Effects of Broken Family

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A Research Presented To

The Senior High School Department

PHINMA UPang College Urdaneta,

Nancayasan, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for the Subject

APP 003 Practical Research 1
















COLLEGE OF URDANETA” prepared and submitted by ELIESA ANDRES,





the requirements for the subject APP 003 PRACTICAL RESEACRH I, has been

examined and is recommended for approval.



Research Adviser

The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to those

people who support and encourage them to complete the study.

To our God, for giving us guidance, strength and wisdom until the end.

To our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andres, Mr. and Mrs. Bailen, Mr. and Mrs.

Bautista, Mr. and Mrs. Corpuz, Mr. and Mrs. Gonzaga, Mr. and Mrs. Locquiao,

Mr. and Mrs. Ludivero, Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza, Mr. and Mrs. Parocha, and Mr.

and Mrs. Pimentel for their sincere love, understanding and unending financial

support that we will need for our research.

To our Research Adviser, Ms. Liane Neill Bautista for the support,

valuable insights and advices. The researchers won’t finish this study without her


To the students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta, for their

participation in this study. It’s because of them that the researchers gathered the

required data for this study.

To our hardworking classmates, from the Grade 11-STEM 03P for

cheering us up and making a healthy competition among our Research Projects.



A broken family is an outcome of having separated members in a family

caused by death or divorce. A child needs a place to call 'home' where one could

find the security and attention he needs. It breaks one's heart to see his home

crumbling into pieces.

This research study entitled, The Effects of Having a Broken Family

Towards the Behavior of the Students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta,

aimed to determine the effects of having a broken family in the behavior of a

student, Academic Year 2018-2019. This study focuses on the behavior of a

student that experienced having a broken family and the possible ways to

overcome their situation.

After the researchers prepared a survey questionnaire and conducted an

interview to acquire answers from the respondents to determine the effects of

having a broken family towards the behavior of the students of PHINMA UPang

College of Urdaneta, it was found out that a) the respondents behave active,

volatile, reticent, and angry because of the situation he is in; b) based on the

gathered data it is found out that the causes of a family to be broken are

misunderstanding, falling out of love from your partner, lack of communication,

financial problem, physical fight, long distance relationship; c) Majority of the

respondents answered being contented to what they had in order for them to

overcome the void or loneliness that they feel. Some also wants to hang out with

their friends and doing some of their hobbies to distract their selves. Some of

them want to share and communicate to their family to fully understand the

situation. The rest of the respondents answered being optimistic and constant

praying to God is the key to overcome one’s loneliness.

With the drawn conclusion, the researchers stated that a) Having a broken

family can lead to that child to be active, volatile, reticent, and angry to his

current situation. These negative behaviors are caused by his parents

separation; b) Some of the causes of a couples separation are

misunderstanding, falling out of love from your partner, lack of communication to

each other, financial problem, physical fight, and having a long distance

relationship. Once a couple creates distance to each other, it will be already hard

to lessen the gap that they created; c) The respondents find ways to lessen the

void or to overcome the loneliness they are feeling by just being contented to

what they had and always have a positive outlook in life. Sharing your thoughts

and communicating to your parents are also one of the key to overcome

loneliness. All the questions that are left unanswered will be answered. It can

also help lessen the loneliness by hanging out with friends and you can also do

one of your hobbies. Temporarily distracting yourself in order for you to forget the

bad and sad memories that you had. Always pray to God to help lessen the pain.


Title Page i

Approval Sheets ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents vi


Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 10

Significance of the Study 11

Scope and Delimitations 12

Definition of Terms 12


Related Literature 14

Related Studies 29

Conceptual Framework 34


Research Design 35

Respondents of the Study 35

Research Instrument 36

Data Gathering Procedure 36


Students Behavior 37

Causes of a Family to Break 39

Ways to Overcome Loneliness 41

Data Analysis 42


Summary 66

Summary of Findings 67

Conclusions 68

Recommendations 70







Chapter 1

The Problem and its Background

Background of the Study

A broken family is an outcome of having separated members in a family

caused by death or divorce. It's been a major reason why millions of children are

having anti-social behavior.

A child needs a place to call 'home' where one could find the security and

attention he needs. It breaks one's heart to see his home crumbling into pieces.

Many problems of having a broken family is evident on people in the entire

world. Though it affects both developed and under developed countries, its

effects may still vary from one place to another.

In an ideal situation, children should live a happy life with their parents

while being provided their basic needs: food, shelter, clothes, etc. Another

important role that parents should fulfill is being the very first teachers to their

offspring’s and educates those regarding things such as good manners and right

conduct. We all know that learning does not start in school but in homes instead,

but despite living in a house, it wouldn't be a home when it is broken because the

people who lives in it is what makes it a home.

Parents are responsible to their child's well-being. They are responsible

for the safety, happiness and all the things that their child needs. Always being

there for them and guiding to the right path that they need to go.

In most cases, sufficient parenting may not be given to the children

properly by their adopted parents or so-called guardians. Unfortunately, children

who find themselves in such situations adapts the mindset of other people or

groups not accepting them as their equal which makes them uncomfortable with

having company, especially in schools.

The number of broken families has increased and it is necessary for

psychologists and teachers to find out the relationship between houses and

academic achievement of the said children.

Based on the needs and understanding of his environment. They say

children from broken home feel very sad when they lack the carrying, affection,

security and concern for lovely home. This sadness may be seen taking affect in

a child in various ways.

A child behavior can change drastically because of the situation that he

has in. The fear of his parents’ separation and the fear to be left behind are really

making the child anxious about the things that might happen.

Children are supposed to enjoy. Such children tend to develop a kind of

inferiority complex, and aggression, hostility, reserved and isolated among their

peer groups. It can lead for the child to be socially awkward or worse anti-social.

They say, when children are not secured and not enjoying the love and parental

upbringing, it will affect the mindset of the children.

This research study aims to determine the behavior of a student

experiencing a broken family because it tends to have minor and major effects in

any aspects of someone’s life. This research is to better understand what having

a house instead of a home brings to a student.

Statement of the Problem

This research entitled, The Effects of Having a Broken Family Towards the

Behavior of the students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta,” aimed to

determine the effects of having a broken family in the behavior of a student.

Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the behaviors affecting a student that experienced a broken


2. What are the causes of a family being broken?

3. How do students cope with this kind of situation?

Significance of the Study

This study entitled, The Effects of Having a Broken Family Towards the

Behavior of the Students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta,” aims to

uphold benefits to certain beneficiaries regarding the effects of having a broken

family. These are those as follows:

Students – This would help students to understand their peers in terms of

how they behave. This would also tend to open their eyes and minds into what

their classmates and fellow students are going through. Also, this would help

those who have a broken family on how to approach and deal with the said


Teachers – This would give teachers fair meeting and knowledge on what

effects the behavior of their students based on family matters. They’d able to

conceptualize and gain enough ideas on how to handle such matters.

Parents – behavior by their children can be determined by the situation

they are in when speaking of family. Thus, this research would help them control

their actions and if necessary, to change what they can change in order to give

their children a better home.

Future Researchers – This will help and give future researchers insights

and definitions of things that has connection to what having a broken family gives

to students.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to determine the effects of having a broken family towards

he behavior of the students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta. This will be

conducted at Urdaneta. Pangasinan and will be convicted in PHINMA UPang

College of Urdaneta. This study will be undertaken form November to March,

S.Y. 2018-2019. This project will be limited on the effects of having broken family

towards the behavior of a student.

Definition of Terms

The researchers aim to know what effects are caused by having a broken

family towards the behavior of the students of PHINMA UPang College of

Urdaneta. Thus, they used terms in this study to make it more knowledgeable

and detailes.

Behavior – A way behaving or acting. In this study, it is the one being


Broken Family – A family whose parents doesn’t live together or

separated. In this study, it was used as a family on which parents undergo

separation because of the lack of love in between them

Divorce – the ending of a marriage by a legal process.

Foster – Used to describe a situation in which for a period of time a child

lives and is cared for by people who are not the child’s real parents. in this study,

it was used as a bring up af a child that is not one’s own birth.

Offsprings – the product or result of something. In this study, it was used

as a person’s child.

Students – A person who is studying at a school or college. In this study,

it was used as the respondents of the study.



Related Literature

Broken Family

From the definition of a broken family as given by Colocord (1919),

it is imperative that family may be broken in any of the following ways;

death, desertion, divorce, separation or absence of both parents.

