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(S.Y 2018 – 2019)




MARCH 2019

First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers
of blessings throughout my research work to complete the research successfully.

This research would not have been successful without the help and guidance of
several people who help and cooperate in the preparation and completion of this study.

I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to our English teacher Mr.
Edmor P. Laureta.

We thank our colleagues who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted
the research, although they may not agree with all of the interpretations/conclusions of
this paper.

We thank Jeamie C. Abadies and Ayessa V. Zulita for their assistance and
kindness of sharing their thoughts regarding to our study.

To our respondents who shared their time and for cooperation in our survey.

To our friends who shared their support.

College Library, for the thesis as reference in our study.

And most of all to our parents and family for their financial and endless support
for us in doing our study.





Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Objectives of the Study 2

Significance of the Study 2


Review Related Literature 3


Introduction 6

Locale of the Study 6

Research Design 6

Subjects 6

Data Gathering Instruments 7

Data Gathering Procedures 9

Sample and Sampling Procedures 10


Introduction 11

Presenting of Data 11


Summary of findings 15

Conclusion 15

Recommendation 16




Background of the Study

Family is known to be a core unit of the larger society. Family is an important

factor for a human’s whole being, his attitude, background, his honor and dignity all of
this relies on the structure of the family a man lives in with. A family should be
composed of a mother a father and the fruit of their love of each other. Many young
people go onto marriage without knowing what would be the responsibilities they may
take after they enter the marriage life.

Here in our modern age a family could be two things, complete or broken. Having
a broken family can cause a child’s miserable life. A broken family on a child’s
development depends on numerous factors, including the age of the child at the time of
parent’s separation, and on the personality and family relationship. Broken family can
negatively affect all domain of your child’s development. The effects of a Children often
have a very mixed feeling after a family change, some children can be rebellious and
have unclear acts because of a broken family. School, is our second home where we
learn every little things in the world and mold us to be a better human being and to help
us to become successful, but how will it make us successful if we can’t focus. We can’t
do normal schooling like other students because of the problems that we encounter in
our homes.

Slowed academic development is another way that separation of the parents

affects children. The emotional stress of a divorce alone can be enough to stunt you
child’s academic progress, but the lifestyle changes and instability of a broken family
can contribute to poor educational outcomes.
Statement of the Problem

Children from a broken family are mostly affected in school. They can't focus
learning and working things. Living without either his father or mother will create fear
and insecurities in him. There are plenty of activities in school that involves the parents
and seeing scenes like these will even make him feel ashamed of his family situation.
Children also lost their inspiration to pursue their career.

 How will the academic performance of the JHS students be affected when their
family is broken?
 What are the effects of having a broken family to the attitude of the JHS students
of NDC?
 What will be the effects of having a broken family to social status of JHS students
of NDC?

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study is to know the effects of having a broken home to a
student’s academic performance in North Davao Colleges Junior High School.

1.) To find out the effects of broken family to the academic performance of JHS
students in NDC.
2.) To know the effects of broken home to the behaviour of JHS students in NDC.
3.) To discuss the effects of broken home to the social status of JHS students of

Significance of the Study

This study focus on what are the results of being part of a broken family affecting
the emotional, social, and attitude of the students. This study aims to address the
concern of the students having a broken family.

This study can also contribute for the understanding of the people or the students
who are not part of the broken family.


In preparing this study the researchers earnestly search for different articles,
books, and other type of media references. This chapter includes the ideas, finished
thesis, or conclusions, methodologies and others. Those that were included in this
chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present

