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Saudi Journal of Economics and Finance

Abbreviated Key Title: Saudi J Econ Fin

ISSN 2523-9414 (Print) |ISSN 2523-6563 (Online)
Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Review Article

Role of Accounting in Human Resources Management: A Co Authorship

Network Study
Zertaj Fatima1*, Bilquis Banu1
1Program Coordinator Applied College Jazan University, KSA

DOI: 10.36348/sjef.2023.v07i11.007 | Received: 05.10.2023 | Accepted: 13.11.2023 | Published: 18.11.2023

*Corresponding author: Zertaj Fatima
Program Coordinator Applied College Jazan University, KSA

Accounting for human resources is a relatively recent field. The organization may gain a direct or indirect advantage from
the accountant's labor. In order to give users of financial information the ability to make rational, global decisions,
accounting is the process of recognizing, quantifying, classifying, and reporting financial data. A company's HRA
demonstrates the commitment it makes to its employees and the evolution of their values throughout time. Accounting for
human resources gives management accounting more significance and aids in determining the capital worth of human
resources and management development. About the value of a human asset, HRA offers quantifiable information. The
current study's goals are to outline the function of accounting in HRM and identify coauthors whose works have received
more than 500 citations in the field. The goal of the current study is to look up studies on the function of accounting in
human resource management in the literature database. Research articles and their co-authors have been chosen based on
inclusion and exclusion criteria in order to meet the research purpose. Lastly, VosViewer has been used to present the
chosen research publications authored by coauthors that received more than 500 citations.
Keywords: financial data, employees, accounting in human resource management.
Copyright © 2023 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.

because of its importance in giving internal and external

INTRODUCTION stakeholders access to financial information in [9]. The
A company's capacity to successfully manage evolution of accounting throughout history and its
its human resources determines its level of success [1]. modifications in various business settings are discussed
An organization's human resources are one of its [10]. To summarize, accounting is the process of
resources, and they are essential to achieving its goals obtaining, recording, compiling, and sharing financial
[2]. Research has shown that good HRM enhances information for use in businesses and other institutions
company performance by promoting customer and [11].
employee satisfaction, creativity, productivity, and the
development of a good reputation within the company's The Relation between Accounting and Human
community [3]. The training and development function Resource
includes the initial skill development of newcomers [4]. According to past studies, there might be a
There is a growing belief that the utilization of human connection between accounting and human resources.
resources is essential to achieving organizational goals Barcons-Vilardell (1999) explores the accounting
[5]. treatments of human resources and looks at different
approaches to accounting for expenditures related to
The literature as a whole has many perspectives them [12]. Haddad (2014) highlights the importance of
on what accounting is [6]. According to the author, human resources as a resource for companies and
accounting is the process of obtaining, documenting, discusses the challenges associated with accurately
compiling, and presenting financial data from various measuring and reporting human resource data in
sources [7]. The researcher refers to accounting as the financial reporting [13]. Ogbodo (2016) emphasizes the
language of business and emphasizes its role in providing significance of human resources as a company's most
information for decision-making [8]. Wright (2017) valuable asset as well as the necessity of their evaluation
states that one field of study in particular is emphasized and disclosure in financial statements [14]. The
Citation: Zertaj Fatima & Bilquis Banu (2023). Role of Accounting in Human Resources Management: A Co Authorship 525
Network Study. Saudi J Econ Fin, 7(11): 525-532.
Zertaj Fatima & Bilquis Banu, Saudi J Econ Fin, Nov, 2023; 7(11): 525-532

