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Cybercrime involves criminal activities conducted using digital technology or the internet. In the
Philippines, the main legislation addressing cybercrime is the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
(Republic Act No. 10175). This law aims to prevent and address various forms of cybercrime, such as
hacking, cyber threat, and identity theft, by providing legal provisions and establishing mechanisms for
investigation and prosecution.
These are the following examples of cybercrime.

1. Phishing – (ID Maliit na Hook)

it is a deceptive technique used by cybercriminals to trick individuals into revealing

sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, or financial details. The small hook
symbolizes the bait used to lure unsuspecting victims, often through fraudulent emails or websites
designed to resemble legitimate ones. Phishing attacks can lead to identity theft, financial fraud,
or unauthorized access to personal accounts.

2. Data Breaches – (Data)

It occurs when unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive information, such as
personal data, financial records, or intellectual property. These breaches can happen due to
security vulnerabilities, malware infections, or targeted attacks. The exposure of sensitive data
puts individuals' privacy at risk and can lead to identity theft, fraud, or reputational damage.

3. Money Laundering – (Money with Bank Account)

It is the process of making illegally obtained funds appear legitimate by disguising their
origin. The image of money with a bank account represents the integration of illicit funds into the
financial system through complex transactions. Money laundering is a significant concern as it
enables criminals to profit from their illegal activities while posing risks to the integrity of the
financial sector.

4. Cyber Espionage – (Private with Spider)

It involves covert activities where individuals or organizations gather sensitive or

confidential information from targets, such as governments, corporations, or individuals. The
image of "private" with a spider symbolizes the secretive nature of such operations, highlighting
the use of sophisticated techniques to infiltrate networks, steal data, or monitor communications.
Cyber espionage poses significant threats to national security, intellectual property, and individual

5. Hacking - (Admin Login)

It refers to unauthorized access to computer systems or networks. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities

in security defenses, often targeting weak passwords or system misconfigurations. The image of
an admin login represents the goal of gaining administrative privileges, allowing hackers to
control or manipulate the targeted system. Hacking activities can result in data breaches, service
disruptions, or the compromise of sensitive information.

6. Malware – (System Error)

It is malicious software designed to disrupt or damage computer systems. It can be

delivered through various means, such as infected email attachments, compromised websites, or
malicious downloads. The image of a system error represents the potential consequences of
malware infections, including system crashes, data corruption, or unauthorized access. Malware
includes viruses, worms, ransomware, and other types of harmful software.

7. Cyber Threat – (Mail with skull )

It A cyber threat refers to a potential danger or risk in the digital realm. The image of an
envelope with a skull represents the malicious intent behind cyber threats, often delivered through
deceptive emails or messages. Cyber threats can encompass various forms of attacks, including
malware infections, phishing attempts, or targeted hacking. It emphasizes the need for vigilance
and proactive cybersecurity measures to protect against such threats.

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