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Pre-Lab discussions, Bailey, Mahon, Sir Marc’s discussion

Cultures ❖ Where the selection of the medium for

inoculation is based.
❖ Growth of microorganisms in a culture
❖ Most bacterial require no more than the
ordinary culture media but a few needs
❖ Gold standard for disease identification
special media for growth or for aiding in
Types of Culture: their identification where cultural
characteristics and specific reactions may
1. Pure Culture be determinative factors for
❖ Only one species identification.
❖ Separates the pathogen from the normal ** if several plates will be inoculated for
microbiota a given specimen, arrange starting the
2. Mixed Culture most enriched to the most selective
❖ More than one species
❖ Examples are: BAP- S. aureus, S. Classification of Culture Media
epidermidis/ Staph and Srep
Physical state a. Solid Media
3. Stock Culture
b. Semi- Solid Media
❖ Several species contained in a separate c. Liquid Media
culture medium (1 species/culture Classification a. Synthetic Media
medium) b. Non- Synthetic Media
❖ Gron in a large volume of broth -> divide c. Living Tissue Media
into small freezer vials (to lengthen the Use a. Simple Media
shelf life of specimens at least a year) b. Enriched Media
❖ Used for academic and industrial Differential Media
purposes (storage) 1. Differential
Mildly Selective
Culture Medium Media
2. Differential
❖ Solid, liquid, or semi-solid substance
designed to support the growth and
Selective Media
physiologic requirements of c. High Selective Media
microorganisms. d. Transport Media
❖ Composed of a mixture of nutrients such e. Enrichment Media
as carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus,
hydrogen, oxygen, and buffers.
❖ Inhibitory agents (dyes, salts, and Further/specific Classifications:
antimicrobials) are added to facilitate the A. Physical state
isolation of the desired organism while 1. Solid- 2-3% agar, TSI, BAP, MAC
suppressing the growth of other 2. Semi- Solid- 0.5-1% agar, SI(T),
organisms present in the sample. decarboxylase media
Type of specimen 3. Liquid- no agar
B. Use » Used for organisms while in
1. Enrichment Media transport
» Selenite F- for S. typhi 7. Maintenance
» Proliferation of microorganisms » Viability of certain
before culture microorganisms while in storage
» Alkaline peptone water (APW)= » Brain Heart Infusion Broth
media of choice for Vibrio spp, (BHIB), NA slant
tetrathionate broth (gram – 8. Special
bacilli= Salmonella spp.) » Specific type of organisms
2. General Isolation/ Supportive/ » Lowenstein-Jensen media (M.
Simple/ Basal Media tuberculosis); cauliflower
» NA, TSB colonies, Thiosulfate citrate bile
» Routine use without added salts sucrose agar (Vibrio spp.)
supplement 9. Anaerobic
3. Enriched/ Nonselective Media » Not requiring oxygen because
» BA, CA- for Gonorrhea anaerobic
» Basic with supplement, special » Cooked meat media,
treatment, for fastidious thioglycolate broth
organisms 10. Susceptibility Testing
4. Selective » Mueller- Hinton Agar (MHA)
» SSA, MAC, BSA, XLD, MSA ▪ Depth: 4 mm
» Grow a specific organism only in ▪ pH: 7.2 – 7.4
the usage of antibiotics 11. Biochemical Testing
» Inhibitory substances » Based on biochemical reactions
(Inhibit gram +) » TSI
▪ Crystal/ gentian violet ▪ Slant- ferment lactose or
▪ Basic fuchsin sucrose
▪ Bile salts ▪ Butt- ferment glucose
(Inhibit gram -) ▪ Yellow (A)- ferments
▪ Potassium teliorite ▪ Red (K)- not ferments
▪ Sodium azide ▪ Gas (+)- cracks/ bubbles
(Inhibit swarming Proteus) ▪ H2S- blackening of
▪ Alcohol medium
▪ Chloral hydrate C. Composition
5. Differential 1. Synthetic/ Chemically- defined
» BAP, McC, ferments lactose (pink » Exact composition is known
colonies) » NA, MAC
▪ Rapid lactose fermenters 2. Non- Synthetic/ Complex
• Escherichia, » At least 1 component is not
Klebsiella, chemically defined
Enterobacter » Media with blood, serum, plant/
6. Transport animal/ yeast extract
» Stuart’s (all around media), Cary- 3. Living State/ Tissue Culture
Blair medium (for stool specimen » Living cells
Chlamydia rickettsia and viruses,
» 3. Spread- plate- uncommon (petri dish and
Mycobacterium leprae (leprosy/ agar)
hansen’s disease cultured at
Autoclaving- 121C, 15-20 mins, 15 lbs
footpad of armadillo)
» McCoy’s cells (media of choice Incubation Conditions:
for Chlamydia), Vero cells, HELA,
Hep2 cells 1. Aerobes: 21% O2 + 0.03% CO2
D. Dispensing/ Distribution 2. Anaerobes: 0% O2, 5%-10% CO2 + 5%-
1. Plated (weigh- dissolve- autoclave- 10% H2 + 80-90% N2 (anaerobe jars, bags
dispense) or chambers)
» Single layer 3. Capnophiles: 5%-10% CO2 + 15% O2
2. Tubed (weigh- dissolve- dispense- (CO2 incubator or bag; 3% CO2 in candle
autoclave) jars)
» Broth, butt (deep), slant, butt 4. Microaerophile: 5%-10% O2 + 8%-10%
and slant (TSI) CO2

