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Name: Christian John R.

Course and Year: BSCE-1
Instructor: Randy O. Salabsab

“Negotiating My Self-Identity”

The essay should include the following essential parts;

 What is your sociological view of yourself...
 How you deal with this sociological view….
 How you negotiate your self-identity from different social context…
(Note: Your output will be subject to plagiarism check)

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while
you’re climbing it” - Andy Rooney

Nowadays, all of us have different perspective regarding to our self or how we see our self. Some
people view or portray their self as a life story. Some perception towards self is that for them, self is not
pre- given but accomplished through conscious effort and hard work in which enables them to
transform into beautiful artwork and having a pleasant appearance unto others just like those body
builders, beauty queens and artists. They maintain on having pleasant appearance in order for them to
get good impressions towards others. And some view their self that self can be made or discover
through socialization process. This means that a person will be developed based on the society that a
certain person in. Just like church activities or influenced with friends with bad habits and vices. We
have different perception on viewing ourselves and these are part of sociological view of the self.

As I live in the society that I am in, all of us have different type of perception of ourselves. My
sociological perception on myself is that I consider myself as product of modern society among others.
Why? It is because I consider myself as a free person who has freedom to explore and discover truths,
defining religions and beliefs. I see myself as delocalized self because I presume that I have rights and
freedom to know everything in this world. As I grow up, I may able to know my identity about my
capabilities. I always knew about myself but I still did not come at the point of my life that I realized
about my purpose and my existence in this world.

I deal my self- identity towards different social context by being flexible and respecting the
perspective of others on self. Also if there are influences which something interesting that comes up
with better ideas which it may change to become better, I am open and glad to deal with that as long as
it isn’t against my perception, reputation and dignity.

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