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A. Review of Related Theory

1. Teaching English Process

a. Definition of Teaching

Teaching is a process of providing knowledge and to

students. Teaching is complex process that can be conceptualized

in many different ways, using alternative, metaphor, and analogies.

According to Pollard Teaching is a complex activity because

requires skills and a deep understanding of many aspects.

According to (Ichsan, 2016) states that teaching is defined

as an activity of organizing the environment as well as possible and

connecting with children or organize the environment as well as

possible and connect with children, so that the learning process

occurs learning process occurs. It’s mean that the improvement of

students' abilities is directly proportional to the way the teacher

guides students and is also influenced by the surrounding


Teaching is intimate contact between a more mature

personality and a less mature one which design to further the

education of the latter (Wisler, 2009). Morrison (1934), Dewey

(1934) expressed this concept of teaching by an equation.

“Teaching is learning as selling is to buying”.

Based on the definition above, teaching is not about

transferring knowledge from the educators to the learners but also

related to training students' social interaction with their peers.

b. Teaching English process

Providing students with English knowledge is the process

of Teaching English. This is because the teacher is an evaluator

and facilitator in the learning process to create an active and

conducive classroom situation and assess student progress, this

way the teacher can find out the extent of his students' learning


Larsen explains that language teaching is an evolving

process, but that doesn't negate the importance of the instructor in

the process. Teachers should encourage students to notice qualities

in the language they are learning and provide them the chance to

interact with such features


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