LaserStorm - Precursor March To War

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Welcome to the second army book for the Fringe-Space setting.

This book contains background information for the alien species known as the Precursors, as well as
full army lists for LaserStorm.
Unlike the Unity army book, the decision has been to split the game systems into separate books
due to customer feedback.

The army books seek to expand the universe and provide more options for players.
In particular, they provide the ability to do a “pick up game” where each player has prepared an
army in advance, allowing the game to be set up very fast.

As always, the setting is not associated with a specific miniatures line.

As such, you can use them with any figures you find appropriate.

The alien species of the Fringe are all based on archetypes from popular science fiction media,
making them immediately recognizable.
This also allows players to put their own spin on them.

Approach the material with a view to making it your own.

The digital age:

With PDF publishing, we have an unparalleled ability to respond to new developments and

This means that if a unit, army or weapon turns out to need adjustment, it can be done easily and
efficiently, rather than remaining a problem in the game for years, as would be the case in the era of
print books only.

A note on names:
Tradition in Fringe-Space is to use the human names for alien species, rather than the name the
species would use to refer to itself.
Such alien names would be in alphabets that bear no relation to our human alphabet and may not
even be translatable into plain English.

As such, the Precursors will be referred to as such, even if they would not, themselves, recognize
such a term.

Please direct all questions, concerns and suggestions to:

Ivan Sorensen
Join us at

Cover miniatures painted by Nathaniel Weber. You can commission his paint jobs at

In many ways, the Precursors were destined to become a dominant force on the galactic stage.

Their home world of origin is rich in resources, has a stable climate, is in relatively short distance
(on a galactic scale) of several hospitable worlds and some distance from hostile, sentient species.
Additionally, they were the earliest major species to establish star-flight and spread beyond their
home planet.

As such, Precursor civilization was able to flourish and establish itself extremely well, with
relatively little difficulty or struggle.
By the time the first scouts came into contact with aggressive, expansionist lifeforms, they had a
technological advantage that allowed them to weather such attacks relatively unharmed.

The Precursors are often considered to the closest, biologically speaking, to humanity, with home
worlds that are very close to the Earth ideal.
This makes cross-colonization very easy and has both been a source of friendship and trade, as well
as a source of conflict and warfare.


In a galaxy where technological prowess is often equated with power and prestige, the Precursors
are the only species to reach a technological level and then halt further progress.

While often attributed to the ethereal lifestyle of the Precursors, placing low emphasis on material
gain, the truth stems from the discovery of “the Void Flow”.

From their initial evolution into sentience, Precursors have always been blessed with strong Psionic
talent, where most other species acquired this trait far later.
As the fledgling civilization developed scientific methods, Psionics were subjected to rigorous
testing and exploration.

This revealed many ways in which the energy fields connecting all living things could be harnessed.
For example, many Precursor gadgets can be operated by mind, rather than physical controls.

It also revealed something else:

For years, scientists had speculated that Psionic phenomenon are simply another natural field, no
different than physics, chemistry or mathematics.
In a way, they were correct. Precursors discovered what the call the Void Flow.

The Flow is best described as an ethereal energy flow that moves through each particle in the
universe. The Flow is constantly in motion, with particles interacting with each other, pushing and
pulling, causing chain reactions of events that cascade throughout reality.

While the Flow is too complex for any single being to comprehend, those who have dedicated their
lives to its study have found that trends and predictions can be made.
Careful, targeted manipulation of the Flow can be used to create desirable outcomes in almost any
sphere of existence.
This understanding created a new sense of urgency in the Precursor civilization. If they could see
and manipulate the Flow, that meant that others could achieve the same ability as well.
If a force hostile to sentient life were to ever achieve access to the Flow on a conscious level, the
results for organic life could be disastrous.

The Precursors would have to take an active role on the galactic scene and be prepared to fight for
that role, if need be.

Precursor expansion is generally geared towards a few simple goals:

While Precursor populations tend to increase very slowly, they do encourage small-scale
colonization to help channel excess population safely.

Such colonies are often established where they will be relatively safe from attack or in cooperation
with other species, typically Feral or Unity.

Increasingly, Precursor colonies have been established as listening posts, research stations or
military scout bases.
Unity officials have observed that the Precursors seem to be on high alert for a possible enemy
onslaught, a state that has caused worry and consternation in human administrative circles.

It is rare for the Precursors to attempt to seize an alien colony, though they will establish protective
garrisons on worlds that have been targeted for military action.
These garrisons will eventually grow into full-blown colonies in their own right.

