Bashar Study

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Research study paper to be submitted to Haramaya University for partial fulfilment of the
requirement for award of Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration and Development

By: Bashar Anwer 3481/12

Advisor :Mr. Hailu E.
MARCH 2024
Haramaya, Ethiopia
First and foremost, I offer my deepest gratitude to God for His unconditional help and for
sustaining me in a life full of challenges. Thank you, dear God, for everything you have done
for me! I am very thankful to my humble and supportive advisor Mr. Hailu E., for his unreserved
support and guidance during my research study and for teaching me during my stay at Haramaya
University College of CBE. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my family, more
specifically, my father (Anwer Mohammed Nasser) and my mother (Haifa Abdella Hussein), for their
courage, support, motivation, and for providing me with the opportunity to receive an education. Again,
I would like to thank my friends and the College of CBE staff members; you guys are amazing and
supportive. I owe you! Finally, I thank all persons who, directly or indirectly, helped me to complete
this research study.


Effective communication plays a crucial yet underexplored role in organizational performance,

particularly within the unique context of the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. Existing
studies lack comprehensive understanding, often overlooking context-specific challenges such as
language diversity, cultural nuances, and administrative processes. This research addresses these gaps,
investigating the interplay between communication and performance while considering Dire Dawa's
distinctive socio-economic and cultural setting.

This mixed-methods study aims to empirically assess the impact of effective communication on
organizational performance within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. Key objectives
include evaluating current communication practices, information flow, clarity, and employee access to
communication channels, investigating the influence of cultural and contextual factors on
communication dynamics, and understanding the perceived impact of effective communication on
organizational outcomes. The study also aims to propose evidence-based recommendations for
improved communication practices to enhance performance.

The mixed-methods approach employs both quantitative (closed-ended questionnaires) and qualitative
(open-ended questionnaires) data collection methods. A sample of 15 employees, selected through
simple random sampling, provides standardized and rich contextual insights. Emphasis is placed on
qualitative data analysis methods, complemented by quantitative analysis of closed-ended responses.

This study contributes to both theory and practice. Findings will benefit organizational leaders and
policymakers with data-driven insights to refine communication strategies, improve processes, and
foster productivity. Employees stand to benefit through enhanced job satisfaction and well-being
resulting from improved communication practices in the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
Office. The academic community will gain valuable insights, contributing to the knowledge base on
organizational communication and performance in the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.

The study aims to uncover current communication practices, their impact on performance indicators,
and recommendations for improvement. Ultimately, it seeks to provide actionable insights for
optimizing organizational performance through evidence-based communication interventions.

Tables of Contents
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem.....................................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Question...............................................................................................................................4
1.4 Objective of the Study.........................................................................................................................4
1.4.1 Specific Objective.....................................................................................................................4
1.5 Significance of the Study.....................................................................................................................5
1.6 Limitation of the Study....................................................................................................................6
1.7 Scope of the Study...............................................................................................................................7
1.8 Organization of the Paper.....................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................10
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES..............................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................10
2.2 Review of Related Literatures............................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................15
3.3 RESEARCH DESIGN......................................................................................................................18
3.4.1 TYPES OF DATA.......................................................................................................................19
3.4.2 SOURCE OF DATA.......................................................................................................................20
3.5 DATA COLLECTION METHODS....................................................................................................21
3.6.1 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE AND SAMPLE SIZE...........................................................................22
3.7 DATA ANALYIS METHOD..............................................................................................................23
CHAPTER FOUR................................................................................................................................24
DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS........................................................................................24
4.2 Questionnaires Return Rate............................................................................................................24
4.3 Demographic Information of the Respondents..................................................................................24
4.3.1 Gender of the Respondents.........................................................................................................24
4.3.2 Age of the Respondents...............................................................................................................25
4.3.3 Qualifications..............................................................................................................................26
4.3.4 Work Experience.........................................................................................................................26
4.5 Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................................27
4.6 Communication Practices within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office................28
4.6.1 Communication Channels used in Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.................28
4.6.2 How often are performance expectations communicated clearly to employees within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office.........................................................................................29
4.6.3 How confident are you that your supervisor effectively communicates expectations and
provides clear feedback on your work.................................................................................................29
4.6.4 How encouraged do you feel to openly communicate ideas, concerns, or suggestions to your
supervisor or colleagues within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office..............................30
4.6.5 How satisfied are you with the current communication practices within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office...................................................................................................31
4.7 Influence of Cultural and Contextual Factors on Communication Dynamics...............................32
4.7.1 How does cultural and linguistic diversity impact communication dynamics in your team
within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office......................................................................32
4.7.2 The extent of contextual factors such as workload and time constraints influencing
communication effectiveness within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office......................33
4.7.3 The extent of external factors influencing the communication dynamics in your work
4.7.4 Do cultural and social norms create any barriers to communication within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office.......................................................................................................35
4.7.5 How does the organizational hierarchy affect communication flow within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office..............................................................................................36
4.8 Perceived Impact of Effective Communication on Organizational Performance......................37
4.8.1 How do you think the current communication approach affects team collaboration and
cohesion within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office...............................................37
4.8.2 How do you think the current communication approach affects employee morale and motivation
within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office..........................................................................38
4.8.3 How do you perceive the current communication approach in fostering innovation and
creativity within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office......................................................39
4.9 Recommendations for Improving Communication Practices........................................................42
4.9.1 What should be done so as to ensure effective intra-organizational communication for effective
organizational performance of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office?..............................42
CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................................43
5.2 Summary of the findings................................................................................................................44
5.2.1 Answers to the Research questions.................................................................................................44
5.3 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................47
5.4 Recommendation...........................................................................................................................48
5.5 Suggestions for Further Research..................................................................................................48


Table 1: Gender of the Respondents........................................................................................................24

Table 2: Age of the Respondents..............................................................................................................25
Table 3: Qualifications.............................................................................................................................26
Table 4: Work Experience........................................................................................................................27
Table 5: Communication Channels used in Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office................28
Table 6: How often are performance expectations communicated clearly to employees within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office..........................................................................................29
Table 7: How confident are you that your supervisor effectively communicates expectations and
provides clear feedback on your work..................................................................................................30
Table 8: How encouraged do you feel to openly communicate ideas , concerns, or suggestions to your
supervisor or colleagues within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office...............................30
Table 9: How satisfied are you with the current communication practices within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office....................................................................................................31
Table 10: Do you feel that communication within the organization of Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office is timely and responsive.............................................................................................32
Table 11: How does cultural and linguistic diversity impact communication dynamics in your team
within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office......................................................................33
Table 12: The extent of contextual factors such as workload and time constraints influencing
communication effectiveness within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.......................34
Table 13: The extent of external factors influencing the communication dynamics in your work

Table 14: Do cultural and social norms create any barriers to communication within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office....................................................................................................35
Table 15: How does the organizational hierarchy affect communication flow within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office....................................................................................................36
Table 16: How do you think the current communication approach affects team collaboration and
cohesion within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.......................................................37
Table 17: How do you think the current communication approach affects employee morale and
motivation within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office....................................................38
Table 18: How do you perceive the current communication approach in fostering innovation and
creativity within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office......................................................39
Table 19: How effective do you perceive the current communication practices to be in achieving
organizational goals of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office............................................40
Table 20: The extent of current communication flow within the Dire Dawa..........................................41
Administration City Manager Office allowing for the quick and efficient troubleshooting of operational




1.1 Background of the study

Effective communication is a cornerstone of organizational success, influencing various aspects of

performance. Extensive research globally has explored the nexus between communication and
organizational outcomes, emphasizing its pivotal role in enhancing productivity, employee engagement,
and overall efficiency (Robbins & Judge, 2017; Shockley-Zalabak, 2015).
Effective communication is a critical factor in organizational success. It influences employee
engagement, productivity, decision-making, and overall performance. It plays a pivotal role in driving
organizational performance across various sectors. Numerous theoretical frameworks highlight the
interconnectedness of communication and organizational performance. Communication scholar
Stephen P. Robbins emphasizes how communication functions as the "lifeblood of organizations,"
facilitating information sharing, decision-making, and coordination (Robbins & Judge, 2020).
Communication effectiveness hinges on clarity, timeliness, and the choice of appropriate channels
(McMillan & Taylor, 2014). Additionally, communication style plays a crucial role, with
transformational leadership styles, characterized by open communication and employee empowerment,
demonstrably leading to improved performance (Bass & Avolio, 1994). Research spanning the globe
underscores the positive correlation between effective communication and organizational performance.
A global study by Watson Wyatt revealed that organizations with strong communication practices boast
47% higher productivity and 50% higher customer satisfaction (Watson Wyatt, 2003). In the national
context, research by the Ethiopian Civil Service Reform program emphasizes the importance of
communication in improving public service delivery and organizational efficiency (Government of
Ethiopia, 2010). Studies within Dire Dawa itself, albeit limited, point towards potential shortcomings in
communication within public service organizations, highlighting the need for further investigation
(Desta,2019). At the national level, studies in Ethiopia have recognized the significance of
communication within organizational frameworks. However, a comprehensive examination, especially
focusing on Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office, remains scarce. Understanding the
specific dynamics within this local context is crucial for tailoring communication strategies to the
unique organizational landscape. Locally, limited empirical research has been undertaken to investigate
the intricacies of communication and its implications on organizational performance in Dire Dawa

