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The magnitude of the resultant vector by adding two (2) vectors is smallest when the angle between
them is _____.
2. The magnitude of the resultant vector by adding two (2) vectors is greatest when the angle between
them is _____.

3. _____ Which is NOT a scalar quantity?
The age of Earth
The mass of a football
The Earth's pull on your body
The temperature of an iron bar
4. _____ A student adds two (2) displacements with magnitudes of 3.0 m and 4.0 m, respectively. Which
could be a possible choice for the magnitude of the resultant if Pythagorean theorem is used?
5.0 m
5. _____ If a ball is thrown with a velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of above the horizontal, what is the
vertical component of its velocity?
15 m/s
6. _____ Which method of adding vectors is otherwise known as the tip-to-tail method?
7. _____ Which statement is TRUE about scalar quantities?
Scalar quantities have both magnitude and direction.
Scalar quantities can be added to vectors using rules of trigonometry.
Scalar quantities can be added to other scalar values using rules of trigonometry.
Scalar quantities can be added to other scalar values using rules of ordinary addition.
8. _____ Vectors A and B are added to form vector C. The relationship between the magnitudes of the
vectors is given by A + B = C. Which statement concerning these vectors is TRUE?
A and B must have equal lengths.
A and B must point in the same direction.
A and B must point in opposite directions.
A and B must be at right angles to each other.
9. _____ What is the angle between vectors A and -A when they are drawn from a common origin?
10. Vector addition is _____.
11. _____ What is the cross-product of the unit vector k ̂ with itself at θ = 90°?
12. _____ What is j ̂ × i ̂ ?
13. _____ Which vector operation is NOT commutative?
14. _____ Vector A is 5 m, N of E. What is the negative of vector A?
5 m, S of W
15. _____ Which is NOT allowed in vector algebra?
(A ∙ B) ∙ C
16. _____ If A and B are vectors, and B = -A, which of the following is TRUE?
The magnitude of B is equal to the negative of the magnitude of A.
A and B are perpendicular.
The direction angle of B is equal to the direction angle of A plus
(A + B) + C
17. _____ What is the scalar product of A = (2,1,0) and B = (0,1,2)?
18. The resultant of the two-dimensional vectors (1.5 m, 0.7 m), (-3.2 m, 1.7 m), and (1.2 m, -3.3 m), lies
in quadrant _____.
19. _____ What is the vector product of A = (2,1,0) and B = (0,1,2)?
20. _____ For the vectors A = (2,1,0) and B = (0,1,2), what is their vector product at θ = 30°?
1. _____ Which of the following is the frequency of the musical note C5?
a. 376 g
b. 483 m/s
c. 523 Hz
d. 5 J
2. _____ Which of these SI units is the largest?
a. Millimeter
b. Kilogram
c. Microsecond
d. The units are not comparable.
3. _____ Which of these SI units is the smallest?
a. Millimeter
b. Kilogram
c. Microsecond
d. The units are not comparable.
4. _____ What is the difference between 3.0 and 3.0000?
a. The value 3.0000 could be the result of an intermediate step in a calculation, while 3.0 has to
be the result of a final step.
b. The 3.0000 represents a quantity that is known more precisely than 3.0
c. They convey the same information, but 3.0 is preferred for ease of writing.
d. There is no difference.
5. A speed of 7 mm/μs is equal to _____.
a. 7,000 m/s
b. 70 m/s
c. 7 m/s
d. 0.07 m/s
6. A hockey puck, whose diameter is approximately three (3) inches, is to be used to determine the value
of π to three (3) significant figures by carefully measuring its diameter and its circumference. For this
calculation to be done properly, the measurements must be made to the nearest _____.
a. Hundredth of an in
b. Tenth of an in
c. in
d. millimeter
7. _____ What is the sum of 5.786 × 103 m and 3.19 × 104 m?
a. 6.02 × 1023 m
b. 3.77 × 104 m
c. 8.967 × 103 m
d. 8.98 × 103 m
8. _____ How is the number 0.009834 expressed in scientific notation?
a. 9.834 × 104
b. 9.834 × 10-4
c. 9.834 × 103
d. 9.834 × 10-3
9. _____ How many significant figures does the number 0.4560 have?
a. Two (2)
b. Three (3)
c. Four (4)
d. Five (5)
10. _____ How many watts are in one (1) gigawatt?
a. 103
b. 106
c. 109
d. 1012
1. _____ Which is NOT an SI fundamental quantity?
a. Force
b. Mass
c. Temperature
d. Time
2. _____ Which is a derived quantity?
a. Electric current
b. Temperature
c. Time
d. Voltage
3. The present definition of meter is in terms of the _____.
a. Length of a stretched hand
b. Speed of light in a vacuum
c. Platinum iridium bar is Sevres, France
d. Wavelength of light from Krypton atom
4. There is a move to redefine the mole in terms of _____.
a. Avogadro's number
b. Boltzmann constant
c. Planck's constant
d. Speed of light in a vacuum
5. _____ Which device storage has the largest storage capacity?
a. 16 Gbyte
b. 16 kbyte
c. 16 Mbyte
d. 16 Tbyte
6. Uncontrolled changes to air pressure while determining the boiling point of a liquid give rise to _____.
a. Personal error
b. Random error
c. Relative error
d. Systematic error
7. A density of 5,400 kg/m3 is equal to _____ g/cm3.
a. 4
b. 54
c. 540
d. 5400
8. _____ The radius and height of a cylinder were determined using the same measuring instrument.
When the volume of the cylinder is computed, which will likely contribute a greater error?
a. Height
b. Radius
c. π
d. Both height and radius
9. The square root of the variance is the _____.
a. mean
b. relative error
c. standard deviation
d. uncertainty
10. The only fundamental quantity that is defined based on a human-made object is _____.
a. length
b. mass
c. temperature
d. time

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