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Hello everyone please let me know went you see my screen;

I will share the financial report for August (Agoes)

The month went well, but we didn't meet the budget:
The Actual Intercompany revenue is fifty-nine thousand dollars and the budgeted was seventy four
thousand dollars

August has been the month where we have billed the most and had utility despite not expecting it.
A rise in the dollar against the local currency resulted in increased revenue.
As a result of the new consultants, we have billed 303 three hundred three additional hours this month
compared to last month.
For the current month August, we reached 1,912 one thousand nine hundred twelve billable hours and
period moth July 1609 One thousand six hundred and nine billable hours

We also hired two employees this month, one senior consultant, and an Architect for the system´s
development, we are working on filling their capacity, as well as the new consultants hired last month.
Professional development costs increased, as a result of hiring new employees and the lack of realization
The cost of Staff, fees, and taxes were lower than expected, which resulted in a positive NET INCOME
and higher EBITDA, despite the increase in the number of employees and contractors.

We had a utilization of 82% eighty two percent and a realization of 46% forty six percent
Some employees are currently not working on any projects, which results in lower realization and
utilization in comparison to last month, and some of them were on vacation.

Ninety-six- Fifty-six
The Cashflow is Stable due to extra payments from CA, 27% twenty-seven percent of the overdue
portfolio was collected.

As for EBITDA CONTRIBUTION, we have fulfilled our commitment to reducing non-billable hours, as
well as some professional development and wellness expenses. But major contributions will be reflected
in the next month

In the coming months, we are expecting that as the new consultants and contractors begin billing and
more projects come to us to fullfill our current capacity and revenue.

That would be all for now, are there any questions?

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