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Collecting Nokia Data in OSS version 4

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45.11. Collecting Nokia Data in OSS version 4 Chapter 45. xAFP Support for Nokia infrastructure

45.11. Collecting Nokia Data in OSS version 4

This document provides an insight into the methods to schedule and collect network configuration, MMR, QoS, traffic and HO counts for use in an Optimi xAFP PRJ. Please refer to proper Nokia documentation where required.

45.11.1. Collecting Network Configuration Data (Nokia XML)

An export of the network configuration in XML format is required to populate radio and channel data into xAFP. 1. From the Citrix Program Neighborhood select Application Set Manager > NetAct OSS Application Set > NetAct Start Page. See Figure 45.17, NetAct Start Page
Figure 45.17. NetAct Start Page

2. From NetAct Start Page select Configuration > CM Operations Manager. (See Figure 45.17, NetAct Start Page) Then in CM Operations Manager select menu File > Export Actual Configuration. (See Figure 45.18, CM Operations Manager)
Figure 45.18. CM Operations Manager

3. 1.1.3 From the export window select BSC's to include in CONFIG file. Select object classes ADCE, BCF, BSC, BTS, MAL and TRX. Specify export target file name, ensure that the drive selected is for your local machine or a location that you can ftp the file from. Finally under export options select Include related BTSM objects and Include SITE information. (See Figure 45.19, CM Operations Manager Export)
Figure 45.19. CM Operations Manager Export



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4. 1.1.4 Select Start to generate the XML file.

45.11.2. Collecting MMR data (Nokia DAC+CF)

Defining BAL BALs can be manually defined as outlined in this section or can be created and imported from xAFP Scan List solution. The method chosen will largely depend on the complexity of the system. Please refer to Optimi X Help for description of the SLG. 1. From Citrix select Application Manager > Radio Network Manager (RNW). Select single or multiple BSC's using SHIFT and/or CTRL keys and then click Select button. (See Figure 45.20, Radio Network Manager Window)
Figure 45.20. Radio Network Manager Window



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2. At the RNW Manager window, go to the Features tab and ensure Double BA List is selected (see Figure 45.21, RNW Features Tab). This ensures there are two BA-lists used, one for idle and another for dedicated mode. This needs to be done for each BSC.
Figure 45.21. RNW Features Tab



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Note If you make changes to a parameter, be sure to select File > Send to Network. This will send the modification of the parameter to the network for implementation. 3. Double-click the appropriate BSC on the left side of the dialog box. Under the General Tab, select BAL-1 and click select. The display should update with the BCCH channels that will be scanned while the mobile is in idle mode. (see Figure 45.22, RNW BAL General Tab)
Figure 45.22. RNW BAL General Tab



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4. There are two methods for enabling idle state BCCH list for active mode. For a small number of faces, it may be advantageous to enable BAL on a cell-by-cell basis. Select an individual BTS, from the left pane and the BCCH Allocation & Trunk tab. In the middle of the window, there are options to change the Measurement BCCH Allocation from Adjacent Cells to Idle State BCCH List. Select Idle State BCCH List to ensure that all the channels previously added to the idle BA-list are measured. Change the Idle State BCCH Allocation option from Not Assigned to Assigned ID. (see Figure 45.23, OPT Double Allocation List)
Figure 45.23. OPT Double Allocation List



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5. For a system level update, a script is needed to change the same parameters with many BTS's simultaneously. From the NetAct Start Page open CM Editor (See Figure 45.24, CM Editor)
Figure 45.24. CM Editor



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6. In the CM Editor, create a new Planned Configuration by selecting Plan > New Plan, enter name and select update (see Figure 45.25, CM Editor New Plan)
Figure 45.25. CM Editor New Plan

7. On the tree in the left panel expand Opened Plans, the plan you just created and Managed Objects. Continue expanding down to show all BTS's for selected BSC's. (See Figure 45.26, CM Editor Plan)
Figure 45.26. CM Editor Plan



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8. 2.8 Now select all entities for the desired BSC's and their sub en ties you want to configure using left mouse clicks and combination of SHIFT-left mouse click/CTRL-left mouse click until all desired en ties are highlighted. Now right click on the highlighted selection and select copy and then paste the selection to MO Classes in Plan. (see Figure 45.27, CM Editor Select All)
Figure 45.27. CM Editor Select All

9. 2.9 Under the selected plan in the tree, minimize the Managed Objects and expand the MO Classes. You should now have access to parameters by object class for all en ties selected. Select Object Class BTS and change the BCCH Allocation Usage for Active MS to a value of 0 for all BTS's. (see Figure 45.28, CM Editor BCCH Allocation for Active MS)
Figure 45.28. CM Editor BCCH Allocation for Active MS