affirmation of accounting for human resources, to manage human resources effectively and efficiently
accounting methodologies, and human resources [36].
accounting disclosure forms are the main areas of the
writers' work [15]. These studies show that accounting Elements of Human Resource Accounting
for human resources is essential to effective management The research as a whole covered the concept of
and increasing the financial reporting's informative value accounting for human resources and how it connects to
[16]. organizational management [37]. Human resource
accounting, according to Warno (2011), include
Role of Accounting in Human Resources monitoring employees as an organizational resource,
Human resource accounting and auditing providing quantitative information on the expenses and
allows management to recognize, quantify, and examine worth of human resources, and aiding in decision-
human resource capital [17]. The identification, making related to human resources [38]. Pokynchereda
measurement, and dissemination of pertinent data about (2017) emphasizes the importance of human resources
an organization's human resources to interested parties for financial success and contends that they should be
are the focus of human resource accounting [18]. The viewed as intangible assets in the framework of value-
value of personnel is measured by human resource based business management [39]. Joshi (2012) highlights
accounting, which aids management in making crucial how important it is to account for human resources in
choices about HRM procedures to raise an organization's order to attract investors and enhance reputation [40]. All
production and efficiency [19]. Accounting for human things considered, the research shows how important
resources includes treating the management and accounting systems are for recognizing the worth of
workforce of the business as future-generating human people resources in business settings and classifying
capital [20]. them as important assets [41].

Accounting for human resources aids Methods of Human Resource Accounting

management in making critical decisions about human The processes employed in human resource
resources that will boost output [21]. Training and accounting are clarified by these articles [42]. Islam
selection are the two major expenses associated with (2013) highlights the benefits of human resource
human resources [22]. Accounting for human resources accounting, including increased efficiency and decision-
contributes to the enhancement of management value making, but it also discusses implementation issues, like
and aids in the calculation of human resource capital the lack of exact accounting standards and value
[23]. For the average modern, knowledge workers are ambiguity [43]. Dharma Vignesh 2020 emphasizes the
vital resources [24]. The primary obstacles that are need of measuring and monitoring human resources in
hindering the implementation of human resource financial accounts and advises businesses to implement
accounting are those related to the process of gathering and utilize human resource accounting in [44]. Ahmed
data on human capital for the report Reference [25]. The (2010) examines several approaches and methodologies
only way to achieve full business information goal offered for the valuation of human resources, whereas
congruence is to value human assets and show their value Trussell 1976 [45], attempts to familiarize managers with
in the financial statement [26]. accounting techniques for human resources and provides
a study application on human resource value [46].
Accounting for human resources is a new
multidisciplinary field [27]. One should seize the chance Models of Human Resource Management
to include human resource assets and liabilities in the The models of HRA (human resource
financial accounts [28]. An accounting system for human accounting) are clarified by these articles [47]. Through
resources was created in order to classify, evaluate, and case studies, Dawson 1992 compares and contrasts the
contrast current or potential personnel as financial assets "Replacement Cost Model" and the "Stochastic Rewards
[29]. Uncertainty in valuing stems from uncertainties in Valuation Model," concluding that while managers
human resources [30]. Accounting for human resources recognize the value of human resources, the two HRA
has a direct bearing on how human capital is measured models do not provide a consistent way to measure it
and managed [31]. The foundation is a highly integrated [48]. HRA cost and asset models are examined in Mirvis
and well-managed workforce [32]. The development of 1976, and their reliability, validity, and applicability are
academic research into management system evaluated [49]. Seth (2009) focuses on HRA practices in
improvements is exemplified by the history of human Indian industries, discussing the concept of HRA,
resource accounting [33]. various models that Indian companies have used, and the
procedures involved in evaluating a person's worth [50].
A part of human resource management is Overall, the papers demonstrate the challenges and
accounting [34]. The performance of the firm was potential solutions associated with monitoring and
positively and marginally impacted by human capital and accounting for human resources [51].
intangible assets [35]. HR professionals and
management can use the information provided by HRA Importance of Human Resource Accounting

© 2023 | Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 526
Zertaj Fatima & Bilquis Banu, Saudi J Econ Fin, Nov, 2023; 7(11): 525-532

