Polymorphamory - The Love of Changing Form

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Polymorphamory -

The Love of Changing Form

A guide to shapeshifting

Quick links to sections:

Codes used in the guide
What you get (when you shapeshift)
Alter Self
Beast Shape (I, II, III, IV)
Magical Beast Shape
Vermin Shape (I, II)
Plant Shape (I, II, III)
Giant Form (I, II)
Monstrous Physique (I, II, III, IV)
Fae Form (I, II, III, IV)
Undead Anatomy (I, II, III, IV)
Form of the Dragon (I, II, III)
Elemental Body (I, II, III, IV)
Comparison of equivalent shapeshift spells
Other Polymorphing Spells
Archetypes and Class Options
Magic Items
Pathfinder’s approach to shapeshifting greatly simplifies things from a DMs point of
view, and stops it from becoming overpowered, by limiting you to a specific set of
abilities you can gain from it. However, whilst you don’t have completely different stats
for each form, it’s still fairly complicated on the player’s side, as you still need to find
forms with the abilities you want.

This guide is designed to help with that; I’ve gone through all of the shapeshifting spells,
and picked out the most useful forms for them, both those with the best attacks, but also
those with handy utility capabilities. Obviously, one of the useful capabilities of
shapeshifting is passing yourself as a particular type of creature, but because that’s
specific to the moment and game you need it for, I can’t really cover it here

For the moment, I am largely ignoring aquatic/swimming creatures, because whilst

those capabilities are very useful when you really need them, most of the time you
don’t. I have noted which forms (chosen for their other capabilities) have swim speeds.
Later, I intend to do an aquatic subsection, going through all the watery options.

With each form I’ve included a quick description of its capabilities, what it’s good for, if
it’s a particularly good combat form, and a link to it on d20pfsrd.com. I’ve not included
3rd party content, but I have included monsters from the adventure paths and other
Paizo but non-core content.

The senses available to the form are indicated after my discussion of it with these codes
(though it’s the spells that dictate which you have available):

LLV = Low Light Vision

Sc = Scent
DV# = Darkvision, # = range
BS# = Blindsense, # = range
BSi# = Blindight, # = range (few or no spells give this, but it could be described as a lesser form
of Blindsense, and thus give you that)
TS# = Tremorsense, # = range
LS# = Lifesense, # = range (the description of the ability states lifesense is 60ft, but some
creatures have a distance listed with it)
SiD = See in Darkness
AAV = All Around Vision
And next to that, these codes specify where it’s from:
A few things have multiple codes, because they started in an Adventure Path, then got
rolled into a later Bestiary.

B - Bestiary
B2 - Bestiary 2
B3 - Bestiary 3
B4 - Bestiary 4
B5 - Bestiary 5
B6 - Bestiary 6
UM - Ultimate Magic
UW - Ultimate Wilderness
MA - Mythic Adventures (Note: Your GM may go "Ha, ha, ha… no!" to mythic forms.
AP30 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #30: The Twice-Damned Prince
AP34 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #34: Blood for Blood
AP36 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #36: Sound of a Thousand Screams
AP37 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #37: Souls for Smuggler’s Shiv
AP40 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #40: Vaults of Madness
AP46 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #46: Wake of the Watcher
AP48 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #48: Shadows of Gallowspire
AP54 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #54: The Empty Throne
AP55 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny
AP56 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #56: Raiders of the Fever Sea
AP57 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #57: Tempest Rising
AP58 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #57: Island of Empty Eyes
AP59 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #59: The Price of Infamy
AP69 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #69: Maiden, Mother, Crone
AP81 - Pathfinder Adventure Path #81: Shifting Sands
RoRl - Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition
ISWG - Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide
ISB - Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Bestiary
IotS - Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Isles of the Shackles
LotLK - Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lands of the Linnorm Kings
ABF - Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Andoran, Birthplace of Freedom

