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Name: Christian John R.

Course and Year: BSCE-1
Instructor: Randy O. Salabsab

Learning Task 2:Individual discussion of the Following Questions (10 points)

Discussion. Answer each of the following questions.

a. Compare and contrast the elements of the mind according to Plato and the life of St.

* My Perception regarding certain topic, Plato has a psyche concept of envisioning human
being as a compound of Appetitive, Spirited and the Mind. He refers the three elements as the
nous which means conscious awareness of the self. It states the nous is the superpower that
controls the affair of the self. It decides, analyze, thinks ahead, proposes what is best and
rationally controls both the appetitive and spirited elements of the psyche. While St. Augustine
has been influenced by Plato. He accepted the Tripartite division of the soul rational, appetitive
and spirited elements. Their principle difference is that St. Augustine makes the will more
essential to human nature rather than intelligence. Also, I can therefore say that, St. Augustine
centered his understanding in the self on religious convictions and beliefs. To him, it states that
Only in God can man attain true and eternal happiness.

b. Differentiate the concepts of the self-according to Descartes and that of Locke.

*In my understanding, Descartes concept of the self tackles about human rationality. He
believes that rationality should be in control and able to guide our actions by reason alone. Also
it states that we need reason in order to evaluate our thoughts and actions. While John Locke
has another way of looking at the self. He opposed the idea of Descartes which states that only
reason is the source of knowledge of the self. Locke proposed that self is comparable to an
empty space where everyday experiences contribute to the pile of knowledge that is put forth on
that empty space. This means that the self exists not only in ways of rationality but also through
social interactions and connections.
c. For Hume, what is it that makes “your” perceptions inaccessible to “me” and vice

* My Perceptions regarding certain topic, all of us have different perception in some things
which perception can’t be compared or tested against another. Just like for example that we like
the look or appearance of then red rose but how can we be sure if we like it for the same
sensation or vibes when it is not measurable? The smell of that flower is so good but how are
we sure that we are on the same page of sensation? There are things that your perception is
inaccessible from me and also there are things that inaccessible to you. We may be on the same
page but there are certain areas or things that we are having different perception or view
regarding certain subject.

d. What were some of the criticisms that have been brought against Freud and

* According to my research regarding the certain topic, It states that Immanuel Kant
was a critique against of Freud’s aspersions or Freud’s contribution. Also there is also
critique which is called Popper’s Critique asserts that the theoretical difference between
individual psychology and psychoanalysis is of no importance in practice. Popper
argues that non- scientific theories such as Freudian psychoanalysis do not make any
predictions that might allow them to be falsified. Also there some criticisms like
overemphasizes biology and unconscious forces, inadequate empirical support, sexism
and lack of cross-cultural support.

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