crying. Forget that horrible past and move on. Let’s be
happy now. Okay?” She smiles.
“Okay.” I smile back at her through tears.
“Now about my son…”
“You’re not mad? Disappointed?”
She shakes her head. “Surprised at first, but I’m not mad at you. How
can I be mad at someone for loving my son?”
“Even if I’m the son of…”
“Even if you were the devil himself, I’m okay.” She cuts me off,
making me chuckle a little.
“Your son is the devil.” I joke and she laughs.
“I bet. If anything, this is all his doing anyways. He dragged you into
this house.”
“But now he wants me to leave. Actually, I’m not sure what he wants.
He won’t tell me.” I admit.
“He’s hurt Cass. He’s been hurt for a long time. In the span of a couple
years, he lost both his father and sister. And I haven’t been the best mother
either. You’ve been fighting alone this whole time and so has he. You had
nothing but still found a little solace within your siblings, right?” I nod,
agreeing with her. “Rome, he hasn’t smile, truly smile since that horrid day.
Not until you. And I’m so thankful to you for that. I see the change in my
son every day. So please, don’t give up on him. Give him time to figure
himself out.”
“I won’t. I already told myself I’m going to fight for him. That’s why I
wanted to tell you I love him.” Suddenly I feel my cheeks warming. Now
that Mrs. Kang knows everything, I’m feeling shy and embarrassed. She
said she will let Rome whip me, she must know everything we do. Dear
God, save me from this embarrassment!
“Did you know for a while now? That’s why you had me go out there
Mrs. Kang chuckles. “I had my suspicions. I’ve seen the way my son
looks at you. Those marks didn’t make itself. And I know damn sure it’s not
“Ohhh. Please don’t remind me.” I groan, hiding my face behind one
hand, making her laugh.
“And my past? I always wonder why you started treating me better day
by day.” This, I’m actually very curious about.
“Well, let’s just say that little sister of yours, loves to talk.”
“Mmm. Every day when I helped her do her homework, she spoke of
you. How much she loves and adores you. How much you work and do for
them. Every day I felt like I knew you a little more and more.” She smiles.
“And then here, you always secretly took care of me and even Yai. How can
we not fall for your charms?”
Seoul that chatterbox. For the first time, I’m thankful for her honest
“She’s a chatty one, that one,” I say.
“She’s an angel. Austin too. You raised them well,” Mrs. Kang replies.
“Now, you just have to help me raise that grown son of mine.”
“Yesterday when you said you hope he knows what he is doing. What
did you mean?” I ask.
“So, you were sleeping in there.” She raises her brows, teasing me.
“He wouldn’t let me leave the room.” I mumble, feeling my cheeks
“My plan worked.” Mrs. Kang giggles. “Anyways, I just wanted Rome
to be fully aware and sure of what he’s doing with you, of his own feelings.
So he doesn’t hurt you and himself at the end.”
“I thought you might had been upset.”
“Of course not. I’ll talk to him when he comes home.” She assures me.
“Can I ask for something?” What I’m about to ask might be stupid of
me, but it’s something I really need.
“Okay…” Mrs. Kang looks at me confuse but nods.
“Can you not tell Rome that you approve of me?” I say.
“Why, Cass? If I know my son, I think the only reason he’s giving you
trouble is because of me. I can just talk to him, and everything will be fix.”
“Because… I want Rome to think for himself without anyone
influencing his decision. I may sound greedy for saying this, but I need him
to choose me, for me. Not because of you or anyone else, but because he
wants to. I want him to put me first. I don’t want to be an option for him
that he can only pick me if you approve. I want him to pick me always even
if the world is against us.” I explain to her.
Yes, I might sound crazy not taking the easy way out, but I truly stand
by what I said. It’s very important to me that Rome chooses me himself
because he wants to, not because his mom is okay with it.
Plus, even if she talks to him, that doesn’t mean he will admit his
feelings for me. According to him, he can’t trust me. Until he does, he
won’t admit anything.
“So, you want my son, to pick you over me, his mother?” Mrs. Kang
“Well, I don’t mean it like that…”
“I’m just kidding. I understand.” She smiles at me.
“Thank you.”
“Well, we’ve been talking for a while now. I’m sure Yai is dying of
curiosity out there. Do you mind making lunch now? I’m hungry after that
doctor’s visit.”
“How did it go? Is there anything I can do to help?” I immediately ask.
“I’m healthy. Thanks to you and your siblings.” She pats me on the
“That’s good.” I smile joyously.
“I’ll go make lunch now ma’am.” I say, getting up to leave.
“Huh?” I turn to face her.
“Mom. Call me mom. That’s what you used to call me when you were
“Okay… mom…” she smiles approvingly. I turn around and leave
with the biggest grin on my face.
What a damn fucking headache and a waste of time. This morning
when I woke, I had planned to have breakfast with my mom then talk with
her about Cass. I wanted to confess to her that Cass and I have kind of been
seeing each other. And then, depending on her reaction, I would decide
what to do with Cass.
After Cass’s confession of love. I don’t plan to let him go anymore.
But I still need the time to convince my mother if she disagrees. I still have
to think about her health after all. That’s why while he slept, I whispered for
him to wait until I set everything straight.
Unfortunately for me though, this morning I was called to the office
because of a ruckus caused by no other than Anna, rather her father. The
little bitch went and cry to daddy on how I treated her yesterday and so he
thought to show his dominance, he would show up to my office demanding
a word with me. After meeting him, let’s just say he nor his daughter will be
coming anywhere close to me or any of my properties ever again.
After Ping pulls up to the front of the house, my mood is sour and to
think about confronting my mom right now, makes my mood even worse.
Upon entering the house, immediately, Sun finds me and tells me my
mother wants to talk to me. I try to calm myself from this morning’s mess
before going to find my mother in her room. When I enter, I stop short,
surprised that Cass is also in the room. He looks up at me, his face
mirroring my expression. Why is he in here too?
“Son, come sit.” My mom gestures for me to sit next to her which I do.
“Is everything okay at work?” she asks.
“Yes, everything is fine,” I reply. “Ma, what’s this about?”
“Well didn’t you say you wanted to talk last night?”
“Well, yes. But why is he here?” I look over to Cass before looking at
Yai who is also present, then back to my mom.
“Because what I’m about to say involves Cass,” she simply says. Cass
looks just as lost as me but doesn’t say anything as he stands before us.
“Starting tomorrow, Cass will no longer be a maid.” Mom announces.
“What, why?” I ask too suddenly, which earns me a curious gaze from
my mother. Cass looks just as shocked as I sound. Is my mom already
planning to kick Cass out of the house?
“Because he will be my personal caretaker from now on.”
“Huh?” Both Cass and I say at once.
“What about Yai? And why Cass?”
“Why? Yai is going on an extended vacation, that’s why. She deserves
one don’t you think?”
“Yes Khun Noo. I’m going back to my hometown for a month.” Yai
explains further.
“I get that Yai is going away, but why Cass? There’s Sun and Cindy?
Or we can hire someone new.” I find it quite suspicious that my mother
would request Cass of all people.
“Why not Cass? Are you saying he’s not capable?” My mom looks at
Cass who hasn’t said anything and then at me.
“He is. But if he’s your personal caretaker, he will always be with you,
and I won’t…” I stop myself realizing what I was about to say. I won’t see
him as often or have time alone with him.
“That’s the point son. To have Cass beside me always so I can keep an
eye on him. So a dog stops biting him every chance he gets.” Mom barks,
making Cass gasp then flush.
Is this it? Is this her answer to me and Cass? This is her attempting to
separate us.
“I think you and I should talk about this, privately.” I say, trying to
keep my emotions in check.
“There’s nothing to talk about. I want Cass and that’s it.”
“Okay.” Cass cuts in, finally speaking. I stare at him with wide eye. “I
can do it madam.”
Mom smiles. “Good. Perfect. You may leave now.”
“Yes ma’am.” Cass bows before leaving.
“Yai, leave us.” I say shortly after Cass walks out.
Once Yai leaves, I turn to my mother. Before I can even get a word out,
she speaks. “That’s my answer son. I’m willing to live in this house
peacefully with Cass, but I’ll be damn if I allow him to date my only son
and that’s final.”
Her words ring in my ears as an unsettling feeling consumes me. What
do I do now?
“Ma, even if… even if I like him? Or rather, lo– ”
“Do you want to see me dead?” She cuts me off.
“Then don’t even think about it,” she snaps. “You can date him once
I’m dead.”
Her final words make me lose all hope. Date Cass only when my
mother is dead? Never.

- 29 -

The day after Mrs. Kang asked me to be her personal caretaker, she
orders me to move into one of the bedrooms upstairs. Yai is getting ready to
leave in the evening back to her hometown and according to her, Mrs. Kang
wants me on the second floor so I’m closer to her. But that makes no sense
when Yai herself sleeps in the workers’ quarter. It becomes clear to me
when I find out where my new bedroom is located. Right across from
Rome’s room.
This room isn’t exactly close to Mrs. Kang’s room, but she insists. As
it turns out, she’s the real puppet master and is the one pulling all the
strings. Already, my thoughts are consume by the endless possibilities, good
and bad, with me moving so close to Rome.
It doesn’t take me long to move what little belongings I have into this
new room. This room is huge, almost as large as Rome’s. What little stuff I
own will never be able to fill this room. I sigh looking at the huge empty
space. Besides a king-size bed, a coffee table and a couch that sat in front of
a fireplace and large TV screen, the room is pretty empty. I walk into the
impressive walk-in closet and start unpacking my things. Not long after,
Mrs. Kang walks in.
“Nong Cass, do you need help with anything?” she asks.
“I should be the one asking you that ma’am.” I quickly shuffle to my
“Cass, I told you to call me mom.”
“I’m sorry it’s just…”
“Are you uncomfortable calling me mom?” She asks, placing a hand
on my arm.
“Well, I work here so I should address you properly. In fact, just being
in this massive bedroom, I feel bad,” I admit. It isn’t fair to the other
workers for me to get this special treatment.
“Then should I revoke that work status?”
“I can give you a different status in this house. What about as my son-
in-law?” She grins at me.
“Ma’am please don’t joke like that.” My cheeks begin to warm.
“But I’m not joking son. Why do you think I moved you up here?
Change your job to my personal caretaker?” She palms my face and looks
up at me. “You’ve worked hard son, it’s time to rest a little now and enjoy
life. And we can start with you calling me mom.”
I give her a tiny nod. “Okay…mom.”
“There, that wasn’t so hard.” She smiles.
“Only when it’s just us okay?” I quickly add. “I’m not ready to call
you mom in front of everyone.” Especially Rome.
“Okay, deal.”
It warms my heart that she fully welcomes me now, even as Rome’s
partner. The feeling is foreign but welcome. Now, I just have to deal with
that devil somehow. Speaking of the devil…
“Rome is going to flip when he finds me here,” I say.
“Good. He thinks he won’t see you much now with you by my side but
he’s in for a surprise.” She laughs. Mrs. Kang, or mom, is truly Rome’s
mother. They are both so damn conniving.
“Ah speaking of my son. I have to admit something. Yesterday I may
have gone a little bit overboard,” she says.
“What do you mean?”
“I might have told my son he can only date you when I’m dead,” she
“What! Mom, why?!” I shout and then instantly cover my mouth for
raising my voice at her and calling her mom.
She starts chuckling. “That sounded so much better.”
“I mean, I just didn’t want you to tell Rome you approved of me, not
tell him that.” I pout, now worry about Rome. He must be thinking the
worst and I’ll never get through to him now.
“Sorry Cass, I just kept talking and the words just kept pouring out of
my mouth. But of course, I want you to be with my son. So should I tell
him now that I approve?” She asks, but I shake my head. “Well at least this
way you’ll know for sure how he feels. I believe in my son, and he will
come around. Trust me.”
Trust. That’s the problem here. Still, I nod my head to agree with her.
“Also, you have me by your side now.” She smiles reassuringly. “Now
tell me, is that all you have?” She points to my bag on the floor.
“Yes,” I reply.
“We must fix that.”
“You mean…”
“Shopping.” She smiles at me.
“No ma’am!” She glares at me. “I mean, mom. Please, I don’t need
anything. I have all I need here.”
“Ma… please. This. This room. Everything you’ve done so far is more
than I can ever ask for.” I say, hoping she won’t push it.
“Fine.” She sighs. “Not now, but later when you do become my son-in-
law for real.”
I quickly nod my head to agree with her, my face warming again. The
term son-in-law is making me feel shy.
Afterwards, mom tells me to rest for the day since I’m no longer a
maid and since Yai is still here until the evening, I don’t have to do much
until tomorrow. Then she leaves me behind, alone in this huge room again.
I quickly finish unpacking before finding myself in the library. With
the kids at school and Rome at work, and no cleaning or cooking duties, I
have nothing else to do, so I find a book and indulge in reading. Something
I never had time to do before.
In no time I quickly devour the words between the book and return the
book back to its original spot. I check the time and it’s only almost noon.
Usually, I’ll be preparing food at this time. Maybe I should just go do it.
Mom likes my cooking anyways, I thought to myself.
When I make it to the kitchen, I’m surprise to see mom and Yai in
Mom gives me an all to knowing smile. “I knew you were going to
come in here. No work today, Cass.”
“I’m sorry. I’m just so bored. I’ve never had this much free time
before,” I say.
“Nong Cass. Don’t you have any hobbies?” Yai asks, looking up from
the pot she’s stirring on the stove.
“Not really. I never had the time for anything but work.” I confess,
making both of them look at me with a little sadness in their eyes.
“Well, you must like something?” Yai says.
What do I like? I like Rome. I like having sex with Rome. Instantly, an
image of Rome’s hard naked body pops into my head and I quickly shake it
away. Damn it Cass! Head out of the gutter now!
“Are you okay Cass? You’re turning red.” Mom says with concern.
“I’m fine!” I quickly say. “Totally fine.”
What do I like? When I was younger, I just liked playing around, doing
outdoor activities like any other kid. And all if not most of those memories
included Rome. We were inseparable. As an adult, I didn’t have time for
any extracurricular activity. I didn’t like working but I had to, to survive.
The only other thing I really liked since becoming an adult is… sex with
Rome. Fuck!
“I like cooking!” I blurt out.
“Really?” Yai and mom both say at the same time.
“Mmm. I really do. Because we didn’t have much money, I had to get
creative with cooking and love seeing when Seoul and Austin enjoyed
eating the food I made.” That much is true. I used to always cook for Rome
too and he liked my cooking. Yes, I like cooking.
“Well, you are a great cook.” Yai praises me and I smile proudly.
“Well then, now you have the whole main kitchen at your disposal, and
you can get as creative as you want.” Mom smiles at me. “That will be your
only duty from now on, is cooking. Everything else can be left to the
“Okay.” I smile back at her.

Later that evening when Austin and Seoul returned from school, I
informed them of my new room and showed it to them. They were both
ecstatic that I’m on the same floor as them now. Seoul even wanted to sleep
with me tonight, but I declined her. I have other plans in mind tonight.
After dinner, I eagerly wait in Rome’s room for him. He still has
absolutely no clue about the room change. And we haven’t seen or talk to
each other since yesterday. I bet the bastard is coming up with ways to
avoid me again after what his mom said. When will he learn he can’t get
over me?
I silently chuckle to myself. This newfound confidence that I have is
kind of invigorating and empowering. Yes, try as you may rainbow, but
you’re not getting rid of me so easily. Suddenly, I wonder if I’m acting too
clingy. I don’t want to be an Anna. But no way in hell am I like her. And
besides, Rome likes me. I smile to myself.
I jump onto Rome’s bed and roll around on his mattress, deeply
inhaling the smell of his scent. I can drown in his scent forever.
I stretch out my body before getting under the blanket. I already know
it’s going to be awhile before Rome returns. He likes to hide when he can’t
make up his damn mind. He’ll wake me when he gets home. If not, he’ll
crawl into bed with me. I smirk to myself and let my eyes close, snuggling
more into his sheets.

The house is shrouded in darkness once I arrive home from work just
as I expected and wanted it to be. This has become a norm for me now.
Working late whenever I’m troubled over Cass.
After my mother’s words, I just don’t know what to do anymore. At
first, I thought of talking to her and making her understand my feelings and
finally let Cass know how I feel about him. But now, I’m not so sure. Not
when my mother is so against our reunion that she threatens death.
I sigh heavily as I step onto the second floor of the house.
“Son, you’re home.” Mom calls out to me. I turn my body towards her
voice and sure enough, she’s walking towards me.
“Yes ma… what are you doing still up?” I close the gap between us.
“I need to talk to you.” She replies, and I follow her to her room.
“What is it?” I ask when we are behind closed doors.
“Is there anything important at work currently?” she asks.
“Not at the moment, no.”
“Then can you take the day off tomorrow?”
“Of course. Is something wrong?” I begin to worry. My mother never
asked me to step away from work like this before.
“Yes, something is wrong. It’s Cass.” She announces and I can only
fear something bad happened today.
“What happened?” I ask, a little too anxious.
“His wardrobe! That’s what’s wrong!”
“Huh?” I’m totally at a loss now.
“He has nothing good to wear! How do you expect me to go out in
public with him?” she howls.
“Ma! What the hell is that supposed to mean? You never complained
about Yai’s clothing!” This makes absolutely no sense.
“Yai’s old! That’s different, but even so, she dresses better than him!”
“Well, what the hell am I supposed to do about it?”
“Tomorrow, take him shopping of course,” she replies nonchalantly.
“You want me to take off work to take Cass shopping for clothes
“Yes. And make sure it’s suitable clothing to be seen with me.
Understand?” She crosses her arms like I have no other choice but to agree.
“Cass doesn’t have the money to buy the type of clothing you’re
thinking of.”
“Duh, then you pay for it.” She smiles.
I exit her room dumbfounded. My mother is so damn confusing. What
the hell is she playing at? She doesn’t want me to date him, but wants me to
take him shopping and buy him clothes like he’s my wife. Wants me to be
alone with him. Doesn’t she know how dangerous it is when it’s just Cass
and I. Rather how uncontrollably horny and wild we get.
But then again, the thought of buying Cass everything pleases me
immensely. And this time he can’t say no to me because my mother ordered
it, and the little minx never says no to my mother. I grin while walking into
my room but then stop when I see Cass sleeping on my bed. You’re really
just going for it, huh?
The thought of coming home to this with Cass in my bed every night
plays in my head and my heart melts. In a perfect world that would be just
that, perfect. I walk over to him and move his hair aside before placing a
little soft kiss on his forehead. He shifts a little but doesn’t wake. I then
leave him to go shower.
When I return, Cass is still fast asleep. I debate what to do then. Kick
him out or hop in bed with him?
“Are you debating whether to kick me out or make love to me?” Cass
mumbles before opening his eyes. He gives me the sweetest small smile
before stretching his limbs and groaning. My eyes follow his body
movement. Even something as simple as stretching, he makes it looks so
sensual and captivating.
“Come to bed honey. You know you want too.” He grins, closing his
eyes and patting the empty spot next to him.
He is most definitely just going all in now, calling me honey like that.
And damn, I fucking love it. Honestly, it’s assuring knowing that Cass is so
confident in his decision. He chooses me and is willing to do anything for
us. So why the fuck can’t I do the same? Because my mom might just die.
I close my eyes as a cold chill run over my body.
“Cass. Get up and go to your room.” I say, opening my eyes.
“So, you came to that conclusion… I’ll go if you carry me.” Cass
smiles like this is all fun and games. He sticks up his arms again like he did
the other day.
“I’m not playing, Cass.”
“Neither am I. Carry me out or I’m sleeping here.” The little brat!
“Don’t think I won’t Cass. I’ll carry you and drop your ass right out
the door.” I threaten, walking over to the side of the bed he’s laying on.
Cass turns to his side and looks up at me looming over him.
“Piggyback ride me back to my room, please. That’s all I ask.”
“You want the whole house to see us?”
“It’s late. Everyone is sleeping now,” he says. “Soooo?...”
I contemplate for a moment before finally yielding and turning my
back to him. Everyone is in bed so what the hell. If this is what it takes to
get him out, then fine.
I hear Cass squeal excitedly behind me before I feel his light weight on
my back and his legs curling around my waist. I hook my hands under his
legs as Cass wraps his arms around my neck and tuck his head on my
“You smell nice.” He breathes in, sniffing my neck.
I close my eyes exhaling slowly. He will be the death of me. Already
my body is reacting and already I want to toss him back on the bed and
have my way with him. When did he turn into such a little devil?
I make my way out of the room with Cass on my back. The house is
dark and quiet with minimal dim lights scattered throughout to help guide
anyone who wakes up in the middle of the night. I make it to the top of the
stairs when I feel a hot, wet tongue lapping on my neck.
“Cass….” I lowly growl.
“What?” He innocently whispers, and I don’t miss the mischief in his
“Do that again and we both will go tumbling down these stairs.”
Cass snickers but doesn’t stick out his tongue again. Even if that’s all I
want him to do, I wasn’t lying about falling down the stairs. My body isn’t
mine when I’m with him and he knows it.
I finally make it to his room and try to put him down, but he clasps on,
holding me tighter not letting go.
“We made it, get down,” I order.
“I told you to take me to my room.” Cass perks up a little to look
around and then holds me close again.
“We are here, outside your room.”
“This isn’t my room anymore.”
“What do you mean this isn’t your room?” I ask. When the hell did he
change room and on who’s order?
“Your mom had me move to the second floor so I can be closer to her.”
Cass says, answering my thoughts.
“And where exactly is this new room of yours?” I say through my
“Across from yours.” He says innocently with humor in his voice.
“Really?” I say with a clipped voice.
Not only has my mother gone insane putting Cass across from me, but
this little devil just made me carry him all the way downstairs to the back of
the house without uttering a single word. Cass definitely likes playing
dangerous games now.
“Yeap.” He chuckles into my ears. “Now take me to my room like you
agreed too.”
I’m going to destroy this little devil. Teach him not to play with fire.
“Okay Cass.” Just you wait you little devil.
I start making the journey back upstairs with Cass still on my back.
Once I make it back to where I started, Cass willingly hops down.
“Thanks for the ride.” He smiles up at me and walks past me like
nothing happened. I quickly flip Cass around and pin him against the door,
raising my arms so he can’t escape.
“You have to pay for the ride.” I breathe, and an all too knowing smile
touches my lips.
“Oh yeah, and what’s the price these days for a piggyback ride?” Cass
asks lifting a brow.
“Just… a ride for a ride. You rode on my back, now it’s my turn to ride
on yours.”
“Okay…” Cass smiles at me and places a hand on my chest. Slowly he
slides his hand down and stops right before my hard cock. He licks his lips
seductively as he touches my cock and palms me. A shudder runs through
me, and I let out a breathy moan.
“You want me to ride you again? This time from the front?” Cass
teases my dick in his palm.
“Yes…” I all but groan. Damn it, why is he so damn sexy. He taking
control like this and talking to me like this. He can have me on my knees in
no time.
Cass smirks at me and then his eyes look over my shoulder.
“Madam!” Cass shouts letting my aching dick go. Shit!
Immediately I pull back from him and turn around. What the hell… the
hall is empty with no one there. Right when I try to turn back, Cass shoves
me away and turns around quickly running into the room and then I hear the
door lock, follow by Cass’s laughter.
“Cass! You little brat! Open this door right now.” I pound on the door.
“Thanks for the free ride, Rome!” All that can be heard from the other
side is his laughter mocking me.
“Ughh! Wait until I get my hands on you, you little devil!” I pound on
the door again.
“Better stop before you wake up your mom for real.” I hear him
chuckling. Fuck!
This little bastard just played me like a damn fool and left me all hard
and needy. Okay Cass. Just wait until tomorrow. I turn around and go back
into my room. I stare down at my hard cock beneath my pants. Fuck, I’m
going to need another shower.

Today I’m more than eager to take Cass shopping. After his little stunt
yesterday, I’m going to pay him back tenfold. I wonder if he even knows
about this trip.
I stare at Cass from across the table as we eat our lunch. Now that he is
my mom’s personal caretaker or whatever you want to call it, he’s allowed
to sit at the table. Another thing Yai never did, though her title is head maid.
Still, my mother is basically giving him a free pass as a guest in this house.
If I don’t know any better, I would think my mom actually adores the little
devil. Either that, or she just wants to make my life a living hell.
After we are done, Sun and Cindy start cleaning up the table. Cass
looks at them apologetically, but they give him an encouraging smile in
“Ma, we’re leaving now.” I say to my mother. She looks at me and
nods her head.
“Get up, let’s go.” I tell Cass, already out of my seat and moving
towards him.
“Go? Go where?” He looks at me then my mom, but she doesn’t say
“Get up!” I pull Cass up from his chair.
“Wait a minute. Where are we going?” Cass asks as I start to drag him.
I sigh frustrated. I turn around and pick up Cass tossing him over my
shoulder, evoking a shriek from him.
“Rome! Put me down!” he shouts. “Mom! Help me!”
Did he just call my mother, mom? And did she just chuckle?
“Rome!” Cass continues to struggle so I hold on tighter.
I carry him over my shoulder to the car and when I’m sure we’re out of
sight, I give his ass a nice, good smack.
“Shut up. You like to be carry so much, I’m just doing what you like.”
I say before opening the car door and tossing him in.
Cass eyes me as I enter the driver’s side waiting for an explanation.
“We’re going to the mall.” I answer his questioning gaze.
“For what? And why do I have to come along? I’m in my slippers!”
“To shop, why else. Don’t worry, we’ll get you some shoes there.”
“I don’t want to go!” He pouts.
“Too bad. Ma’s order. You can ask her when we get back.” Cass
doesn’t reply to that since I mentioned my mom. Instead, he crosses his
arms and looks out the window continuing to pout. Cute.
I pull out of the driveway, and we were on our way.

We end up in the same luxury store I bought Cass the sweater and t-
shirt, except this time, we have a whole rack of clothes with us for him to
“I told you, I don’t need all this.”
“And I told you, it’s ma's orders. Are you going to defy my mother?”
Cass huffs and takes the first few items off the rack and enters the
dressing room. I snicker at him. If only the little brat listens to me like he
does my mom, we wouldn’t have so many disagreements.
He tries on the clothing, not bothering to show me and then comes out
to grab another handful of clothes. This time as he’s entering the dressing
room, I follow, pushing him in and entering with him.
“What the hell are you doing?” Cass whispers just as I lock the door.
Oh, my sweet little devil, it’s payback time.
Cass’s eyes widen as he sees the look in my eyes and knows exactly
what I want. He slowly backs away, hitting into the wall mirror behind him.
“Rome don’t! We are in public!” Cass whispers in a panic.
I don’t say anything but just stalk towards him, closing the little gap
between us. He tries to push pass me, but I grab his arms and pin them
against the mirror.
“Shh… or do you want people outside to hear us?” I whisper in his ear.
I start to slowly kiss his neck, licking him teasingly like how he did me
last night.
“You smell and taste so good, Cass.” His body reacts and shivers.
I place my lips on his neck again but this time I gently suckle on his
skin, leaving new red marks behind. Cass’s breathing starts to quicken, and
he bites down on his lips to prevent any noise from coming out. Wanting to
hear his voice, I bite down on him a little harder, making his stifle moan
escape his ruby red lips. He looks at me with daggers in his eyes and I
I reach for his neck again but suddenly there is a thump from the
dressing room next to us. Who dares to fucking interrupt us?
Cass looks over scare, but I turn his face back to me. “Ignore it.”
He shakes his head, but I refuse to take no for an answer. Not today.
Instead, I press my lips against his and waste no time to get my tongue deep
within his sweet warmth. His tongue dances with mine and soon enough,
he’s rocking his body wantonly on mine. My hands lower to his ass and
squeeze it, making another careless moan escape his lips.
Again, we hear another loud thump next to us breaking the trance we
were in. Cass pushes me away and shakes his head.
I huff frustrated. I’m kicking whoever that is beside us. Stupid bastard
ruining my fun. I angrily knock on the wall next to us.
“Stop! What are you doing?” Cass mouths at me silently.
We hear angry whispering next to us before silence. I hit the wall
again. Whoever is on the other side hits the wall back, challenging me. I’m
so kicking your ass!
“Get the hell out here!” I shout before flinging the dressing room door
“Stop!” Cass yells, coming after me.
Just as we exit the door, the next dressing room door swings open and
a very angry looking… Kale?
Kale comes out with Chance running after him.
“Don’t Kale!” Chance shouts.
“Kale?” I say.
“Rome…” Kale mouths.
“It was you, bastard!” We both say at the same time.
Cass and Chance hold on to us, both chuckling nervously while the
rest of the shop stares at us.