Review Related Literature

(Nwachi 2000) State that ‘the family is a social group characterized by common
residence economic cooperation and production. It includes adult of both sexes at least
two to who maintain a socially approved relationship with one or more children or
adopted of the sexually co-habiting adults. The family has recognized function of
procreation, education and socialization during the child formative years. The family is
responsible for the care, protection and education it lays to foundation upon which the
entire environmental influences such as the school peer group, church and its entire
community build of
Omoruyi.(2014) Pointed out that family is the child’s first place of contact with the
world. The child as a result, acquires initial education and socialization from parents and
other significant persons in the family. The family lays the psychological, moral, and
spiritual foundation in the overall development of the child. Structurally, family/homes is
either broken or intact. A broken home in this context is one that is not structurally
intact, as a result of divorce, separation, death of one of parent and illegitimacy.
psychological home conditions arise mainly from illegitimacy of children, the label of
adopted child, broken homes, divorce and parental deprivation. Such abnormal
conditions of the home, are likely to have a detrimental effect in school performance of
the child he asserts
Kelly (2004) concluded divorce may have a more severe and enduring impact on
son (male than daughters (female).
Wallerain and Kelly (2004) stated that the absence of father is often viewed as
partially harmful to self esteem looking at the above critically one will be correct to say
that a child that has no self esteem will not be able to perform well in his academic work
and as such he will not be able to perform well in school.
Burdon (1991) has this to say ‘such children without proper training due to
breakage of their families or marriage are trained at the mercy of other people, turn out
to be truants from this assertion, it is clear that surrogate mothers cannot monitor the
education progress of children entrusted to their care. They cannot help in teaching
them at home since many are usually not educated.
(Anna Green, 2015) A broken family can negatively affect all domains of your
child’s development. The effects of a broken family on a child’s development depend on
numerous factors, including the age of the child at the time of parents’ separation, and
on the personality and family relationships. Although infants and young children may
experience few negative developmental effects, older children and teenagers may
experience some problems in their social, emotional and educational functioning.
(Crisostomo, 2012) Romeo Enriquez, the president of PPA (Philippine
Psychiatric Association), said that having a dysfunctional family is the usual problem
that Filipinos face today. There are many problems that we face, work, stress,
relationships but the family is the worse thing that a Filipino will have a problem with.
Every year, more and more Filipinos seek a doctor’s help and more mental illness are
being recorded among Filipinos. Treatment for these kinds of situation is very expensive
and therefore not everyone receives proper medication (Crisostomo, 2012).
According to Eszewu (1990) ‘the family has the potential of exercising a strong
influence over the life of the child in school and long after he left school. He wants on to
say that the child’s mental and emotional developments which are factors for school
education could be greatly influenced by nature of the family into which the child is born.
A child who is brought up in stable home is well fed and provided all he needed will
definitely perform well in his academics in school. The status of the family determines
the type of influences and the level of educational attainment of children that are
brought up in various homes.
(Izake, 1963) Stated that most of them were very unsuccessful because of
separation of house& he said broken house can be as a result of divorce
of separation by death of the couple.The problem of broken homes are universal phenomenal
which affect both developed as well as the under develop country. 3et the courses and
effect still persist with varying degree in the various part of the world an ideal atmosphere&
4hildren should happily be with there parents& children appreciated the love of
their parent towards them& one of the tasks that should be fulfilled by parents& is to
educate their children because the education of children does not start from school.
This is because live schooling of students started from home. A home is the walls of the
house but the people who live on it make a home. A house only become a home&
when if complete. A home also became a house when is not broken.

(Grudun Schultz,20016) He believe that “When it comes to educational

achievement,” the study says, “children living with their own married parents do
significantly better than other children.”
Agulana (2000) pointed out that the family lays the psychological, moral, and
spiritual foundation in the overall development of the child. Structurally, family/homes is
either broken or intact. A broken home in this context is one that is not structurally
intact, as a result of divorce, separation, death of one of parent and illegitimacy.

According to Frazer (2004), psychological home conditions arise mainly from

illegitimacy of children, the label of adopted child, broken homes, divorce and parental
deprivation. Such abnormal conditions of the home, are likely to have a detrimental
effect on school performance of the child he asserts

Chador (2008) notes that the environment in which the students come from can
greatly influence his performance in school. The effects of broken homes may impact
greatly on the internal organization of the family and by extension; effect a child’s
emotion, personality and academic achievement. Bearing in mind the role of the family
in a child’s education, the failure of the family to perform its duties could hinder the
child’s academic achievement. Any nation that is desirous of advancing technologically
will no doubt ensure that the future of her future leaders (the adolescents) is well
guided, protected and guaranteed.
Essays, UK. (November 2018) Stated that it is possible for a solo woman or man
to satisfy all of a child’s parental needs? It’s an important question these days because
there are more and more such families. The largest number, of course, is those headed
by women who are separated. And relatively small but growing of women are choosing
to raise a child – their own or an adopted child-without the help of a partner.