What you get

When you take a form, you get several things:
● Adjustments to any or all strength, dexterity , constitution, and natural armour. Generally,
smaller forms get dexterity, larger get Strength and Constitution, everyone gets natural
armour but larger gets more. More magical forms tend to get more armour.
● The base land speed of the form - some are pretty fast.
● The natural attacks of the form. This is one of the big dividers between forms in terms of
usefulness - a form with two claws, a bite, and a gore rather beats one with one or two
attacks. You also get the reach of these attacks, which is usually size-based, but there’s
some variability, and a few forms have one or several attacks with longer reach than the
● Each shapeshifting spell comes with a list of abilities it can grant. It only grants those
abilities if the form you are taking has that ability. If the for you are taking has a better
version of the same ability as the one the spell is granting (e.g. form gives you Fly 90
(Good), and the spell can only give you Fly 60 (Average). If the form gives you a worse
version of the same ability the spell grants, you get the form’s version. If it’s a variable
ability, and the spell doesn’t constrain what it can do, you get the full effects - this means
when you get access to the Poison special ability, you can use some forms with pretty
nasty poison.
● You look like the form. Specifically, you get a +10 bonus to disguise checks to do so.
This is presumably in case someone tries to work out if the cat that just walked in is in
fact not a cat (or tries to recognise you from your feline-form gait or mewing). But you
also have the advantage that, if you’re in a place a cat might be, then people are unlikely
to be suspicious, and therefore will not roll spot against you.

One thing to remember is that any abilities you gain which have a DC (principally Poison and
trample, but also other things like web) have the DC of the spell, not the DC the animal would
have. This reduces the DC on some of the nastier animals, but is also means that creatures with
a very easy to pass DC can become far more deadly in the hands of a high level caster — tiny
vipers are a good example of this.

You can also lose some things from it — to quote the polymorph subschool:

'you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form
(such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and
movement types possessed by your original form. You also lose any class features that
depend upon form…'

So, anything with a physical source, rather than 'this race is practiced at this' goes when you

The spell

This one is likely to be taken primarily for disguise. But there are still some forms better than
others here.
— Small Humanoid
Charau-Ka — Best senses (darkvision, low light vision, and scent), bite in addition to weapon
attacks. [DV60,LLV,Sc | AP40/ISWG]

— Medium Humanoid

Lizardfolk — Claw and bite, swim. [— | B]

Troglodyte — Two claws and a bite. [DV90 | B]

Sasquatch — one of the faster humanoids, good senses [DV90, LLV, Sc | B3]

Bugbear — Main advantage is that you’re more likely to be ‘familiar’ with it, if you’re a druid
using Thousand shapes. Reasonable senses. [DV60, Sc | B]

Adlet — Weapon attacks plus a bite, is a scary wolf-man. [LLV, Sc | B3]

The spell

The ‘base’ shapeshift set of spells, such as there is one, and the mainstay of Druid
Wildshaping. The utility abilities are largely confined to senses and movement
speed/mode, and barring aquatic creatures, the best sensory abilities are fairly rare until
you get Magical Beasts (which druids lack).

Here the abilities you get are low rates of the non-basic moves, bar burrow, and senses.
Theoretically you can get darkvision from this, but nothing you can turn into has that.
Combat-wise this level is about how many and how good attacks it has, and perhaps its speed.
The stat mods at this level are pretty low. Small shapes do get you +4 stealth, which can make
something of a difference at lower levels.

— Medium Animal
Deinonychus — this dinosaur has a speed of 60 and 4 attacks, probably the best combat form
for Beast Shape I. [LLV,Sc | B2]

Leopard — three attacks, climb speed, swim speed; lots of flexibility. [LLV,Sc | B]
Dimorphodon — One of two medium Animal flyers. Eagle is probably a better bet for flying most
of the time though, because it has more attacks. [LLV, Sc | AP37]

Giant Raven — Another Medium flyer option. [LLV | B6]

— Small Animal
Eagle — good flyer with three attacks, and small, which can help with stealth [LLV | B]

Dog — for when you don’t want to be noticed. Generally less good than a cat, due to cats
prowling on their own more often, but still handy. LLV,Sc | B]

Velociraptor — Fast, three attacks. Not as good as Deinoychus, but for stealth, in confined
spaces, or if you otherwise want to be small, your best combat form at this level. [LLV,Sc | B4]
Seal - Small swimmer with a slow landspeed. Not aquatic. [LLV | UW]

This is where it starts to get good. The ability mods and natural armour is getting more
noticeable, and you can now grab, trip, and pounce. You don’t have rake, which slightly reduces
the usefulness of grab, but it’s still pretty handy. And pounce means so many more full attacks
when you can get three to five attacks, so it’s generally worth taking a form with that. Alternate
movement speeds are now pretty fast, stealth bonus is now +8.