- 30 -

I hold onto Rome’s arm as he stares intensely at Kale. Actually, this
whole damn situation is tense, quite unbelievable and downright
embarrassing. Of all the people that could have been in the room next to us,
it’s Kale and that boy from the pool party name Chance who I still haven’t
officially met.
For a moment, I wonder what the heck they were doing in the room
but seeing the marks on Chance's neck mirroring my own, I can already
guess. This whole damn situation is so embarrassing because Rome and I
were doing the exact same thing. And now, we have all eyes on us from the
employees and shoppers waiting to see if Rome and Kale start throwing
punches at each other.
Rome and Kale stare at each other, neither one of them backing down.
I ready myself to fling between them when suddenly, smiles break out on
their faces, and they start laughing loudly. What the fuck…
“Bro, I should kick your ass.” Kale laughs. “You really don’t change I
“Neither do you,” Rome replies. “Still like the dressing rooms, it
“You know it.” Kale chuckles, putting his arm around Chance’s waist,
making the boy blush.
“Kale…” He slaps Kale on the chest. “Hello Phi Rome. Gosh, I’m so
Rome laughs lightly at the boy, “Hi Chance. I see you made a
Chance nods shyly and gives Rome a small smile. My grip on Rome’s
arm tightens as a spark of jealousy surges through me. I still don’t know
who that handsome boy is to Rome.
“Ah Cass! Your claws are digging into me.” Rome says grabbing my
wrist and looking at me.
“Oh, my bad.” I let go of Rome now that I know him and Kale won’t
kill each other.
“Hi Cass. How are you?” Kale asks, his tone friendly.
“I’m good. Thanks.” I reply with a smile.
I look at Chance and he returns my same gaze. We are both weary of
each other. Our first-time meeting, I was with Kale and he with Rome.
Now, we somehow switched partners. Was him and Kale an item?
“Ah you both haven’t officially met,” Kale says. “Cass, this is Chance
and Chance, that’s Cass, my Nong.
“Hi.” Chance gives me a shy smile and I return it. “Are you and Phi
My smile widens and I grab Rome’s hand intertwining our fingers.
“He’s mine.”
“Cass…” Rome grumbles, looking at me and I return with a grin. He
didn’t deny it, and that’s a win in my book.
“Ahhh… that makes a lot of sense why you threw the ball at Phi's
head.” Chance chuckles.
Before I can reply to him, a sales lady walks up to us.
“Umm… excuse me, but only one person can enter per dressing
room.” She blushes, reminding me of what we were about to do in the
room. Oh God, this is so embarrassing.
I look up to see some people still staring at us making my cheeks burn.
“Let’s get out of here Rome,” I say lowly.
Rome goes back into the dressing room and comes out with all the
clothes I brought in there. He goes to the cashier and pays for everything
before coming back.
“Let’s go.” I quickly follow him out the door after apologizing to the
sales lady. Kale and Chance follow behind us.
We enter a coffee shop and sit down in a booth. Kale and Rome go to
order drinks leaving Chance and myself behind. For a moment, it’s an
awkward silence as neither one of us knows what to say. I clear my throat
as my curiosity gets the best of me.
“Are you and Kale a thing?” I look at Chance who bites his lips
“Kinda…” he replies. “Kale is still trying to win me back.”
“What’s the story?” I ask. “I mean, if you want to share of course.”
Chance looks over at where Kale and Rome are standing and then back
at me.
“Well, don’t get upset, but when I still attended college here, Kale and
I were seeing each other. We were in love actually but… he saw Phi Rome
kissing me and well… it was a misunderstanding but before Kale knew that,
the bastard went and cheated on me. He broke my heart so Phi Rome helped
me move to the states and attend college there and heal. But it turns out,
that was a misunderstanding too.”
All I heard is that Rome and Chance kissed. The spark of jealousy
forming inside of me bothers me immensely. Is this what Kale meant when
he said he had a score to settle with Rome from back then? Why he helped
me get Rome jealous? But everything seems okay now.
“Why did Rome kiss you?” I ask even though I fear the answer might
be because he liked Chance too. Chance is very handsome and cute after all.
“We were out at a bar and some guys kept bothering me, trying to pick
me up. Since Kale wasn’t there yet, Phi Rome act on impulse and kiss me in
front of them so they would think I’m spoken for and leave me alone.
Unfortunately, Kale saw it too and misunderstood us. Phi Rome was only
trying to protect me so don’t misunderstand.” Chance explains to me. “Then
I find the fucker in bed the next day with someone else.”
The breath I didn’t know I’m holding, slowly exhales from my lips.
That sounds like something those two jerks would do. But at least, Rome
didn’t like him like that.
“Kale has already explained to me everything that really happened
though. Now, I guess I’m just giving him a little hard time. It’s kind of fun
teasing him.” Chance smiles lightly. I know the feeling very well.
“What about you and Phi Rome? What’s your story? I never thought to
see the day Phi will actually settle for someone.” He chuckles. Oh Chance,
if only you knew, he hasn’t yet.
Before I can reply, Kale and Rome return with drinks.
“What are you two talking about?” Kale asks, sitting next to Chance.
“Nothing.” I quickly answer.
“Mmhmm.” Rome grunts, pushing me further into the booth so he can
“So now that we are all here, shall we go on a double date?” Kale
suggests with a smirk on his face.
My cheeks immediately warm. The thought of a double date, let alone
just a date with Rome makes my insides flutter with butterflies. I’ve never
been on a single date in my life. What do couples even do on dates? Does
this mean Rome and I will hold hands in public? I can’t help but ponder the
many possibilities.
“Don’t be stupid.” Rome sneers, immediately cutting any hope I had.
“Phi, don’t you think it will be fun?” Chance asks, liking the idea of
everyone hanging out together.
“Don’t you agree Cass?” Chance turns his attention to me.
I take a slow sip from my ice coffee before shyly nodding my head.
“I’ve never been before. I would like to try.”
Rome turns his head to look at me. “What do you think we’ve been
doing this whole time?”
I look at Rome confused. Does he consider us shopping together a
date? I thought he only took me because his mom forced him.
“Forcing yourself on him in dressing rooms isn’t exactly a date.” Kale
grins, making me blush even harder.
“Phi Kale!” I gasp which he just continues to smile, teasing me.
“What should we do? Should we catch a movie then do dinner? After
dinner we can go bowling or go to a pub.” Kale suggests, changing the
subject. All things I’ve never done before.
“I don’t mind.” Both Chance and I quickly agree.
“I do.” Rome quickly cuts in. I turn to look at the bastard. Why is he
being so damn difficult?
“I don’t feel like looking at Kale’s face all day.” Rome says, answering
my thoughts.
“Fine, then you go home, and I’ll hang out with Phi Kale and Chance.”
I huff irritated.
“No.” Rome ignores my suggestion.
Fine. I take out my phone and dial a number.
“Who are you calling?” Rome looks at me. This time I ignore him and
put the phone to my ear and wait for the person on the line to pick up.
“Hi, madam. Is it okay if I stay out with Phi Kale and Chance today?
I’ll come back tonight. Rome won’t go– ”
My phone is snatch out of my hand before I can finish talking.
“Ma, we’ll be home late.” Rome says, before hanging up. I secretly
Rome turns to look at me with challenging eyes placing my phone
back on the table in front of me. I just shrug at him like I didn’t do anything
wrong and return my phone to my pocket.
“It’s settled then,” Kale concludes.
We continue to drink our coffees while deciding what to watch and
where to go after. Rome doesn’t say much other than grunts here and there
at our ideas but that’s fine. Internally, I’m happy this is happening.
Once we finished our drinks and decided what to do, we prepare to
“I need to use the restroom first.” I say, getting up.
“I’ll go too.” Chance also stands.
Both guys move so Chance and I can exit the booth. We make our way
out the coffee shop to the restroom nearby.
“Are you excited, Cass?” Chance asks as we wash our hands after
doing our business.
“I just think it will be fun. I haven’t done anything like this before,” I
“It will be,” Chance confirms. “Actually, I wouldn’t want to go if not
for you and Phi Rome coming along.”
“Why is that?” I raise a brow. Chance had been very excited when we
were talking about what to do earlier.
“It’s that Kale. Being alone with him is dangerous. The bastard won’t
keep his hands off no matter where we are. You witnessed it firsthand.”
Chance blushes a little at the end. “It must be the same for you?”
I shake my head smiling sadly. “At least you know he likes you.”
“What do you mean?” Chance tilts his head in question.
“It’s nothing Chance. Let’s go before those two come looking for us.
You know how impatient they are.”
“Tell me about it,” Chance chuckles.
Chance and I exit the restroom and make our way back to the coffee
shop. We make small talk about his studies and time abroad and found out
we are the same age. Suddenly, Chance stops just before the coffee shop.
“Chance… what’s wrong?” I ask, following his gaze and immediately
my body stills too.
A group of pretty girls surrounded Rome and Kale, talking and
laughing. Two girls now sat in the booth next to the men with their bodies
excessively close to them. Another two girls stand beside the booth with
their hands leaning on the table, exposing their barely covered breasts.
My fists shake at my side, and I bite down on my bottom lip, jealousy
slowly coursing through me. I was never a violent person but right now, I
want nothing more than to stomp over there and rip the hair off those
“Cass.” Chance calls out to me, stealing my attention. “How do you
feel about going on a date, just you and I?”
“I’d like that. I’d like that very much.” I reply to Chance.
He turns and looks at me with a sneaky grin. I equally smile back. We
take one last look at the men before turning around and running off.

“It would be so fun to all meet up later!” One of the girls that’s
standing, announces. I've already forgotten her name.
“Yes! Should we exchange numbers?” The one sitting next to me asks.
“What do you say, Rome?” Kale looks at me. He invited the group of
girls over after they had been staring at us for a while. At first, I was very
against it and wanted to punch him but after finding out the group of girls
are all lesbians and are dating each other, I didn’t mind so much. Otherwise,
I would have invited the group of girls to get lost by now.
“I don’t care,” I reply. The group of females wants to meet up at the
pub later to hangout.
Kale takes out his phone ready to enter one of the girl’s number in. I
also take out my phone to check the time. Cass and Chance have been gone
for a while now. It shouldn’t take this long.
I look at my phone, noticing a text from Cass. Quickly, I open it and
my eyes widen. Cass sent me a picture of me and Kale with the girls. Along
with the picture is a message.
Have fun. Chance and I left to go find bigger dicks.
I grip my phone tightly reading his text, my jaws tensing and my anger
spiking. I look up at Kale and he has the same expression as me, staring at
his phone. Chance must have sent him something similar.
“Sorry ladies, but we’re busy.” I say, already standing up with Chance
“Yeah. We have a couple naughty kittens to catch.” Kale smiles but his
smile doesn’t exude an ounce of humor.
Without another word, we leave the coffee shop.
“Where to?” Kale asks.
“My car.” I say, already walking towards the parking garage, still
holding the bags of clothing I bought Cass.
Cass that sneaky bastard. Don’t let me catch you, Cass. Your ass is
mine. My hands itch already thinking about it.

Kale and I practically searched the whole mall, even the movie theater
before finally leaving the property. Those two bastards were nowhere to be
found. With each passing moment, my anger rises and my urge to punish
the little minx when I find him increases. Kale is no different from me, his
frustration very apparent.
We tried calling the two and left numerous voicemails and messages
but with no success. The sky had already darkened with Kale and I driving
aimlessly around.
“I swear when I get my hands on you Chance, your ass is mine!” Kale
shouts into his phone, leaving another voicemail.
I park outside a gas station and light up a cigarette. I just got off the
phone with my home and was informed that Cass isn’t there. Now my anger
slowly turns into worry as the night drags. Where did you go, Cass?
Kale comes to stand next to me, smoking his own cigarette.
“Now what?” he grumbles.
Before I can reply, my phone rings.
“I don’t have time for you now Tye.” I say, picking up.
“I know something you don’t know.” His annoying mocking voice
comes in, follow by a laugh and loud music.
“Speak.” I turn on the speaker on my phone.
“I see two cute little kittens running around without their owners,” Tye
“Where?!” Kale and I both shout at my phone at the same time. Leave
it to Tye to know where Cass and Chance ran off to. But at least they are
“What do I get for telling?” Tye chuckles.
“To live.” I ground through my teeth, because I will really kill Tye
right now if he doesn’t tell me where Cass is.
“Luna. But let me tell you, you’re paying for my bill when you get– ”
I end the call.
“Let’s go.” I’m already getting in the car.
They are at fucking Luna. One of the gayest, high-end club in town. A
place known for rich men to go find unsuspecting targets like Cass. I press
on the gas pedal harder. Once I get him out of that place, I’m going to make
sure the little minx can’t walk for days. I look over to Kale who’s just as
tense as me, already guessing Chance’s fate as well.
Once we pull up to the club and enter, loud music and laser lights
surround us. I automatically look over to the VIP booth that we usually
occupy whenever we make it to this part of town. Tye is sitting there with a
few friends from college. Kale and I head directly over.
“Tye.” I call to him over the loud music. He turns to look over his
shoulder and then smiles widely.
“Hey besties! You both made it!” Tye jumps up and saunters over.
“Come on. Come on. Sit and drink.”
“Where is he?” I immediately ask.
“Oh, all business. How did y’all let your wives loose?” Tye jokes.
“Tye!” Kale snarls.
“Okay! Okay! I’ve been keeping an eye on them since I saw them
walk in.”
Tye nudges his head over to the dance floor. My eyes follow and
immediately I see red. Cass is on the dance floor carelessly swaying his
little body back and forth surrounded by a group of guys, with one guy glue
onto his back. Chance dances opposite of him, with another man pressing
against him too.
“Oh shit,” Tye says. “I only took my eyes off of them for a minute!”
Kale and I speed through the crowd of people to the dance floor.
“I really didn’t want to fight today.” I hear Tye say from behind me.
He is absolutely fucking right. I’m going to kill that bastard touching Cass,
then I’m going to teach Cass a lesson he won’t ever forget.
I push my way through the crowd, finally making it by Cass who still
hasn’t seen me. Without uttering a single word, I grab the bastard dancing
behind Cass and toss him across the dance floor, knocking some people
down with him. Many people move out of the way as some gasp in shock.
Cass turns to look at the commotion, his moving body slowly stops
swaying as his eyes land on mine. His gaze widens and his mouth opens a
little. That’s right kitten, I’m here now and your ass is mine.
While my attention is on Cass, one guy grabs my shirt and lands a
punch right on my cheek. A hear a loud scream and then all hell breaks
The bastard I shove away, and his group of friends starts attacking me.
So forgetting about Cass for the moment, I start dodging and throwing
punches back. I turn slightly and see Kale also fighting the same group
along with Tye and our college friends. The dance floor turns into a fighting
“Rome!” I hear Cass shout and turn around just in time to dodge a
glass bottle aiming for my head. Instead, I duck before getting up and
kicking the same person who was dancing with Cass back, making him fall
to the ground again.
I don’t have time to think before another guy attacks me from the side.
He is bigger and knocks me over onto a table and starts raining punches at
me which I block with my arms. I hear Cass scream and then see him trying
to shove the man off me. The bigger guy, irritated, turns to Cass and lands
one good punch to his face, knocking him to the ground. My eyes widen as
I see Cass fall and the most animalistic growl leaves my throat. Nobody.
Nobody gets to hurt Cass.
I shout bloody murder as I push the man off me and jump on him,
knocking us both to the ground. I start punching relentlessly, my anger
taking over. Nobody touches Cass.
Blood pours from the man’s face but I don’t stop. All I see is red right
“Rome, stop you’re going to kill him!” I hear Cass shouting before
feeling him pulling my arms back, but I’m still trying to punch the man
beneath me.
“Please stop. I’m scare.” Cass hugs me from behind, his tiny body
I exhale a heavy breath and look at the face of the man below me. He’s
knocked out but still breathing, his chest moving up and down to confirm
I get off the big man and stand up with Cass, his arms still around me.
I look around realizing that the fight has broken up and the group have
retreated for the most part. Sirens can be heard from the distance coming
“Cops are on the way. We need to leave.” Tye shouts to the group.
I turn to grab Cass’s hand and drag him with me. I walk up to the DJ
who had since stopped playing music. I take out my wallet and toss him a
stash of cash.
“For all the damages.” I say, before grabbing Cass again and dragging
him out the club.
Kale, Chance, along with Cass and I, make it into my car before the
cops pull up in front of the club. I quickly turn on my car and press on the
gas pedal but right before I exit the parking lot, a body runs in front of my
car, causing me to brake harshly. Everyone’s body jerks forward since no
one put on their seat belts yet.
“What the fuck!” I shout as the body before my car splays on top of
the hood.
“Take me too…” Tye looks up at me through the glass with his hand
reaching out to me. The stupid idiot.
He smirks at me before getting off the hood and running to the side.
He opens the door and shoves Chance over, getting in.
Tye looks at everyone and shrugs his shoulders. “I didn’t drive.”
I start to drive off again this time with no distractions. We drive
silently for a while, no one breathing a single word. Both Cass and Chance
have their heads down not daring to look at me or Kale. Both knowing how
deep of trouble they’re in. Good!
I’m not going to let Cass off. Not this time, not easily. I’m still raging
mad. Not to mention ridiculously fucking jealous too.
We pull up to Tye’s condo and I park the car, shutting it off. Everyone
exits the car except for Cass who waits until I go over and open the door for
him. I grab his wrist and yank him out of the car.
He doesn’t say anything as I take him inside the building and into
Tye’s luxurious condo. Already having been here, I know exactly where to
go. I drag a silent Cass through the condo to one of the spare bedrooms.
“Nobody fucking bother us!” I shout and slam the door shut and lock
it. I know damn well no one will bother us seeing Kale already dragging
Chance into the other spare bedroom. And Tye knows better.
I drag Cass over to the bed and sit him down on the edge. I then enter
the bathroom to wash the blood off my hands from the beating I gave that
guy. My knuckles are torn and my face sports bruises and cuts. After I exit
the bathroom, I slowly make my way back to Cass who still hasn’t move or
lift his head. I just stand and stare at him. I’m so damn piss I don’t even
know where to start. Suddenly, I hear little sniffles coming from Cass, his
shoulders slightly shaking.
“You dare cry right now, Cass?” I growl.
“You think crying will make me soft for you!” I shout making Cass
shrink back.
I grab his chin and lift his head up to look at me. Little droplets of tears
slowly slide over his now bruising face. His chin shakes in my grasp as his
lips tremble. My heart weakens. Fuck! I’m soft for him.
I sigh frustrated. I let Cass go and turn around, running a hand through
my hair. “Fuck,” I breathe.
I bend down in front of him and take his hands in mine giving it a light
squeeze. I then gently palm his face.
“Does it hurt much?” I ask softly.
Cass nods his head once with another tear falling. I quickly swipe the
tear away.
“Stop crying. I won’t yell at you anymore,” I say. I get up and go open
the door.
“Tye! Bring me a first aid kit!” I shout out. Within moments, Tye
comes over and hands me a little box.
“Play nice.” He whispers to me, and I nod at him before closing the
door again.
Cass sits silently as I dress his wound with anti-swelling cream. He
was hit pretty good. His sensitive white skin is already swelling and darken
reds and blues are already showing. Seeing his face marked like this is
making me angry again. I should have killed that bastard. At least his skin
didn’t break.
When I’m done, I turn to put the box away, but Cass grabs my wrist,
stopping me.
“You’re hurt too.” He whispers and takes the box from me.
I allow him to gently attend to my wounds which is plenty compared
to Cass. As he attends to my wounds, he starts sniffing again, his face sullen
and worried.
“I’m sorry. You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if not for me,” he whispers.
“That’s right.” I agree with him. He looks up at me expecting me to
say something different but when I don’t, he looks down at his hands that
are now in his lap.
“I’m sorry. You can be angry with me and yell at me. I won’t mind.”
“Look at me Cass.”
Cass tilts his little head up. His face sports a cute frown.
“Why did you run off?”
Cass’s lips twist into a little pout as if he just remembered something. I
already know why he ran off, but I want him to say it. Instead, he looks
away with a scowl.
“Tell me Cass.”
“You know why. You and Kale were so busy looking at female
breasts,” he mumbles.
“They were lesbians Cass. Those girls.” I tell him.
“What….” He turns to look at me and I smile.
“All four of them. They were couples.”
“Then why did they come to talk to you two?” Cass asks, still unsure.
“They just thought it was nice seeing a group of males dating publicly
and came over to talk. They wanted to hang out later after our double date
but then you and Chance ran off. How unfortunate. I was looking forward
to taking you to the movies.” I stress the last part making it seem like I’m
very disappointed.
“Oh but…” Cass nibbles on his lips.
“You feel stupid now don’t you, for ruining the date?” I raise a brow at
“But we can still go!” he suggests.
“It’s late now.”
“But…but I didn’t know!” he pouts. “I thought…”
“You were jealous.”
Cass shuts his mouth not admitting it.
“You thought I was trying to pick up some girls and ran off.” I say for
“After all this, maybe I should have picked up someone,” I tease.
“No!” Cass shouts. I raise a brow at him again.
“Fine. I was jealous. I was burning with jealousy. Hmp.” Cass pouts,
turning away from me. I smile satisfied.
“Where did you and Chance go?”
“We left the mall and took a stroll in the park. After, we went to the
night market and walked around then had dinner. Then we looked for a
place to go have a drink because we were still upset. Then you came. How
did you find us anyways?” Cass explains what they did after.
“Tye. That’s his favorite spot to go fishing.”
“Always Phi Tye,” he mumbles.
“Okay!” I get up from the bed. “Now that we got that out of the
Cass watches me as I take off my belt, his eyes widening. I look down
at him with an evil smirk before slapping the belt in my hand.
“What are you doing?” Cass asks, backing away on the bed.
“Someone needs a whipping.”
“Why? I told you everything!” he shouts.
“That doesn’t explain why you were dancing and rubbing that naughty
body of yours against that bastard. Finding bigger dicks?” I snap the belt
Cass’s mouth falls open before closing and he takes a big gulp.
“Rome…. Let me explain.”
“I’m listening.” I get on the bed and inch towards him. He backs up
until his back hits the headboard.
“I was drunk!”
“Not good enough.”
I grab Cass’s ankle and pull him towards me. He tries struggling out of
my grasp, but I hold on, getting on top of his body and straddling him. I
lean down towards Cass until I’m breathing down his neck.
“You want to dance so much. You can dance on my big dick all night.”
I whisper into his ears. “After I whip you.”
Cass exhales a shaky breath as his tiny body shivers under me, making
me smirk.

- 31 -

I watch as Cass bounces his sweet little body on my dick, his own dick
swaying up and down dancing to his tune. I grab his still warm butt cheeks
and spread them wider apart so my dick can hit him deeper. Cass moans out
deliciously and fastens his pace.
“Dance faster for me, Cass.” I breathe, digging my fingers into his
cheeks and help move him faster as I thrust my hips up hitting him harder.
Cass’s red cheeks are still warm to the touch after the whipping I gave
him. His painful cries quickly turned into moans after I belted his bottom
twice. And soon enough, he was asking for me to hit him harder as his cock
expanded to its full length with his plump red ass perking higher. Cass is a
little freak, loving pain with pleasure. And that turns me on like fucking
hell. It didn’t take him long to start stroking himself and cumming all over
the sheets. Now, he is excitedly bouncing on my dick, screaming my name.
“Rome! Ah! Rome! I’m going to cum!” Cass cries with his body
moving faster, more desperate.
“Cum for me baby. Cum all over me.” I grunt as my own cum shoots
up into his hot tight hole.
Cass’s loud cries fill the room as his cum squirts from his dick coating
my stomach and even reaching my chin. His body shakes on top of me as
his cum continues to spurt. He gazes at me with hooded eyes as I wipe his
cum from my chin with a finger and immediately move it into my mouth.
Without pulling out of him, I flip him over onto his back and start
shoving my cock into him again. My insatiable dick still hard as steel. Cass
cries out wrapping his hand around my neck and pulling me down to kiss
him. I devour his mouth, the sweet salty taste of his essence and the alcohol
on his tongue makes my mind hazy with lust.
I keep plunging into him without missing a beat as I suck his tongue
into my mouth. Cass’s hands slowly slide down my sweaty body stopping at
my ass before giving it a tight squeeze. I groan in his throat and kiss him
even deeper. Suddenly I feel his finger at my entrance playing with my
“Cass…” I break the kiss and look harshly at him. He slyly smirks up
at me.
“Don’t even think about it unless you want another whipping.” I
threaten then thrust into him.
Cass’s mouth open with a guttural moan but keeps his eyes on me. The
little minx wants another whipping, his finger still close to my hole. I reach
behind me and take his wrists pinning them above his head with one hand.
“I never receive.”
“What if you like it?” He grins at me.
“I like fucking you more.”
I bend down to capture his lips to shut him up and continue my
relentless thrusts. He can keep dreaming because it will never happen.
I fuck Cass until we are both screaming in ecstasy. Not giving him a
break, I take him into the shower and take him there while the warm water
runs down our body until the bathroom steams up and the glass door fogs
up, leaving only our handprints behind.
Cass’s legs give out on him once I’m done, so I carry him out of the
shower. Instead of carrying him back into the bedroom, I set him down on
the vanity. Spreading his legs, I penetrate his body once more. His hole,
now firmly the shape of my dick, easily accepts me.
“Rome… no more.” Cass pants but his legs still curl tightly around my
waist bringing us closer.
“I’m not letting you off that easy Cass.” I growl into his neck as I take
his skin between my teeth.
“Whose big dick were you going to find?” I bite down on him.
“Ah! No one. Ah… ah…” Cass moans loudly.
“Are you ever going to try and find someone else’s dick?”
“Nooo…ah just you.” I smirk satisfied but continue to fuck Cass on
the counter.
“I’m cumming again… ah.” Cass cries burying his face in my nape.
He bites down on me as I feel his hot cum on my skin.
“I love you Rome…” Cass whispers by my ear after he lets go of my
My heart skips a beat as his words ring in my ear. I pull him even
closer to me and hold him tighter. I thrust into him a few more times before
a guttural moan leaves my throat and I release in him. I close my eyes
breathing heavily before opening them.
“I love you too…” I whisper before I can stop myself.
Cass’s body falls limply in my arms. I turn to look at him realizing he’s
fallen asleep. I sigh, placing a few soft kisses on his shoulder, and then I
carry him out to the room, laying him on the bed. All the while, my heart
beats erratically. I love Cass.

As soon as we wake, Cass and I have morning sex then shower. When
we finally exit Tye’s guest bedroom, Cass is walking with a slight limp.
Tye is in the kitchen making breakfast and looks at us when we enter. I
help Cass into one of the chairs at the kitchen table before looking at Tye.
“You know you’re washing those sheets, right?” He says, making Cass
Kale and Chance enter right then with Chance walking the same as
“You know what. Just burn all the sheets in this house!” Tye shouts.
“The disrespect for the homeowner. My single lonely self had to hear
horny moans all night and couldn’t even sleep!” He grumbles to himself as
he angrily puts food on a plate.
“Sorry Tye.” Kale chuckles sitting Chance down across from Cass.
Both men looked at each other before blushing and looking away.
“I’ll have to bring a dang priest or shaman into this house to bless
every damn corner of those rooms.” He continues to vent to himself. Tye
brings breakfast over and gives everyone a plate before sitting down.
“Phi Rome. I’m sorry. It was my idea yesterday to leave.” Chance
admits over breakfast.
“No Chance it was both of ours.” Cass immediately inserts, taking half
the blame. “Sorry, everyone got hurt because of us.”
All of us sport some kind of bruise or cut on our faces. Chance being
the only one without a bruise.
“You all should be. My face isn’t pretty anymore.” Tye whines,
stuffing his mouth with omelet.
“Sorry Phi.” Both Chance and Cass say.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Eat your food before it gets cold.” Tye sighs,
waving his hand.
“Nong Cass, you were pretty quiet last night. Rome must have gone
easy on you.” Kale jokes.
“Please, Chance was as quiet as a mouse.” Rome returns.
“Rome!” “Kale!” Both Cass and Chance shout at once.
“Hurry and eat and get out of my house!” Tye yells, shutting everyone

