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Let’s Get Hustling!

Pangan Lestari
What will we learn today?

Phrasal verbs in business

Modal verbs for obligation

What do you think?

"Everyone is in sales. It doesn’t matter

what area you work in, you have clients
and you need to sell."

Semua orang adalah sales. Bidang apapun Anda

bekerja, Anda selalu memiliki klien dan Anda perlu
menjual produk / jasa kepada klien tersebut.
Read the following
conversations in a group.

Baca dialog berikut secara

Conversation A
Jack: If we are all here, let’s get started. First of all, I’d like you to join me in welcoming Ravi Nawaz,
from our London office.

Ravi: Thank you for having me, I’m eagerly waiting for today’s meeting.

Jack: We’re here today to discuss ways of reducing spending. First, let’s examine the report from the
last meeting which was held on April 4th. Right, Tom, over to you.

Tom: Thank you Jack. Let me just summarise the main points. We began the meeting by approving
the changes in our accounts department proposed on May 30th. After briefly revising the
changes that will take place, we moved on to a brainstorming session. You’ll find a copy of the
different ideas discussed in the photocopies that I’ve distributed.

Jack: Thank you Tom. So now I’d like to get some ideas from all of you.

Anne: I definitely think we need to dismiss a few staff members. I don’t think we have a choice.

Jenny: Anne, I think we need all our employees. What about negotiating a lower price with our
Jack: Yes, that might be a good idea. We should make contact with our suppliers right away.
Conversation B
Jack: If we are all here, let’s get started. First of all, I’d like you to join me in welcoming Ravi Nawaz,
from our London office.

Ravi: Thank you for having me, I’m looking forward to today’s meeting.

Jack: We’re here today to discuss ways of cutting down on spending. First, let’s go over the report
from the last meeting which was held on April 4th. Right, Tom, over to you

Tom: Thank you Jack. Let me just sum up the main points. We began the meeting by approving
the changes in our accounts department put forward on May 30th. After briefly revising the
changes that will take place, we moved on to a brainstorming session. You’ll find a copy of
the different ideas discussed in the photocopies that I’ve handed out.

Jack: Thank you Tom. So now I’d like to get some ideas from all of you.

Anne: I definitely think we need to lay off a few staff members. I don’t think we have a choice

Jenny: Anne, I think we need all our employees. What about negotiating a lower price with our
Jack: Yes, that might be a good idea. We should get on to our suppliers right away.
Which conversation sounds more
formal? Which sounds more natural?

Conversation A Conversation B
Formal Natural
Match the phrasal
verbs on the left
with the meaning on
the right
Cocokkan phrasal verbs yang ada di
sebelah kiri dengan definisi yang ada
di sebelah kanan
1. Look forward to a. to eagerly wait for
2. Go over b. to use less of something; to reduce
3. Cut down on c. to distribute
4. Lay off d. examine; check something
5. Put forward e. to make contact with someone
6. Hand out f. to dismiss or discharge a worker
7. Get on to g. to propose an idea
8. Sum up h. to summarise

Professional English
Complete the questions below with the phrasal verbs
from Conversation B

look forward to
1) Do you __________________ our English classes? (eagerly wait for)
cut down on spending? (reduce)
2) How does your company _____________
summing up
3) Is somebody responsible for ______________ meetings in your company?
put forward
4) Does your company’s director always accept ideas that are ______________?
lay off
5) When is it a good idea to ___________ workers? (dismiss)
get on to
6) When did you last _________________ a customer or supplier? What was it
about? (make contact with)
Modal Verbs
of Obligation
Do you have strict rules in your
office? What must you not do?
Apakah Anda memiliki aturan ketat di
kantor? Apa yang tidak boleh Anda
Must Mustn’t

Modal Verbs
Should Shouldn’t
Have to Don’t have to

Modal Verbs
Need to Don’t need to
Modal Verb Use Example

Must to say that something is ● It’s getting late. I have to go now.

necessary or obligatory. ● You must get up early if you want to
Have to
get to work.
Need to Untuk menunjukkan
● Joe isn’t ready for his presentation.
keperluan atau kewajiban
He needs to rehearse more.

Don’t have to to say that something is ● I’m not working tomorrow so I don’t
not necessary have to get up early.
Don’t need to
● You don’t need to give me your
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa
phone number. I already have it.
sesuatu tidak harus / tidak
perlu dilakukan
Modal Verb Use Example

Mustn’t to say that something is ● You mustn’t smoke here. This is a

prohibited or forbidden non-smoking area.
(must not)
Untuk menunjukkan

Should / to say that something is ● You should spend some time in

a good (should) or bad England to improve your English.
idea (shouldn’t). ● You shouldn’t drink so quickly
ought to
● You ought to clean up your room.
Untuk menunjukkan
sesuatu yang baik
dilakukan / sebaliknya.
Important Note!
must vs. have to
In general, must refers to an internal feeling
whereas have to can also refer to an external
obligation, e.g. a rule, a time limit, etc.
Secara umum, must mengacu pada perasaan internal
sedangkan have to juga bisa merujuk pada kewajiban
eksternal, mis. aturan, batas waktu, dll.
Game Time
Claire has just started her new
job. Complete the sentences
below using must or have to in the
correct form.
has to
0. She __________ work 8 hours every day.
1. She __________ smoke at work. The building is a non-smoking area.
2. doesn’t have to wear very formal clothes. The office has a relaxed dress code.
She ______________
has to
3. She __________ wear a hard hat when visiting a building site, according to safety
4. has to
She __________ meet clients every day. Her work involves a lot of meetings.
5. must / has to
She ______________ work hard if she wants a promotion. Her boss is very
6. doesn’t have to
She _______________ get up early every day. She can work flexible hours.
7. mustn’t
She __________ park her car near the building entrance. That space is reserved for
the director.
Rewrite each sentence using an
appropriate modal verb.
More than one answer may be possible.

Tulis ulang setiap kalimat menggunakan modal

verb yang sesuai. Lebih dari satu jawaban
0. It is very important that you do not forget to call me tomorrow.
You . . .mustn’t
. . . . . . . .forget
. . . . . . to
. . .call
. . . .me
. . . .tomorrow.
1. It is not necessary for them to wait for me.
They . don’t
. . . . . .have
. . . . . to
. . .wait
. . . . .for
. . .me.
2. It is obligatory for us to check out of the hotel before midday.
have to check out of the hotel before midday.
We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. It isn’t a good idea to believe everything you read on the internet.
You . . .shouldn’t
. . . . . . . . . believe
. . . . . . . . everything
. . . . . . . . . . . you
. . . . .read
. . . . .on
. . .the
. . . .internet.
4. It is forbidden to cross the border without a passport.
You . . .mustn’t
. . . . . . . .cross
. . . . . .the
. . . .border
. . . . . . .without
. . . . . . . .a. .passport.
5. It is not necessary for his present to be expensive.
doesn’t need to be expensive.
His present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Group discussion

Professional English
Company's policies that
need to be updated

Come up with at least 2 company policies that

you think need to be updated.
Explain the reasons.
What have we learned today?

Phrasal verbs in business

Modal verbs for obligation

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