— Large Animal
Dire Tiger — best combat form for this level; three attacks, all with grab, fairly big damage dice,
and pounce, it’s also reasonably fast. [LLV,Sc | B]

Dire Hyena — Slightly faster than the tiger, and one of the few trippers at this level, one big bite
attack with 10ft reach. [LLV,Sc | B]

Dire Ape — Three attacks with 10ft reach, climb, and humanoid enough to more easily open
doors. [LLV,Sc | B]

Giant Vulture — Best large flyer. [LLV,Sc | B3]

Horse — Another one for blending in; could be good for occasions where only one party
member is allowed to attend, or if you just need to carry someone somewhere. [LLV,Sc | B]

Narwhal - good swim (fastest Large swimmer). Not great attacks. No landspeed, not Aquatic.
[LLV, BSi120 | B]
Giant Octopus — Nine attacks, eight of them are secondary 20ft grabbing tentacles (albeit with
low damage), constrict. Aquatic, has a landspeed. [LLV | B]

Giant Moray Eel — Okay bite, grab, Aquatic, Swim, no landspeed. [LLV, Sc | B]

— Medium Animal
Deinonychus — still useful at this level for those occasions where you don’t have space to go
large, as Beast Shape II gives it Pounce which is nice with four attacks. [LLV,Sc | B2]

Leopard — Again, still has uses at this level with pounce and grab on its bite. [LLV,Sc | B]

Giant Raven — Flying speed goes up to 50ft. [LLV | B6]

— Small Animal
Seal - Swim speed goes up to 60 [LLV | AP55 & UW]

— Tiny Animal

Hawk — fast flyer with the stealth benefits of the Tiny size [LLV | B]

Rhamphorhynchus — slower than the Hawk, but has good maneuverability, which can be useful
sometimes. [LLV,Sc | AP37]

Fox — fastest land speed on a tiny creature, for when you want to sneak [LLV,Sc | B3]

Cat — Three attacks, the bane of commoners! Mostly included for when you want to blend in —
in urban environments cats get lots of places, and generally get away with doing so. [LLV,Sc | B]

Raven — Another good one for not being noticed, with the added advantages of flight and being
seen both in the middle of the wilderness and in towns and cities [LLV | B]

Rat — Yet another form for blending in, albeit one that may get bad responses when seen,
particularly inside. But not “You’re a druid/adventurer” responses, hopefully. Can also swim.
[LLV,Sc | B]

Platypus — Tiny fast swimmer. Also, you’re a platypus! You might be able to argue Electro
location as giving you Underwater Blindsense at Beast Shape III [LLV | B4 & UW]

Blue Ringed Octopus - Tiny animal swimmer with two attacks, one with grab, gains Jet and
Poison later. Aquatic, has a 20ft land speed. [LLV | UM]
Stat bonuses go up again, the Huge animals are getting 15 foot reach most of the time too.
More unusual attack forms arrive — trample, web, and poison (the latter of which is massively
variable in terms of how strong/useful it is, but there are some impressive options out there).
Burrow and Blindsense finally arrive as movement and sensory options respectively. Rake and
constrict also appear here, making grab that much more useful.

This is also the first level that you can get Magical Beast forms (if you’re not a wildshaping
Druid). They have the more unusual senses, and some useful special abilities, and get both
better stat raises and lower stat reductions than the equivalent animals. But, for direct damage
capabilities, you’re probably best served by the Huge animals.

— Medium Animal
Leopard — This level it gets rake to go along with the pounce and grab; there's certainly better
combat forms out there, but if you need to be medium, then the Leopard is pretty good. [LLV,Sc |

Dimorphodon — A flying poisoner (Strength, 1 save). Not the best thing around, but with flyby
attack to dart in and out, could be okay. [LLV,Sc | B4]
Squid - gains a fairly fast jet. [LLV | B]

— Small Animal
Nothing particularly great at this level

— Tiny Animal
Viper — Assassination form, combining tinyness and Con poison. Also has a Climb and Swim
speeds for getting wherever your target is. Remember the DC of your poison is that of the spell
you’ve cast (or the spell you’re using the effects of with Wildshape), so the DC on the poison of
this is a fairly respectable 15+casting stat modifier. [LLV,Sc | B]

