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1. A sum of money on compound interest becomes double of itself in 3 years.

How many years will it

take for the amount to become eight times of itself at the same rate of interest?
ृ धि ब्याज पर एक िनराशि 3 वर्ष में दोगुनी हो जाती है । समान ब्याज दर पर राशि को आठ गुना होने में ककतने वर्ष
लगें गे?
A) 9
B) 8
C) 5
D) 7
2. The amount doubles itself under Compound interest in 15 years. In how many years will it become 512
times of it?
15 वर्ों में चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज के तहत राशि अपने आप की दोगुनी हो जाती है । ककतने वर्ों में यह अपने आप की 512 गुनी हो
जाएगी ? (UP POLICE SI 2021)
(A) 145
(B) 135
(C) 125
(D) 155
3. A sum of money placed at compound interest becomes 27 times of itself in 15 years. In 25 years, it
will become how many times?
अगर कोई िन 15 वर्ष में चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज की दर से अपने का 27 गुना हो जाता है | 25 वर्ों में, यह िन ककतना गुना हो
(a) 729 times (b) 243 times
(c) 135 times (d) 81 times
4. A sum of money, when invested at a certain rate of compound interest per year, became 1.21 times the sum
invested on maturity after two years. What was the rate of compound interest per annum ?
एक राशि को जब वाशषिक चक्रवृ द्धि ब्याज की एक शिशित दर पर शिवेि शकया जाता है , तो दो साल बाद पररपक्व होिे पर वह शिवे शित राशि
का 1.21 गुिा हो जाती है । वाशषिक चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज की दर क्या है?
UP Constable 19/06/2018 (1st Shift)
(a) 11% (b) 10.5%
(c) 10% (d) 9.9%
5. At what rate of compound interest does a sum of money become 3.375fold in 3 years, compounding annually?
3.375 (SSC GD 2022)

(a) 50%
(b) 200%
(c) 100%
(d) 150%
6. What is the rate of compound interest if a sum becomes 1331/729 times of itself in 3 years?
यदद कोई राशि 3 वर्ों में स्वयं की 1331/729 गन
ु ा हो जाती है तो चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज की दर क्या है ?
A) 22 %
B) 33 %
C) 21 %
D) 11

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7. A certain sum of money becomes 625/256 times of itself in 1 years. Then find the rate of interest
per annum if interest is compounded quarterly.
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि 1 वर्ष में अपने का 625/256 गुना हो जाती है | यदद चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज नतमाही संयोश्जत हो, तो वार्र्षक
ब्याज दर ज्ञात करें ?
a) 25% b) 66.66% c) 80% d) 100%
8. A sum of money invested at compound interest amounts to 1,600 in 2 years and 1,680 in 3 years. Find the rate
of interest.
चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज पर शिवेि शकए गए धि की राशि 2 वषों में ₹1,600 और 3 वषों में ₹1,680 हो गई है । ब्याज दर ज्ञात करें ।
UP Constable 27/01/2019 (1st Shift)
(a) 5% (b) 6%
(c) 5.5% (d) 6.5%
9. The compound amount of a certain sum of money in 2 years and 3 years becomes ₹12,260 and
₹12,873, respectively. Find the rate of interest.
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि की चक्रवद्
ृ धि राशि 2 वर्ष और 3 वर्ष में क्रमिः ₹12,260 और ₹12,873 हो जाती है । ब्याज दर ज्ञात
कीश्जये. (DP CONSTABLE 2023)
A) 5%
B) 6%
C) 7%
D) 4%
10. ₹1,000 becomes ₹1,144.9 in 2 years. At what rate is the principal amount compounded annually ?
₹ 1,000, 2 वषि में ₹ 1,144.9 हो जाते हैं । मूलधि पर सालािा शकस दर से चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज लगाया गया है ?
UP Constable 28/01/2019 (1st Shift)
(a) 6% (b) 7%
(c) 8% (d) 9%
11. At what rate per cent per annum will a sum of Rs 15,625 amount to Rs 21,952 in three years, if the
interest is compounded annually?
15,625 रुपये की धनराशि, वाशषिक रूप से चक्रवृद्धि शकये जाने वाले शकतने प्रशतित ब्याज दर पर 3 वषों में 21,952 रुपये हो
(a) 12% (b) 8%
(c) 9% (d) 10%
12. A sum on compound interest at a certain rate becomes ₹9,680 in 2 years and ₹11,712.80 in 4
years. What is the rate of interest?
एक ननश्चचत दर पर चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज पर एक राशि 2 वर्ों में ₹9,680 और 4 वर्ों में ₹11,712.80 हो जाती है । ब्याज दर
क्या है ? (DP CONSTABLE 2023)
A) 24
B) 22
C) 20
D) 16
13. A sum of money becomes ₹6,400 in 3 years and ₹8,100 in 5 years on compound interest
compounded annually. Find rate of interest per annum.