After breakfast, I drive Kale and Chance back to the mall where Kale
left his car yesterday before driving home. Once we reach home, I grab all
the bags of clothing from the trunk. Right when we enter the house, I hear
my mom’s scream as she descends the stairs.
“Nong Cass! What happened to your face?” She places her hand on
Cass’s face.
“Sorry madam…” Cass says.
“I’m here too ma,” I say.
She turns to look at me with a worried face for a second before turning
back to Cass. “Son, I asked you to take him shopping! Not to war!”
“I’m okay ma’am. I just fell.” Cass tries to calm her down.
“Geeze ma. Am I your son or is Cass? Since when do you care about
him so much?” I eye the two closely.
My mother drops her hand from Cass’s face and crosses her arms
before staring at me. “Of course I have to care! He’s my caretaker. If he’s
sick or hurt, then who will look after me? You on the other hand, have thick
skin! Fight all the time. I know you’re okay.”
“Cass, let’s go upstairs and tend to your wounds.” She says, holding
Cass like he is made of glass.
“Cass, why are you limping too?” Cass’s face immediately flush at my
mother’s question and I smile.
“You don’t have to worry about that. Definitely didn’t happen due to
fighting.” I say, making him look at me furiously.
My mother looks back and forth between me and Cass before her
brows lift and her lips twitch, but she quickly hides it. “Let’s go Cass.”
I follow my mother and Cass into his new bedroom. I set his bags
down before I’m force out of the room by my mother. She acts like I was
the one who attacked Cass myself. Well… I kind of am if you think about it.
I smirk before walking away and entering my own room.
For the next few days, even though Rome worked from home because
of his bruises, I didn’t see him much. His mom kept me away from him
most of the time, allowing me to only see him during meals. I confessed to
her about everything that happened, leaving out the details of our intense
love making after. She was upset at Rome for being so short tempered and
surprisingly praised me for what I did even though it was mine and
Chance’s fault for misunderstanding. She is spoiling me.
It was harder to explain to the kids what happened, so I eventually just
told them the truth that Rome and I got into a bar fight with other people,
and I apologized immensely for indulging in violence because I never want
the kids to ever use violence. Austin understood me well and Seoul scolded
me like a mother would a child. I allowed her to scold me until she was
By the end of the week, my bruise had mostly cleared up and Rome
seems to be looking much better too. Today is Saturday and everyone is
home. We all had a nice lunch in the garden that I prepared and now are all
enjoying the sun and smell of flowers with me massaging mom’s shoulder
while the kids run around.
The sun is out and hot, but I can feel the gaze of someone burning into
me even more. I look up across the mat where Rome sits and indeed, his
eyes are on me.
“Cass.” Mom calls out.
“Yes ma’am?” She turns her head to look at me.
“Huh… I thought there was something on your face since my son is
staring so hard at you.” She turns her gaze back to Rome who looks away.
“You can stop now Cass,” she says. “Austin, Seoul! Do you want to go
inside and grab some ice cream?”
The kids look at her before nodding and agreeing excitedly. I know she
is trying to give me and Rome some alone time but is covering it up with
ice cream. The kids follow her to the house. Right when they are out of
sight, Rome is upon me. He grabs my waist and pulls me to practically sit
on his lap.
“What are you and my mother scheming?” he asks.
“Rome. Let me go. They will be back soon!” I try prying his fingers
off my waist, but he only holds on tighter.
“Why does my mother suddenly like you so much?”
“Rome!” I almost shout.
“If you don’t tell me, I’m not going to let you go,” he threatens.
“And risks your mother seeing us?” I say back.
Rome turns to look at the direction of the house before getting up and
dragging me up with him. With his iron clad grip, he drags me to the back
of the garden where the old shed is. Immediately, I think Rome might lock
me up in there again.
“No!” I shout, becoming scare.
“Cass!” He yells as I struggle in his arms.
“Let me go! Don’t lock me up in there again.” I cry on the verge of
“Cass! Stop struggling!” Rome puts his arms around me holding me in
a bear hug so I can’t move.
“Please Rome!”
“Cass! I’m not locking you up in there! I don’t even have the keys on
me to open it! I just brought you here to talk. Calm down.” Rome says
loudly over my cries of struggle.
I finally stop moving around after hearing his words but still, I breathe
heavily in his arms. My body shakes in fear and Rome doesn’t miss it.
“What happened, Cass? Tell me what happened to you?” Rome ask,
pulling me away so he can look at me but his hands still hold my arms.
Already, he has forgotten about me and his mom.
I tuck my head down, hiding my face from him.
“Cass…” Rome says, his voice more forceful. “Cass… you have got to
stop keeping secrets from me. You want me to trust you again, right?”
“It’s nothing…” I quietly answer him.
“Rome, please. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Rome cups the side of my face and lifts my head up. His thumb runs
over my disappearing bruise gently.
“How can I trust you… when I don’t even know you. I feel like I know
nothing about you.” Rome says softly before dropping his hands and letting
me go.
My heart breaks at his expression. I want him to trust me. I want him
to know everything about me. Everything but this. Because if he does
then… all our memories together will become all lies.
Rome turns to walk away but I grab his wrist, stopping him. I can’t
believe I’m about to confess this. But I don’t want Rome to be upset
“Your mom… she knows about us.” I say just above a whisper,
reminding him of why he initially dragged me back here in the first place.
“I already know that Cass.” Rome huffs, not looking at me.
“No, I mean… she really knows about us. Like really. Everything.” I
I wanted so badly for Rome to make this decision on his own, but if
telling him this will help me gain a little of his trust back then I’m okay
with it. Plus, I can’t stand to see Rome sad like this.
He slowly turns to look at me, his brows lifting. “What do you mean,
Now with his intense gaze on me, I nervously nibble on my bottom lip.
“I mean… I lied to you again. Mom already accepted us.”
“Lie? Mom?”
“I confessed to her my feelings for you, and she already agreed that I
can be her son-in-law.”
Rome turns his whole body towards me grabbing my arms again. He
pulls my body closer to him, his lips lifting back as if he’s ready to snarl at
“You mean to tell me... this whole time I’ve been fretting over us
through sleepless nights and hurting not knowing what the hell I am going
to do about us, you and my mom already came to a conclusion? Yet you
both still tricked me into believing that we can’t be together unless my
mother is dead!” Rome shouts the last part making me cower back.
“Ummm… yes….” I timidly say. I peek at him from under my lashes.
“My fucking god!” Rome shouts.
He lets me go and angrily storms back towards the house. Okay, he’s
mad. Not how I imagined this at all.
I honestly thought Rome was going to throw me in his arms and
happily confess to me. Maybe I’ve been wrong about his feelings this whole
time. Maybe he really doesn’t like me like that after all.
“Rome! Come back! Are you mad?” I quickly run after him. “I can
Rome enters the house and goes straight towards the kitchen with me
yelling behind him. His mom and my siblings look up from the counter,
each holding an ice cream cone.
“What’s going on?” Mom cautiously asks.
“Ma! What other scheming tricks do you and Cass have up your
sleeves, huh!” Rome shouts, not caring for the presence of the kids.
“He knows?” She looks over at me.
“I told him. He knows.” I nod confirming.
“Well, I’m waiting! What other stupid plans have y’all thought of?”
Suddenly, all the workers in the house run into the kitchen. Cindy, Sun,
Ping, and Nom all stood at the entrance with terrified and confused
“Are you done shouting?” mom asks.
“No! I’m not done!” Rome yells, making her roll her eyes, but she
continues to let him vent.
“You know why I’m not done?!” Rome points a finger at me but looks
at his mom.
“Because this whole time I could have had Cass in my arms!” Rome
shouts and everyone gasps. Goosebumps slowly spread across my skin as
my heart seems to stop beating completely. Rome turns to me and smiles,
his eyes softening.
“This whole time, I could have openly express myself.” He says, his
voice much calmer now. Rome starts to slowly walk towards me.
“This whole time I wasted, stopping myself and hurting myself and
you, I could have used that time to hold you. This whole time, I thought my
only option was to hate you, when I could have spent the time adoring you.
This whole time, I made stupid excuses as to why I can’t be with you, when
I actually can. This whole time, I told myself to stop being greedy, when all
I wanted to do was be just that, greedy. This whole time while you asked
me to love you with tears in your eyes that broke my heart each time, I
could have done exactly that. This whole time whenever you tell me you
love me, all I thought I can do is keep those words in my heart forever
while cherishing you from afar.” Rome stops in front of me and cups my
face. He swipes away a tear on my cheek I didn’t know had fallen. My lips
tremble at his soft touch.
“This whole time. I should have loved you like how you deserve to be
love. This whole time, I’ve been utterly, madly and completely in love with
you.” Rome cups my cheeks and turn my face towards him.
“I love you Cass.” Rome breathes above a whisper. “I love you so
fucking much.” A single tear falls from his beautiful brown eye.
I let out a shaky breath but before I can say anything a sob escapes my
trembling lips and I break down completely. He loves me. He fucking loves
Rome pulls me into his embrace and hugs me tightly. His strong hand
gently pats me on the back as I cry. For so long, I thought people only cry
because of sadness. In this moment I realize that happiness, true happiness
can bring tears too.
“Shhh… stop crying now Cass.” Rome says gently still patting my
back. “I don’t like it when you cry.”
I shake my head in his chest. “I’m sorry I should have told you
Why was I so stupid to think that I’ll wait for him to decide on his
own. If I knew it was this easy from the beginning, I would have just let his
mom tell him like she wanted too.
“It’s okay love. I understand,” Rome says. “I’m sorry for shouting
earlier. I just wanted to be dramatic before confessing. I didn’t think to
make you cry.”
I shake my head again. I would have cried regardless if he was
dramatic or not. Just knowing that Rome loves me makes everything so
much better. My world is complete now. Finally, I found my pot of gold at
the end of my rainbow.
For a moment it feels like Rome and I are in our own little world. Him
holding me close. Him loving me. Then out of nowhere, we hear excited
cheers from the workers of the house, and I finally pull away from Rome
just enough, so I can look around me.
I blush slightly, a little embarrassed seeing all the smiles on everyone’s
“Well, that was dramatic.” Mom says, making me chuckle. “He most
definitely is my son alright.”
“Finally, Phi Rome can eat Phi Cass in public without just staring
hungrily at him now,” Austin blurts.
“Austin!” I blush even harder. No Rome still can’t eat me in public!
Does the boy even know what that means?
“I always knew. Falling my ass,” Austin adds.
“Language Austin," Mom says.
“Health class.” Austin shrugs his shoulder but shuts up after.
Rome smirks. “You hear that? My little brother-in-law approves of me
eating you in public.”
“Rome!” I whisper-shout, hitting his chest lightly with my fist.
“Umm… my ice cream melted. Can I have another one?” Seoul
interrupts the moment, making everyone laugh.
“Of course, honey,” mom says. “Everyone back to work!”
All the workers quickly disperse upon her order. I watch as she helps
my siblings scoop new ice cream cones with the biggest smile on my face.
Rome holds me tightly still in his arms. This moment. This moment is
perfect. I want it forever.
Rome bends down and places a kiss on my cheek, gaining my
attention. He smiles at me before rubbing his nose against mine and then
softly kisses me on the lips.
“Let’s go,” Rome whispers.
“To where?” I ask.
“Our room.” He smiles.
“Our room?” I smile back.
“Yes. What’s mine is yours.”
“But why leave now? I want ice cream.” I tease him, knowing exactly
what he wants. I pretend to walk away but he pulls me back.
“Do you really want to make true to Austin’s word? I don’t mind doing
it in public.” Rome whispers to my ears only.
When I take too long to say anything, Rome scoops me up into his
arms making me shriek. “Rome!”
I look over to his mom and the kids. Mom immediately drops the ice
cream scoop and covers Seoul’s eyes.
“You two aren’t serious about public fornication!” Mom shouts at us.
“I know what that means too,” Austin says. The little brat is too smart
for his own good.
“Ma. Don’t bother us today.”
With those final words, Rome carries me to our bedroom locking the
door behind us.

- 32 -

Cass lies naked on my chest, his finger slowly tracing random circles
on my skin. Night has already fallen engulfing the room in darkness. Only
the light from the full moon shines through the floor to ceiling windows
creating a serene aura with blue hues dancing across the bed and our skins.
Yesterday when he finally told me about him and my mother’s plan, I
admit I was a little upset and even more hurt, but above all, just so damn
fucking relieved. Yesterday, when he finally told me about his and my
mother’s plan, I admit I was a little upset and even more hurt, but above all,
just so damn fucking relieved. Once his words registered through my mind,
I just knew I didn’t want to waste any more time. I wanted to confess right
away. Storming through the house into the kitchen was just my way of
getting everyone’s attention before I poured my heart out to Cass.
Something I’ve been aching to do for so damn long. And now I have the
whole household as my witness.
He is finally mine. Truly mine. Everything still seems so surreal that I
fear I might just blink and open my eyes, realizing that this is all a dream. If
it isn’t for Cass’s warm body against mine and his breath fanning down my
skin, I would doubt reality itself. But it’s real. All real. Cass is mine and I
am his.
“What are you thinking about Rome?” Cass asks, shifting his head up
to look at me.
“Mmm. Nothing.”
“Your heart started racing.” Cass says, his palm over my heart.
“It’s beating for you. Ever since I saw you again, it’s been beating only
for you.” I look down at him, giving him a small smile. “I’m just, so
relieved and happy. Happy you are mine. Happy my mom is healthy. Happy
that I can finally relax now.”
“I’m sorry for lying to you about this. It was my idea. Your mom
wanted to tell you, but I asked her not to.” Cass admits.
“I just wanted to be sure. You were taking so long to confess that I fear
you might not like me like how I had thought. And I didn’t want your mom
to influence your decision. I wanted you to make that decision yourself and
confess yourself. That way I would know how you truly feel about me. That
no matter what, you will fight for me, for us. I guess I got a little greedy. I
didn’t think how much this could have hurt you. I’m sorry.” Cass moves his
head, but I gently grab his chin, making him look back at me.
“Don’t ever be sorry for protecting your heart. You are completely
right. I should have told you sooner. I should have been braver. It’s me who
is so sorry. But please know, that even though it took me so long to say it.
I’ve loved you for a long time now, Cass. Not a single day passed by
without me loving you.”
Cass’s lips tremble before it stretches out into a thin smile.
“Don’t cry anymore. From now on, let’s be happy together only. And if
it helps, I technically did tell you I love you before you told me about you
and my mom.” I smile down at him.
“What? You did?” Cass squints his eyes at me.
“Mmm. At Tye's house. After…” I give him a sly smirk making Cass
blush. It’s so cute that after all this time with us being together, he can still
blush for me. “…after you said you love me in the bathroom. I said it back,
but you fell asleep, so you didn’t hear it.”
I smile and nod my head. His lips slowly spread across his face,
warming my heart.
“I love you.” Cass quickly says then shyly digs his head in my chest.
“I love you too.” I say back. Where did my brave little devil go? He’s
acting all shy now.
“Now that I know you love me and won’t leave me, can I say
something?” Cass asks.
“Anything,” I breathe.
I’m expecting him to tell me how much he loves me but then his little
fist gently hits my chest.
“Hey!” I look down at Cass before screaming out in pain. Ignoring me,
he bites down on my chest hard, before letting go. I quickly touch the skin
he just bit that’s throbbing in pain.
“What did you do that for?” I question him.
“That’s for being so mean to me this whole time,” Cass grumbles.
“Actually, I should kick your ass and make you beg for my forgiveness.”
Although he said those words in a joking matter, his words play loudly
in my mind. Because he is absolutely fucking right. I was the biggest
asshole on the planet, and I don’t even know where to begin to make it up
to Cass. All I know is I’m willing to do anything to make it right.
“Rome?” Cass calls out to me when I become silent and still.
I lick my dry lips before looking down at him. He stares up at me with
his worried brown orbs. Even now you care about me more.
“Should I do just that?” I begin to say, making Cass confused. “Should
I get down on my knees and beg for forgiveness?”
“Rome, I was just joking….”
I shake my head and smile sadly at him. “I can get on my knees. You
can yell, shout, hit, beat me all you want. I won’t get mad, and I’ll still love
you. I deserve it all after how I treated you. I can do anything for you as
long as you forgive me for my stupidity.”
“Rome…” Cass begins to say, but suddenly his face changes and a
single brow raise.
“Anything?” The corner of his mouth lifts before he gropes my butt.
My body stiffens and I give Cass a hard stare even though his lips
curve in an ever so evil smile. He looks at me waiting for my answer.
Never! My brain shouts loudly in my head.
I breathe in heavily, closing my eyes before exhaling slowly and
looking back at Cass. “If that’s what you really want… then, yes.”
Cass’s little grin breaks out into a full-blown smile showing his teeth.
There’s my little devil. He then throws his arms around my waist hugging
my body close.
“I love you.” He squeals happily.
I look at him and my own lips curve. “I love you too, Cass.”
Yes, for him, I can give anything.
“Did you want to…” I can feel my cheeks warming for the first time
ever in my life. I’m about to really offer myself to him.
Cass quickly shakes his head against my chest. “No. I’m just teasing
you. But it’s nice to know that you were willing to sacrifice your virgin hole
just so I can forgive you.”
Cass chuckles and sticks his little tongue out at me. He enjoys teasing
me and seeing me squirm.
“You little devil.” I growl before flipping him over, making him squeal
loudly. I start tickling him all over as he cackles, begging me to stop.
“Please stop! You win! I’m only kidding!” Cass laughs gleefully in my
He looks up at me with his eyes sparkling and gleaming with
happiness. My heart flutters and I can’t help myself. I bend down and
capture his lips with mine. Cass easily opens his mouth accepting me,
mending our lips together and molding our tongues.
When I finally pull back, his lips are glossy, plump and a nice shade of
red. His eyes still beam with happiness but glows equally with lust. Damn
it, even though we’ve been going at it all day, I want to take him again. If
Cass allows me, I’ll let my dick rest in his hole never to see the light of day
“I’m tire…” he whispers.
“I know.” I give him a reassuring smile. I won’t ravage his sweet
succulent body right now even though my harden cock throbs painfully
between my legs.
“I have something to give you.” Instead, I move his body off me and
roll over to the nightstand. Opening the drawer, I pull out a small red velvet
box and hand it over to Cass.
Cass’s eyes widen, “This is…”
He opens the box to reveal his mother’s necklace that he pawned some
time ago.
“How?” He looks up at me.
“Right after you pawned it, I got it back. Sorry I didn’t return it sooner.
I was… still a jerk at the time.”
Cass quickly shakes his head closing the box back up. He throws his
arms around my neck. “Thank you so much Rome. Thank you.”
Cass sets the necklace back on the nightstand and lay down on his
side, allowing me to cuddle him from behind. Everything is almost perfect.
There is just one last thing to talk about. His fear. Before I can bring it
up, Cass reaches behind him and curl his fingers around my dick, making
me hiss. My eyes close as he starts slowly stroking me. My semi hard dick
quickly perks to life again. Once I’m hard, he positions my dick at his
entrance before backing up into me, swallowing me whole. Cass let’s out a
breathy moan and arches his back into me.
Damn these warm walls…
Okay. Let’s keep this happiness for just a little longer before we tackle
another problem. Tomorrow, I promise myself. Tomorrow, I’ll make him
talk about it.
After deciding that, I wrap my arms around Cass’s waist and slowly
fuck him the rest of the night, until we are screaming in oblivion.

I smile joyously up at Rome as he rubs shampoo into my hair with my
hands firmly on his waist. He looks at me smiling back and flicks my nose,
leaving foam behind before massaging my scalp again. I close my eyes
enjoying the head rub and then feel warm soft lips on mine.
“No more Rome.” I say opening my eyes. Already in the early
morning hours, we woke up to hot passionate love making and is finally
showering so we can go down for breakfast. I’m super hungry, having
skipped dinner, so as much as I want to keep making love, I need to eat, and
he does too.
“I thought you wanted a kiss closing your eyes.” He winks at me with
a grin.
“From you, always.” I give him a quick peck.
“Keep being so darn adorable and we’re going to miss breakfast.” He
licks his lips.
“You beast,” I chuckle.
“Come on. Let’s finish washing your hair.”
After our shower, I dress in Rome’s clothing since all my belongings
are still in the other room across from his. Finally, after being gone from the
family all yesterday and this morning, we emerge from the bedroom. Rome
sticks out his hand in front of me. I stare at his hand waiting for me to hold,
my heart singing happily. Slowly, I place my hand in his and he intertwines
our fingers. He brings my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss on the back of my
palm before smiling at me.
“Let’s go.” I nod my head at him as I try to control the flutters in my
belly. I love this man so much.
Right when we enter the dining room, all eyes land on us.
“Finally. I was about to send Nom up there. Thought you two might
have eloped.” Mom says to us but her eyes shine with humor and approval
as she stares at our interlocked hands.
Rome takes us over to the table and we sit opposite his mom and the
“Good morning.” I greet everyone although I’m not able to look
anyone in the eyes longer than a few seconds. When I manage to look at
Cindy, she lifts one brow and grins.
“Eat up, son. You must be hungry after missing dinner.” Mom says,
looking at me.
“Okay.” I smile at her.
“Ma, I’m your son too,” Rome says.
“I know.” She replies and smiles.
Rome snickers before grinning, “I’ve already been replaced."
“Mom loves me more.” I whisper, teasing him.
“So does this mean that Phi Cass and Phi Rome are in love?” Seoul
asks while chewing her food.
“Seoul you know what that means?” I look at her curiously.
“Of course. It’s when two people get marry,” she laughs.
I look over at Rome, my cheeks warming. We’ve just officially found
each other, and marriage is something I’ve never thought about. But I’m
sure that no matter what happens, he’s the person I want to spend the rest of
my life with.
“Smart girl. It means that I’m your brother-in-law now and my mom is
your mom.” Rome replies to her, making my heart race even more. He
didn’t deny it.
“I was thinking today we can go out as a family. Go to the park and
have a picnic or something,” mom suggests.
I start to nod my head in agreement.
“No.” Rome responds, making me scowl. Why is he always against
what I want to do?
“I believe I owe Cass a date. Just me and him.” Rome turns to look at
me with a grin.
My scowl slowly disappears as I bite down on my lip to control the
excitement bubbling inside me.
“What do you say, Cass? Go on a date with me?” He smiles. He had it
all planned.
“Okay,” I whisper. How is he managing to make me feel like a
lovesick teenager?
After breakfast, Rome helps me move all my things into his room.
Though we did some shopping the other day, my stuff is still nowhere as
much as his or any normal person. Still, Rome clears one side of the huge
“Rome, I don’t need all this space.”
“You will after today,” he says.
“Cass, can you call me Phi?” Rome interjects.
“You want me to call you Phi again?” I ask.
“Mmm… I want to feel as close to you as possible, even in words.”
Rome whispers, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me against him.
“And Phi wants to spoil you so badly. Gift you everything you deserve
and so much more. So let me spoil you okay, love?” Rome breathes down
my neck sniffing my skin. Love… he called me love and we’re not having
sex. Well, at the rate he’s eating my neck, we just might.
“Okay…Phi,” I breathily reply.
Rome pulls back and gives me a satisfied smile before placing a kiss
on my lips. “Thank you.”
Contradictory to my thoughts, Rome lets me go and we continue to
organize the rest of my things. Once everything is put away, we dress to go
on our date. Rome indulges me by picking clothing to match my outfit, in
color and style. He’s doing everything just to make me happy, which warms
my heart immensely.
Rome takes me to the mall to get ‘shopping out of the way’ as he says.
When we enter the mall, Rome boldly clasps my hands in his, not caring for
a single staring eye. Although I’m shy, I allow him to hold me the whole
time. Not only my hand but he stole kisses whenever he wanted. Mostly
when I try on outfits and come out of the dressing room to show him.
Because I refuse to let him enter the dressing rooms with me, he kisses me
for every outfit I try on, making myself and the sales ladies blush
constantly. The devil made me try on everything.
We not only shop for clothes and shoes, but Rome insists on buying
me jewelry, belts, bags, accessories, colognes, pretty much anything I even
stare at for a second too long, he tells the reps to bag it. Before I know it,
the trunk and back seats are full.
“Satisfied now?” I look over at him as he shuts the trunk. This
shopping spree was more for him than me.
“Not even close.” He says, grabbing me with one hand and pulling my
body flush against his.
“Rome! We are out in public!” I whisper-shout. Instead of letting me
go, he crushes his lips to mine.
“Every time you forget to call me Phi, I’m going to kiss you.” He says
against my lips. “Besides, I got permission to eat you in public from my
“Phi Rome….” I enunciate Phi. “Stop it. You’re supposed to take me
on a date, not eat me every chance you get.”
“Fine.” Rome rolls his eyes but smiles and loosens his grip on my
back. “But call me Phi.”
“To be honest, I like calling you Rome better now,” I admit.
“Why’s that?”
“After everything we’ve done…Phi just sounds too, brotherly.” I give
him a cheeky smile.
“You can call me husband then.” He suggests, making me chuckle.
“You’re a damn fool.” I laugh loudly.
Once I calm down from laughing, Rome stares at me with loving eyes.
He raises a hand to brush some loose strands of hair from my face.
“You can call me whatever you want, as long as you continue to smile
and laugh like this always,” he says. He manages to know exactly what to
say to steal my breath away each time.
“I love you,” I whisper. Not caring about an audience now, I throw my
arms around his neck and kiss him deeply.

We ended up going out to lunch after and then watched an action

movie since that’s the genre we both enjoyed as teens. After the movie, he
took me bowling even though I’ve never been before. It turned out, I was
pretty good. Either that or Rome loss on purpose. Either way, I was happy.
After bowling, we did dinner and then ended the night on the river walk
with Rome buying me a bouquet of roses. By the time we enter the house,
I’m on cloud nine.
It's late and it seems everyone has already retired to their rooms. I stare
at Rome’s hand that still holds mine firmly and in his other, he held all the
bags from the shopping trip. He wouldn’t even let me carry anything but the
flowers. I look up to his moving back as we walk up the stairs to our room.
A smile touches my lips and I silently pray. Dear God, thank you for letting
me be greedy.
As if hearing my thoughts, Rome turns to me at this moment and
smiles at me. I love this man so much. Let us be together forever.
Rome helps me put my new things away. As I’m hanging up some new
shirts, I feel Rome’s breath on the back of my neck before I feel his arms
snake around me. I lean into this warm touch but continue to hang the
“Thank you for going on this date with me. Thank you for allowing me
to do this for you even though I know you didn’t want me to spend all this
money. I really appreciate it.” Rome plants a kiss on my shoulder.
I turn around and hug him in my arms, deeply inhaling his scent.
“Thank you, Rome. For loving me.”
I bring my lips to his and slowly kiss him. Tonight, I want to pour my
heart out to him, show him just how much I love him. I want to cherish his
body as much as he cherishes mine. My hand slowly slides down from his
neck to the hem of his shirt. Just when my hand slides under his shirt, he
grabs my wrist breaking the kiss and stopping me. I look at him with a
confused look and he smiles.
“Let’s put everything away first.” He says, surprising me. Wow. He’s
learning restraint. A low chuckle leaves my throat.
When we finish putting everything away, Rome waits for me to put the
roses in a vase first before finally calling me over to him. He brings me
over to the bed and sits me down on the edge. He settles in next to me and
grabs my hands in his. Bringing them to his lips, he places a kiss on my
fingers. Already, my heart beats erratically for what’s to come.
“Cass, I want to talk to you. It’s important.” Rome says, still holding
my hands in his lap.
My eyes slant, confused by his sudden seriousness.
“Okay.” I nod my head for him to continue as he keeps his steady gaze
on me.
“You know I love you, right? And I trust you now more than ever.”
“Mm…” I nod once.
“I need to know why you’re afraid of dark, enclose spaces.” Rome
expresses, making my body go completely still. He hasn’t forgotten.
I suck in my lips not saying anything. Suddenly, my heart erratically
beats for a different reason.
“Can we not talk about it,” I mumble.
“Cass, this is important.”
“Rome please. Phi, please don’t force me to say it.” I say through
trembling lips. The horrid memories already emerging.
Rome sighs before bringing one hand to cup my face. “I’m sorry.
Don’t cry. It’s just… we’ve wasted so much time in the past because of
senseless secrets and we lacked communication. I just don’t want any more
secrets between us or for anything to come between us again. Can you
understand me on this?”
“I know… it’s just…”
I try to turn away, but he holds my hands in his grip tightly, so I can
only look away. My gaze lands on the red velvet box on the nightstand.
That’s right, he returned it last night. My last possession of my mother.
Even though my mother tried to murder his sister, he still got it back for me.
Even though my dad did those disgusting things to his sister, he still loves
me after all that. But it’s forgivable because those were my parents doing,
not mine. But if he knew the reasons for my fear now… he might just hate
me for real this time.
Because… I was always there. I was always there when my dad
performed the disgusting acts on Paris, and I did absolutely nothing to stop
I turn to look at Rome as realization hits me and my tears start falling.
How come I didn’t notice before? I could have saved Paris but instead, I hid
like a coward.
“Cass…” Rome calls my name worriedly, and he quickly wipes my
tears away.
I look at the man in front of me, loving me right now and caring for me
this whole time. And all I’ve ever done is betray his trust over and over
again. Guilt gnaws at me, claws at every inch of my skin. I’m the bad one
this whole time, not him.
“I’m sorry…” I cry. I jerk my hands from Rome and run into the
bathroom, locking myself in. Falling to the ground, my voice breaks and I
cry my heart out.

- 33 -

How did this perfect day turn into this? I hold Cass in my arms as he
sleeps, his shut eyes still wet from his tears. After Cass locked himself in
the bathroom, I couldn’t make him open the door for me. I stood on the
other side pounding on the door as his anguished cries tore me apart.
Finally, I left to go get the keys and opened the door myself.
I found him curled up in front of the door, his small body shaking as he
sobbed. Instead of asking him any more questions, I picked him up and
carried him to bed. I held him close until he fell asleep in my arms.
Whatever his trauma is, it must be so great that it heavily impacted his
mental health this way. And this whole time, you’ve done nothing but made
it worst you bastard!
I curse at myself repeatedly. I will definitely be spending my lifetime
atoning for my sins against the angel in my arms, my angel.
I decided. I won’t ask him anymore and I won’t push him to tell me. I
don’t ever want to see him like this again. Whatever the reason is, it’s not
worth his tears. I promise him happiness only from now on and I don’t want
to break that promise. I’m already off to a bad start. I’ll just have to make
sure from now on, Cass is never in any situation that causes him to be alone
in dark enclosed spaces.
Tomorrow, I’ll apologize to him for bringing it up and then I won’t
speak of it again.

“Cass, love wake up.” I gently shake Cass.

Cass tiredly stretches his body before opening his eyes. He starts
rubbing his eyes, but I grab his wrist, stopping him. They are already so
puffy from last night. I give him a kiss and he closes his lids, accepting it.
“How are you feeling?” I ask him, caressing his face.
“Better. I’m sorry about…”
“Shh… don’t apologize.” I place a finger over his mouth. “You did
nothing wrong.”
“I’m sorry for bringing it up. I won’t ask you ever again.” I brush his
hair back placing a kiss there. “Let’s just forget it happened, okay?”
“Mm..” Cass nods his head.
“I need to go to the office today. Will you be fine home? Or should I
“No. Please go to work. I’m okay. I promise,” Cass says. “Sorry for
worrying you.”
Cass gives me a little smile and I return it.
“Sleep some more, I’ll call you on my lunch around noon.” I kiss him
again. I can never get enough of these small kisses we share.
“I need to go take care of mom. I’ve been neglecting my work these
past few days.” Cass says, making me chuckle.
“At this point, your only job is to be her son-in-law.”
“Here.” I grab my wallet and take out my bank card. “It’s yours now.
Use it for whatever you want. Whether on you or the kids or even my
“I have money, you write my checks.” Cass says but takes the card.
“There’s no point in paying you anymore when you have access to
everything that used to belong to me alone. Now it’s ours. Don’t feel bad
about using your husband’s money.” I rub his hair, chuckling.
“I’ll buy a car,” Cass teases.
“A house.”
“I’ll buy…” I cut him off with my lips. I kiss him until he moans into
my mouth.
“Buy anything you want. Except… a call boy.” I wink at him.
“I have to go now. Have a good day love.” I give him one last kiss
before getting off the bed.
“Hmm.” I turn back to look at him.
“I’ll tell you when I’m ready. Give me a little time,” Cass whispers.
“Okay.” I smile at him before leaving.
Whether he tells me or not, it doesn’t matter. Because I chose him
already. As long as he’s with me, that’s all that matters.
Throughout the morning, I find myself stuck in meetings with Adam.
Because of the new land in the south and the new hotel I want to build
there, the last meeting is currently running late. I told Cass I would call him
around lunch time but it’s almost 2pm. But knowing Cass, he will
understand so I’m not too worried. The meeting is just about to conclude
anyways. The lead on the construction team we contract is just going over
the finalized plan one last time. Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrate in my
pants. Thinking it may be Cass calling, I pull my phone out just to check.
It's indeed Cass, but not a call, a text instead. I quickly unlock my
phone pressing on his message. A picture of Cass on the bed pops up on the
screen with his shirt unbutton halfway, exposing his chest full of red marks
and he had a finger in his mouth. Below the picture is the message: I miss
Before I can even react, another picture comes in. This one even
naughtier. His shirt is fully unbutton now and instead of his finger in his
mouth, he has his nipple between his fingers. My dick twitches in my pants
as blood quickly pumps through my veins, pooling in my groin. What the
hell is this?…
A third picture comes in, this time with his shirt completely off and the
button on his jeans open with the zipper down. Is he trying to kill me now!
This daring little minx. What’s gotten into him? Is my mother pointing
a gun at him right now to send these photos? I wouldn’t put it pass those
two to cook up something like this.
My eyes scan over every inch of Cass even though it’s just a photo.
Suddenly, I see Adam’s reflection on my phone. I turn to look at him and he
has his chair pulled right next to me, glued to my side. He grins at me.
“Do you want to go blind?” I ask.
Adam coughs, clearing his throat and quickly wipes the grin off his
face. He scoots his chair away as he straightens his tie.
“Umm. Sir? Are we good to move forward with the project?” I hear
the construction lead asks.
I look over to him. He and his whole team have their eyes on me
wondering what the heck I’m staring at on my phone.
I clear my throat quickly turning off my phone screen and setting it
down. “Uhh… yes. Just leave the folder here and I’ll look it over one last
time then I’ll give you a call.”
“Yes sir,” he replies. Shortly after, the meeting is dismissed with
everyone leaving my office. Thank goodness the meeting today was in my
office, there’s no way I can walk out there with my dick currently trying to
break through my pants.
“Anything else you need from me before I take a break?” Adam asks.
“Yes, forget what you just saw.” I say, making Adam gulp.
“What did I see? I already don’t remember,” Adam says.
“Get out of here.” I push Adam out of my room before shutting the
door and locking it.
My only thought is to call Cass as I make my way back to my phone.
Right when I reach for my phone, it vibrates again. I open the message this
time and grip my phone tightly because it almost slips out of my hand.
Cass’s juicy white ass is staring me in the face. He’s on his knees with his
naked back showing and his face twisted back, looking seductively into the
camera. His jeans hang by his knees, revealing his lovely plump ass. Under
the photo is the text: Waiting.
Not two seconds later, another text arrives, making me chuckle.
Please delete! I don’t know what I was thinking!
Not a damn chance. I hold my phone firmly as I drop my pants. I
stroke myself in my office until I’m groaning loudly and cum in my hand,
all the while, staring at Cass’s ass.
After cleaning myself up, I sit on one of the couches in my office
before finally calling Cass. He picks up right away.
“Naughty, naughty, kitty. Wait until I get home, that beautiful white ass
of yours will be red with my handprint. You made me cum in my office.” I
breathe through the phone before Cass can even utter a hello.
I hear a sigh and smile.
“This is your mother!”
What the fuck! I quickly rip the phone away from my ears and look at
the screen name on my phone that clearly reads ‘Ma’.
“Shit,” I huff. In my hazy state after cumming, I accidently pressed my
mother’s number instead of Cass’s which is right under her number.
“Ha ha ha… hey ma…”
“Don’t ever call me again.” Her voice rips through the line before she
cuts the call.
I toss my phone next to me on the couch and lean back placing my
hand over my head.
“Oh Cass. You drive me mad.” I chuckle to myself, shaking my head.