Blue Ringed Octopus - Gains Jet and Poison. [LLV | UM]

— Large Animal
Dire Tiger is still probably your best fight form at this level + size. [LLV,Sc | B]

Dire Bat — Okay flight ability and Blindsense. [BS40 | B]

Arsinoitherium — one big attack, but here because of its trample ability, which is usable at this
level. [LLV, Sc | B2]

Emperor Cobra — a big bite and 1d3 con damage poison requiring two consecutive saves to
stop it. And Climb+Swim. [LLV,Sc | B2]
Narwhal - Goes up to 80 foot swim speed, potentially gains Blindsense. [LLV, BSi120 | B]

Giant Octopus — Nine attacks, eight of them are secondary 20ft grabbing tentacles (albeit with
low damage), constrict. Aquatic, has a landspeed. [LLV | B]

— Diminutive Animal
Bat — A diminutive flyer with blindsense; if you need to sneak in somewhere, and need to keep
an eye on things as you’re doing so, this is a pretty good choice. [LLV,BS20 | B]

Hedgehog — On the off chance you want an unobtrusive creature with a land speed, as the
bat’s is only 5ft. [LLV | UM]

— Huge Animal

Allosaurus — a big bite with grab, two claws, pounce and rake [LLV,Sc | B2]

Quetzalcoatlus — Best huge flyer, three attacks. [LLV,Sc | AP37/B6]

Behemoth Hippopotamus — One of the fastest huge creatures, one big bite with grab. Pretty
good with Vital Strike. Also, you get to kill your enemies as a hippo. [LLV | B2]

Elasmotherium — Lovely 6d6 Horn attack, plus Trample as a side benefit. Probably the best
Vital Striker now [LLV, Sc | B6]

Mastodon — Best trample damage. Two reasonably big attacks. [LLV,Sc | B]

Megalania — Grab on bite, plus a fairly good dex poison, swim. [LLV,Sc | B3]

Megatherium — Giant sloth with two tripping claws. [LLV,Sc | B2]

Frog Father — 30ft grabbing Tongue attack. Not great other than that, but good for bringing
someone into the middle of the party, potentially nice with multi-change uses of spells [LLV,Sc |

Cameroceras — A fast jetter with two big damage attacks, Aquatic (poor land speed). [LLV, Sc |

Dunkleosteus — Decent swim speed and a 3 dice bite - good for Vital Strike. Aquatic, No land
speed. [AQ, LLV | AP56/B6]

Orca - 2d6 bite, 80ft swim (no land speed). Not aquatic. Blindsight for if that counts as a lesser
form of Blindsense. [LLV, BSi120 | B]
Megalania - Big-ish bite, grab, dexterity poison, Swim speed. [LLV, Sc | B3]

Giant Squid — Good swim, very fast Jet, 3 attacks, two long reach, one of those that's 4d6 with
Grab, Constrict. Aquatic, no landspeed. [LLV | B]

Giant Sea Snake — One big bite with Dexterity plus Constitution Poison, Swim and Climb on
top of landspeed. [LLV | PCS:IotS]

— Medium Magical Beast

Uraeus - Two bites, or (given Breath Weapon isn't limiting in when the specific creature gives extra
abilities), two breath weapons and a bite. Poison is blinding and paralysing poison, Breath Weapon is a
line of automatic one round blindness, then the poison on top of that. And it's got flight and climb too.
[DV60, LLV, Sc | B5]

Galvo — Three attacks (two with 10ft reach), blindsense, darkvision, swim; not the best fighter,
but lots of flexibility. Also, looks *damn* freaky - you’re made up of loads of squirming eels. Not
sure if you get the electricity damage on its attacks. [BS60, DV60, LLV | B4 & AP59]

Aranea — first thing that gets you web, also has poison, darkvision, and a climb speed.
[DV60, LLV | B2]

Peryton — Best flyer at 60ft (good), three attacks. [DV60, LLV | B2]

Pard — Very fast (120 ft), and three attacks, albeit two secondary. Take it for the speed. [DV60,
LLV, Sc | B4]

