Naman Shamra - Leadership in Action - Proposal - Part 1

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Leadership in Action


Name of the project - Food Relief Express: Bridging Gaps for Hunger Alleviation?

Class and Division- MBA 2023-2025, 3

Group Number & Student’s Name:

Group number: 1

Done by:
Anushka Ritul - 17030123136

Hasti Patani - 17030123161

Atharva Kadam - 17030123150

Aastha Godha - 17030123129

Adwitiya Krishna Mallick - 17030123133

Ayushi Shah - 17030123178

Sahil Sunita Shailesh Gharpure- 17030123176

Prachi Sharma - 17030123183

Atharva Malewar - 17030123138

Naman Sharma- 17030123156

Piyush Bharat Dhongade - 17030123163

Kairavi Shah - 17030123179

Mrinal Ranawat - 17030123171

Align to which goals – Mission/Sustainable development goals/Save soil etc- SDG Goal No.2
- Zero Hunger

Problem identification (Which need is the project addressing. Eg – lack of

awareness/environmental hazards)- The project is addressing the immediate and pressing
issue of acute hunger and food insecurity in vulnerable communities. The movement aims to
provide urgent relief to populations facing hunger due to factors such as natural disasters,
conflicts, economic crises, or other emergencies. The identified problem revolves around the
lack of access to essential food resources, either due to disrupted supply chains, inadequate
infrastructure, or sudden shocks to the local economy. The goal is to swiftly address these
critical situations and ensure that individuals and communities have access to sufficient and
nutritious food during times of crisis, laying the foundation for long-term food security

Scope of work- Includes providing emergency food aid to vulnerable populations,

implementing rapid response measures to address acute food shortages, and establishing
community-based initiatives for local food production. Collaboration with local communities,
NGOs, and governments is crucial for the swift and effective implementation of these short-
term measures, laying the foundation for sustainable, long-term solutions to eradicate hunger.

Target group – Area of impact- Due to rise in inflation and unemployment in the country we
are facing an increase in homelessness and poverty which has led to increase in people going
hungry for at least one meal every day. In India there are over 195 million people who do not
access to meals everyday. In Mumbai alone more than 10,000 people do not have access to 2
square meals every day.

Solutions – brief explanation of what is the solution of the problem. -

1. Aiming for partnerships with NGOS and movements with similar inspirations, namely
Robin Hood Army, with which we can aim to expand our resources and collaborations will
also help spread our name and message across a large number of people. We can also
minimize our own expenditure by taking advantage of Robin Hood Army’s already huge
resources and create impact from the start.

2. Installing contribution corners on the streets where people can donate food that maybe
excess or cooked specifically for donation and people can come to these corners and take
whatever food that maybe required. This will allow the people of need access to food without
going too far or spending too much money to get at the main donation center.

3. Host weekly donation drives at schools encouraging children to donate food which will
lead to a threefold positive outcome- 1. Our movement will get immense popularity due to
the spread of word by children to their families. 2. Will enable people of need to eat home
cooked hygienic food without relying on other sources. 3. Will instill a habit of donation in
children which will lead to them having better values which they will ultimately use to shape
the future of tomorrow.

Anticipated Challenges/Constraints- Resource shortage (Manpower, logistics, funding,

getting permits, NGO credibility and eagerness to collaborate), red tape and bureaucracy.

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