At exactly five, I toss whatever work I have left aside and grab my
phone and suit jacket, quickly exiting my office. I’m eager to get home to
Cass. After that mishap with my mother, I didn’t call Cass but instead just
sent him a message to be prepare. And this time, I triple checked to make
sure it was him before sending the message.
Adam meets me by the elevator as I don on my jacket.
“Is Ping outside already?”
“Yes,” Adam replies.
We step onto the elevator and ride it down to the first floor. Right
when the doors open, I hear the commotion in the lobby. Great. Just when I
desperately want to get to Cass.
I quickly make my way to the commotion and see two of my security
personnel holding a man by each arm, trying to drag him out.
“What the hell is going on!” My loud voice echoes through the lobby.
The man and the security guards turn back to look at me. My eyes
widen when I see the man. He pushes the security guards aside and stomps
angrily towards me.
“Where are my children!” The disgusting excuse of a human being
who caused the death of my sister, shouts.
The bastard is out.
“Bring me a gun.”

“Cass… where is your mind?” Cindy waves her hand in front of me.
“Sorry Cindy. I’m a little distracted.” I reply to her with a smile. She’s
currently helping me make lunch.
“Thinking about Khun Noo?” She wiggles her brows.
“Actually I am.” I tell her.
This whole morning after Rome left for work, I couldn’t fall back
asleep because I kept thinking about him and my disgusting past.
Now that I had some time to think about everything that’s happened
back then, every little detail became clearer. And with every clarity comes
the disturbing reality. The ugly truth of it all.
How can I ever subject Rome to all that ugliness? Not only him, but
his mother too. My fear, the reason behind it, is the root of that horrid day.
It was the beginning of everything as far as I can tell. I was there from the
If Rome and his mother ever find out, they will probably hate me
forever. But that doesn’t even bother me as much as the pain they will be
subjected to knowing the truth. What do I do? I don’t want to lie to him
again, but I don’t want him to hurt either. I have to think about this some
more before taking action. I don’t want to aimlessly do something that can
create even bigger problems. Just give me a little more time, Rome.
“Something is still bothering you even when you’re practically the
son-in-law of this household?” Cindy asks.
“Not like that. It’s just, last night I kind of made Rome sad so I’m just
trying to figure out how to make it up to him. Also, he said he would call
during lunch, but he hasn’t so I’m just wondering if he’s still upset,” I
“Oh, my dear Cass. Have I not taught you anything at all?” Cindy
tosses an arm over my shoulders.
“Taught me what?”
“Skin. Show him your skin,” She smirks.
“Yeah… I don’t think that’s going to work for this situation.” I turn my
attention back to the chopping board.

Not thirty minutes after having lunch with mom, I’m in the bedroom
with the doors locked and my ass hanging out. I must have gone mad.
Thinking about what Cindy said and thinking about the only thing that
can most definitely distract Rome from anything, I decided to send him
some pictures of myself after borrowing a phone holder from Cindy, hoping
it will please him. I want to please him in every way. And I hope he can
forget about yesterday, if only just for a moment.
I thought about what Rome would enjoy and boldly decided to send
him photos of me, each revealing a little more skin than the last. By the
time I’m posing for the last photo with my ass hanging out, my face is
crimson, and the embarrassment makes my skin tingle. I can’t believe I
really did it.
After sending the last photo, I immediately regret it. What if someone
else other than Rome sees it too? I quickly send him a text to delete it.
While I wait nervously in the room for his reply or phone call, I think
about how I can bring up the past and explain it to him so he can understand
me. I know it will anger him, but I’ve already decided that I won’t give up
on us. I will continue to fight for us even if he hates me.
As time passes, my confidence starts to dwell when I receive no calls
or text from him at all even after sending the photos. Did he lie this
morning when he say it was all okay?
I decide to not think about it and go find mom. I’m supposed to be
taking care of her anyways even though she already stated that I no longer
have any duties in this house besides cooking. She said Yai will be returning
soon and only left because she told her too. So even taking care of her will
no longer be needed.
I find mom in one of the sitting rooms watching TV as Cindy serves
her tea. Upon entering, she looks up at me and smile.
“Son, come here and have tea with me.” She gestures for me to come
forward with her hand. I sit next to her on the couch as she tells Cindy to
pour me a cup too.
“Mom, I can still help too,” I say. Cindy is my friend and I’m not too
comfortable having her serve me like this.
“It’s okay, it’s my job and I don’t mind at all.” Cindy interjects,
knowing my thoughts and gives me a reassuring smile.
“What have you been doing?” Mom asks.
“Oh… just organizing things in the room,” I shyly speak. Organizing
my photo gallery.
“Oh that’s right. My son called me earlier.” Mom begins to say.
“Rome called!” My ears perk. That bastard. Called his mom but not
“Yes. Just a little warning… that white ass of yours, will have my son’s
handprints all over it tonight,” she smirks.
“Mom! What?” I jump from the couch. “What are you saying?”
She shrugs her shoulders and laughs. I hear Cindy squeal and turn to
look at her. She’s smiling widely and blushing from side to side.
What the hell was he thinking? He didn’t call me all day but called his
mom and tells her that? She has to be joking. I’m beyond embarrass, yet my
stupid horny dick twitches at the thought of tonight. Fuck, he drives me
In the evening right before dinner, Rome finally returns. Right when
the bedroom door opens, I pretend to read the book I grabbed from the
library, too shy about the photos I sent him earlier and about what his mom
said, to look at him. As I sit on the couch by the fireplace, his approaching
footsteps make the hair on my skin rise. But to my surprise, Rome walks
right pass me and enters the bathroom without saying a word and shuts the
door behind him.
What was that? I set the book down and stare at the closed bathroom
door. Is he really upset? My heart starts to pound, the sound loud in my ear.
This morning, he said everything was fine and he wouldn’t ask me anymore
but how come he just completely ignored me?
The bathroom door opens and Rome steps out in only his boxer. I can’t
help but stare at his hard, defined body that’s covered in my love bites. But
then when my eyes land on his face, he has an annoyed, almost angry look
on his face. Again, he doesn’t say anything or even looks at me and goes
into the closet.
I get off the couch and enter the closet after him just as he puts on a t-
shirt. With his back facing me, I walk up to him before curling my hands
around his waist and placing my head against his wide back.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
For a moment he doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t even move, making
me fear something might have happened. Rome slowly releases a sigh
before touching my arms around him. He moves my arms off of him but
turns around and hugs me, locking in his embrace also. He places his head
on my shoulder and looks up at me.
“Everything okay?” I ask, my voice a little worried now.
“Mmm… just a little tire. I had a busy day at work,” he replies. “Sorry,
I didn’t greet you. How was your day today, love?”
I smile down at him, relief washing over me. I move my hand to caress
his face. “I had a great day. Anything I can do to help?”
Rome nods his head. “Kiss me.”
I smile and bend down to kiss his lips.
“Another one…”
I kiss him again.
“One more…”
I chuckle before placing my lips on his, this time I leave it there longer
before pulling back.
“Thanks for the energy boost.” He smiles before getting up from my
shoulder. Rome lets me go only to pick me up in his arms.
“Rome! What are you doing?” I exclaim, but don’t struggle.
“I just remember why I was so busy at work today.” He says looking
down at me.
“Some naughty kitten sent me some very interesting photos in the
middle of my big meeting.” He smirks, reminding me of the photos.
Instantly, I nibble on my lips, becoming shy.
Rome leans down to my ear and whispers, “I was so busy stroking
myself all afternoon to each and every single naughty photo of you.”
His words send a thrilling shiver down my core. This man is absolutely
crazy, and I love it. Rome carries me out of the closet and walks towards the
“Rome. It’s time for dinner,” I say.
“I know. And I’m ready to eat.” He grins before tossing me on the bed.
Rome jumps on top of me and holds me firmly beneath him, his hand
already by my crotch. Before he can kiss me, a knock comes from the door.
“Khun Noo.” Cindy’s voice calls out. “Madam said before you eat
Cass, you both should eat dinner first.”
I hear Cindy chuckling and walking away and groan in embarrassment.
“Did you really call your mother and told her you’re leaving your
prints on my ass?” I look up at Rome who is still hovering above me.
“Unfortunately.” Rome replies, making me groan even louder.
“It was a mistake. I meant to call you, but my eyes were hazy and my
fingers shaky because of you. So you’re to blame.” He grins at me.
“You’re an animal. Give me your phone so I can delete them.”
“Not a chance…” Rome smirks and then quickly pecks me before
getting up.
“Let’s go before ma sends someone else up here.” Rome stands by the
side of the bed reaching his hand out to me. I gladly take it, leaving with
him hand in hand.
Over dinner mom keeps staring at us until Rome finally gets tire of her
“Yes, my son.”
“About the call earlier.” Rome begins.
“The kids are present. Don’t speak of such immoral things.” She cuts
him off, making me blush.
“It was a mistake,” Rome says.
“I know. I still stand by what I said. Don’t call me ever again.” She
grunts, making Rome roll his eyes.
“Watch me call you every day.”
“I’ll change my number.”
Rome chuckles. “I’ll find it out. Do you want to know why I call?”
“Rome!” I snap.
“What?” He looks at me innocently. Mom also turns to look at me.
“Ah, Seoul has something to say. She looks like she’s been waiting to
talk for a while now.” I quickly lie, changing the subject.
“I do?” Seoul perks up with her head tilt.
“Yes Seoul. Remember?” I look at her, begging her to speak for the
first time.
“Uhh…” She looks around her. Great, for the one time I need her
chatty mouth, she is quiet.
“I have something to say.” Austin cuts in. Yes! Thanks little bro.
“Your fly was unzipped as you came down,” he states.
Never mind!
My hands quickly snatch my pants and indeed, it’s unzipped. I groan
internally, zipping it up. That fool, his hands are so quick.
Even though I drown in embarrassment, everyone laughs and talks
over each other again. That makes me very happy.

In the morning, the kids left to school and Rome shortly left to work
after them, but only after he thoroughly ravish my body. As if he didn’t do
enough last night. My ass indeed has his handprints all over it.
Rome hasn’t been gone long and already I find myself bored. My
existence now really revolves around him. If I’m not busy working, I miss
him dearly. Who am I kidding, even if I am busy doing anything else, I’ll
still miss him when he’s not around. I sigh deeply. How did I fall so deeply
for you?
“Oh no, my son-in-law is sighing. Is there already trouble in
paradise?” Mom asks, coming towards me in the kitchen.
“Hi mom.” I smile at her.
“Is something bothering you? And what are you doing in the kitchen?
We just had breakfast.” She asks, stopping next to me.
“I’m just a little bored so I thought to try new recipes I found online.” I
tell her.
“And your sigh?” She lifts a questioning brow.
“Oh that. It’s nothing. I just… miss Rome,” I admit.
“Already? He just left.”
“I’m so glad it’s you, Cass. Thank you for loving my son so much.”
She smiles genuinely.
“Thank you. I’m glad too.”
“Anyways, I’m surprise you’re walking fine,” she mentions.
“What do you mean?” She gives me a sly smile and my eyes widen.
“Mom… stop teasing me.” I whine, making her chuckle.
“What? I’m just worry about my son-in-law’s health.”
I pout, biting my lips and causing her to laugh some more.
“Fine, fine. I won’t tease you anymore. Now tell me what you are
making,” she says.
“Excuse me.” Cindy says, interrupting us. “Cass, you have a visitor.
An uncle he says.”
An uncle? Who?
“He’s waiting in the foyer while I come get you.” She finishes. I look
at Cindy confused, but still wash my hands from the food.
“An uncle, huh? Let’s go meet this uncle of yours.” Mom says, also
She follows me out of the kitchen, and we make our way to the foyer.
The man comes into view but has his back to us. His hair is long and
disheveled, and his clothes look old and tattered. But the aura of him seems
familiar and suddenly, I get a very, very bad inkling in my gut.
“Hello?” Mom says, before I can say anything.
The man slowly turns around until he fully faces us both. My heart
drops to the pit of my stomach as I stare at the face of true evil, my father.
“So you are here.” His gravelly voice rings loudly in my ears, sending
chills down my spine.
He’s out. He’s back. And he’s found me. The instinct to go run and
hide grips at me.
“You…” I hear mom’s voice.
I turn to look at her, already forgetting that she is here too. Her eyes
are wide as she breathes heavily, a look I am too familiar with. Suddenly,
her loud piercing scream echoes through the foyer and she runs towards my
father, ready to attack.

- 34 -

My heart slams against my ribcage and I can feel the vomit churning in
my stomach as I watch the scene before me unfold. Mom runs up to my
father and smacks him hard across the face, the loud sound echoing her
cries. His eyes widen but he's unable to retaliate as she smacks him again.
She continues to throw herself at him relentlessly, and he does his best to
fend off her attacks.
I should go there and stop them. I need to go there and stop them. But
my legs. My legs refuse to move. My fear has deeply rooted my feet to the
Why now? Why when I finally find happiness, he returns?
Memories of the past resurface brightly and clearly as I see my world
come tumbling down before me. I know deep within my soul that this can
only end in madness, pain and sorrow.
My hesitation to move and my mobility finally kicks in as mom’s
shriek breaks through my thoughts. I watch as she is shove harshly aside by
my father who has enough of her beating. Her body comes crashing onto
the floor with a loud thump. Immediately, I run towards her, dropping to the
floor next to her.
“Mom! Are you okay!” I shout, my voice terrified and laced with
concern. Instead of answering me, she just cries loudly, her tears drowning
her face.
“Cass!” I hear my father call from behind me, but I don’t give him a
single ounce of my attention.
“Mom! Can you hear me?” I shake her lightly.
I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder and immediately, I drop my hands
from mom and shake off the intruding hand that burns through my clothes
right to my skin.
“Get away from us!” I turn around and shout angrily, pushing his hand
My father’s eyes open in shock at my reaction. Even I’m a little shock
myself at my own behavior but right now, I don’t have time to dwell on it.
My instinct tells me to protect not only myself but this person I now call
mom too.
At that moment, Nom comes running into the foyer throwing his body
between us, acting as a shield for me and Rome’s mom. From the hallway,
Cindy and Sun appear, each holding a broomstick, their expressions just as
frightened but fierce.
“Mom?” My father tsk, looking between us. “Since when did she
become your mom? Your mother is dead!”
A sharp pain rips through my heart with my father’s loud voice
piercing through my ears. He’s right, my mother is dead, but I wish it was
him instead.
“Get out of our house.” I say through clenched teeth. Now this, this
really made my father start laughing loudly.
“Your house? What is this? I just saw Rome yesterday, and he told me
he had zero clue where you are and haven’t seen you since that unfortunate
Rome met my father yesterday? That probably explains the troubled
look on his face when he returned home from work. He didn’t say a single
word to me about it.
“But really, you’re here playing house with this family. With the
family that put your father and mother away! The reason your mother ended
up dead! How shameless are you, Cass!” My father shouts at me, making
me flinch.
I’m not shameless… I’m not…
I feel warm strong arms wrap around me and automatically reach for
it. I turn to see who is holding me so close and mom’s soft eyes are staring
back at me. She gives me a small encouraging smile and shakes her head
That’s right, I’m not.
I inhale deeply before getting off the floor and helping mom up with
me. And then I turn to the devil, moving Nom out of the way so he can see
and hear me clearly.
“Everything that happened. Everything. None of it was my fault.
There’s nothing for me to be ashamed of. It’s high time you start taking
responsibility for your wrongdoings and stop putting the blame on your
children. Now get out of our house!” I shout, making my father’s eyes
widen. That’s right you asshole, I found my voice.
My father’s hand come crashing down, aiming for my face. Before he
can hit me, mom pulls me back and blocks me with her little body, taking
the hit instead.
“Ma!” I cry, pulling her back into my arms. Loud gasps erupt around
us, even my father looks a little surprise at what he just done. Nom quickly
grabs my father, pinning his arms behind him. And surprisingly, my father
doesn’t resist.
“Mom. Are you okay?” I grab her face between my hands and examine
her already red cheek. Instead of answering me, she grabs my wrists,
pulling herself away.
“Don’t you ever lay that dirty hand on any of my children again.” She
points a finger at my father, her gaze and voice so threatening it sent chills
down my spine, yet my heart swell with her protective nature.
“You’re right, I can’t touch your children. But mine, you have no say.
Now where are my kids?” My father growls. He takes a quick look around
like he’s looking for them and then his eyes lands on mine.
“Where are your siblings?”
“It’s none of your business! They are under my care now!” I shout. If
he even thinks of taking them…
“Cass, I think you forgot that I’m their father. I have every right. You,
maybe not, since you’re an adult now, but your siblings, they are coming
with me.” Never.
“Go away! They are not here!” I scream desperately and thank God
they are at school.
“Nom, throw him off my property. If he refuses to leave, call the cops
to drag his ass away.” Mom cuts in.
“Good! Call the fucking cops! That way they can help me take my kids
back!” My father shouts, making me gasp in fear. No, he can’t take them
“Get your hands off me!” My father shakes Nom off. Nom looks at us,
unsure of what to do after my father’s threat.
“I’ll leave but I’ll be back with the authorities to take my children
“You have no right!” I cry. There’s no way in hell am I letting that
monster take away my siblings.
My father smiles sinisterly at me. “Think about it Cass. You either
come with us when I return with the authority, or you can stay here and play
house with this family while your real family leaves you behind.”
I can’t let him take my siblings. I can’t leave my siblings alone with
that monster. But if the authority gets involved and grants him custody of
my siblings, what will I do? To protect them, I will have to leave too.
I look at my father who gives me an all to knowing look. He knows I
can never leave my siblings. He knows I will be in the palm of his hands
when he gets my siblings. His eyes left mine once again, scanning the
surrounding of the foyer and up the stairs also. What the hell is he looking
for? I already told him Austin and Seoul aren’t here. An unsettling feeling
gnaws at the pit of my stomach. Paris… He doesn’t know. That sick bastard
is still looking for Paris.
“You’re sick…” The words left my lips as tears slip my eyes. He has
absolutely no clue what he did to not only our family but this family too.
The sick bastard didn’t come here looking for his own children. He
came here looking for Paris. We are just an excuse, like always.
“What the fuck is going on here!” Rome’s loud voice rings from
behind my father.
I leave to work with Ping driving as usual, but my mind remains
clouded with thoughts of Cass and his father’s return. Damn it all. Why
now of all times? How I wished I could have really put a bullet through his
After I told Adam to grab me a gun to which the asshole refused, I had
that fucking bastard in a chokehold ready to strangle him to death. If it
wasn’t for Adam and the rest of the security team prying my hands off him,
he would have been dead. Then he dares to ask for his children. I lied to
him saying I hadn’t seen them since that day and never wanted to see them
or him ever again. I even threatened him that if he ever appears in front of
me again, I’ll really kill him.
My security team threw his ass out afterwards. And then instead of
going directly home to Cass like I wanted, I had to clean up the mess of
what my employees just witnessed. I had to make sure not a single word,
picture or video left the building.
I exhale heavily, staring out the car window. Just thinking about that
bastard makes me angry all over again. I know damn well, that will not be
the last time I’ll be seeing him. I must do something to protect Cass and his
siblings before that bastard finds them.
“Khun Noo.” Ping calls out to me, taking me away from my thoughts.
“Adam called and asks to make sure you’ve signed the papers from the
meeting yesterday and to bring it.”
Fuck… My mind has been so preoccupied, I forgot the documents at
“Turn the car around. I left them in my office.” I tell Ping.
“Yes sir,” Ping replies.
Once Ping pulls up in front of the house, he parks the car but leaves it
running. “Would you like me to run up and get it?”
“It’s okay, I’ll go get it.” That way, I can see Cass quickly too. A small
smile touches my lips. My sweet angel. Just the thought of him makes me
I quickly get out of the car and make my way into the foyer. Right
away my small smile disappears as I stare at the back of that fucker and
hear Cass calling him sick. Fuck, he already found them. My anger
immediately flares and my protective instinct surfaces.
“What the fuck is going on here!” I shout loudly.
Everyone turns to look at me. I take one angry death glare look at
Cass’s father before looking at Cass’s teary face and then my mother’s, who
sports a red mark across her cheek as she stands in front of Cass
protectively. An animalistic growl escapes my throat just like that night at
the club when Cass was struck. I don’t think twice and act first. I pounce on
the bastard, bringing him to the ground and start throwing punches at his
Nobody gets to touch Cass, my mother, any of my family and gets
away with it. I feel arms behind me trying to pull me off, but I don’t budge.
I told this bastard if I see him again, he’s dead.
“Son! Stop! You’re going to kill him!” I hear my mother shouting
behind me.
“Rome!” I feel Cass pulling on me. He grabs my arm, stopping me
midair from landing another punch. Nom grabs my other arm and both
starts pulling me away. To my surprise, the bastard isn’t down yet, but
instead, he shoves me off, landing a punch on my jaw.
I hear my mother and Cass scream but before I can get to the bastard
again, Cass throws his arms around me as Nom lets me go to grab him and
Ping appears out of nowhere, helping Nom and dragging him away from
“You dared touch my mother! I’ll fucking kill you!” I shout.
“Rome, please. Stop.” Cass whispers into my back as he holds me
back. Although he’s the one holding me back, his body is shaking in fear. I
close my eyes and take in a deep breath of Cass’s scent to calm myself. I
don’t like Cass scare like this one bit.
Once I open my eyes, I’m calm. It seems the bastard is calm now too,
although Ping and Nom still hold onto him. He stares at me with a death
glare, his face bloody and bruised. He doesn’t miss the way Cass holds me
I gently place my hand over Cass’s arm. “I’m okay. I’m calm.”
I can hear his shaky breath behind me before he reluctantly let’s me go
but stick close to my back as I get up from the ground. The bastard also gets
up with Ping and Nom still holding him.
“Get the fuck off of me.” He shakes them off but doesn’t make a move
towards us. Instead, he just stares us down.
“Last chance.” I say, breaking the silence. “I don’t know how you got
here but get out of our house and never ever return. Next time I see you. I
won’t be so nice.”
“I followed you home yesterday, simple as that. I’ll leave, but I
promise this won’t be the last time you see me. I want my kids. I’ll be back
for them. And Cass.” He takes his attention off me and looks at Cass who
steps out behind me. “I meant what I said. Think about it. Either you come
back with me and your siblings or stay here. I don’t give a damn. But I am
taking them back.”
“He’s not going anywhere with you! And neither are the kids!” I can
feel my anger rising again. I have no clue what was exchanged before I
came but there’s no fucking way in hell Cass is going anywhere near the
“Well, I guess that’s going to be up to you son.” I feel Cass’s hands
fisting the back of my shirt tightly, but he doesn’t say anything.
His monster of a father takes one last look at us before walking out.
Ping and Nom follows him to make sure he leaves the property. Right when
his father is gone, Cass collapses to the floor.
“Cass!” Mom and I both shout at the same time.
I fall next to him and hold him in my arms as he breaks down. His
small body shakes in my arms, and the sound of his cries breaks my heart to
“Don’t worry. I’m here. I promise I won’t let him touch you or your
siblings. I promise.” I hold him closely, consoling him.
My mother hugs us both in her arms protectively as well.

“Keep a close eye on him. Make sure he doesn’t come anywhere near
the house, the company, or the kids’ school. And report to me his every
move.” I say to the head of my security team before hanging up.
I won’t let something like this happen again. I was careless and let him
follow me home. Let him find Cass. Just the thought of what could have
happened if I didn’t come back for the paperwork frightens me like hell.
Feared not of him, but for my mother and Cass. For Austin and Seoul. For
the people I love.
I toss my cigarette and walk back into my room. My mother sits in a
chair beside Cass who is sleeping. He cried himself to sleep on the floor
downstairs and I carried him upstairs afterwards. My mother hasn’t left his
side since. It makes me extremely happy how much she loves and cares for
“Ma…” She looks up at me with Cass’s hand in hers. “You need to rest
I walk over and sit on bed. I palm her face where she was hit and
gently caress her cheek.
“I should have killed him.” I whisper, my anger still present within me.
She gives me a small smile. “I’m okay. I’m just worried about Nong
My gaze lands on him breathing steadily with his eyes closed.
“Thank you, ma. Thank you for protecting him.”
“Oh honey.” Mom palms my face with her free hand. “Always. You,
Cass, Austin and Seoul. You are all my children. I will lay my life on the
line for you all.”
“I know ma. But next time, protect yourself too. It hurts me seeing you
“My son. My sweet precious son.” She smiles at me. “I’m sorry that I
wasn’t a better mother all these years. It must have been hard on you. Let
me be the mother now and protect you, okay?”
I lean into her warm touch.
“I won’t let that bastard or anyone else harm any of my children ever
again. You all have been through so much already,” she says. “If he dares
come back, I’ll really give it to him next time.”
My eyes get a little teary, touched by her words. I’ve never seen her so
passionate, not since Paris disappeared and she wanted to murder someone.
It makes me feel even better that she didn’t blame Cass at all or had a
breakdown seeing his father. She became a protective mother to Cass
instead. She’s becoming strong and healthy again.
“What happened mom?” I decide to ask her instead of Cass. I don’t
want him to relive the story. Nom had told me a summary of what
happened, but he wasn’t there the whole time. He only came when he heard
the shouting.
My mother tells me how he pretended to be an uncle of Cass’s. How
she immediately attacked him and how brave Cass was shouting at his own
father, trying to protect her. How she got hit jumping in front of Cass. But
she also told me how she sensed his fear. Cass was scared of his father. She
told me that his father threatened to come back with the authorities to take
back the children and how he threatened Cass to go back with him, if he
doesn’t want to lose his siblings.
My fist shakes at the last part. Cass may be scare of him and hate him
but he will do anything and everything for his siblings. I know that for a
fact. That’s how I got him here in the first place. And if he ever gets the
proper approval to take his children back, Cass will go with them. And I
cannot let that happen, ever.
Even though my mother said she will protect us, I’m already planning
my next move. Her protection is probably different from mine. I need him
gone for good.
Cass shifts next to me, and my mother immediately turns her attention
back to him.
“Nong Cass, are you awake now? How are you feeling? Are you
okay?” Mom throws questions at him while holding his hand.
Cass looks up at my mom and gives her a small smile before frowning.
He looks at me and gives me an angry scowl.
“What?” I look down at him confused.
“Why didn’t you put ointment on Mom's face?” he pouts.
I can’t help the chuckle leaving my throat. That’s my Cass. He’s back.
- 35 -

A few days have passed since the incident and we haven’t heard from
or seen my father again. But even so, my guard is up. To say I’m scare is an
understatement, I’m fucking terrified.
I went back to cooking and trying to be myself in front of everyone
and even having amazing sex with Rome, but the monster is still always
there at the back of my mind. I fear for my siblings and losing them so
much. They have no clue what happened since everyone agreed to keep
what happened away from them. I need to do something, come up with
something to protect my siblings, myself, Rome and mom from that
monster before he returns again.
He said he wants my siblings back, but I think what he really wants is
to see Paris again. The way his eyes kept wandering and searching. I was
right in front of him, yet he barely looked at me now that I think about it.
He was looking for her. If only the bastard knew that because of him she no
longer breathes. But even that, I couldn’t tell Rome or his mother. I don’t
want to unnecessarily hurt them. Whatever is going on in that sick mind of
my father’s, he can keep those disgusting thoughts alone. Rome and his
mother don’t deserve to be hurt like that a second time.
When I talked to Rome about contacting a lawyer, he told me that he
has everything under control already. I trust him, but uneasiness still brews
inside of me.
“I told you to stop worrying about it.” Rome’s breath tickles my neck
as his arms wrap around me from behind.
“You’re home.” I lean into him.
“I miss you and you weren’t in bed waiting for me.” He whispers,
holding me tighter and planting a kiss on my shoulder. I came out onto the
balcony when I couldn’t sleep.
“I miss you too.” I turn my head so he can kiss my lips. Rome kisses
me slowly for a while, his lips warm and soft as always.
“Better?” He asks, looking me in the eyes.
“Mmm,” I hum.
“I promise I will take care of it. I won’t let him take away your
siblings. I won’t let you go to him. He won’t ever come in front of us ever
again.” Rome promises.
“You’re not going to kill him, are you?” I question jokingly, but for
some reason with Rome, the act seems possible.
“Of course not. Maybe break a bone or two but not kill.” He smiles
then winks. I chuckle nervously.
“But are you okay with this?” Rome suddenly asks.
“What do you mean?”
“He is your father after all.”
A flashback of my mother and hiding the fact that she took Paris,
appears. I remember thinking, she is my mother after all. Now I regret
thinking like that. Just the thought of my father being able to take my
siblings away from me scares the hell out of me. This is what Rome, and his
parents, must have felt but ten times worse when Paris was missing.
“I’m okay. As long as you don’t kill him. I don’t want to lose you too.”
I honestly say.
Rome smiles at me before kissing me. “I won’t kill him, but I’ll make
sure he won’t come back to bother us anymore.”
“What are you planning?” I give him a questioning gaze.
“Do you trust me?”
“With all my heart.”
“Then don’t worry so much about it. Just trust me.” Rome finishes.
I sigh and nod. I trust him. I trust him wholeheartedly. If he says he’ll
keep my father away, then I believe him. I give Rome a smile and follow
him back inside.

