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1: Q: What is safety?
ANS: Safety is a quality of being safe, freedom from danger or chance of injury,
to act in way that least likely to cause harm.

2: Q: What is hazard?
ANS: Anything which have potentials to cause harm.

3: Q: What is risk?
ANS: It is a combination between severity and likelihood.

4: Q: What is accident?
ANS: An unplanned undesired event which may result of property damage, &
personal injury.

5: Q: What is incident?
ANS: An unplanned unexpected event which may result of property damage, but
does not result of personal injury.

6: Q: What is Near miss?

ANS: Any un expected event which may have potential to cause harm, injury,
property damage but does not.

7: Q: What is risk assessment?

ANS: Risk assessment is a systematically process to minimize the hazard and risk,
As following 5 steps. published Mustafa rana)

1: identify the hazards

2: who might be harmed and how.
3: evaluate the risk & decides on precaution.
4: records your significant findings.
5: review the control measures, update if necessary.

8: Q: What is jobs safety analyses. (JSA)

ANS: JSA is typical process to identified the hazards to make job, activity secure.
• Select the job to be analyzed.
• Break down job into the steps.
• Identify the hazards.
• Implement the solution.

9: Q: What is hierarchy of control?

ANS: Hierarchy of hazards control is a system used to minimize or eliminate
exposure to hazards.
• Elimination
• Substitution
• Engineering control.
• Administrative controls.

10: Q: What is fire?

ANS: Fire is a chemical reaction among heat, fuel & oxygen.

11: Q: Types of fire?

• Class A. Ordinary combustible material.
• Class B. Flammable liquid & Gasses.
• Class C. Electrical fire.
• Class D. Combustible metals.
• Class E. Cooking fire.
Published Mustafa rana
12: Q: How many types of fire extinguisher?
There are 5 types of fire extinguisher.
• CO2

13: Q: what is safety inspection?

ANS: Safety is inspection is a process which we are trying to identifying of hazards,
unsafe act & unsafe condition on the daily basis, weekly basis.

14: Q: What is safety audit?

ANS: Safety audit is a procedure to ensure that an organization following health
and safety management system& implementing in organization.

15: Q: Types of audits?

• Internal audit (by internal management)
• External audit (by 3rd body or client)

16: Q: What is safety policy?

ANS: A health & safety policy is a written statement by an employer stating the
company commitment for the protection of the health &safety of the employees
& to the public
• Statement of intent.
• Responsibilities.
• Arrangements.
17: Q: What is work permit system?
ANS: Work permit is written document authorizing a person or a group for the
specific job, activity.

18: Q: What is hot work?

ANS: Any work which have to produce spark, flame or ignition.

19: Q: What is cold work?

ANS: The work which never produce any kind of spark or flame.

20: Q: What is work at height?

ANS: Any work above 1.8 meters from the ground.

21: Q: What are the duties of safety officer?

• Prepare tool box talk.
• Prepare the checklist.
• Inspection of fire extinguisher.
• Daily site inspection.
• Communication with site supervisor.
• Participated in the management meetings.
• Monitoring of the activity continually.
• Arrange first aid kit & inspection.
• Reporting of accident, incident & near miss.

22: Q: What are the safety supervisor duties?

• He has to instruct workers about the work method and procedure.
• Implement the HSE policy & HSE plan in the work site.
• He should know investigate the accidents and find out the cause of
• He should conduct periodical safety meetings.
• Arrange safety meeting's classes.
• Prepare monthly statistics.
• Arrange monthly safety bullions.
• Arrange the first aid training classes.

23: Q: What is confined space?

ANS: Any place which have limited access and egress, where the personal can't
work continuously, there may have diffidence or enrichment of oxygen, may
presence of toxic and flammable gasses

24: Q: Confined space hazards?

• Presence of toxic gasses.
• Fire & explosion.
• Poor ventilation.
• Poor illumination.
• Oxygen deficiency.
• Oxygen enrichment.
• Improper access and egress
• Suffocation
• Extreme temperature.

25: Q: What is excavation?

ANS: It is man-made cut, an earth surface form by earth removal.

26: Q: Types of excavation?

• Manual excavation (earth removal by person)
• Mechanical excavation. (Earth removal by equipment)

27: Q: Excavation protection method?

• Slopping
• Benching
• Shoring
28: Q: Types of soil?
• TYPE A: Compacted soil with compressive strength 1.5-ton sq.ft.
Maintain= 53 slope angle (degrees)
• TYPE B: Compressive strength 0.5-ton 1.5-ton sq ft.
Maintain= 45 angle (degrees)
• TYPE C: Unstable compressive strength= less than 0.5-ton sq ft.
Maintain 34 slope angle
• Stable rock: 90 slope degree

29: Q: Hazards of excavation?

• Underground utilities
• Collapsing of walls cave in
• Fall of person, material
• Falling of removed soil
• Water accumulation
• Nearby structure
• Improper access
• Flooding
• Confined space if depth 1.2 MTR.

30: Q: Oxygen level in confined space?

ANS: 19.5 to 23.5. (20 to 23.5%)

31: Q: What is LEL?

ANS: Lower explosive limit, the minimum concentration of vapor, gasses, Dust in
air below which propagation of flame does not occur in case of contact with
PUBLISHED Mustafa rana
32: Q: What is UEL?
ANS: Upper explosive limit, the maximum propagation of vapor, gasses, dust in air
above which proposal the flame does not occur in contact with ignition.

