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Vocabulary from the environment:

-Environmental degradation(n): the process or fact of the environment
becoming worse (suy thoái môi trường)
-An ecological crisis(n): a serious situation that occurs when the environment
of a species or a population changes in a way that destabilizes its continued
survival (khủng hoảng hệ sinh thái)
-Environmentally friendly(a): behaviour or products that do not harm the
environment(thân thiện với môi trường)
-To cut down on emissions(phrase): to reduce the amount of gases sent out
into the air
-To reduce the dependence/reliance on fossil fuels: to decrease people’s
consumption of fossil fuels, like oil, coal, or gas
-Habitat destruction: the process that occurs when a natural habitat, like a
forest or wetland, is changed so dramatically by humans that plants and
animals which live there no longer survive.
-Toxic waste(n): poisonous, unwanted waste produced by factories.(rác thải
độc hại)
-Biodegradable(a): Most plastics are not biodegradable, and remain as waste
products in the environment for thousands of years (có tính phân hủy sinh học)
-To deplete natural resources (v): to reduce the amount of natural resources
-To stem from (v): to be caused by
Example: Scientists say that global warming partly stems from the increase
in car exhaust emissions.
-To alleviate environmental problems (n): to make bad environmental
problems less severe.
Example: Everyone can assist in the effort to alleviate environmental issues
in the local community through simple actions such as recycling waste or
planting a tree in their garden.
Vocabulary from technology
-To become obsolete: to be no longer used because something new has been
-Advances in technology: the improvement or development in technology.
Vocabulary from the government:
-To provide funding for to give money to enable something to be done.
Example: Providing funding for health care must be a priority of
-Incalculable [adjective]: so large or great that it cannot be calculated.
Example: The COVID-19 virus has caused incalculable suffering for millions
of people.
-To campaign for something: to take part in a series of activities in order to
achieve a specific aim.
Example: People who are concerned about the environment should
campaign for stricter controls on pollution.(khởi động 1 chiến dịch)
to allocate resources to to make money and materials available to do
something (phân bổ nguồn tài nguyên)
-To follow suit=to follow tendency=tend to do sth:làm theo, bắt chước theo xu
-To be poverty-stricken (a): to be extremely poor, having almost no money.
 Example: Many non-government organizations work with people who are
poverty-stricken in developing countries.
-To integrate into society (v): to become accepted as a member of a social
group, especially when a person comes from a different
Example: Children from minority groups often find it easy to integrate into
society because they attend schools that are multicultural.
-To be inadequate to cope with (v): not good enough to deal with a problem.
🡪 Example: The rapid growth of cities has meant that urban infrastructure,
such as housing, water, and waste disposal services have been inadequate to
cope with the demands of an increasing population.
-Squalid(a) /ˈskwɒlɪd/=filthy: very dirty and unpleasant.
-To endure squalid living conditions (v): filthy and unpleasant conditions in
which to live(chịu đựng điều kiện sống bẩn)
Example: Newcomers to a city are often forced to endure squalid living
-The housing stock (n): all the houses available for living in.
Example: The inadequate housing stock in most cities has resulted in high
rents, overcrowded living conditions, and the growth of slum areas.
-To introduce restrictions on (v): to limit what people can do or what can
 Example: The government must introduce restrictions on smoking in public
-A stopgap measure (n)=a temporary measure: a policy or action adopted for a
short time until some more permanent solution is found.
Example: Building more prisons will not solve the problem of rising crime
rates, but it is a stopgap measure that the government must take to protect
ordinary citizens.
Vocabulary from work
-Labour-intensive (a): (of work) needing a lot of people to do it. (cần nhiều
nhân lực)
🡪Example: New technology has replaced the need for workers to do many
-Labour-intensive jobs, such as producing cars.
-Capital-intensive(a): of a business, an industry, etc.) needing large amounts of
money in order to operate well (cần nhiều vốn).
-a mass exodus(n)=emmigration(n): the movement of a lot of people from a
place (cuộc di cư)
-Flock(v)(to): to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers.