Throughout Precursor core space, several research facilities have been established, all tasked with
monitoring and subtly influencing the Void Flow.

Recently, a distressing sign was found.

Massive shock waves echoing through the Flow, as if a boulder had been tossed into a river.

The effects of the shock is still being discovered, but the rise in galactic hostility and the incursions
from various hostile species is felt to be connected.
In particular, Precursor scientists are speculating that the shock is related to the appearance of the
Horde on the galactic fringes.

If a species were to obtain complete control of the Flow, they'd potentially be able to manipulate
time and reality itself.
The Precursors do not trust themselves with such an ability. If a species such as the Horde were to
obtain that, all of reality could be at stake.

As such, the Precursors have begun dispatching agents through the galaxy, tasked with tracking
down, and neutralizing any possible threats to the Flow.
Whether individual agents, groups of rogue adventurers or dedicated army units, any forces
committed to “The Search” have been authorized to take any measures needed.

This has resulted in rapidly deteriorating relationships between the Precursors and many
neighbouring species, accusing Precursor forces of sponsoring terrorism and piracy.
While harmonic, Precursor life is complacent to the point of being stifling. Adventuring, scouting,
diplomatic and military services serve to absorb most of the discontent and restless, but a not
insignificant number turn renegade.

Renegades often join pirate and mercenary bands, prowling space for excitement. Whether they
simply represent a darker impulse in Precursor mentality or suffer from their disconnection from
mainstream Precursor society, they tend to be violent, impulsive and extremely unpredictable.

Renegades are a constant threat to shipping and travellers in some regions of space, and
distressingly, the Precursors themselves seem hesitant to take action against their wayward kin.

Precursor forces under arms are generally smaller than many rival species.
With their core worlds safe from enemy incursion, the military is viewed as a tool primarily for
colony defence, interdiction of possible threats and far-away combat actions.

As such, most Precursor forces are on a volunteer basis, though some colonies in dangerous regions
employ a conscription system.
Due to the low-level Psionic talent of all Precursors, an existential threat tends to be countered by a
marked increase in volunteers and dedication, spontaneously manifesting as needed.

Precursor colony life is notoriously peaceful, which makes military service a common outlet for
those with more of a taste for hardship and adventure.
Unity observers have noted that Precursors that stay in military careers for more than a few years
tend to remain in them for life.
It's possible that something in the psychological profile of the species makes them susceptible to an
addiction to such behaviour.

The army:
Precursor armed forces maintain a wide range of troops and equipment, with individual armies
assembled for specific tasks and purposes.

As the need for an army dissolves, the troops will disperse into various colonies and outposts, until
another need arises.
Forces can often be retrained quickly, due to Precursor Psionic transfer, allowing experiences to be
spread throughout a unit quickly.

As such, obtaining accurate, long-term intelligence on Precursor troop qualities is difficult, as an

outpost training mechanized infantry for years could shift to anti-air defences in a matter of months.

In general, Precursor forces tend to emphasize accurate, long-range combat, with a reasonable
distaste for close quarter fighting.

The navy:
Control of the empty void is control of the things littering that void.
Precursor fleets are specialized in rapid, crippling strikes. If enemy capability can be reduced
substantially, the resultant ripple effects can often remove the need to actually control a region of
For example, striking an enemy ship building facility can cause fleets to be withdrawn from another
region, allowing the Precursors to operate unhindered there, without needing to establish a territory-
holding naval presence.

Uniquely, Precursor civilization has reached a relative technical plateau on purpose.
Whether due to insights gained from the Void Flow or a concern about the balance between organic
life and synthetic, the species elected to largely halt its technological progress at the heights it has

Precursor traders and diplomats constantly monitor the progress of other species, making
adaptations and small adjustments to ensure they do not suffer a qualitative disadvantage.

Many Precursor items are manufactured in two versions: A “native” version which operates to a
large extent by mental connection and an “export” version intended for use by the less gifted

Across space, Precursor consumer goods have become popular for their graceful, fluid, slightly
organic looking design.

Precursor interstellar communications is a closely guarded secret, but relies on connecting directly
into the Flow to transmit messages.
This requires a significant Psionic potential, even by Precursor standards, and great care must be
taken to relay information without causing ripple effects or distortions in the process.

During times of great galactic upheaval, the Flow may be so disturbed that Precursors must rely on
more conventional communications methods. Tachyon comm's can relay communications within
several light years, sufficient for tactical coordination during space battles.

