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GRADE: ____________ SUBJECT:___________

NAME:______________ DATE:_____________

Q1. Fill in the blanks

1. ___________ is the smallest union territory of India.

2. ___________ is the largest state of India.
3. India has _________ neighbouring countries.
4. A piece of land which has water on three sides is called as ____________.
5. ______________ sea lies in the west of India.

Q2. Match the following

1. Chandigarh a. Puducherry
2. Puducherry b. Leh
3. Ladakh c. Chandigarh
4. Tripura d. Dispur
5. Assam e. Agartala

Q3. Choose the correct answer

1. Which of the following is the capital city of India ?

a. Delhi b. Goa
c. Mizoram d. Rajasthan
2. What is rank of India in terms of population ?
a. 1st b. 5th
c. 2 d. 7th

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