-a sense of alienation (n): the feeling that you have no connection with the
people around you (cảm giác sự xa lánh)
🡪ex: Unfortunately, urbanization also creates a sense of alienation in people.
• a concrete jungle (n): a way to describe a city that is unpleasant because it
has many large modern buildings and few parks, trees or green spaces.
🡪 Example: Children growing up in a concrete jungle will never experience the
sights and smells of the countryside.
-a feeling of community (n): the feeling of sharing things and belonging to a
group in the place where you live.
🡪 Example: Cities can be very lonely places, where a feeling of community
does not exist and people do not even know their neighbours.
Vocabulary from family and children:
-ties of kinship (n): the fact of being related in a family, with links of friendship
and assistance to other family members.(mối quan hệ bà con họ hàng)
🡪 Example: In the modern world, people are always moving to a new place to
live, and this has weakened traditional ties of kinship.
-a close-knit family (n): a family having strong relationships with each other,
helping with problems, and enjoying a lot of time together.
🡪 Example: Children who come from a close-knit family generally perform well
at school and enjoy a happy childhood.
Other vocabulary:
-Indigenous(a) /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/=native:bản địa.
-to be incompatible with (v): not able to exist or work with another person or
thing because of basic differences.
🡪 Example: The way of life of indigenous peoples is incompatible with modern
-Catastrophe(n)=disaster:thảm họa.
-go hand-in-hand with [expression]: to be closely connected with, and one
thing may be the cause of the other. (đi cùng với)=associated with.
🡪 Example: Unemployment often goes hand-in-hand with poverty and crime.
 Traditional = conventional = orthodox: theo truyền thống
 Beneficial = favorable = advantageous: có lợi
 Harmful = damaging = detrimental = injurious = deleterious: có hại
 Helpful = accommodating = obliging: có ích
 Suitable = appropriate = timely = opportune: thích hợp, đúng thời điểm
 Rich = well-off = wealthy = prosperous = affluent: giàu có
 Poor = badly-off = impoverished = penniless = needy: nghèo khó
 Very big = enormous = tremendous = immense = giant = sizeable = vast =
massive: to lớn
 Very small = tiny = minute = miniature = microscopic: vô cùng nhỏ bé
 Significant = considerable = notable = marked = substantial: đáng kể
 Modest = moderate = small: vừa phải
 Acceptable = satisfactory = reasonable = adequate: đủ tốt
 Famous = well-known = celebrated = renowned =
noted=ubiquitous=prevalent: nổi tiếng
 Infamous = notorious: tai tiếng
 Difficult = hard = challenging = tough: khó khăn
 Time-consuming = laborious: tốn nhiều thời gian
 Strenuous = arduous = onerous = demanding: cần nhiều nỗ lực
 Effective = efficacious: hiệu quả
 Understanding = sympathetic = compassionate: thấu hiểu
 Kind = thoughtful = considerate: tốt bụng, biết nghĩ cho người khác
 Unemployed = jobless: thất nghiệp
 Hard-working = industrious = diligent: chăm chỉ
 Clear = obvious = apparent = noticeable = visible = tangible: rõ ràng
 Prone = liable = susceptible: có khả năng bị ảnh hưởng (bởi thứ gì xấu)
 Generous = munificent: hào phóng, rộng lượng
 Lavish = extravagant = luxurious = sumptuous: xa xỉ, đắt đỏ
 Weird = strange = peculiar = bizarre = curious: kỳ lạ, khó hiểu
 Successive = consecutive: liên tiếp
 competent = able = skilled = capable: có kĩ năng (để làm gì đó tốt)
 Doubtful = dubious = uncertain: nghi ngờ.
 A multitude of= a variety of= a lot of nhiều
 Deleterious(a)=adverse=detrimental=debilitating+effect:hiệu ứng xấu
 Debilitate(v)=weaken, deteriorate=exacerbate=take a heavy toll on làm
yếu,xấu đi
 Determine(v)=decide: quyết định
 Excessive(a)=too many, too much
 Broaden horizons= expand the range of interest and knowledge.
 Put heavy pressure on=pressurize(v)
 Be prone to=be likely to= be susceptible to=tend to=be inclined to=be easily
swayed by: dễ bị ảnh hưởng, dễ làm theo.
 Generate income=earn a living=make a living=earn a fortune:kiếm tiền
 Coupled with=come hand in hand with: đi đôi với
 associated with=be related to: liên quan tới.
 expose to(v):tiếp xúc với
 over the long haul=in the long term: về mặt lâu dài.
 Entice(v)=persuade=incentivise:khuyến khích.
 Produce=make=manufacture=generate(v): tạo ra
 Poor people=the poor=people who live in slum area/live in miserable
conditions=underprivileged people.
 Rich people=the rich=the wealthy= the prosperous/affluent people:
 Teacher= educator= instructor= mentor= lecturer= professor= pedagogue:
 Children= minors= juveniles= adolescent= a child