In low-level engagements, Precursors rely greatly on their inherent Psionic awareness.

While they are not outright telepathic, individuals that have spent significant time together will tend
to have an instinctual feeling for each others actions.
This allows great coordination during stealth missions and rapid responses to surprise attacks.

Medical and genetic technology:

Surprisingly, the Precursors rely primarily on technological solutions to medical issues, rather than
Psionic ones.
Explanations given to Unity doctors on knowledge exchange missions have been incomprehensible,
but it seems that the species believes an over-reliance on Psionics can have negative, evolutionary

Great effort is spent on preventative cares, with complex screening for a wide range of health risks.
Nano-technology is widely used to eliminate health problems and attack potential disease vectors.

The technology is fairly readily adaptable to other species and Precursor medical machinery is a
popular export.

The species seems to abhor the idea of large-scale genetic engineering and replacement therapy.
Being disinclined towards manual labour, Precursor manufacturing and industry make extensive use
of robotics.
Manufacturing facilities are not generally specialized. Instead, machines can be programmed with
specific instructions and fed with blocks of a plastic-like substance.

The machine then moulds the material into the shapes required, with small amounts of metal added
during the process.

In this fashion, everything from house hold goods to fire arms can be manufactured quickly and

As a result, Precursors have gained a bit of a reputation for lacking practical, mechanical skills.

Relying heavily on mental input and Psionic connection, Precursor computer interfaces are almost
entirely non-physical, consequently making them extremely difficult to use for other species.
Over time, an individual becomes heavily attuned to a particular system, making it feel like an
extension of their own consciousness.

To a casual observer, it is hard to even tell when the Precursor is utilizing the computer system.

This is extremely effective on the battle field, where vehicle gunners can operate their weapons like
they were a part of their own body.

While Precursors can exhibit a wide range of possible psychological profiles, the species tends to
have a few guiding characteristics:

*Precursors tend to be very hesitant to proclaim outright falsehoods, possibly due to their general
Psionic connection to each other. Rather, they will tend to leave out information or create
distractions, if deception is required.

*As a result of their lengthy lifespans and highly developed civilization, many Precursors tend to
take a somewhat aloof view of other species.

*At any given time of their lives, each Precursor will tend to be in pursuit of a particular feeling,
skill set, goal or emotion.
They will tend to make that their focus for several years until they have mastered or achieved it,
often to the point of being somewhat obsessive.

Galactic guides:
Armed with information from the Void Flow, the species has adopted a cultural view of themselves
as the benevolent parents that must guide the galaxy towards harmony and continued progress.

As threats and horrors lurk in the dark between the stars, this view has begun slowly changing from
an aloof benevolence to a galactic imperative.
Some factions advocate taking direct action to bring lesser species under Precursor guidance, while
others believe that the Precursors must take their own path, finding ways to control or even
completely leave the Void Flow, for safer realities.
The weight of inevitability:
As the threat of galactic war seems ever increasing, many Precursors have become darkly fatalistic.
Attempts to gain insight into the Void Flow have shown only distress and chaos in the future.

Among the learned, attempts to interpret the signs have been furiously debated.
The more optimistic see strands that can lead to future harmony, but will require great guidance and
coherent action.
The more nihilistic see a future that leads only to war and ruin on a galactic scale, a future in which
the Precursors must play their parts nevertheless, as everything is subject to the Flow.

Having evolved on a world remarkably close to Earth, Precursors look very similar to humans.
Their forms are more limber and graceful, having higher manual dexterity and a somewhat
disturbing fluidity of motion.

Physically, they are somewhat slighter than humanity on average, being unable to develop the same
level of brawn as a well trained human.

Height varies greatly with the home world but tends towards being a few inches taller than humans,
partially influenced by decades of extremely clean, healthy living and environmental conditions.

Due to similar physical forms, a number of theories have been advanced about a relationship or
kinship between the species.
Some Precursors seem to take a deep curiosity of humans and while inter-species offspring is not
possible, liaisons and relationships can and do occur.
relations to other species

The Precursors have had long, relatively good relations with mankind. As one of the first species
encountered by humanity, the Precursors saw it as their duty to help guide mankind towards a
peaceful place in galactic society.

As the Void Flow darkens, many scholars believe that a firm alliance with Unity is the only way
both species may survive.

Warriors (the K'Erin Empire):

The K'Erin rarely get along with anybody and the Precursors are not an exception, though this is
almost entirely due to K'Erin aggression.