Administration. Notably, the absence of dedicated studies on this subject creates a notable knowledge
gap, hindering the development of targeted interventions to enhance communication efficacy within the
city's administrative structures. Theoretical perspectives, such as the Systems Theory and
Communication Accommodation Theory, provide frameworks for understanding how effective
communication can act as a catalyst for organizational success (Littlejohn & Foss, 2009; Giles &
Coupland, 1991). However, these theories require empirical validation within the specific context of
Dire Dawa Administration. Identifying and addressing these knowledge gaps is imperative for
organizational leaders, policymakers, and scholars seeking to enhance the effectiveness of
communication strategies in administrative contexts. This research aims to bridge these gaps by
conducting an in-depth case study of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office, offering practical
insights and contributing to the broader discourse on communication and organizational performance.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Effective communication is acknowledged as a cornerstone of successful organizations. It fosters

collaboration, enhances employee engagement, and ultimately influences organizational performance.
However, in many government institutions, including the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
Office, efficient communication practices often face challenges. These challenges can stem from
inadequate infrastructure, communication gaps between hierarchical levels, or unclear information
dissemination strategies. Consequently, a lack of effective communication within the City Manager
Office could negatively impact performance in achieving its goals for urban development, and public
engagement. Despite anecdotal evidence suggesting communication issues within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office, limited empirical research exists to quantify the impact of these
issues on organizational performance. This lack of data creates a knowledge gap hindering efforts to
identify specific areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions.
The following key aspects necessitate further investigation:
1. Lack of Comprehensive Understanding:
- While existing studies explore organizational dynamics, they often overlook the specific role of
communication in shaping performance within the City Manager Office.
- The absence of empirical evidence directly linking communication practices to performance metrics
highlights the need for focused research.
2. Context-Specific Challenges:
- Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office faces unique challenges related to language diversity,

cultural nuances, and administrative processes.
- These contextual factors directly affect communication patterns and, consequently, organizational
3. Practical Relevance:
- Understanding how effective communication impacts performance is crucial for enhancing service
delivery, teamwork, and overall efficiency.
- Policymakers and organizational leaders require evidence-based insights to optimize communication
Main Problems/Research Variables:
1. Communication Practices: Assessing the current communication practices within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office.
2. Cultural and Contextual Factors: Investigating the influence of cultural and contextual factors on
communication dynamics within the organizational setting of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
3.Organizational Performance: Understanding the specific communication challenges and
opportunities that shape operational effectiveness in the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager

This research study aims to empirically assess the impact of effective communication on organizational
performance within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. By addressing this gap in
knowledge, the research study aims to contribute valuable insights to enhance communication
1.3 Research Question

The study answers the following research questions:-

1. What are the existing communication practices within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
2. How do cultural and contextual factors influence communication dynamics within the organizational
setting of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office?
3- What implications (positive or otherwise) that the current intra-organization communication
approach has on organizational performance of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office?

4- What should be done so as to ensure effective intra-organizational communication for effective
organizational performance of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office?

1.4 Objective of the Study

1.4.1 General objective

The general objective of the study is to empirically assess the impact of effective communication on
organizational performance within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. By examining
communication practices, identifying challenges, and exploring opportunities, we seek to contribute
valuable knowledge to both theory and practice.

1.4.1 Specific Objective

 To assess the current state of communication practices within the Dire Dawa Administration
City Manager Office, including information flow, clarity, and employee access to
communication channels.
 To assess the influence of cultural and contextual factors on communication dynamics within
the organizational setting of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
 To determine the perceived impact of effective communication on organizational outcomes
within the context of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
 To propose evidence-based recommendations for improving communication practices within
the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office, potentially leading to enhanced
1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study extends to various stakeholders within and beyond the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office. Organizational leaders, policymakers, and employees will gain
insights into the pivotal role of effective communication in enhancing overall performance. The
findings of this study will directly benefit organizations, especially the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office. By understanding the role of effective communication, they can enhance their internal
processes, decision-making and overall performance. Managers and leaders within the organization will
gain insights into how communication practices influence performance. They can then implement
strategies to improve communication channels and foster a more productive work environment. The
findings will inform leadership strategies and communication practices to optimize organizational

performance. Understanding the link between communication and performance can empower
employees to actively participate and contribute effectively. Improved communication transparency can
lead to increased trust, engagement, and collaboration between the Administration and the community.
The study will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on organizational communication and its
impact on performance in a public sector context. Understanding the impact of communication on
organizational performance is imperative for informed decision-making. This knowledge will empower
administrators to tailor communication strategies that address specific challenges within the unique
context of the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. By investigating the communication
dynamics in the City Manager Office, this study provides a roadmap for implementing evidence-based
communication interventions. The findings will guide the development of strategies that resonate with
the cultural, linguistic, and contextual nuances of the organization. The study employs a mixed-
methods approach combining: 1- Qualitative data collection: Questionnaire to (leaders, employees) to
gather insights and experiences. 2- Quantitative data analysis: Examining the statistical data gathered
by the questionnaire. The study expects to find a positive correlation between effective communication
and organizational performance. Clear communication channels will likely result in improved
productivity, reduced errors, and enhanced employee satisfaction. The study anticipates uncovering
valuable insights into: Strengths and weaknesses of current communication practices in Dire Dawa City
Administration , the impact of communication effectiveness on specific performance indicators, such as
transparency, accountability, efficiency as well as recommendations for improving communication
practices to enhance organizational performance. Who will Benefit and How:
1. Organizational Leaders: Gain actionable insights to refine communication strategies, fostering a
more effective and efficient work environment in Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office
2. Policymakers: Informed decision-making on organizational communication policies and practices
that align with the unique context of Dire Dawa.
3. Employees: Improved communication practices can enhance job satisfaction, productivity, and
overall well-being.
4. Academic Community: Contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the intersection of
communication and organizational performance, serving as a reference for future research.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

The researcher faced several limitations like:-

 Time and Resource Constraints: Limited time and funding restricted the study to the Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office's.
 Respondent Bias: The study acknowledges potential respondent bias.
 Sampling Size and Generalizability: The small sample size (15 participants) raises concerns
about generalizability of findings to the entire population.
 Language Barrier: A language barrier might have impacted data collection.
 Limited Published Literature: The scarcity of relevant literature specific to Dire Dawa Ad-
ministration City Manager Office could restrict comparisons and broader context.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The research centers on the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office, aiming to
comprehensively investigate the dynamics of effective communication and its impact on
organizational performance within this specific administrative context. Conceptual
Boundaries/Variables and Parameters of Measurement:
1. Communication Practices:
- Parameters: The study examines communication channels, frequency, clarity, and effectiveness
within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
- Measurement: Questionnaires were conducted to gauge the perceived and actual communication
practices among employees and leaders.
2. Cultural and Contextual Factors:
- Parameters: Cultural nuances, linguistic diversity, and contextual influences shaping
communication within the organization.
- Measurement: In-depth qualitative analysis through questionnaires, exploring how cultural and
contextual factors impact communication.
3. Organizational Performance:
- Parameters: Operational efficiency, employee satisfaction, and achievement of organizational
- Measurement: Objective assessments of goal attainment was made to measure organizational
performance of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.

Conceptual Boundaries:
The study focuses on the interplay between communication practices, cultural contextual factors,
and organizational performance within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.

However, it does not delve into broader external factors unrelated to the immediate organizational
Temporal Scope:
The study covers a specific timeframe to capture a snapshot of communication practices and
organizational performance. The temporal scope scope was clearly defined in terms of the data
collection period.
Geographical Scope:
The geographical scope is limited to the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office,
acknowledging that communication dynamics may vary across different administrative contexts.
Population Focus:
The primary focus is on employees and leaders within the Dire Dawa City Manager Office,
ensuring a targeted examination of communication practices and their impact on organizational
By delineating these conceptual boundaries and specifying parameters of measurement, the study
aims to provide a nuanced understanding of the factors influencing effective communication and
organizational performance within the specified scope of the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.