A death of parent(s) may lead to a broken family. This is a case where a

member of family has gone and he or she is the peacemaker and the strength of

the said family. Carol (1906) contends that the death of the breadwinner of

a family will cause difficulties which leads to broke a family apart. A death

reduces the family strength. It can lead to depression, stressed, and anxiety. If

the left partner live a drastic life in search of happiness after losing

his/her partner, the result in the family could not be healthy and happy for the

family life. Then, it starts to be broken. The loss of mother is more crucial than

the loss of the father. The mother plays a very important role in nurturing the

child during the formative years of life. As the children grow older the father’s

presence is necessary most especially for boys. Mostly, the father is the

disciplinarian. Losing a parent may also be a big factor when being in a

group of people having complete set of parents, especially during events

like “Family Day”. Going through a day of being anxious by the fear of

being teased or judged can have a massive mental effect to a child.

Garner (2005) defines divorce as the legal dissolution of a marriage.

Divorce is a complete separation of two things. Philippines, Vatican City and

British Crown Dependency of Sark are the places where divorce is illegal.

There are lots of reasons why couple people get divorced. Infidelity, extra-

marital affairs are responsible for the breakdown of most marriages that

end in divorce. Lack of Communication, communication is crucial in

marriage and not being able to communicate effectively quickly leads to

resentment and frustration for both, impacting all aspects of marriage.

Lack of Intimacy, not feeling connected to your partner can quickly ruin a

marriage because it leaves couples feeling as though they’re living with a

stranger or more like roommates than spouses. Lack of Equality, when

one partners feels that they take on more responsibility in the marriage, it

can alter their view of the person and lead to resentment. Divorce is

claimed to be the main reason behind broken family. It is the hardest challenge

that can happen to a couple especially if they have kids. It is very painful for the

couple to end their marriage. But they are matured individuals who are strong

enough to handle changes in their lives. The impact of this turn of events in a

family’s life is more devastating on the children. This can have a major effect

on someone especially when he sees and hears the violence within the

argument or fight between his parents. This can then cause a trauma that,

on the worst case scenario can lead into having a phobia.

Dereliction or desertion is the abandonment without consent or legal

justification of a person. The dereliction of the home by parents may lead

to a broken family. Credence is lent to this view by the position of

Garner (2005), stating that it is the willful and unjustified abandonment of

a person’s duties or obligations especially to a spouse or family. Nock

(1995) maintains that there are three forms of desertion; constructive

desertion, criminal desertion and obstinate desertion.

Constructive desertion refers to a ground for divorce under which

one spouse engages in misconduct so extensive as to make marital

relations insufferable. It occurs where the action of the offending spouse is

so grave and serious that the deserting party finds continuation in the

home to be unendurable or even dangerous to his or her safety and well-

being and it finds it necessary to seek outside the confines of the home.

Criminal desertion refers to a situation where a parent(s) without

just cause willfully fails to provide towards the care, protection and

support of the other members of the family as he or she won’t do.

Obstinate desertion refers to a situation where a spouse persistently

refuses to return to the home, or to his or her duties and obligations to

the family. If either spouse indulges in the last two forms of desertion, it

is enough ground for the other to seek a divorce.

Since desertion involves the disposition or abandonment of the

home and/or duties and obligations to the family by a member of such

family, this commonly wears out the bond of confidence, dedication and

faithfulness that ordinarily should exist between the members of the family

and thus, brings about the breakup of the home.

Nature of a Broken Family

According to Kaylee Loofbourrow, family is the foundation of support,

cheerer, teachers, counselors and anything we might need. They are the one

who gives us comforts during the times when we need it the most. Family is the

one with whom we can openly share our secrets with, without any hesitation,

doubt or insecurities. They know everything about us; they are the ones that we

listen to and the ones that listens to us. In a family there’s laughter and tears;

there’s history and memories. Maybe disagreements and arguments are present

sometimes, but still they choose and find a way to fix all these conflicts. We can

say that there are lots of families who are fortunate for having a strong

relationship and connection between its members, especially between its

parents. But on the other hand, there are still people who choose to leave their

family without even trying to put some effort into fixing the problem. These

families are the ones you call and refer to as a broken family.

According to Nisha Bhakat, a broken family is one where in the

members does not trust each other anymore. The husband and wife feel that

their marriage is a MISTAKE. It means that in this relationship it is not pure

happiness because in this situation, it is a whole life of regret and passing the

point of no return.

In the same way, Vidya Bangera said that, broken families are those

families where parents does not live together anymore or had been separated.

Children live with one of the parent, or they were looked after by their

grandparent. In such family, children who witnessed the separation or arguments

of his/her parents have a high possibility to get a trauma or phobia due to the

childhood issues he’s had.

Glaiza M. Sawadjaan agreed to this. According to her, a broken family is

believed to have a major effect and a great factor on a child’s misleaded life,

some people points it as the main reason of the rebellious and unclear acts that

children from broken families show. The sad part in this situation is when one of

the family members gave up already and the child have left no choice but to

accept it and let go.

Lack of parents’ love may cause envy or jealousy. Children suffer

inwardly, quietly or internally and it becomes evident and starts to take effect in

the later stages of their life.

Polanen (1990) maintains that a broken home has many effects on the

particular family involved. Some of these are immediate while the others only

begin to manifest after a short period of time. Having a broken family can also

result to poor academic performance such as child misses opportunities of guide,

securities and assistant. Without the help of both of the parent, the child can be

confused to all the decisions that he will have and can result for the child to go to

the wrong direction.

A Child Behavior Having A Broken Family

Ekeruche (1988) stated that physical contact plays an important role

in students upbringing. He advised parents to make it as a point of duty

to hug their children and their wives perspectives as their tight schedule

Children from a broken family feel inferior to others. Like when people

around asks questions. Some innocent questions often force a child to feel

pain. According to Colcord (1919), he states that among the effect of a

broken family the children is the most affected. When families

disintegrated, the children end up with intellectual, physical and emotional

scars. Lack of affection to others can lead to a very dangerous stage. A child can

be an introvert, coward, have a low self-esteem, having a little confident and

doesn’t want depend to others.

Student behavior can be affected by lots of things. But the biggest factor

may be the parents. Parent’s relationship can affect how their children behave.

The separation of their parents may cause extreme stress and the worst case is

depression. Parents have an impact on children, even if they are married or not.

Broken families also have a significant impact on children and may even continue

throughout their life. It is needed to understand how children should normally


According to Solomon, 2004 pg. 21, there are three types of behavior that

parents should understand when it comes to their children. First, there is a

behavior that is approved. This includes behavior such as being kind to other

people, being understanding and always listening to other people. The second

type of behavior is one that is not necessarily wanted at all times but is tolerated.

This behavior can be caused by the child being stressed or sick and is

understood in context and depending on the family; different types of behavior

are tolerated. The last type of behavior is one that should not be tolerated. This

type can be troublesome for a child’s intellectual development and may even

cause harm to the “physical, emotional or social well-being of child” (Normal

Child Behavior, 2015 pg. 46). This type of behavior can also be caused by the

parent. A child or a teen may start to copy their parent’s behavior because of how

closely they follow them for the normal emotional reactions of society.

According to Amato, 2005 pg. 32, a child or a teen that came from a

broken family were clinically depressed, were doing poorly in school, and has

difficulty maintaining friendships and some experienced chronic problems such

as sleep disturbances. These people may have started acting aggressive and

engaging in bullying behavior, both of which can negatively affect peer


As stated by Blakeslee et al. that the second most vulnerable group to

divorce is young teenagers represented by the group of children in the study

done. The first groups to be the most affected by divorce are young children

before they enter school. So, in this case, preschoolers will not be as affected as

much as young adolescents would. At this age, young adolescents are being

nudged slightly into the world, thinking future jobs, school, sports and clubs,

romantic relationships, and the list goes on. With all of this, divorce might add to

the list to make it more stressful for the child resulting behavioral issues.

As stated previously, parents have some say in how a child is emotionally.

A child will also see how their parents interact and their imitated behavior, as well

as negative energy (Moges and Weber, 2014 pg.13). Broken family may not

harm a child developmentally or cognitively but instead may have an important

role within their education, behavior, social skills and emotional skills depending

on their age.

As cited by King 2005 children do better at school and exhibit fewer

behavioral problems when nonresident father pay child support. Some teens who

came from a broken family had suffered from aggressive and depressive

behavior. Depression and aggressive behavior cannot always be directly

connected to a child-parent relationship, but on average it has a big impact on

the child’s life. If a child is experiencing this type of behavior and it is directly

linked to the married parents, may be because of fighting.

According to Divecha, 2004 pg.12, when parents are destructive, the

collateral damage to kids can last a lifetime. Parents have an impact on their

children directly, but also collaterally, meaning they do not know what ways their

parents have impacted them. Several studies still show children who have

divorced parents may experience struggles such as these and many others that

will hinder their life in the future.

A child needs a place to call ‘home’ where one could find the security and

attention he needs. It breaks one’s heart to see his or her home crumbling into

pieces. According to OurEverydayLife, parents should provide a solid parental

support and other about to help their child. Some child or teen can’t express how

he or she feels verbally. However, they will just show it through their behavior.