The Warrior species holds little regard for Precursor battle prowess and has often launched raids
into Precursor space, though they rarely tend to hold and seize colonies in their regions.

In recent years, tentative alliances have been forged to combat Converted and Horde assaults, but
they are fleeting and temporary at best.

So far, relatively few Converted attacks have targeted Precursor core worlds, but when colonies
have fallen in the path of an invasion fleet, the cyborg enemies have taken great pains to capture
Precursors for absorption.

Precursor leaders are under no illusions that if Unity were to give way, the weight of the Converted
onslaught would fall on their own home worlds, and they will often send expeditionary forces to aid
other species in their battles.

Contact between Swift and Precursors tend to be very limited, unless a Precursor colony happens to
be the target of a Swift religious war.

When Swift colonies are found in Precursor space, they are generally left alone. The Swift have
relatively little reason to trade, though they do seem to enjoy the physical proximity of Precursors,
particularly those with stronger Psionic skill.

Soulless and Precursors have an extremely hard time understanding each other. The Soulless are
driven purely by logic and calculation, while the Precursors rely on their Psionic connection to all

As such, negotiations between the species have often been marred by misunderstandings and strife.

Whatever drives the Soulless, it is undoubtedly of great importance to the Flow, but some elders
warn that its goals may not coincide with those of the Precursors or indeed the galaxy at large.
As two species both preferring to avoid armed conflict, Precursors and Engineers have had little
reason to quarrel.
Engineers have very limited Psionic skill while Precursors stereotypically don't like getting their
hands dirty. As a result, it is very common for travelling Engineers to settle in Precursor space, often
their particular services and skills in exchange for interesting gadgetry.

The Slavers don't make many friends and the Precursors are no exceptions.
The idea of subjugating someone mentally, rendering them subordinate to the hive mind is
abhorrent to the Precursors and they will not tolerate a Slaver presence on worlds they control.

Unity agents have observed that on several occasions, Precursor fleets have interdicted and blocked
Slaver ships from approaching systems within jump range of a Precursor colony, something that is
bound to end in war with the Slavers.

The Feral are an obvious friend to the Precursors, being generally all too happy letting other species
“uplift” them.
In return, the Precursors get some much-needed brawn and muscle in a dangerous galaxy.
Over time, this has resulted in Precursor involvement in quite a few Feral sub-species, giving rise to
the common belief that the Feral were engineered by the Precursors.

While each Feral war band differs greatly, those that have chosen to reside in Precursor space tend
to adopt some of their attitudes, treading a careful balance between aloof elegance and murderous

With similar goals and similar approaches, the Precursors and Manipulators have found common
ground in many instances.
They both oppose the invasions of the Horde and Converted and both prefer a large-scale, indirect

Ultimately, any deals between the Manipulators and other species are always tainted by the
knowledge that Manipulator plans can extend for decades into the future.
More disconcertingly, the Manipulators are one of the only species that seem capable of doing so,
without disturbing the Flow at all.

Outside of the Regar-9 incident and ensuing war, there have been little reason to tangle with The
Diplomats and traders have reported that the Many do not seem to be connected to the Psionic life-
links Precursors rely on.

This can make them somewhat incomprehensible to deal with, though their non-aggressive nature
makes it a limited concern.
Precursor travellers are advised to not plan for stays exceeding 8 days, due to high risk of emotional
As the Horde arrived in the galaxy, a dark crawling shadow has been echoing through the Flow.
That the Horde portents ill news is undeniable, but Precursor scholars speculate that the risk is not
limited to the battle field.

The Void Flow connects not only space but also time. A force capable of manipulating that could do
untold damage to reality itself.

Worse still, there are theories that the Horde is somehow connected to the Flow itself.

Whatever the answer, the Precursors believe the Horde must be opposed violently and at all cost.

Infestation of the Swarm is a reality no matter where you travel, and while Precursor colonies have
impressive detection mechanisms, they are still vulnerable.

Some breeds of Swarm are Psionic “blanks”, making them difficult to root out by typical means.

Mercenary bands are often hesitant to take Precursor contracts, as there's a significant chance they
involve bug-hunting.

Brutes (the Turik):

The Precursors were heavily involved in the uplifting attempt of the Turik species, seeing it as a
perfect opportunity to turn a violent, warlike culture towards more peaceful ends.

In the end, the attempt failed, leading to a long, bloody four-way war. Precursor official history puts
the blame on the Manipulators for engineering the Turik uprisings.