1.8 Organization of the Paper

This paper is organized in five chapters. Chapter one deals with introductory part which there is
discussion of the basic ideas and general picture of the study , background of the study , statement of
the problem , research question , objectives of the study, significance of the study , scope of the study.
Chapter two deals with the theoretical background of related literature reviews and empirical reviews ,
this part of the proposal classify the definition and overviews of the impact of effective communication
on organizational performance and the third chapter is about research methodology of the study , which
is description of the study organization , research design , the required data like types and sources of
data , data collection methods (tool and technique) , population and sampling (sampling technique and
sampling size) , data analysis method.
The fourth chapter is on data presentation and analysis devoted to the presentation of the research
findings of the study and their interpretation. The fifth chapter is about summary of the findings ,
conclusions , recommendations and suggestions for futher research.



2.1 Introduction
In this section we are going to review of related literatures to the study objectives and variables of
interest of our study. It contains updated theoretical literature and past empirical scholarly findings
related to our objectives.

2.2 Review of Related Literatures
Meaning of Intra-organizational communication: Intra-organizational communication is the
exchange of information within an organization, encompassing formal channels (such as memos and
reports) and informal interactions (like meetings and conversations) to facilitate effective coordination
and collaboration (Shockley-Zalabak, 2015).
Intra-organizational communication refers to the flow of information and messages
within an organization, encompassing both top-down and horizontal exchanges between various
stakeholders (e.g., leaders, employees, departments). Effective communication is crucial for ensuring
clarity, transparency, and coordinated action, ultimately influencing organizational performance
(Argenti, 2008; Cameron et al., 2014).
Relationship Between Intra-Organizational Communication and Organizational Performance:
Research consistently highlights the crucial link between intra-organizational communication and
organizational performance. Robbins and Judge (2017) emphasize that clear communication enhances
employee engagement and overall efficiency, contributing to organizational success. This connection is
vital for achieving organizational goals and maintaining a cohesive work environment.
Extensive research underscores the positive relationship between effective communication and
organizational performance. Studies suggest that clear and transparent communication fosters employee
engagement, reduces misunderstandings, and streamlines decision-making, leading to improved
efficiency, productivity, and innovation (Noe et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2020). Additionally, effective
communication builds trust and fosters collaboration, enhancing employee satisfaction and ultimately
impacting customer service and organizational reputation.
Theoretical Explanation about Models/Methods of Intra-Organizational Communication: The
Systems Theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding intra-organizational
communication by viewing organizations as dynamic systems with interconnected parts (Littlejohn &
Foss, 2009). Communication Accommodation Theory (Giles & Coupland, 1991) explains how
individuals adjust their communication styles to align with organizational norms. These theories
contribute to comprehending the complex dynamics of communication within organizational structures.
Several theoretical models explain the link between communication and performance. The
Communication-Coordination Theory emphasizes the role of communication in aligning individual
efforts towards shared goals, leading to improved performance. The Knowledge Sharing Theory
highlights how open communication facilitates knowledge exchange and learning within the
organization, ultimately enhancing innovation and performance. Various methods assess intra-
organizational communication effectiveness. Communication audits evaluate communication channels,
content, and processes (Goldstein, 2012). Employee surveys gauge perceptions of communication
clarity, transparency, and frequency (Aselage & Gibson, 2017). Social network analysis maps
communication flows and identifies potential bottlenecks (Cross et al., 2004).
Empirical Findings Related to objectives of the study:
1. Assessing Current State of Communication Practices in Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office:
- Research by Smith et al. (2020) indicates that organizations fostering transparent communication
channels experience higher levels of employee satisfaction and increased productivity. Understanding
these practices aligns with the general objective of assessing the current state of communication
practices within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Examining communication channels, frequency, clarity, and openness within the Administration will
reveal strengths and weaknesses in current practices. Studies like Kim et al. (2020) and Noe et al.
(2014) offer frameworks for such assessments.
Understanding the existing communication landscape within the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office is the first step. Studies exploring organizational communication practices often utilize
frameworks like Goldstein's (2012) communication audit which assesses channels, content, and
processes. Additionally, employee surveys (e.g., Aselage & Gibson, 2017) can gauge perceptions of
clarity, transparency, and frequency of communication within the organization. Applying these methods
in the context of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office will reveal strengths and weaknesses
in current practices, informing recommendations for improvement.
2. Assessing Influence of Cultural and Contextual Factors on communication dynamics within
the organizational setting of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office: Hofstede's Cultural
Dimensions Theory (Hofstede, 1980) provides insight into how cultural factors impact communication.
Chen and Starosta (2000) stress the importance of considering cultural nuances in organizational
communication strategies. These findings align with the specific objective of assessing the influence of
cultural and contextual factors on communication dynamics in Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.
The hierarchical structure, cultural values, and communication preferences in Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office likely influence communication dynamics. Studies like Chen
(2010) and Hofstede (2001) provide frameworks for analyzing cultural influences on communication.
Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office unique cultural and organizational setting significantly
influences communication dynamics. Investigating these factors requires frameworks like Chen's
(2010) analysis of intercultural communication competence. This framework explores how cultural
values, communication styles, and power dynamics shape interactions within organizations.
Additionally, Hofstede's (2001) cultural dimensions can help understand how national cultures, like
Ethiopia's, influence communication preferences and expectations. Analyzing these factors within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office hierarchical structure and organizational culture will shed
light on potential communication barriers and inform culturally sensitive communication strategies.
3. Perceived Impact of Effective Communication on organizational performance of Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office: Wang and Tang's (2017) study reveals a positive correlation
between perceived effective communication and organizational commitment. This finding aligns with
the specific objective of determining the perceived impact of effective communication within the
context of the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Understanding how leaders perceive the impact of communication on performance (transparency,
efficiency, satisfaction) is crucial. Quantitative surveys (e.g., Aselage & Gibson, 2017) and qualitative
interviews can capture these perceptions.
Measuring the impact of communication on performance necessitates defining relevant performance
indicators. Transparency and accountability can be assessed through public perception surveys,
information availability, and grievance redressal mechanisms. Efficiency and effectiveness can be
evaluated through timeliness, resource utilization, and project completion rates. Employee satisfaction
and engagement can be measured through surveys, absenteeism rates, and productivity. Finally, citizen
satisfaction and trust can be gauged through surveys, public participation in decision-making, and
complaint resolution rates. Examining these indicators will provide a comprehensive understanding of
the relationship between communication and performance in Dire Dawa Administration City Manager

The theoretical and empirical studies reviewed provide a strong foundation for examining the impact of
communication on performance within the Dire Dawa City Administration. By assessing the current
state of communication practices, understanding the influence of cultural and contextual factors, and
evaluating the perceived impact of effective communication, this study can offer valuable insights
specific to the context of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
While existing research demonstrates the importance of communication, limited studies explore its
impact on public sector organizations in developing countries like Ethiopia. Additionally, no known
research delves specifically into the communication dynamics within the Dire Dawa City
Administration City Manager Office. This study addresses this gap by examining how current
communication practices, influenced by cultural and contextual factors, impact organizational
performance in Dire Dawa.

By analyzing these variables and drawing upon relevant theoretical frameworks and empirical research,
this study aims to make a significant contribution to understanding the intricate relationship between
communication and performance in the Dire Dawa City Administration. The findings will not only
inform recommendations for improvement within the organization but also contribute to the broader
understanding of public sector communication in developing contexts.



3.1 Introduction
In this chapter we are going to address the description of the study organization, research design, the
required data like types and sources of data , data collection methods(tool and technique) , population

and sampling (sampling technique and sampling size) , data analysis method , work plan and required


The Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office is situated in the vibrant city of Dire Dawa, known
for its strategic location in eastern Ethiopia. Dire Dawa is one of the two chartered cities in Ethiopia,
alongside the capital, Addis Ababa. Dire Dawa is both a city and an administrative region, with a
special status that gives it a degree of autonomy from the surrounding region of Harari and the Somali
region. The city has its own municipal government and is responsible for its own administration,
development, and governance.

The city is a major economic hub in eastern Ethiopia, serving as a key center for trade, commerce, and
industry. It is strategically located along major transportation routes, including the Addis Ababa-
Djibouti Railway and the Addis Ababa-Djibouti highway, making it an important transit point for goods
entering and leaving Ethiopia. The city's economy is driven by various industries, including
manufacturing, agro-processing, and trade, with a significant focus on the export and import of goods.

Dire Dawa is known for its diverse population, with a mix of different ethnic groups and cultures. The
city is home to people from various backgrounds, including Oromo, Somali, Amhara, and Harari,
among others. This diversity contributes to the city's rich cultural heritage and vibrant social fabric. The
city is also known for its religious diversity, with followers of Islam, Christianity, and other faiths
coexisting peacefully.