The next day, Rome leaves to work as usual after making love to me
and the kids to school. Because of what happened, Rome has increase
security on the property and even at the school. Of course, without the
children’s knowledge.
“Cass.” Mom finds me in the kitchen trying out new dessert recipes.
“What are you doing?”
“Just baking some sweets for Austin and Seoul for when they get
home.” I smile at her. “Can I help you with something?”
“No, I just thought we have some tea together, knit and chitchat a
little.” She smiles back at me.
“Knit? I don’t know how to do that.”
“I will teach you. You don’t really have any hobbies, maybe you can
take up knitting.”
“Okay, just let me put these cupcakes in and I’ll make some tea and
come up,” I reply.
She’s right, I need a new hobby and a distraction from my thoughts.
All I do is cook and… Rome. Well, more like he does me instead. Fuck
Cass! What are you turning into!
I shake my head furiously to get the thought out of my head. Knit, knit,
knit. Think about knitting.
After putting the cupcakes in, I make tea and take some fruits up to
mom’s room. She has colorful yarns laid out on the table already. I set the
tray down and sit across from her, serving us both a cup.
“Pick a color, Cass.” Mom says, pushing the yarns towards me.
“Umm…” I stare at all the colors, not sure which one to pick. There is
every color imaginable. “What exactly will I be knitting?”
“Well, that’s up to you. I say we can start with something simple like a
scarf. Maybe you can make Rome something?” My ears perk at the mention
of Rome. I can make him something and now that she mentions it, I do
want to make something for him.
I reach for the black yarn and then thought differently. He’s always in
black and I want to give him color. Instead, I grab the royal blue colored
yarn, my favorite color, and hold the soft material in my hand. Yes, this
color will suit Rome nicely.
“Okay, I’m ready. Teach me.” I’m actually excited to learn this.
For the next half hour, she shows me what to do to stitch the yarn
together. I also watch her for a while trying to imitate her meticulous handy
work. It’s more difficult than it actually looks but after some time, I get the
hang of it.
We knit and have small talk for a couple hours while I run back and
forth to the kitchen to check my sweets. She notifies me that Yai will be
returning tomorrow and that I will no longer need to accompany her as
much. But I like hanging out with her. She keeps me entertained while
Rome and the kids are gone. I guess I should really pick up some hobbies.
Maybe I can learn how to drive too. That way I can do outside activities and
not have to rely on public transportation or someone to take me. But I don’t
even have a car…
That last thought quickly disappears as I remember Rome saying I can
buy a car if I wanted. I smile to myself. I’ll have a talk with him later about
learning to drive first.
By the time I finally leave mom’s room, my scarf is barely done
compared to how fast she had knit whatever it is that she is making. But I
take all the tools I need back to my room so I can work on it whenever.
For the rest of the day, I occupy myself with books until the kids
return. By nightfall, I sit in bed anxiously waiting for Rome. I miss him
dearly even though he’s only gone to work. I want to hold him and embrace
in his warm touch. I’m also very excited to ask about driving.
As soon as the bedroom door opens, I jump out of bed and run towards
Rome. Instead of the smile I expected from him, his expression is dark and
hides an emotion I know all too well. Hate.
“Ro…” Before I can get his name out, Rome harshly grabs me and
slams me against the bedroom door that just closed. He pins me there by my
shoulders, with his arm outstretched. He doesn’t look at me but looks down
and breathes heavily.
“Rome...” His name leaves my lips barely audible. Fear starts crawling
across my skin.
“Tell me Cass. Tell me you weren’t there all those times that
bastard…” His words trail off and Rome finally looks at me. Any anger or
hate from his eyes are gone. Instead, the emotion I dislike the most,
especially on his beautiful face, stares back at me. His eyes shine with tears
and full of hurt, pierces right through. “Tell me you weren’t, and I’ll believe
My lips tremble as I register his words. He knows. He finally knows.

This morning, I left to work as usual after making love to Cass. I’ll
never get over the way his body molds so well with mine, his every moan
and cry and just him. I’ll never get over him.
As the day rolls by, I find myself missing him and wanting to see him
more and more, but I have other things to take care of after work. It’s high
time I get rid of Cass’s father for good. And no, I don’t plan to be nice about
it at all.
“Khun Noo.” Adam comes into my office. “The car is ready.”
I give him a single hard nod. Yes, I won’t be nice at all.
We arrive at a rundown neighborhood similar to the one Cass used to
live in. Just the thought of Cass living in an area like this now is
unimaginable. My Cass deserves to live like a king.
The head of my security team points to an old looking house sitting
behind a wall of rotting wooden fence with its paint peeling off.
“He’s been living there since he got out.” The head of security
“Is he in there now?” I ask, my eyes never leaving the property.
“Yes. He just got back from purchasing some alcohol,” he replies.
“Good. Let’s go.”
I follow as the head of security and his team makes their way to the
fence. There’s no lock so they easily open the fence and walk right to the
front door. In one swift motion, the head kicks the door in and we enter with
Cass’s father sat in the middle of the empty room surrounded by
garbage, mostly empty bottles of alcohol. He looks up at us in shock. His
hand still holding the new bottle he just bought. He looks fucking pathetic.
“What the fuck is this!” he shouts. Before he can get another word out,
one of the security kicks him back, making him drop the bottle and spilling
the contents onto the floor. Then another two grab each of his arms pinning
him to the ground. He perks his head up and looks directly at me with hate
in his eyes. I return his gaze with a crooked smile.
“Lock the door.” I order, still looking at the bastard as his angry gaze
turns into fear, and I give him a full-blown smile.
“What do you want? Help! Someone help– ” His face is muffle by one
of the guys covering his mouth.
I stalk towards him, stopping in front of him and then bend down to his
level. My gaze never leaves his, so he knows how fucking serious I am.
“I warned you to disappear out of our lives, yet you keep being a
nuisance, trying to dig your way back. What, did you think contacting a few
lawyers will help you? Have you not realized by now no one will work with
you?” This dumbass really thought he will get his children back and help
will be at his doorstep. It took nothing but a simple phone call to get all
these lawyers to refuse to work for him.
He mumbles something behind the hand covering his mouth. I motion
for the guy to remove his hand.
“They are my children! I have every right to get them back!” He
shouts as soon as the hand is removed.
“You lost that right a long time ago you sick excuse of a human
Instead of the angry reaction I expect, he starts laughing.
“If I’m so sick then what does that make you? Running around
protecting the one person you trusted so much who betrayed you. You’re
even fucking him.” He laughs in my face. I guess the bastard figured out
what Cass and I are to each other. But I don’t care what he thinks. Whatever
Cass did in the past, I’m already aware of and we put it behind us. “I guess
my son gives good ass if he’s got you wrapped around his finger.”
“You have a disgusting mouth.” I reach a hand up and a set of leather
gloves are placed in them. I slowly glide the gloves over my hands. I’m
done talking to this bastard. He stares at me, his eyes widening, fully aware
of what’s about to happen.
I pull his shirt and bring him closer to me. “You’re going to wish you
had just stayed away, forever. Let him go.”
With those final words, I throw the first punch at his face. He falls
back down. Before he can get up, I kick him and rain relentless punches on
him. With each punch, I think about my sister. And with each image of my
sister that crosses my mind, I punch the bastard even harder than the last.
“Khun Noo.” I hear the head of security and feel his hand on my
shoulder. My arm stops midair as I watch red liquid sliding off the glove. I
drop my hand and stand up. The bastard groan painfully below me in a
bloody pulp. He tries to turn on his side, but I move and step on his wrist.
“This dirty hand…” The things he had done with it. I stomp hard on
his wrist and twist it until I hear a crack before removing my foot. The
bastard howls in pain and brings his limp arm to his chest, grasping it.
Finally, I remove the gloves and hand it over to someone before
another item is placed in my hand. I throw the passport book that holds a
plane ticket at him.
“Leave and never return again. If you so much as step foot into this
country again, I will do more than just breaking your hand. And trust me, I
will know.” I threaten, meaning every fucking word.
My work here is done. The rest will be left to the team. Cleaning this
mess up and making sure the bastard leaves the country never to step foot
on this soil again. I turn around and start walking away.
“I’ll go...” The bastard heaves heavily. I turn back to look at him and
he grunts, pushing himself up into a sitting position with his hand still
cradle to his chest. “I’ll go but just let me see her one more time.”
See her?...
My eyes widen and I can’t believe the bastard can even ask this.
“You sick bastard!” I shout and run towards him ready to beat him
once more, but the head of security holds me back. If he doesn’t, I will
really become a murderer.
“That’s all I’m asking! I’ll leave! Even give up on my own kids! Just
let me see her one last time.”
I scoff unbelievably and shrug the hand off of me. “You want to see
her? Then die bastard! That’s the only way you will see her. Maybe not,
since you’ll be rotting in hell just where you belong.”
“You mean…” He looks at me confused.
“That’s right bastard. You killed her. She’s dead.”
His eyes widen before slanting and if I’m not mistaken, he actually
looks hurt by this fact and whatever color he had left, drains from his face.
“You don’t deserve to know what happened. Just know she’s dead
because of you. Now get out of this country and never return you vile piece
of shit.”
“You know, everyone may think of people like me sick for what I’ve
done. But I really did care for her and loved her. She made me really
happy.” He dares say.
I growl loudly and am upon him once more. Blind by rage, I start
beating him again. How dare he! The bastard deserves to die!
“Khun Noo!” I feel a few sets of hands on me pulling at me, but I
wrestle against them. I need to kill this bastard. After some struggling, the
security team finally pulls me off.
“Khun Noo! Calm down! Control yourself!” The head snaps at me.
I breathe heavily for a moment before grabbing his arms and shoving it
“Don’t ever let me see you again.” I turn away but he stops me. This
bastard doesn’t know when to shut up.
“I wasn’t lying when I said you’re protecting the one person who
betrayed you. Ask Cass himself. Ask him what he knows. Cass was always
“What did you say?” I turn back to look at him not sure if I heard right.
“All those times with your sister. Cass, he was always there and did
absolutely nothing.” The bastard gives me a sick smile, making my stomach
churn. Cass was always there?
No… Cass wasn’t. He’s lying. Cass will never. Cass will never… The
memory of that night he locked himself up in the bathroom replays in my
head. The way he looked at me apologetically when I asked about his fear
before running away. No…my Cass will never betray me like that.
I need to go to him. I quickly step out of the house needing fresh air.
But once I step out, I still feel suffocated. Cass was always there…
Those words repeat over and over in my head as I sprint towards the
car. Those words and a sinister laughter in the distance mocking me is all I
can hear as I enter the car and race home.
I make it back by nightfall and the house is quiet as usual. I run up the
stairs taking the step two at a time until I reach the top. By the time I make
it outside the bedroom door, I’ve become overwhelmed with emotions.
Anger, frustration, hate and hurt. I take a shaky breath and open the door,
stepping in.
Cass looks up at me, his eyes finding mine right away. The sweetest
smile crosses his face as he gets up from the bed and skips over towards
me. My heart pounds relentlessly and a dull ache makes a home in my
chest. No… not my Cass.
I grab him, surprising him and pin him against the wall.
“Tell me Cass. Tell me you weren’t there all those times that
bastard…” I can’t even finish the sickening sentence, but I need to hear him
tell me everything that bastard said is a lie. Just a lie to hurt us. “Tell me
you weren’t, and I’ll believe you.”
My voice cracks with my emotions getting the best of me and I can
feel my eyes fill with tears. As I look at him, he looks back at me and his
lips tremble. I know then and there. I know it’s all true.
“I’m sorry…” Cass whisper, confirming everything and breaking my
heart for the last time.

- 36 -

“I’m sorry…” I say just above a whisper. “I’m so sorry.”
I watch as the unshed tears from Rome’s eyes slowly fall from his lids,
as he sucks in a shaky breath and his lips twitch down. I watch the broken
look on his face as his hands slide from my shoulder to my neck. I watch as
he struggles within himself whether to press down with his hands or not.
Though he holds my neck in his hands, he shakes uncontrollably. A strangle
cry rips through his throat and he lets me go. He takes one look at me
shaking his head, the pain, disappointment, and betrayal on his face hits me
like a bullet. He takes one step back and I one forward.
“Go…” he cries. “I don’t want to see you ever again.”
“Rome…” I choke and shake my head slowly.
I expected this. I knew something like this would happen if he ever
found out. I just didn’t know it would be so soon. The only explanation for
this situation is that sick devil. I just know he told Rome, and he probably
flipped the whole situation around, making me the bad guy.
“Rome…” I take another step towards him. “Let me explain.”
“Cass!” Rome shouts so loudly, the house seems to shake. I flinch
back. “Get out now. Don’t make me hurt you.”
“Rome I’m not going anywhere.” I take the few short steps between
us, and grab hold of his arm. “I’m here, Rome. I’m right here.”
Rome’s body trembles under my touch. He takes a single look at me
and shakes his head slowly like he’s given up. Like it isn’t worth it
anymore, like I’m not worth the fight anymore.
“I want you out of my house now.” Those final words left his lips and I
know this time, he’s very serious. He pushes my hands away and turns his
back to me but I refuse to give up. I wrap my arms around his back,
hugging him tightly.
“It’s not your house. It’s our house.” I cry into his back.
Rome grabs my wrist to try and pry me off him but I hold on even
tighter. Unfortunately for me, I’m not as strong as he. He rips my hands off
and starts walking towards the closet.
“Rome! Talk to me!” I follow behind him.
He grabs a suitcase and starts throwing some of my clothes in there.
All the clothes he bought for me. I run over to him and start tossing the
clothes out.
“Stop this! If you don’t want to talk then just listen!” I shout grabbing
his arm. He easily shakes me off. Instead, Rome grabs a handful of my
clothes and goes to the door. He walks out of the bedroom to the staircase
and tosses the clothes down the stairs.
“Get out Cass. Leave while I’m still being nice,” Rome says.
“My siblings?” I hold back my tears as I stare at my scattered clothes
covering the staircase. He’s very serious this time.
“I’ll be nice enough to let them stay here until you find a place.” He
replies not looking at me.
“No…” I defiantly say.
“No?” He finally turns to look at me.
Without warning he grabs my shoulder and pushes me back against the
“What can’t you fucking understand! I want you out of my house! I
fucking hate you!” He screams.
“You don’t mean that…” My tears now rain endlessly down my face.
“What the hell is going on out here?” Mom comes out from the
hallway that leads to her room.
Rome doesn’t even budge at his mother’s appearance.
“Son. Cass.” She comes closer to us. I can hear her gasp as her eyes
land on my clothes sprawl everywhere.
“Leave now.” Rome shoves me aside.
“Leave? Who’s leaving? Why are you pushing Nong Cass around?”
Mom comes up to me and holds me in her arms. Her eyes dart from me to
“Cass is leaving. I’m kicking him out,” Rome breathes.
“What!” She says, unbelievably. “Why? What happened? You two
were completely fine this morning.”
“Ma! Please!” Rome yells, his voice cracking.
I wait for Rome to tell his mother what happened but then he looks
away. He won’t. He won’t want to hurt his mother with this.
“I don’t know what happened between you too, but I’m sure we can
work it out. You love each other.” Mom says, trying to calm the situation.
“No. I want him out and I want him out now.”
“Do you know what he fucking did to us! You know nothing!” Rome
cries loudly.
“Then tell me so I will know!”
Rome looks at her and then shouts out in frustration. He turns around
and hits the wall once behind him.
“Rome!” I run to him, worry he might be hurt but he shrugs me off like
I scald his skin with my touch.
“Phi…” Austin says from down the hall gaining our attention. Seoul
hides behind him. “What’s going on?”
“Austin. Seoul. Go to your rooms,” mom says.
“But the shouting…” Austin says.
“Now!” Mom raises her voice a little louder. That’s enough for Austin
to grab Seoul and turn back around. It is not until we hear the door closing
that she looks back at me and Rome.
“You’re not kicking Cass out. And that’s final. Whatever is going on
here, we can speak about it in the morning.”
“It’s my house and if I say he leaves, then he leaves.”
“It’s my house too!”
“I don’t care! He’s leaving!”
“If you kick Cass out, then I’m leaving too!”
“Ma!” Rome shouts, staring his mother down who isn’t budging.
I don’t want this, and I don’t like this one bit. Rome and his mother
fighting because of me.
“You brought him into this house!”
“Yeah, and you wanted him gone!”
“Well now I want him to stay!”
“I don’t!”
“Stop it. Please just stop. I’ll leave. I’ll just leave,” I cry. I can’t take
this anymore. The fighting and shouting. I don’t want either one to say
anything to hurt each other or anything they might regret later.
“Cass…” Mom walks back to me. “Son, you don’t have to leave.”
“Yes mom. I do.” I say to her, but my eyes are on Rome. Look at me
Rome. Tell me not to go. He doesn’t look at me.
I smile sadly at him before looking at Mom and give her a small smile.
“Thank you, mom. Please, help me look after my siblings tonight.”
“No Cass. I won’t let you.” Mom shakes her head. “If Rome doesn’t
want you in the house, then that’s fine.”
She grabs my wrist and starts dragging me away.
“Ma…where are you taking me?”
Instead of replying, she leads me downstairs and out of the house. On
our way out, we pass Cindy, Sun, Ping and Nom who probably woke up
from the commotion, but no words are exchanged, only their sorrowful eyes
follow us out the front door. Mom doesn’t stop until we get to the pool area
and opens the pool house. We enter and she takes me over to the couch and
sits me down.
“Stay here Cass. Just until I go knock some sense into my son.” She
gets ready to leave, but I pull her back.
“Please don’t mom. Don’t fight with him anymore. It’s my fault. It’s
all my fault.”
“Please, I’m begging you. Don’t make me tell you why. And don’t
fight with Rome. He’s hurt enough.”
“Son…” Her tears fall and she throws her arms around me. “All will
be alright.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I was wrong. I’m so sorry to you
and Rome.” I sob into her chest.
“I don’t know what happened, but I already chose to love and protect
you. Whatever it is you’re apologizing for, I forgive you.”
Her words make me cry harder. Will she really forgive me if she
knows too? Will she still love me?
“Stop crying son. Try and get some rest. We will figure this out
tomorrow.” She pats my back gently.
I get up from her, wiping my eyes and exhaling a shaky breath. I palm
her cheeks and wipe away her own tears.
“You go rest too. Please don’t fight with Rome. This is on me. I’ll fix
“Mmm.” She nods. “Let my son cool off first. No matter how angry he
is, I know my son loves you. I know that whatever the issue is, you both
will work it out. I have faith in the both of you.”
“Thanks mom.” I give her another hug.
She’s right. He’s angry and hurt as hell but we can overcome this. I
trust Rome. I trust his love for me. I won’t give up on us.

He was always there…
I can’t get the fucking thought out of my head. If he was always there,
he could have told someone. We could have saved my sister sooner. She
might even still be alive. Why the hell did he keep quiet all this time? Why
didn’t he fucking tell me? Why? Why? Fucking why? Why Cass?
I stare hard at the pool house from the balcony as if I can burn a hole
through the walls with my eyes. The sun has barely risen but I couldn’t
sleep anymore. In fact, I barely slept at all.
My mother throwing him into the pool house is only trying to buy
time. Sooner or later, he will be kicked out of the house and the property for
good. My annoying heart aches at the thought of him gone, but there’s no
way around it. I can’t live in the same house with him knowing the fact that
he was there all those years my sister suffered and did absolutely nothing
about it. How can he hide such a terrible truth from me? All those years we
spent together laughing, playing, getting into trouble. He knew the whole
time. Were those moments all lies too?
Paris, my poor sister. I look to the sky and cry out to her. “My heart
hurts Paris. What do I do? I love him. I love him so fucking much.”
I close my eyes and let the endless tears fall. I don’t remember the last
time I cried this much. Even with my sister’s death, I didn’t cry this much. I
was too angry at the time to cry. But here because of Cass, I feel like my
heart has been ripped out of my chest and stomped on by no other than him
himself. Yet here I am, staring at the pool house with my soul still
screaming for him.
“Am I betraying you with these feelings?” I whisper to the sky. “I’m
sorry Paris. I won’t let that family hurt us anymore.”
I return my gaze to the pool house and standing there in the distance
staring back at me is Cass. He’s far enough away that I know he can’t hear
what I said but close enough for me to make out his face, his body, every
inch of him. His lips stretch, giving me a small smile. I give him a cold
stare before turning around and slamming the balcony door shut after me.
A couple hours later I get a call from the head of security. He informs
me that Cass’s father had left the country. Finally, some fucking good news.
I told him to still place someone near his father and monitor his every move
just in case the bastard decides to return. But after yesterday, I doubt he
I prepare to leave my room and go to work. I’ve been in here long
enough, having already skipped breakfast because I didn’t want another
argument to break out with my mother around the kids. By now, they
should have left for school already.
I make my way downstairs and to my surprise, my mother isn’t
around. All Cass’s clothes that I tossed down the stairs have also been
picked up. I quickly make my way through the house not wanting another
confrontation. Right when I exit the foyer to outside, I stop in my track.
Cass sits on the concrete bench and jumps up when he sees me. He
smiles brightly at me and skips towards me. What the hell is he thinking?
“Good morning.” He stops in front of me. Even though he smiles, his
eyes are red from crying. He’s putting up a front. Something he’s become
too good at. I ignore him and walk past him to the car that’s already waiting
with Ping holding the door open.
Cass follows closely behind me and even though he’s not touching me,
I can feel his warmth as if he is.
“Have a good day at work! I’ll wait for your return.”
I stop dead in my track, and Cass bumps into my back. I turn back
around to peek at him, and he gives me a cheeky grin showing off his
dimples. Does he think doing this will change my mind? Will make me soft
for him again? He’s wrong if he thinks it will. I won’t trust him anymore.
Ignoring him, I walk towards the car with Ping moving aside, making
room for me to enter. Before Ping can close the door, Cass grabs it.
“I didn’t have breakfast yet since you won’t let me in the house,” Cass
mutters. My jaws clench but I refuse to look at him.
“Ping, let’s go.”
“Sorry Cass.” I hear Ping whispers before shutting the door.
As Ping drives away, I do my best not to turn around and look at him. I
can’t fall for him again. I run a hand through my hair and lean back into the
seat, closing my eyes.
“Khun Noo.” Ping says from the driver’s seat.
“I may be stepping out of bounds…”
“Then don’t say it.” I cut him off. I don’t need a fucking lecture from
my driver too.
“Cass has been waiting for you all morning.” The bastard says it
anyways. “I don’t know what happened, but I do know that Cass loves you
a lot.”
“Shut up and drive,” I sigh.
“Yes sir.” I open my eyes to see him scratching his head.
After some time, Ping parks in front of the company. “We’ve arrived.”
I undo my buckle but before I get out, I turn to Ping. “Ping, make sure
he eats.”
Ping gives me a big grin and nods his head. I get out of the car and
Adam is already waiting for me.
I don’t care for him. I just don’t want him to die on my property. Yeah,
keep lying to yourself. My conscience rebels.

By the end of the workday, I’m ready to murder someone. Not because
anything went wrong at work but because of me. Because fucking someone
is constantly on my mind. I couldn’t concentrate on anything at all. Not to
mention he kept texting me little messages all day. Telling me he misses me.
He loves me. He will be waiting for me to get home to talk. The little brat
drives me mad.
And true to his fucking words, as Ping pulls the car to the front of the
house, Cass is sitting there waiting for me. He jumps up as he sees me and
once again skips over to the car. Right when I get out, he speaks.
“How was your day?”
“Did you get my messages?”
“I miss you.”
I ignore him, walking pass him.
“I love you!” He shouts behind me. I stop as his words shake my
unsteady heart.
“Can we talk now? Please?” Cass begs, his voice weaker.
“I have nothing to say to you.” I start moving again.
“I’ll wait out here until you’re ready to talk.”
“Do whatever you want,” I mumble.
“It’s going to rain soon.”
I chuckle silently. The little brat thinks to guilt trip me. He thinks these
little ploys will work on me? I don’t give him another look and enter the
I’m not even in my room for more than a few minutes when a knock
sounds at my door. Why won’t everyone just leave me alone? Maybe it’s
me who needs to leave the house for good. I open the door and to my
surprise, Austin stands on the other side.
“Phi, can I talk to you?” Austin says in a serious tone. I step aside for
him to walk in.
“Can I help Austin with something?” I ask, following behind him.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Phi. I may be a kid but I’m not stupid.”
Austin blatantly says.
“Okay. Then speak.” I cross my arms and stare at the little boy
challenging me.
“I don’t have much to say and I rather stay out of grownup business so
I’ll just say this. I’m fully aware that grownups, especially couples, get in
arguments from time to time and even sleep in separate rooms when they
are mad. So I get it that you and Phi Cass are fighting right now. But let me
just tell you, if you hurt my Phi in any way, I will never forgive you. My
Phi has been through enough in life that he doesn’t need the person he loves
the most in the world to hurt him too.” Austin states matter-of-factly, his
hard gaze never leaving me.
I raise a brow at him. Not much to say huh?
“And what if it’s Phi Cass that hurt me?” I question him. Would you
ever do something like this to the person you claim to love the most?
Austin finally looks away, biting the inside of his cheek before looking
back at me. “My Phi will never do that.”
If only you knew. Your Phi has broken my heart one too many times.
“That’s all I have to say.” Austin announces before making his exit. I
always knew that kid is too smart.

At dinner, my mother doesn’t say a single word to me. Neither of the

kids spoke a single word too, not even Seoul, although she stole glances at
me from time to time. All that can be heard is utensils hitting the plate, and
the rain falling outside. It really did rain.
“Yai…” Mom speaks, breaking the silence shortly after the kids
finished eating and excused themselves. Yai had finally returned this
morning, and what a shit storm she returned to.
“Did you bring Cass dinner?” She mentions Cass, gaining my
“Yes, but I don’t know if he ate it. He was umm…” Yai steals a glance
at me. “Outside.”
My grip on my fork tightens but I try my best not to react.
“Poor Cass. All alone out there. He’s probably so sick and can’t eat.”
My mother wails, overreacting.
“Mmm. And it’s raining so hard too,” Yai adds.
This damn whole household is against me. Every single one of them.
“He will get sick for sure.” Mom continues her act.
I slam the fork in my hand down, making both ladies jump. I’m so
done with this. Without uttering a single word, I leave the dinner table and
return to my room. Fuck everyone.
I take a nice long shower, ignoring my heart screaming at me to check
on Cass. I can’t. Whatever he chooses to do out there is his problem, not
After I get out of the shower, I quickly get dress and jump in bed but
sleep once again, eludes me. Every single time I close my eyes I see him.
Just one look, I tell myself. I walk over to the balcony, open the glass
panel and walk out. Immediately, the rain hits me. It’s not raining very hard
but enough to get soaking wet if you stand out here for too long.
I walk over to the edge and stare down and my jaw drops. Cass is
standing down below with an umbrella, staring up at me. He smiles when
our eyes meet. You stupid idiot… why are you still smiling at me? I don’t
deserve your smile.
I quickly retrieve back inside but I don’t return to bed. I make my way
outside. It’s time to end this.
When Cass sees me approaching, he runs up to me.
“You’re getting wet!” Cass shouts over the rain. He puts the umbrella
over me, but I snatch the damn thing and toss it aside.
“Why the fuck are you doing this?” I pull him to me and shout in his
face. “You think this is some kind of drama, you stand out in the rain, and
I’ll feel bad and come save you!”
Instead of being scare of my screaming, Cass smiles at me. “You’re
here, aren’t you?”
“Fucking unbelievable.”
I let him go but grab his wrist and drag him towards the pool house.
By the time we get there, we are both soaking wet. I open the door and toss
him inside.
“Stop being fucking stupid! And sit your ass in here obediently or
leave my fucking property if you want to die out in the rain.” I shout at him,
angry that I’m allowing him to affect me this way.
“Oh yeah. And who’s going to keep me in here?” Cass walks right
back up to me. He reaches a finger out and touches my chest that’s now see
through from the wet white t-shirt. “Once you walk out that door, I’ll be
right back out there waiting for you. Unless…”
Cass traces his finger down over my abs, and my body involuntarily
shivers. Before he can go any lower, I grab his hand with mine.
“Stop fucking with me.” I growl through my teeth. Already my body is
reacting to his simple touch.
“With you. Never.”
Cass pushes me back against the door and slams his lips into mine.

- 37 -

If he thinks I’ll give up so easily, he is so wrong. Doesn’t he know by
now I can be super stubborn as well. If I know one thing about Rome, it’s
that he can’t resist me. And if I have to use it to my advantage then so be it.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is a desperate situation,
and I’m fucking desperate.
I push my body against Rome’s and kiss him to shut him the hell up.
Our bodies are drenched from the rain, but his body remains warm and
hard, and his lips, soft and plump. Rome doesn’t react to me, probably too
stunned by my boldness in such a tense situation.
I tilt my head, slowly moving my lips on top of his, coaxing him to
open up for me with my tongue. It takes Rome only a moment to come to.
He grabs my waist tightly and I think he’s going to take control. He does
take control, but not the kind that I want. Instead, he pulls me off him and
holds me at a distance, leaving me in shock.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He huffs, seemingly
holding on to any ounce of sanity he has left.
“Reminding you of who you like.” I throw his own words he said to
me the first night we made love, back at him.
I move to kiss him again, but he doesn’t let me near him. My heart jilts
because he’s never done this before. Not like this.
“I’ll say this once, Cass. I don’t like you. I don’t want you anymore.
Understand me and get out of my house as soon as possible. I don’t want
anything to do with you. You broke my trust, you broke my heart.” A single
tear slides down his chiseled face with his last words. I hate this look on his
face the most.
“Do you really want me gone, Rome?” I ask honestly.
“Yes.” He breathes the single word sending a sharp pain straight
through my heart. He takes one last look at me before walking out of the
pool house.
“You stupid jerk.” I whisper after him. Maybe I’m the stupid one
because I open the door and follow him right out.
“Why are you lying to yourself!” I shout at him over the rain. Rome
stops beside the pool but doesn’t turn around.
“You still care about me! You even told Ping to make sure I eat!”
Rome turns his body a little so I can see his side profile, but he doesn’t
look back.
“Don’t misunderstand. I just don’t want you to die here.” He says,
making me scoff.
I take off a shoe and toss it at him, hitting him on the back but he
doesn’t even respond to that.
“Just answer me this, do you still love me?” I stand there breathing
heavily, waiting for his reply. It feels like an eternity before his shoulders
“No,” he whispers. I can barely hear him over the sound of the pouring
I chuckle unbelievably and nod my head. “Okay.”
“If you don’t love me then what is that pain in your fucking heart
you’re feeling right now? If you don’t fucking love me then why is your
heart screaming to come to me right now!” I choke on a sob with the rain
washing my tears away. “You want to run to me. Hug me and tell me you
still love me. You love me Rome. And I know, you will always love me.”
“You’re wrong Cass, I don’t love you anymore.” He says barely
“Liar…” I whisper, but the rain drowns the sound of my voice. Even
though I know he’s lying, it still hurts like hell to hear him say it.
Rome starts walking away again from me.
“You know I can’t swim right!” That gets his attention, and he stops
right then and there.
“Don’t be stupid.” Rome growls, his hands fists by his side. For some
reason, that makes me smile and I want to be stupid, because I trust him.
Rome starts walking away, not even bothering to turn around.
“I trust you…” I whisper knowing he can’t hear me.
I take a running leap and jump into the deep end of the pool.