(SSC MTS 2023)

𝟐 𝟒 𝟔 𝟓
(a) 12 % (b) 12 % (c) 12 % (d) 12 %
𝟑 𝟓 𝟖 𝟖
14. A certain sum of money becomes Rs.54000 in 4 years and it becomes Rs.59582 in 7 years. Find the
rate of interest, if compounded annually.
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि 4 वर्ों में 54000 हो जाती है और 7 वर्ों में 59582 रू हो जाती है | यदद चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज वार्र्षक
संयोश्जत हो, तो ब्याज दर ज्ञात ककश्जए?

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a) 5% b) 3%
𝟏 𝟐
c) 3 % d) 6 %
𝟑 𝟑
15. At what rate of interest per annum compounded annually, will an amount of ₹8,000 yield a
compound interest of ₹904.2 in 2 years?
MTS 2023)
(a) 6% (b) 8% (c) 10% (d) 5.5%
16. The compound interest on a sum of ₹8,000 becomes ₹1,261 in 18 months. Find the rate of
interest if interest is compounded half-yearly.
₹8,000 की राशि पर चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज 18 महीनों में ₹1,261 हो जाता है । यदद ब्याज अिष-वार्र्षक रूप से संयोश्जत ककया जाता
है तो ब्याज दर ज्ञात करें ।
A) 8%
B) 10%
C) 20%
D) 12%
17. A sum of money amounts to `16,800 in one year and to `17,472 in one and a half years on the basis of interest compounded
semi-annually. What is the rate of interest per annum?
`16800 `17472

(a)16% (b)12% (c)8% (d)4%

18. A sum amounts to rupees 18,600 after 3 years and to rupees 27,900 after 6 years, at a certain rate
percent p.a., when the interest is compounded annually. The sum is

(a) 11,800 (b) 12,400

(c) 14,400 (d) 14,600
19. At a certain rate of interest compounded annually, a sum amounts to `10,890 in 2 years and to `11,979 in 3 years. The sum is:
`10,890 `11,979
(a) `9,000
(b) `8,000
(c) `8,500
(d) `9,500
20. A person invests Rs 30,000 for 5 years at a certain rate of interest compounded annually. At the end of 1 year, if the sum
amounts to Rs 34,200, then find the amount at the end of the second year.
Rs 30,000 Rs
34,200 (SSC GD 2022)
(a) Rs 38,988
(b) Rs 39,876
(c) Rs 45,432
(d) Rs 44,365
21. Rs 1,20,000 becomes Rs 1,50,528 in two years at a certain rate of compound interest, compounding annually in an
investment scheme. In the same scheme, the sum of `P is invested and it becomes Rs 3,51,232 in three years. What is the
value of P?
Rs 1,20,000 Rs 1,50,528
Rs P Rs 3,51,232 P
(SSC GD 2022)
(a) 3,00,000
(b) 2,25,000
(c) 2,75,000
(d) 2,50,000

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22. A sum of money was lent at 12.5% rate of yearly compound interest for three years. If the
present value (i.e. after three years) of the sum of money is ₹13,851, then how much money (in
₹) was lent?
एक िनराशि तीन वर्ों के शलए 12.5% वार्र्षक चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज की दर पर उिार दी गई थी। यदद िनराशि का वतषमान मूल्य
(अथाषत तीन वर्ष बाद) ₹13,851 है , तो ककतनी िनराशि (₹ में) उिार दी गई थी?
A) 8728
B) 10000
C) 10278
D) 9728
23. The compound interest on a certain sum at 16 % 𝒑. 𝒂. 𝒇𝒐𝒓 3 years is 6350.what will be the simple interest on the same sum
at the same rate of 5 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔?