Word for writing task 1

1. Introduction.(mở bài)
The chart(s)+ give(s) information about/illustrate(s)+how much/many +S+V+
2. Overall. (đoạn sau mở bài, tiếp nối đó mới là thân bài)
a) Line/bar/pie/table: (biểu đồ cột, đường, tròn)
-Normal (cho đề cho số liệu bình thường, tăng, giảm hoặc có biến động)
+Overall, there was a quick increase in the daily amount of…, while a
gradual/steady/substantial decline in (product: san pham) was seen in
(country, people,…), and (country) experienced a slight fluctuation.

+Overall,[measurement] witnessed an upward trend during …period starting

from…, while the main theme of [measurement] was a downward trend.
[measurement] dominated the chart in terms of…/ held the lion’s share.

-Nếu có giảm hoặc fluctuate trong thời kì nhưng nhìn chung nó vẫn tăng/giảm:
Overall, despite significant decreases in the latter half/in the middle of the
period, there was an overall increase in the proportion of (product in the
table), while mild fluctuations were seen in the figure for…

-Nếu có 5 cái tăng, 1 cái giảm or vice versa (ngược lại):

Overall, there were increases in the number of/the proportion of/ the share
of/the percentage of…, apart from the case in…
-Nếu tất cả đều tăng hoặc giảm:
Overall, there were increases/decreases in…., with the most significant rise
being in the figure for/ with the most dramatic rise being in the figure for…
b)Map(cho bản đồ so sánh 2 bên)
Overall, these changes were marked with [overall trends], strikingly evident in
[striking features]
*overall trends: urbanization, industrialization, modernization.

*striking features: higher building density, expansion of the industrial complex,

shrinking of, appearance/emergence of new amenities (shopping center,
cinema park, civic infrastructure)
c) Process (quá trình sản xuất 1 thứ gì đó)
-Linear: Overall,… undergoes a…-stage process to become…, in which… are the
most remarkable.
-Non-linear: Overall, the mechanism of the process is to generate… using N,
with N being used as an input fuel. This design is characterized by the
involvement of…
-Natural process: Overall, there are … stages in the life cycle of (animals),
starting with eggs and continuing until they become fully-grown adults.
3. Body (important words) (những từ quan trọng hay xài trong thân bài)
-increase=growth=rise=jump(n): tăng lên
increase, go up, climb, soar, surge, make a recovery (tăng trở lại mức nào
đó), bounce back to
-decrease=drop=decline=fall(n): giảm
decrease, fall, drop, reduce, go down, plummet (fall sharply): giảm xuống
-fluctuate(v)-fluctuation(n)=hover around…%: biến động khoảng nhiêu phần
-Reach a peak/low of=hit a high/trough of: rớt xuống đáy/ tăng đỉnh điểm
Hit the lowest point of= drop to a nadir of: giảm xuống thấp nhất
-remain unchanged/stable=plateau=hit a plateau: ổn định
-respectively=in that order=in respective figures=in turn= for each: tương ứng,
tương đương
-Similarly, also, meanwhile, in the meantime: tương tự, trong khi đó
-significant(a)=considerable, sharply, substantial, dramatic: đáng kể
-Slight(a)=slow, gradual, marginal: một khoảng nhỏ không đáng kể
-Follow by= trail behind: theo sau đó
-Trend=trajectories: xu hướng
-converge= reach the same number/percentage: giao nhau tại mức nào đó
*3.1: Body ( how to begin a body: cách mở đầu của thân bài)
-In term of + N: về mặt nào đó
-For + N: về khía cạnh nào đó
-Looking first of all at + N: đầu tiên nhìn về mục nào đó
-Turning to + N: chuyển sang mục khác