When these studies are combined, they a social network analysis tool and concentrated on
demonstrate the significance of human resource centrality measures in co-authorship networks [61]. In
accounting [52]. Jiu-li (2002) emphasizes how important 2016, Kettunen conducted a study on collaborative
accounting is for human resources and offers particular authorship in higher education and discovered that co-
accounting data that can help with implementation [53]. authorship has grown, reaching outside of academic
According to Haddad (2014), human resources are a institutions and enabling networks for research and
company's most valuable asset, and include them in growth [62]. In conclusion, these studies show how
financial reporting will make it more informative.[54] important co-authorship networks are for promoting
Danaei (2014) bemoans the dearth of human resources information sharing and collaborative research [63].
listed as assets in financial accounts and calls for
additional research in this field [55]. Lotto (2016) points One important strategy for bringing together
out that human resource accounting views human capital disparate skill sets to produce a research result is co-
as an asset on the balance sheet, in contrast to traditional authorship [64]. Understanding the status of individual
accounting practices [56]. These articles typically stress authors and the structure of scientific cooperation can be
how crucial it is to recognize and account for human accomplished through the use of social network analysis
resources in financial reporting [57]. [65]. Research and development networks are created
and maintained through coauthor ship [66]. Co-
Research Objective authorship networks and social network analysis are
1. To conduct a literature review to assess being utilized more and more as effective methods to
accounting's function in human resource evaluate collaboration patterns and pinpoint top
management. organizations and scientists [67]. Collaboration networks
2. To look up co-authors who are currently comprise scientists who exchange ideas, employ
conducting study in the field. comparable procedures and strategies for gathering and
3. To highlight the coauthors whose work has evaluating research data, and have an impact on each
received more than 500 citations in the field at other's output [68].
Over time, scientists from various study
Research Question domains and geographical locations may engage in a
1. How does accounting fit into the management particular co-authorship network in both
of human resources? multidisciplinary and specific research topics [69]. The
2. Who among the co-authors is conducting supportiveness metrics hold significance and are
research in the field at hand? intriguing [70]. Compared to authors who submit EM
3. Who are the coauthors whose work has received publications under their own names alone, co-authors of
over 500 citations in the field to date? EM articles receive higher citations for their work [71].
In knowledge and information science journals from
Research Methods 2008 to 2013, Gholamreza Fadaei, Mohammad
The following techniques were employed to Hasanzade, and Fariborz Doroudi are the most
address the aforementioned research issues, and significant authors with the highest degree [72]. The
VosViewer was used to present the findings in tabular benefits of Author Rank and PageRank over
and diagrammatic form. betweenness, degree, and closeness centrality
1. Using search criteria, the database's literature measurements [73]. When integrating numerous
has been examined to determine the function of processes, the weight of each mechanism represents its
accounting in human resource management. importance [74].
2. After inclusion and exclusion criteria, 75
coauthors who authored the research papers The Interaction Platform the Cytoscape
were chosen from the literature review. Lastly, software can automatically generate a visual summary of
out of the chosen research publications, 14 co- all related individuals [75]. Co-authorship relationships
authored studies have received more than 500 define patterns of scientific collaboration that are
citations. frequently described by social network analysis [76].
From a small cluster to a structure of "chained-
Co Authorship Network communities" and finally to a small-world structure, the
Collectively, these investigations clarified the massive component of the collaborative network has
concept of co-authorship networks [58]. According to undergone evolution [77].
Zare-Farashbandi's 2014 analysis, the co-authorship
network of articles published in the Journal of Research CONCLUSION
in Medical Sciences showed signs of resembling a small When taken as a whole, these articles provide
world network [59]. In his assessment of co-authorship insight into the networks of coauthors in several
networks, Kumar (2015) emphasized the value of co- scientific fields [78]. Chen (2017) reports a study on a
authorship as a tool for interdisciplinary research global co-authorship network utilizing data from Google
collaboration [60]. Umadevi (2013) employed Gephi as Scholar, emphasizing author collaboration and the
© 2023 | Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 527
Zertaj Fatima & Bilquis Banu, Saudi J Econ Fin, Nov, 2023; 7(11): 525-532

