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English and PAI
For our IDP this term, we made Borobudur Temple
miniature. We made it from cardboard.
As we know, Indonesia has alot of temples.
Borobudur is the biggest temple in the world. Its
located in Magelang, Central Java. Compare with
other temple in other city, such as Brahu temple in
Mojokerto, Borobudur is bigger than Brahu.
Borobudur also older than Brahu.

If you notice, we do comparing before. We used

comparative adjectives, such as bigger and older.
We also used superlative adjective such as The

Comparative adjectives are used to compare

differences between the two objects. The pattern is:
Noun (subject)+ be + comparative adjective + than
+ noun (object).
Dalam pelajaran PAI, kita belajar tentang surat Al
Ashr. Surat Al Ashr terdiri dari 3 ayat. BUnyinya

Surat Al Ashr memiliki arti waktu atau massa. Isi

kandungan Surat Al Ashr adalahbahwa kehidupan
di dunia ini, memiliki waktu atau massa yang
singkat. Karena itu, manusia harus memanfaatkan
waktu dengan sebaik mungkin untuk berbuat baik
dan menasehati dalam kebaikan.
@Abenia Talita haq

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