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CS610 assignment 1

Give your answer in the following table:

Received Message 010101100 010101010 010011001 010011010 010100110

Data message (Bits)? 01010110 01010101 01001100 01001101 01001100

Decoded Message? V U L M L

Question 2 a)

In wireless LAN , the technique commonly used to overcome collisions CSMA/CA . This method involves
devices listening to the wireless medium before transmitting to avoid collision. If the channel is sensed
as busy devices wait for a random period before attempting to transmitting again, thus reducing the
probabilty of collision


A: LAN technology B: Data transfer rate / Speed

LOCAL TALK 230.4Kbps

IBM TOKEN RING 4Mbps to 16Mbps

Fiber distributed data interconnect 100Mbps

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