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Note (For predefined values) Use Shift and down arrow to select multiple BTS's to which these parameter changes should affect. Now holding CTRL key down double left mouse click any highlighted field and choose defined value. (For user specified values) Select first field and then holding the SHIFT key down select the last field so that all entities are highlighted. Now holding down the CTRL key double click the last field with the left mouse button and enter value which will back fill all selected entities. Each page displays 500 rows, this procedure and the following procedure may have to be done more than once. Click arrow on right side of page for next page. 10. Do the same for the Idle state BCCH Allocation List (see Figure 45.29, CM Editor Idle State BCCH Allocation and BAL ID). In this case, ID for BAL is 1.)
Figure 45.29. CM Editor Idle State BCCH Allocation and BAL ID



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Also set the Idle State BCCH Allocation List (BAL) ID to the BAL created previously (1 in this example). At this point you should have accomplished this for three parameter changes. Make sure that all pages were updated, because each page only displays 500 rows. 11. Close the CM Editor and open CM Operations Manager from the NetAct Start Page. Scroll down to find the plan previously created. (see Figure 45.30, CM Operations Select Plan)
Figure 45.30. CM Operations Select Plan

12. Preparing the Plan. Right click on plan and select Provision. Select Entire Plan, Prepare Plan and then Start. (see Figure 45.31, CM Operations Provision)
Figure 45.31. CM Operations Provision



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13. Review results of prepared plan and fix any errors (see Figure 45.32, CM Operations Review Plan)
Figure 45.32. CM Operations Review Plan

14. Activating the Plan. From CM Operations Manager right click on plan and select Provision. Select Entire Plan, Provision, Activate and then Start (See Figure 45.33, CM Operations Activating Plan)
Figure 45.33. CM Operations Activating Plan



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15. Verify all parameters have been changed the next day.\clearpage Enabling and Scheduling Channel Finder Scheduling the DAC and CF file collection can be accomplished through a series of steps involving MML commands and Top-level Interface.
Enabling Channel Finder

1. First the Channel Finder (CF) feature must be enabled through the MML. In order to gain access to the MML, from NetAct start the Top Level User Interface and then right mouse click on the appropriate BSC. (See Figure 45.34, Top-Level User Interface MML)
Figure 45.34. Top-Level User Interface MML

2. The MML Session window should display. (see Figure 45.35, MML Session)
Figure 45.35. MML Session



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3. 2.18 Issue the command ZWOI: 10,65:; from the command line prompt to check the status of the CF feature. (See Figure 45.36, MML CF Status Command)
Figure 45.36. MML CF Status Command

4. The MML window should display the current status of the CF feature. A value of 00FF means that the CF feature is active. (See Figure 45.37, CF Status)
Figure 45.37. CF Status



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5. It is necessary to enable this feature prior to scheduling the collection of CF measurements. To activate the feature, use the following command line parameter ZWOC: 10,65,FF; and note the MML display updates with a new value of 00FF. (See Figure 45.38, MML CF Active)
Figure 45.38. MML CF Active

6. The feature can be shut off, after data collection is complete, by entering ZWOC: 10,65,00;. (See Figure 45.39, MML CF Deactivate)
Figure 45.39. MML CF Deactivate



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\clearpage Creating Channel Finder Measurement Plan 1. Once the feature is enabled, the scheduling of measurements must be accomplished through the Top-level User Interface, select Utils > Performance Mgmt > Administration of Measurements. (See Figure 45.40, Top-Level User Interface Administration of Measurements)
Figure 45.40. Top-Level User Interface Administration of Measurements

2. Initially it may be required to develop the Channel Finder Measurement plan if it does not already exist. This can be accomplished by selecting Plan > Create (See Figure 45.41, Creating Channel Finder Measurements Plan)
Figure 45.41. Creating Channel Finder Measurements Plan



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3. The Plan's name (user specific, if necessary) can be entered in the appropriate field, as well as the run time parameters. (See Figure 45.42, Setting Parameters for New CF Plan). Under Additional Parameters set Higher threshold to +3dB and Lower threshold to -12dB per Optimi's latest recommendations. (See Figure 45.43, Setting Additional Parameters for New Plan). Finally click Add to create the plan.
Figure 45.42. Setting Parameters for New CF Plan

Figure 45.43. Setting Additional Parameters for New Plan



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Scheduling Channel Finder Measurements

1. Select Channel Finder Measurements from the Administration of Measurements. (See Figure 45.44, Administration of Measurements - Channel Finder)
Figure 45.44. Administration of Measurements - Channel Finder

2. Select Action > Start from the Administration of Measurements Window. (See Figure 45.45, Starting CF Measurements)
Figure 45.45. Starting CF Measurements



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3. The Start Plans window will display allowing the user to define which BSC's to run the Channel Finder Measurement. (See Figure 45.46, Selecting BSC's for CF Measurements)
Figure 45.46. Selecting BSC's for CF Measurements

4. The plan will run according to the dates specified in Start Date and Stop Date. (See Figure 45.47, Setting Start and Stop Dates for CF Measurements)
Figure 45.47. Setting Start and Stop Dates for CF Measurements



