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Firearms Guardian

The Alarming Rise of Unregistered Firearms in Southern

Africa: A Challenge to Peace and Security
 Feb 14, 2023(  Opinion (

According to the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

(, the southern African region is facing a significant challenge due to
the circulation of illegal firearms (
between-a-gun-and-a-firearm/). It is estimated that around 3.8 million unregistered firearms are
in circulation in South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe. This poses a threat to the region’s
stability and security.
The widespread availability of illegal firearms has obviously led to a rise in violent crimes,
including robbery and murder. In many cases, these firearms have fallen into the hands of
organized criminal groups, who use them to further their illegal activities, such as drug trafficking
and smuggling.

The Importance of Carrying a Backup Gun for Armed Citizens:

An Overview
Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Introduction: Murphy’s Law states
that things can go wrong, and this applies to even the most dependable
guns. Running out of ammo or a malfunction in a combat situation can put
you in danger. This is why having a backup gun is crucial for armed citizens.
What is a … Continue reading

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The situation in Southern Africa is not unique, as illegal firearms pose a challenge to peace and
security in several locations across the globe. The majority of illegal firearms in the region are
believed to come from illegal arms trafficking networks operating across international borders
along with the governments that do not have proper control over their own firearms (like police
and military). This highlights the need for increased cooperation between states and international
organizations to tackle this issue.
In order to address this growing challenge, it is important for governments in the region to take a
multi-faceted approach to the problem of illegal firearms. This should include stronger measures
to stop the illegal trade and illegal possession of firearms, as well as efforts to disrupt the illegal
arms trafficking networks that fuel the illicit trade. In addition, there must be increased
investment in law enforcement and criminal justice systems to help prevent and combat the use
of illegal firearms in criminal activities. In South Africa’s case and so too with Mozambique and
Zimbabwe, criminal justice leadership must have integrity for any illegal firearms mission to be

Top 10 Most Collectible Firearms: A Guide for Gun Enthusiasts

Share via: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn More Firearms have been a popular
item for collection for many years. From antique guns to modern weapons,
there is a vast market for firearms collectors. In this article, we’ll take a look
at the top 10 most collectible firearms, their history, and what makes them
so valuable. Browning Model … Continue reading
Firearms 0

In conclusion, the rise of illegal firearms in Southern Africa is a serious concern for the region and
its people. It is essential that the governments of South Africa, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe take
swift and decisive action to address this issue, with support from the international community.
Only by working together to disrupt illegal arms trafficking networks, and invest in law
enforcement and criminal justice systems can we hope to overcome this challenge and ensure a
safer future for all.

In the mean time, more civilians should lawfully arm themselves to be able to defend themselves,
their families and communities. A lawfully armed citizen is an asset to your community.




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