I hear the loud splash and my heart drops, yet I don’t move. He’s
messing with me. I hear more panic splashes. Fuck! I turn around and sprint
towards the deep end and jump right in. I quickly swim over to Cass and
grab him, pulling his body close to mine. Swiftly, I swim to the edge and
push Cass out before pulling myself out.
“Cass, Cass. Are you okay?” I say in a panic.
Cass is conscious but coughing up a storm. He falls into my lap, and I
flip him over. He opens up his eyes and looks at me with a strain smile on
his face.
“Are you fucking crazy! Do you have a death wish!” I yell angrily. He
dares fucking smile right now after pulling that stunt. He almost gave me a
heart attack. Why would he play something so stupid after what happened
to Paris!
Cass’s smiles falter and he coughs again with his eyes rolling back.
Shit. I cradle him closer to me.
“Cass. Cass.” I gently tap his face a few times.
He looks up at me and he smiles once more. “You love me…” He
breathes heavily before closing his eyes and going limp in my arms.
“Cass! Wake up! Cass!” I scream as fear grips every part of my being.
I can’t lose him.
I scoop him up and run for the house as fast as I can, all the while with
the rain still pouring on and around us.
“Nom!” I shout as I enter the house. “Call the doctor! Now!”
I don’t wait for a reply but race Cass upstairs to our room. Our room…
I don’t have time to dwell on my thoughts. As soon as I make it up the
stairs, my mother and Yai come running towards us.
“What happened!” She cries but I don’t answer.
I rush pass both of them to the room but can hear their heavy footsteps
following. I set Cass down on the bed and instinctively I check for a pulse.
He’s breathing. I sigh heavily, relief. Still, I don’t have time to waste. My
mother rushes to my side.
“Ma get out of here!” I immediately kick her out before she can get a
word out. “I’m going to change Cass.”
“Uh…ah…is he okay?” She asks, her face lace with concern.
I give her a single nod. She gives Cass one last look before walking
out. As soon as she’s gone, I strip Cass of his wet clothes then run to the
closet to get him dry clothes, not caring if I grabbed his clothes or mine. As
soon as I dress him, I check for a pulse again just to make sure. Still
I cover Cass with the blanket and left to go change myself. As I step
back into the closet, I see my reflection in the mirror. Tears stained my face
that I wasn’t even aware of. I sniffle, holding in the cry that wants to rip
through my throat. I quickly wipe my tears away. I almost lost him.

The doctor finally leaves in the middle of the night. Cass is fine. Thank
God. He’s just extremely fatigued from stress and is coming down with a
fever. But for the most part, he’s okay.
“Son. How long are you going to let this go on for?” My mother walks
up to me as I sit beside Cass, staring at his soft sleeping face. I hold his
hand in mine, still a little afraid that I might not feel his pulse on his wrist
even though the doctor said he is fine.
“Mom…” I turn my head to my mother and look up at her. A single
tear glides down my face and my lips tremble.
“Dear…” She whispers with a shaky breath. She grabs me and pulls
me into her embrace like I’m a small child. “What could he have possibly
done to hurt my son this much?”
“Ma… I don’t know what to do anymore.” I finally break down and
cry in her arms.
I hold onto her tightly like my life depends on it, my body rocks
uncontrollably. My cries fill the silent room and I quickly bury my face into
her body to muffle my violent cries. I don’t want to be too loud to wake
“My dear child… okay…okay ma won’t let him stay here. Ma won’t
let anyone hurt you. Absolutely not.” She rubs my back, holding her own
cries. “Ma won’t let him hurt you. I’m sorry I didn’t take your side. Don’t
cry anymore. Ma will protect you.”
I know my mother is just saying this to comfort me. She’s never seen
me cry like this before. She loves Cass too much to actually make him
leave. But I don’t mind. I don’t even know if I want him gone or not
anymore. I don’t know anything at all.
Suddenly, the bedroom door burst open, and I quickly let go of my
mom, wiping my tears and seizing my cries.
“You! I told you not to hurt my Phi!” Austin stalks towards me with an
accusing finger pointed at me. His angry eyes are filled with tears as he
looks at his older brother laying lifelessly on the bed. “I told you not to hurt
him! You have absolutely no clue what Phi Cass has been through! How
dare you hurt him too. You’re a monster just like our father! You hurt Phi
just like our father!” Austin now screams at the top of his lungs and his
tears stream down his small face.
“What… what are you talking about Austin?” I ask the boy.
“I should have known from the beginning when Phi told me not to
open the door for you. I always knew something was off about you and
Phi’s relationship. I should have protected my Phi from you. You hated him
this whole time, didn’t you? If only you know what Phi Cass had been
through.” Austin’s lips tremble as if he’s recalling old memories.
“What happened to your Phi, Austin?” I ask, although my insides are
already twisting in every direction, fearing what this boy might reveal.
“The reason why Phi Cass is afraid of dark small spaces…is because
of our father.” Austin takes a gulp and looks at his brother. “All those scars
on his body, is because our father beat him. Is because Phi always protected
us. He thinks I don’t know about it since I was so young but I know and
remember. I remember. I remember all the hide-and-seek games. I
remember how dark and scary it was. I remember the sound of the
floorboard as something falls down hard on the stairs. I remember it all.”
Austin turns to look at me, his lips tilt upside down. “I thought you
were different. And now you hurt him too.”
“Austin…” I hear mom say. She moves to him and pulls him into a
I turn to look at Cass not believing what I just heard. Cass was always
so happy growing up. Whenever we were together, he gave nothing but
I reach a shaky hand to touch his head. I slide his hair aside where I
know he has a scar beneath. He said he tripped and hit his head running
late for school. I move my hand over his shirt and stop on his chest where I
know his most prominent scar lies. He got this scar when he fell down the
stairs and also broke his arm. I then move my hand to the scar on his
abdomen. He said he fell and scraped himself while climbing a tree. And
there are so many more scars. Each time he had an excuse. Each time he
said it with a smile and laughed it off. And each time all I thought was he
was becoming clumsier and clumsier. An agonizing pain burns wildly in
my chest, and I choke on a sob. What have you been through, Cass?...
“Austin… what’s hide-and-seek?” I ask, without looking at him.
“Our father used to get very angry when he drinks. Every time he
drinks, Phi tells us to go play hide-and-seek. All three of us, me, Seoul and
Phi would find somewhere to hide together. Most of the places we hid were
dark, small and cramped. Sometimes we hid in the shed, sometimes in the
cabinets. He pretended like we were playing a real game. Like we were
hiding, and dad was going to come find us.”
Austin pauses, inhaling a shaky breath. My fists clench as Austin
continues to reveal a dark truth about Cass. With every word he speaks, my
heart cries more and more.
“One day, dad really found us. Dad and Phi Cass got into a big fight.
After that day, Phi never hid with us again. From then on, he would just tell
Seoul and I to go hide and he would come search for us. He usually came
and found us after a very long time. Most times he would come with bruises
or small cuts but laugh it off to not alarm Seoul and me. Some days, he
didn’t come to find us at all. Those were the days he got hurt the most. The
day Phi fell down the stairs, we were hiding under the kitchen cabinet. I
remember covering Seoul’s ears because Phi was arguing with dad about
something. Then I heard a cry before the loud thumps on the stairs. Still,
even after all that, he never once let Seoul or me know what was going on.
He used hide-and-seek as an excuse for us to hide while he distracted our
father from getting to Seoul and me. He was always protecting us.”
“Oh dear…” mom breathes.
I turn to look at Austin who is still in my mother’s embrace.
“Phi Cass has been hurt enough in life already. If you love him, please
don’t hurt him anymore.” Austin, though just a little boy with tears in his
eyes, stares at me with the mentality of an adult.
“Mmm. I won’t hurt him ever again. I promise." And I meant every
single word.

I wake to a knock at the door. I don’t have to see who it is to guess

who it is. My mother walks, carrying a tray. She smiles at me although her
eyes were puffy and red.
“Good morning. Did I wake you son?” My mom says in a hush tone. I
shake my head. “How is Cass?”
I look down at Cass who’s sleeping soundly, curled up in my arms. He
hasn’t woken at all and ran a fever through the night but by dawn, his fever
“He should be okay soon.” I move some hair from his face before
looking at my mother. She gives me an approving smile.
“How's the kids?”
“Good. They left for school. Seoul is Seoul. Austin… I think you will
have to work a little bit to gain his trust back,” she replies. I will work all
my life and next life to gain my little brother-in-law’s trust back. And… for
Cass to forgive me one last time.
I know that what Austin revealed last night isn’t the whole story and I
know once Cass wakes, more pain and tears will come but I won’t ever fail
you again Cass.
The pain and suffering he went through all his life from all the people
who were supposed to love him and protect him, me included. We don’t
deserve him. We don’t deserve him at all. But being the greedy bastard that
I am, I won’t give up on him ever again. I won’t give up on him just like he
never gave up on me. I will do everything in my power to protect him, care
for him, love him and make sure he's the happiest, most treasured person on
I gently slide Cass off me and get up, stretching my arms. “Ma, can
you watch him for a bit while I take a quick shower?”
“Of course. Go.”
I slide out of bed and quickly shower before returning. My mother sits
beside Cass with one of his hands in hers. Her other hand caresses his face
as she smiles sadly, with tears already filling her eyes. God, what did we all
do our last life for us to suffer so hard this lifetime? Seeing the two people I
love the most hurting like this grip at my heart.
Suddenly, Cass moves a little and his eyes slowly flutter open. My
mother quickly wipes the tears from her eyes.
“Mom…” Cass mouths weakly.
“Don’t speak yet. Here, have some water.” She quickly grabs the glass
of water with a straw and brings it to his lips. Cass takes a few small sips
before backing away.
“Mom… why are you crying?” Cass reaches a hand to touch her face.
“I’m fine son. How are you feeling?” She tries not to cry again.
“Ninety-five percent better.” Cass tries joking with her. Even now, he
thinks of others.
He pushes himself up to a sitting position with my mother’s help and
leans against the headboard. He looks around realizing that he’s back in our
room and then our eyes meet. He slowly inhales but doesn’t react. Doesn’t
even smile at me. Figures. One of the last things I told him was I don’t love
him anymore. Which was the biggest lie of the century.
I slowly make my way to him, never taking my eyes off him although
he turns away. I stop and sit at the foot of the bed. Cass pulls his legs in,
bending them at the knees.
“Cass.” I call out to him.
“I’ll tell you everything.” He cuts me off. “After I tell you everything,
I’ll leave this house for good.”

- 38 -

I can feel Rome’s eyes on me, but I don’t dare look at him. I can’t.
Because what I’m about to reveal is very disturbing, I fear the look he will
give me after I tell the whole truth. He already thinks that I was there all
those times my father did those unspeakable things to Paris, and technically
yes, I was there. He may love me though he denies it now, but there’s no
denying he hates all these facts about me. After he finds out the whole truth,
how will he look at me then. I’m afraid to find out.
“Cass, you should eat first. Take some medicine.” Mom says,
concerned but I shake my head.
“Mom…” I call out to her who still sits by my side. I don’t want her to
hear this either. She still doesn’t know that I was there. Most importantly, I
don’t want to hurt her with this information. She’s not completely healthy
“Cass, I’m not going anywhere. Whatever you have to say, I’ll be here
to listen to it. No more lies, no more secrets. I can’t stand seeing my two
sons hurt and suffer anymore. Whatever it is, we will work through it
together,” she says.
“But mom, I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It’s not you who hurt me, or us. It’s the people who made us all
victims. They are the only ones to blame. I’ve told you before, don’t blame
yourself anymore.”
I sigh. “I don’t even know where to begin.”
“Your scars.” Rome says and I finally look at him, my eyes widen.
“My scars… you already know?”
“Last night, Austin told us,” he replies.
“Austin knows?” My voice raises.
“He knows.” Rome nods.
I throw the blanket off me, ready to leave but Mom holds my arms.
Rome stands up, blocking me.
“Austin. I need to go speak to him.” I say in a panic. How in the world
does he know? He was so young back then. I never once let them be
exposed to my father’s anger.
“You’re not going anywhere. Not until I know the full truth.” Rome
continues to block me.
“But Austin…”
“Austin went to school,” mom interjects. “Austin knows. That child,
he’s smart, we all know that. He’s also strong. I already talked to him and
he’s okay for now.” She reassures me.
I lean back into the headboard feeling dejected. Ma puts the blanket
back over me, and Rome takes his seat at the foot of the bed again.
“How much does he know?” I ask, even though I fear the answer. All
these years that small child kept that dark secret alone. Austin…
“The abuse. Hide-and-seek,” mom answers. Rome grips the bed sheet
and looks down with pain and anger.
“And Seoul?” I ask, even more frighten now.
“As far I as I know, the little girl is clueless. Austin said so himself,”
she replies. That gives me little comfort.
“When did this start Cass? Why didn’t you tell me?” Rome looks up at
me with glassy eyes, making my lips tremble.
I close my eyes, taking a few breaths as I conjure up memories of the
past both good and bad. My hands clasp together in my lap, and I try to stop
them from shaking.
“It wasn’t always like that. My father, he wasn’t always evil.” I open
my eyes and start the story of my unfortunate past.
“Pa used to love us and adore us. He was a father at one point. That
was until my teenage years. Something shifted in him. Mom was always
traveling for work at the time, while he worked and took care of us back at
home. He became lonely, I think. And Paris…” I close my eyes and let out a
strangle breath. “And Paris who often came over for sleepovers and to play
with Austin and Seoul became his obsession.”
I peek over to mom who breathes heavily, trying to contain herself and
then to Rome. He still had his head down, but I can see how tense his
muscles are. I feel awful that I’m going to have both of them relive this
nightmare and its details. But it must be done. I don’t want to hide anymore.
“I don’t know what exactly made him do it, or what clicked in his
brain to go after her. I don’t know how the mind of a predator works. All I
know is, as Paris continued to come over, my father stuck around the kids
more often. Most of the time I would be out with Rome so I didn’t see the
signs at first or any at all. Until one day…” I swallow what feels like a rock
in my pipeline.
“One day when Paris came over for a sleepover, my mother had left
for a business trip. The kids were sleeping in the basement as they like to
play down there. I also stayed down there to watch over them since they
were all still so young, I think I was fourteen at the time. I wasn’t sleeping
yet and was still playing on my phone. He came down the stairs and called
out to me when he saw I was still awake. I walked over to him, and he
slapped me right in the face, making me drop my phone. He scolded me for
still being awake. He told me I was disobedient for staying up so late. That
was the first time he hit me. That was the first time he threw me in a closet
and locked me in there. And I think, that was also the first time he…
molested Paris. She was only six at the time.”
I hear mom’s cry, but I can’t look at her as my own tears fall. I can’t
even look at Rome too.
“I didn’t understand why he locked me up. But he did that night. I just
remember crying out to my father to let me out. That I was sorry, and I
won’t stay up late anymore. It was cold and dark as I cried for him to open
the door, but he never came. At least not until what feels like a very long
time. He then told me to not be disobedient anymore. I could only agree. I
didn’t want to be locked up ever again. Little did I know that wouldn’t be
the last time.”
Rome stands up from the bed, gaining my attention. He walks
aimlessly for a few seconds before shouting and punching the wall a few
times, making me gasp. Mom doesn’t even flinch as she seems to be numb,
in a state of shock.
“Continue…” Rome finally says but still stand facing the wall.
“Every time after that night, whenever Paris comes over, my father
would lock me up, coming up with some kind of excuse that I did
something wrong. I never understood what I did wrong and didn’t know
why I needed to be locked up. But I think I know why now. Every single
time he locked me up, he was doing whatever disgusting act to Paris outside
the door. He locked me up, because I was old enough to know that what he
was doing was wrong. I was old enough to expose him. When my father
said I was always there, I was. Behind that door, in the small dark closet.
But because I was so scared and always yelling for help, my voice drowned
out her voice, her cries.”
Rome turns back to look at me with tears streaming down his face. I
look back at him and want to take all the pain he’s feeling right now away. I
want to keep this pain away from him forever.
“That night when I hid in the bathroom from you, I heard her voice
crying in the back of my mind. I heard my father’s voice telling her it’s
okay and it will be over soon…” I choke on a sob. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t
realize it sooner. At that time, all I thought about was myself. And after both
of my parents got locked up, I hid those memories away, never wanting to
revisit them ever again. It didn’t hit me until that night when you asked me
why I’m afraid of dark enclosed spaces. I promise, I never wanted to hurt
you. Any of you.”
Rome leans his body against the wall before slowly sliding down to
the ground, his hand gripping at his heart. Mom throws her face into her
palms and breaks down next to me, her cries of agony wracking through her
I throw my arms over her and hug her tightly. “I’m so sorry. I could
have saved her.”
I hug her until her cries turn into hiccups.
“And your scars…” Rome says, sounding so exhausted and lifeless
“I didn’t realize this too back then but now I know why my father
suddenly became violent. Sometimes he was drunk, sometimes he wasn’t
drunk at all. But every time he got angry, every time I had to hide my
siblings and he took his frustration out on me, it was because he hadn’t seen
Paris for a while. As time passed, she came over less and less and I got beat
more and more. The longest time was when I fell down the stairs. Paris
hadn’t come over for months. I remember running from him in the opposite
direction of where my siblings were hiding. He didn’t push me, but I ended
up losing my footing. It was then my mother found out about the abuse. But
I don’t know why she did absolutely nothing about it. She never hit me or
my siblings, but she also didn’t protect us. Instead, she ended up blaming
Paris for everything and did that God awful thing to her.”
“I’m so sorry, all because of my horrible parents everyone suffered so
much. I’m so sorry. I understand if you all hate me, my family.” This time
Mom throws her arms around me and embraces me. “I’ll leave. I’ll go as far
as possible.” I wail into her chest.
Rome throws his head between his knees, his shoulder trembles as he
silently sobs.
“My poor children. Why God? Why did you make my children suffer
so much? You don’t need to go anywhere. Ma isn’t angry with you. Ma
doesn’t hate you one little bit.” She cries into my shoulder. “It’s all over
now. It’s over now. It’s past us. We won’t ever speak of it again.”
The three of us sit in the bedroom for a long time with the sound of our
cries filling the silent void in the room and in our hearts. We sit there and
painfully release all the anguish of our dreadful past. We sit there and just

I stare at my sister’s photo over the fireplace in her room. The
revelation of the past tore me to pieces. My sister’s suffering. Cass’s
suffering. Everything that happened hit me like a bomb exploding within
me. Yet, it feels like I found a little closure. I give her a weak smile but then
change my mind and give her my best big brother smile.
“I really hope you finally found peace now, sis. I hope you are happy
and free wherever you are. We love and miss you dearly. Don’t worry about
us down here. We will live happily from now on.” I talk to her photo. And I
mean it.
What’s done is done. Now I know the truth about Cass, I know he
wasn’t wrong at all. My anger towards him will never be justifiable. I can
only try my best now to convince him to believe in us one last time. And I
don’t want to waste a single moment. Our pasts are shrouded in too much
darkness. It’s time we truly live happily.
At that moment, Yai rushes through the door. “Khun Noo! Cass packed
a bag and left the house! I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t stay.”
“Cass…” I run out of my sister’s room, down the stairs and out the
house. I am not losing you.
I scan the driveway and see his little body carrying a duffle bag,
walking towards the gates. I quickly run after him.
“Cass! Where are you going?” I shout when I near him but he doesn’t
stop. He doesn’t even turn around to look at me.
“Cass!” I reach out to him, stopping him and turning him to look at
me. Tears still stain his soft face as he looks at me. Another reminder of
how much I hurt him.
“Where are you going?” I ask, my voice softer but my grip is still on
his arm.
Cass places his hand over mine and removes my grip on him. “I’m
“Don’t go,” I breathe.
“It’s better this way,” he whispers. I can see his grip tightening on the
handle of his duffle bag. He’s going to leave me with exactly what he came
into this house with only.
“Stay with me.”
“You wanted me gone.”
“I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry.”
Cass smiles sadly. “Will you be sorry again the next time we get into a
fight? Will you get angry and push me away again?”
“I won’t. I won’t ever make that stupid mistake ever again,” I promise.
“You don’t love me Rome. You said so yourself.”
“I do! I love you Cass.” I say desperately. I really do love him. I love
him so much. I know I’m extremely stupid and don’t deserve him, but I
can’t live without him.
“I’m sorry for being so stupid all these times. Please forgive me one
last time. I won’t ever doubt you again. I promise.”
“I’m leaving Rome. We’ve all been hurt too much. Let’s not hurt each
other anymore.” Cass turns to go.
“What about your siblings? Where are you going to stay?” I ask,
stopping him.
“I’m going to pick them up right now from school. Whether we stay in
hotels or motels, I’ll find us a place.” He answers, without turning around.
It's only midday. Did he think to pull them out early and then just
disappear from my life?
“Stay Cass. Don’t go,” I whisper. Cass doesn’t reply to me but just
starts walking away.
I won’t let you go.
When it comes to Cass, I accept I don’t ever think rationally. This time
is no different. He can hate me and curse me all he wants, but he will have
to do it here.
I run to catch up to Cass and grab his arm.
“Rome, let go of me.” Cass yelps surprise. He pulls his arm back, but I
don’t let go. I’m never letting go of you ever again.
“Rome!” His voice gets higher as I pull him towards the house.
Cass keeps resisting me so I turn around and toss him over my
shoulder, making him drop his bag.
“Rome! What the hell! Put me down!” He shouts from behind me. I
ignore him and make my way to the house.
I carry Cass up the stairs and into our room, placing him on the bed.
He looks up at me angrily before pushing pass me. He stalks towards the
door, but I grab him again and throw him on the bed.
“I’m not letting you go, Cass.”
“You can’t stop me!” He shouts and dashes pass me.
I quickly catch him and throw him over my shoulder but this time I
don’t toss him on the bed. I carry him over to the closet before entering. I
quickly dig through a drawer, pulling out a bunch of neckties. Returning to
the bed, I set him down before grabbing his wrist and start fastening them
together with a tie.
“What the hell are you doing?” Cass yells and tries to struggle out of
my grasp. I sit on top of him so he can’t get up before I have his hands
bound together. Then I take another tie and tie his wrist to the headboard,
then back off him.
“What the hell! This is kidnap!” Cass yells, pulling at the ties. When
he figures he can’t get it loose, he looks at me fuming with his ever so
adorable pout on his face.
“Let me go Rome!” he shouts.
I start to back away, never taking my eyes off his gorgeous angry face.
I back off the bed and take a few steps back.
“I’m sorry for everything Cass. I’m so damn sorry.” I say with a single
tear leaving my eye. Then I drop down to my knees in front of him.
I’ll sit here on my knees and beg you for the rest of my life if I have to.
I won’t give up on us.

- 39 -

“Get off the floor,” I tell Rome. I pull at the ties, but it refuses to
budge. I look back at Rome who is still on the floor on his knees with his
head down. The bastard has finally gone insane. But yet my stupid heart
skips painfully as he kneels there on his knees.
“I told you to get off the floor!” I shout a little louder. Still, he doesn’t
move. “If you want to stay on your knees, do it, just untie me first!”
I can’t see his face with his head down, but his shoulder had the
slightest tremble and I know he’s crying. Once again, it pulls at my
heartstrings. Don’t be fucking weak, Cass!
I didn’t decide to leave Rome because I don’t love him but because
we, us, we’re nothing but trouble, pain and heartache together. Now that
they know the truth about everything, there’s no way in hell I can still stay
here. Even though Rome and his mother haven’t said anything bad and
maybe they will never admit to it, but me staying here will always be a
constant reminder of that hurtful past every time they look at my face. I
don’t want to be the reason for their suffering anymore.
Rome still hasn’t look up at me once. Fine, if he wants to sit on his
knees then so be it! I’ll just go to sleep. I turn my back to him and lay on
my side even though it’s uncomfortable. I close my eyes and ignore the
pounding in my chest.
“Cass…” Rome whisper from behind me. My eyes open but I don’t
turn around or answer him.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t protect you back then. I should have
known. I should have protected you. I shouldn’t have teased you for being
clumsy. I shouldn’t have made you go into dark places with me. I shouldn’t
have blamed you for anything. I shouldn’t have done a lot of things. I’m
sorry for all of it. But I’m not sorry for having fallen completely in love
with you. Please don’t leave me.”
I slowly release a breath before closing my eyes and letting my tears
run. Ignore him, Cass. Harden your heart and ignore him.
My eyes snap open and I blink a few times to clear my vision, I’m still
in Rome’s room. I didn’t realize how tired I actually was and really fell
asleep. But I guess that’s what happens when you so bravely jump into a
pool without knowing how to swim and catch a fever.
I stretch my body and try to pull at my arms only to realize I’m no
longer bound. I pull my hands to me and quickly get up, twisting my body
around. My eyes land on Rome who is still on his knees. The stupid
I turn my head to look at the clock on the wall and it’s almost four in
the afternoon. I’ve been out for a few hours and the kids will be home soon.
Don’t tell me he stayed like that this whole time while I slept?
I move off the bed and finally Rome looks up at me. His defeated eyes
call out to me, but I ignore him. I start walking away and he desperately
scrambles onto his feet with his face twisting in pain probably from staying
on his knees for too long.
“Where are you going?” He asks, his first few steps fumbling. Rome
grabs my arm stopping me.
“Bathroom.” I grind through my teeth. Rome reluctantly lets me go,
but I can feel his gaze burning through me as I enter the bathroom.
I quickly do my business and wash my hands. As I look at myself in
the mirror, the worry look on my face is apparent. Even if I don’t want to
worry about him, I can’t lie to myself. That’s just not who I am. I sigh and
throw some water on my face a few times before turning off the faucet. As I
exit the bathroom, Rome stands by the door with his head down, looking
like a lost puppy waiting for its owner. I take one look at him before
walking away.
“Where are you going?” Rome asks, following my every step but I
decline to answer. Once I make it to the door and reach for the knob, his
hand shoots out from behind me to grab my wrist. His broad body covers
my back as his warmth and closeness engulfs me.
“Rome, you can’t keep me lock up forever.” I say, barely above a
“Just until you promise not to leave me.”
His arms curl around my waist, pulling me into his embrace. He rests
his chin on my shoulder, holding me closely.
“Please Cass. I’m begging you. Please don’t leave me. I can’t live
without you.”
I can feel the thumping of my heart increasing. Whether it’s from his
words or his closeness, I’m not too sure, maybe both. All I know is that I
need to get away from him before he completely breaks down my already
weak walls, and I succumb to him.
“I don’t love you anymore…” I lie through a quiet whisper.
Rome inhales a shaky breath before releasing it slowly. “That’s okay.
I’ll just have to love you so much more then, enough for the both of us.”
“Will you listen! I– ” My voice turns into a shriek as Rome picks me
up and takes me over to the bed. He starts tying my wrist up behind me and
then to the headboard.
“What the hell! Rome! Stop this!” I shout loudly.
After Rome ties me up, he once again backs away from me and falls
onto his knees.
“You have gone completely mad!” I scream. Why the hell is he doing
this? And why the hell do I want him to get off the damn floor? In my heart,
I know the answer to both questions.
Suddenly, the door swings open and Austin runs in with mom
following close behind.
“What the hell are you doing with my Phi! I told you not to hurt him
again!” Austin shouts loudly but stops in his track as he sees me tied up on
the bed and Rome on his knees. His mouth opens with a confused look on
his face, his eyes dart between Rome and me. Mom gives us just as a
confusing gaze.
“Umm…” For a moment I’m lost for words.
“Austin! Come untie Phi!” I urgently push. “Mom help me, he’s gone
Mom looks at me and then to her son who still hasn’t moved a muscle.
Mom sighs and grabs Austin. “Austin honey, let’s not get involved in
lovers’ quarrel.”
“Ma…” I pout.
Austin nibbles on his lips before walking up to Rome. He leans into
Rome’s ears and whispers something before pulling back. He takes one last
look at me before turning around and walking out the door with mom.
“Austin…” I groan. These betrayers.
I lean back against the headboard frustrated. I stare at Rome angrily,
yet I can’t be one hundred percent mad at him with his current pitiful state.
Damn him!
“Get off the floor Rome! You think doing that will make me change
my mind? Do you think this is a drama? That I will become soft for you?” I
find myself using his words against him. Rome looks up at me with sad
puppy eyes and nods his head. I almost want to laugh but refrain from doing
so. Why did the bastard look so cute? Instead, I huff angrily.
“Rome, I’m hungry.” I say what I know will get him up and moving.
And right away, Rome gets up from the floor.
“Wait here a moment. I’ll go grab some food.” And just like that, he is
out the door.
As soon as he’s gone, I try pulling at the ties again. The bastard sure
knows how to tie a damn knot. The restraint isn’t loosening even with all
my tugging.
Rome soon returns with a tray of food. He sets the food down on the
nightstand and sits on the bed next to me.
“Untie me so I can eat.”
“I’ll feed you.”
“Rome…” I growl at him, but he stays adamant about feeding me.
He grabs the tray and sets it in front of him on the bed before picking
up the spoon and setting some rice and curry on it. He brings the spoon to
his lips, blowing on the food for a bit before bringing it to my lips. I make
no movement to take the food into my mouth.
“I can eat myself.” I ground through my teeth. Just at that moment, my
stomach grumbles angrily.
The little corners of his lips twitch the slightest before he nudges the
spoon indicating for me to open up and eat.
“I hate you…” I mumble before opening my mouth and inhaling the
food. The taste of the curry is exquisite, igniting all my taste buds.
“More.” I say through chewing. If he wants to feed me then so be it. I
just want to eat now that I had a taste. I’ve been sick in bed and very
Rome patiently feeds me until there’s nothing left and I’m fully
satiated. He holds up a glass of water with a straw to my lips and I happily
drink it all. When I clear both food and drink, Rome sets the dishes aside.
He grabs a napkin and slowly dabs at my lips.
Naturally, my gaze is glued on him. The rims of his eyes are red, and
he looks exhausted like this whole experience aged him, though he still
looks handsome. I wonder what’s going through his head right now, what
he is feeling in his heart right now as he so gently touches my lips with his
strong hands.
Are you hurting? I want to ask him. My lips slightly part but nothing
comes out.
Rome takes the napkin away and sets it on the side. He then looks at
me and gives me the smallest smile before getting off the bed. My eyes
follow him but widen when he goes to the same spot and gets down on his
knees with his head down.
“Rome!” I shout at him. “Stop this! Get up!”
I don’t like him on his knees one bit. Not like this. I move my body,
forgetting that I’m tied to the bed and fall back.
“Rome!” I cry out. “I swear if you don’t get up, I’ll hate you forever!”
Rome finally looks up at me, his eyes slant before he gets up from the
floor and speeds to me. His hands reach out to my face cupping my cheeks.
He then brushes away at my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. Only then
do I realize I’m crying.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t cry,” he whispers. That only makes my lips
tremble. My weak heart aches so badly for him.
Rome looks at me worriedly before sighing and then reluctantly unties
my hands. As soon as my hands drop, I shove his body away and quickly
wipe my eyes. I need to get away from him. I try to move past him but he
quickly grabs me from behind and pull me into his embrace.
“Don’t go…” He says, barely above a whisper.
“I…” I don’t even know what to say anymore. My brain tells me to
leave but my heart screams out to him.
“I’ll go.” Rome says from behind me.
“I’ll go. You and your siblings can stay here, and I’ll leave.” Rome
confirms. What the hell is he even saying?
“I’m sorry for everything.” Rome adds before I can reply. “I love you
Suddenly, his grip on me loosens and he completely lets me go. He
gets off the bed and makes for the door. In an instant, he’s gone, leaving me
feeling at a lost and a little empty. He left just like that. He left…
My conscience finally kicks in as I realize what just happened. I hop
off the bed and go after him.
“Rome wait!” I run out the bedroom door after him. The hallway is
already empty.
As soon as I make it to the end of the hall, I’m stop.
“Phi.” Austin calls out to me. I turn to look at the little boy who is
walking towards me, then turn my head back to the direction of the
“Austin…” I begin, turning my head back to look at him. Austin
surprises me as he runs up to me and throws his little arms around me.
“I’m sorry for not telling you I remembered.” He hugs me tightly.
I look at the little boy who isn’t so little anymore, embracing me.
That’s right, I still need to talk to him. I take one last look at the staircase
before bending down to Austin and hugging him right back.
“It’s okay. You don’t need to be sorry at all.” I tell him, gently patting
his back. “Everything is okay now.”
Rome… I’ll find you later. I promise.