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45.11.3. Exporting DAC+CF from the NMS

The DAC & CF measurements are stored in the OSS, and can be extracted directly from the database, or exported through the Nokia Data Warehouse (NDW). Retrieving the DAC & CF files through NDW requires additional scheduling and post processing in order to import into xAFP. Optimi recommends collecting the data directly from the OSS database using simple SQL queries. Exporting Measurements via SQL The simplest and quickest method is to use SQL scripts to pull the data directly from the OSS into pre formatted CSV files which can be imported directly into xAFP. The SQL commands to produce both the CF and DAC files are shown below. Note In the following commands, please replace Local BSC name with local market BSC name. List all BSC names in the market. Surround each BSC name by single quotes and separate each name with a comma. Also, substitute the example date with measurement date.
DAC SQL Statement

Figure 45.48, DAC SQL Statement shows the SQL statement used to pull DAC measurements.
Figure 45.48. DAC SQL Statement



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Figure 45.49, Sample DAC.CSV file shows the CSV file created from the DAC SQL Statement.
Figure 45.49. Sample DAC.CSV file




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CF SQL Statement

Figure 45.50, CF SQL Statement shows the SQL statement used to pull CF measurements.
Figure 45.50. CF SQL Statement

Figure 45.51, Sample CF.CSV file shows the CSV file created from the CF SQL Statement.
Figure 45.51. Sample CF.CSV file

All column headings contained in the Channel Finder file are not shown in the sample spreadsheet. The complete list of columns is: SWITCH Element DAY HOUR AVE_DL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH



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45.11.4. Collecting QoS Data

The RxQual data is imported into the xAFP PRJ as the measured market interference or QoS. The Optimi X Simulator uses the reported RxQual measurements to validate the IM that is generated from switch MMR. RxLev is used to determine the C/N of a cell. RxLev is especially important for sites in rural areas. RxQual should be collected during the same days and time window as the BA Recordings. Note In the following command, please replace Local BSC name with local market BSC name. List all BSC names in the market. Surround each BSC name by single quotes and separate each name with a comma. Also, substitute the example date with measurement date. Figure 45.52, QoS SQL Statement shows the SQL statement used to pull QoS measurements.
Figure 45.52. QoS SQL Statement



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Figure 45.53, Sample RxQual.CSV file shows the CSV file created from the QoS SQL Statement.
Figure 45.53. Sample RxQual.CSV file

All column headings contained in the RxQual/RxLev file are not shown in the sample spreadsheet. All necessary columns are listed below. BSC_NAME BTS_NAME FREQ_UL_QUAL0 FREQ_UL_QUAL1 FREQ_UL_QUAL2 FREQ_UL_QUAL3 FREQ_UL_QUAL4 FREQ_UL_QUAL5 FREQ_UL_QUAL6 FREQ_UL_QUAL7 FREQ_DL_QUAL0 FREQ_DL_QUAL1 FREQ_DL_QUAL2 FREQ_DL_QUAL3 FREQ_DL_QUAL4 FREQ_DL_QUAL5



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45.11.5. Collecting Traffic Data

Traffic data (Erlang per cell) is an input that will weight the IM and QOS predictions according to traffic per cell. Traffic reports should be collected during the days and time window as the BA Recordings. Note In the following command, please replace Local BSC name with local market BSC name. List all BSC names in the market. Surround each BSC name by single quotes and separate each name with a comma. Also, substitute the example date with measurement date. Figure 45.54, Traffic SQL Statement shows the SQL statement used to pull traffic counts.
Figure 45.54. Traffic SQL Statement

Figure 45.55, Sample Traffic.CSV file shows the CSV file created from the QoS SQL Statement.
Figure 45.55. Sample Traffic.CSV file

All columns headings contained in the file are shown in Figure 45.55, Sample Traffic.CSV file. \clearpage

45.11.6. Collecting Hand-off Counts

The HO Counts report is an optional report that can be manually added to an Optimi X PRJ. If HO Counts are brought in to an Optimi X PRJ, you will have the ability to view the HO Counts on a per cell basis, influence the optimizer based on the counts on a cell and view the counts in the spatial view. HO Counts should be collected for each day during the period in which the MMR are collected. Note In the following command, please replace BSC Name SubStr with local market BSC name.



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Figure 45.56, HO Counts SQL Statement shows the SQL statement used to pull Hand-off counts.
Figure 45.56. HO Counts SQL Statement

Figure 45.57, Sample HO_Counts.CSV file shows the CSV file created from the HO Counts SQL Statement.
Figure 45.57. Sample HO_Counts.CSV file

All columns headings contained in the file are shown in Figure 45.57, Sample HO_Counts.CSV file.

45.10. Collecting Nokia Data from OSS in xAFP

45.12. Collecting Nokia Data in OSS version 3



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