The city is home to various educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and schools,
providing access to education for its residents. Dire Dawa also has several healthcare facilities,
including hospitals and clinics, to cater to the medical needs of its population. The city's infrastructure
includes modern amenities such as paved roads, electricity, and water supply systems.

Dire Dawa has a rich history and is known for its architectural heritage, with buildings that reflect its
colonial past and traditional Ethiopian styles. The city has several landmarks and cultural sites that
attract tourists and visitors interested in exploring its history and culture. Additionally, Dire Dawa hosts
various cultural events and festivals that showcase the traditions and customs of its diverse population.
The city administration plays a crucial role in governing Dire Dawa, overseeing various aspects of
urban management, public services, and local development. It is responsible for implementing policies
and programs to address the needs of the city's residents, including infrastructure development, social
services, and economic initiatives. The administration also works to promote investment and business
opportunities in the city to support its economic growth.

In recent years, Dire Dawa has seen significant urban development and expansion, with ongoing efforts
to improve its infrastructure, public services, and living standards. The city administration has been
focused on addressing urban challenges such as housing, transportation, waste management, and
environmental sustainability. It has also been working to enhance governance and civic participation
through initiatives aimed at engaging citizens in decision-making processes.

As the administrative hub, it plays a pivotal role in overseeing and coordinating various municipal
functions. The city's administrative status involves managing essential services, infrastructure
development, and community welfare programs.

Dire Dawa, characterized by its diverse socio-economic landscape, encompasses a mix of urban and
suburban areas. The city's population comprises a dynamic blend of cultural and ethnic backgrounds,
contributing to a rich social fabric. Its economic activities span from trade and commerce to industry,
reflecting the city's significance in the regional economy.

The Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office serves as the nucleus of governance, responsible
for policy implementation, resource allocation, and fostering community development. Understanding
the communication dynamics within this administrative context will shed light on the potential impact
of effective communication on organizational performance.

Socio-Economic Characteristics:
Population: Approximately 524,234 (2020 estimate).
Diverse population with various ethnic groups, primarily Oromo and Amhara.
Important commercial and industrial center in Ethiopia. Known for its textile industry, coffee export,
and trade sector. Faces challenges related to poverty, unemployment, and infrastructure development.

Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office:

Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the city administration.
Oversees various departments like finance, education, health, public works, and sanitation.
Manages human resources, budgets, and implementation of city policies.
Plays a crucial role in communication between the Mayor's Office, City Council, and various
The Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office is a key administrative body responsible for
overseeing and managing the affairs of Dire Dawa, a vibrant city located in eastern Ethiopia.
As the central hub of governance, this office plays a pivotal role in shaping the city's development,
policy implementation.


The study adopts a mixed-methods research design, employing both quantitative and qualitative
methods to empirically assess the impact of effective communication on organizational performance
within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. The research utilizes a mixed-methods
approach, leveraging both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. This combined
approach is crucial for obtaining a holistic perspective on the complex relationship between
communication and performance.
Justification for Quantitative Method:
Objectivity and Standardization: Quantitative data collection, primarily through questionnaires,
allows for standardized and objective responses. This enables statistical analysis and identification of
broader trends within the organization.
Measurable Variables: Communication and performance can be operationalized into measurable
variables using surveys. For instance, communication clarity, frequency, and openness can be assessed,
alongside performance metrics like employee satisfaction, productivity, and goal achievement.
Quantitative Relationships: Statistical analysis can reveal quantitative relationships between different
communication characteristics and their impact on performance measures.
Justification for Qualitative Method:
Rich Context and Nuances: Qualitative data, gathered through questionnaire, allows for in-depth
exploration of individual experiences, perceptions, and contextual factors affecting communication
practices. This unveils nuances and deeper insights often missed by quantitative methods.

Understanding Challenges and Successes: Questionnaires provide detailed accounts of specific
communication challenges faced within the organization, alongside examples of positive
communication practices contributing to successes.
Uncovering Underlying Dynamics: Qualitative methods delve into organizational culture, leadership
styles, and interpersonal relationships, which significantly influence communication dynamics and
ultimately impact performance.


1. Quantitative Data:
- Communication Effectiveness Indicators: Numeric data reflecting communication channels,
frequency, and perceived effectiveness among employees.
- Justification: Quantitative measures of communication effectiveness help quantify the impact of
communication strategies on organizational dynamics. This data aids in identifying patterns and
correlations that contribute to the overall assessment.
2. Qualitative Data:
- Employee Perceptions and Experiences: Narrative insights into employees' subjective experiences
and perceptions regarding communication within the organization of Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.
- Justification: Qualitative data provides depth and context to understand the nuances of
communication. It allows for exploration of the qualitative aspects of communication impact,
contributing to a comprehensive understanding.
- Contextual Factors Affecting Communication: Qualitative information on organizational culture,
leadership styles, and contextual factors influencing communication.
- Justification: Exploring contextual factors qualitatively helps in understanding the intricacies of how
communication operates within the organizational setting. This insight is crucial for interpreting
quantitative findings in a real-world context.
- Suggestions for Improvement: Open-ended responses capturing employees' suggestions and insights
on how communication can be enhanced.
- Justification: Qualitative data on improvement suggestions provides actionable insights for
organizational leaders. This input helps in developing targeted strategies to enhance communication
and, consequently, organizational performance.
Overall Justification:
The mixed-methods approach combining quantitative and qualitative data is appropriate for this study
as it allows for a comprehensive investigation into the impact of effective communication on
organizational performance. Quantitative data provides measurable indicators for statistical analysis,
while qualitative data offers depth and context, enriching the understanding of the complex dynamics
within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. This combination ensures a robust and
holistic evaluation of the study objectives.


1. Quantitative Data:
- Structured Questionnaires: Administering quantitative questionnaires to employees across various
departments within the organization.
- Justification: Questionnaires provide a systematic and standardized way to collect quantitative data
on communication effectiveness and its perceived impact on organizational performance. This method
ensures consistency and facilitates statistical analysis.

2. Qualitative Data:
- Open-ended Questionnaire Responses: Analyzing qualitative responses from open-ended sections
within the questionnaires, capturing employees' perceptions and experiences related to communication.
- Justification: Open-ended questionnaire responses offer rich qualitative insights, allowing for a
nuanced understanding of employee perspectives. This source complements the quantitative data,
providing depth to the assessment.
- Closed-ended Questionnaire Responses: Analyzing qualitative responses from close-ended sections
within the questionnaires, capturing employees' perceptions and experiences related to communication.
- Justification: Closed-ended questionnaire responses provide structured and quantifiable data,
allowing for statistical analysis of specific aspects related to communication effectiveness and
organizational performance. The use of predefined response options ensures consistency in data
collection, making it suitable for numerical measurements and comparisons.
Overall Justification:
The chosen sources align with the mixed-methods approach and questionnaire method, ensuring a
balanced and comprehensive data collection strategy. Leveraging organizational records and databases
offers structured quantitative data, while questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions
capture the qualitative insights needed to empirically assess the impact of effective communication on
organizational performance within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.


1. Quantitative Data Collection:

- Data Collection Tool: Structured Questionnaires (Closed-ended)
- Data Collection Technique: Paper surveys with predefined response options to employees across
various departments within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
- Appropriateness: Closed-ended questionnaires provide a structured and standardized means of
collecting quantitative data. With predefined response options, this tool is suitable for assessing specific
aspects of communication effectiveness and organizational performance in a uniform manner. The
structured format facilitates statistical analysis, allowing for the measurement and comparison of
numerical data.
2. Qualitative Data Collection:
- Data Collection Tool: Structured Questionnaires (Open-ended sections)
- Data Collection Technique: Including open-ended questions within the questionnaire to capture
narrative insights from employees.
- Appropriateness: Open-ended sections within structured questionnaires offer a controlled yet
flexible approach to gathering qualitative data. This tool allows employees to express their experiences
and perceptions in their own words, providing rich qualitative insights. The structured nature ensures
consistency, making it appropriate for the study's objective of empirically assessing the impact of
effective communication.
By combining structured questionnaires with both closed-ended and open-ended sections, this mixed-
methods approach aligns with the research design. It allows for a systematic collection of quantitative
data through closed-ended questions while also capturing the depth and context of employee
experiences through open-ended questions. This balanced approach ensures a comprehensive
exploration of the impact of effective communication on organizational performance within the Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office.



