Character Styles Synopsis

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Style Schizoid Character Style Paranoid Character Style

Polarities Isolation-Confluence, Trust-Distrust,

Hungry infant-hero, Mastery-Shame
Stiff robot-animal lust
What do they Moreso with isolation – it affords protection Moreso with distrust – they have been shamed and exposed
identify with?
What do they Grandiosity and isolation, deep loneliness, Isolation and grandiosity, flight into fantasy and grandiosity, friendly
express? self-sufficiency, superficially cool und unapproachable although angry, they present themselves as strong and unapproachable
What do they Inferiority, confluence, desire for confluence, contact other people in Inferiority and confluence are split off, only through closer contact is their
hide? their thoughts, fear of being gobbled up by others coldness, mistrust and inconsideration noticeable, more inclined to show
anger than their soft side
Contact Deflection, retroflection, proflection, project possessiveness und Deny own problems; project wishes, anger, fears; everything bad is
interruption needs, cut off emotions, fear of showing their need for closeness so outside, goodness is within them
withdraw even more, thick wall boundaries
I-Boundary Firm physical boundaries, loner, oddball Fixed boundaries, don’t swallow much through fear of dependency
What does the Robotic, gawky, mask-like face: smooth skin, no wrinkles. This Brace themselves against touch?
body show? makes a cold, unapproachable impression; body awareness not very
Characteristics Fear of closeness while longing for it, strong need for independence, Very distrustful; feel slightly disdained and maltreated; resentment
cool, distant behaviour, deep mistrust, lack of emotion though very towards others; hold grudges, self-righteous; envy and jealousy; have a
vulnerable, they feel empty, split between interior and exterior: inner competent, confident facade; deny own problems; few close friendships
world ist beautiful, soft, a fantasy world. The outer world is
dangerous, threatening; very cerebral, choose jobs in which they can
work alone, sometimes fill their emptiness with career, e.g. scientists
In Therapy Start therapy because they feel empty, have lost someone or long Only come when relationship, work or esteem lost; work on the
for a relationship; seem abstract, universal and impersonal. Help relationship in therapy moreso than with others; at first lot of difficulty,
them to come slowly out of their shell - they are often involved in staring or rambling delivery; when psychotic try to involve therapist in
fantasised dialogue with therapist during long silences: I’ll count to insane ideas – believe their feelings not the content; never speak to their
three and then you have to say something fast without thinking doctor behind their backs but important to work with doctor, great
first.This way they can experience that an uncensored remark availability of therapist demanded; give a lot of support: in here and now;
doesn’t create a catastrophe. Help them to learn how to build up a if manic-depressive healing impossible; medication good if aware of
relationship to someone else, i.e. to you the therapist. Don’t demand illness; badly maltreated/ abused people – difficult and long before they
that they express feelings. This could lead to strong reactions, can trust
because they will feel the annoyance, rage and anger that they have
experienced in their aloneness up to now.
Style Borderline Character Style Narcississtic Character
Polarities Isolation (separation)-Confluence (attachment), Pride-Shame, Grandiosity-Inferiority, Idealisation-Devaluation, Potence-
Clinging dependency-pseudo autonomy Impotence
What do they Power, grandiosity; they appear confluence-hungry or if shy-isolation if
identify with? they identify more with inferiority - similar to depressive and schizoid
What do they Can be found in all quadrants; split between perception of self and Can appear in all quadrants but more usually a grandiose facade,
express/ perception by others; double bind communication; other side doesn’t hungry for confluence or Isolation/ social avoidant
show? seem to exist in this moment
What do they They need a stage to show off their brilliance. Without a stage they tend
hide? to collapse, are difficult, moody and incapable of dealing with conflict
Contact Projective identification, splitting, withdrawal; they notice that they Splitting, denial, projective identification, idealisation, devaluation,
interruption are angry and keep niggling until their partner is also angry and then withdrawal,controlling
say that the other is angry Don’t know what contact is; want success and power; split; lot of
projections: I’m not needy, you want what I need!; retroflective behaviour
if they don’t get what they want, they withdraw and are hurt or vengeful
I-Boundary Feel like they’re full of holes – too much floods in, no self-protection Strong I-boundary, egotistical, full of themselves, lack of empathy, use
others for their own ends; fantasy is very important: they live more in
their fantasies than in reality; success is difficult to appreciate/ feel
What does the Restless behaviour They hold their head high. They look down on others.
body show?
Characteristics Frequently changing or unstable relationships; fear of abandonment Pattern of greatness in fantasy and behaviour; they want to be
– react with anger if they are abandoned or not needed; lot of greed considered special and want preferential treatment; they’re concerned
and envy; mood swings: on the one hand depression, despair and a with success and power; frequently a problem with self-esteem; often
feeling of emptiness, onthe other hand anger and rage, poor charming but ruthless behind this facade; use others for their own goals;
judgement of other people; phases of addictive behaviour, can be react very sensitively to criticism; evaluate themselves against others –
ongoing; very aggressive people – openly expressed, red hot anger denigrate or idelise; lot of envy, rivalry; dependent on praise and
attention; lot of inner emptiness and meaningless
In therapy Clear premises regarding time, place, cancellations; set limits – they Come to therapy because of a crisis of self-esteem, an insult, midlife
themselves go way over their own limits; therapist frequently has crisis, have lost their job or wife walked out; test therapist’s boundaries:
feeling of trying to catch up with client; bring both good and bad time, money; want special treatment; idealise or denigrate therapist;
sides into awareness; don’t go to the past too soon – tend to regress have difficulty seeing that they need help; important to speak indirectly,
quickly; when regression happens create boundaries and work refer to things obliquely, circumscribe: mirroring and confirming them is
