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Based on the following report, upon reviewing the statement of facts, identify what are the potential
issues surrounding the case that raised some suspicions that it's a foul play.


Potential issues surrounding the case that raise suspicions of foul play are:

- Burned Evidence: Abby burning the bed sheet used in hanging and the alleged suicide note, despite
police investigators requesting preservation, raises concerns about potential destruction of crucial

- Hasty Burial: Sonny's burial before an autopsy could be conducted, especially when his relatives
wanted one, raises questions about transparency and thorough investigation.

- Reluctance for Exhumation: Abby vehemently opposing the exhumation of Sonny's body for autopsy,
and later suing those responsible, adds to suspicions of attempts to prevent a detailed examination of
the cause of death.

- Conflicting Ligature Marks: Sonny's brother, Jun, claiming the mark on Sonny’s neck was from a rope,
not the bed sheets, introduces a conflict with the initial findings, suggesting potential inconsistencies or

- Fear of Revealing Information: Turing's fear of harm from Abby’s father if he revealed information
about the incident implies possible external pressure or intimidation within the family.

- Financial Disputes: Charo's claim that Sonny confided in her about Abby issuing checks without his
knowledge introduces financial disputes that may have contributed to the motive for foul play.

- Prosecutor's Findings: The investigating prosecutor finding probable cause to charge Abby with
parricide and others with murder indicates a belief in a coordinated effort to kill Sonny and cover up the

- Intoxication Argument: The prosecutor's rejection of the suicide theory based on inconsistencies with
medico-legal findings, suggesting Sonny might have been too intoxicated to be aware of being strangled,
raises questions about the credibility of the suicide hypothesis.

2. 1. Based on the following report, upon reviewing the statement of facts, identify what are the
potential issues surrounding the case that raised some suspicions that it's a foul play.


Potential issues surrounding the case that raise suspicions of foul play are:

- Burned Evidence: Abby burning the bed sheet used in hanging and the alleged suicide note, despite
police investigators requesting preservation, raises concerns about potential destruction of crucial
- Hasty Burial: Sonny's burial before an autopsy could be conducted, especially when his relatives
wanted one, raises questions about transparency and thorough investigation.

- Reluctance for Exhumation: Abby vehemently opposing the exhumation of Sonny's body for autopsy,
and later suing those responsible, adds to suspicions of attempts to prevent a detailed examination of
the cause of death.

- Conflicting Ligature Marks: Sonny's brother, Jun, claiming the mark on Sonny’s neck was from a rope,
not the bed sheets, introduces a conflict with the initial findings, suggesting potential inconsistencies or

- Fear of Revealing Information: Turing's fear of harm from Abby’s father if he revealed information
about the incident implies possible external pressure or intimidation within the family.

- Financial Disputes: Charo's claim that Sonny confided in her about Abby issuing checks without his
knowledge introduces financial disputes that may have contributed to the motive for foul play.

- Prosecutor's Findings: The investigating prosecutor finding probable cause to charge Abby with
parricide and others with murder indicates a belief in a coordinated effort to kill Sonny and cover up the

- Intoxication Argument: The prosecutor's rejection of the suicide theory based on inconsistencies with
medico-legal findings, suggesting Sonny might have been too intoxicated to be aware of being strangled,
raises questions about the credibility of the suicide hypothesis.

2. 2. If you were the investigator on the case, what could you have done better to dispel any suspicions
and ensure the proper resolution of the case?

As the investigator on this case, a more thorough and transparent approach would have been crucial.
First, I would have ensured the preservation of all relevant evidence, preventing the destruction of the
bed sheet, alleged suicide note, and any other potential items. Additionally, I would have prioritized
conducting a timely and comprehensive autopsy before the burial, addressing the concerns of Sonny's
relatives. Clear communication with the family and addressing their suspicions promptly could have built
trust in the investigative process. If there were disputes or fears within the family, efforts to provide a
safe environment for witnesses to come forward would be essential. Collaborating with independent
forensic experts and maintaining objectivity in evaluating all leads would be crucial to dispelling
suspicions and ensuring a thorough, unbiased resolution of the case.