Parental Divorce

Children of divorced or separated parents’ exhibit increased behavioral

problems, and the marital conflict that accompanies parents’ divorce places the

child’s social competence at risk. Even in intact families that have low to medium

levels of conflict, children still have ‘fewer behavior problems than those in the

high-conflict, disrupted families’.

Parental conflict affects the outcomes of children’s behavior problems,

regardless of parents’ marital status and sometimes, there is no statistical

difference in the level of behavior problems observed for children whose parents

separated or divorced and for children whose parents remained together. Young

adult are best of when raised by two continuously married parents with a low-

conflict relationship.

During a divorce, conflict between parents is often accompanied by less

affection, less responsiveness and more inclination to punish their children,

which leaves their children feeling emotionally insecure. These children are more

likely to perceive their social milieu as unpredictable and uncontrollable.

According to the study of Manzano, children of divorced parents exhibit

more behavioral problems than do children from intact families. Boys whose

parents divorced while they were in elementary school tend to develops

problems in the years following their parents’ separation. While problem behavior

increases immediately following the divorce among boys whose parents divorced

while they were in middle school, their problem behavior steadily decreases in

the year after the divorce.

Divorce and separation correlate positively with diminished school

achievement and performance. Children from intact families have fewer

behavioral problems in school. For example, first-grade children born to marry

mothers are less likely to exhibit disruptive behavior, such as disobeying a

teacher or behaving aggressively towards peers, than children born to cohabiting

or single mothers.

Divorce diminishes children’s capacity to handle conflict. The difference

between marriage that remain intact and those that end in divorce lies primarily in

the couple’s ability to handle marital conflict and move towards agreement.

Parental modeling in divorce diminishes many children’s capacity for stable

marriage later in life, though some children may react by doubling their efforts to

ensure stability. Children of divorced parents are more likely to be unhappy, to

escalate conflict, to communicate less, to argue frequently, and to shout or to

physically assault their spouse when arguing.

When parents’ are divorce, their children’s approval of premarital sex,

cohabitation, and divorce tends to rise dramatically, while their endorsement of

marriage and childbearing falls. They are also more likely to believe that

marriage is important prior to having children and to have a child out of wedlock.

This holds true even after controlling for socioeconomic status.

Parental divorce predicts externalizing behavior, such as tobacco use,

alcohol consumption and binge drinking, and marijuana use. Parental divorce or

separation also predicts increased adolescent use of other illegal drugs. The

negative effects of divorce on adolescent substance use are not temporary, and

tend to persist over time. Men who experienced their parents’ divorce as children

are more likely to smoke as adults. Women who experienced parental divorce

are more likely to smoke and to drink heavily as adults than women whose

parents remained married.


According to Garcia, 2013 a child may suffer from two kinds of trauma; the

Short-term and Long-term Impact. The first one is an impact where in kids

usually suffer from emotional struggles like anger, sadness resulting to isolation,

and other social struggles. They also may perform poorly at school resulting to

joblessness. These are typical struggles that a child undergoes on the parent’s

divorce or separation. One of the important things about this impact is children

shoulders the blame on them of their parent’s separation so it’s up to you if how

will you assure them that they has nothing to do with your separation.

In the second impact, split-ups give a long-lasting effect in children as they

grow up. They commit themselves doing illegal things like drug-use and crimes.

They also have the higher chances to have broken marriages as well. It is not the

separation itself that causes the outcome but also the continuing parental dispute

is a significant factor. The longer the conflict is, the more prolonged the turmoil in

child’s life. They also found out that, regardless of the age, whether he is an adult

or young one, he will be affected.


Child suicide is often triggered by thoughts that his divorced parents reject

him or have lost interest in him. The fact that the suicide rate has risen along with

the divorce rate is no coincidence. The risk of suicide attempt was higher in

divorced families though the association was eliminated after controlling for

adverse experiences.

According McCall, 2010 the strongest demographic indicator of suicide is

the family structure within which a person resides: the divorced family structure

has the highest suicide rate. For adults having children decreases the parents’

risk of suicide. Women from divorced families are as likely to attempt suicide as

women from intact families.


According to Sears, 2001 a younger child’s behaviors commonly regress

after a divorce because of his uncertainties and worries that the other parent will

no longer be around as much. The child or teen might seem clinger than normal,

might wake up with night terrors, perhaps suck his thumb again and might

become prone to daytime toilet accidents or nighttime bed-wetting. Sometimes a

young child will react angrily and become aggressive toward you or with his


Saheed (1998) supports this view, stating that children from broken

family has a condition that is called Attachment Disorder. This are the

effects of significant disruptions in attachment, especially disturbed social

relatedness, mostly because of abuse, neglect, or prolonged maltreatment during

early development. Lack of attachment brings package of ill behavior. Some

ended up with it since they feel that no one cares from him or her.

School-age children and teens might blame themselves for their parents’

divorce or feel resentment toward their parents for causing such a major change.

An order child’s academic performance can suffer and he might begin engaging

in some forms of rebellious behavior such as hanging out with the wrong crowd

or acting up during class.

Adolescents are at high risk for the development of problem behaviors that

are distressing and socially disruptive. Thus, they are victims once they have

poor family structure. They are the victims of unintentional broken family.

Children are encouraged to blame the separation for whatever unhappiness they

may feel, which makes them feel helpless about improving their lives.

Broken family is the most common cause of behavioral problems of the

adolescents. Parental separation, children born outside marriage, death of a

parent, discordant two-parent families, and stepfamilies are the origins of a

broken home. However, adolescence becomes risk-taking due to economic

hardship, quality of parenting, and exposure to stress. The effort and care and

will pay off over the years in their many benefits to the children.

According to Soriano (2010), desertion is also part of the behavioral

problems of the teenagers. He stated that juvenile delinquency is a criminal or

antisocial behavior of children and youth.

As stated by Catalano (2000), that the teenagers are at risk for anti-social

behavior. They become more aggressive and violent. Thus, in an early age, they

are already involved to criminal behavior. This is due to lack of parental

attachment. Likewise, teenagers’ anti-social behavior also depends on the quality

of their attachments to parents and other influential relations. If they remain

unattached or develop attachments to deviant others, their behavior may become

deviant as well.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

According to the study of Fumilaya Davis(1979), marriage was made for

the purpose of having children so as to establish a family because marriage was

ordained by God to serve this purpose, when these children are eventually born,

they are seen as God’s blessing and as a gift to their parents as they are social

and economic assets to their parents. The family this time needs a home to live

in and feel secured, thus home is a place where a family live and also a place

where one secures love. It is a place which provides all individual need, in order

to fit into the society successfully. A home provides for good physical, mental,

psychological and spiritual development of its members. A home built on love,

mutual understanding and good planning is able to meet its goals and a home

where love and understanding are lacking is bound to crack and in all direction,

thus, broken homes are homes or families where either the father or the mother

has ceased to be member of such home or family through divorce, desertion to

mention but a few.

According to the study of Shodhganga, A family may influence a person’s

behaviour either negatively or positively both at childhood and adulthood. An

intact family can be said to be a functioning union between a mother and a

father, so when a break up exist, the turmoil may affect a child to a greater

extent. A functioning family is beneficial to a child than a dysfunctional one.

Family separation was a great contributor of child neglect which generally leads

to child deviant behaviour. For example, leaving homes and addicted to vices

and the like from parental and family neglect, lack of supervision and guidance.

According to Dawson (“Family Structure and Children’s Health and Well-

being” Journal of Marriage and the Family), twenty to thirty-five percent of

children who are living with both biological parents are physically healthy than

those from broken homes. Children who have divorced parents have greater

possibility to experience injury, asthma, headaches and speech defects than

those children whose parents are intact.

According to Wallerstein (“The Long-Term Effects of Divorce on Children”

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1991),

after six years of parental marriage separation, a study of children revealed that

even though many years have passed, these children still feel “lonely, unhappy,

anxious and insecure”. They still seek the feelings of having a complete family.

They haven’t completely understood and accepted the situation and the reason

of the separation of their parents.

Berge (1953) found that the outstanding common trait of children from

broken homes was emotional disturbance. However, there seemed to be no

differences in scholastic attainment. The children from broken homes were not

absent or tardy any more or less than children from normal homes, and their

school work “ranged from excellent to failure, the same as for any other students.

Berge concludes that the children of broken homes need special consideration

and fewer than 16 standing and schools must try to help improve their lives. (Ibid


Wallenstein (1937) his study found that the child living in a normal home,

though usually unaware of the fact, is permeated with the wholesome feeling of

belonging to an intact protective group. On the other hand, it is reasonable to

suppose that the child of a broken home is constantly aware of the fact that he

belongs to an impaired organism, and is therefore irrevocably “different” from

other children. This awareness may lead to emotional disturbances and bad

mental hygiene, even in cases where the status of the family did not change in

any other way after the fatal impairment of the home. Proms this point of view,

the child may, hypothetically, develop a chronic depressive feeling of

“brokenness”, inferiority, insufficiency, precariousness, insecurity.