Sampling Method:
- Total Population: All employees working within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office
73 employees.
- Study Sample Size: 15 employees will be selected for participation in the study.
- Sampling Technique: Simple Random Sampling.
- Representativeness: Simple Random Sampling is chosen for its fairness and unbiased nature. It
ensures that each member of the total population has an equal chance of being included in the study
sample. This method is appropriate when the goal is to achieve a representative sample that accurately
reflects the diversity of the entire population.
- Mixed-Methods Approach: The use of simple random sampling aligns with the mixed-methods
research design, providing a representative group of employees for both quantitative and qualitative
data collection through structured and open-ended questionnaires. This approach ensures that the
study's findings are applicable to the broader population within the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.
- Sample Size Justification: A sample size of 15 is chosen for practical reasons, ensuring manageable
data collection within the scope of the study. The use of mixed methods allows for depth and richness
in the qualitative data, even with a smaller sample size, while still providing enough diversity for
meaningful insights.
- Generalization: The sample, although small, aims to capture a diverse representation of employees,
allowing for insights that can be generalized to the broader organizational context. The random
selection ensures that the sample is not biased, enhancing the external validity of the study's findings.
The combination of a simple random sampling technique with a sample size of 15 employees is
designed to balance practical considerations with the need for representative and unbiased data. This
approach ensures the study's findings are applicable to the broader organizational setting of the Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office.


The raw data gather from the target respondent was analyzed by both quantitative and qualitative
statistics to compare the different response. The study used table to analyze the data. Since my

objective of my study is to empirically assess the impact of effective communication on organizational
performance within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office , the data analysis method and
tool was more or less theoretical. Therefore, I used qualitative data analysis method and tool. If
necessary in some case like calculating mean , I used quantitative method and tool of data analysis.

4.1 Introduction
This chapter is devoted to the presentation of the research findings of the study and their interpretation.
The findings from each of the research objectives were summarized in tabular form, and then the
summary results were analyzed using frequencies and percentages.

4.2 Questionnaires Return Rate

The research targeted a total of 15 respondents. The response rate achieved was 100% percent and it
was considered adequate in providing a relatively valid and reliable representation of the target

4.3 Demographic Information of the Respondents

Demographic information of the respondents was found important because they play an important role

in the day-to-day running of the organization in Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office .

4.3.1 Gender of the Respondents
The study sought to find out the composition of respondents in terms of age and
gender. The frequency counts of the responses were done and their percentages
calculated. Table 1. presents data on the gender of the respondents.

Table 1: Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 13 86.67%
Female 2 13.33%
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
The table reveals that the organization comprises 13 male employees, constituting 86.67% of the total
workforce, and 2 female employees, accounting for 13.33%. The overall employee count sums up to 15
individuals, representing a comprehensive snapshot of the organizational composition. Notably, this
breakdown facilitates a clear understanding of the gender distribution within the office. The majority
presence of male employees, at 86.67%, suggests a gender imbalance, prompting further exploration
into potential implications for workplace dynamics and organizational culture.

4.3.2 Age of the Respondents

The study also sought to find the age of the respondents. The frequencies were
computed and percentages calculated. The results are presented in Table 2.

Table 2: Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage
18-25 4 26.67%
26-30 10 66.67%
31-41 1 6.67%
41-50 - -
Above 50 - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 2 outlines the age distribution of respondents within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager

Office, shedding light on the demographic composition. Among the respondents, a significant portion
falls within the age bracket of 26-30, with a frequency of 10, constituting 66.67% of the total. The age
group 18-25 follows closely behind, representing 26.67% of the respondents with a frequency of 4.
Meanwhile, individuals aged 31-41 make up a smaller segment, with a frequency of 1 and a percentage
of 6.67%. Notably, there are no respondents reported in the age categories of 41-50 and above 50. This
distribution underscores the predominant presence of respondents in the mid-range of the age spectrum,
warranting consideration of generational dynamics in the subsequent analysis of effective
communication's impact on organizational performance. The comprehensive overview provided by
Table 2 establishes a foundation for understanding the age-related nuances that may influence
communication patterns and, consequently, organizational dynamics within the specified context.

4.3.3 Qualifications
The researcher also sought out information on Qualifications of the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office Employees. The information gathered was computed using frequencies and
percentages as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Qualifications
Qualification Frequency Percentage
Less than grade 12 - -
Complete grade 12 or Diploma 1 6.67%
First Degree 13 86.67%
Above 1 6.67%
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 3 illuminates the educational qualifications of employees at the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office, offering valuable insights into the workforce composition. Notably, there are no
employees reported with educational attainment below grade 12, indicating a workforce possessing at
least a high school diploma. The majority of respondents, accounting for 86.67%, hold a First Degree,
demonstrating a prevalence of higher education qualifications among the staff. Furthermore, one
respondent, constituting 6.67%, holds qualifications categorized as "Above" a First Degree. This
distribution underscores the significance of academic credentials within the organizational context and
suggests a well-educated workforce.

4.3.4 Work Experience
The study also sought to find the work experience of employees in Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office. The frequencies were computed and percentages calculated. The results are presented
in Table 4.

Table 4: Work Experience

Work Experience Frequency Percentage
Less than 5 years 9 60%
5-10 years 5 33.33%
11-15 years 1 6.67%
16-30 years - -
Above - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Examining Table 4 detailing the work experience of employees at the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office, a discernible pattern emerges. A significant proportion of the workforce, comprising
60%, possesses less than 5 years of work experience, indicating a relatively youthful and potentially
dynamic professional cohort. The category of 5-10 years of experience follows, representing 33.33% of
the respondents with a frequency of 5. Notably, there is a minimal representation in the 11-15 years
bracket, constituting 6.67% with a frequency of 1, while there are no reported cases of employees with
16-30 years or above of work experience. This distribution underscores the prevalence of relatively
early to mid-career professionals within the organization.

4.5 Data Analysis

Data analysis was done by the researcher answering the following research questions:
Research Question 1: What are the existing communication practices within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office?

Research Question 2: How do cultural and contextual factors influence communication dynamics
within the organizational setting of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office?
Research Question 3: What implications (positive or otherwise) that the current intra-organization
communication approach has on organizational performance of Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office?
Research Question 4: What should be done so as to ensure effective intra-organizational
communication for effective organizational performance of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager

4.6 Communication Practices within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
4.6.1 Communication Channels used in Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
The employees were asked to mention the main channels of communication used in Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office. The frequencies were computed and percentages calculated. The
results are presented in Table 5.

Table 5: Communication Channels used in Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office
Communication Channels Frequency Percentage
Email 4 26.67%
Meetings 5 33.33%
Internal Messaging Platforms - -
In-person communication 6 40%
Other - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Analyzing the data from Table 5, which outlines the communication channels employed by employees
in the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office, a diverse range of methods is evident. Meetings
emerge as a predominant mode, with a frequency of 5, constituting 33.33% of the total responses. In-
person communication closely follows, representing 40% with a frequency of 6. Email usage accounts
for 26.67%, showcasing the continued significance of digital communication in the workplace.

Notably, there are no reported instances of utilizing internal messaging platforms or other channels.
The prevalence of meetings and in-person communication suggests a preference for direct, interactive

forms of interaction within the organizational setting.

4.6.2 How often are performance expectations communicated clearly to employees

within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
The researcher was also interested in the frequency when performance expectations communicated
clearly to employees within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. The researcher the
collected data and analyzed in form of frequencies and percentages as shown in Table 6.

Table 6: How often are performance expectations communicated clearly to employees within
Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Never 4 26.67%
Rarely 6 40%
Sometimes 5 33.33%
Frequently - -
Always - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
The data in Table 6 suggests that a significant proportion of employees in the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office do not believe that performance expectations are communicated
clearly. Specifically, 26.67% of employees reported that performance expectations are never
communicated clearly, and 40% reported that they are rarely communicated clearly. Only 33.33% of
employees reported that performance expectations are communicated sometimes. These findings
suggest that there is a need for improvement in the way that performance expectations are
communicated to employees in this organization.

4.6.3 How confident are you that your supervisor effectively communicates
expectations and provides clear feedback on your work.
Employees were asked how confident are they that their supervisor effectively communicates
expectations and provides clear feedback on their work and their responses were recorded in

Table 7.

Table 7: How confident are you that your supervisor effectively communicates expectations
and provides clear feedback on your work.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Not at all confident 7 46.67%
Somewhat unconfident 7 46.67%
Neutral 1 6.67%
Somewhat confident - -
Very confident - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 7 shows the responses of employees in the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office
regarding supervisor communication and feedback. A very concerning trend is evident, with nearly all
employees (93.34%) reporting being either 'not at all confident' (46.67%) or 'somewhat unconfident'
(46.67%) that their supervisors effectively communicate expectations and provide clear feedback. Only
a small percentage (6.67%) of employees reported feeling neutral on the issue, and none indicated
feeling 'somewhat confident' or 'very confident' in their supervisor's communication skills.

