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The host stated with joy: the pigeon has transformed into a hawk, the sparrow into a clam.
I am delighted to see that you have corrected your views by conversing with a friend of
virtue in the orchid room, just as mugwort grows straight in a hemp field.

If you seriously reflect on the recent disasters and wholeheartedly trust my words, then
the land will soon prosper, just as the ocean calms when the winds subsides. However,
human hearts change with the passage of time, and human nature is affected by its
surroundings. This is just like the reflection of the moon on the water rippling with the
waves, or soldiers in the face of battle quailing at the sight of the swords of their enemy.

You believe in my words at this moment; however, later you will surely forget them. If
you desire a secure land, and wish to pray for peace in your present and future existences,
you should waste no time, ponder on the correct path, and immediately eliminate slanders.

Why is this so? It is because five of the seven disasters described in the Sutra of
Medicine Master (Yakushi) have already befallen, and the other two have yet to occur: the
disaster of foreign invasion and the disaster of revolt from within. Of the three disasters
mentioned in the Sutra of the Great Assembly (Daishitsu), two have already happened,
and the last one has yet to appear: the disaster of warfare.

The various disasters described in the Sutra of the Golden Light (Konkomyo) have each
occurred in succession. The disaster of invasion and marauding by foreign forces,
however, has not occurred thus far. It has yet to be seen. Of the seven disasters enumerated
in the Sutra of the Benevolent King (Ninno), six currently prevail. Only one disaster has
not yet happened; that is the disaster of foreign forces invading the land from the four
directions. Furthermore, there is a corresponding passage from the Sutra of the
Benevolent King that states: “When demons rampage, the nation deteriorates into turmoil.
Under the demons’ sway, humans, too, run amok.” If we contemplate on the current reality
in light of these sutras, we can see that a hundred demons have been running wild, and a
great many lives have been lost. It is clear that the disasters depicted in these sutras have
already taken place. How can we doubt the occurrence of the remaining disasters?

What will you do if these disasters occur simultaneously and relentlessly as a result of
the people taking faith in erroneous teachings?

The emperor rules the nation by keeping his kingdom in order, while his subjects make
their living by tending their farms and fields. If marauders invade from other countries or
revolt occurs from within, and the people’s lands are pillaged, will they not be shocked?
Will they not panic? If the nation is conquered and homes are lost, where will you flee?
If you truly desire your own peace and security, should you not first pray for peace of the
entire nation?

Above all, everyone living in this world fears what is to come after death. In fear of this,
people unknowingly take faith in erroneous teachings or venerate slanderous religions.
Their inability to differentiate right from wrong is disgraceful. How pitiful it is that they
believe they are dedicating themselves to correct Buddhism! If people were inclined to
take faith, why would they heedlessly follow erroneous doctrines? If they cannot sever
their attachments to heretical teachings, and if they continue to hold distorted views, they
will certainly find that their lifespan will be diminished and they will fall into the hell of
incessant suffering.

Why do I say this? The Sutra of the Great Assembly states: “If a king practised
almsgiving, observing the precepts and obtaining wisdom for innumerable existences in
the past, but in his current existence finds that the Law is in danger of being destroyed yet
does nothing to protect it, then the boundless good fortune he had accumulated will vanish
completely. (…) Soon, the king will become mortally ill, and upon his death he will be
confined to a deep hell. The king’s consorts, the crown prince, high ministers, barons,
generals, local administrators, and officials will all receive the same retribution.”

The Sutra of the Benevolent King states: “If there is one who violates the Buddhist
teachings, he will have no dutiful children, no family harmony, and no protection from
the guardian deities for his family. He will fall victim to epidemics and attacks by demons
day after day, be hounded by bizarre disasters one after another, and constantly be
tormented by misfortune. After death, he will fall into the worlds of hell, hunger, and
animality. Even if he happens to be born as a human being, he will suffer the retribution
of being used as a slave in warfare. If a person writes at night and then extinguishes the
lamp, the characters still remain, just like the resonance of a sound and the shadow of a
body. Similarly, the consequences from what we have accumulated in our present lifetime
in this threefold world will manifest themselves in our future existences.”