एक ननश्चचत राशि पर 16 % प्रनत वर्ष की दर से 3 वर्ष के शलए चक्रविी ब्याज 6350 है उस राशि का उसी दर से 5 वर्ष के शलए
𝟐 𝟐
𝟑 𝟑

सािारण ब्याज क्या होगा ?

a) 10,200 b) 7,620
c) 11,400 d) 9,600
24. A sum of ₹7,500 amounts to ₹8,748 after 2 years at a certain compound interest rate per annum.
What will be the simple interest on the same sum for 𝟒 Years at double the earlier interest rate?

₹7,500की राशि एक निश्चित वार्षिक िक्रवद्

ृ धि ब्याज दर पर 2 वषि के बाद बढ़कर ₹ 8,748 हो जाती है पहले की ब्याज दर की दोगुिी दर
से 𝟒 वषि के शलए उसी राशि पर सािारण ब्याज क्या होगा?
(a) ₹4,140 (b) ₹5,520
(c) ₹8,180 (d) ₹2,760
25. 1,250 at 12% per annum compounded annually will amount to ₹1,568 in:
% (SSC MTS 2023)
(a) 4 years (b) 1 year (c) 2 years (d) 3 years
26. In how many years will ₹1,60,000 become ₹2,79,841 at a compound interest (Compounded
annually) rate of 15% per annum?
(SSC MTS 2023)
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 4
27. The compound interest, compounded annually, on Rs.30,000 at 9% per annum is Rs.5,643. The time period (in years) is:
9% Rs. 30,000 Rs. 5,643

(SSC GD 2022)
(a) three
(b) five
(c) two
(d) four
28. In what time will Rs. 64000 amounts to Rs.68921 at 5% per annum interest being compounded half
ककतने समय में 64000 रू, 5% वार्र्षक ब्याज से 68921 रू हो जाएगा यदद ब्याज अिषवार्र्षक चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज के रूप से संयोश्जत
होता है ?
a) 1 years b) 2 years
c) 3 years d) 2 years
29. In how much time (in years) will a sum of ₹3,125 become ₹3,515.20 at 8% per annum,
compounded half-yearly?

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ककतने समय में (वर्ों में) ₹3,125 की राशि 8% प्रनत वर्ष की दर से अिष-वार्र्षक रूप से संयोश्जत करके ₹3,515.20 हो
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 2
30. The effective annual rate of interest corresponding to a nominal rate of 2% per annum, payable half-yearly, is:
2% (SSC GD 2022)
(a) 4.02%
(b) 2.01%
(c) 4.2%
(d) 2.1%
31. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest
every four months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 21% per annum, the
effective rate of interest becomes:
एक ऑटोमोबाइल फाइनेंसर सािारण ब्याज पर पैसा उिार दे ने का दावा करता है , लेककन वह मूलिन की गणना के शलए हर चार
महीने में ब्याज िाशमल करता है । यदद वह प्रनत वर्ष 21% का ब्याज ले रहा है , तो ब्याज की प्रभावी दर बन जाती है :
(a) 22.5043% (b) 21.49%
(c) 22.7123% (d) 22.1025%
32. What will be the interest earned on Rs. 1,400 for two years if the interest is compounded annually at 10% per
annum ?
दो साल के शलए 1,400 रुपये पर अशजित ब्याज क्या होगा। यशद चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज सालािा 10% प्रशत वषि की दर से जोडा जाता है ?
UP Constable 18/06/2018 (1st Shift)
(a) Rs.288 (b) Rs.294
(c) Rs.302 (d) Rs.308
33. The simple interest is ₹ 1 less than the compound interest on a certain principal for a period of 2 years at 10%
interest. Find the principal.
10% ब्याज पर 2 वषि की अवशध के शलए एक शिशित मूलधि पर साधारण ब्याज चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज से ₹ 1 कम है । मूलधि ज्ञात करें ।
UP Constable 27/01/2019 (2nd Shift)
(a) ₹ 100 (b) ₹ 110
(c) ₹ 95 (d) ₹ 90
34. Find the difference between the compound and simple interest on a principal of 2,000 for 3 years at an annual
interest rate of 10%.
10% वाशषिक ब्याज दर पर 3 वषि के शलए ₹2,000 के मूलधि पर चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज और साधारण ब्याज के बीच का अंतर ज्ञात करें ।
UP Constable 27/01/2019 (2nd Shift)
(a) ₹ 60 (b) ₹ 62
(c) ₹ 64 (d) ₹ 66