“Where is Seoul?” I ask, sitting at the end of Austin’s bed with him
next to me.
“She’s with madam,” Austin replies.
“Austin, have you not been calling Phi Rome’s mother, mom?” I ask,
looking at him.
“Well… I did, but now I don’t know if it’s proper to call her that
anymore after everything that happened,” he admits.
“Oh sweetie.” I pull him into a hug.
“Phi…” Austin pushes out of my bear hug. “I’m not a little kid
anymore. You don’t need to call me sweetie.”
I chuckle ruffling his hair. “It doesn’t matter how old you are, you will
always be my sweet little Nong.”
Austin tsk but smiles.
“Anyways, calling her mom is okay. It’s a way of showing respect to
your elders. Unless she says otherwise, it’s okay to call her mom.”
“I can still respect her by calling her madam. It’s not like you and Phi
Rome are together, seeing how things are going,” Austin mumbles.
“Rome and I… it’s complicated. But that’s a story for another time.”
My mind wanders off to Rome for a split second. Where did he run off to?
“I wish you would stop hiding things from me. Like I said, I’m not a
kid anymore.” Austin looks up at me. He’s completely right. He’s beyond
his years. Always have been.
“Same to you, Austin. Phi wished you would have told me about what
you knew instead of holding everything in. It must have been so tough on
you, huh?” I take his little hand in mine, patting it gently.
Austin slowly shakes his head. “Not as hard as it’s been on you.”
“I actually don’t remember much,” Austin admits. “I just remember
that you always got hurt protecting us.”
“That’s already more than enough.” I clasp his hand tighter.
“What else?”
“Though my memories are hazy at best since I was so young, I
remember you making us play hide-and-seek whenever dad got mad. At
first, I didn’t understand why but then after you stopped hiding with us, I
figured it out, hearing your cries of pain. I was so scared, but I couldn’t do
anything to help you. All I could do at the time was cover Seoul’s ears so
she wouldn’t hear it too.” Austin sniffs and wipes his eyes.
“Austin…” I throw my arms around him. This whole time he must
have felt so hopeless.
“I thought that if I did my best in school and help take care of Seoul,
dad wouldn’t get so mad at you all the time. So, I started working really
hard at my studies but turns out, that didn’t help at all. I’m sorry I couldn’t
help you back then, Phi. But I promise to help you now no matter what. I’m
bigger now.” Austin cries in my arms.
“Austin, my sweet brother. You’ve helped Phi more than I can ever
thank you for. You and Seoul gave me strength every single day to fight and
be strong. So don’t ever say you did nothing. You helped me and protected
our little sister so well. Be proud.” I assure him. “I assume Seoul was too
young to remember much at all?”
“She doesn’t remember, but her fear of the dark and thunderstorms
may stem from that. Just like your fear.” Austin says, which I can
acknowledge. Although my fear stems from something even deeper and
My eyes squint wondering if he knows about Paris. “Do you remember
anything else?”
Austin shakes his head. “Just a little of the night our parents were
taken away, but I don’t know why, and it was so loud at the time so I can’t
recall much. But I don’t need to know why. I’m well aware that the police
take away bad people. And to me, you are both my mother and father and
also big brother.”
“Thank you, Austin, that means so much to me, truly.”
I sigh internally in relief but give him an adoring smile. If he knew
about what happened to Paris, he’d probably be traumatized for life.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” I ask him.
“Because, you never said anything about it. And when dad was taken
away, I’m sorry but… I was happy. I was happy he couldn’t hurt you
anymore. I just wanted to forget about it.”
I shake my head slowly at him. He doesn’t need to feel sorry for his
feelings. Deep down, I think I was relief in a way too. No more beatings, no
more closets.
“And mom? You never questioned about her?” I ask, curious that he
never mentioned her.
“To be honest, I don’t even remember her much. I just know that she
was always away. And when she was actually there, we still had to hide. So,
that must mean she wasn’t on our side.” I give him a sad smile. It was true
that our mother was always on business trips, and it was also true she did
nothing to stop our father. So it made sense if he didn’t remember her much.
“You’re so strong Austin. Phi is very thankful for you and so proud of
you. Thank you for growing up so well.” I hug him again.
“Thank you for raising us so well. I’m sorry if I gave you trouble
growing up.” Austin also thanks me and apologizes. I shake my head and he
hugs me back.
“Let’s forget all about it and never speak of it again. Let the past be the
past and let’s move on with our present and future.” I smile at him, and he
“Then what are you going to do with Phi Rome?” He suddenly asks,
surprising me.
“Remember mom say for you to stay out of lovers’ quarrel?”
“So you admit he’s still your lover?” Austin raises a brow at me and
This little devil. I can feel my cheeks warming. I playfully shove him
away and he chuckles.
After leaving Austin’s room, I find my phone and try calling Rome.
Unfortunately, he left his phone in the room. Sighing frustrated, I make my
way down the stairs. Just as I exit the foyer Nom calls out to me.
“Khun Cass, where are you going?”
“Umm… do you happen to know where Rome went?”
“Oh Khun Noo… yes,” Nom replies.
“Where is he?” I sound a little too desperate. I quickly straighten up
and clear my throat. I’m only looking for him because it makes no sense for
him to leave his own home just so I can stay here.
“You don’t have to worry much about Khun Noo. He’s not far away.”
Nom informs.
So where is he?
Nope smiles a little, something I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.
“He’s in the pool house.” Nom says, reading my mind.
“What… pool house?” I look in the direction of the pool house.
That bastard made it seem like he was leaving. He’s hiding out in the
pool house?
“Thanks Nom.” I turn around and enter back into the house.
You’re in the pool house huh? Fine, I’ll play his game and I will win. I
almost got tricked. Yet, a sense of relief washes over me that he actually
didn’t really leave.

- 40 -

I should have brought my phone. A whole night and day already
passed and I’m going crazy. I miss him. At least with my phone, I can look
at his photos.
According to Nom, Cass hasn’t tried to leave since I came out here to
the pool house. For the most part, that’s a good thing but don’t the little
minx know I miss him like crazy. Can’t he come out here and yell at me for
still being here? I rather have him mad and in front of me than not see him
at all.
I’m fully aware I fucked up big time and I have to atone for my sins
but God, please let Cass be the one to come punish me. Don’t just let him
ignore me forever.
At the very least, I got one person on my side. Austin is back on my
side. I remember the words he whispered in my ears before walking out of
the bedroom and leaving Cass tied to the bed. I thought for sure he and my
mother were going to release Cass and give me an earful. Instead, Austin
whispered to me, he will trust me one last time because deep down he
knows I’m a good person. And that I make his Phi happy even though we
are fighting right now.
I will make sure to only make him happy from now on. It’s a promise I
don’t intend to ever break again. If I do, strike me with lightning.
A knock comes from outside the pool house glass door. I turn my head
to look and see a silhouette of a female out there. I sigh, sitting up straight
on the couch.
“Come in.” I call out.
Cindy walks in with a tray, consisting of my dinner.
“Khun Noo, I brought your dinner.” Cindy announces as if I can’t see.
She carries the tray and sets it down on the little round table by the
“Thanks Cindy, you may leave.” I tell her.
My appetite has evaded me since finding out everything. No, even
before that, when I kicked Cass out of the house and he himself was living
here. Just thinking about it, makes me sad and angry with myself.
“Cass made dinner tonight.” Cindy tells me, not having moved an inch
from the table. That catches my attention and I lift my gaze to her. She
looks at me with a thin smile. Cindy knows well that I haven’t been eating
much since it’s her whose been bringing my meals and collecting the dish
I get up and make my way to the table, sitting down and immediately
recognize Cass’s cooking. I grab the spoon placing a spoonful of his
cooking on it but before I put it in my mouth, my eyes look up at Cindy
who still hasn’t left.
“You may leave Cindy.” I say, setting the spoon back down.
“Want my advice?” She gives me a sly smile.
“No thanks.”
“Are you sure? All the advice I gave Cass always work on you.”
I tsk. “Don’t tell me it was your bright idea to have Cass walk around
the house half naked.”
“Yes, that was me.” She proudly admits with a smile. Little does she
know, she’s so close to being fired. On second thought… was it her too who
advised Cass to send those photos? If so, she deserves a raise.
I give her a thin smile but before I can say anything, she speaks again.
“Anyways. I brought you this.” Cindy digs in her pocket and pulls out
my phone. “I picked it up while cleaning the room today. Call me when you
want advice on how to win Cass back.”
Cindy sets the phone down next to the food and skips out of the pool
house. That little brat. No wonder she and Cass gets along. Once again, I
pick up the spoon and this time, I devour everything.
After dinner and after debating for some time, I reluctantly pick up my
phone and dial Cindy’s number, hoping I won’t regret this at all.

The next day, I finally left the pool house and entered the main house.
Not to stalk Cass down or anything, well if I can get a glance at him that
would be nice, but to grab some work documents and my laptop. I’ve been
avoiding my work duties for too long, and Adam is ready to go crazy on my
As I exit my office, I look down the hall that leads to our bedroom. Is
he in there? My eyes linger there for a moment longer. I hear the sound of a
throat clearing and turn my head towards the noise.
“What are you daydreaming about there, son?” My mother appears but
my attention is on the person next to her. Cass stands beside her, holding
her arm. He takes a quick glimpse at me before looking away. He looks
exquisite as usual. Soft but fierce.
“About you.” I say, my eyes never leaving him.
“About Cass, mom.” My gaze shifts to my mother. The corner of her
lips moves, and Cass inhales a shaky breath but keeps his gaze away.
“Well then, Cass and I are about to have tea in my room with Yai if
you would like to join us,” she offers.
“Mom…” Cass pouts shaking my mother’s arm gently before stealing
a glance at me.
“It’s okay Ma.” I reply to her. “Just came in to grab some stuff for
I trudge by them quickly, whispering to Cass as I pass by. “You look
nice today.”
Cass’s body reacts with the slightest shiver, and he bites down on his
bottom lip. That makes me smile internally. This is enough for now. I got to
see a glimpse of him and I’m happy. I walk away knowing that at least he
still reacts to me the same. I haven’t totally lost yet.

He drives me insane. The crazy man is currently standing out there
with an umbrella staring at me through the kitchen window as I make lunch.
For the past days, he has been mimicking everything I did when I
wanted to prove myself to him. He waits for me in the morning when I go
out to send the kids off to school, his beady little eyes following my every
movement before telling me to have a nice day. Today it’s raining and like I
did, he’s out there with an umbrella standing in the rain. I hope he doesn’t
try to jump in the pool because no way in hell can I save his ass.
Yet, I can’t deny the little sparks in my heart with his every act. Did he
feel the same way as I do right now? Obviously not. He didn’t budge until I
jumped into that pool. But to be fair, I did drop a bomb on him. So, I
understand why he was so upset at the time but still… it was me. The fool
should have caved a little.
I huff agitated. These memories are just memories now. I told myself
I’m going to move on. I look up out the window and lock on his gaze right
away. He smiles at me, and I flip him off. His smile immediately falters,
making me chuckle silently.
Ignoring him, I finish preparing lunch. Cindy soon walks in, ready to
take a tray out to Rome which she’s been doing since he left the house.
Apparently, it was on mom’s order.
“You’re really not going to give it up?” Cindy asks, her eyes on Rome
before turning to look at me.
“Cindy, I will murder you if you try to lecture me again.”
Cindy laughs at my threat. “You love me too much.”
“Well lately you’ve been pretty annoying,” I grumble. She’s been on
my ass about Rome. In fact, everyone has been. Cindy, Mom, Yai, even
Austin and Seoul. I feel like everyone is against me.
“Ouch, my dear friend.” Cindy feigns hurt. “I’m just looking out for
“By sending me back to that guy?”
“That guy is your lover. Austin told me,” she teases.
“Cindy…” I give her a stern look.
“Okay. Okay. I’m just saying. Don’t you feel bad for him? I mean look
at him out there.”
“Nothing I haven’t gone through.”
“Exactly. You’ve been through it. You know how it feels. It hurts,
right?” Cindy becomes serious.
Yes. It hurt a lot. And now I’m subjugating him to the same pain I felt?
“Cindy, I just…”
“I know, Cass. I know. Just listen to your heart. What you want most. I
just thought, it’s about time we all become happy again. As a friend, I
haven’t seen you smile since he left the house.” Cindy says, before grabbing
the tray in my hand. The tray that I just so carefully prepared for Rome even
though I tell myself I want nothing to do with him.
I look up to see Cindy by the window showing Rome the tray. He nods
his head before taking one last longing look at me, turning around and
walking back towards the pool house.
My hand automatically reaches for my heart. I place a hand there and
my heartbeat erratically thumps against my palm. Are you thumping
because he was here, or are you thumping because he’s no longer here?
By dinner time the rain no longer fell. Everyone gathers around the
dinner table except for Rome of course.
“I miss Phi Rome.” Seoul announces as we eat. My chewing pauses
for a moment before I swallow.
“I admit, I kind of miss him too,” Austin adds.
I miss him too…
I gasp at my own thought.
“I don’t understand why he and Phi Cass are taking turn living in the
pool house when this house is so big.” Seoul mentions between chewing.
“Two words.” Austin puts up two fingers. “Lovers’ quarrel.”
“What is that?” Seoul asks her brother.
“Something we have to stay out of.”
“Austin…” I almost growl.
“I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Mom assures them. “Speaking of Rome,
Cindy did you bring him dinner?”
“Ah… well he wasn’t in the pool house, so I brought the dinner back.”
My ears perk at Cindy’s reply. Where did he go?
“Poor child of mine. Can’t even eat properly out there.” Mom
mentions looking at me, making me blush in embarrassment. Although she
hasn’t outright accused me of banning her son, she’s been dropping hints
that she wants him back in the house.
“Oh well. He’ll eat when he’s hungry.” She shrugs her shoulder like
this doesn’t bother her.
I’m starting to feel like an ass. This is his house after all. But he won’t
let me leave so he ended up leaving himself. But do you really want to
leave? There goes that erratic thump in my chest again.
I finish eating my food in silence. Once everyone finished and
dispersed, I go look for Nom.
“Khun Nom?” I find him just outside his room.
“Do you happen to know where Khun Noo disappeared to?”
“Khun Noo…” For the first time, Nom looks a little dumbfounded and
scratches his head.
Don’t tell me he doesn’t know too? The last time I saw Rome was
during lunch when he stood outside in the rain. That last look he gave me,
now it was haunting my heart.
“Khun Noo… he’s in the shed out back,” Nom says.
“Huh?” I give him a confused look. “What do you mean he’s in the
“I’m not too sure myself. This evening Khun Noo approached me and
insisted I lock him up in the shed.” Nom continues to scratch his head. “I
actually just came back from trying to release him, but he refused to leave.”
That dumbass! What is he thinking? Why in the hell would he… he’s
putting himself through everything I went through. The realization hits me. I
cannot believe he will go this far. He is indeed crazy. But he’s my crazy.
My eyes widen.
“Nom give me the key!” I demand, dropping all honorifics with him.
Nom digs in his pocket and places the key in my palm. I turn around and
race towards the shed.
Once outside the shed door, I unlock it and open it. The shed creeks
loudly in the now quiet night. It’s dark but I know exactly where Rome is.
His black silhouette sits by the spot I once laid. His eyes lift to find mine,
making me gasp. Even though it’s dark, I can see the glistening of tears.
I exhale a heavy breath slowly, already a little fear crawls at my skin
for what I’m about to do. But it’s okay, I trust him.
I turn around, grab the door and shut us in. I breathe slowly again to
control my nerves as we’re surrounded by complete darkness. With small,
slow steps, I make my way towards where he is sitting. When the toe of my
slipper bumps into him, I grab the wall in front of me and station myself
next to him on the floor. Nothing can be heard but our breathing.
Suddenly, I feel Rome’s hands on mine. His hands are warm, large and
“It’s okay… I’m here.” Rome breathes, clasping my already cold
hands in his.
I want to just dive into his embrace and tell him I fucking love him.
That I don’t want to go anywhere and stay by his side forever. I sigh in
defeat. I lean my head towards him, resting it on his shoulder.
“You’re stupid doing this.” I finally say. “It won’t change anything.”
“You’re the idiot coming in here when you’re so obviously afraid.” He
replies, but in a soft tone.
“I came in here for the same reason I followed you around to all those
dark corners back then. I trust you.”
“Why would you trust me now?”
“Because it’s you.”
“And when I said nothing will change. I mean nothing will change
even if you do this or even if you don’t. My feelings for you will never
change. I loved you back then, I love you now, and I’ll love you tomorrow.”
I confess.
Rome inhales a shaky breath next to me before he releases one hand
from mine. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me against his
“I love you so much too. I’m so sorry for everything, Cass. I’m so
damn sorry.” There is a slight quiver to his voice.
“You must have been so scared when I locked you in here.”
“I was…” a small smile touches my lips. “But I think in here was the
first time I found my rainbow.”
I remember that colorless world I made for myself, and I remember the
rainbow that greeted me for the first time here. It was him. It was Rome.
He’s my rainbow.
“I don’t get that reference but I’m glad you found your rainbow?”
Rome questions, making me giggle lightly.
“Mmm. And I almost kicked him out of the house.” I turn my face up
to look at him. My eyes faintly adjusting to the dark now.
Rome doesn’t reply to that, but I can almost imagine the confused look
on his face which makes me smile.
“Why did you come in here, Cass?” Rome asks.
“Because… because I want to smile again,” I admit. Cindy was right
about me not smiling anymore.
“Thank you, Cass. Thank you for coming back.” His hand curls around
my neck and he lifts my head up. I feel his warm lips on mine and allow
him to linger for as long as he needs. He kisses me softly, without moving a
muscle. Just letting our lips connect and letting our minds remember the
sweetest touch between us.
When Rome finally backs away, he pulls me in closer within his
embrace. I willingly wrap my arms around his body and drown myself in
his warmth. We stay like this for a while, just soaking in each other’s
presence. God, I miss him.
“Rome.” I finally speak up.
“Yes love?” A tiny bolt of satisfaction runs down my back with him
calling me love. Okay, a big bolt of satisfaction.
“This will be the last time I speak of this and then never again.” I
swallow the little lump in my throat. “What happened to my father?”
Rome stays silent for a bit while his thumb makes little circles on my
“He’s gone. Not the gone you think.” He quickly adds. “I threatened
him pretty badly and had him leave the country.”
“He’s no longer here?” I’m a little shock.
“Mmm. Gone from our lives forever.” Rome confirms and I nod my
Knowing that monster, Rome must have done something horrific
enough to scare even the likes of him away.
“Thank you for keeping your promise of protecting me and my
siblings.” I lift my head up and place a kiss on his jaw.
“Does this mean, you forgive me, Cass?” His voice is still unsure.
I shake my head in his chest. “There’s nothing to forgive. I rather we
just forget the past and start new, fresh, happy. With new memories,
“I love you, Cass.”
“I love you, Rome.”
Rome captures my mouth, this time kissing me passionately with all
the love in the world. His tongue finds mine and a battle for dominance
begins as our tongues intertwine. His hand slides down my arms to my legs
caressing me for a moment before he lifts me up and sits me on top of him.
“Rome, we're in the shed.” I say, between kisses.
I know exactly what he wants, and I want the same. Our hard cocks
grinding against each other speaks volumes.
“I’ll give you new memories to think about, baby. Starting with
making love to you right here and now, in this dark enclosed space.” Rome
bites my lips before taking my mouth again.
His hands find my ass and kneads it, pressing my core hard against his.
I moan loudly down his throat as I wrap my arms around his neck. The
sensation overwhelming my senses. The desire and lust, deliciously
How did I ever think I could leave him and give this up. I must have
been out of my mind. I silently chuckle at my own thoughts. He belongs
only to me and I, only to him.
- 41 -

It’s been too long since I had Cass in my arms. I miss his touch, I miss
his warmth, his soft kisses and sultry voice. I miss him, all of him.
The shed drowns us in darkness, but I remember every little part of
Cass’s body. Every little detail. I don’t need light to see exactly what I’m
I grab Cass’s shirt and pull it off over his head tossing it aside then
removing my shirt after. Cass sits on top of me and quickly reconnects our
lips as my hand finds the handles of his waist. I dig my fingers in, pulling
his body flush against mine. Cass breaks our kiss and lays his forehead on
mine, heavily breathing. For a moment we stay like this, our bodies glue
together just dwelling on the familiar feeling of warmth only we can give
each other.
“I miss you so much, love,” I whisper.
My hand slowly slides up his body from his waist up over his chest
and harden nipple, to the pulse of his neck and stop at his face. Cass’s face
spread as a smile stretches across his lips.
“And I love you even more.” I say cupping his cheek.
“Show me how much you love me Rome.” Cass turns his face, taking
a single finger of mine into his mouth. He wraps his tongue around my
finger and starts sucking, slowly but greedily. His hips grind against mine,
rubbing our dicks together. He moans softly as he slowly moves his hips,
his voice vibrating on my finger.
My body is on fire. I need him now. I all but growl as I remove my
finger from his mouth. I thread my fingers into the back of his hair pulling
his head back and exposing his neck. I take a hungry bite at his neck
emitting a loud guttural moan from Cass. I suck hard on his skin like my
life depends on it. At this point, it really does.
With my lips still attach to his skin, I reach for his pants and pull them
away from his legs. Cass lifts himself up enough for me to get his pants off.
Then we both immediately start working on mine. Naked at last, I waste no
time and position my cock at his hole. Digging my nails into his side, I slam
his little body down on my cock.
“Ahhh…” Cass moans loudly, his hands now on my shoulders, and he
digs his claws into my skin. I release his neck long enough to moan loudly
with him in satisfaction. Yes, I miss this fucking feeling of his tight little
hole around my hard dick so badly.
I move my hand down and cup his cheeks spreading them. Slowly, I
start moving his body, sliding my dick in and out of his sweet little hole.
Cass finds my face and moves my head back as his lips come crashing
down on mine. He thrust his tongue down my throat licking every corner of
my mouth, encouraging me to plunge into him harder and faster as he
begins bouncing up and down on my dick at his own accord. I growl in his
mouth and begin thrusting upwards hard and fast which only makes Cass
kiss me even more hungrily. He devours my lips as I destroy his hole.
Needing air, Cass breaks the kiss and throws his arms around my neck
panting heavily. He’s close. I know he’s close because I am too.
“Touch me babe.” He gasps in my ears, his grip around my cock
becoming tighter.
I remove one hand from his ass and bring it to his front, taking hold of
his gorgeous dick.
“Yes…” He moans as I start stroking him to every thrust. The sound of
our skins slapping against each other becomes louder and more desperate.
Cass sinks his teeth into my neck, grunting loudly as his body starts
convulsing on top of me. I throw my head back, hitting the wall behind me
as I scream out in both pain and pleasure. Waves and waves of
immeasurable euphoria shoots down my groin, straight out of my dick and
into Cass’s tight walls.
Cass falls limp on top of me, his hands slide down to his side with his
breathing still heavy.
“I miss this so much,” Cass pants.
“More than you miss me?” I grin at him.
“Maybe…” he teases.
“Well then…” I pick Cass up off the floor. “If you miss it so much, we
must continue.”
“Rome! Put me down!” He shakes a little in my arms.
“No.” I hold Cass in my arms as I pin him against the wall and shove
my dick into him, his walls fitting me like a glove.
“Ahh. Fuck.” Cass groans, his still sensitive hole spreads easily for me
“Wrap your legs around me Cass.” He doesn’t have to be told twice.
He wraps both his arms and legs around me as I continue to fuck him hard
against the wall.
Cass runs his tiny claws down my back for sure leaving his mark
behind. It’s painful but so damn pleasurable. It only adds on to my
animalistic need of wanting to completely and utterly ruin him.
“Fuck!” I growl slamming my lips against his as a strong possessive
emotion takes over me.
Cass moans loudly in my mouth with another orgasm hitting him, his
cum coating our stomachs. I push into him one last time and drain out my
dick inside of him.
I place my forehead on his, our breaths intertwine like we are
breathing for each other.
“You’re mine, Cass. Only mine. Now and forever.”
“I’m yours.” Cass breathes looking at me. “Now and forever.”
I cup the side of his face while I still hold him up against the wall with
my body. I place a few gentle kisses on his lips.
“And I’m forever yours,” I whisper.

In the morning, I wake up to Cass laying in my arms, back in bed with

me where he belongs. After making love another time in the shed, I
reluctantly allowed Cass to get dressed and we left the shed with me
piggyback riding him back to our bedroom.
The little minx claimed he couldn’t walk anymore or rather even stand
anymore. But once we got into the bedroom, he was shaking his little tail in
front of my face again. So, I fucked him again and again in every single
inch of our room. I almost feel bad for whoever that will come up here to
clean after us. Leaving Cass alone, I prepare to work from home.

