Kamp 1.gün Üzeri̇ Notlu Soru Çözümü

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Extensive scientific literature shows that

people who closely follow a Mediterranean
1. ----- the Maori, Polynesian people of New
diet are ----- less likely to develop heart-
Zealand, suffered many of the same losses
related issues, ------- have a reduced risk of
as other native peoples when confrontea by
cognitive impairment.
European settiers, they proved to be more
powerful than many of their counterparts in A) neither/nor
other lands.
B) not only/but also
A) If
C) as/as
B) Once
D) no sooner/than
C) As though
E) so/that
D) Although

E) Just as

5. Although boys and girls are just as likely

to engage in bullying, some differences have
been identified ------- the types and
2. Recent research has shown that people
frequency of bullying.
who have more of a grateful mindset are
usually not affected by anxiety and Al instead of
depression, ------- they are living with a
B) as opposed to
serious health condition.
C) with the aim of
A) because
D) in terms of
B) even if
E) rather than
C) just as

D) as if

E) as long as
6. ----- the word hypnosis comes from the
Greek word hypnos, for sleep, hypnosis is
3. ------ pre-schoolers are limited in their actually an intense state of concentration.
cognitive development to focusing on their
A) As if
own perspective and cannot understand the
spectrum of reasons that may have led to B) Now that
the divorce of their parents, they may feel
that the divorce is their fault. C) Since

A) Now that D) Although

B) Because E) As long as

C) Only when

D) Unless

E) Even if
7. Children may sometimes repeat words or 10. ------- the number of people engaged in
phrases they hear; however, it does not farming declined rapidly in industrialised
necessarily mean they are learning ------ the nations, agricultural outputs soared in the
sounds they produce are used in a early 20th century.
meaningful context.
A) As soon as
A) once
B) After
B) because
C) Given tha
C) unless
D) Even though
D) as if
E) Just as
E) after

11. ------ differences in language and in

8. In Çatalhöyük settlement, the houses practices related to language, cultural
were packed together with only small groups differ in a variety of other attitudes
spaces in between --- any invasion would be and beliefs.
avoided and attackers would not be
A) In addition to
B) In spite of
A) so that
C) Unlike
B) although
D) Contrary to
C) provided that
E) Instead of
D) just as

E) even if

12. --- popular assumption, silent films were

actually never silent; in practice, a piano or
9. ----- the number of colleges and orchestra accompanied the first public
universities in the USA was impressive in the screenings of early films.
second half of the 20th century, few of these
A) In connection with
institutions could meet the definition of a
place of higher education. B) On account of
A) Just as C) Thanks to
B) Because D) Contrary to
C) While E) As well as
D) Once

E) Only if

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