907 B4x8pyzh5k VII Biology WS21 AnswerKey 2024

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For Final Assessment -2024

Std: VII

Subject: BIOLOGY______ Worksheet No. 21 (Revision)

Date: __________________ Time: 25 minutes

Topic: Classification of Plants, Photosynthesis and respiration and Excretion

in Humans


1. The Students must solve the worksheet at home.

2. The Students must write the answers in the space provided.
3. They must bring this worksheet to school on 13Feb2024 .They must also carry
a red/blue pencil for corrections.
4. Teacher will discuss the answers in the class. Thereafter the Answer Key will
be sent on the School App.

Section A
Q1. Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not
copy the question. Write the correct answer only)
i. Unicellular organisms with a proper nucleus are included in the group:
a. Protista b. Monera c. Fungi d. Algae
ii. The process of expulsion of urine to the outside.
a. Excretion b. Secretion c. Urination d. None of them
iii. The most appropriate term/phrase for the nucleus in Monerans is:
a. Nucleolus b. Nucleoid c. Premature nucleus d. Defective nucleus
iv. Which one of the following factor does not affect the rate of
a. Light b. Oxygen c. CO2 d. Temperature
v. Which one of the following features of a leaf does not help in absorbing
more light?
a. Broad, flat and wide surface b. thin and transparent epidermis
c. Palisade layer with chloroplast d. presence of midrib
vi. Tuberculosis is caused by a:
a. Virus b. Bacterium c. Protozoan d. Protista
vii. Which one of the following bacteria converts fruit juices into vinegar?
a. Acetobacter b. Rhizobium c. Lactobacillus d. None of them
viii. In humans beings, urea is filtered out from:
a. Liver b. Skin c. Kidney d. Lungs
Q2. Match the terms in column A with those in column B
Column A Column B
i. Retting a. Curd
ii. Tanning b. Leather
iii. Lactobacillus c. Cow dung
iv. Biogas d. Fibres
Ans- i- d ii-d iii- a iv- c
Q3. Name the following:
i. The blood vessel that takes the blood from the kidneys to the inferior vena
cava. Renal Vein
ii. The organ that produces urea. Liver
iii. The thread like soft, delicate structure of bread mould. Hyphae
iv. The cells that are the site /location of photosynthesis in a leaf. Mesophyll
v. The cellular structure which eliminates excess water from the body of
Amoeba. Contractile Vacuole
vi. The blood vessel that brings blood to the kidneys. Renal artery
vii. The disease which can be identified by the presence of glucose in the urine.
Diabetes mellitus
Q4. Fill in the blanks:
i. Aerobic respiration produces ________ molecules. 38 ATP
ii. The free __________ in the atmospheric air is a result of Photosynthesis.
iii. _____________ respiration produces two ATP molecules. Anaerobic
iv. ______________ is used to decolorise the leaf. Methylated alcohol
v. The medulla drains the urine into a funnel shaped structure called the
____________. Renal pelvis
vi. _________ gas turns lime water milky. Carbon dioxide
vii. Iodine solution turns __________ into blue- black colour. Starch

Section B
Answer the following:
Q5. State the location of te following:
a. Ureters- Ureters run from the inner side of each kidney upto the
urinary bladder.
b. Sweat glands - Underneath the skin
Q6. List the steps of urine formation in human body.
Ans- 1. Blood enters Kidney through Renal Artery
2. The Nephrons remove the waste (Urea, salts, excesswater) from the
blood to convert it into Urine.
3. The substances like Glucose, Sodium and Potassium ions are put inback
into the blood.
4. The blood that finally leaves the Kidney is devoid of all wastes and
iscontained of useful substances only.
5. The Urine that is formed in the Kidneys, is sent to the Ureters for its
further temporary collection in the Urinary bladder.
6. It is expelled out at regular intervals through Urethra.
Q7. Write down the word equation of Photosynthesis and Respiration.
Carbon dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen + Water
Aerobic Respiration-
Glucose + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + Water +Energy
(38 ATP)

Anaerobic Respiration-
Glucose Ethanol + Carbon dioxide +Energy (2 ATP)
Q8. Name any four bacterial diseases.
Ans- Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Cholera and Diphtheria
Q9. What is the role of liver in Excretion?
Ans- The Liver breaks down the amino acids and produce urea. This
urea is then carried to the kidneys form where it is excreted out in the
Q10. Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of a Bacterium.

Q11. Name all the five kingdoms according to the recent system of
Ans- Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom
Plantae and Kingdom Animalia
Q12. State the functions of liver other than urea formation?
Ans- Liver also helps in the elimination of bile pigments, extra vitamins
and many drugs which get accumulated in the liver.
Q13. List some common disorders of the urinary system.
Ans- Kidney stones, Urinary tract infection, Diabetes are some common
disorders of the urinary system.
Q14. Name the four categories of bacteria according to their shapes.
Ans- Coccus form, Bacillus form, Spirillum form and Vibrio form.
Q15. List the accessory excretory organs in human body.
Ans- Skin, Lungs and Liver are the accessory excretory organs in human
Q16. Name the following:
i. Two nitrogenous wastes of the body.
Ans- Urea and Uric acid.
ii. Four main organs of the human urinary system.
Ans- Kidney, Ureter, Urinary Bladder and Urethra.
iii. Three accessory excretory organs in humans.
Ans- Lungs, Skin and Liver.
iv. Three crystalline substances which can cause kidney stones.
Ans- Calcium oxalate, Calcium phosphate and Uric acid.
Q17. Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of the Human Excretory system.

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