through cause of regression later; don’t let them act out; no hot-seat positive; very hard for them to come in contact with their shame
work; work on their dependency otherwise they’ll glom on to you; in
case of thoughts of suicide make a contract with them; be careful:
they make a grab at you and suck you up but this doesn’t nurture
Style Obsessive-Compulsive Character Style Hysteric Character Style
Polarities Potence-Impotence, Obedience-Rebellion, Anger-Fear, Right-Wrong Dependency-Autonomy, Control-Chaos
What do they Moreso with power, potency,afraid of impotence; show control; Strongly with the dependent side, always looking to others, lose all
identify with? identify with an idealised self-image: I am strong and powerful sense of their own identity, also imitate behaviour of others
What do they Confluence and grandiosity, isolation and grandiosity also possible Confluence and grandiosity
What do they Inferiority; emotions, more inclined to be passive aggressive Inferiority and isolation, “I am what the others want me to be”, only
hide? immediate satisfaction counts and it’s not often what they really need
Contact Deflection – in order not to show that the like you; projection – Lots of introjects, swallow quickly. If something doesn’t suit them they
interruption especially their anger; retroflection – I should, must do this and that, quickly look for new introjects because they orient themselves from
more likely confluent with habits than knowing their own needs; outside; very confluent, repress, can’t remember, dramatise, flee into
action is dictated by introjections – due to this they seem robotic; on fantasy – often difficult to differentiate between fantasy and reality
the contact level they swing back and forth
I-Boundary Limited contact, revolves a lot around their idealised self-image; they Confluent, boundaries melt; very warm-hearted, embrace the world; as
check out if the other is stronger or weaker than they are: how do I adults still feel like a little child; can’t bear much tension –leads to
need to behave; when the pattern opens up a bit massive fear anxiety
arises, boundaries unclear
What does the Narrow chest held up and puffed out (Asthma), can’t allow loving Great rhetoric, often good-looking and successful but feel empty inside;
body show? feelings in chest area, not well-earthed, little eye contact, often eat too much because they can’t stand to feel tension – don’t get
monotonous speaking voice, stiff walk fat because of fast metabolism
Characteristics A lot of judging and controlling, competitive, frequently power Look to others for orientation, want to please, take very little
struggles in interpersonal relationships, earn recognition through responsibility for themselves, chaotic lifestyle, not very dependable, led
performance, seem lacking in spontaneity and liveliness, rather stiff by momentary feelings, highly developed fantasy world, lack of true
and restricted; often say “one should, one must...”; are perfectionist feelings, tends to dramatise, repression and forgetting, can’t often be
and pedantic; always looking for waht’s right and wrong, enormous alone, arrange a lot of appointments, feel empty easily which leads to
fear of chaos and impotence exaggerated outbursts of feelings in order to feel alive
In therapy Want to be good patient; don’t know what you’re talking about when Start therapy frequently because a relationship or job; pull at the
you refer to feelings; enter therapy because of self-knowledge (ratio) therapist, don’t want to work properly, want to be spoilt in therapy too;
not to be able to feel; often sent from partner; test therapist’ abilities; Important: find out what they really want; Work slowly and lead them to
believe that therapist wants to put them down if they show their own feelings: when they realise that they’re not that great after all
something – then they quickly feel shame or impotence; move slowly or feel their inner emptiness can become depressiv and break off
in therapy; difficult patients; danger of psychosis or in later stages of therapy. The therapist shouldn’t let them act out – shouting and crying
therapy depression –when they realise that there is no omnipotence; they can do anything; set limits, build up a reliable relationship to give
important to know what they defend against: fear, sadness, rage, them support; Careful – don’t devalue them; help them experience that
stubbornness; have to learn to surrender/ self-abandonment, autonomy doesn’t mean being lonely
Style Depressive Character Style
Polarities High expectations-low self-esteem, Grandiosity-Inferiority, Hope-
Despair, Guilt-Shame
What do they Moreso with despair and low self-esteem, inferiority and the feeling
identify with? of never being good enough – but there’s no hope or help for this
What do they Inferiority and isolation, moaners, self-sacrifice, martyr-type
What do they Grandiosity; they think they’re brilliant; it takes a long time before
hide? they realise the high expectations they have of themselves and
others; they’re afraid of being seen through; passive aggressive;
anger towards others
Contact A lot of introjects: don’t take yourself so seriously; project their ideal
interruption image on to others; more inclined to see their ideal image in others
and not in themselves; strong retroflection – perhaps I should...
I-Boundary Thick boundaries, impenetrable; they have strong armour; not much
gets through it; don’t see much that can be changed
What does the Speak quietly, can tolerate a lot, frequently a hump on their backs –
body show? it looks as though they have to carry a burden or weight; their body
perception is very limited; they tend to feel tired, apathetic,
something hurts
Characteristics Have high expectations of themselves, not much trust inthemselves,
strong empathetic ability, accommodate themselves, take on a lot for
others, avoid confrontations, passive-aggressive, frequently in role of
victim, nagging in contact – there’s often a lot of power hidden
behind this; little self-initiative; dominant life feeling: I feel
continuously threatened, am never secure, can’t deal with my
problems and nobody else can help me either
In therapy If their suffering is very much to the fore reduce this first; don’t be too
friendly – guilt feelings; help them to reduce their fears, awaken their
curiosity, help them to express pressure: hot seat work, let them
scream and shout; give them hope that they will make it out of the
swamp; if thoughts of suicide make an appointment, make contract;
ask about their fantasies: who do they want to meet? That’s where
their anger is; Danger: the therapist can react sadistically and
devalue them if the client is extremely masochistic, represses his
anger and moans; don’t go into the swamp – there’s a lot of power in

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