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Interview Prep Pack

Thank you for taking your time to interview with us.

Here are some resources to help you prepare, as well as final tips below.

Technical Interview Prep

Behavioral Question Prep
OCI Core Values

What you can expect from us What we expect from you

We customize each interview loop in advance. Each Respect your confidentiality agreements. We only
interviewer is assigned focus areas to assess, but we know what you tell us, so don’t tell us anything that is
don’t plan our questions beforehand. In rare situations, confidential or in violation of your agreements.
interviewers ask the same questions. Let the interviewer
know that you’ve answered that question already so they Choose examples from your experience. The most
can decide if they want to ask a different question. accurate predictor of future success is past performance,
so structure your answers to highlight what you’ve done.
An interview is a conversation. As the interviewee you’ll Let us know what the situation was, what actions you took,
be doing most of the talking, but we want you to learn and what impact you had on the results.
about us too, so feel free to ask questions.
Provide details. We are a technical organization, so
We’ll be evaluating both technical skill and team understanding the details is important to us. If you provide
fit. Some questions are technical with right and wrong too much detail, we will ask you to bring it up a level.
answers. Some questions defy simple right or wrong
answers but your response helps us understand how you Make yourself comfortable. If you need to take a
approach your work and have handled different situations washroom break or need something to eat or drink, please
in the past. let us know.

Interview debrief. The panel will meet to discuss the

results of your interview. We individually assess your Follow Oracle Careers
candidacy then make a decision as a group. We strive to
avoid bias or groupthink in our hiring decisions, so each
interviewer’s feedback is blind to the other members of the
panel until the debrief meeting.

We’ll get back to you quickly. We strive to provide you

with the results of your interview typically within a week
of the interview. If you have another offer pending or your
situation requires a quick decision, let us know and we’ll
make every effort to accommodate your timing.

Interview feedback. If we decide not to move forward

with your candidacy at this time we will tell you, however
our company policy prevents us from providing detailed
interview feedback to candidates.

Create the future with us

Ace your technical interview
Thank you for considering a career with Oracle Cloud Read up
Infrastructure! We have reimagined what the cloud can do Your own bookshelf, local library, or eReader likely has a
for business, and are looking for a diverse team of creators number of books that can refresh your knowledge with a
who want to influence the future of our gen 2 cloud. quick scan. Cracking the Coding Interview is certainly one
of the most detailed guides available, but here are a few
You are the builder here and, as such, we want to help you other recommendations from our engineers:
show off the best of your abilities throughout the technical
interview process. Know that we’ll be testing your coding • Introduction to Algorithms by Charles E. Leiserson
skills and problem-solving abilities, as well as considering is the classic, but could be augmented by any of the
how well you’ll fit into our company culture. We want to following: The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven S.
see how you think, how you solve a problem, and how you Skiena, Algorithms (4th ed.) by Robert Sedgewick and
embody our values. Kevin Wayne, Algorithms by Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos
Papadimitriou and Umesh Vazirani, or Jeff Erickson’s
How to prepare book-length algorithms notes.
Whether you’re a new coder or an experienced engineer, • P rogramming Pearls by Jon Bentley provides a great
it’s always a good idea to do some prep work before a overview—and for those who really want to go deep,
technical interview. We don’t expect you to spend days there’s always The Art of Computer Programming by
preparing, so we rounded up our best advice from OCI Donald Knuth!
engineers and made a list of (optional) resources that will • O pen data structures textbook is also a solid resource.
help you get up to speed if you need a refresher.
Tune in
Step 1: Refresh on core computer You may also wish to watch lectures on coding
concepts and distributed systems topics. Our engineers
science concepts recommend:
Interviewers will present problems and coding challenges
from an array of topics, so it’s best to re-familiarize yourself • REST API best practices (various sources on the web).
with coding principles such as: • Paxos algorithm:
• D ata structures: lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, • CAP theorem and NOSQL:
sets, tries, graphs watch?v=LW8MBYU_pzQ
• Algorithms: Sorting, Recursion, Searching, Graph and • Martin Fowler’s talk on Intro to NoSQL: https://www.
Tree Algorithms, Dynamic Programming
• Time and space efficiency (big-O analysis) • MIT OCW Introduction to Algorithms:
science/6-006-introduction-to-algorithms-fall-2011 (the
video lectures are excellent)

Create the future with us

Step 2: Practice problems Step 3: Ace the interview
Throughout the process, you’ll be presented with a The big day has come! Now here are some additional tips
problem to solve and asked to present a solution using to ace the live interview process.
code and, time permitting, create a test case. You can solve
coding problems in whichever language you feel most • A sk clarifying questions about requirements. If the
comfortable, unless otherwise noted. Many of the books question isn’t 100% clear to you, please speak up!
above include exercises, as well as these sites: https:// Sometimes there are ways to dramatically simplify a,, https://uva. problem if you can impose a restriction on input, for example.
• Talk through your plan before jumping into code.
Here are a couple examples from our engineers: Remember, we’re mainly trying to figure out how you
think about solving problems, not just how you write
1. W
 rite a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. code. We’re looking to see how you tackle real-world
But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the problems. Communicate; think out loud. Make it
number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For collaborative.
numbers which are multiples of both three and five print • If you get stuck, ask a question. It’s OK to speak up
“FizzBuzz”. during the coding process if you’re not sure of the next
2. Given values of two values n1 and n2 in a Binary Search step in the process.
Tree, find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA). You • Going with the simple, brute-force, sub-optimal
may assume that both the values exist in the tree. solution and then iterating on it for time and/or space
efficiency is perfectly acceptable. In the worst case,
When you’re practicing, try writing out solutions long- having something working that you can give reasonable
hand on paper. This better mimics the conditions of an suggestions for improving beats having an incomplete
interview in most cases, rather than using an IDE with implementation of the perfect solution.
code-completion. Things you struggle to remember • Once you’ve written out something, take a moment to
are good things to review. Also, consider how you would come up with a simple test case and walk through it, if
communicate your work as you go; remember, we want to you have the time. Even if you don’t have time to fully
understand how you solve problems and not just see the walk through a test run, take a minute to talk about how
code. you would test your code.
• With virtual interviews becoming the norm, here are
some bonus tips on how to nail the video interview.