Since then, the Turik have taken great effort in raiding Precursor shipping wherever possible,
making them a high security risk in Precursor space.
military campaigns
Precursor forces will engage in a variety of military actions, but the main types can be broken down
as follows:

Precision strikes:
The preferred method of warfare is a quick, decisive strike against a priority target.
Often, strikes are carried out with long-term goals, such as drawing enemy forces away from other

Strikes may consist of anything from a single commando team, to an entire army group, depending
on the need.
Mobility and speed are advocated, to avoid getting bogged down in a prolonged battle.

Often, even the threat of attack can have the desired effect, allowing strike forces to disengage once
the fight turns against them.

Diplomatic missions:
If an all-out war against the Horde is coming, the Precursors will need all the allies they can get.
Ideally, said allies will bear the brunt of the fighting with the Precursors providing support and

As such, small expeditionary forces are often dispatched to aid potential allies in their own
Such forces tend to be relatively mundane, reserving the best of the Precursor armies for their own

Defensive actions:
If colonies or home worlds are under direct threat, it will be met first with local forces.
The fast nature of Precursor interstellar communications allows responses to be formulated quickly,
with reinforcements arriving almost immediately.

As colonies tend to have relatively limited military hardware permanently stored, initial resistance
is often restricted to light equipment.

Interdiction missions are primarily space based, but can involve taking and holding port facilities
and “gateway worlds” as well.

The Precursors will use interdiction to block unwanted ship movements. This may be limited to a
show of force and a few warning shots, or it may escalate into full-blown naval warfare.
Precursor navies are some of the few capable of carrying out deep-space interceptions, giving them
considerable range.

If initial strikes and interdictions fail to resolve the situation, a Spearhead will be assembled.
This will consist of troops from a number of home worlds, as well as a number of naval units.

While Spearheads are planned centrally by high-ranking leaders, many units will join the fight
organically, through the Psionic links between each member of the species.
It is not unusual for mercenary, pirate and renegade units to “heed the call”, arriving from far away
to aid the war effort, before dissolving into the void when the smoke clears.

The Precursor preference for elegant design extends to military equipment as well.

While physical projectile weapons are used on occasion, energy and beam projection weapons are
far more common.
Standard tactical doctrine dictates that targets should be destroyed at long range, using precision
fire. As such, the preferred types are slow firing, with excellent ergonomics.

Owing to the highly flexible manufacturing methods, standardization is extensive and troops from
wildly differing worlds will tend to look very uniform.

Focusing on agility and mobility, it is unusual for infantry squads to carry their own support
weaponry, instead preferring to deploy such weapons in dedicated support teams or vehicular

The standard body armour in use is a flexible suit, covering the entire body.
A number of designs have been developed, for use in specific situations, but they all share a number
of characteristics, such as environmental protections, built-in mind-link computer systems and a
mixture of rigid armour plating and flexible shock absorption.

Visually, equipment has a rounded, organic look to it, often combining great artistic appeal with

Some units maintain highly ritualized and ornate armour suits, to fit specific roles or maintain a
reputation with their enemies. Many are patterned after particular animals or mythological figures.
Such units can look quite striking, with highly detailed gear in bright, drastic colours.

On the colony worlds, things get a bit rougher, and local military units often use partial suits to
reduce cost or improve mobility and awareness.
Mercenary and renegade units will often employ bits of captured or purchased gear, giving them a
piecemeal appearance.
vehicle styles

Ground vehicles are almost exclusively anti-grav “skimmers”, allowing the Precursors to fight in a
variety of terrain types.

As with infantry armaments, vehicle weapons tend to be geared towards long range, highly accurate
fire-power, rather than brute force approaches.
The high production cost of these vehicles tends to limit their numbers, but the improved
performance is considered to be worth the investment.

One of the few weak points of Precursor technology is that their armour manufacturing techniques
tend to be somewhat less effective than those of their counterparts.
To some extent, this is a legacy of their manufacturing techniques. The material used simply does
not hold up to the same impacts as that used by cruder Unity processes, however, the increased
flexibility and light weight has allowed for large-scale anti-grav deployment.

The only ground vehicles employed in any number are walkers, valued for close infantry support
Precursor doctrine mandates that engaging tanks should be the task of other tanks or support
weapons, while walkers are there to disrupt and rout enemy soft targets and infantry formations.

Grav technology has allowed even super-heavy grav tanks to be constructed, though the immense
power requirements tend to make them rather less mobile than their smaller counterparts.