Juvenile Seps - A magical snake, with a fairly nasty poison, albeit the liquefaction on death is a
separate quality you don’t get, I think. The bite and the poison aren’t quite as good as the
Emperor Cobra’s, so this is probably one for when you need to be medium, or if you really don’t
want any dexterity penalty. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B4]
Sha - High bite damage for a medium creature, with trip; good for Vital Strike if you need to be medium.
[DV60, LLV | B5]

— Small Magical Beast

Aurumvorax — Five attacks, all with grab, four rakes, burrow. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B2]

Rat King — Not quite as good as the Aurumvorax, but is still 5 primary bite attacks, and a
creepy ‘many rats tangled together’ look. [DV60, LLV | B4]
Witchcrow - Good if you want the stats of a Small Magical Beast with flight. [DV60, LLV | B5]

The last one. Because the animals have already gained pretty much all the abilities they’re
going to get, this level is mostly about the magical beasts. Again, their stat bonuses are better
with fewer penalties than the equivalent animals, and +8 dexterity plus +8 stealth makes tiny
magical beasts pretty good at sneaking in places.

A few new abilities, including rend, but the two big things here are that you get resistance 20 to
any element your form has immunity or resistance to, albeit you also get their elemental
vulnerabilities, and you get breath weapons.

— Diminutive, Tiny, Small, & Medium Animals

The previous stuff, but they don’t gain new abilities from this spell

— Large Animal
Dire Ape — This gains Rend at this level. Still probably not the best combat option (especially
as Large magical beasts are now available) but its humanoid shape has uses. [LLV,Sc | B]

— Huge Animal
Megatherium — Also gains rend at this level. [LLV,Sc | B2]

— Medium Magical Beast

Galvo — It’s immune to electricity, so you get Resist 20 of that at this level.
[BS60, DV60, LLV | B4 & AP59]

Uraeus - Gains fire resisance 10. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B5]

Bunyip - Reasonably nice swim speed, but you take this for a Roar that panics (though it may
affect your allies too). [DV60, LLV, Sc | B2]

— Small Magical Beast

Shocker Lizard — Not particularly great, but it’s a small creature with climb and swim, and it
gives you electricity resistance, should you find yourself needing that [DV60, LLV | B]

— Tiny Magical Beast

Stirge — Tiny flyer. Good if you want the stealthiness and +8 dex of a Tiny Magical Beast. Not
that great otherwise. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B]

Coral Capuchin - Awful in combat, but it flies, climbs, and swims, so a good infiltrator when
combined with stats and stealth of the Tiny Magical Beast. [DV60, LLV | AP58]
— Large Magical Beast
Chimera — Five attacks and breath weapon (with a variety of options for its effects), plus flight
make this probably the best combat form of this set. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B]

Shedu — A close second on the combat side, also has five attacks (though four are secondary),
better flight, trample, and resistance to fire and electricity. [DV60, LLV | B3]

Dragon Horse — One of the best flyers, longer range darkvision than most, two attacks with 10ft
reach and a breath weapon that can do damage, create mist, or a blast of wind (useful for
getting rid of Cloudkill and similar) [DV120, LLV | B3]

Slepnir - Reasonably fast, five attacks (not great damage), but this is here because it has a
breath weapon that's 30 foot cone of Prismatic Spray, albeit only three times a day. Also has
Electricity and Cold resistance. [DV60, LLV | B3]

Kirin — As good a flyer as the Dragon Horse, has more normal darkvision but also has scent,
three attacks, but only 5ft reach. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B3]

Death Worm — Reasonable bite attack and a 2 save Con poison, fairly high damage breath
weapon, gives you resistance to acid and electricity. Utility-wise, it has tremorsense and burrow.
[DV60, LLV, TS60 | B2]

Mobat — Long range blindsense, okay flight, one attack. [BS120, LLV | B2]

Phase Spider — Bite attack with grab and a fairly strong con poison – eight rounds rather than
the usual six, and two saves. Climb speed. [DV60, LLV | B]

Spider Eater — Flight, four attacks, paralysis poison. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B3]

Gorgon — Petrification breath, a second breath makes it permanent, three attacks (though two
are secondary) [DV60, LLV, Sc | B]

Kamadan — Four attacks (one secondary), pounce, sleep breath weapon. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B3]