According to the study of Burton(2012), reports that a recent study by

University of Notre Dame and the University of Rochester revealed that parents

marital problems can leave a lasting impact on their young children. Researchers

found that when young children witnessed conflict between their parents, this

eventually leads to issues in their teenage years, including depression and

anxiety. “The results for their highlight the possibility that there will be persistent

negative effects of children’s early experiences when there is conflict between

their parents, atleast when their emotional insecurities increases as a result of

the conflict,” According to Mark Cummings, Notre Dame endowed chair in

psychology who lead the research.

Local Studies

According to the study of Noligen Baguio et.al. (2019), the stability of

family creates a building block for children to progress throughout life. When

parents separate the children are left with no stability causing them to lose basic

concepts of childhood that may carry with them throughout life. Children of

divorce or separated parents have less success and happiness watching parents

take a home from a traditional family. Lifestyle to a broken home by getting

separated is very devastating for a child’s mental well-being. Children are

emotionally and socially distressed by parents’ separation.

According to the study of Aquino et.al. (2015), children who experienced

parental divorce tend to experience more psychological and socio-emotional

challenges than peers from intact families. On the other hand, despite many

adjustment difficulties, this adolescence also show positive changes such as an

impressive development of maturity and moral growth, a more realistic

understanding of finances, and progression on taking new family roles and


According to Galang, Margot(2015), one of the main factors that cause

marriage to fail is early marriage. Naturally, during their teenage years they will

find relationships more interesting for they are still exploring and experimenting.

However, as the time pass by, changes may occur, physically, mentally, and

emotionally. Thus, it creates misunderstanding among couples. This fights

happening inside their home are seen by their children, affecting them

psychologically as well as their academic performances and behavior. Some

children on the other hand, shows good attitude towards this kinds of situations.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the flow of the research study. The process of the study

started in formulating the problems. Once it was formulated, the researchers will

gather the data that is needed in the form of the survey questionnaires. Once the

data was gathered, the researchers will now present, analyze and interpret the

data. The researchers can now conclude the effects of having a broken family

towards the behavior of the students.

The Effects of
Presentation Having a
Data Gathering Analysis and Broken Family
Formulation of Through Survey
Problems Interpretatives Towards the
Questionnaires of Data Behavior of the

Chapter 3

Research and Methods

This chapter contains the research and methods to be used in the study. It

includes the research design of the study, respondents that will be used in the

study, data collection instrument, and the data gathering procedures.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive method of research. There are different

types of descriptive method but the researchers used the descriptive research

design. This design makes use of survey questionnaires to gather data. This

method aims, from the name itself, to describe the people who are participating

in the study. The researchers favored the said design with the objective of

describing the behaviors of the students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta

who suffered from a broken family.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents in this study are selected 11-STEM P.M. students who

experienced a broken family.

Data-Collection Intrument

The researchers used survey questionnaire in gathering the required data



URDANETA. The questionnaires were composed of two parts, namely: profile

and survey. The profile requires to be filled with the age and gender, while the

survey is consisted of questions which were used to obtain information about the

research study, directed to the repondents.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers asked first the approval to conduct the study from the

Research Adviser. After getting the consent, the researchers distributed the

questionnaire to the respondents. They explained how to answer the survey

questionnaire. The respondents are then assured that their personal informations

will be confidential to only the researchers.

Chapter 4

Presentation Analysis and Interpretatives of Data

This chapter contains the processes conducted in the study by the

researchers to acquire the necessary data to answer the statement of the

problem that are stated in the previous chapter.

The data gathered is presented in tables following the sequence of the

specific problems of the study regarding the effects of having a broken family

towards the behaviour of the students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta.

Student’s Behavior



Graph 1. Shows the behavior of the respondents due to experiencing the said


The graph shows the different behaviors that are being affected by a

student experiencing a broken family. Some of the respondent shows a behavior

that they are active and reticent. They are experiencing this kind of behavior

because they want to forget the sad memory of what happened. They are trying

to escape their problems so that it will not be too painful anymore. They are

afraid to talk their problems to someone because they are afraid to be rejected.

They are afraid that one day, all the person they cared about will leave them. The

child is having a hard time coping for the change that is happening in his life.

Because the simple imagination that their family is not normal unlike other kids

he/she knows, they withdraw their attention to the world and created their own.

They don’t easily let the other people in their world and have a hard time trusting

someone because of the fear that something will hurt them again. They suffered

by this kind of behavior because of the separation that happens to the child’s

parents and the lack of affection towards their parents. Because of the lack of

attention, the child tends to think that his parent doesn’t love him anymore.

Hence, the child find for something that can forget those bad things and can

relieved for the pain that he is experiencing. Majority of the respondents

answered volatile and angry. They are angry because they don’t have a

complete family anymore and it’s because of this they will never experience the

old times when they are still happy as a family. A child tends to have mix

emotions because the child doesn’t know any more what should the right

expression to this kind of situation. The child is confuse and doesn’t know what to

do. The fact that the child’s parents separated and the fact that everything is

happening too fast for the child to comprehend, those things have really

frustrated the child. It can cause the child to be moody and aggressive to other


Cause of a Family to Break

Cause of a Family To be Broken

0 Cause of a Family To be Broken

Graph 2. Shows the reason why the respondents’ family break

The table above shows the different causes of a family to be broken. Most

of the respondents stated that misunderstanding is the main cause why their

parents separated. A usually minor argument or disagreement can usually cause

bigger problems to couples. A child needs parents who are bigger than their

problems. The end goal is to be better parents to the child and manage conflict

constructively. According to the Cambridge dictionary. Misunderstanding is a

failure of two people or two sides to understand each other. If misunderstanding

occurs in a relationship between two couple it may lead to separation or divorce.

Some respondents stated that one of the reasons why their parents separated is

lack of communication and long distance relationship. Some people are fall out of

love when they can’t see their partners for too long. They tend to forget the

feeling they have with them. Just like OFW’s they tend to feel loneliness and lack

of communication to their partners and it lead to confusion making them seek for

others company. It is also stated that because of the financial problem the

parents tend to fight each other and sometimes it leads to violence and later

separation or divorce.

Ways to Overcome Loneliness

Ways to Overcome Loneliness

Being Contented

Communication and Sharing to

your Family
Hanging out with Friends




Graph 3. Shows the ways on overcoming the said problem.

The table above shows that many of the respondents answered that in

order for them to overcome their loneliness, they become contented to what they

have. Both of their parents are happy to their decisions so they will just accept

and be happy with them. The respondents also answered constant

communication and sharing between the members of the family can help

overcome loneliness. Sharing your thoughts to them and having communication

can help strengthen the bond of one’s relationship. They can understand you

more and you can understand them too. The entire question that left unanswered

can be answered already. The respondents also said that hanging out with

friends can lessen the loneliness that you feel. Sometimes, friends can give

comfort and piece of advice to help endure the loneliness that we are feeling.

Adolescence are really dependent to their friends instead with their families. They

hang out more to their friends than family because they have a hard time coping

to their new lifestyle. They also answered that doing their hobbies like watching

some movies and listening to music can help overcome their loneliness.

Distracting their selves with many things in order for them to forgot about the

painful memory that happened to their family. Some also answered that being

optimist is the key to overcome one’s loneliness. Being a positive thinker can be

a great help because not only will the people around you will like you but also the

way you see life is very refreshing and beautiful. Praying to God is also one of

the ways to overcome loneliness. As long as you commit to him, then what you’re

feeling now can be pure happiness. God first before everything.

Data Analysis

Question no. 1

When you’re parents separated who did you choose to live with? Why?

Respondent no. 1

The respondent says that she choose to live with her dad because he’s

closer to her. A study by Brigham Young University researchers finds that

involvement in everyday activities, such as eating dinner together, watching TV,

playing in the yard, and playing video games are even more important to share

with Dad than big outings or trips, although those contribute to children's

development as well. Fathers and youths in the study experienced more

satisfaction and cohesion in their family when fathers were involved in everyday

core activities. "Although participation in balance family leisure activities is

important and needed, it was fathers' involvement in the everyday, home-based,

common family leisure activities that held more weight than the large,

extravagant, out-of-the-ordinary types of activities when examining family

functioning," the authors said. The bond that establish between the child and the

father makes the respondent to decide to live with her dad.

