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A.A.(/r) /"1 *.

Roll No. Total Pages : 2

MDQA{-17 4237

Time : Three Hoursl [Maximum Marks : 80

Note : Attempt "ltve questions in all, selecting one question from

each unit. All questions carry equal marks.

fr ' e+r cqli { t gtr cvl gtt W, E€ dE yv=n +

Yn {tqqr sS sr{ * ffi qqn tr

uNrr-r (Efir$-r )

I Critically examine the different interpretations of Political

ffififf,tr fs6rd El BFr;r qrcqrclt 6r qoi-{ 6tl
) Examine the limitations of Classical tradition
wis*'a fudt< s1 *cret fi qoh 6tl

uNrT-rr 15r$-rr )

3 Explain the causes of resurgence of Political Theory.

{rs-fifr fuer< * S+t-nrn * mtq qeptt
4 Examine end of ldeology.
E-qnqRT * err qr s4-r 6tl

4237 fi,500/KD/623 lP.r.o.

UlrrT-rrr (E6r{-m )

Explain Habermas Political Philosophy.

tqrcrq + {ffitfs, c{h ffi qofr q-r}r
6. Write a note on Communitarianism.
rsgEl{qlS c{ qs, tsfddt

uNrr-rv (56r$-Iv)
7 Explain the types of Green Political Theory.
Eftf, {N+tr*. fsgt< + rort qr qoh c-tt
8. Examine contribution of Michael Oakshott to Political
qrr+e ffia + ffififrq. f{u< d *rqrt 6,I qsi?

UNrr-v (F6,r-$-v )

9 Explain Mao's Theory of Cultural Revolution.

qret 61 sffifrfi ffi qr Efi Etl
10. Examine theories of Democracy.
rqiH + ffi'd 6.I euil 6,

4237 /t,500/KDl623 2

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