This chapter deals mainly with the methodology or strategies in which the
researchers used in collecting valid and reliable information and data for the study
which includes:

a. Locale of the Study

b. Subjects
c. Research Design
d. Research Design Matrix
e. Data Gathering Instruments
f. Data Gathering Procedures
g. Sample and Sampling Procedures
h. Presentation, Analysis, And Interpretation of Data

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in North Davao Colleges (NDC), Panabo City. This
research was conducted within the school year 2018-2019.

The respondents of our study are the Junior High School students of North
Davao Colleges (NDC) Panabo City. There will be 12 subjects, three (3) from Grade 7,
three (3) from Grade 8, three (3) from the Grade 9 and three (3) from the Grade 10.

Research Design
In today’s generation there are many students that is having a hard time due to
family problem one of that is having a broken family. This study will investigate the
effects of having a broken family to a student’s performance in class of the Junior High
School students of North Davao Colleges (NDC), Panabo City.

Research Design Matrix


How does coming from Do you feel insecure with How does coming from a
a broken family affects your classmates that has broken family affects your
your mentality as a complete family? In what mentality as a student
student way?


Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher prepares a survey questionnaire that contains the analysis of the
effects of having a broken family to a student’s performance of Junior High School in
North Davao Colleges (NDC) Panabo City and how the students overcome it. The
Survey questionnaire was done inside the classroom. There were survey questionnaire
that is being given to the respondents. The table below shows the survey questionnaire.
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
Academic Performance

1.Being part of a broken family, does it affect your academic


2. As a student, it is easy to be part of a broken family?

3. Do your parents care for your progress in school?

4. Do your parents pay your school fees on time?

5. Does lack of security from home affects students to be

perform poorly in school?

6. Does your parent’s support enough for your needs in


7. Do you perform properly in your quiz, drama and debate

in your school?

8. Does being part of a broken family inspires you for your


9. Is having yourself inspire you to do academic activities?

10. Do your parent/s help you doing your school works?

Attitude 5 4 3 2 1

1. Do your parents beat you when you do bad?

2. We’re there any circumstances that you decided to

live on your own?
3. Do you bully others because of having a broken

4. Are you usually quite at times?

5. Do you usually socialize with other people without the

aid of friend?

Social Effects 5 4 3 2 1

1. Have you ever encountered depression and anxiety?

2. Does having a broken family have a negative effect

on your social life?

3. Is there a time that you are ashamed with what

happened to your family?

4. Do you feel insecure with your classmates that has

complete family?

5. Are you a victim of bullying for having a broken


Data Gathering Procedures

To collect and gather, the researcher will purely base on the interview with the
most important sources of the 12 Junior High School students of North Davao Colleges
(NDC) Panabo City.
The respondents were interviewed in their respected places (inside the

Sample and Sampling Procedures

The researcher used Survey Research Design in this study. Junior High School
students of North Davao Colleges (NDC) Panabo City during the period of data
gathering were given a survey questionnaire.

A total of twelve (12) Junior High School Students were given a survey
questionnaire. All twelve (12) subjects were enrolled for the school year 2018-2019. Of
the 12 students 3 were Grade 7, 3 were Grade 8, 3 were Grade 9, and 3 students were
Grade 10. The summary of the subjects was shown in Table 1.

Table 1.





GRADE 10 3



This chapter discusses the presentation and analysis of data based on the
survey questionnaire about the effects of having a broken family to a child’s academic
performance, attitude and social status of the North Davao Colleges Junior Highschool

Percentage (%) were employed as the statistical tools for analyzing data. The
result of the analysis is presented in percentage terms merge for rating 5-1. The data for
the research work was obtained through the survey questionnaires.

The result is presented according to the research question raised earlier showing
the table below.




Table 1.1

5-always 4-often 3-sometimes 2-rarely 1-never

QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
Academic Performance

1.Being part of a broken family, does it affect your academic

performance? 1 1 3 0 7
2. As a student, it is easy to be part of a broken family? 1 1 4 3 3

3. Do your parents care for your progress in school? 7 3 0 0 2

4. Do your parents pay your school fees on time? 6 2 1 2 1

5. Does lack of security from home affects students to be 2 2 1 5 2

perform poorly in school?