4. Describe changes (MAP):

Không thay remain unchanged/show no sign of change
Sự thay đổi converted, redeveloped, renovate, relocate, modernize

Xây dựng construct, build, add, erect, plant, emerge, come into being,
lên spring up

Cải dụng repurpose, turn into, make into, replace

Thu hẹp shrink, reduce in size, scale down, diminish, shorten,
dwindle( làm suy yếu, hao mòn), narrow

Biến mất remove, deconstruct, demolish(bị phá hủy), vanish(biến mất),

destroy, devastate(bị tàn phá), cut down, disappear
Mở rộng expand, extend, enlarge, widen, scale up, broaden
Phương North(n)-northern(a): hướng bắc
hướng South(n)-southern(a): hướng nam
East(n)-eastern(a): hướng đông
West(n)-western(a): hướng tây
Northeast(n)-northeastern(a): hướng đông bắc
Southeast(n)-southeastern(a): hướng đông nam
Northwest(n)-northwestern(a): hướng tây bắc
Southwest(n)-southwestern(a): hướng tây nam


-in this day and age/ as the 21 century unfolds/In the eyes of some

1.1:THESIS (câu thông báo vấn đề cần bàn luận, sau mở bài nằm ở trên mở
bài luôn)
a) Causes-effects-solutions: (nguyên nhân, kết quả, giải pháp)
-[CS]: This essay examines how [problems] become the core culprit of this
phenomenon, thereby proposing proper interventions from the government to
slow down the process.
b) Discuss both views and give your opinion: (bàn luận 2 mặt của vấn đề)
-This essay would provide a comprehensive analysis of both arguments,
thereby highlighting my advocacy that…
c) Do you agree or disagree: (đồng ý hay không đồng ý với quan điểm đó)
-This essay asserts my agreement/ disagreement with this proposal when
considering… and… perspectives.
-[The best way]: Although this is lauded as the ultimate solution for traffic and
environmental issues, this essay aims to explore better approaches involving…
d) Advantages outweigh disadvantages: (lợi hại của 1 vấn đề nào đó)
-This essay proves that the advantages would eclipse the disadvantages as it
exerts a far more positive influence on…and…
e)positive or negative: (mặt tích cực, tiêu cực của vấn đề)
-This essay highlights my optimism about this trend as it promises economic
benefits and…
+Giới thiệu luận điểm (introducing points)
 To start with: Bắt đầu với …..
 First-second-third:
 Furthermore, In addition, On top of that, Besides Hơn nữa, Ngoài ra, Thêm
vào đó….
 Another point worth noting is…/ Another factor to consider is….: Một điểm
nữa đáng để chú ý đó là ……/ Một yếu tố khác cần lưu ý đó là …….
 Lastly,…/Finally,…./ Last but not least…: Cuối cùng,…../Cuối cùng……/ Cuối
cùng nhưng không kém quan trọng……
+Trình bày ý tưởng (presenting ideas) và Đưa ví dụ (giving examples)
 When it comes to + noun/gerund …: Khi nói đến + danh từ/ động từ thêm –
 In terms of noun/gerund …: Về + danh từ/ động từ thêm – ing
 Not only….but also…..: Không những….. mà còn….
 For instance …. / For example…../such as : ví dụ…./ ví dụ….
+Chỉ ra kết quả (expressing result & reason)
 As a result, …./As a result of….: Kết quả là …….
 …has led to…/ …has resulted in …. :…. đã dẫn đến….
 Consequently, …./ Therefore,….: Do đó, …. / Vì vậy, …..
+Thể hiện sự đối lập (contrasting)
 Although/ Even though subject + verb,….: Mặc dù + Chủ từ + Động từ ……
 Despite/ In spite of + noun/gerund,….: Mặc dù/ Bất chấp + Danh từ/ động
từ thêm – ing
 On the one hand….. on the other hand….: Một mặt….mặt khác…..
 However, …./ Nevertheless,…./ Even so …. : Tuy nhiên,…./Tuy nhiên,…./ Dù
sao đi nữa,….
+Nêu quan điểm (opinion)
 As far as I’m concerned, …..: Theo những gì tôi quan tâm,…..
 From my point of view,…. : Theo quan điểm của tôi,……
 In my opinion, ….: Theo ý kiến của tôi,….
To sum up, …./ In conclusion, …: Tóm lại,…./ Kết luận,….