Respondent no. 2

The respondents says that she choose to live with her father. By choosing

dad as the favourite, your child is testing her developing autonomy and control. If

parents can manage their own emotions around this (even though it might be

very difficult for the excluded parent), it can be a very positive and necessary part

of their development and wellbeing,” says Tarryn. She explains that traditionally

the maternal role is more involved in practical and nurturing aspects, whereas

dads add the dimension of play to their child’s world. Fathers engage differently

with the child, which can also add an element of fun to the relationship that the

child enjoys. This doesn’t mean that it’s easy to deal with from the newly

relegated sidelines.

Respondent no. 3

The respondent stated that he didn’t choose any of her parents to live with

because he loves them both. According to Seth Mayers, Psy.D (2012), once kids

reach the puberty years, they start to have a more active social life. During this

time, kids start to develop the beginnings of an adult identity, and they start to

make some of their own decisions. As they reach adolescence, kids of divorced

parents understandably want more control over their environment, including

where and with whom they live.

Respondent no. 4

The respondent says that she choose to live with her mother. According to

the research of the Dayton Children, Moms trump dads when it comes to

importance, with 47 percent of kids reporting that moms are their most influential

relationships, compared to only 20 percent for dads. The issue isn’t just the

amount of time that dads spend with their children. Kids tell that they feel closer

to their mother because of the following: moms are nicer; Kids generally describe

their moms as more positive and less reactive, dads may be physically present

but emotionally absent; even when dads are around, many kids don’t feel

connected to them, and lastly it’s because it’s easier to talk with mom; Kids

typically say they would keep the problem to themselves, talk with a friend or

speak with their moms.

Respondent no. 5

The respondents says that she want to live both of her parents because i

cannot afford to lose both of them it’s just a matter of scheduling. According to

Charomaine Anne Manlapaz (2016), a child needs a place to call "home” where

one could find the security and attention he needs. It breaks ones heart to see

his home crumbling into pieces.

Respondent no. 6

The respondent stated that he didn’t choose anyone because they’re both

important to him, just like the answer of respondent no. 4. According to the

research of the Dayton Children, mom trumps dad when it comes with

importance to their kids. The reason for that is because they fell closer with their

mom than their dad.

Respondent no. 7

The respondent stated that she choose to live with his father. According to

a study of Fisese, Barbara PhD. “Journal of Family Psychology”, there is great

importance of fathers in the lives of their daughters. Their emotional needs to be

fulfilled and the study support the claim that it most likely reduces anxiety and

depression. According also to the study of Boyle (2012) being a father is joyous,

blessing, challenging and a sacred responsibility. A father is capable for

providing necessities of life, such as foods, clothes and a shelter. Father provides

stability with his children feel secure and will have higher self-worth. The

respondent felt being protected and secured, that's why she chose to live with

her father.

Respondent no. 8

The respondent stated that she lived with her mother for the reason that

they could understand each other well. She also stated that she lived with her

father sometimes. According to Julia Scheunemann (2013), Mothers and their

children are connected even before birth. All those months spent together mark

the beginning of a sometimes challenging, yet rewarding, relationship.

Attachment is the emotional bond that develops between an infant and caregiver.

Children who have healthy attachments with their caregivers are more likely to

form stable relationships later in life. Because of that most children gets attached

to their mothers’ ad they tend to choose to live with them when their parents

decided to separate.

Respondent no. 9

The respondent stated that she lived with both of her parents because

when she was young she knows the situation she was in. According to Pavithra

Ram (2007), "Sometimes being understanding is more important that being right.

Sometimes we need not a brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart that

listens. Not a keen eye that always sees faults but open arms that accept. Not a

finger that points out mistakes but gentle hands.

Respondent no. 10

The respondent said that she lived and stayed with her mom when her

parents separated because her dad left them and didn't return or show up until

last year. According to Family Education (2018), a spouse often leaves after all

the pain and confusion, that was brought by the complicated situation, to have

some time alone to be able to decide how to sort things out, whether to fix or end


Question no. 2

Did you blame one of your parents or both of them for experiencing an

incomplete or broken family?

Respondent no. 1

The respondent says that she did not blame her parents for experiencing

an incomplete or broken family because she is still my mother and I still respect

her decisions. According to Beverley Amsel (2013), the reason for this is maybe

because she doesn’t have any anger that built inside of her. This happens

sometimes to a child when they are force to grow because of their environment

Respondent no. 2

The respondent says that she blame her parents for experiencing an

incomplete or broken family. According to according to Jim Taylor Ph.D., people

tend to blame their parents for experiencing a broken family because parents get

their children in a situation they did not deserve. The worst thing is it’s not their

fault yet they are the one suffering for it.

Respondent no. 3

The respondents stated that he didn’t blame her parents for experiencing

an incomplete or broken family. According to Stacia Garland, It is difficult for the

child to blame their parents because the parent is their source of correct

behavior. After all, wasn’t it the parent who taught the child how to follow the

correct rules? The child reasons at their developmental level, “How can my

parent be at fault? I must have done something to cause this.”

Respondent no.4

The respondent says that she didn’t blame her parents because she didn’t

know who’ll blame because she didn’t know what happen. According to Barbara

(2018), a child will not blame any of her parents when she doesn’t know the full

story behind it. She will not know who to blame. She’s afraid of blaming any of

her parents because her assumptions might be wrong.

Respondent no.5

The respondents says that she answered No because she respect the

decision of her parents. According to M Fonteboa (2012) families might moderate

negative effects on student achievement. Though this study will not be able to

mend broken homes or create perfect family.

Respondent no. 6

The respondent stated that she didn’t blame her parents for experiencing

a broken family. According to Beverley Amsel (2013), she might not hold any

grudges to her parents because she understands the situation they are in.

Respondent no. 7

The respondent stated that she blames her parents after separation. The

study of Nickson Chris entitled “The Psychological Effect of Separation on

Children”, the child experiences being unhappy and want their parents to remain

together. Thus, if this is not met, the child will must have to blame either

themselves or their parents.

Respondent no. 8

The respondent said that she blamed her parent (didn't stated who)

because of a misunderstanding. According to Art Mustajoki (2014), "Failures in

communication take various circumstances that leads to misunderstanding,"

thus, because of lack of communication to her parents, the respondent came up

with a thought which led to a misunderstanding, followed by blaming one or both

of her parents.

Respondent no. 9

The respondent said that she blamed her parents she feels like it was a

puzzle with missing pieces because they are incomplete. According to K.A.

Wiggins "Too many children have suffered. Too many families have been broken.

Too many girls have grown up alone. Or not at all. I won’t let them ruin anyone


Respondent no. 10

The respondent said that she didn't blame any of her parents for her

having to experience what it's like to have a broken family growing up. According

to Beverley Amsel (2013), the reason to this may be because she didn't have any

anger inside of her that was built up because of life situations that gave her a

hard time for coming from an incomplete family.

Question no. 3

Did you ask your parents the reason why they separated? If you don’t

mind, can you state the reason?

Respondent no. 1

The respondent stated that her parents separated because of lack of

communication and because of the long distance relationship. According to

marriage.com, a lack of communication in marriage is a fast track to divorce. A

marriage consists of two people who come from different backgrounds and have

different methods of communication, wants, and needs. So it’s understandable

how these varying factors can make it difficult for couples to talk. Your

relationship needs strong emotional and physical bond to succeed. Your work,

home, and sex life will all suffer when you do not share your thoughts and

feelings with your partner. This makes it all the more important to learn to

communicate with your spouse, even when the subject matter is awkward or


Respondent no. 2

The respondent stated that her parents separated because of

misunderstanding that the respondent cannot disclose. According to Mark Baer

(2017), 90 percent of all conflicts result from misunderstandings. According to the

Cambridge Dictionary, “Misunderstanding is a failure to understand, or an

argument resulting from the failure of two people or two sides to understand each

other.” Meanwhile, unless the level of conflict (hurt feelings) from a

misunderstanding is such that it can be swept under the proverbial rug, it tends to

fester if left unaddressed. Tragically, the discomfort associated with conflict is

such that it is often left to fester causing in separation of couples.

Respondent no. 3

The respondent said that she did not ask the reason why her parents

separated, because all this time she knew about it. According to Gonzales (2009)

a child or a teen who are not asking about the situation are the one who are

afraid of getting hurt deeply.

Respondent no. 4

The respondent asks the reason why her parents separated but decided

to not disclose it. According to Paula Hall, a child will feel the need to get an

answer on why her parents separated. She will want to know the reasons to

understand more the situation she’s in.

Respondent no. 5

The respondent says No, because she doesn’t want to know the reason.

According to Browman Law (2016), in this instance, the child should be given

enough room to contemplate and absorb the situation he or she is facing. It is

also very important for both parents to fully understand the effects of their

wrangling with custody because in the end, it is the children who are suffering.

Respondent no. 6

The respondent didn’t ask her parents the reason why they separated.