6. Does your parent’s support enough for your needs in 8 3 0 0 1


7. Do you perform properly in your quiz, drama and debate 8 2 2 0 0

in your school?

8. Does being part of a broken family inspires you for your 9 1 2 0 0


9. Is having yourself inspire you to do academic activities? 8 2 2 0 0

10. Do your parent/s help you doing your school works? 4 0 0 3 5

Table 1.1 presents the frequency rating of the students that affects their
academic performance as being part of a broken family. 58% of the respondents stated
that being part of the broken family doesn’t affect their academic performance. 33% of
the respondents agreed that sometimes as a student it’s not easy to be part of a broken
family. Even though they part of a broken family 66% of the respondents stated that
their parents still care for their progress in school. 58% of the respondents stated that
their parent/parents always pay their school fees on time. 41% of the respondents
agreed that lack of security from home affects students to be perform poorly in school.
66% of the respondents stated that their parent’s support enough for their need in
school. 66% of the respondents perform properly in their quiz, drama and debate in
their school. 75% of the respondents stated that being part of the broken family inspires
them for their future. 66% of the respondents agreed that having themselves inspires
them to do academic activities. And lastly 42% of the respondents agreed that their
parents never help them do their school works.



Table 1.2

Attitude 5 4 3 2 1

1. Do your parents beat you when you do bad? 1 0 1 1 9

2. We’re there any circumstances that you decided to 0 1 2 1 8

live on your own?

3. Do you bully others because of having a broken 1 1 0 0 10


4. Are you usually quite at times? 0 0 6 2 4

5. Do you usually socialize with other people without the 5 2 3 1 1

aid of friend?

Table 1.2 above presents the frequency rating of the student that affects their
attitude as being part of a broken family. 75% of the respondents stated that their
parent/parents never beat them when they do bad. 67% of the respondents never
decided to live in their own we’re there any circumstances. 83% of the respondents
stated that they never bully others because of having a broken family.50% of the
respondents are sometimes quite. 59% of the respondents agreed that they usually
socialize with other people without the aid of friend.



Table 1.3

Social Effects 5 4 3 2 1

1. Have you ever encountered depression and anxiety? 1 4 4 1 2

2. Does having a broken family have a negative effect 2 1 4 2 3

on your social life?

3. Is there a time that you are ashamed with what 2 4 2 0 4

happened to your family?

4. Do you feel insecure with your classmates that has 6 0 3 1 2

complete family?

5. Are you a victim of bullying for having a broken 3 0 0 1 8


Table 1.3 above presents the frequency rating of the students that affect their
social status as being part of broken family. 66% of the respondents encountered
depression and anxiety sometimes. 33% of the respondents stated that sometimes
having a broken famiky have a negative effect in their social life. 33% of the students
agreed that they are ashamed with what happened to their family and 33% of the
respondents stated that they are never ashamed with what happened to their
family.50% of the respondents always feel insecured with their classmates that has a
complete family. And lastly 58% of the respondents stated that haven’t been bully for
having a broken family.



To have clearer findings about this study, the researcher summarized the
interpretations made and gathered.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted to determine the effects of having a broken family to a
student’s academic performance, attitude and social status of North Davao Colleges
Junior High School student. The researcher objective is to know the effects of broken
family to academic performance, attitude and social status of the JHS Students of North
Davao Colleges. The finding was based on the information given by the respondents
from the survey questionnaires.

The following are the findings of study and conclusion:

1. Not all students have the same experience that is why in our survey the findings
don’t have the same effect on student’s academic performance. Most of the
students don’t affect their academic performance for having a broken family.
Even thou their parents are separated most of the respondents still have enough
financial support from their parents. And their parent/parents still care for their
progress in school. But the lack of security from home affects the student
performance in class. According to our findings being part of a broken family is
not a hindrance to perform well in school but instead most of the respondents
use their situation to inspire themselves to do well in school to have a better
2. Lack of parental guidance can affect the child’s attitude. Having no one to share
their problems with will make them feel lonely. Some of the respondents usually
are quiet at times, even thou they have many problems because of having a
broken family they never plan or decide to live in their own. They never bully
others because of their situation. And also even if they feel lonely sometimes
they still socialize with other people but with the aid of friends. According to our
survey it depends on the parent/parents on how they will guide their child in
understanding their situation for having a broken family and how would it affect
the attitude of the students.