4.6.4 How encouraged do you feel to openly communicate ideas, concerns, or

suggestions to your supervisor or colleagues within Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.
Employees were asked how encouraged do they feel to openly communicate ideas, concerns, or
suggestions to their supervisor or colleagues within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office
and their responses were recorded in Table 8.

Table 8: How encouraged do you feel to openly communicate ideas , concerns, or suggestions
to your supervisor or colleagues within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Not encouraged at all 4 26.67%
Rarely encouraged 8 53.33%
Somewhat encouraged 2 13.33%
Strongly encouraged 1 6.67%

Always encouraged - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 8 shows a concerning lack of encouragement for open communication within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office. The majority of employees (80.00%) reported feeling either 'not
encouraged at all' (26.67%) or 'rarely encouraged' (53.33%) to voice their ideas, concerns, or
suggestions to supervisors or colleagues. Only a small minority (19.99%) felt somewhat or strongly
encouraged, and none indicated feeling 'always encouraged'. This lack of open communication can
stifle creativity, hinder innovation, and ultimately impede organizational performance.

4.6.5 How satisfied are you with the current communication practices within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Employees were asked how satisfied are they with the current communication practices within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office and their responses were recorded in Table 9.

Table 9: How satisfied are you with the current communication practices within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Very dissatisfied 6 40%
Dissatisfied 7 46.67%
Neutral 2 13.33%
Satisfied - -
Very satisfied - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 9 shows a strong dissatisfaction with communication practices within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office. A combined 86.67% of employees reported feeling 'very
dissatisfied' (40.00%) or 'dissatisfied' (46.67%) with current communication methods. Only a small
minority (13.33%) indicated feeling neutral, and none expressed satisfaction. This finding aligns with
the earlier results regarding supervisor communication (Table 7) and employee encouragement (Table
8), suggesting a systemic communication issue within the organization.

4.6.6 Do you feel that communication within the organization of Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office is timely and responsive.
The employees were asked do they feel that communication within Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office is timely and responsive. The frequencies were computed and percentages calculated.
The results are presented in Table 10.

Table 10: Do you feel that communication within the organization of Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office is timely and responsive.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 4 26.67%
Disagree 8 53.33%
Neutral 1 6.67%
Agree 1 6.67%
Strongly agree 1 6.67%
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 10 shows a perception of communication within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
Office being slow or unresponsive. A combined 80.00% of employees reported feeling that
communication is 'strongly disagree' (26.67%) or 'disagree' (53.33%). Only a small minority (13.33%)
indicated feeling neutral, with an equal number (6.67% each) agreeing or strongly agreeing that
communication is timely and responsive.

4.7 Influence of Cultural and Contextual Factors on Communication Dynamics

4.7.1 How does cultural and linguistic diversity impact communication dynamics in
your team within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.

The employees were asked how does cultural and linguistic diversity impact communication dynamics
in their team within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. The frequencies were computed
and percentages calculated. The results are presented in Table 11.

Table 11: How does cultural and linguistic diversity impact communication dynamics in
your team within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Significantly hinders communi- 7 46.67%

Somewhat hinders communica- 3 20%
Has no impact 1 6.67%
Somewhat enhances communi- 1 6.67%
Significantly enhances commu- 3 20%
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 11 reveals mixed perceptions regarding the impact of cultural and linguistic diversity on
communication within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. Nearly half (46.67%) of
employees reported that diversity significantly hinders communication, while a significant minority
(20.00%) also indicated it significantly enhances communication. Interestingly, a smaller percentage
(20.00%) said diversity somewhat hinders communication, and an equal number (6.67% each) said it
has no impact or somewhat enhances communication. This suggests that the organization may not be
effectively leveraging the potential benefits of a diverse workforce.

4.7.2 The extent of contextual factors such as workload and time constraints
influencing communication effectiveness within Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.
Employees were asked the extent of contextual factors such as workload and time constraints
influencing communication effectiveness within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office and
their responses were recorded in Table 12.

Table 12: The extent of contextual factors such as workload and time constraints influencing
communication effectiveness within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.

Responses Frequency Percentage

Not at all 1 6.67%
To a small extent 1 6.67%
To a moderate extent 3 20%

To a large extent 2 13.33%
To a very large extent 8 53.33%
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 12 shows that contextual factors, such as workload and time constraints, are perceived to have a
significant impact on communication effectiveness within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
Office. Over half (53.33%) of employees reported that these factors influence communication "to a
very large extent," and an additional 13.33% said "to a large extent." Only a small minority (13.33%)
indicated a minimal impact ("not at all" or "to a small extent"). This finding suggests that the
organization may need to address workload and time constraints to improve communication

4.7.3 The extent of external factors influencing the communication dynamics in

your work environment.
Employees were asked the extent of external factors influencing the communication dynamics in their
work environment within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office and their responses were
recorded in Table 13.

Table 13: The extent of external factors influencing the communication dynamics in your work
Responses Frequency Percentage
Not at all - -
To a small extent - -
To a moderate extent 6 40%
To a large extent - -
To a very large extent 9 60%
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 13 explores the influence of external factors on communication dynamics within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office. Interestingly, none of the employees (0%) reported external
factors having "not at all" or "to a small extent" of influence. A significant majority (60.00%) indicated
a "very large extent" of influence, with an additional 40.00% reporting a "moderate extent."

4.7.4 Do cultural and social norms create any barriers to communication
within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Employees were asked do cultural and social norms create any barriers to communication within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office and their responses were recorded in Table 14.

Table 14: Do cultural and social norms create any barriers to communication within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Strongly disagree 3 20%
Disagree 1 6.67
Neutral 1 6.67%
Agree 3 20%
Strongly Agree 7 46.67%
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 14 examines the perceived impact of cultural and social norms on communication barriers within
the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. While a combined minority (26.67%) of
employees felt cultural and social norms "strongly disagree" or "disagree" that they create barriers, a
significant majority (66.67%) indicated agreement. Nearly half (46.67%) even reported "strongly
agreeing" that these norms hinder communication. This finding aligns with the previous exploration of
cultural and linguistic diversity (Table 11), suggesting a potential need to address cultural or social
norms that impede communication effectiveness.

4.7.5 How does the organizational hierarchy affect communication flow

within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Employees were asked how does the organizational hierarchy affect communication flow within Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office and their responses were recorded in Table 15.

Table 15: How does the organizational hierarchy affect communication flow within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Significantly hinders 10 66.67%
communication flow

Somewhat hinders 1 6.67%
communication flow
Has no significant impact 1 6.67%
Somewhat facilitates 1 6.67%
communication flow
Significantly facilitates 2 13.33%
communication flow
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 15 reveals a perception that the organizational hierarchy within the Dire Dawa Administration
City Manager Office significantly hinders communication flow. A strong majority (66.67%) of
employees reported that the hierarchy "significantly hinders communication flow," with only a small
minority indicating it has "no significant impact" (6.67%) or even "somewhat facilitates
communication flow" (6.67%). While a few employees (13.33%) felt it "significantly facilitates
communication flow," this positive perception is overshadowed by the far more prevalent perception of
hierarchy as a barrier. This finding suggests that the organization's structure may be impeding
communication effectiveness.

4.8 Perceived Impact of Effective Communication on Organizational Performa


4.8.1 How do you think the current communication approach affects team
collaboration and cohesion within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
The employees were asked how do they think the current communication approach affects team
collaboration and cohesion within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. The frequencies
were computed and percentages calculated. The results are presented in Table 16.

Table 16: How do you think the current communication approach affects team collaboration

and cohesion within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Detriments team collaboration 6 40%
and cohesion
Somewhat hinders team collabo- 7 46.67%
ration and cohesion
Has no significant impact 1 6.67%
Somewhat enhances team col- 1 6.67%
laboration and cohesion
Significantly enhances team col- - -
laboration and cohesion
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 16 paints a concerning picture of the current communication approach's impact on teamwork
within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. Nearly all employees (86.67%) indicated
that the current approach either "detriments team collaboration and cohesion" (40.00%) or "somewhat
hinders" it (46.67%). Only a minimal number (6.67% each) reported it having "no significant impact"
or "somewhat enhancing" teamwork. The complete absence of responses suggesting the current
approach "significantly enhances" collaboration is particularly noteworthy. This data aligns with the
previous findings regarding supervisor communication (Table 7), employee encouragement (Table 8),
and communication timeliness (Table 10), suggesting a systemic communication issue that negatively
impacts teamwork within the organization.

