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Complete these sentences with either the present simple or the present continuous

• We normally ____hold___ (hold) ous sales conference in Spain, but this year we
_holding______ (hold) it in Poland.

• Although we _are using_______ (use) our own sales representative at the moment, we
generally ____use_____ (use) agents in Japan.

• It normally ___takes____ (take) us two years to develop a new product.

• We don’t often ___raise___ (raise) our prices more than 5%, but this time we __are
raising________ (raise) them 10%.

• Usually our Sales Director ____deals_____ (deal) with important customers.

• We usually ___recruit_____ (recruit) from within the company, but this time we
_____are advertising____ (advertise) externally.

• We __are renting_____ (rent) offices until our new headquarters are ready.

• The company ___wants_____ (want) to achieve record sales this year.


• Try to construct 5 (five) sentences of each present continuous, present simple and past
simple and future tenses, then transform the sentences into negative and interrogative

1. Present continous
I am reading medical book right now
(-) I am not reading medical book right now
(?) Am I reading medical book right now?

2. He is playing basketball right now

(-) He’s not playing basketball right now
(?) Is He playing basketbal right now?

3. They are working in the office

(-) They are not working in the office
(?) Are they working in the office?

4. Kira is watching movie in my home

(-) Kira’s not watching movie in my home
(?) Is Kira watching movie in my home?

5. We are playing games right now

(-) We are not playing games right now
(?) Are we playing games right now?

Present simple
1. The monkey are like bananas
(-) the monkey are not like bananas
(?) do the monkey like bananas?
2. I live in Lembang
(-) Yeager not live in Lembang
(?) Do Yeager live in Lembang
3. He is a killer
(-) he is not a killer
(?) is he a killer?
4. She is read a book
(-) She is not read a book
(?) is she read a book?
5. She is a trader
(-) she is not a trader
(?) is she a trader?
Past continous
1. I was riding motorcycle in the morning
(-) I was not riding motorcycle in the morning
(?) Was I riding motorcycle in the morning?
2. They were cheating during the match
(-) They were not cheating during the match
(?) Were they cheating during the match?
3. I was washing the shoes
(-) I was not washing the shoes
(?) was i washing the shoes?
4. My father was reading magazine in the garden
(-) My father was not reading magazine in the garden
(?) was my father reading magazine in the garden?
5. My brother was killing robber when he was young
(-) my brother was not killing robber when he was young
(?) was my brother killing robber when he was young?
Future continous
1. I will be studying in the library tomorrow
(-) I will not studying in the library tomorrow
(?) will I studying in the library tomorrow
2. I will be dying when she come
(-) I will not dying when she come
(?) will I dying when she come?
3. I wil be working in the goggle company someday
(-) I will not working in the goggle company
(?) Will I working in the goggle company someday?
4. Garfield will be playing football tomorrow
(-) Garfield will not playing football tomorrow
(?) Will Garfield playing football tomorrow?
5. She will be cooking when she’s honey come to home
(-)She will not cooking when she’s honey come to home
(?) will she cooking when she’s honey come to home?

Discuss the importance of biodiversity in our country. Use some of the language and
grammar you have learned in this lesson. The following questions may help you get started.

 What is 'biodiversity'?

 Which countries do you think have a lot of biodiversity, and which countries have

 Why is the preservation of biodiversity considered to be so important?

 How does the world's biodiversity today compare with the biodiversity that existed a
few hundred years ago?

 What are the main factors affecting biodiversity in today's world?

