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Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1. Release Order from Contract - Manual

In this session, issuance of Release Order from Contract is covered by Manual Method.

1.1.1. SAP Easy Access - User Menu for SINGH GURDEEP

(1) Click


(1) Click

Author: riyaj 1 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.3. Release Order Creation

(1) Select Release Order Manual Creation

1.1.4. Release Order Creation

(1) Kindly enter the Contract number from which the release order is to be issued.
(2) Click Execute

Author: riyaj 2 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.5. Create Release Order

(1) Enter the quantity in relevant lines for which the release order is to be issued.
(2) The Validity Start date and End date of the contract is visible here.
(3) The open Target Value can be seen here.

1.1.6. Create Release Order

Post updation of Qty, select the lines and click on Release Order tab

(1) Click Release Order

Author: riyaj 3 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual


(1) Click to Change PO & Initiate Approval

1.1.8. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

(1) Aprvl Ref/Agrmnt Attached check box is selected.

Author: riyaj 4 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.9. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

(1) Send For Approval check box is selected.

1.1.10. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

(1) Click to view the Next item

Author: riyaj 5 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.11. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

(1) Click to view the Next item

1.1.12. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

(1) Click to view the Next item

Author: riyaj 6 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.13. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

(1) Click Save

1.1.14. Save Document

(1) Click Save

Author: riyaj 7 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual


(1) Click to Approve RO (FML)

1.1.16. Logon - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Enter User and Password and click on LOG ON

Author: riyaj 8 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.17. Home - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

1.1.18. Home - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

Author: riyaj 9 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.19. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

1.1.20. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Select the desired Draft

Author: riyaj 10 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.21. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

1.1.22. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click to add new workflow

Author: riyaj 11 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.23. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

1.1.24. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click to Approve

Author: riyaj 12 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.25. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click to Add Processor

1.1.26. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Enter Name

Author: riyaj 13 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.27. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click to select the user.

1.1.28. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click OK to proceed.

Author: riyaj 14 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.29. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click to Approve

1.1.30. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

Author: riyaj 15 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.31. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click to Send

1.1.32. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click Send File

Author: riyaj 16 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.33. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click OK

1.1.34. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

The file has been sent to Finance person for review of

 Tax codes
 TDS code
Post approval by Finance, the Release order will move to the next approving person as
per Release Strategy in RO.

(1) Click

Author: riyaj 17 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.35. Logon - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) The Finance person logs in for approval of Release Order.

1.1.36. Home - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

Author: riyaj 18 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.37. Home - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click here .

1.1.38. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Select the PO

Author: riyaj 19 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.39. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click to NAVIGATE

1.1.40. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

and 1 more page - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

Author: riyaj 20 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.41. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

and 1 more page - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

1.1.42. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

and 1 more page - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

Author: riyaj 21 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.43. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

and 1 more page - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

1.1.44. Release order 5400000124 Created by SINGH GURDEEP

and 1 more page - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

Author: riyaj 22 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.45. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

1.1.46. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

Author: riyaj 23 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.47. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

1.1.48. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

Author: riyaj 24 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.49. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

The Final Approver will login into FLM for approving the RPO

1.1.50. Home - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click .

Author: riyaj 25 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.51. Home - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click here

1.1.52. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

Author: riyaj 26 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.53. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

1.1.54. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click

Author: riyaj 27 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.55. File Lifecycle Management - Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Click



Author: riyaj 28 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.57. Purchase Order Print

(1) Select Release Order Vendor Copy

1.1.58. Purchase Order Print

(1) Enter the PO Document Number

Author: riyaj 29 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.59. Purchase Order Print

(1) Click Execute

1.1.60. Print:

(1) Click Print Preview

Author: riyaj 30 2023-06-09

Release Order from Contract - Manual

1.1.61. File Download

(1) Click to OPEN

1.1.62. c85843002E64DBC-5DA8-4539-9E21-C523ED724776}1.pdf
- Profile 1 - Microsoft Edge

(1) Scroll to see the PDF.

Author: riyaj 31 2023-06-09

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