At exactly four in the afternoon, I shut off my computer and walk out
of my home office. I immediately start looking for Cass. The kids will be
home soon, and I want to get a quickie in before they come.
I find Cass in the library sitting next to the fireplace with Cindy by his
side. They’re giggling about something on his phone. I don’t know what it
is, but I quite enjoy that smile on his face, the depth of his dimples and the
sound of his giggles. But I’d enjoyed it even more if Cindy left us alone in
here so he can give me that look as I thrust my dick inside him. I clear my
throat, catching their attention.
“What are you two giggling about?” I ask, moving towards them.
Cass quickly puts his phone down.
“Nothing.” He looks like a guilty cat.
“Uh huh. Cindy?”
“We’re looking at sex toys!” Cindy blurts out.
“Cindy!” Cass jumps out of his seat, his face turning red. He gives her
a death glare before he peeks at me from under his lashes as he gnaws on
his bottom lip.
“I can’t lie to Khun Noo.” Cindy defends herself.
“Leave us.”
“Yes Khun Noo. Would you like me to shut the door on the way out?”
She asks like this conversation is the most normal thing ever. I raise a brow
at her, and she immediately understands, shutting the door on her way out.
I stare at Cass as he stands there nervously and embarrassed. He has
one hand gripping his phone tightly and his other gripping the side of his
pants. I walk over to him and sit down where he just sat. The seat is warm
and still smells of him. I reach out my hand, grabbing his wrist and gently
pull him down. Cass falls into my lap, sitting on top of me.
“Can I see too?” I wrap my arms around him and pull his body closer
to mine until his back rests on my chest.
“No…” Cass decline sounding like a child. “I’m embarrassed.”
“Cass love, look at me.” I say in a calm gentle tone. He turns his head
towards me.
“With me, you never have to be embarrassed. And if you are, you
never have to hide what you are feeling. Just tell me and I will be
embarrassed with you. You’re so precious to me, anything and everything
you do, I will adore.” I push back a piece of loose hair from his face. I see
he is sporting the fashion Cindy recommended again.
“Seriously?” He asks, and I nod my head. “Don’t laugh at me okay.”
“Mmm.” I nod again.
He picks up his phone and shoves the screen in my face, turning his
head away still embarrassed. I smile at him before turning my attention to
his phone and my eyes almost pops out of its sockets. Fuzzy nipple clamps
stare me in the face, along with a light blue furry choker and a long metal
chain attached to it. Similar blue cat ears and a blue tail with an end that
plugs into where the light doesn’t shine concludes the set. I swallow the
lump in my throat, already imagining my little minx in the costume and my
dick hardens.
I lick my dry lips and look up, catching Cass staring at me. He quickly
looks away and tears the phone from my face.
“See. That’s it.” Cass quickly says.
That’s it? That’s my new fucking life goal. To get him in that outfit.
Maybe except for the tail. That hole belongs to my dick only.
“Whose bright idea was it to look at sex toys?” I ask.
I chuckle, already guessing it was her.
“She’s trouble, isn’t she?” I say to which Cass nods his head. “Remind
me to give her a raise.”
“What?” He snaps his head back, eyeing me. I shrug, raising a brow at
“She’s trouble. You’d fire her if you know the things she advised me to
do,” Cass says smugly.
“Like trot around the house half naked or like sending me naughty
pics?” I tease him.
“She told you!” I nod with a grin on my face. “That untrustworthy
“She also gave me advice.” I tell Cass. He turns in my lap to face me.
“She said that if I wanted to win you back, I simply had to go through
everything I put you through which I already started myself when I moved
to the pool house.” I admit to Cass what Cindy told me. This causes Cass to
start laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I question.
“She wasn’t trying to help you. She just wanted you to suffer.” Cass
giggles. There’s that smile again. It automatically makes me smile too.
“Why would she want me to suffer?”
“Because that’s my best friend.” Cass sticks his little tongue out at me.
“Oh, so that untrustworthy person is your best friend again?” I flip
Cass down on the couch and start tickling him. I don’t care why Cindy
advised me what she did. I just want to hear his laugh.
Cass squirms under my touch and laughs loudly. His little body twists
from left to right.
“Stop! Stop!” His gleeful voice fills my ears.
I grab Cass’s hands and pin them down beside his head and lock our
fingers together. I bend down over Cass, a smile on my face and he still
“Buy it for me?” I ask in a low tone.
“Buy what?” He tilts his head a little to the side.
“That kitty costume. Buy it.”
Cass’s lips spread widely across his face. “I already did. With your
credit card.”
A satisfied grin paints my face and I bend down to capture his lips. I
can’t wait to see him in it. And he can use my card all he wants so long as I
get to see him in a new outfit every day.
“I love you so fucking much.” I mouth between kisses.
“I love you so fucking much too.” My lips stop moving as I hear the
intruding voice of the bastard I will soon be murdering. I turn my head to
face Tye, Kale and Chance standing there. Tye, being the degenerate that he
is, makes kissy faces at us.
Cass gently pushes me away from him. I get up and help him up to his
feet. His face already sporting his usual embarrassed expression.
“Finally, you two are back at peace! I thought I was going to have to
smack some sense into the both of you when I heard about everything that
happened,” Tye says.
“Try touching Cass with those slimy fingers of yours and I’ll break
each and every bone in your hands,” I threaten.
Cass gently smacks my chest. “Be nice.”
“This is me being nice, dear.” I turn to look at Cass and he gives me
angry eyes making me swallow. “Yes dear.”
I turn back to Tye and give him a fake smile.
“What do we owe this visit?” I ask.
“Well…” Tye starts. “It turns out, I’m getting married!”
“What!” Both Cass and I plus Kale and Chance, all shout at once. I’m
guessing this is the first time they are hearing it too.
Tye just stares at us, grinning widely.

I stand and stare at the wedding hall dressed in a navy-blue suit,
matching the rest of the groomsmen which consist of the same group of
guys, me, Rome, Kale and Chance. Guests of many ranging in hundreds
gathered in this lavishly decorated giant hall to witness the reunion of Tye
and his partner. One who we haven’t even met yet.
After he dropped the news of his wedding, he dropped the bomb that it
was this weekend, and we are all to be a part of his wedding party. When
we questioned him about who he is marrying, he dodged the question
saying we will soon find out.
I’m as confused as ever since I’ve never seen Tye with anyone. And
even more confused is Rome since they are best friends. If I’m not
mistaken, Rome seems a little worried for his best friend because this is so
unlike Tye to just up and get married. Or is it? The man is crazy and will do
I walk over to Rome who stands next to Tye, the two talking in hush
“Are you being threatened?” I hear Rome asks.
“Don’t be silly,” Tye laughs. “I like this man. He’s cute.”
“Cute isn’t a reason to marry someone,” Rome replies. It really isn’t.
“Who is he?”
“You’ll see.” Tye smiles mischievously. “I have to go! The ceremony
is about to start.”
I grab Rome’s arm and he turns to look at me as Tye runs off.
“He’s crazy,” Rome mouths.
“Insanely,” I add. “You’re worried about him.”
“Mmm.” Rome nods his head. “It’s just so sudden.”
“He’s an adult. He knows what he is doing. Besides, this new partner
of his might just be the most awesome person in the world. Why else will
Tye give up his freedom.” I joke, trying to cheer Rome up.
“No one is as awesome as you.” Rome says, wrapping his arms around
me and planting a quick kiss on my lips. “It’s starting. Let’s get into place.”
Rome and I move onto the stage area and stand next to Kale and
Chance on one end. On the other end, stands a group of men from the other
groom’s side. Guests quickly find their seats as the music starts playing.
Mom sits down next to Yai, Cindy and Sun. Even Ping and Nom are here
attending the wedding but are sitting further away.
As the music begins, Austin and Seoul emerge dressed elegantly.
Austin holding the pillow with the rings and Seoul a basket of flowers. Yes,
my siblings were dragged to be a part of the wedding too.
Both walk down the aisle side by side. Austin with a small smile while
Seoul a huge one, enjoying all the attention on her. She looks like an angel
after all, in her pretty flower dress. And Austin as handsome as any eleven-
year-old can be. After they pass, the wedding march music plays on the
grand piano and everyone stands, awaiting the two grooms to enter.
As both enter, hand in hand, my jaw drops to the floor. Hand in hand,
Tye and Adam walk down the aisle together, both with a smile on their face.
“What. The. Actual. Fuck.” I hear Rome say next to me.
What the fuck is correct. Adam and Tye? Since when did this
happened? I would never have imagined this pairing a day in my life.
Tye grins at our reactions and Adam looks like he’s about to cry when
his face lands on Rome’s. Tye gently taps Adam’s hand, encouraging him to
not be afraid of Rome. I also tap Rome on the shoulder.
“Smile Rome,” I whisper.
“Do you see what I’m seeing or am I already drunk?” he whispers
“I see and I’m just as shock as you.” I say through my smile.
Tye and Adam make it to the alter and the wedding officiant begins.
I listen carefully as words of life and love are spoken. I watch as both
Tye and Adam look at each other adoringly throughout. As their hands
tighten together and as they put a ring on each other’s finger. As they say
yes and their lips touch. This is all real. Just the look they give each other
says it all. They are both truly in love. It’s crazy but it’s real. I’m happy for
As the crowd erupts in cheers and laughter, my gaze naturally finds
Rome. Although shocked at first, he’s now smiling approvingly. Just like
me, he’s figured out that this reunion is true.
Rome turns back to look at me, a soft smile on his face.
“Should we be next?” He says, making my heart skip a beat and my
breath hitch. I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life
with Rome as my husband.
“I don’t know. Are you ready to be shackled to me for the rest of your
life?” I tease him.
Rome laughs. “I’m ready to stay on my knees for you and eat out of
the palm of your hands forever if you will let me.”
“On your knees?” I smirk at him.
“With your dick in my mouth.” Rome whispers, licking the corner of
his lips.
“Rome…” I gently slap his chest making him chuckle.
After the ceremony completes, we wait at our table for the grooms to
emerge once more for the reception. Not long after, both Adam and Tye
come in, hand and hand, heading for our table. Tye with the biggest smile
on his face.
He sits down across from Rome and me, pulling Adam to sit next to
him. Adam still looks a little uncomfortable with Rome since he works for
him. Kale and Chance join us at the table.
“Now I know you all are dying to know.” Tye begins.
“No, not really.” Rome says, sounding bored.
“Yes you are!” Tye snaps, making me laugh. I really am dying to know
how this reunion came to be.
“First, let me berate you Rome for hiding such a handsome guy from
me. You never told me your secretary is so hot.” Tye sneers at Rome and
Adam blushes beside him.
“Get on with it Tye. I’m sure you didn’t marry my secretary only
because he’s hot. Oh no but wait, that’s something you would actually do,”
Rome says. He turns his gaze to Adam. “I don’t know what you are
thinking, marrying that crazy psycho. But good luck. And you still have to
come into work on Monday.”
“Rome be nice. Adam, you don’t have to come into work. Enjoy your
time. Both of you.” I say with a smile.
“Oh?” Rome turns to look at me. “So you’re giving orders now to my
“Am I not allowed to?” I give him a challenging gaze. Rome smirks at
me. He likes it when I talk back to him.
“Hello! It’s about me here!” Tye interrupts us, waving his hand.
“Sorry Phi,” I reply.
“It’s okay. Anyways. After the whole incident at the club, I decided I
cannot and will not be alone anymore while you four shake your little
behinds all around me. So, I went hunting and I found my baby, Adam. We
met, had a drink and everything just clicked and fell into place.”
“How come you guys didn’t tell us?” I ask.
“I stopped him,” Adam admits. “I work for Khun Noo, so I didn’t want
to make things uncomfortable dating his best friend. Plus, you both were
going through your own issues at the time up until recently. The timing
wasn’t right to drop such a bomb.”
“Which was why I haven’t been around. I’ve been hanging out with
this cutie.” Tye grabs his now husband’s hand, caressing it. “I wasn’t even
aware of what was going on between you two until after Adam told me.
Which was why I was going to come smack some sense into you both but
y’all made up before I could.” Tye adds, eyeing me and Rome.
“But straight to marriage?” I don’t know if it’s right for me to ask but
this is just so sudden.
“Cass, when you know, you know.” He says softly, smiling at me.
“Plus, I didn’t want to waste time like these two men of yours.” Tye
points to Rome than Kale. “This cat and mouse game you all like to play
isn’t for me. My man is mine and will be mine. If Kale and Rome have any
brains, they will be quick to lock you both up before someone snatches you
two cuties away.”
“Let someone try, I’ll have their head.” Kale says putting a hand
around Chance possessively.
“Agreed.” Rome adds, taking my hand in his. He brings my fingers to
his lips placing a soft kiss on them.
I respect Tye’s decision and his view. He knows what he wants and
goes for it. I also respect Rome’s as well. I’m in no hurry. I know he won’t
be going anywhere, and neither will I.

“That was the surprise of the century, wasn’t it?” Rome says, as we
walk into our bedroom after a long night of dancing and drinking and
laughter with our friends.
“Yes… but it’s fitting for them. Especially Phi Tye. With Adam, I’m
shocked but I can see why he fell for Phi Tye. I mean just look at him.” I
say as I make my way to the closet. Rome follows behind me.
“Tye is a wild mess,” Rome says.
“He’s a colorful person. Anyone can fall for him,” I reply.
“Anyone but you.” Rome pulls me against his body as I start taking off
my tie.
“Rome, I want to shower.” I move out of his grasp, knowing what he
wants already. I want it too, but I need the shower after all that dancing.
“Shower with me?” Rome suggests, hugging me from behind again.
“Of course,” I turn to smile at him. He places a soft kiss on my lips, his
hand sliding down the front of my shirt.
A knock comes from the door, and I gently push Rome away.
“Can we ignore?” Rome asks.
“No,” I chuckle.
Rome pouts but let’s me go. He leaves to go open the door. I stick my
head out to see Cindy standing at the door.
“Madam would like to see you Khun Noo,” she says.
“Okay, I’ll be there.” Rome replies before shutting the door. He turns
to look at me.
“I guess no fun time in the shower for me. You can shower first, love.
I’ll be back.” He gives me a fake pout which makes me smile.
“Go. Mom is waiting.” I tell him.
“Are you sure we can’t just ignore?”
Rome laughs lightly. “I’m going, I’m going.”
After Rome leaves to go talk to his mother, I jump into the shower. My
mind wanders back to the wedding. It was grand and elegant. Full of love,
laughter and even tears. It was beautiful and heartwarming. It was their
That makes me think of Rome. We have our own timing. Everything
that happened between us, from our childhood to our teen years. From the
moment we met in the hotel again to the moment he told me he loved me to
now. All that and now is our timing. And I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Once I finish showering and dressed, Rome finally returns.
“Aw you’re done already?” He frowns and walks over to me, pulling
me into his arms. He gives me a kiss on my forehead.
“Stop Rome. Go shower. You stink.” I shrug him off.
“Shower with me again?” He suggests, his brows lifting.
“Go shower you ogre.” I laugh at him. He chuckles but lets me go and
disappears into the bathroom.
When I hear the shower water running, I run over to a drawer and pull
it open, grabbing the box I hid in there earlier today before the wedding.
It came in.
I open the box and pull the first item out. The light blue furry cat ears.
I gnaw at my lower lips as my cheeks burn. Grabbing the box, I run into the
closet with it. Rome is in for a surprise after his shower. Yes, this is
definitely our time.

- 42 -

I want to marry him.
After the unexpected wedding ceremony today, I want more than ever
to marry Cass. To officially make him mine forever. I love him more than
life. To me, he is life. My life.
I turn off the showerhead and smile to myself. If anything, Tye is right.
I need to hurry up and make this happen. Someone as beautiful and perfect
as Cass will be stolen in a sea of hungry wolves given the chance. I can’t let
that happen ever. I will propose to him immediately. I don’t want to waste
any more time.
I step out of the shower and quickly dry myself then wrap a towel
around my waist. I make it into the bedroom, but Cass isn’t here. Thinking
he might have stepped out of the room for something, I enter the closet to
get dress. As I enter, my steps falter, and I can hear my breath slowly
leaving my lips.
Cass sits almost completely naked on top of the drawer on his knees.
The only thing adorning his body immediately hardens my dick. Cute little
cat ears perch on top of his head. In his palm, he holds a metal chain that
connects to a furry choker around his neck. In his other palm is what I think
are the fuzzy blue nipple clamps. And just peeking out behind him, I can
see a furry tail sticking out. I hope to God he didn’t stick that end of the tail
up his ass. That hole belongs only to me. Regardless, my dick springs to life
as I stare at the naughty kitten before me.
Cass looks up at me shyly, his face tinted a pretty pink. He gives me a
little smile making me swallow the lump in my throat. He looks so innocent
yet sexy and seductive. I’m going to devour the man whole and then ask
him to marry me.
“I think I lost my master.” Cass says, when I don’t make a move,
causing my dick to jerk. Little does he know, he’s my master and I’m ready
to do all his bidding.
I want to capture this image in my memory forever. I let my eyes
devour his body for a little longer before I move towards him. Slowly, I
walk around the drawer, taking in every inch of his body. My gaze lands on
the tail behind him, the end isn’t inserted into his tight hole but lays behind
him. Good. Because I damn will actually be jealous of a fucking sex toy.
As I walk a full circle around him, Cass’s eyes find me once more. He
checks me out just as I do him. His gaze roams my body starting with my
face and slowly moves down my torso. He stops at my midsection hidden
beneath the towel but licks his lips regardless.
I stop right in front of him. Reaching out, I run my fingers from the
side of his face down to his neck then stop at his already hard nipple.
Taking his nipple between my fingers, I pinch it just enough to elicit a moan
from him. His eyes close as his chest heaves to the pressure of my fingers.
When Cass opens his eyes again, he looks at me with his hooded gaze
fill with need and lust. He hands me the chain that’s attached to the choker
on his neck. A satisfied half smile crosses my face. I take the chain from
him and in one swift motion, I pull the chain towards me bringing Cass
against me. I grab his head and crush my lips to his.
Cass melts in my arms, opening his mouth and succumbing to my
dominant kiss. My tongue hungrily sweeps the inside of his mouth tasting
the oh so ever sweet essence that belongs only to him.
I tighten my grip on the chain and pull him even closer, wrapping my
arm around his tiny waist so he is flush against me. Cass quickly pulls at
my towel before tossing the rag aside. His hand reaches for my cock,
making me groan in his mouth.
I pull back from the kiss and stare down at his lusty face. “I can cum
just staring at you in this outfit.”
“I still don’t have the clamps on and the tail in. I thought to wait for
you to put it on for me.” Cass all but purrs.
I reach for the fuzzy blue nipple clamps still in his hand then reach
behind him for the tail.
“This…” I bring the nipple clamps to eye level. “Definitely.”
“This… hell no.” I say, tossing the tail back on the drawer beside him.
“But why? It’s cute.” Cass says, grabbing it. He holds it up and stare at
the end that’s shaped like a dildo, half the size of my dick.
“My dick is cuter in your hole.” I snatch the tail again and toss it aside.
Cass smirks, knowing exactly what I’m thinking. Yes, nothing is going in
your tight little hole but my dick.
“Don’t you want to see me fuck myself with it?” He asks innocently,
blinking twice at me. Fuck… I do.
“Come here!”
I pull the chain and Cass falls towards me. I pick him up from the
drawer and grab the tail. Quickly, I carry him out of the closet and onto the
bed. I throw him on the bed and toss the tail next to him. With the clamps
still in my hands, I get on the bed too.
“Lie back for me.” I tell Cass. He listens to my order well and pushes
himself back until he’s leaning on the headboard. I follow suit, straddling
him between my legs. Leaning over his small seductive frame, I take a
single nipple into my mouth, suckling on it for a bit and coating it with my
saliva. Cass moans approvingly as I do the same to his other nipple.
Cass watches as I open a clamp and bring it towards his nipple, his
eyes full of anticipation. I touch the open clamp to his sensitive skin before
releasing my hold and letting the clamp shut close on his nipple. He groans
and bites his lips, his fingers fisting the sheet beside him.
“It hurts…” He pants heavily but licks his plump lips.
I grab the chain and pull at his neck bringing his ears to me.
“You asked for it.” I growl lowly in his ears making his little body
shiver under me. “Now lay back down like a good little kitty. You’ll get
your treat soon.”
Cass pouts but leans back against the headboard. I bring the other
clamp and run the clamp over his bud a few times, teasing him before
opening it and clasping his nipple between it. Cass groans again but his dick
jerks up. He likes it even though it’s painful.
I slowly back away on my knee, eyeing his chest heaving with the
clamps glued to his skin. He looks sexy as hell. Damn I want to fuck him
now but first, I toss the tail at him.
“Fuck yourself with it.” I order, my hand already reaching for my own
harden dick.
Cass eyes my hand on my cock, he licks his lips once more before
reaching for the tail. I watch as he brings the tail to his lips and almost lost
my bearings when he spits on it. He then brings the tail to his hole. Never
taking his eyes off of me, he pushes the end up until the whole thing
disappears into his hole. Cass closes his eyes, letting out a half sigh and half
moan. My balls tighten and I stroke my dick even faster. I’ve never seen
anything more beautifully naughty.
Cass opens his eyes to look at me again and at the same time, pulls the
tail out almost all the way before pushing it back in. His mouth opens in an
O shape as he moans, but he keeps his gaze on me.
“Rome…” Cass groans in a sultry voice as he pulls out and push back
the tail. He spreads his legs open wider giving me the perfect view to his
delectable body.
“Yes babe, just like that. Keep fucking yourself.” I breathe as I
continue to stroke myself. This is hot as fuck watching him pleasure himself
as he calls out my name. I wonder if he’s ever done that before. Use me as
his fantasy as he plays with his perfect cock. The thought pleases me
“Rome…” He cries my name.
I love it. My name falling off his sensual lips. The hair on my skin
rises as blood rushes to my groin.
Cass slides his other hand over his belly to his dick and starts to stroke
himself too. A guttural sound escapes my throat. Cass is just too much, too
fucking perfect. I need to get inside him.
“Cass, you like that or you like when I fuck you more?” I huff, my
breathing heavy.
“Both…” He moans.
“You. I like when you fuck me. Fuck me, Rome.” Cass screams the
last part as his little body starts to convulse and white cum shoots out of his
“Fuck!” I shout out as my own cum burst through me, landing on Cass.
A sweet vibration runs through my body until the last spurt of cum leaves
Cass let’s go of his dick with the tail still in him. He falls back on the
bed and pants heavily. I swiftly move over to him. Grabbing his legs, I pull
his buttocks against me. I lift his bottom up in my lap and stare at the toy
still inside him. I smile as a fun idea hits me.
Cass watches with his hooded gaze as I spread his ass cheeks. Then I
position my dick at his already filled hole.
“What are you doing Rome?” Cass lifts himself on his elbow so he can
see clearly what I plan on doing.
“You like both right?” I give him a sly smile and his eyes widen,
already aware of what I want.
“Rome that’s not possible. It won’t fit!”
I don’t reply but just return with a smirk. Instead, I slowly start to push
my dick in his hole, using our cum as lube.
“Ugh…” Cass throws his head back biting his lip. Fuck he is tight as
hell. I only get a few inches in when Cass cries out.
“Rome… it’s too much! Fuck. I can’t take it.”
“You can take it, baby. Just a little more…” I shove a few more inches
in making Cass groan as his hole stretches around me. He falls back on the
bed, his hand reaching for the pillow beside him, twisting it between his
I grab Cass’s waist and with one last push, I shove the rest of my dick
inside of him. The feel of his warm tight walls and the dildo has me roaring
loudly. Cass’s bottom shakes against me as cum shoots out of his dick once
“Did my baby just cum from having two cocks shove in him at the
same time?”
“It hurts…” He looks up at me, his face red with tears brimming his
“Do you want me to stop?” I ask with concern laced in my voice. As
much as I’m enjoying this, his needs and wants are the most important.
Cass shakes his head. “Just give me a minute to adjust.”
I bend down over his body and start kissing his skin softly, starting
with his chest, I move up to my favorite spot on his neck. I take his skin
between my teeth and gently suck on it. Cass sighs, wrapping his arms
around me. I move to his face, placing a kiss on the corners of his eyes.
“Rome, you can move now,” Cass whispers.
I cup his face with one hand and bend to nuzzle his nose with mine.
Keeping my gaze on his, I slowly pull out and push back in. A soft groan
escapes his lips as his nails dig into my back. I quickly bend down to
capture his voice with my lips.
I slowly continue to thrust into Cass making sure I don’t hurt him too
much. With the tail in, he is tighter than ever before, his walls squeezing me
so snuggly. With every slow thrust, I kiss Cass more desperately. Even
though this is slower than what we are used too, the feeling is insanely
pleasurable, intimate. The way his little body shakes under me, and his soft
moans of pleasure drives me crazy.
“You can go faster babe…” Cass says in between kisses.
“Yes babe.” I reply with a grunt and a deep shove of my dick.
“Fuck… it feels so good.” Cass cries, his legs curl around my back.
I grab his hands and place it on the headboard behind him. “Hold
Cass’s fingers grab onto the top of the headboard. With my own hands,
I cover his hands and hold tightly as I start pumping in and out of him
faster, making sure I hit the deepest part of him with each thrust.
“I’m going to cum!” he shouts. “Don’t stop.”
“I won’t stop until you’re a withering mess in my arms,” I growl.
Cass arches his back up making the furry nipple clamps rub against my
own nipples, stimulating me even more.
“Rome! I love you!” Cass screams as the first spurt of cum releases
from his dick. My own guttural moan follows with my vision blurring and
my dick exploding inside him. Stream after stream of my hot cum fills him.
I reach behind me, grabbing the furry tail and pull it completely out of
him to make room for my cum in his ass. Cass sighs heavily with the
foreign object finally gone, leaving only my dick behind. Then I grab the
nipple clamp and one by one, take them off. His nipples are a nice red and
juicy shape. With my dick still inside him I pull him down giving both of
his nipples a nice suckle before pulling him into my embrace on the bed.
“I love you Cass. I love you so much.” I whisper and I really do. Cass
is everything and so much more. He completes me. And I just know, I want
him to be mine now and forever more.
“Marry me, Cass.” I propose as he lies in my arms. Cass turns his head
up to look at me with a little questioning gaze on his face as if to make sure
he heard right.
“Marry me.” I repeat, cupping his face. “I don’t want to waste another
day, not even a moment. I promise to always be your rainbow even in the
darkest of days. So please, make me the happiest person alive, be my pot of
gold. I love you so fucking much. Marry me, Cass.”
Cass’s lips tremble but stretches into a smile. His eyes begin to water
but gleam with happiness, making my heart swell.
“Are you seriously proposing to me with your dick still in my
asshole?” He says, and I chuckle.
“Yes.” I smile down at him and wipe away a loose tear on his face
that’s fallen. “What do you say? Marry me?”
Cass’s adorable cheeks tint as he bites down on his bottom lips. He
gives me a single nod.
“Okay.” He breathes and my heart skips a beat. A warm but welcome
sensation takes over my body. I bend down and take his lips, sealing the

We’re engaged. A smile crosses my face before I even open my eyes.
He proposed and I said yes. My heart fills with warmth and happiness as I
stretch my aching body from our love making all night. After proposing,
Rome fucked me until the first sun rays broke through the clouds. He’s an
insatiable ogre and I just tied myself to him. And I’m loving every part
about it.
“Good morning love.” Rome mumbles beside me. He opens his eyes
halfway to look at me and smile.
“Good morning.” I smile back. He gives me a few small pecks before
pulling away.
“Do you want a bath or shower?” he asks.
“A shower will do.”
“Okay, I’ll go turn it on.” He places another kiss on my forehead
before getting out of bed and head for the bathroom. I watch as the hard
muscle on his back move with his every step and lick my lips at his naked
ass. He’s all mine.
Rome returns shortly and we shower together, taking our time making
love in the process. Once we are done, we get dress for the day.
“I have something for you, love.” Rome says as we exit the closet. He
goes to the drawer beside the bed and pulls out a black velvet box. He
returns to me and opens the box, presenting a ring. My mouth opens slightly
seeing the gorgeous ring.
“When did you have time to get a ring?” I ask, staring at the pretty
band engraved with diamonds.
“It’s my father’s. Yesterday when my mother asked for me, she gave
me the ring.” Rome tells me, taking my hand. He slowly slides the band
onto my ring finger, the ring fitting perfectly.
“It’s beautiful…” I can feel my eyes starting to burn. “Are you sure? It
belongs to your father…”
Rome gives me a reassuring smile. “He would be so proud to have you
wear it. It’s yours now.”
“Thank you, Rome.” I jump on him and throw my arms around him.
“I’ll cherish it forever.”
It means so much to me that not only him, but his mother would give
me something so precious. A symbol of their husband and father. And now,
a symbol of Rome’s and my eternal love.

When Rome and I emerge downstairs for lunch, as usual we find

everyone already there waiting for us. Mom's eyes land on my finger and a
huge smile crosses her face. She stands from the table and walks over to us.
“Cass, let me be the first to officially welcome you into the family, my
son-in-law.” Mom congratulates, grabbing my hand and then hugging me
after. “It looks great on you.”
“Thanks mom.” I hug her back. “Thank you so much.”
She cups my face, giving me a smile and plants a kiss on my head. She
then turns to Rome and touches his face as well.
“You did good, son. I’m so happy for the both of you.” She says and
gives him a kiss on the head too.
“Thank you, ma,” Rome replies.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Cindy cuts in the moment. “You’re telling me,
Khun Noo proposed to you in private without us, me, your best friend to
“Well… yes.” I smile at her.
“Oh my gosh! I always miss all the fun. But I’m so happy for you, best
friend!” Cindy squeals. She runs up to me and gives me a hug, dropping all
professionalism. I gladly hug her back.
“Out of the way, child.” Yai pushes Cindy away.
“Hey auntie!” Cindy shouts, but moves and Yai ignores her, turning to
“Nong Cass. Welcome to the family dear.” Yai hugs me too before
caressing Rome’s cheek.
“I’ve raised you since you were a small baby. To me, you are like a son
too, or grandson since I’m so old already. Seeing you finally grown up and
happy makes this old lady so happy too. You both deserve nothing but love
and happiness with each other. Cherish each other always.” Yai addresses
Rome and me.
“Thank you, Yai.” We both say.
Sun, Ping and Nom also congratulate us as well. Austin and Seoul
have since gotten up from the table and walk over to us.
“Phi, does this ring means you and Phi Rome are getting marry?”
Seoul asks, grabbing my hand and touching the ring, her face in awe of the
sparkling jewel.
“Yes, baby girl. Your Phi has agreed to marry me.” Rome replies,
patting her head.
“It’s so pretty. I want to get marry to Phi Rome too.” Seoul says,
looking up at Rome and making him chuckle.
Rome bends down to her level and fixes her loose hair that’s in her
face. “Phi can only marry one person and that person is Phi Cass. But I
promise, I will still buy you the prettiest ring in the world. And when you
grow up, Phi will buy you another ring worthy of a princess.”
Seoul smiles up at Rome before jumping into his arms. “You are the
“And what about me? It was me who gave you a second chance.”
Austin cuts in. Rome let’s Seoul go and turns to Austin.
“Thank you, little brother, for giving me another chance with your Phi.
I promise I won’t disappoint you ever again. And for you, when you find
your future, whatever it is, Phi will be there having your back every step of
the way. Big or small, I promise to be there.”
I can’t help but smile. The way Rome loves my siblings is beyond
anything I can ever ask for. And I’m so happy my siblings accept Rome as
“Just take care of Phi Cass and I’ll be satisfied.” Austin says to which
Rome nods with a promise.
“This is such good news. We all must celebrate!” Mom interrupts the
moment. “Forget food at home. Let’s all go out to dine somewhere nice!
That includes you all!” She points at the workers, and everyone cheer in
“I’ve always wanted to eat at a fancy hotel!” Seoul blurts.
“Okay! Fancy hotel restaurant it is!” mom says.
“Yay!” Seoul shouts excitedly.
“I’ll drive!” Ping says.
“I call shotgun!” Austin interjects.
“Let’s go! Let’s go! Everyone be outside and ready in five minutes.”
Mom shouts, clapping her hands and everyone starts moving.
I watch as everything unfolds with everyone rushing off to get ready. A
smile touches my face, and a content feeling settles in. This is it. Happiness.
A warm hand grabs my own and I look beside me. Rome intertwines
our fingers. He smiles at me and mouths the words, I love you.
Happiness. It’s staring me right in the face. Happiness. It’s here, it’s
Rome and it’s ours. Now and forever more.


About The Author

Maela Bale is an author, creative writer, and content creator. Her love for
reading from a young age gave her the motivation to start creating her own
romance novels, delving into the darker side of life and love.

When she is not writing, she can be found with a romance novel in her hand
or on her electronics creating digital graphic contents. She lives in the
midwestern state of Wisconsin with her two dogs, both chihuahuas.

Her other published work includes Morning Glory. For updates on her
works, follow her on her social media below.

X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/maela_bale
IG: https://www.instagram.com/maela.bale/


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