35. If the difference between C.I and S.I for three years is Rs.992. If rate of interest is 10% then find
3 वर्ों में चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज और सािारण ब्याज का अंतर 992 रू है | यदद ब्याज की दर 10% हो तो मूलिन ज्ञात करें ?
a) Rs.30000 b) Rs.32000
c) Rs.36000 d) Rs.40000
36. Find the time for which compound interest of ₹ 331 was generated on a principal of ₹ 1,000 at an annual
interest rate of 10%.
उस कालावशध को ज्ञात करें शजसमें ₹ 1,000 के मूलधि पर वाशषिक 10% ब्याज दर से ₹ 331 का चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज प्राप्त हुआ था।

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UP Constable 28/01/2019 (2nd Shift)
(a) 1 year (b) 2 years
(c) 2.5 years (d) 3 years
37. The compound interest on a certain sum invested for 2 years at 10% per annum is Rs.1,522.50, the
interest being compounded yearly. The sum is:
10% ि ननश्चचत ि Rs.1,522.50
(a) Rs.7,250 (b) Rs.7,200
(c) Rs.7,500 (d) Rs.7,000
38. The simple interest on ₹24,000 at a certain rate of interest for 3 years is ₹7,200. What will be
the compound interest (compounded annually) on the same sum at the same rate and for the
same time?
3 वर्ों के शलए एक ननश्चचत ब्याज दर पर ₹24,000 पर सािारण ब्याज ₹7,200 है । एक ही राशि पर एक ही दर पर और एक
ही समय के शलए चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज (वार्र्षक रूप से संयोश्जत) क्या होगा?
A) Rs 7854
B) Rs 7954
C) Rs 7845
D) Rs 7944
39. Three years ago, Rahul borrowed a sum of money at compound interest rate of 10% per annum compounding annually. If
the present value of that borrowed money is Rs.11,9790, how much money was borrowed by Rahul?
Rs. 11,9790 (SSC GD 2022)
(a) Rs. 9,0000
(b) Rs. 8,9790
(c) Rs. 100000
(d) Rs. 8,000
40. What is the difference (in Rs) in Compound interest earned in 1 year on a sum of 10,000 at 40% per
annum compounded quarterly and annually?
यदद 10,000 रु पर 40%वार्र्षक ब्याज की दर से 1 वर्ष तक नतमाही और वार्र्षक चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज शमलता है तो उन दोनों में
ककतना अंतर (रु में) होगा?
(a) 461 (b) 346 (c) 463 (d) 641
41. The compound interest (compounding annually) on a certain sum at the rate of 8 percent per annum for two years is ` 6656. What would be the simple on the
same sum at the same rate of interest for two years?
” ” ” `6656 ”

(a) `6224 (b) `6400

(c) `5600 (d) `6336
42. What is the difference between compound interest and simple interest for 2 years on the sum of Rs.6,800 at 15% per annum?
(a) Rs. 148
(b) Rs. 153
(c) Rs. 163
(d) Rs. 155
43. The difference between the simple and compound interest on a certain sum of money at an 8% rate of
interest per annum for two years is 56. Find the sum.
” ” % ”