Catoblepas — Four attacks (two secondary), 15ft reach. 1d6 Con damage, three saves poison
breath weapon – it’s described as both ‘breath weapon’ and ‘poison breath’ so it’s not clear
whether you get this ability. [DV60, LLV | B]

Manticore — Ranged attack of four spikes as a standard action (limited use per day though),
flight, three attacks. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B]

Dragonne — Roar which fatigues its targets, and could be stacked to exhaust. Three attacks,
pounce, flight. Could be quite good versus opponents without ranged attacks – roar a few times
to leave most of them exhausted, before you and the party attacks. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B3]

Androsphinx — Roar usable three times a day with different effects each time (reasonable
duration fear, then short duration paralysis, then damage, knockdown and medium duration
strength penalty). Pounce, two claw attacks with grab, rake, flight. Good if you want the effects
of one of its roars. [DV60, LLV | B]

Seaweed Siren — A big bite attack, swim speed, and trample, plus resistance to fire and sonic.
But the main draw here is the three primary attack, high damage sonic beams, which I’m
assuming you should get access to. However your GM may say no, or dislike the fact that you
not picking up its subtype or water dependency means you can go on land with it fine. [DV60, LLV
| B4]

Goezspall — Four okay natural attacks, rend, climb and swim… but you're here for the fact that
it has fire, cold, acid, electricity and sonic Resistance. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B6]

Ahool — Flyer with four atttacks, one with Grab, two with reach, and Rend. Chimera still
probably better, but this has its uses. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B5]

Cytillipede - One 2d6 attack, and Climb speed, but this is here because it has a poison that
does Memory Lapse on top of Dexterity Damage. [DV60 | B5]

Peuchen - Flight, a bite with grab with a Dexterity poison (good if you want to disable, not kill)
plus Constrict. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B5]

Giant Muckdweller - here for its 60ft Swim; likely more as a form you take to get good stats
whilst swimming, or if using Multimorph or Altered Shifting to change forms within a single spell.
[DV, LLV | B5]


Huge to diminutive Magical Beasts. Pretty high stat bonuses; better Strength/Dexterity and
Natural Armour bonuses than the other level 7 spells, but less/no bonuses to other stats, and
some penalties. Some nice new abilities too — Fast Healing, is probably the best because who
doesn't like self-healing, Blindsight is pretty nice in the right situation, as are elemental and
poison resistances.

The other new abilities are: blood frenzy, blood drain, see in darkness, hold breath, powerful
charge, pull and no breath
I'm starting with listing the two new sizes, but this does allow for new abilities at the other sizes
(so the rest of the entries are new abilities for Beast Shape III or IV options, or new things where
their abilities here seem worth it).

If you're going Multimorph or similar, it's worth noting that this spell doesn't let you turn into
Animals, only Magical Beasts, so it's less good for looking subtle (though there are a few
Magical Beasts that look like ordinary animals, so they may be useful there).

— Huge Magical Beast

Behir - Breath Weapon, albeit a short line and only 7d6 damage. 2d6 bite with a Grab. Constrict
and six Rakes - pretty nice grappler form. [DV60, LLV | B]

Hydra - Fast Healing, five attacks with Pounce is quite nice, albeit not that fast (though it can
swim). You could make arguments for the more-headed versions, but a wise GM will turn you
down. Cryohydras and Pyrohydras are similarly edge cases, if allowed they give you a whole
load of breath weapons, 20 resist of one of Fire and Cold, and vulnerability to the other. [DV60,
LLV, Sc | B]

Mythic Hydra - Technically a separate monster, thus can be turned into if GM allows. Actual
difference is two extra attacks and faster movement speed. [DV60, LLV, Sc | MA]

Bulette - Three nice attacks, burrow, Tremorsense. [DV60, LLV, Sc, TS60 | B]

Frost Worm - One big 4d6+ 4d10 cold attack, nice for Vital Strike (though I'd guess the Cold is
would be treated like a weapon bonus and not multiplied. Breath Weapon at damage cap for this
form, though only once an hour. Slow burrow. [DV60, LLV | B2]

Thrasfyr - Seven primary attacks with okay damage, big area Breath Weapon at damage cap,
resist Fire, Sonic and Electricty (though vulnerable to cold), and has Powerful Charge. You don't
get the attack from its chains. Regeneration if your GM rules Fast Healing as a lesser form of
that. [DV60, LLV | B2]