According to Stacia Garland, during their early learning years most of their

unpleasant experiences were their fault. So it is natural to blame themselves for

the turmoil in the family. For many children it is very difficult to change their

feeling of guilt because it has become their default position when problems occur

in their family. Because of that they are afraid to ask the reason why their parents


Respondent no. 7

The respondent stated that she didn’t ask her parents for the reason why

they separated because she already knows about it, she also stated the reason

why her parents separated, and they separated because they fell out of love.

This statement resonate the study of professors house, In a marriage, couples

fall in love and out of love millions of times, sometimes in just one day. When you

live with someone and develop a pattern of knowing who they are on so many

levels it is difficult to hold them on the pedestal forever. In the moments when

you are angry with your mate, you are falling out of love and are sometimes

feeling extreme hatred that is as powerful as the frenzied love you felt in the

beginning. You or they may say things they don’t mean out of frustration or use

passive aggressive techniques to punish each other. However if you cannot

handle it anymore, you’ll make a drastic decision of divorcing or separating from

each other.

Respondent no. 8

The respondent stated that her parents don’t love each other anymore,

which caused them to separate. According to Aaron Ben-Zeev (2012), "Genuine

love is profound. But it doesn't mean that love does not fade away. It is more

likely to fade away and kept aside." Her parents' love for each other faded, thus

leaving holes in each other’s hearts that needed to be filled, not by the two of

them, but by other people once again.

Respondent no. 9

The respondent stated that their parents separated because of

misunderstanding. According to Terry Mark (2010) "The world today is ruined

more by understanding than by hatred. Hatred is bored out of misunderstanding."

Respondent no. 10

The respondent said that she didn't need to ask her parents what the

problem is because she already knows what it is. She also shared the reason

why her family became broken, she said that it is because of financial issues or

problems that her parents had arguments about, and she also said that it even

led to a physical fight between her mom and dad at some point. According to

Family Relationships Online, a child doesn’t always ask their parents about this

type of things to not engage in awkward or emotional conversations that can

make things worse than how it already is mentally.

Question no. 4

What did you felt when your parents separated?

Respondent no. 1

The respondent says that she felt sad because she no longer has a

complete family. According to Gina Kemp et.al (October 2018), for children,

divorce can be an especially sad, stressful, and confusing time. A separation or

divorce is a highly stressful and emotional experience for everyone involved, but

children often feel that their whole world has turned upside down. At any age, it

can be traumatic to witness the dissolution of your parents’ marriage and the

breakup of the family. Inevitably, such a transitional time doesn’t happen without

some measure of grief and hardship.

Respondent no. 2

The respondent stated that she felt hurt from the separation of her

parents. According to Catherine M Lee, PhD and Karen A Bax, BA, most children

report painful feelings about their parents’ divorce, and a significant minority of

children suffer extended and prolonged symptomatology related to parental

divorce that may include both internalizing and externalizing problems

Respondent no. 3

The respondent says that she felt sad about the separation of his parents.

According to Gina Kemp et.al (October 2018), children can feel sadness after the

parents separation. Children often feel that thieir world turn upside down.

Respondent no. 4

The respondent says that she felt sad that her parents separated.

According to the department of justice in Canada (2017) , Just like you, your

children may be grieving the loss of their family as they knew it. Children can feel

loss when their parents separate or divorce. Because young children usually

don't have the language skills or experience to explain what they're feeling, they

often show their grief through their behaviour.

Respondent no. 5

The respondents says that she felt confuse alone, and lonely. According

to Bav Patel (2016), even if your separation is pretty amicable, your kids going to

be feeling things-especially if your child’s young-that may not be immediately

evident. Some feelings fester and then manifest indifferent ways-negative ways.

Respondent no. 6

The respondent stated that he felt that it’s okay for him that his parents

separated, that it didn’t affect him. According to Odyssey, you will feel that it’s

okay because you are contented with your life. You respect their decisions and

you know that, they know what they are doing.

Respondent no. 7

The respondent stated that she felt hurt, pain, and suffering when her

parents separated. According to Pearson, Allison to her blog entitled Divorce

doesn’t just hurt small children – its effects last years (2014), divorce makes

children very unhappy. These instances don’t only last during childhood. It will

stay rooted along the years to come.

Respondent no. 8

The respondent was depressed, melancholy, and lonely when her parents

separated. According to a blog from 2houses.com, depression and separation

come in hand to hand. Thus, depression has become more common in family

members, especially upon their offspring(s).

Respondent no. 9

The respondent stated that when her parents separated she felt sad and

depressed when she was elementary. According to J.K Rowling(2009)

"Depression is the most unpleasant thing i have ever experienced it is that

absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again the

absence of hope that very different from feeling sad. Sad hurts but it’s a healthy

feeling it is a necessary thing to feel.Depression is very different."

Respondent no. 10

The respondent stated that when her parents separated, she felt broken,

sad, depressed and numb. According to Dawson McAllister, this is because

parents' separation can be devastating; it's like being just an innocent bystander

that is witnessing a tragedy to the people closest to you. And in addition to this,

Dawson also stated that whatever a child is feeling, although unhealthy, is only


Question no. 5

Do you tend to ask for material things to fill in the void that brought by the

separation of your parents?

Respondent no. 1

The respondent stated that she doesn’t want any material things, all she

need is a complete family. According to The Covenant Divorce Recovery by

Wade Powers, women tend to ask compensation to support their children. But

some is just to vent out their anger towards their ex-partner. But the child doesn’t

want any part of it.

Respondent no. 2

The respondent said that she did not ask for material things to fill in the

void of the absent parent. According to Taylor (2012) a child or a teen who don't

ask for material things are the one who understand the situation of his/her


Respondent no. 3

The respondent says that he doesn’t ask for material things. According to

Taylor (2012), a child or a teen who don't ask for material things are the one who

understand the situation of his/her parents.

Respondent no. 4

The respondent says that she doesn’t ask for material things. According to

Oprah Winfry (2009) "Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If

you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.

Respondent no. 5

The respondent says No she doesn’t want any material thing just to fill up

the loneliness she feel. According to Patrick Fagan (1999), moreover, the

consequences of divorce flow from generation to generation, since the children of

divorce are more likely to experience the same problems and pass them on to

their own children. Significantly, these effects are markedly different from the

effect that the death of a married parent has on children; in fact, such children

are less likely than the average to divorce when they grow up.

Respondent no. 6

The respondent stated that he didn’t ask for material things to fill in the

void brought by the separation of his parents. According to Oprah Winfry (2009)

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on

what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.

Respondent no. 7

The respondent stated that she didn’t ask for materialthings because she

is contented on what she have. According to The Covenant Divorce Recovery by

Wade Powers, women tend to ask compensation to support their children. But

some is just to vent out their anger towards their ex-partner. But the child doesn’t

want any part of it.

Respondent no. 8

The respondent mentioned that she asked for material things that can

satisfy the hole that was dug in her heart. According to Kate Dries (2013),

"Researchers found that people who fell into possession-defined success were

actually falling into a long "materialism-loneliness cycle" where they would get

lonelier the more they purchased and then continue purchasing more. But on the

flip side, traditional shopoholics actually reported being less lonely over time, and

any increase in materialism.

Respondent no. 9

The respondent answered that she didn't need any material things

because she is contented on what she have. According to Oprah Winfry (2009)

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on

what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.

Respondent no. 10

The respondent answered that she didn't ask nor need any material things

as a source for the feeling of fulfillment for the void that her parents' separation

left, but stated that what she needs is her parents' presence instead. According

to D'Arcy Lyness, a child needs to feel her parents' support and presence most of

the times growing up, e.g. in family day, adolescence, etc.

Question no. 6

What did you do to overcome your loniliness?

Respondent no. 1

The respondent says that through doing her hobbies like watching movies

and hanging out to my friends can she overcome the loneliness. According to

Jacob Olesen (2018), it’s effective to overcome boredom and loneliness by doing

what you love to do.

Respondent no. 2

The respondent says that listening to music can overcome loneliness.

According to Argyris V. Karapetsas, Music can act as a mood regulator, thus

enhancing the person who feels alone. Musical experiences affect the emotional

state, altering emotions and mood. Music has the potential to change, maintain

and enhance mood, while provides solace, acting as a comforting friend. Music

listening is an effective means for mood regula¬tion, relaxation and emotional

self-regulation. Music helps adolescents to regulate and express their feelings

and emotions, while serve as a means for the elderly to express their emotions

and reduce their loneliness.

Respondent no. 3

The respondent stated that smiling every time is the way to overcome the

loneliness. According to Dazaga(2018) be thankful and appreciate the things that

you have and accept the things that you don't have.

