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“HAWAK MO KO PERO SA IBA KA NAKATINGIN.” – ballpen na nagseselos sa papel ng katabi mo. Makaramdam ka naman!

DIRECTION: Read the sentence carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is the ability to make choices and perform actions and is intrinsic and essential property of the human person. What is this?
A. Choice B. Freedom C. Freewill D. Moral
2. There are three kinds of freedom. Which kind of freedom is also called freedom of choice, wherein the person is free to perform
actions that he or she considers right and wise?
A. Physical freedom B. Psychological freedom C. Spiritual freedom D. Moral freedom
3. Allen joined the gift-giving activity for the victim of typhoon Yolanda after hearing the news. She acted of her own free will and self-
determination. What action has been shown?
A. Pakitang-tao B. Voluntariness C. Self-love D. Responsibility
4. Gwen joined sorority and she was told to take drugs to enable her to pass the initiation given to neophytes. As a free being, the
person must accept the consequences of his or her action. What action has been shown by Gwen?
A. Pakitang-tao B. Voluntariness C. Self-love D. Responsibility
5. It refers to the separation of the soul and the body. The end of bodily function which signals the end of a person’s life.
A. Life B. Reincarnation C. Death D. Suffering
6. This takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain. What is this?
A. Life B. Reincarnation C. Death D. Suffering
7. This refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences. What is this?
A. Voluntariness B. Responsibility C. Empathy D. Alienation
8. It is the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong, or in which one should be
involved. What is this?
A. Self determination B. Availability C. Alienation D. Empathy
9. The willingness of a person to be present and be at the disposal of another.
A. Self determination B. Availability C. Alienation D. Empathy
10. It is the ability to share emotions, it enables us to experience another person’s emotions such as happiness, anger, and sadness. What
is this?
A. Ethics of care B. Alienation C. Seeming D. Empathy
11. The deeper and more genuine interaction and this is made possible when the self realizes that the other is a genuine and unique
individual. What is this?
A. Seeming B. Dialogue C. Values D. Morality
12. What do you call the mutual recognition of each other as persons or the interaction between the self and the other?
A. Transcendence B. Intersubjectivity C. Frugality D. Freedom
13. Which among the following is the best way to treat people with disability?
A. Ignore them as if they do not exist.
B. Be sensitive to their needs.
C. Do not involve them in group activities.
D. Let them form their own group.
14. Society that is based on ownership of the land. Arose out of developments in Western Europe during Medieval times, when rival
kingdoms were engaged in conflict over resources, particularly land.
A. Feudal society B. Horticultural society C. Hunting and gathering society D. Post-industrial society
15. A society that involves the large-scale and long-term cultivation of crops and domestication of animals.
A. Agrarian or agricultural society B. Feudal society C. Horticultural society D. Pastoral society
16. A society which primarily engages in the small-scale cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables and the domestication of animals.
A. Agrarian or agricultural society B. Feudal society C. Horticultural society D. Pastoral society
17. Less formal norms that arise from tradition and do not result in punishment when violated. What is this?
A. Norms B. Deviance C. Laws D. Folkways
18. Each member is assigned a social role, which are actions and behaviors expected of a certain individual. What is the role of a
son/daughter to his/her parents?
A. Obey rules given by parents.
B. Disobey rules given by parents.
C. Parents give in to whatever the kids want.
D. Kids will get what they want.
19. It is an agreement where individuals sacrifice an amount of their freedom and submit to higher authority. What is this?
A. Natural state B Social contract C. General will D. Self interest
20. It is important to note that society is founded on the concept of the common good. Philosophers who discussed the origins of society
traced the emergence of society to the human desire to achieve the goal of survival. What is a common good?
A. The social conditions which enable persons and groups to fulfill their goals and achieve well-being.
B. The social condition which enables persons or groups to connive and rally against the government.
C. The social conditions which enable persons or groups to create their own rules outside the law of the state.
D. The social condition which enables persons or group to create a chaotic society to destabilize the government.
21. It is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture. What is
A. Government B. Economics C. Society D. Civilization
22. It is commonly understood as the end of bodily functions which signals the end of a person’s life. What is this?
A. Natural state B. Death C. Life D. Self
23. Which of the following defines YOLO?
A. Mike spends his free time with his family.
B. Rodel enjoys his free time with barkada rather than his family.
C. Roldan loves to bully his classmates as if he is above them.
D. Willen drives a motorcycle like a pro.
24. It is the capacity to choose and act for oneself.
A. Self-determination B. Transcendence C. Intersubjectivity D. Frugality
25. It is important to care about the welfare of others to establish a dialogue.
A. True B. False
26. As an embodied spirit, we must also consider the goods or sources of happiness which are proper to a person. What is one which is
pursued for its own sake; it is good like love and friendship.
A. Useful good B. Noble good C. Pleasurable good D. Amiable good
27. This suffering involves emotional and mental states such as depression, anxiety, fear, and loneliness. What kind of suffering is this?
A. Physical suffering B. Mental suffering C. Spiritual suffering D. Intellectual suffering
28. We are temporal beings or beings oriented towards death. What does this mean?
A. The reality about our human condition
B. Life is eternal, live the way you want it
C. You will know when your life ends.
D. No worries. Live with no boundaries
29. Life is short and death is sure. How should you live before it finally ends?
A. Make used of your life in a more meaningful way.
B. Make choices that will be good for you and for others.
C. Identify the goals you need to achieve so you can say you lived a meaningful life.
D. All the above

