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W e e k #25 T h e me : “TOEFL”

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Day #1 (Homework)
Time: (30 minutes)

 Target: “#44~45: Facial Expressions & Missing Aviatrix” (p.110,112)

 Review: review the previous class lecture notes and academic words

 2 Articles: read 2 articles and guess the main idea for each paragraph

 Reading Skills: write the line # with context next to each answer

 Thinking Skills: complete all 3 sections of the workbook (2 articles)

 In Class: TOEFL TEST

Time: (30 minutes)

 Epistemology: “Unit 16~18 Review”

 Words: review the definition, part of speech, and spelling

 Visual: review the symbol for each word to help you remember

 Tests: review previous tests and fix your mistakes by writing

 In Class: Review Test

Time: (15 minutes)

 Grammar: “Lesson 25~ Passives” (p.82)

 Rules: highlight the key points while reading the form and use

 Practice: complete all sections: 1, 2, 3, 6

 In Class: grammar lecture and homework review

Day #2 (Homework)

Time: (30 minutes)
 Persuasive: “Should people not consume meat and become vegetarians?”

 Vocab: review transitions and persuasive words (p.6, 37)

 Structure: review persuasive essay structure (p.38~40)

 Rewrite: fill out the grammar police and rewrite conclusion (p.59)

 Grammar Review: write down all of the mistakes for this month (p.60)

 Final Writing: make a title and rewrite the entire essay (p.61)

 In Class: Evaluation Test #4

Time: (35 min.)

 Topic: “Plan a protest about any current issues in Korea.”

 Index Cards: Buy A6 (8 mm with lines)

 Speech: write an outline on 1 index card (all four paragraphs)

 Rubric: review and all bad habits by practicing at least 3 times

 In Class: Video Recording Day (Practice! Practice! Practice!)

Time: (30 min.)

 Novel: “HOOT”

 Philosophy Q: Do you think protesting is right or wrong? (1 paragraph)

 Read: chapters 20~epilogue (read previous chapters if you haven’t)

 Notes: write 4-5 main ideas for each chapter in your own words

 In Class: plot chart analysis, quiz, philosophy discussion, VAK activity

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