Respondent no. 4

The respondent stated that praying and just go with the flow overcomes

loneliness. According to Lesli White, Most people around the world have

struggled with the intense and desperate feeling of loneliness at some point in

their lives. When you experience loneliness, it can be overwhelming. If you’ve

ever been lonely, you know that the feeling can exist when you’re by yourself but

also when you’re around a crowd or with family and friends. These thoughts can

be so strong that it can cause us to feel completely isolated, and separate us

from those who matter most to us. But you can conquer loneliness with God.

When you’re feeling alone, know that you are not because God reassures of us

His presence, even in our loneliest hours. Jesus promises us this in the Book of

John 16:32-22 when he says “I am not alone, because the Father is with me.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the

world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the

world.” John 16:32-33

Respondent no. 5

The respondent says she always go to the church and prayed to ask

guidance to the lord. According to Das Gupta (2017) most Filipinos who wish to

end their marriage resort to informal separation. Ideally, couples need to apply

for a legal separation that provides them with legal sanction to live separately,

but in reality most couples, especially the poor, just live separately without going

through this legal procedure. Although most Filipinos still value marriage, the

proportion that separate from their spouse, both legally and informally, is


Respondent no. 6

The respondent stated that putting god first above everything overcomes

loneliness. According to Fr. Ed Broom, OMV, This state of desolation—

manifested through a deep sense of loneliness—is all pervasive in all societies

and situations today now more than ever! However, we are a people of

hope. “Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth!” St.

Paul reminds us with these encouraging words: “If God is with us who can be

against us…” and “When I am weak then I am strong…” (The strength being of

course God). The Psalm calls God a rock, as well as our light and salvation.

Respondent no.7

The respondent stated that talking with her father and being contented is

the way to overcome the loneliness. According to Pruett Kyle MD., to his blog

entitled Helping Children Cope with Divorce, he emphasizes that coping with

your parent’s separation may not be easy, but it will be okay. Children who can

have enough love are less likely to feel lonely and good communication between

parents would help.

Respondent no. 8

The respondent said that she lived with her grandparents and talked with

them to overcome the loneliness and other negative feelings that she felt.

According to Heidi Grant Halvorson (2010), "Persistent loneliness is not only

emotional. And to overcome it, we must develop our social skills." Talking with

her grandparents enabled her to improve her social skills which led to a fast

relief of the loneliness she felt.

Respondent no. 9

The respondent said that in order to overcome her loneliness shes just

praying and she said that GOD is the key on her problem. According to Reinhold

Niebuhr (2005) "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Redpondent no. 10

The respondent said that in order to overcome loneliness, she focused on

being positive and hanging out with her friends and doing creative things as her

hobby. This behavior is only normal because in order to be happy, people try to

find the company that they're missing through friends and they try to find

something to do to prevent themselves in thinking about the problem too much,

Amy Moren(2018)



This chapter contains the summary, summary of findings, conclusions of

the study and the recommendations made as a result of the conducted study.


This research study entitled, The Effects of Having a Broken Family

Towards the Behavior of the Students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta,

aimed to determine the effects of having a broken family in the behavior of a

student, Academic Year 2018-2019. This study focuses on the behavior of a

student that experienced having a broken family and the possible ways to

overcome their situation.

This study used descriptive research design to describe the people who

are participating in the said study. The researchers used the said design to

determine the behavior of a student who suffered from a broken family.

The researchers used survey questionnaire in gathering data to determine

the effects of having a broken family towards the behavior of the student of

PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta.


Based from the gathered and interpreted data the researchers arrive at the

following conclusions:

1. Based on the data gathered the different behaviors that are being affected

by having a broken family are being active, reticent, volatile and angry.

This shows that having a broken family can greatly affect a student’s

behavior negatively. They tend to mistrust other people because they think

that they will eventually leave them just like their parents. They are afraid

to get hurt and experience the same thing again so they withdraw from the

world. They also tend to get aggressive sometimes because of the

confusion and frustration that are built inside them. The separation of their

parents is too fast that they can’t comprehend it.

2. Misunderstanding and falling out of love from your partner are the main

causes of a family being broken based on the gathered data. Couples

usually disagree to each other’s opinions. They fail to see each other’s

perspectives in life this lead to separation. Falling out of love is also a

problem, when you are separated from your partner for a long time,

people tend to forget their feelings for their other half and it also leads to


3. Majority of the respondents felt contented for their own situation; if their

parents are happy about it then they respect their decisions. Some of

them choose to communicate and share their problems to their family

members. It’s easier to understand your situation better if you talk them

out with someone you trust. The rest of the respondents choose to

overcome it by hanging out with their friends, doing their hobbies, being an

optimistic in life, and praying from God.


From the data gathered throughout the study, the researchers can now

conclude that having a broken family can affect the behavior of a student. Being

volatile and angry is the majority behavior of how the respondents behave based

on the gathered data. They become frustrated of their situation; many things are

happening in their lives like school problems and trying to fit in to their group.

With all of this, divorce may add up to the list, making the child’s life more

stressful. It will result in emotional and behavioural problems. They will become

aggressive and hostile to the people around them. Sometimes the cause of this

behavior is the constant fighting that he saw between his parents. One of the

respondents stated that, one of the causes of his parent’s separation is their

constant fighting. E. Mark Cummings, a psychologist at the University of Notre

Dame, explains how “kids pay close attention to their parents’ emotions for

information about how safe they are in the family” (Cummings cited in Divecha,

2014). A child tends to imitate what he sees in his surroundings, knowing that it

was correct. As Dr. Pally says, “Children learn more from imitating the social and

nonsocial behaviors of others than they do from instruction and being told what to

do. Your child will observe you and copy almost everything you do, both your

social and nonsocial behaviors. As much as possible, behave the way you want

your child to behave.” The researchers also concluded that misunderstanding

and falling out of love from their partners are the main causes of separation of a

couple. Most couples fail to understand their partner’s opinions and this lead to

conflict. They think that their own perspective is the right and the best one. In her

book, The Reflective Parent: How to Do Less and Relate More with Your Kids,

psychiatrist; therapist; and founder and co-director of Center for Reflective

Communities Regina Pally said the following: “Whenever a person performs an

action, there is always a reason why. There is always some intention or purpose

underlying the action. As important as it is to know what action a person is doing,

it is even more important to know the intention or purpose of that action…Think

about how you feel when your own intentions are misinterpreted…” Parents don’t

have to see eye to eye on everything, but they do have to see where the other

person is coming from and to respect and value their viewpoint. Falling out of

love is also stated to be one of the reason why couple’s separate. Because of the

lack of affection and constant fighting, the other party finds something or

someone that can distract or fill the missing piece inside him or her. Sometimes,

the other reason why they fell out of love to each other is because they realizes

that deep down in their heart, they don’t love each other that way. They want to

find their own happiness. The researchers also conclude that, the ways on how

to overcome the void or loneliness that a child feel is just be happy to their

parents and be contented to what they have. Being understanding and forgiving

is really an admirable thing to have. You as a child understand them as your

parents and you are ready to forgive them to what they do. Communication and

sharing are also one of the key to overcome one’s loneliness. Sharing your

thoughts to others even to one of your family members can be a great help to

fully understand your situation. Communication is the key for a relationship to

strengthen their bond to each other.


After stating the conclusions, the following recommendations are offered

by the researchers:

A. For the Students

1. The students should understand their parents’ situation and decisions. They

only think that it was for the best that they separate.

2. They should ask for the reason why their parents separated so that all the

questions left unanswered will be answered.

3. The students should always remember that even if a situation like this occurs

their parents still love them and wish for only the best for them.

B. For the Parents

1. The parents should still be connected with their children and still guide them as

much as they could.

2. They should be the one to initiate their connection and they should still show

their love and support to their children even though they are afar.

3. They should also understand their child’s behavior. Their child is experiencing

confusion to the situation; he can’t comprehend what is happening so it’s only

natural that he behaves negatively.

C. For the Teachers

1. The teachers should know how to be considerate with the behavior of the

student who’s experienced a broken family.

2. The teacher should guide, motivate and help their students to cope-up with

different kinds of problem that they may encounter.

D. For the Researchers

1. For the future researchers that will study the same field, it is recommended to

use more respondents in order for them to have more perspective about the


2. They should compare the effect of having a broken family to the academic

performance of the respondents.

Appendix A


We, the Senior High School students of 11-STEM 03P are conducting a
research study entitled, “The Effects of Having A Broken Family Towards the
Behavior of the Students of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta” as a
requirement to our subject Practical Research 1. The researchers would like to
get your permission for interviewing selected students of PHINMA UPang
College of Urdaneta Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Students for our data gathering.

