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Christian L. De la Torre 2nd yr.

BSCS – K21
March 26, 2024

Activity: Which of the following ideals/ideologies of Dr. Jose Rizal (Education, Unity, Justice,
Democracy and Patriotism) still applicable today and why?

Dr. Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda was the national hero of the Philippines
who left a remarkable legacy through his works, life, ideals and ideologies. The purpose of this essay is
to discuss among of his education, unity, justice, democracy, and patriotism of why it is still applicable
today. This essay aims to examine and explore the applicability of these principles in present days, that
includes instances that represents their continual significances.

Dr. Jose Rizal sets a significant attention on the education as a means to uplift the Filipino’s
and societies in this country. He believed that educations was one of the primary aspect to enlight,
move, and liberate from the ignorances and opression. In present days, the significant of education
remains uppermost in today’s living. Filipino’s that can access to a good quality of education,
empowers their individuality, enhance critical thinking, and developes citizens capable of contributing
to a meaningful societal. Futhermore, the advancement of techology in education have made more
accessible then before, enabbles people to have convenient learning opportunities in worldwide.

The advocation of Rizal’s for unity among Filipino people, rise above in diverse background,
nationality, and social status. He acknowledge the strength that comes from solidarity and
collaboration, crucial for nation-building and progress. In today's increasingly interconnected world,
the importance of unity is evident in addressing global challenges such as security, human rights, and
socio-economic inequalities. For example, initiatives like the United Nations and international
partnerships demonstrate the value of unity in tackling shared problems that transcend borders.
Similarly, within nations, fostering unity among diverse communities promotes social cohesion,
stability, and collective prosperity.

Dr. Jose Rizal instill dedication for advocation in justice, criticize injustices perform by colonial
powers and calling for equality before the law. In contemporary society, the pursuit of justice remains a
Christian L. De la Torre 2nd yr. BSCS – K21
March 26, 2024

fundamental principle essential for upholding human rights, ensuring fairness, and combating systemic
inequalities. Examples abound, such as movements advocating for racial justice, gender equality, and
the rule of law. High-profile cases of injustice spark public outrage and mobilize calls for reform,
highlighting the enduring relevance of Rizal's ideals in the quest for a more just and equitable world.

Rizal believed in the principles of democracy, including the right of citizens to participate in
governance, uphold individual freedoms, and hold leaders accountable. In the modern era, democracy
continues to be valued as the most legitimate form of government, providing avenues for citizen
engagement, representation, and peaceful resolution of conflicts. Despite challenges such as the rise of
authoritarianism and erosion of democratic norms in some parts of the world, democratic ideals remain
resilient. For example, grassroots movements advocating for democracy and human rights have
catalyzed political change in various countries, demonstrating the enduring appeal of democratic

Lastly, patriotism was a core value for Rizal, manifested in his love for country and dedication
to its welfare. Patriotism inspires individuals to contribute positively to their communities, defend
national interests, and work towards the common good. In today's globalized world, patriotism takes on
new dimensions, encompassing not only love for one's nation but also a sense of responsibility towards
humanity and the planet. Examples include environmental activism, humanitarian efforts, and advocacy
for social justice on both local and global scales.


In conclusion, the ideals and ideologies espoused by Dr. Jose Rizal—education, unity, justice,
democracy, and patriotism remains highly relevant in today's world. These principles serve as guiding
beacons for navigating contemporary challenges and striving towards a more just, inclusive, and
prosperous society. By embracing Rizal's legacy and applying his ideals in our daily lives, we can
contribute to the ongoing quest for progress, enlightenment, and social transformation, both locally and
globally. As demonstrated by examples from various contexts, the enduring applicability of Rizal's
Christian L. De la Torre 2nd yr. BSCS – K21
March 26, 2024

ideals underscores their timeless significance in shaping the course of history and shaping the future of

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