Akhlut - another one with a big attack (4d8+4d6 Cold) nice for Vital Strike. Also has good Swim
speed and Hold Breath. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B3]

Star Monarch - Has an inherent Nonlethal attack which you might occasionally want? And is a
Huge flying Magical Beast with No Breath, which could be what you want. Two attacks with
grab, one with 15 foot reach (the non-lethal one), and four Rakes. [DV60, LLV | ISB]

Kokogiak (Not on d20pfsrd): Seven primary attacks, one with 20ft Reach and Pull to bring
opponents within reach of the other six. Cold resistance. The 'Blizzard Breath' that does Cold
damage + save or Fatigued isn't the ability type 'Breath Weapon', but it does then immediately
describe itself as 'A kokogiak’s breath weapon…' — I probably wouldn't allow it, but your GM
might. [DV60, LLV | AP69]

Ythrak - Huger flyer with three attacks, blindsight and Resist Sonic. Sonic Lance is listed as a
natural attack so you might get that, but it's also under the abilities, so you probably don't.
[BSi120 | B4]

Xanthos - four attacks, cold, electricity and fire resistance, longer than normal darkvision
(though the spell only gives you 90 of its 120), and Hold Breath. Technically also good for
carrying friends if you have a howdah sitting around… [DV120, LLV | B4]

Myrmecoleon - Mythic, so GM may say no. But not actually particularly overpowered. One big
attack with Grab, Constrict and Blood Drain. Pure damage, the six rakes of the Behir probably
win best grappler, but this is still nice. Has Climb and Burrow speeds, and Trample. [DV60, LLV |

Seps - Giant Armoured Snake! Who doesn't love that? 3d8 bite with a poison that does
Constitution drain and Acid damage for a long time. Acid and Poison Resistance [DV60, LLV, Sc |

Amarok - Other options are generally better, but this has a big bite with both grab and trip. Also
has See In Darkness [DV60, LLV, Sc, SiD | B5]

Leng Spider - Fast Healing, Cold, Sonic, and Poison Resistance, Climb, bite with a poison that
does 1d4 Con plus confusion. [DV60, TS60, LLV | B2]

— Diminutive Magical Beast

There is literally one non-third party magical beast. It's not the best, but it's here if you want its
stats (which work out as an effective +17 to stealth)

Pipefox - Move, Climb, and a low damage bite. [DV60, LLV | B4]

— Large Magical Beast

Slepnir - Gains Powerful Charge [DV60, LLV | B3]

Skrik Nettle - Flying jellyfish with Blindsight and a poison that makes people uncontrollably
levitate up into the air. [BSi50 | AP36]

Devilfish - decent Swimmer with see in darkness - good for the darkness of the deeps. [LLV, SiD |

Kirin — Very fast flyer with Powerful chage [DV60, LLV, Sc | B3]
Shalkeshka - Burrow, three attacks, one with grab. Two rakes, Tremorsense, and No Breath
[DV60, TS90, LLV, Sc | AP81]

Shedu — Gains Fast Healing [DV60, LLV | B3]

High Girallon (aka Angazhani) - Good senses, bunch of attacks (claws with Rend, up to four
different weapon hands, or a mixture of the two), acid, cold, fire and poison resistances. [DV60,
LLV, Sc | B5]

— Medium Magical Beast

Uraeus - Gains poison resistance [DV60, LLV, Sc | B5]

Aurumvorax — Gains poison resistance. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B2]

— Tiny Magical Beast

Stirge — Gains blood drain - slightly better in a fight. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B]

Sin Seeker - Tiny magical beast with Blindsight - pretty good spy in dark situations. [BSi50, LLV, Sc
| B3]

Ceru - Fast Healing and a bonus to poison saves on a tiny creature with a crap (though
Constitution Poison) bite. Good for multimorph going "I need to survive!" [DV60, LLV | ISB

The spell
Pretty similar to Beast Shape, apart from getting a bonus versus mind affecting, slightly more
armour, a few extra abilities, and the fact that there are more creatures with the unusual senses
here. It’s also a spell level higher than beast shape for the equivalent(ish) levels, except for the
classes that don’t get beast shape (Witch and Druid)

Not many abilities here, so again it’s mostly about speed and nuber of attacks.

