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Formador: Ana Mafalda Azevedo
Data de Realização da Ficha: 09-03-2024


Teacher’s signature: Final

Reading: Listening: Mark:

Use of English: Writing:

Listening comprehension

A Listen to the radio interview and complete the sentences below with no more than three words.

1 As we all know, ________________as MRSA have been infecting hospital patients for a number of years
2 Hospital staff and visitors are now in the habit of _________________with antiseptic gel when entering or
leaving wards.
3 An increase in international _________________________tourism is believed to have caused the spread
of highly resistant bacteria.
4 People often insist their doctors give them antibiotics when they have a cold, cough or ______________.
5 If you stop taking antibiotics but don’t complete the full course, you increase the risk of bacteria becoming
__________________ .

B Listen to the radio interview again and write true or false. According to Dr Reynolds:

1 Hospital hygiene has been greatly improved in the NHS. ______

2 A new gene called NDM-1 increases the effectiveness of antibiotics. ______
3 Very few people now travel abroad for cheaper medical treatment, such as kidney transplants or cosmetic
surgery. ______
4 Research into the development of new antibiotics is not cost-effective for pharmaceutical companies.
5 Drugs such as antibiotics tend to become ineffective after a short period of time. ______
6 Alexander Fleming advised that the use of antibiotics should be tightly controlled. ______
7 People wrongly believe that antibiotics are an effective cure against colds. ______
8 Our obsession with hygiene at home is reducing our capacity to fight off bacteria and making us resistant
to antibiotics. ______
Reading comprehension
Read the article.
Brain change
Do you frequently interrupt what you’re doing to check your emails or text messages? Or find it difficult to
concentrate on reading a long newspaper article, or a book? Do your children complain because you’re too
busy writing tweets or checking social media to play with them? It’s likely that most people nowadays would
answer ‘yes’ to at least one of these questions.
We are only a decade or so into the internet revolution but scientists are already engaged in a lively debate
about the effect it is having on our brains. They say that multi-tasking is changing how we think and behave,
and that our ability to focus on what we are doing is being damaged by frequent short bursts of information.
According to recent research, these ‘bursts’ play to a primitive impulse in us to pay attention to new
information. In the past, this would probably have meant danger nearby: a lion or some other kind of enemy.
The equivalent nowadays is the ping of a new message or email, provoking a feeling of excitement that can
become very addictive. Without it, people feel bored.
While many people think that multi-tasking makes them more productive, this has been shown to be false.
Researchers say that heavy multi-taskers have more trouble concentrating and find it difficult to ignore
irrelevant information. They also experience more stress. On the other hand, the use of technology can also
benefit the brain in some ways. Web surfers are said to be better at finding information, while some
videogames give users better visual coordination.
Generally speaking, no one would deny that mobile phones and computers have transformed life as we knew
it. People have more freedom to work anywhere. The world has shrunk and computers can deal with boring
daily tasks, giving us more free time to enjoy life. Nevertheless, we should also be aware of the dangers of
these recent discoveries. The time may soon come when we will cherish our ability to be able to ‘think for
ourselves’, of switching off the computer and reading a good book, of being human: in other words, of paying
more attention to the people around us.

A Circle the correct answer, true (T) or false (F), according to the text.
1 Parents sometimes pay more attention to their mobile phones than to their children. T/F
2 Scientists have been researching into the effects of the internet. T/F
3 Exposure to lots of short texts makes it easier to concentrate on one thing. T/F
4 People often feel bored when they receive new texts or emails. T/F
5 People who do more than one task at a time work less effectively. T/F
6 People who do a lot of multi-tasking are usually more stressed. T/F
7 The arrival of computers and mobile technology has had little impact on our lives. T/F
8 People have less free time now. T/F
9 The writer thinks that interaction with other people is less important than making new discoveries. T/F

B Read the text again and circle the correct answer, a), b) or c).

