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I agree with Johnson’s belief that the government has a responsibility to care for the aged and

underprivileged. The elderly and underprivileged are the weakest members of society and may not be
able to care for themselves. The government can help by providing additional money, healthcare and
other social services.

There are several reasons why the government should care for the aged and underprivileged. First it is
the morally right thing to do. All people deserve to chance to live normally, in spite of their age or
income. Second a strong social safety is very important. When the elderly and underprivileged are
satisfied, they are more likely to be healthy and productive members of society. This will increase the
number of workers in companies. Third helping people financially will decrease the amount of crimes. If
you have enough money you will have less motivation for committing a crime.

The Great Society included many successful programs that continue to help Americans today. Medicare
and Medicaid provide health insurance to a great amount of elderly and underprivileged Americans. The
Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides funding for public schools and helps to ensure that all
children have access to education. The Head Start program provides early childhood education for low
income children.

The Great Society was the turning point in American history. The programs created during this era
continue to improve the lives of millions of Americans. I believe that the government has a moral
obligation to care for the aged and underprivileged, and the Great Society programs are a real example
of how the government can effectively deal with poverty.

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