4.8.2 How do you think the current communication approach affects

employee morale and motivation within Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.
Employees were asked about how do they think the current communication approach affects employee
morale and motivation within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office and their responses were
recorded in Table 17.

Table 17: How do you think the current communication approach affects employee morale and
motivation within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.

Responses Frequency Percentage
Detriments employee morale 6 40%
and motivation

Somewhat hinders employee 7 46.67%

morale and motivation
Has no significant impact 1 6.67%
Somewhat enhances employee 1 6.67%
morale and motivation
Significantly enhances employee - -
morale and motivation
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 17 shows a similar trend to team collaboration (Table 16) with the current communication
approach perceived to negatively impact employee morale and motivation. A significant majority
(86.67%) of employees indicated the approach either "detriments employee morale and motivation"
(40.00%) or "somewhat hinders" it (46.67%). Only a minimal number (6.67% each) reported it having
"no significant impact" or "somewhat enhancing" morale and motivation. The complete absence of
responses suggesting the current approach "significantly enhances" these factors is particularly
concerning. This data aligns with the overall findings regarding communication within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office, suggesting a strong correlation between communication issues
and employee morale and motivation.

4.8.3 How do you perceive the current communication approach in fostering

innovation and creativity within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Employees were asked about how do they perceive the current communication approach in fostering
innovation and creativity within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office and their responses
were recorded in Table 18.

Table 18: How do you perceive the current communication approach in fostering innovation
and creativity within Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage

Stifles innovation and creativity 10 66.67%
Somewhat hinders innovation - -
and creativity
Has no significant impact 5 33.33%
Somewhat encourages innova- - -
tion and creativity
Significantly encourages innova- - -
tion and creativity
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 18 highlights a potential barrier to progress within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
Office. A clear majority (66.67%) of employees felt the current communication approach "stifles
innovation and creativity." While a third (33.33%) reported it having "no significant impact," none
viewed it as positive, with no responses indicating it "somewhat encourages" or "significantly
encourages" innovation and creativity. This finding is concerning, as innovation is often cited as a key
driver of organizational success. It further strengthens the case for addressing communication issues
within the organization, as ineffective communication may be hindering employee creativity and

4.8.4 How effective do you perceive the current communication practices to

be in achieving organizational goals of Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office.
Employees were asked about how effective do they perceive the current communication practices
to be in achieving organizational goals of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office and their
responses were recorded in Table 19.

Table 19: How effective do you perceive the current communication practices to be in
achieving organizational goals of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Not effective at all 9 60%
Somewhat ineffective 6 40%
Neutral - -

Somewhat effective - -
Very effective - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 19 delivers a stark assessment of the current communication practices within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office. All employees (100%) perceived them to be less than effective in
achieving organizational goals. A strong majority (60.00%) felt they were "not effective at all," with the
remaining employees (40.00%) indicating "somewhat ineffective." There were no responses suggesting
neutrality or any level of effectiveness. This data aligns with the previously discussed findings
regarding communication issues throughout the organization (Tables 7-18). It suggests a strong
possibility that communication problems are hindering the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
Office from achieving its goals.

4.8.5 The extent of current communication flow within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office allowing for the quick and efficient
troubleshooting of operational issues.
Employees were asked about the extent of current communication flow within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office allowing for the quick and efficient troubleshooting of operational
issues and their responses were recorded in Table 20.

Table 20: The extent of current communication flow within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office allowing for the quick and efficient troubleshooting of
operational issues.
Responses Frequency Percentage
Not at all - -
To a small extent 8 53.33%
To a moderate extent 6 40%
To a large extent 1 6.67%
To a very large extent - -
Total 15 100%
Source: Data collected from questionnaires
Table 20 reveals limitations in the current communication flow within the Dire Dawa Administration
City Manager Office, potentially hindering efficient troubleshooting of operational issues. None of the
employees felt communication flow allows for "not at all" or "to a very large extent" troubleshooting.
While a small percentage (6.67%) indicated it allows troubleshooting "to a large extent," a larger
portion (40.00%) felt it only allows troubleshooting "to a moderate extent." The majority (53.33%)
reported it only allowing troubleshooting "to a small extent." This suggests that communication gaps
may be impeding the organization's ability to identify and resolve problems quickly and efficiently.
These findings align with the broader communication issues identified throughout the study (Tables 7-
19), suggesting that improved communication could lead to more efficient troubleshooting and
potentially better overall performance.

4.9 Recommendations for Improving Communication Practices

4.9.1 What should be done so as to ensure effective intra-organizational
communication for effective organizational performance of Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office?

Different responses were made by the employees in the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Of-
fice. Their recommendations were summarized as follows:-

• Strengthen supervisor communication and feedback: Many employees feel performance expecta-
tions and supervisor feedback are unclear. Training supervisors in communication skills and establish-
ing clear expectations for feedback delivery are crucial.
• Encourage open communication: A significant majority feels discouraged from voicing ideas or
concerns. Fostering a culture of open communication through leadership actions and clear communica-
tion channels is essential.
• Address cultural and social barriers: Consider workshops or training to raise awareness of how cul-
tural norms might hinder communication and explore strategies for navigating them effectively.
• Review organizational structure: The hierarchical structure is perceived as hindering communica-

tion flow. Explore ways to flatten hierarchies or create more open communication channels that bypass
strict hierarchical chains.
• Improve timeliness and responsiveness: Many employees feel communication is slow. Implement-
ing clear communication protocols and streamlining processes can address this issue.
• Leverage the benefits of diversity: While some see diversity as a communication barrier, it can also
be a strength. Training on appreciating diverse communication styles and fostering inclusivity can help
the organization reap the benefits of a varied workforce.

By implementing these recommendations, the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office can fos-
ter a more open, transparent, and effective communication environment. This, in turn, can lead to im-
proved teamwork, employee morale, innovation, and ultimately, better achievement of organizational



5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the conclusion about the data obtained and analyzed are made. Specifically, frequency
tables and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. The findings are presented in two
sections. In the first section, the summary of the findings are discussed, and the second section
comprises the conclusion of the findings and recommendations.

5.2 Summary of the findings
The findings of the research study on the impact of effective communication on organizational
performance within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office paint a comprehensive picture
of the current communication landscape and its implications. Analysis of communication channels
reveals a reliance on traditional methods such as meetings and in-person interactions, indicating a
preference for direct engagement among employees. However, concerning trends emerge regarding the
clarity of performance expectations, with a significant portion of employees feeling that expectations
are not communicated effectively. Supervisor communication and feedback also present worrying
statistics, with the vast majority of employees lacking confidence in their supervisors' communication
skills. Moreover, there is a notable absence of encouragement for open communication, leading to
dissatisfaction among employees. Cultural and social norms, organizational hierarchy, and workload
constraints further exacerbate communication challenges, hindering teamwork, morale, and innovation.
Overall, current communication practices are perceived to be ineffective in achieving organizational
goals, with limitations in communication flow hindering efficient troubleshooting. These findings
underscore the critical need for improvement in communication strategies within the organization to
enhance performance and foster a more conducive work environment.

5.2.1 Answers to the Research questions

Research Question 1:
What are the existing communication practices within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office?
The Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office relies on a combination of communication
methods, with a clear preference for face-to-face interaction. Meetings (33.33%) and in-person
communication (40%) are the most frequently used channels, followed by email (26.67%).
Interestingly, the analysis reveals no reported use of internal messaging platforms or other digital
communication tools beyond email. This suggests a potential gap in catering to the diverse
communication needs of a modern workforce.
However, the data also highlights concerning aspects of communication within the organization.

Employees report significant dissatisfaction with current communication practices (Table 9). A
substantial portion feel that performance expectations (Table 6) and supervisor feedback (Table 7) are
unclear. There seems to be a lack of encouragement for open communication (Table 8), and
communication is perceived as slow and unresponsive (Table 10). These findings suggest a
communication environment that may not be fostering transparency, idea exchange, or timely
information flow.

Research Question 2:
How do cultural and contextual factors influence communication dynamics
within the organizational setting of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager
Cultural, contextual, and structural factors all appear to influence communication dynamics within the
Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. While some employees see cultural and linguistic
diversity as an asset (Table 11), a significant portion perceive cultural and social norms as barriers
(Table 14). This suggests the organization may not be fully capitalizing on its workforce's diversity.
Additionally, workload and time constraints are seen as major hindrances to effective communication
(Table 12). Perhaps most concerning is the perception of the organizational hierarchy as a major
obstacle, with a large majority of employees feeling it restricts information flow (Table 15).
Interestingly, all employees reported external factors influencing communication dynamics as well
(Table 13). These findings highlight a complex interplay of influences that needs to be addressed to
improve communication within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office. Leveraging a
diverse workforce, addressing workload and time constraints, and potentially restructuring
communication channels to overcome the hierarchical barrier could all be crucial steps towards
fostering more effective communication within the organization.