Food Elements **most bacterial, ideal incubation temperature-

» Type of nutrients needed by the
bacteria to grow **aerobic cultures- examined after 18-24 hours
1. Peptone- protein source incubation
2. Carbohydrate **anaerobic cultures- require 48 hours
3. Minerals- phosphates, salts, incubation
potassium, magnesium
4. Meat/ beef extract- source
of amino acids, peptides, STEPS IN MEDIA PREPARATION:
5. Yeast extract- source of B CALCULATIONS
vitamins, Brewer’s yeast
1. How much powder is needed to make 10
(alcohol fermenter-
plates of MAC?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
6. Bile and bile salts- inhibits
Total volume (TC) = # of plates x volume
growth of gram + bacteria
of medium per plate
7. Growth factors- vitamins
TV= 10 plates x 15 mL/ plate
and enzymes
TV= 150 mL
8. Agar/ agarose-
2. Determine the amount of medium (g) to
polysaccharide gel- agarose
be weighed. Use the ratio of culture
is purified from agar,
medium powder to diluent specified by
seaweed extract from red
the manufacturer
algae, from Gelidium spp.
And Gracilaria spp.
MAC: 49. 53g
Techniques: 49.53g/1000mL= g/150mL
(49.53g x 150 mL=10000mL x X)/ 1000mL
1. Pour- plate- gold standard (quantitative) X= 7.4295
2. Streak- plate- widely used in laboratory

- Graduated cylinder and weighing - Refrigeration= 2-4 degrees C

scale o Plates: upright
o Tubes: upright
**avoid freezing because ice crystals can damage
- Stirring rod/ automatic mixer
the media
- Broth; no heating
- Solid and semi-solid; >50 degrees C PERFORMANCE CHECK
- Use titration for pH
- Culture to a known pure bacterium
- Heat sensitive; do filtration
and observe growth characteristics
DISPENSING/ DISTRIBUTION - To check whether media is expired or
- Critical/ non-critical (estimated)
- **tubed media are dispensed before
- Dependent on the type of specimen
they are autoclaved, plate media are
that you receive and the organisms
autoclaved before dispensing
most likely involved in the disease
AUTOCLAVING (appropriation)
o Example: stool culture: gram
- Temperature; 121 degrees C
-: C. difficile: Columbia
- Pressure; 15 psi
Colistin-Nalidixic Acid Agar
- Duration; 15 minutes

**loosen caps of tubes before autoclaving


- One random tube/plate per batch;

with growth after incubation in 35-
37 degrees C for 24 hours=
o Plates: inverted
o Tubes: upright

