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W e e k #11 T h e me : “SUCCESS”

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Day #1 (Homework)

Time: (30 minutes)

 Target: “#16-17: “Schumacher & Dust Mites” (p.44,46)

 Review: review the previous class lecture notes and academic words

 Article: read the article and guess the main idea for each paragraph

 Reading Skills: write the line # with context next to each answer

 Thinking Skills: complete all 3 sections of the workbook (full sentences)

 In Class: skill lecture, critical thinking discussion, VAK learning

Time: (30 minutes)

 Metaphysics: “Unit 8 ~ Success”

 Words: study the definition, part of speech, and spelling

 Visual: draw a symbol for each word to help you remember

 Apply: create a story using all 10 words (at least 2 full pages)

 In Class: review & test (spelling, grammar, context)

Time: (15 minutes)

 Grammar: “Lesson 11 – Past Simple 2” (p.36)

 Rules: highlight the key points while reading the form and use

 Practice: complete all sections: 1, 2, 5, 6

 In Class: grammar lecture and homework review

Day #2 (Homework)

Time: (30 minutes)
 Descriptive: “Describe a short journey that was very memorable.”

 Rewrite: fill out the grammar police and rewrite body #1 (p.50)

 Academic Vocabulary: memorize & check off all words (p.36)

 Body #2 Guide: complete the following below (p.38)

① Memorize the entire structure of the body (left side)

② Circle all of the five transitions (right side)

③ Highlight all of the adjectives and adverbs (right side)

 In Class: body #2 lecture, draft, feedback

Time: (35 min.)

 Topic: “What kind of success do you want in the future?”

 Index Cards: Buy A6 (8 mm with lines)

 Vocabulary: Pick any 5 words from Unit 8 to use in your speech

 Speech: Write your speech on 3 index cards (outline intro + body#1)

 Practice: practice your speech out loud (at least 3 times)

 In Class: New Rubric (3 Index + Eye Contact)

Time: (30 min.)

 Novel: “My Side of the Mountain”

 Philosophy Q: “What is the meaning of home? Why are homes constructed

differently from others? Explain. ” (write 1 paragraph)

 Read: “The King's Provider - The Autumn Provides…” (p.41-93)

 Notes: write 3 main ideas for each chapter in your own words

 In Class: plot review, quiz, philosophy discussion, VAK learning

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