Từ nối thường dùng trong IELTS WRITING

-On account of: bởi vì -Nevertheless: tuy nhiên
-On the grounds that:bởi vì -Nonetheless: dù sao
-Contrary to: trái ngược hoàn toàn -In contrast with: trái lại
với -Conversely: ngược lại
-In other words: nói theo cách khác -In the event of: trong trường hợp
-In general: nói chung -By virtue of: bởi vì
-In particular: nói riêng
-Espcially: đặc biệt -In lieu of: thay cho
-As long as: miễn là -Instead of: thay vì
-Definitely: chắc chắn là -Whatever happens: dù cho gì xảy
-To illustrate: để minh họa cho ra
-Thus: vì vậy -No matter what: cho dù
-Hence: vì thế -In addition to: thêm nữa
-Accordingly: do đó -In the name of: đại diện cho


1. To be picked: được hái 2. To be harvested: được thu hoạch
Ex: At the first stage of the Ex: First, oranges are harvested before
process, strawberries are being washed
picked by hand
3. To be collected: được thu 4. To be ground into powder: được nghiền
gom thành bột
Ex: Next, waste paper is Ex: The dried beans are then ground into
collected and sent to the powder
5. To be dried in the sun: 6. To be cleaned/washed: được làm sạch,
được phơi nắng được rửa
Ex: After being washed, Ex: After the plastic bottles are collected,
green tea leaves are dried in they are cleaned
the sun
7. To be roasted: được rang 8. To be fermented: được lên men
khô Ex: Red wine is fermented at a high
Ex: At the following stage, temperature
those coffee beans are
9. To be put in sth: được bỏ 10. To be sorted: được phân loại
vào Ex: rubbish is then separated and sorted
Ex: these nuts are put in a into plastics, glass, and paper
grinder where they are
11. To be molded: được đúc 12. To be boiled: được đun sôi
khuôn Ex: the mixture is boiled at 100 Celsius
Ex: the clay is molded into degree
the desired shape
13. To be frozen: được cấp 14.To be cooled: được làm lạnh
đông Ex: after being roasted, coffee beans are
Ex: the fish is then frozen cooled quickly
and kept in cold storage
15. To be removed: được loại 16. To be delivered/transported/sent/taken
bỏ somewhere
Ex: these beans are Ex: at the final stage, finished products
crushed and the outer shells delivered to stores
are removed

