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Just had an Great interview experience for the role of a DevOps Engineer with 1-2

years of experience! ?

I recently had the opportunity to interview for a DevOps Engineer position, and I
wanted to share some of the questions that were asked during the process. Whether
you're preparing for a similar role or just interested in the DevOps field, I hope
you find these questions helpful!

Hello Rushikesh, Good Afternoon,

? Regarding Self Introduction and DevOps:

1) Could you Please Introduce yourself Briefly about your background and your
project ?
2) What Does DevOps Means and how DevOps is Different from Other Department in IT
Industry ?
3) What Happen when DevOps comes in IT Industry ?
4) Could you please Explain me About your last project have you worked on and what
was you roles and responsibility ?

? About Linux OS:

1) What are Different OS have you Familiar with and worked on ?

2) What is Kernel ?
3) which Linux version you used in your project ?
4) why we Used Linux OS Rather than Windows and any other ?

? About Git GitHub and Gitlab:

1) What is Git, GitHub and Gitlab what is the difference between them ?
2) what is Merge and Rebase ?
3) How do you revert a commit in Git ?
4) Explain the difference between Git pull and Git fetch ?
5) Explain the Branching Strategies have you used in your project

? About CICD with Jenkins:

1) what is CICD and explain me the Jenkins file and Its Stages ?
2) In which phase Testing will do In CI phase or in CD phase ?
3) how did you used Jenkins in your project ?
4) Describe the process of setting up a Jenkins job to automate a build process ?

? About Docker and K8S:

1) What Does mean by containerization and Orchestration ?

2) What is a Docker image, and how is it different from a Docker container?
3) How do you manage data persistence in Docker containers?
4) Have you Used docker Compose ?
5) could you Explain me a Docker File for Node ?
6) How do you secure a MySQL Data which is Running in my container ?
7) what is Ingress and Deployment in K8S ?
8) what is Services in K8S ?
9) How can K8S control and manage a containers ?

? Some Scenarios Questions:

1) Your company is planning to implement a disaster recovery (DR) strategy for its
critical services hosted on AWS. Describe the steps you would take to design and
implement a robust DR plan, including backup strategies, failover mechanisms, and
testing procedures.

If You Have any Questions please feel free to ask !

Thank You soo much Rushikesh It was a Nice conversation with you Hr. will let you !

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