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Should students be permitted to use

phones while at school?

Cell phone usage in schools is a debated topic. While some argue that it may have negative
effects on students, there are several benefits to allowing them to bring their phones. These
include the fact that phones are a part of modern life, they could reduce paper waste, teach
important skills, improve communication, and increase convenience.

Allowing students to use their thoughts during school can have a positive impact on their
learning experience. When students are given the freedom to think and express themselves, it can
help to keep them motivated and engaged with the material being taught. By encouraging
students to use their thoughts, they can develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and
retain the information more effectively. Furthermore, using their thoughts can also help students
stay organized. When they can process information on their own

Cell phones should be banned in schools because

 They can act as a “breeding ground” for cyberbullying and social media can damage
mental health.
 They distract students and hurt their learning.
 They can be used for cyberbullying.
 They can be a source of discipline problems.
 Too much screen time can hurt a child's mental health

My Opinion
1. Help you stay organized: Phones can indeed be valuable tools for organization, with
features like calendars, reminders, notes, and productivity apps. They can help
individuals manage their schedules, tasks, and commitments more effectively.
2. Help you focus more: While phones can also be sources of distraction, they can help
enhance focus through features like productivity apps, timers, and focus-oriented
techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique. Additionally, they can facilitate access to
resources like educational materials or work-related information, which can aid in
3. Help you in a situation where you need help: Phones can be vital tools for
communication and accessing assistance in emergencies

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