Finally, remember that these resources are optional and to

be used as you wish. However, if this list feels intimidating
in scope, or something you’re not reasonably fresh on, feel
free to request more time to brush up before continuing
your interview process.

Eager for more? Check out these other resources on how

to answer interview questions, avoid common interview
mistakes, and read these top tips from our recruiter.

We look forward to meeting you. Good Luck!

Follow Oracle Careers

Create the future with us

Prepare for behavioral interview questions
During the final interview phase for Oracle Cloud When preparing examples, consider how they align with
Infrastructure, you’ll be asked questions that will the Oracle Cloud Infrastructures core values which are
demonstrate how you would behave in particular work attached in your interview prep packet.
scenarios. This process is designed to help us understand
how you’ve handled situations in the past and how those Also, consider situations when you haven’t succeeded as
might point to your future performance and success. you had hoped. Why did it happen and what did you learn
Behavioral interview questions may be in combination with from that experience?
a technical discussion, but have the added component
of helping us understand how you cope with change, Think of the impact you had in any given situation. Impact
approach learning, and overcome challenges and obstacles. is crucial. How did something specifically benefit from
having you engaged?
When presented with a question that’s behavioral in
nature, think about providing your answers in the following What are you working on right now to enable you to be a
way: STAR. better engineer, software developer, designer, etc.? How
do you strive toward excellence? How do you learn? Are
 ituation. What was the situation? Describe in brief. you proactive in learning? Do you learn by observation, by
(This is the challenge you were facing.) doing, by educating yourself through training, reading, or
 ask. What was the task you were assigned? What classes?
was your responsibility?
A–A ction. What action did you take? Why are you leaving your current role? What do you hope
 esult. What happened because of your action? to gain in your new role? Focus on the positive aspects.

To prepare for these questions, take a moment to think We look forward to hearing all about your experience.
of a number of challenging situations you have faced, Good luck!
such as difficulty with a new technology, project, timeline,
customer, ambiguity, process, or even a team member.

Think of situations where you were challenged with what Follow Oracle Careers
was the right thing to do. What did you do and how did
you handle it?

Create the future with us

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure core values
Put customers first Don’t be a jerk
We exist to satisfy our customers. We do this by listening We are humble in our interactions with everyone we
to them carefully, responding to them promptly, advising encounter. We treat each other with dignity. We seek
them honestly, and exceeding their expectations. We understanding by listening before we speak. We don’t talk
put doing the right thing for customers ahead of doing over each other. We provide others with opportunities to
what they specifically say or ask for. When faced with a succeed, and we give constructive feedback. We help each
choice between what is easy for us and what is good for other. We cultivate empathy.
customers, customers win every time.
Own without ego
Act now, iterate We take responsibility for the state of our team, our
We favor action. Notice something that needs fixing? Fix it. See products, and ourselves. We champion the ideas we
a gap? Fill it. Struggle with a bad process? Improve it. See room believe in. We welcome all help and feedback, and we
for improvement? Grow. We move quickly but deliberately, and recognize and incorporate the best ideas offered. We are
we iterate toward better solutions. We recognize that a grungy the first to admit when we are wrong. We believe that our
solution now is superior to no solution at all. We keep it simple. team can produce far more together than we can as lone
We don’t discuss endlessly, and we are scientific in our approach. individuals. When we notice a problem we either fix it
We offer solutions, not problem statements. ourselves or find another owner. We never say, “That’s not
my job.”
Nail the basics
We focus on fundamentals over flash. We recognize Earn trust, give trust
when we don’t have the basics in place, and we diligently We build trust by communicating openly and
work to fill the gaps. We recognize that the path to transparently. We give trust easily, and we recognize that
advanced solutions always runs through the basics. We trusting each other is essential to our success. We act
focus our conversations and our products on what is responsibly, and we trust others to also be responsible.
currently appropriate. We make forward progress despite We don’t let occasional failures and differences in work
not having complete information or perfect solutions. styles undermine our trust. We learn from failures rather
than seeking to place blame, and we don’t invoke rank to
Expect and embrace change convince others we are right.

We accept change as a given. We value people who

align quickly with current priorities, who have situational Take pride in your work
awareness, and who are willing to adapt. We are not We strive for excellence in all that we do, and we take
limited to priorities we set in the past. We do not hang pride in our progress. We do our best when we are proud
on to outdated processes and goals, and we promote or of what we do. We identify work that needs to be done to
accept new ideas fearlessly. We embrace change as an achieve our team goals, and we communicate those goals
opportunity for growth and greater success. well to the broader organization. We take responsibility
for either changing our work or changing ourselves
when we don’t find pride in our work. We invest broadly
Take risks, remain calm in things that allow us to excel at our jobs, dominate in
the marketplace, and delight our customers. We achieve
We take risks because they are necessary to our
things of value, and we value our achievements.
success; not taking risks is the biggest risk of all. We
are logical and data-driven in assessing our risks. We react
to unexpected situations by remaining calm, and then
making and executing mitigation plans. We recognize that
learning from our failures is part of our path to success. Follow Oracle Careers

Create the future with us

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