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(a) 8,750 (b) 8,057 (c) 7,058 (d) 7,805
44. The difference between the interest earned on the same amount invested under compound interest and
simple interest at the same rate of interest for 2 year is Rs.1180. If the rate of interest is 20% p.a.
then find the amount invested? (In Rs.)
2 वर्ष के शलए समान ब्याज दर पर चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज और सािारण ब्याज के तहत ननवेि की गई समान राशि पर अश्जषत ब्याज
के बीच का अंतर 1180 रुपये है । यदद ब्याज दर 20% प्रनत वर्ष है । तो ननवेि की गई राशि ज्ञात कीश्जये ? (रुपये में)
(A) 29500
(B) 26500
(C) 28500
(D) 27500
45. On a certain sum of money, the difference between the compound interest for a year payable
half-yearly, and the simple interest for a year is ₹729. If the rate of interest in both the cases is
6%, then the sum is:
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि पर, एक वर्ष के शलए अिष-वार्र्षक दे य चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज और एक वर्ष के शलए सािारण ब्याज के बीच का
अंतर ₹729 है । यदद दोनों मामलों में ब्याज दर 6% है , तो योग है :
A) Rs 790000
B) Rs 810000
C) Rs 830000
D) Rs 850000

46. How much will ₹ 25,000 invested at compound interest amount to in 1 year at 4%'per annum compounded
half yearly ?
चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज पर शिवेशित ₹ 25,000 की राशि 1 वषि में अिि वाशषिक 4% प्रशत वषि की दर से बढ़कर शकतिी हो जाएगी? (₹ में)
UP Constable 27/01/2019 (1st Shift)
(a) ₹ 25,980 (b) ₹ 26,010
(c) ₹ 26,100 (d) ₹ 26,001
47. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on an amount of Rs.23,000 for 2 years
is Rs.230. What is the rate of interest per annum? (In %)
2 वर्ों के शलए Rs.23,000 की िनराशि पर चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज तथा सािारण ब्याज के बीच का अंतर Rs.230 है । वार्र्षक ब्याज
दर क्या है ? (% में)
(A) 12
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 14
48. The difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on a principal of ₹54,000
is ₹1,215 at the same yearly rate of interest for a period of 2 years. Find the rate of interest.
₹54,000 के मूलिन पर चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज और सािारण ब्याज के बीच का अंतर 2 वर्ष की अवधि के शलए समान वार्र्षक ब्याज
दर पर ₹1,215 है । ब्याज दर ज्ञात कीश्जये. (DP CONSTABLE 2023)

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A) 12%
B) 15%
C) 18%
D) 10%
49. A bank offers compound interest at the rate of 10% per annum when interest is compounded half-yearly. A customer
deposits Rs.3,200 each on 1st January and 1st July of a year. At the end of the year, what will be the amount received by
customer as interest?
Rs 3,200 (SSC GD 2022)
(a) Rs. 488
(b) Rs. 656
(c) Rs. 720
(d) Rs. 528
50. The difference (in ₹, to the nearest integer) between the simple interest and the compound
interest on ₹3,660 for one and a half years at 10% per annum, compounded half-yearly, is:
डेढ़ साल के शलए ₹3,660 पर 10% प्रनत वर्ष की दर से अिष-वार्र्षक रूप से संयोश्जत करने पर सािारण ब्याज और चक्रवद्
ृ धि
ब्याज के बीच अंतर (₹ में , ननकटतम पूणाांक तक) है : (DP CONSTABLE 2023)
A) 49
B) 36
C) 42
D) 28
51. If the difference between the compound interest, compounding annually and the simple interest on a certain sum of money
at 5% per annum for 3 years is Rs.183, then what is the sum of money invested?
Rs. 183 (SSC GD 2022)

(a) Rs. 20,000

(b) Rs. 28,000
(c) Rs. 24,000
(d) Rs. 16,000
52. What will be the compound interest on ₹30,000 at 10% per annum for 1 years, when interest is
compounded half- yearly?
% 𝟏
(SSC MTS 2023)
(a) ₹4,728.75 (b) 4,800.75 (c) 5,728.75 (d) 4,928.75