3. Being a part of a broken family can affect the social status of the students but it
depends on the situation they have experienced. Some of the student encounters
anxiety or depression because of the emotional stress due to family problems.
Some of the student is/are ashamed that they are part of a broken family but
some are not because they completely accept their situation and has learned to
deal with it. In school there are many activities that include family like family day
that’s why some of the students who come from a broken family are ashamed
because of their situations. Some of the respondents feel insecure with their
other classmate for having a complete family and due to that, sometimes they
wonder what is the feeling of having a complete family. What’s positive about
their situation, despite of being part of a broken family they never experience
bullying. They have enough courage to face their problems in life and how to deal
with it.

Gleaned from the disclosed summary of findings and drawn conclusions,
the following recommendations are offered:

Teachers: The teachers should be more considerate especially to the students

who come from a broken family and to help their boost their self-esteem and to
help them encourage to do good or to excel in school despite of their family

Students: The students who come from a broken family are encourage through
this study to become a good student and to inspire them to be more productive
and positive with the emotional stress that they have encounter.

School Administrators: They should be considerate especially to those

students who come from a broken family when they can/t pay on time with school
fees. They should give assessment to students from separated parents so that
bullying could be avoided.

Parent/Guardian: Broken family could not be prevented, that’s why they should
be responsible enough to guide their children in understanding their situation in
order for them to overcome the emotional stress and for them to accept their

Green, A.(2015). The effect of a broken family. magazine desk.

Isaken HI and 06 (1963) Counselers place in the guidance process.

Agulana,G.G. (1999). Family structure and prevalence of behavioural problems among
Nigerian adolescents. The Counselor 17(1), 154-161.

Ayodele, S.O. (2006). Educational Opportunities for Nigerian learners; How do we fare
thus far? A paper presented at the workshop organized by Network for Gender for
sensitive Educational Management in Africa and the British Consul in Nigeria

Schultz, G.(2006). The effeBroken Family Structure Leads to Educational Difficulties for
Childrenct of a broken family.

Carl , J.G & Borko, W.K. (2008). Effects of attitudinal retraining on strategy- based

Crisostomo, S. (2012). 'Family ties usual cause of mental illness among Pinoys

Ezewu (1990) Sociology of Education Ikeja Longman’s Nigeria.

Essays, UK. (November 2018). Review Of Related Literature And Studies Psychology


LAGOS STATE METROPOLIS.. European Journal of Educational and Development

Nwachi (2000) Family and Education Onitsha Pacific College Press Limited.

Nworgn, B.G (1991): Educational Research Basis Issues and Methodology

Wallersteen and Kelly (2004): culled from Internet.




Name: _________________________________________________________

Gender: ____ Age: ___ School:_____________________ Grade Level:______

Direction: Below are the items about The Effects of having a Broken Family to a
Student’s Academic Performance, Attitude and Social Status.

Please put check (✔️) and rate your answer honestly, based on the questions
giving us the following scales.

5-always 4-often 3-sometimes 2-rarely 1-never

QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1
Academic Performance

1.Being part of a broken family, does it affect your academic

2. As a student, it is easy to be part of a broken family?

3. Do your parents care for your progress in school?

4. Do your parents pay your school fees on time?

5. Does lack of security from home affects students to be

perform poorly in school?

6. Does your parent’s support enough for your needs in


7. Do you perform properly in your quiz, drama and debate

in your school?

8. Does being part of a broken family inspires you for your


9. Is having yourself inspire you to do academic activities?

10. Do your parent/s help you doing your school works?

Attitude 5 4 3 2 1

6. Do your parents beat you when you do bad?

7. We’re there any circumstances that you decided to

live on your own?

8. Do you bully others because of having a broken


9. Are you usually quite at times?

10. Do you usually socialize with other people without the
aid of friend?

Social Effects 5 4 3 2 1

6. Have you ever encountered depression and anxiety?

7. Does having a broken family have a negative effect

on your social life?

8. Is there a time that you are ashamed with what

happened to your family?

9. Do you feel insecure with your classmates that has

complete family?

10. Are you a victim of bullying for having a broken


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