Media Purpose Expected Results

MacConkey Agar Selective and differential A pink colony indicates lactose
medium for isolation of gram- fermentation while a translucent
negative bacilli such as colony indicated non-lactose
Enterobacteriaceae and fermentation
Blood Agar Differential and Enriched ❖ Alpha hemolysis/ incomplete
Medium that supports the hemolysis: colonies
growth of fastidious bacteria and
inhibits the growth of some surrounded by a green, opaque
bacteria like Neisseria and zone (S. pneumoniae)
Haemophilus. It supports growth ❖ Beta hemolysis/ complete
of Streptococci hemolysis: clear zone
surrounding the colonies (S.
aureus, S. pyogenes)
❖ Gamma hemolysis/ no
hemolysis (S. epidermidis)
Chocolate Agar Enriched medium for isolation of ❖ N. gonorrhea: small, gray to
most fastidious bacteria such as white, mucoid colonies,
Haemophilus and Neisseria spp. smooth consistency, destined
❖ N. meningitidis: larger bluish-
gray, mucoid, round, convex,
smooth, moist, glistening
❖ H. influenzae: small, colorless,
moist colonies with
characteristic seminal odor
Mueller Hinton Plain Agar Best medium for routine Zone of inhibitions (ZOI) around the
antimicrobial susceptibility antibiotics
testing using the Kirby- Bauer
diffusion method for non-
fastidious bacteria
Nutrient Agar General purpose medium for the ❖ E. coli: grayish to white colored
growth of a wide variety of non- large, circular, convex colonies,
fastidious microorganism smooth and rough colonies
❖ S. typhi: smooth colorless, with
a diameter range of 2-4mm
❖ S. aureus: golden yellow
colored circular, convex and
smooth colonies (2-4mm),
opaque colonies


Principle: Rapid qualitative method for isolation, Organisms that grow on BAP also grow on CA but
dilution technique not all organisms that grow on CA will grow on
❖ Essential for microbiological studies
❖ Attained so that a single cell occupies an CA- supports highly fastidious organisms such as
isolated portion of the agar surface. The Haemophilus and Neisseria gonorrhea
single cell will go through repeated MAC- supports most gram – rods specially the
multiplication to produce a visible colony Enterobacteriaceae, differentiates lactose vs.
of similar cells non-lactose fermenters
❖ Usage of a nutrient agar to obtain pure
BA- where true hemolysis caused by respiration) (Actinomyces spp.,
microorganisms is found Clostridium spp., C. tetani, C. perfringens)
• Only organisms viable in the original
(clear) B-hemolysis- complete lysis
sample are able to be grown
(green) A-hemolysis- partial lysis

Streak Plate method

❖ Most commonly used for isolation of
mixed culture of bacterial species. Gram stain
❖ Techniques include the simple, radial, ❖ Differential stain
and multiple interrupted (most ideal- ❖ Differentiates gram + and gram –
enables the microbiologists to have microorganisms
isolated colonies) ❖ Hans Christian Gram (1864)
Methods: Reagents:
1. T-streak- zigzag, 2-3x 1. Crystal violet- primary stain
2. Quadrant- divided by four quadrants, 1st 2. Lugol’s iodine- mordant
quadrant- complete growth, 4th 3. Acetone/ Ethyl Alcohol- decolorizer
quadrant- very important, where 4. Safranin O- secondary stain
isolation is obtained, 1x touch 3rd
quadrant only Gram +; teichoic acid + MgRNA + CV + iodine
3. Discontinuous- parallel streak complex -> insoluble Alcohol (blue)- thick murin/
peptidoglycan layer
Labeling of Plate:
Gram -; ^ lipids -> soluble in alcohol (red)
• Initials/specimen used/group
number/date performed (e.g., PROCEDURE:
Gram + Gram -
1. Flood Blue Blue
with CV
2. Flood Blue (CV- I Blue
Streak Plate Method with complex)
❖ Usage of the sample obtained from pure Rinse
culture (primary plate/ NA) 3. Flood Blue Colorless
❖ Gather sample from isolated colonies with
and inoculate on prepared BA, CA, and alcohol
McC Rinse
4. Flood Blue Red
Limitations: with
• Will not grow obligate anaerobes safranin
(absence of oxygen to growth, uses
sulfate, nitrate, iron, manganese for
QC: S. aureus (gram +), E. coli (gram -) -at least 3-5mL of deep cough sputum

General Rules in Gram Stain results: Steps:

❖ all cocci are gram positive except- Deep breath for 3x, 3rd time with cough to push
Neisseria, Veilonella, and Moraxella sputum out to be collected or inhalation of
(Bramhamella) saline/aerosol
❖ all bacilli are gram negative except-
o Mycobacterium, TIMING:
Corynebacterium, Clostridium,
Bacillus, Listeria, Erysipelothrix, -early in the morning
Lactobacillus, Actinomyces, MORNING SPECIMEN- concentrated; preferred
Propionibacterium, Bifido- 2 samples for diagnosis
bacterium, Nocardia 1 for antibiotic therapy
❖ All spirochetes are gram negative [BLT]
o Borellia, Leptospira (question-
mark appearance/ hooked
ends), Treponema
1. Sterilize and label
2. Serial number and specimen number
- Removal of MgRNA by precipitation with
bile salts 3. Oval, continuous spiral motion, 3cm long x 2cm
- Autolysis, aging, and temperature of wide
incubation results to loss of cell wall
4. Airdry
- Using an acidic solution of gram’s iodine 5. Assess under printed paper with the text still
- Overdecolorization seen
REASONS WHY (-) BECOMES (+) 6. Heat fix (pass by flame 2-3 times)
- Incomplete decolorization
- Thick smear preparation
KINYOUN (COLD): Carbol Fuchsin (pink) ->
Tergitol /Phenol -> Acid Alcohol (3%)
ACID FAST STAINING concentrated HCl in 95% ethanol (faint pink) ->
rinse with H2O -> methylene blue (2-3 secs.) ->
Koch’s bacillus (M. tuberculosis) rinse with H2O, blot on paper excess water ->
M. tuberculosis microscopic examination

- bundle of faggot ZIEHL NEELSEN/ EHRLICH’S (HOT): Carbol Fuchsin

(pink) -> heat (until steam is visible -> rest 5 mins.
- dark pink/ red against a blue background -> Acid Alcohol (3%) concentrated HCl in 95%
ethanol (faint pink) -> rinse with H2O ->
methylene blue (2-3 secs.) -> rinse with H2O, blot
on paper excess water -> microscopic MBC (Minimum bactericidal concentration)
**cleanse every after staining and mordant
1. Broth Dilution Method
Acid Fast- Red/ dark pink ❖ Reference method
❖ Quantitative result
Non- Acid Fast- Blue
2. Agar Dilution Method
Reporting: 3. Agar Diffusion Test
a. Disc Diffusion Test (Kirby Bauer)
0- 0/300 OIF » Not widely performed
+n- 1-9/ 100 OIF Requirements: BBAASSSTI
1+- 10- 99/ 100 OIF 1. Bacterial 1 x 10 ^8
2+- 1-10/ 50 OIF inoculum size
2. Bacterial Mueller Hinton Agar
3+- >10/20 OIF medium
3. Antibiotic disc6 mm diameter
4. Atmosphere Aerobic, no CO2
5. Standard depth 4 mm (25-30 mL = 90-100
Kirby Bauer Disc Diffusion Method mm diameter
6. Standard pH 7.2 – 7.4
❖ Determines susceptibility of a bacterial 7. Standard 0.5 MacFarland (0.5 Barium
strain to a specific antibiotic suspension suspension 99. 5 mL
❖ Used to determine the most appropriate H2SO4)
treatment for the infection 8. Temperature 35 – 37 C
❖ Method of choice 9. Incubation 16 – 18 hours
❖ Determined after 24 hours of incubation time
❖ Streaking is free, no structure/ rules only
make sure the whole plate is streaked
and a ring is made against the wall of the
plate after streaking **No 2 discs closer than 24 mm
PROCEDURE: Antibiotics:
1. Make suspension NSS + isolated colony = 1. Broad spectrum- gram + and gram – (ex.
standard Tetracycline)
2. Get sample from suspension 2. Narrow spectrum- gram + or gram – (ex.
3. Streak in MHIA Penicillin (gram +))
4. Stand the plate for 3-5 mins.
Factors affecting the results:
5. Put the antibiotic discs (apply within 15
mins) 1. Suitability and pH of medium
6. Stand for another 15 mins 2. Amount of inoculums
7. Incubate 3. Thickness of the agar
4. Diffusion of the antibiotic discs
MIC (Minimum inhibitory concentration)
5. Incubation time
6. Incubation temperature

• Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA)

❖ Standard susceptibility medium for non-
fastidious bacteria
❖ Recommended medium because of
reduced concentration of inhibitors

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