relationship between citation metrics and co-authorship on the composition, cooperative tendencies, and
[79]. Isfandyari-Moghaddam in 2021, the USA will be a prominent contributors in co-authorship [83].
major partner in the study of global scientific
collaboration, which will analyze the co-authorship Accounting for human resources furnishes the
networks of the top 60 nations and discover collaborative organization and other recipients of accounting data with
tendencies [80]. In his analysis of the scientometrics co- data about human resources [84]. A possible
authorship network, Erfanmanesh (2012) highlights the organizational measurement instrument is assessed,
field's collaborative character and the prominence of the namely human resource accounting [85]. Every
United States [81]. Using machine learning, Higaki 2020 organization is built on its highly integrated and well-
investigates co-authorship networks in cardiovascular managed workforce [86]. Employees' human assets are
research, identifying central authors and emphasizing the recognized by the organization as assets, and this is the
composition of collaboration networks [82]. foundation of human resource accounting [87]. It is
Conclusively, these articles offer valuable perspectives advisable to seize the chance to include human resource
assets and liabilities in the financial accounts [88].

Source: Vos viewer presentation of selected co-authors after inclusion and exclusion

no Cites Authors Title Year Source Publisher Cites Per

1 4011 JB Barney, PM On becoming a strategic partner: 1998 … of Human Wiley 3.17
Wright The role of human resources in Resources Online
gaining competitive advantage Management Library
2 3630 PM Wright, GC Human resources and sustained 1994 … resource Taylor 5.9
McMahan… competitive advantage: a management &Francis
resource-based perspective
3 2140 S Brammer, A The contribution of corporate 2007 … Resource Taylor 17.17
Millington, B social responsibility to Management &Francis
Rayton organizational commitment
4 2138 N Bontis, NC The knowledge toolbox: A review 1999 European Elsevier 18.08
Dragonetti, K of the tools available to measure management
Jacobsen, G Roos and manage intangible resources …
5 1897 RR Kehoe, PM The impact of high-performance 2013 Journal of journals.sage 160.44
Wright human resource practices on management
© 2023 | Published by Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 528
Zertaj Fatima & Bilquis Banu, Saudi J Econ Fin, Nov, 2023; 7(11): 525-532

no Cites Authors Title Year Source Publisher Cites Per

employees' attitudes and
6 1818 PM Wright, WR Desegregating HRM: A review 2002 Journal of Elsevier 5
Boswell and synthesis of micro and macro management
human resource management
7 1711 EF Cabrera, A Fostering knowledge sharing 2005 … journal of Taylor 377.57
Cabrera through people management human &Francis
practices resource
8 1071 SE Jackson, RS An aspirational framework for 2014 Academy of journals.aom 742.29
Schuler, K Jiang strategic human resource Management .org
management …
9 897 FJ Acedo, C Co?authorship in management 2006 Journal of Wiley 9.4
Barroso, C and organizational studies: An management Online
Casanueva… empirical and network analysis … Library
10 774 P Tambe, P Artificial intelligence in human 2019 California journals.sage 31.39
Cappelli… resources management: Management
Challenges and a path forward …
11 755 M Massaro, J On the shoulders of giants: 2016 Accounting, 16
Dumay, J Guthrie undertaking a structured literature Auditing & …
review in accounting
12 661 A Aragón- Effects of training on business 2003 … Resource Taylor 17.13
Sánchez, I Barba- results1 Management &Francis
13 507 C Camelo-Ordaz, J The influence of human resource 2011 … of human Taylor 95.06
García-Cruz… management on knowledge resource … &Francis
sharing and innovation in Spain:
the mediating role of affective
14 503 M Järvenpää Making business partners: a case 2007 European Taylor 35
study on how management accounting &Francis
accounting culture was changed review
Source: tabular presentation of selected co-authors after who gained more than 500 citations

Source: Vos viewer presentation of selected co-authors who attain more than 500 citations

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