53. A sum of money was invested at 10% interest per year, compounded half-yearly, for 18 months. If the amount payable on
maturity was ₹64,827, what was the sum invested?
एक धिराशि को प्रशत वषि 10% ब्याज पर, अधि-वाशषिक रूप से संयोशजत करते हुए, 18 महीिों के शलए शिवेि शकया गया था। यशद पररपक्वता
पर दे य राशि ₹64,827 थी, तो शिवेि की गई राशि क्या थी?
(a) ₹55,600 (b) ₹56,500 (c) ₹56,800 (d) ₹56,000
(SSC CPO 2023)
54. Compound interest on a certain sum of money invested for 1.5 years at the rate of 10% per annum,
compounded half yearly is 5,044. What is the sum?
% 1.5 ” ” ” ”

(a) 37,044 (b) 22,000 (c) 33,000 (d) 32,000

55. A company charges 10% per annum compound interest on loan. A sum of Rs 2,20,000 is given by the company for a
period of 2 years. The company compounded the interest every six months instead of every year. How much money would
have been saved by the borrower if the company compounded the interest annually (rounded up to one decimal place)?

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10% Rs 2,20,000

(SSC GD 2022)
(a) Rs 1,211.40
(b) Rs 1,412.20
(c) Rs 1,312.20
(d) Rs 1,111.40
56. What is the compound interest on a sum of ₹25,000 after three years at a rate of 12 percent per annum interest
compounded yearly?
₹25,000 की राशि पर 12 प्रशतित वाशषिक दर से तीि वषि बाद चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज शकतिा होगा, जबशक ब्याज वाशषिक रूप से चक्रवृद्धि होता है ?
(a) ₹10,123.20 (b) ₹9,824.00 (c) ₹9,956.86 (d) ₹10,520.00
(SSC CPO 2023)
57. Rajneesh deposited Rs.3,00,000 in a bank for three years. What will be the final amount if the rate of interest is 8%
compounded annually?
Rs. 3,00,000 8%
(SSC GD 2022)
(a) Rs. 3,77,913.60
(b) Rs. 3,70,000.00
(c) Rs. 3,57,931.60
(d) Rs. 3,50,000.00
58. A deposited ₹62,500 at the rate of 8% per annum compounded half yearly, then what is the
compound interest at the end of two years?
A %
(SSC MTS 2023)
(a) ₹18,161.12 (b) ₹12,171.72
(c) ₹10,821.18 (d) ₹10,616.16
59. Radha takes a loan of Rs.4,00,000 at 14% per annum compound interest, compounded half-yearly. What is the interest
that she repays after 2 years?
14% Rs. 4,00,000
(SSC GD 2022)
(a) Rs. 1,24,375.40
(b) Rs. 1,24,318.40
(c) Rs. 1,24,398.40
(d) Rs. 1,24,324.40
60. Find the amount of ₹75,000 for one year at the rate of 16% per annum, if the interest is
compounded quarterly. (rounded off to two decimal places)
% (
) (SSC MTS 2023)

(a) ₹87,379.40 (b) ₹89,773.40 (c) ₹87,937.40 (d) ₹87,739.40

61. The compound interest on a sum of Rs 5,500 at 15% p.a. for 2 years, when the interest is
compounded 8-monthly, is:
5,500 रुपये की राशि पर वाशषिक 15% की दर से 2 वषि में प्राप्त चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज ज्ञात कीशजये, जब ब्याज की गणना हर 8 महीने
पर चक्रवृद्धि आधार पर की जाती है।
(a) Rs 1,880 (b) Rs 1,820.50
(c) Rs 1,773.75 (d) Rs 1,850
62. The interest (in `) to be paid on a sum of `30000 at 15% p.a. after 2 years if interest compounded yearly, is:
`30000 15% 𝟐 `
(a) 12364.50
(b) 13642.50
(c) 16342.50

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(d) 14362.50
63. What is the amount (in `) on a sum of `5,120 at 15% per annum for 2 years, if the interest is compounded 10-monthly?
`5,120 15% 10 𝟐 `
(a) 7,290
(b) 7,920
(c) 9,270
(d) 9,720
64. The compound interest on a certain sum at the end of two year is ₹ 901. The simple interest on the same sum for the

same time is ₹ 850. The rate of interest per annum is:

दो वर्ष के अंत में एक ननश्चचत राशि पर चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज ₹901 होता है । उसी अवधि के शलए समान राशि पर सािारण ब्याज ₹850 है ।
वार्र्षक ब्याज दर ज्ञात कीश्जए।
(A) 8% (B) 12%

(C) 12.5% (D) 15%

65. The compound interest on a certain sum of money at 8% per annum for 3 years is ₹4,058. Find
the simple interest on the same sum for 4 years at 10% p.a.
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि पर 3 वर्ों के शलए 8% प्रनत वर्ष की दर से चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज ₹4,058 है । उसी राशि पर 4 वर्ष के शलए
10% प्रनत वर्ष की दर से सािारण ब्याज ज्ञात कीश्जए।
A) Rs 6520
B) Rs 6025
C) Rs 6250
D) Rs 6052
66. The difference between the CI and SI on a certain sum of money for 3 years at 4% percent per
annum is ₹152. Find the sum invested.
एक ननश्चचत िनराशि पर 3 वर्ों के शलए 4% प्रनत वर्ष की दर से CI और SI के बीच का अंतर ₹152 है । ननवेि की गई राशि
ज्ञात कीश्जए।
A) Rs 31250
B) Rs 31200
C) Rs 31225
D) Rs 31275
67. If the differnce between C.I and S.I for three years is Rs.840. If rate of interest is 11 % then find
3 वर्ों में चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज और सािारण ब्याज का अंतर 840 रू है | यदद ब्याज की दर 11𝟗% हो तो मल
ू िन ज्ञात करें ?

a) Rs.21870 b) Rs.20780
c) Rs.18225 d) Rs.24300
68. If the difference between C.I and S.I for one and half year is Rs.1500. If rate of interest is 25%.
Interest is compounded half yearly, then find principal?
1 वर्ष 6 माह में चक्रवद्
ृ धि ब्याज और सािारण ब्याज का अंतर 1500 रू है | यदद ब्याज की दर 25% हो एवं यह छमाही
संयोश्जत ककया जाता है तो मूलिन ज्ञात करें ?
a) Rs.30720 b) Rs.20480
c) Rs.28800 d) Rs.36000
69. A money-lender borrows money at 6% per annum and pays the interest at the end of the year. He lends it at 8% per annum
compound interest compounded half-yearly and receives the interest at the end of the year. In this way, he gains Rs.108 a
year. The amount of money he borrows, is:

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6% 8%

(a) Rs. 6,000

(b) Rs. 5,000
(c) Rs. 5,500
(d) Rs. 4,500
70. Joseph deposited a total of `52,500 in a bank in the names of his two daughters aged 15 years and 16 years in such a way that
they would get equal amounts when they become 18 years old. If the bank gives 10% compound interest compounded
annually, then what is the amount (in `) that Joseph had deposited in the name of his younger daughter?
10% (` )

(a) 25,500
(b) 24,500
(c) 25,000
(d) 26,000
71. What will be the amount due on Rs.25,000 in 2 years when the rate of interest in successive years is 12% and 10% per
annum respectively (interest is compounding annually)?
Rs. 25,000 12% 10%
(SSC GD 2022)

(a) Rs. 30,800

(b) Rs. 33,800
(c) Rs. 28,000
(d) Rs. 27,800
72. Find the compound interest, compounding annually on Rs 75,000 for 3 years, if the rate of interest is 5% for the first year,
6% for the second year and 8% for the third year.
Rs 75,000 5%
6% 8% (SSC GD 2022)

(a) Rs 15,150
(b) Rs 15,153
(c) Rs 15,160
(d) Rs 15,260

73. Find the compound interest on Rs 3,00,000, compounded half-yearly for 2 years at the rate of 20% per annum.
Rs 3,00,000 𝟐 20%
(SSC GD 2022)
(a) Rs 1,62,156
(b) Rs 1,83,153
(c) Rs 1,92,156
(d) Rs 1,73,153

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