Super-heavy vehicles tend to act as fire bases that a battle can develop around. Deployed centrally,
they can provide covering fire over a wide area, dominating a tactical encounter.

Large sized walkers are maintained for their ability to engage enemy behemoths and giant monsters
reliably. Precursor walkers come in both super-heavy and behemoth varieties, often resembling
giant sized versions of regular Precursor infantry.
colour schemes

Precursor armies tend to be relatively colourful, employing a range of bright, contrasting colours.
As most armour is fitted with colour-adaptive coating, appropriate disruptive banners will be fielded
upon deployment.

As such, “peace time” gear is painted to be pleasing to the eye and striking on the parade ground.

Frontier troops often supplement their gear with additional cloaks and hoods.
This may be for additional environmental protection, but is often an aesthetic choice, based on local
Some home world senior commanders have taken to similar habits, appreciating the somewhat
rustic appeal.

Vehicles follow the same colour patterns as the infantry, giving a unified appearance throughout a
If a strike force contains troops from multiple forces, they may each have distinct colour patterns or
may adapt to the patterns of the senior commander.

Renegade forces often have a garish, even discordant appearance, combining clashing colours with
crude markings and scraps of captured equipment.
It's not unusual to find shockingly low-tech gear bolted unto the hull of an elegant grav tank, or a
refined shock trooper wearing a necklace made of Swarmer teeth.

Walker vehicles may be decorated with additional banners or flags during front line combat,
allowing the vehicle to serve as a focal and rallying point, but such elegance is generally omitted
when stealth is of importance.

The following chapters include the official army lists and as such warrant a bit of introduction.

When setting up a game, players should decide whether or not the game will be “Sanctioned”.
In a Sanctioned game, all forces must be built using the army lists.

In an un-sanctioned game, it is assumed that units can come from anywhere, including the army
lists, fan-creations found online or units built by the players in question.

Neither style is inherently better or worse. Use whatever you prefer.

Note that the army lists follow the standard formulas in the core rules of LaserStorm and
as such should be quite compatible. Minor adjustments have been applied to specific units for
balancing purposes.
unit building

This chapter provides new unit building and game options, suitable for Precursor forces in


Task forces:
Precursor forces use the Task Forces below, in place of the ones indicated in the main rulebook.

Infantry Light Vehicle Super Behemoth Field gun Cavalry

vehicle Heavy
Defence 1-5 0-2 0-2 - - 0-3 -
Strike force 1-3 0-2 1-5 0-1 - 0-1 -
Wraith 0-1 - 0-2 1-3 1-3 0-1 -
Skirmish 0-2 2-5 0-2 - - - -

Allied forces:
The Precursors recognize that careful application of military force can significantly aid Precursor
cultural goals, even far into the future.

Likewise, as they share common enemies with other species, they can often draw upon military aid
based on galactic demands.

A force may only include a single allied task force, unless the scenario specifically involves a multi-
species coalition force.
A task force must consist entirely of troops from one species, unless listed otherwise.

Precursor allies to another alien force will always be Strike Forces.

A Precursor army may include an allied task force from one of the following:


A Precursor force that does not include any allied task force may include up to two units of Feral or
Swift infantry as part of any task force, taking up an infantry slot as normal.
Task force commanders:
When creating a Precursor army, Task Force Commanders may select from the assets below, as well
as the ones indicated in the main rules.

Delaying action Deployment One enemy unit may be forced to deploy within 2” of the table edge. Use after
enemy unit has been placed.
Rapid response Reinforcements One unit intentionally left in reserve may be regrouped on a 2+ with no risk of
losing stands.
Psychic link Activation Indirect fire attacks from one unit will hit on a 4+ for one turn.


In a campaign game, you will want to determine why each side is fighting and what they are trying
to achieve.

In many scenarios, the Precursor forces will be arriving from orbit. As such, deploy their forces in
forward positions though ideally 2 moves or so from any objectives.
Assign some defending forces as garrisons, placing them on the objectives, requiring the defending
player to reach them before they get taken out by Precursor strike forces.

If the world being battled over is a Precursor colony, they will fight in a more conventional fashion.

Campaign assets:
Due to their understanding of time and consequence, Precursor commanders may roll twice for
campaign assets, picking either option.

Replace the Fortified Zone asset with Rapid Movement.

If fighting on an alien world, replace the Local Recruitment asset with Redeployment.

Campaign allies:
If running a campaign, allied forces are handled simply as distinct armies.
In a campaign, it's easier to have multiple forces working against the same enemy without being
particularly fond of each other.