Công thức viết IELTS WRITING TASK 2 hay

BAC: B ( do A làm ) dẫn đến C
Ex: When many people migrate to cities, the price of housing and goods will
increase, so many residents will have difficulties making ends meet(ABC)
The price hike in housing and goods resulting from the migration to cities
can cause many residents to have difficulties making ends meet.
1. Piece of cake= easy: dễ 2. Break a leg= 3. Hit the hay/ 4. Bury the hatchet: chấm
dàng, đơn giản good luck: chúc sack= go to dứt mâu thuẫn
may mắn sleep: đi ngủ
5. On cloud nine= over the 6. Cost an arm and 7. Let the cat out 8. Kick the bucket= pass
moon= estatic= like the dog a leg= expensive= of the bag= spill out: ngủm củ tỏi
with two tails= elated= exorbitant: đắt, the bean: tiết lộ
joyful: vui mừng, hạnh tốn tiền bí mật
9. When pigs fly: không có 10. Couch potato= 11. Get the taste 12. Rule of thumb: quy tắc
thật a lazy person: of your own phổ thông
người lười biếng medicine: gậy
ông đập lưng ông
13. Butter someone up= 14. A dime a 15. All ears: lắng 16. Break the ice: phá vỡ
flatter someone: nịnh ai đó dozen= famous= nghe bầu không khí tĩnh lặng
noted= well-
acclaimed: nổi
17. Burn the midnight oil: 18. Don’t cry over 19. Hit the nail 20. Take the rain check:
thức đêm spilled milk: đừng on the head: nói hoãn lại hôm sau
bùn vì chuyện đã chính xác
21. The apple of my eye: 22. Two peas in a 22. When in 23. The more, the merrier:
người đặc biệt pod: giống nhau y rome, do as càng đông, càng vui
đúc romans do: nhập
gia tùy tục
24. A blessing in disguise: 25. Kill two birds 26. Actions speak 27. At the drop of a hat=
trong cái rủi có cái may with one stone: louder than immediately: ngay lập tức
một công đôi việc words: hành
động hơn lời nói
28. Beat around the bush: 29. Better late 30. Get the ball 31. Caught between a rock
vòng vo than never: thà rolling: bắt đầu and a hard place: trong tình
muộn còn hơn việc gì đó huống khó khăn
32. (To make/cut a) long 33. On the same 34. Save it for a 35. Two heads are better
story short: nói tóm gọn page= on the rainy day: tiết than one: hai thì luôn tốt
same boat: chung kiệm cho tương hơn một
chí hướng lai
36. Call it a day: kết thúc 37. Don’t count 38. Bend over 39. Go extra mile: cố gắng
công việc your chickens backwards: cố hết sức
before thay hatch: gắng
nói trước bước
không qua
40. Hit the book: học bài 41. Get a kick out 42. With flying 43. A drop in the ocean: tốn
of something: cảm colors: vượt qua công vô ích
thấy hứng thú khi với điểm số cao
làm gì đó
44. Keep one’s chin up: 45. Under the 46. Early bird: 47. A night owl: cú đêm
luôn lạc quan weather= sick: bị người dậy sớm
48. Worth every penny: 49. Be hard- 50. Be sick to 51. Up to my ears: công việc
đáng từng xu pressed to do sth: death of/ doing ngập đầu
cảm thấy khó sth: thấy chán khi
khăn khi làm gì đó làm gì đó
52. Put yourself in 53. At all cost: 54. Down-to- 55. Full of beans: nhiều
somebody’s shoes: đặt bằng bất cứ giá earth= pratical: năng lượng
mình trong hoàn cảnh nào người thực tế
người khác
56. Once in a blue moon: 57. Be a far cry 58. before 59. Make my day: làm cho
dịp hiếm có from= be different long=it was not tuôi zui
from: rất khác so after+ time
với expression:
chẳng bao lâu
60. Down in the dumps= 61. A shrinking 62. Out of the 63. Be blown away by sth: bị
depressed= feel blue= violet: người ngại blue= choáng ngợp bởi gì đó
miserable= pessimistic= ngùng unexpectedly:
desolate= despondent= be bất ngờ, đột ngột
fed up with: cảm thấy
buồn, tổn thương
64. On the edge of my 65. To have a 66. Pratice make 67. Don’t judge a book by
seat= exciting= thrilled: hào whale of time: có perfect: có công its cover: đừng coi thường
hứng khoảng thời gian mài sắt, có ngày chủ tịch và cái kết
tuyệt vời thành kim


Dạng 1: Đề bài cho ít nhất hai bản đồ của cùng 1 địa điểm (maybe tòa nhà,
thành phố, bảo tàng, thư viện,...) qua các năm. Cách làm là so sánh và đối
chiếu điểm giống và khác nhau giữa các bản đồ, đồng thời nêu ra nhận xét về
sự thay đổi của địa điểm. Chú ý, trong dạng này, các mốc thời gian là trong quá
khứ, hiện tại và cả tương lai.

Dạng 2: Map không có sự thay đổi theo thời gian

-Gồm một bản đồ mô tả địa điểm cụ thể nào đó, không có yếu tố thời gian. Đề
bài yêu cầu so sánh hai khu vực 1 và 2 dựa trên: vị trí địa lý, cơ sở hạ tầng, khu
dân cư, đường sá,... để xây dựng trường học, nhà hàng, siêu thị.

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