Does this show the responsible use of freedom? (nos. 30-34)

30. Instead of spending her excess allowance on a new pair of shoes, Reyna decides to open a bank account and start saving up for her future.
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Not Applicable
31. Despite the threats made on his life, the witness decided to come forward and divulge important information regarding the crime he
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Not Applicable
32. A woman used the internet to humiliate her ex-boyfriend by spreading lewd photos of him on social media.
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Not Applicable
33. Despite knowing that many of his clients were poor and desperate, a moneylender continues to impose very high interest rates on loans.
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Not Applicable
34. A businessman did not accept a high-paying position in an overseas firm and instead decided to start his own business and spend more
time with his family.
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Not Applicable
35. Intersubjectivity refers to shared awareness and understanding among people.
A. True B. False
36. Man has the natural tendency to establish relationships with other people.
A. True B. False
37. The views and ideas of other people, as well as social context do not influence our behavior as individuals.
A. True B. False
38. We are primarily aware of people as objects and not as persons.
A. True B. False
39. Seeming refers to the capacity of individuals to engage in genuine interaction with others.
A. True B. False
40. An authentic relationship is possible only if individuals acknowledge each other's presence as persons.
A. True B. False
41. Availability refers to the willingness for person to make himself or herself available for another.
A. True B. False
42. All humans find it difficult to have meaningful relationships with others.
A. True B. False
43. Empathy requires an individual to accept the other as a thinking, feeling person.
A. True B. False
44. It is not important to care about the welfare of others to establish a dialogue.
A. True B. False
45. We do not choose happiness because we feel it, we do not choose happiness because we need it but happiness is the totality of who we
are as human being.
A. True B. False
46. It is the basic unit of society.
a. Human b. Barangay c. Family d. Government
47. The following are examples of virtual society, EXCEPT ONE, which is it?
a. Facebook b. Google Classroom c. Instagram d. Classroom
48. Social values are actions or ideals that are considered vital in maintaining an orderly society such as mentioned below, EXCEPT ONE, which
is it?
a. Cooperation b. negligence of duty c. obedience to the law d. concern for others
49. Social institutions are certain groups that perform vital functions in society which include the following, EXCEPT ONE , which is it?
a. Best friends b. school c. Family d. government
50. The earliest and simplest form of society.
A. Feudal society B. Horticultural society C. Hunting and gathering society D. Post-industrial society

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