The selected students will be assured that the private information that will
be given to us will be treated with outmost confidentiality.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,
The Researchers

Noted by:

Ms. Liane Neill Bautista

Research Adviser

Appendix B
Dear Respondents,
We, the Senior High School students of PHINMA UPang College
Urdaneta, and are currently enrolled in the subject Practical Research 1. As a
requirement, we are required to do a research study. This is entitled, ‘’The
Effects of Having A Broken Family Towards the Behavior of the Students
of PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta”.
In this regard, we would like to request for your cooperation by answering
our questionnaires with honesty and rest assured that all information derived will
be treated with outmost confidentiality.
Thank you for your kind consideration!

Respectfully Yours,
The Researchers

Noted By:
Ms. Liane Neill Bautista
Research Adviser

Appendix C

Distributing survey questionnaire forms to the one of the respondents

One of the respondents are starting to answer the questionnaire

Three of the respondents are answering the survey form

The respondents are concentrating in answering the quetionnaire

Appendix D


1. When your parents separated who did you choose to live with? Why?
2. Did you blame one of your parents or both of them for experiencing an
incomplete or broken family?
3. Did you ask your parents the reason why they separated? If you don’t mind,
can you state the reason?
4. What did you felt when your parents separated?
5. Do you tend to ask for material things to fill in the void that brought by the
separation of your parents?
6. What did you do to overcome your loneliness?

1.1 Name: Eliesa B Andres
1.2 Address: Guiset Norte San Manuel Pangasinan
1.3 Birthday: August 22, 2002
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09062370298
1.6 Email Address: 09159985911
1.7 Parents:
Father: Eleazar P Andres
Mother: Rowena B Andres
1.8 Hobbies: reading wattpad, watching tv, listening music
2.1 Elementary
Juan C Laya Memorial School Year Graduated: 2012-2013
2.2 Junior High School
Mataas na Paaralang ng Juan C Laya Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019




1.1 Name: Eulalyn A. Bailen
1.2 Address: Alibeng, Sison, Pangasinan
1.3 Birthday: May 8, 2002
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09172021844
1.6 Email Address: none
1.7 Parents:
Father: Pedro B Bailen
Mother: Gina A. Bailen
1.8 Hobbies: Watching television, surfing the net, reading wattpad
and manga, and watching movies and anime


2.1 Elementary
Alibeng Elementary School Year Graduated: 2013-2014
2.2 Secondary
Benigno V. Aldana National High School Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019

Fourth honors 2008-2009
Fourth Honors 2009-2010
Third Honors 2010-2011
Third Honors 2011-2012
Third Honors 2012-2013
Third Honors 2013-2014
None 2014-2015
None 2015-2016
With Honors 2016-2017
With Honors 2017-2018



Training Workshop in Conducting Science Investigatory Project
Talas-Isip Seminar Workshop


1.1 Name: Jacellie A. Bailen
1.2 Address: Alibeng, Sison, Pangasinan
1.3 Birthday: May 8, 2002
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09172021844
1.6 Email Address: none
1.7 Parents:
Father: Pedro B Bailen
Mother: Gina A. Bailen
1.8 Hobbies: Watching television, surfing the net, reading wattpad
and manga, and watching movies and anime


2.1 Elementary
Alibeng Elementary School Year Graduated: 2013-2014
2.2 Secondary
Benigno V. Aldana National High School Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019


Fifth honors 2008-2009
Fifth Honors 2009-2010

Fourth Honors 2010-2011
Fourth Honors 2011-2012
Fourth Honors 2012-2013
Fourth Honors 2013-2014
None 2014-2015
None 2015-2016
With Honors 2016-2017
With Honors 2017-2018



Training Workshop in Conducting Science Investigatory Project
Talas-Isip Seminar Workshop

1.1 Name: Chelsea V. Bautista
1.2 Address: Brgy.Sta.Catalina Binalonan, Pang.
1.3 Birthday: October 31, 2001
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09954045060
1.6 Email Address: bautistachelsea16@gmail.com
1.7 Parents:
Father: Archie C. Bautista
Mother: Delia V. Bautista
1.8 Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Playing Volleyball and Basketball,
Doing Calligraphy, Watching Movies, etc.
2.1 Elementary
Sta.Catalina Elementary School Year Graduated: 2012-2013
2.2 Secondary
Juan G. Macaraeg National High School Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019


Outstanding Pre-Schooler 2006-2007
2nd Honors 2007-2008
3rd Honors 2008-2009

3rd Honors 2009-2010
4th Honors 2010-2011
4th Honors 2011-2012
4th Honors 2012-2013
4th Honorable Mention 2013-2014
Academic Excellence Award (1st-4th quarter) 2016-2017

1.1 Name: Corpuz Ryan Denise
1.2 Address: Cayambanan Urdaneta City, Pang.
1.3 Birthday: November 20 2001
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09353092972
1.6 Email Address: Denise_Corpuz@yahoo.com
1.7 Parents:
Father: Unknown
Mother: Rowena Corpuz
1.8 Hobbies: Watching movies, Reading books , Solving puzzles,
Playing Volleyball
2.1 Elementary
Cayambanan Elementary School Year Graduated: 2012-2013
2.2 Secondary
Cayambanan High school Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019


4th Honors 2009-2010
3rd Honors 2010-2011
2nd Honors 2011 -2012

2nd Honors 2012 -2013
Salutatorian. 2013 -2014
4th Honors 2014-2015
3rd Honors 2015-2016
2nd Honors 2016-2017
1st Honors 2017-2018
With honor academic award(first quarter) 2018-2019

Leadership Training

1.1 Name: Axl Angel Rose D. Gonzaga
1.2 Address: Bantog, Sta. Maria, Pangasinan
1.3 Birthday: July 16, 2002
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09075506702
1.6 Email Address: axlgonzaga@gmail.com
1.7 Parents:
Father: Allan V. Gonzaga
Mother: Maricel D. Gonzaga
1.8 Hobbies: Playing sports, listening to music, watching YouTube
videos, playing games
2.1 Elementary
Bantog-Capandanan Elementary School Year Graduated: 2013-2014
2.2 Secondary
Eastern Pangasinan Agricultural College Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019


3rd Honors 2007-2008
3rd Honors 2008-2009
3rd Honors 2009-2010

Rank 7 2010-2011
Rank 7 2011-2012
2nd Honors 2012-2013
2nd Honors 2013-2014
Rank 7 2014-2015
1st Honors 2016-2017
1st Honors(With High Honors) 2018-2019

Division Leadership Training 2017

1.1 Name: Chavilita C. Locquiao
1.2 Address: San Vicente West Asingan Pang.
1.3 Birthday: October 22, 2000
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09482182912
1.6 Email Address: chavilitalocquiabo@gmail.com
1.7 Parents:
Father: Ernesto Locquiao
Mother: Lilia Locquiao
1.8 Hobbies: reading wattpad, calligraphy, listening to music
2.1 Elementary
San Vicente West Integrated School Year Graduated: 2012-2013
2.2 Secondary
San Vicente West Integrated School Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019




1.1 Name: Johannah Fearl C. Mendoza
1.2 Address: Burgos Monkada, Tarlac
1.3 Birthday: January 6, 2003
1.4 Civil Status: Single
1.5 Contact Number: 09456512430
1.6 Email Address: mendozajohannah@gmail.com
1.7 Parents:
Father: Fernando G. Mendoza
Mother: Josephine Victoria C. Mendoza
1.8 Hobbies: listening to music, watching movies, playing games and


2.1 Elementary
Burgos Elementary School Year Graduated: 2013-2014
2.2 Secondary
Moncada Catholic School Year Graduated: 2017-2018
2.3 Senior High School
PHINMA UPang College of Urdaneta S.Y. 2018-2019

1st Honor 2006-2007
2ndHonors 2007-2008
2nd Honors 2008-2009
2nd Honors 2009-2010
2nd Honors 2010-2011
2nd Honors 2011-2012
Salutatorian 2012-2013
Rank 8 2013-2014
Rank 8 2014-2015
Rank 8 2016-2017
Rank 8 2017-2018

Press Conference (Editorial writing, News Writing)
Math and Science quiz bee



Berge, Robert H. "A Study of Children from Broken Homes In the Elementary
School." Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Montana State University, Missoula,

Wallenstein, Nehemiah. Character and Personality of Children from Broken

Homes. New York City: Bureau of Publication, teacher’s College, Columbia
University, 1937.

Polanen, J. (1990). Broken & Dysfunctional Family. Watana Phanit Printing

&Publishing Co.,LTD.

Colcord, F. (1987). Health & Home, Manila. The Marketing Department,

Philippine Publishing House.

Saheed, A. (1988). Metro Manila. Scott Foresman Incorporation.

Electronic Sources

Edward Robert Mattix. (1958). A study of the relationships between the

broken home and the school.


Effects of Broken Family to Students Perfromance





Effects of family break up on children: A study in Khulnasity


Essays, UK. (November 2018). Review of Related Literature and Studies
Psychology Essay. Retrieved from




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