As such, as long as everyone involved agrees, any forces could be on the same side in a campaign.
However, troops that cannot normally be allied with each other can never be mixed in the same
army and an army may not voluntarily move adjacent to an “unwilling” ally on the campaign map.

If armies are forced to move adjacent, they are not required to move, but once they do move, they
must move away from any unwilling allies.

Forces that are permitted as allies in normal table-top battles have no such limitations.
laserstorm army list

This chapter provides the official Precursor army list for LaserStorm.
Note that players preferring scenario-driven games may still benefit from this army list.
Simply ignore the points values as you see fit.

When setting up a pick up game, players may elect to specify that the game will be “Sanctioned”.
In a Sanctioned game, all forces must be picked exclusively from the Army Book army lists.
A gaming group may elect to Sanction additional material at their discretion.

When the two sides are deploying, the Precursor player may take one of their Battle Group cards
and choose to have it placed on top, or at the bottom, of the deck, making it the first or last Battle
Group to be deployed.

Every battle group must include at least one command stand.
The points table will specify the cost to use a command stand of the indicated type.

Commanders may of the following stand types: Tactical infantry, Agile Raven, Swift Hawk or
Striking Owl.

Any type of command stand may be placed leading any task force, regardless of type.

Well trained and equipped with state of the art fire-power, Precursor troops tend to be
predominantly light infantry, relying on vehicles for support.
Tactical infantry will provide supporting fire while the shock troops move in to deliver the killing
Jump Wing equipped Falcons are used for surgical strikes, supported by rogue Wanderers, returned
from their renegade travels to aid their parent species.
Among the ranks walks the Fate Bringers, Precursors who follow a dark cult, wielding long-
forgotten artefact weapons

Spd Aim Assault Save Mrle Traits Weapons Type Mode Rng Shots Save Traits
Tactical troops 5 4+ +0 5+ 4+ - Beam rifles P AI 30” 1 0 -
Shock troops 6 4+ +2 4+ 4+ Charge Beam pistols P AI 10” 1 0 -
Void shock P GP 10” 1 -3 -
Wanderers 6 5+ +1 5+ 5+ Stealth Sniper rifles P AI 40” 1 -1 -
Falcons 5 4+ +1 5+ 4+ Jump Burst rifles P AI 20” 2 0 -
Fate Bringers 6 3+ +4 3+ 4+ Melee Ancient weapons P GP 30” 2 -3 -

Stands Cost Command

Tactical 5 40 12
Shock 5 90 -
Wanderer 3 40 -
Falcon 5 45 -
Fate Bringer 3 85 -
A variety of simple weight suspension systems are used to increase the mobility of Precursor heavy
weapon systems.
This allows support weapons to keep up an advance, without bogging down the conventional
Precursor field guns do not have the Heavy trait, unlike Unity weapon teams, permitting them to move and fire in the
same turn.

Spd Aim Assault Save Mrle Traits Weapons Type Mode Rng Shots Save Traits
Tank hunter 6 4+ 0 5+ 4+ Tank hunters Plasma dart P AT 50” 1 -4 -
Fire storm 6 4+ 0 5+ 4+ - Scatter beam P AI 30” 3 -1 -
Wire launcher 6 5+ 0 5+ 4+ - Wire shells P GP 50” 2 0 Indirect

Stands Cost Command

Tank hunter 4 80 -
Fire storm 4 60 -
Wire launcher 4 90 -

All Precursor vehicles are either Grav or Walker designs, allowing them to fight in a variety of
environments with limited issue.
Most are also sealed, permitting their use in almost any atmospheric conditions.
Precursor designs tend to favour speed and fire-power over thick armour plating, allowing them to
strike hard but with limited capacity for an extended stand-up fight.

The “Class” entry indicates the general Unity designations applied to alien vehicles and is mainly to
help players select appropriate miniatures.
All vehicles in this section are regular size and are considered “vehicles” for all game and combat