33: Q: What is scaffold?

ANS: It is a temporary Plateforme constructed for the supporting both men &
material, for working safely construction site.

34: Q: Types of scaffolds?

• Independent/ tower scaffold
• Birdcage
• Cantilever
• Suspended scaffold/ hanging
• Mobile scaffold

35: Q: COMPONENTS of scaffold?

Sole plate, base plate, screw jack, kicker lift, standards, ledger, transom, bracing,
pipe, clamp, toe board, planks, top rail, mid rail, drop bar, false upright, ladder,
pully, rope, lifting bag, status of tag.

36: Q: Types of cranes?

• Mobile crane
• Tower crane
• Crawler crane\ hydraulic
• Gantry crane
• Overhead crane

37: Q: What is tandem lifting?

Ans: any lifting operation which involving two or more cranes used.
38: Q: What is critical lifting?
• Lifting over 40 ton
• Lifting near overhead power lines
• Load more 85% of crane
• Night time lifting

39: Q: Crane, man basket, and scaffolding maximum

working air speed?
• Man, basket 25kph
• Crane lifts 32kph
• Scaffolding 65kph

40: Q: What are the lifting hazards?

• Crane fall
• Crane overturn
• Over speed
• Oil leakage
• Mechanical failure
• Over loading
• Ground surface not compacted
• Unauthorized operator and rigger

41: Q: What is LOTO?

ANS: lockout tagout is the safety procedure to prevent the accidently startup of
machine, equipment. It is use to protect the people from injury.

42: Q: What is safe limit of gases. Oxygen, h2S co?

• Oxygen 20 t0 23.5%
• H2S less then 10ppm
• CO less then 35 ppm PUBLISHED MUSTAFA
43: Q: What is trench?
Ans: any excavation where the depth is greater than the width but not more than
4.5 MTR.

44: Q: What is work method of statement?

Ans: work method of statement is document that detail exactly, how to carry out
work safely, for ensuring building site health and safety.

45: Q: What is manual handling?

Ans: The process of lifting, carrying, stacking of materials by men.

46: Q: Describe different types of hazards?

• Biological hazards
• Physical hazards
• Chemical hazards
• Ergonomic hazards
• Psychosocial hazards.
• Safety hazards.

47: Q: What is accident investigation?

Ans: accident investigation means to carried out immediately the occurrence of
accident, to find out root causes and to avoid in future.


48: Q: Write causes of accident?
• Direct causses: unsafe act, unsafe condition
• Indirect causes: lack of knowledge or skill.
• Improper attitude
• Physical or mental defiance.

49: Q: Example of unsafe act?

• Failure to use PPE
• Using hands instead of tools or equipment
• Unsafe position, posture
• Wearing of loose clothes
• Working at height without full body harness.

50: Q: Example of unsafe condition?

• Unguarded machine
• Poor lighting
• Poor ventilation
• Slippery surface
• Bad housekeeping
• Improper stacking of material
• Defective condition of tools and equipment.

51: Q: What is safety management?

Ans: safety management is a system, setting of safety objectives, activities
planning, administration, improving, and various function to achieve the safely
52: Q: What are objectives of safety management?
• Taking care of workers and staff, in the event of accident
• Providing health full environment
• Providing Welfare facilities
• Continuous vigilant, improvement.

53: Q: Types of work permit?

• Hot work
• Cold work
• Confined space entry
• Equipment opening, line breaking (EOLB)

54: Q: What is first aid?

Ans: first aid isa temporary and immediate care given to the victim of an incident.
Published Mustafa rana

55: Q: What is earthing, grounding?

Ans: Grounding means connecting the natural point of the supply, equipment to
the general mass of earth by line.

56: Q: How many types of sign boards?

• Mandatory
• Informative
• Fire or explosion
• Warning signs
• Caution


57: Q: What are the major routes by which chemical
enter the human body?
There are four major routes,
• Inhalation (breathing)
• Absorption (skin or eyes)
• Ingestion (by mouth)
• Injection. (Cut, wound)

58: Q: What is PASS stand for?

• P Pull the pin
• A, Aim the base of fire
• S Squeeze the liver
• S Sweep from side to side

59: Q: What is electricity?

Ans: electricity is the flow of energy from one place to another, a flow of current
travels through a conductor.
• Current
• Circuit
• Resistance
• Conductors
• Groundings
• Insulators.


60: Q: What are hazards of electricity?
• Burns
• Fire & explosion
• Arcing
• Secobndary hazards

61: Q: What are the types of radiation?

Ans: there are two types of radiation.
• Ionizing (alpha particles, beta particles', x rays, gamma rays
• Non ionizing (ultraviolet, visible lights, infrared, microwaves. radio waves.

62: Abbreviation, standards

• OSHA: Occupational safety and health administration.
• HSE: Health safety environment.
• SDS: Safety data sheet.
• ANSI: American national standards institute.
• SHEMS: Safety health environment management standards.
• GFCI: Ground fault circuit interrupter.
• ELCB: Earth leakage current breaker.
• IDLH: Immediate dangerous life or health.
• LEL: Lower explosive limit
• UEL: Upper explosive limit
• TWA: Time weighted average.
• CO: Corbon monoxide.
• H2S: Hydrogen sulfide


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