As the investigator on the case, to dispel suspicions and ensure a proper resolution, I could have:

- Preserved Evidence: Ensured the preservation of crucial evidence, such as the bed sheet and alleged
suicide note, following established protocols to maintain their integrity for a thorough examination.
- Delayed Burial: Advised against the hasty burial of Sonny, emphasizing the importance of an autopsy
and addressing the concerns of the relatives who wanted a detailed investigation.

- Transparent Communication: Clearly communicated the necessity of exhumation to Abby, addressing

concerns and providing a transparent explanation for the autopsy to ensure cooperation and prevent
legal challenges.

-Independent Autopsy: Facilitated an independent autopsy conducted by a neutral party to address any
skepticism and increase the credibility of the findings.

- Witness Protection: Ensured a safe environment for potential witnesses like Turing, encouraging them
to come forward without fear of harm or intimidation.

- Financial Investigation: Investigated the financial disputes mentioned by Charo to understand their
relevance to the case and determine if they played a role in the motive for foul play.

- Thorough Interrogations: Conducted thorough interrogations of all involved parties to uncover any
inconsistencies or hidden information that might shed light on the circumstances leading to Sonny's

- Collaboration with Experts: Collaborated with forensic experts and other specialists to validate or
challenge the initial medico-legal findings, ensuring a comprehensive and unbiased analysis.

- Legal Procedures: Adhered strictly to legal procedures, avoiding any appearance of impropriety and
ensuring that the investigation was conducted with the highest level of professionalism.

- Regular Updates to Family: Maintained regular communication with Sonny's family, providing updates
on the investigation's progress and addressing their concerns to build trust in the investigative process.

As the investigator on this case, a more thorough and transparent approach would have been crucial.
First, I would have ensured the preservation of all relevant evidence, preventing the destruction of the
bed sheet, alleged suicide note, and any other potential items. Additionally, I would have prioritized
conducting a timely and comprehensive autopsy before the burial, addressing the concerns of Sonny's
relatives. Clear communication with the family and addressing their suspicions promptly could have built
trust in the investigative process. If there were disputes or fears within the family, efforts to provide a
safe environment for witnesses to come forward would be essential. Collaborating with independent
forensic experts and maintaining objectivity in evaluating all leads would be crucial to dispelling
suspicions and ensuring a thorough, unbiased resolution of the case.
As the investigator on the case, to dispel suspicions and ensure a proper resolution, I could have:

- Preserved Evidence: Ensured the preservation of crucial evidence, such as the bed sheet and alleged
suicide note, following established protocols to maintain their integrity for a thorough examination.

- Delayed Burial: Advised against the hasty burial of Sonny, emphasizing the importance of an autopsy
and addressing the concerns of the relatives who wanted a detailed investigation.

- Transparent Communication: Clearly communicated the necessity of exhumation to Abby, addressing

concerns and providing a transparent explanation for the autopsy to ensure cooperation and prevent
legal challenges.

-Independent Autopsy: Facilitated an independent autopsy conducted by a neutral party to address any
skepticism and increase the credibility of the findings.

- Witness Protection: Ensured a safe environment for potential witnesses like Turing, encouraging them
to come forward without fear of harm or intimidation.

- Financial Investigation: Investigated the financial disputes mentioned by Charo to understand their
relevance to the case and determine if they played a role in the motive for foul play.

- Thorough Interrogations: Conducted thorough interrogations of all involved parties to uncover any
inconsistencies or hidden information that might shed light on the circumstances leading to Sonny's

- Collaboration with Experts: Collaborated with forensic experts and other specialists to validate or
challenge the initial medico-legal findings, ensuring a comprehensive and unbiased analysis.

- Legal Procedures: Adhered strictly to legal procedures, avoiding any appearance of impropriety and
ensuring that the investigation was conducted with the highest level of professionalism.

- Regular Updates to Family: Maintained regular communication with Sonny's family, providing updates
on the investigation's progress and addressing their concerns to build trust in the investigative process.

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