The answer

 Biodiversity is the diversity found on this earth. Diversity is not only limited to
animals and plants but also includes bacteria, fungi, pests, and other microorganisms.
all existing organisms form an ecosystem to build a balance of life so that natural life
runs in balance and supports a decent life
 Biodiversity is influenced by the size of the area and the existing conditions or
climate. The wider and more suitable the climate in an area, the more biodiversity
there will be. In this world, the region with the most diversity is Brazil, Indonesia, and
Zaire, which occupy the top three positions, while the region with the least diversity is
the Vatican because it has a very small area size.
 Biodiversity is a world wealth that we must preserve. The existing biodiversity is the
result of 300 million years of evolution and 12,000 years of domestication, so it would
be a shame if biodiversity were reduced or simply went extinct. In addition,
biodiversity forms an ecosystem that supports and balances life
 Biodiversity in the world is now decreasing compared to a few decades ago. this
began to be more clearly seen in the 1900s until now when 75% of the world's plant
varieties have begin to become extinct. This is due to the spread of superior varieties
to various regions so the development of other plant varieties is decreasing. apart from
plants, the diversity of animals in the world began to be reduced by half. this is due to
a lack of development because humans only breed agricultural animals or those that
provide great benefits for them, especially in terms of food
 Biodiversity is influenced by several things first is the area, the wider the area, the
more diverse the diversity will be. The second is environmental conditions where an
environment that has a suitable climate will make diversity grow so fast and evolution
will occur in a short period of time. The third is evolution and adaptation, which is the
process by which a living thing adapts itself to environmental conditions for a long
time and can even create new species. In addition to the three things above,
government policies regarding diversity are also very influential, especially in terms
of the development of endangered specie

Write a short description of biodiversity in your country (about 100 words). Try to use at
least 10 terms introduced in this lesson. Please try to use active and passivesentences.

The following questions may help you get started:

• How many different types of animals do you think there are in your country?

• What about insects / trees / birds / wild plant species?

• Which areas of your country have the greatest number of living things which have not
yet been touched by people?

• Do you think these areas should be left in their natural state or should they be used by
people? Why?

Biodiversity of Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has a lot of biodiversities. Indonesia's vast
territory and islands and tropical climate with high rainfall make Indonesia a very diverse
biodiversity. Indonesia has an amazing biodiversity, even though the land area is only 1.3%
of the total land area on earth but has 10% of the world's flower species, 12% of mammal
species, 16% of all reptile and amphibian species, 17% of all species. birds and 25% of all
known fish species.

Indonesia's vast territory and islands make several areas have biodiversity that has not been
touched by humans. This area is the eastern region, especially Papua, which is the tip region
and is inhabited by a small population. The area allows biodiversity to develop naturally
without human intervention so that diversity remains beautiful and natural. This biodiversity
must be allowed to remain natural because if this biodiversity is mixed with human hands, it
will reduce its beauty, and ecosystem damage will occur which turns into natural chaos. As is
well known, humans are greedy and selfish creatures so they will not think about future
impacts if the balance of nature is disturbed which will cause erosion that threatens various
existing species. In the long term, if the destruction of natural ecosystems or the balance of
nature continues to be disturbed, it will cause the extinction of various species.
Motivation Studying In Polbantan

“Hello guys ,let me introduce myself. I’m Muhamad Yusuf but peope can call me Yusuf. I
grew up in Lembang, Bandung Barat , and lived there most of my life before moving to the
Bogor for continue my study. I love gaming, and I love play sport especially badminton
and basket. I’ve always wanted to improve my English so now that I have the time.

How i ended up in campus Polbangtan Bogor? Livestock is one of the main sectors in
Indonesia and is the source of livehood for many people. but the animal health workers in
Indonesia are still very minimal compared to what is needed. this moved my heart to learn
about animal health to improve people's health through animals.

But why am I choose Polbangtan Bogor instead of another campus? Polbangtan Bogor is
an official campus under the auspices Ministry of Agriculture. On this campus, we learn
more practice than theory so that it will produce students who are competent in agriculture
or animal husbandry. In addition, Polbangtan offers full scholarships for students while

Assigment 3

Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative forms using the pattern you have
1.There are chilli peppers in the basket.
(-) There aren’t chilli peppers in the basket
(?) are there chilli peppers in the basket?
2.The colour of garlic is white and yellowish.
(-) the colour of garlic is not white and yellowish
(?) is garlic colour
3.Shallot is one of onion types.
(-) shallot is not of onion types
(?) is shallot one of onion types?
4.Kamferia galanga and Zingiber officinale are of Indonesian native species.
(-)Kamferia galanga and Zingiber officinale are not of Indonesian native species.
(?)are Kamferia galanga and Zingiber officinale of Indonesian native species?
5.The oil palm plantations were abundant in Sumatra before 1990.
(-)The oil palm plantations were abundant not in Sumatra before 1990.

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