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is to say there’s both a free and premium version with

comparable specs. Determining whether the premium

version of Phind is a better deal than the premium

version of ChatGPT requires looking closely at your

needs and usage and watching out for price changes, as

can happen.

8. Perplexity AI

Number eight is Perplexity AI. Perplexity AI is

connected to the web and provides real-time

information, making it a more comprehensive tool than

ChatGPT for answering complex, nuanced inquiries.

Each language-generated answer also includes web links

and citations for further learning. What is more,

Perplexity even offers up related questions at the end of

every response to encourage further learning.

Notable Features

• Search integration: Perplexity AI has built-in search

capabilities that allow it to pull information from the

web in real-time.

• Focused retrieval of information: While ChatGPT

provides synthesized answers without direct source

referencing, Perplexity AI displays information with

citation links, which helps validate its responses.

• Available on your phone: Perplexity is available on

your phone without having to use a browser.


Like ChatGPT’s revenue model, Perplexity AI offers both

a free and a premium version. Choosing between

ChatGPT and Perplexity AI might be influenced more by

preferences with the user interface and the style of

content output, as opposed to the minor differences in


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