A passage from the second volume of the Lotus Sutra reveals: “If one does not believe
in the sutra and commits slander,… after he dies, he will fall into avichi hell”; and a
passage from the Bodhisattva Never Disparaging (Fukyô) chapter in the seventh volume
states: “For one thousand kalpas, he will undergo tremendous sufferings in avichi hell”.
The Nirvana Sutra teaches, “If one becomes estranged from his good friends, refuses to
listen to the true Law, and adheres to evil doctrines, he will inevitably sink into avichi
hell, where his body will expand and stretch eighty-four thousand yojana.”

Thus, by thoroughly reading all of these sutras, you will find that they all point out the
grave consequences of slandering the Law. How lamentable it is that everyone has walked
out of the gate of the correct Law and entered into the prison of erroneous teachings! How
foolish people are to be caught by the hook of evil doctrines and become eternally
entangled in the net of slanderous teachings! In this lifetime, the people’s ability [to see
the correct Law] is obscured by a dense fog, and in future existences they will be engulfed
by the roaring flames of hell.

How can we not grieve? How can we not agonise? You must immediately renounce
your erroneous belief and take faith in the supreme teaching of the one vehicle of the
Lotus Sutra. Then, this entire threefold world will become the Buddha land. How could
the Buddha land ever decline? All the lands in the ten directions will transform into
treasure realms. How could a treasure realm ever fall to ruin? If the nation never declines
and the land is indestructible, you will find safety and peace in mind. These are the very
words that you must believe and revere.

The guest responded: Why would one practice erroneous teachings and refuse to follow
the correct Law in this lifetime and in future existences? Now that you have thoroughly
explained the words of the Buddha based on the passages you have cited from the sutras,
I have come to understand that slandering the true Law is extremely serious and the
offence of violating it is indeed grave. By believing only in Amida Buddha, I discarded
all other Buddhas; by revering the three pure land sutras, I rejected all other sutras. This
is not because of my self-centred views, but simply because of my obedience to the words
of the founders. This is true for all the people throughout the land. Yet, it causes our hearts
to be tormented in this life, and will certainly cause us to fall into avichi hell in future
existences. The sutras clearly elucidate this point and fully explain this principle. There
is no room for doubt.

From now on, I will faithfully uphold your compassionate admonition so that I may
clear my foolish and deluded mind. I will immediately eliminate [all slanderous
teachings] and make every effort toward realising the peace throughout the land. These
efforts will also secure my own peace of mind in this lifetime and will enable me to attain
supreme happiness in future existences.

Not only will I take faith in the correct Law, but I will also refute the erroneous views
of others!

I was terribly concerned, as I hadn’t heard any news from Your Lordship for a very long

Now when I, Nichiren, consulted the various sutras to consider [the cause of] the great
earthquake that occurred during the hour of the dog (07.00-09.00 pm) and boar (09.00-
11.00 pm) on the twenty-third day of the eighth month of the first year of Shoka (1257),
which corresponds to the cyclic sign of Hinoto-no-mi, I found that this was a disaster that
the great beneficial gods who protect Japan brought about by exercising their wrath at the
[rulers’] faith in the Nembutsu and Zen sects, etc.

On the sixteenth day of the seventh month of the second year of Shoguen (1260), which
corresponds to the cyclic sign of Kanoe-saru, I asked Your Lordship to hand over to the
deceased Mr Saimyoji Nyudo a remonstration document in which I explain that, if this
mistake is not put right, the country shall be devastated from abroad.

After nine years, now the news of an ultimatum given by the Great Mongol Empire has
come to my knowledge. In the light of the sutras, the invasion of our country by this
Empire is unavoidable. Thus, I have developed my ideas from the document and I have
become aware that it is only for me, Nichiren, to subjugate those barbarians from the

For the Sovereign, for the country, for the Buddhist Gods and for the Buddha, I suggest
that you again show the document to the Head of the Kamakura government. I will
explain this further when I next see you.
Yours sincerely,

On the twenty-first day of the eighth month of the fifth year of Bun’ei (1268)

To the attention of Mr Yadoya Saemon Nyûdô.

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