1 These days many people 4 People who frequently multi-task .

a) don’t even read short newspaper articles a) may be prone to higher levels of stress
b) play with their children on social media b) find it easier to dismiss useless data
c) are unable to concentrate for long c) are better able to focus on tasks

2 Scientists believe that is changing our brains. 5 It has been found that some videogames .
a) our ability to multi-task a) reduce levels of stress in individuals
b) social media b) aid eye to hand movement
c) how we now view danger c) improve people’s ability to find information on
the internet
3 Research has shown that people are more
likely to become . 6 In the future, we might .
a) bored with messaging after a short time a) miss doing repetitive and boring tasks
b) addicted to modern means of communication b) wish we had more free time
c) productive if they multi-task c) miss having real human contact

Use of English
A Choose the correct alternative.
1 A true entrepreneur has a real gift for spotting business opportunities and can always see/ advertise a gap in
the market.
2 When a rival company raised/ launched an identical product to ours, we swiftly took legal action against them.
3 If you reduce/ increase your prices, your profit margins will rise because you’ll sell more units but at a lower
4 Jeff’s company folded after the first year of trading, having failed to successfully promote/ break into the market
as a result of a poor marketing strategy.
5 When a leading sports personality agreed to endorse/ dominate our new energy drink, we knew we’d hit the
6 At our product meeting, it was suggested that we entered/ set a more realistic time period for the production of
our prototype.
7 We’re really looking forward to / dreading / having our ups and downs about going on the Alaskan cruise, as it’s
always been our dream to see the Northern lights.
8 Knowing that her Dad’s condition would deteriorate filled Kat with complete and utter mixed feelings /despair/
ups and downs.

9 Eve is always optimistic and usually sees the ups and downs/ upbeat/ bright side of any situation, however dire
it may seem to the rest of us.
10 Irene was mixed feelings about/ dreading/ with despair the moment when she had to tell her parents that she’d
failed to get the grades she needed to get into university.
11 On hearing she’d lost her job, Claire remained upbeat/ on the bright side/ with despair and decided that now
was the time to go back to college.
12 Whatever happens in your life, it’s best not to stay in a job which is going ups and downs /with despair/

B Cross out the alternative that is not possible.

1 If you ask Joanne nicely, she might/ would/ ’ll change her mind and accept your invitation.
2 Unless/ Providing/ If there are no delays at the airports, I should be home by 9p.m.
3 If you pay in cash, you get/ will get/ would get a five percent discount on the price of the car.
4 Imagine you were to win/ would win/ won the competition, what do you think you would do next?
5 If you tell them you work for the local radio station, you shouldn’t/ will/ won’t have any problems getting tickets.
6 They won’t/ might not/ wouldn’t catch the 8.35 train unless they leave right now.
7 If she gets lost, she should/ ’ll/ ’d stop and ask someone for directions.
8 If you go to the sales today, you can/ ’ll/ wouldn’t get some great reductions.
9 I might go/ ’d go/ went to the gym every day if I had more free time.
10 If/ Suppose/ As long as he asked her out, what would/ did/ should she say?

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 When I was at school, girls ________________________ wear a uniform with a shirt and tie. (have)
2I ____________ go to the party even though I promised I wouldn’t be home late. (allow)
3 They ______________ ____ make their beds every morning but they never did. (suppose)
4 Karen ______________ meet us tomorrow because she has to babysit for her sister. (not able)
5 Jim couldn’t speak French but he ______________ communicate with sign language. (manage)
6 Sally’s boss refused _____________ her take time off to go to the dentist. (let)

Read this email and write a reply:
Hi Wendy,
I’ve just heard that Etherwood is playing at the Okehart Festival in July! How about coming over to visit me so we
can see them together? Tickets have just gone on sale so I’ll get some as soon as you let me know if you’re
coming. Check out the festival website and tell me if you can make it or not.
A few friends from college live near Okehart so the best idea would be to stay at theirs. I’ll get in touch with them.
Is there anything else you’d like to do when you visit? I’d be so happy if you could stay a few days. I really hope
you make it. Can’t wait to hear back from you!

A Write an email to accept the invitation. Use the prompts below. Write 120–190 words.
1 Accept the invitation
2 Give dates you can visit
3 Mention two things you’d like to do on your visit
4 Ask about the best way to travel there
5 Arrange to call your friend
6 Sign off



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