Research Question 3:
What implications (positive or otherwise) that the current intra-organization
communication approach has on organizational performance of Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office?
The current communication approach within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office seems
to be hindering its overall performance. The data suggests a systemic issue with negative consequences

across multiple areas. Teamwork and collaboration suffer (Table 16), possibly due to unclear
expectations, limited interaction, or slow information flow. Employee morale and motivation are also
negatively impacted (Table 17), likely because employees feel unheard, undervalued, or out of the loop.
Limited communication may be stifling innovation and creativity (Table 18) by hindering the exchange
of ideas crucial for problem-solving. Perhaps most concerning is that all employees view current
communication practices as ineffective in achieving organizational goals (Table 19). This suggests a
fundamental disconnect between communication methods and desired outcomes. Finally,
troubleshooting operational issues appears hampered by communication limitations (Table 20).
Inefficient problem identification and resolution can lead to delays and hinder overall performance. In
conclusion, these findings strongly suggest that the current communication approach is a significant
barrier to the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office reaching its full potential.

Research Question 4:
What should be done so as to ensure effective intra-organizational
communication for effective organizational performance of Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office?
Based on the findings of this research, the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office can
implement several strategies to ensure effective intra-organizational communication and enhance
overall performance.
Firstly, the organization should diversify its communication channels beyond traditional methods like
meetings and face-to-face interactions. While these remain valuable for direct engagement,
incorporating internal messaging platforms or digital collaboration tools can cater to a wider range of
communication preferences and facilitate information sharing across teams and locations.
Secondly, a significant focus should be placed on improving clarity and transparency in
communication. This includes clearly outlining performance expectations, providing regular and
constructive feedback from supervisors (who should be equipped with better communication skills),
and encouraging open communication by creating a safe space for employees to voice ideas and
Thirdly, addressing cultural and structural barriers is crucial. The organization should leverage the
strengths of a diverse workforce by promoting cultural understanding and sensitivity training.
Additionally, exploring ways to flatten the hierarchical structure or establish alternative communication
channels that bypass rigid hierarchies could improve information flow and empower employees.

Finally, addressing workload and time constraints that hinder communication is essential. This might
involve streamlining processes, delegating tasks effectively, or exploring the use of technology to
manage workloads and free up time for communication.
By implementing these strategies, the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office can foster a
more open, transparent, and collaborative communication environment. This, in turn, can lead to
improved teamwork, employee morale, innovation, and ultimately, a significant enhancement in overall
organizational performance.

5.3 Conclusion
This study on the impact of effective communication on organizational performance within the Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office reveals a clear need for improvement. While traditional
methods like meetings are common, a lack of digital communication tools and unclear communication
practices hinder information flow, transparency, and employee morale. Cultural norms, hierarchical
structures, and workload constraints further exacerbate communication challenges. These issues
ultimately create a barrier to achieving the organization's full potential.
The path forward requires a multi-pronged approach. The organization should diversify communication
channels, improve clarity and transparency in supervisor communication and feedback, and actively
encourage open communication. Additionally, addressing cultural and structural barriers by promoting
cultural understanding and potentially restructuring communication channels can empower employees
and improve information flow. Finally, streamlining processes and utilizing technology to manage
workloads can free up valuable time for communication. By implementing these strategies, the Dire
Dawa Administration City Manager Office can foster a more effective communication environment,
leading to improved teamwork, innovation, and ultimately, a significant boost in overall organizational

5.4 Recommendation
To address communication challenges and enhance performance, the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office should implement a multi-pronged approach. Supervisor communication skill
development and clear feedback guidelines are crucial. Fostering a culture of open communication
through leadership actions and designated channels for employee input is essential. Cultural sensitivity
training can help navigate communication barriers. The organization should explore restructuring

communication channels by potentially flattening hierarchies or creating alternative pathways.
Implementing clear communication protocols and streamlining processes can improve timeliness and
responsiveness. Finally, training that celebrates diverse communication styles can unlock the strengths
of a varied workforce. These recommendations can lead to a more open, transparent, and effective
communication environment, ultimately boosting teamwork, morale, innovation, and achievement of
organizational goals.

5.5 Suggestions for Further Research

This study provides a springboard for further investigation into communication within the Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office. Future research could delve deeper into several areas:

 Quantitative analysis of communication network: A social network analysis could map com-
munication flows between departments and individuals, identifying areas of isolation or bottle-
 Impact of leadership styles on communication: Exploring how different leadership styles in-
fluence communication patterns and employee perceptions could provide valuable insights.
 The role of technology in communication: A study on employee preferences for digital com-
munication tools and the impact of technology integration on communication dynamics would
be beneficial.
 Longitudinal studies on implemented changes: Monitoring the effectiveness of interventions
aimed at improving communication over time would provide valuable data for continuous im-

By exploring these areas, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of communication
dynamics within the Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office and inform the development of
even more effective communication strategies.


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Dear respondents this questioner is designed to gather information on the impact of effective
communication on organizational performance : a case study of Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office, so you are politely requested to read all the questions and give your response
accordingly , your response will be kept confidential and used only for this research purpose.
Thank you for in advance.
1.1Personal information
1. Sex: Male female
2. Age:18-25 26-30 rel 31-41 41-50 above 50
3. Qualification : less than 12 co complete 12 or diploma first degree above
4. Work experience :less than 5 years 5-10 11-15 16-30 above

1.2 Research Question 1 – on the existing communication practices within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office.
5.Which communication channels do you primarily use for official information within Dire Dawa
Administration City Manager Office?
Email Meetings Internal Messaging Platforms In-person communication
Other (please specify):_______
6. How often are performance expectations communicated clearly to employees?
Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently Always

7. How confident are you that your supervisor effectively communicates expectations and provides
clear feedback on your work?
Not at all confident Somewhat unconfident Neutral Somewhat confident
Very confident
8. How encouraged do you feel to openly communicate ideas, concerns, or suggestions to your supervi-
sor or colleagues?
Not encouraged at all Rarely encouraged Somewhat encouraged Strongly en-
couraged Always encouraged
9. How satisfied are you with the current communication practices?
Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
10. Do you feel that communication within the organization is timely and responsive?
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
1.3 Research Question 2 – on how do cultural and contextual factors influence communication
dynamics within the organizational setting of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office?
11. How does cultural and linguistic diversity impact communication dynamics in your team?
Significantly hinders communication Somewhat hinders communication Has no
impact Somewhat enhances communication Significantly enhances
12. To what extent do contextual factors such as workload and time constraints influence communica-
tion effectiveness?
Not at all To a small extent To a moderate extent To a large extent
To a very large extent
13. To what extent do external factors influence the communication dynamics in your work environ-
Not at all To a small extent To a moderate extent To a large extent
To a very large extent
14. Do cultural or social norms create any barriers to communication within the office?
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
15. How does the organizational hierarchy affect communication flow within the office?
Significantly hinders communication flow Somewhat hinders communication flow
Has no significant impact Somewhat facilitates communication flow Signifi-
cantly facilitates communication flow

1.4 Research Question 3 – on the implications (positive or otherwise) that the current intra-or-
ganization communication approach has on organizational performance of Dire Dawa Adminis-
tration City Manager Office.

16. How do you think the current communication approach affects team collaboration and cohesion?
Detriments team collaboration and cohesion Somewhat hinders team collaboration and
cohesion Has no significant impact Somewhat enhances team collaboration and
cohesion Significantly enhances team collaboration and cohesion
17. How do you think the current communication approach affects employee morale and motivation?
Detriments employee morale and motivation Somewhat hinders employee morale and motiva-
tion Has no significant impact Somewhat enhances employee morale and motivation
Significantly enhances employee morale and motivation
18. How do you perceive the current communication approach in fostering innovation and creativity?
Stifles innovation and creativity Somewhat hinders innovation and creativity Has no
significant impact Somewhat encourages innovation and creativity Significantly
encourages innovation and creativity
19. How effective do you perceive the current communication practices to be in achieving
organizational goals?
Not effective at all Somewhat ineffective Neutral Somewhat effective Very effective
20. To what extent does the current communication flow within the Dire Dawa Administration City
Manager Office allow for the quick and efficient troubleshooting of operational issues?
Not at all To a small extent To a moderate extent To a large extent To a very large extent
1.5 Research Question 4 – on recommendation to ensure effective intra-organizational
communication for effective organizational performance of Dire Dawa Administration
City Manager Office.

21.What should be done so as to ensure effective intra-organizational communication for effective

organizational performance of Dire Dawa Administration City Manager Office?


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