Vehicle Class Spd Aim Assault Save Mrle Traits Weapons Type Mode Rng Shots Save Traits
Agile raven APC 15 4+ +0 7+ 4+ Trn 2 Beam repeater P AI 30” 1 0 Repeat
G Defensive systems P AI 10” 1 0 -
Stubborn raven Heavy 12 4+ +1 6+ 4+ Trn 2 Plasma coil gun P GP 30” 2 -3 -
APC G Defensive systems P AI 10” 1 0 -
Swift hawk Recon 15 4+ +0 8+ 5+ Scout Beam repeater P AI 30” 1 0 Repeat
Fire hawk Heavy 12 4+ +1 7+ 5+ Trn 1 Plasma coil gun P GP 30” 2 -3 -
recon G Scout
Striking owl Main 12 4+ +1 5+ 4+ - Pulse cannon P AT 50” 1 -6 Frag
tank G Defensive systems P AI 10” 2 0 -
Stalking crow Light 8 4+ +1 6+ 4+ Scout Beam repeater P AI 30” 1 0 Repeat
walker W
Furious crow Heavy 6 4+ +2 5+ 4+ - Plasma ray P GP 10” 1 -1 Flame
walker W Defensive system P AI 10” 1 0 -
Seeking sparrow Tank 14 3+ +0 6+ 4+ Precise Prism cannon P AT 50” 1 -7 -
hunter G Tank hunter
Watching falcon Heavy 10 4+ +0 8+ 5+ - Wire artillery P GP 50” 2 -2 Indirect
artillery G Burst
Descending Eagle Orbital 10/5 4+ +1 4+ 3+ Trn 4 Defensive systems P AI 10” 2 0 -
lander G
Stands Cost Command Stands Cost Command
Agile raven 3 105 50 Stalking crow 4 125 -
Stubborn raven 3 190 - Furious crow 4 190 -
Swift hawk 4 160 60 Seeking sparrow 3 220 -
Fire hawk 4 230 - Watching falcon 3 200 -
Striking owl 3 170 85 Descending Eagle 3 125 -


While most scouting duties are performed by Swift Hawks or Fire Hawks, the Precursors have
found it advantageous to maintain a small selection of faster, lighter vehicles.
Many of these are adapted from the rugged designs found on frontier worlds and is a rare case of
Precursor tech bearing obvious inspiration from other species.

Vehicle Spd Aim Assault Save Mrle Traits Weapons Type Mode Rng Shots Save Traits
Frontier trike 12 5+ +1 4+ 5+ - Side car MG P AI 20” 1 0 -
Speeder bike 16 5+ +0 5+ 5+ Scout Bike guns P AI 10” 1 0 -
Pike 12 5+ +1 5+ 4+ - Heavy bike gun P AT 20” 2 -2 -

Stands Cost Command

Frontier trike 5 40 -
Speeder bike 6 45 -
Pike 4 60 -


The species was reluctant to engage in super heavy warfare, but increasingly larger threats have
forced their hands.
Rather than develop a new type of tank for this purpose, the Ghost Warrior is a modified star
fighter, rebuilt for atmospheric operations.

Refitted with anti-grav modules, it can operate at significant speeds, while providing punishing
amounts of fire-power.

The Ghost Warrior has Grav mobility.

Vehicle Spd Aim Assault Save Mrle Traits Weapons Type Mode Rng Shots Save Traits
Ghost 10” 3+ +1 5+ 2+ - Beam penetrator P AT 50” 1 -10 -
Warrior Cyclone missiles P GP 30” 4 -3 -
Drone turrets P AI 20” 3 -1 -

Stands Cost
Ghost 1 165
Built to resemble a larger version of the Precursor infantry suit, the War Strider has become a well
recognized sight across the galaxy.
Being one of the first species to employ Behemoth class vehicles, the Precursors relied on the War
Strider for propaganda and intimidation as much as actual combat, though recent developments
have proven it to be a very versatile machine.

Select any 2 of the listed weapons.

All war striders carry the “drone turret” armament in addition to the selected weapons.
This has been factored into the points totals.

Vehicle Spd Aim Assault Save Mrle Traits Weapons Type Mode Rng Shots Save Traits
War 8 3+ +6 5+ 2+ - Beam penetrator P AT 50” 1 -10 -
Striker Psi-Cannon P AI 30” 6 -3 -
Vengea Farstrike missiles P GP 40” 4 -5 Frag
nce Burst projector P GP 20” 6 -3 -
Class Drone turrets P AI 20” 3 -1 -
War 10 3+ +8 7+ 2+ - Fire lance P AT 30” 1 -10 Aim
Strider Arc sword P GP 10” 1 -6 Flame
Redem Burst projector P GP 20” 6 -3 -
ption Drone turrets P AI 20” 3 -1 -
Cost Cost
Vengeance 180 Redemption 180
+Beam penetrator +110 +Fire lance +95
+Psi-cannon +130 +Arc sword +100
+Farstrike missiles +160 +Burst projector +135
+Burst projector +135

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