— Small Vermin

Giant Solifugid — Three attacks, climb speed. [DV60| B2]

Nymph Water Strider — If you want a small flyer from this spell, then here’s one, albeit the
flying’s not great. Three low damage attacks. [DV60 TS60| B4]
— Medium Vermin
Cave Scorpion — Three attacks (lower damage than some of the others), fast. Probably the
best combat form at this level. [DV60, TS60 | B2]

Common Eurypterid — Three attacks, one with 10ft reach [LLV, TS30 | B6/AP37]

Giant Dragonfly — One big attack with 10ft reach, flight. [DV60| B2]

Great Diadem Urchin — Three attacks, at higher damage than most of the rest of the forms at
this level, but very slow. [LLV, TS30, Sc | AP56]

Xenopterid — Gets much better with Vermin Shape 2, but it’s still a flyer with three attacks. Plus,
you get to disguise yourself as an insect that disguises itself as a person. Turnabout is fair play!
[DV60| B4]

Giant Mantis Shrimp - Two 2d6 attacks is not bad at Medium. [DV60| B5]

Crimson Jellyfish - Two attacks, 10ft reach, one with grab, the other a touch attack with poison,
and it has Blood Drain too. [DV60| B6]

Poison, grab, tremorsense and a few other things arrive here, making some of the creatures
with those good options, and buffing some of the previous options.

— Small Vermin
Giant Tick — Grab, blood drain, climb

— Medium Vermin
Cave Scorpion — Gains tremorsense and a strength poison. [DV60, TS60 | B2]

Giant Dragonfly — Flight improves, gains grab [DV60| B2]

Great Diadem Urchin — Gains a con damage + stun poison — pretty strong, if still damn slow.
[LLV, TS30, Sc | AP56]

Giant Spider — Web, attack with Strength poison, climb, tremorsense. [DV60, TS60 | B]

Giant Crab — Two claws with grab, constrict, swim. [DV60| B]

Xenopterid — At this level it gains two grabs, a Dexterity poison, and blood drain.[DV60| B4]
— Large Vermin
Giant Scorpion — Two grabs, constrict, poisonous sting, fairly fast, Tremorsense [DV60, TS60 | B]

Bluetip Eurypterid — Two claws, sting with a fairly strong poison and longer reach, pounce,
tremorsense, swim. [LLV, TS30 | AP37]

Giant Mantis — Climb, fly, two claws, 20ft reach as a Standard Action attack (with +4 bonus to
hit). [DV60 | B]

Giant Stag Beetle — One big attack, trample [DV60 | B]

Knight Ant - less attacks than scorpion but stronger poison [DV60, TS60, Sc | B5]

Blood Caterpillar - Big damage primary attack, okay poison on a secondary attack, web. [DV60 |

Spear Sea Urchin - Pair of attacks both Melee and Ranged, with poison that does Strength
Damage and nauseates. [LLV, TS30 | B5]

Belostomatid - Three reach attacks, two with grab, and it can both fly and swim. Good senses.
[DV60, TS60| B6]

Giant Starfish - Slow, but four attacks (though you don't get the stomach/fast swallow ability).
[DV60, TS3| B6]

The Spell
With Plant Shape you get better constitution than the other spells gave you and whilst there are
less abilities you’re getting here, there are some quite powerful abilities here.

Gains construct, grab, and poison. Alas, there’s little that actually gets those abilities here.

— Small Plant
Calathgar — Three attacks, two with 10ft reach, one with cold damage on it (not sure if you get
that; it’s not called out as a specific ability). [DV30, LLV, Sc | AP34]

— Medium Plant
Green Man — it's a CR 26 creature with DR/epic and slashing and regeneration only defeated
by Mythic or Deific, so outside of Mythic Adventures, your GM may exclude it. If they don't, eight
attacks (six with 30ft reach and grab). [DV60, LLV, Sc | B6]

Fungus Queen — Six attacks, four with grab (albeit not huge damage), constrict. Also roughly
humanoid, so arguably could be Disguise Self'd as such. [DV60, LLV | ISB & B6]

Mi-Go — Four claws all with grab. [LLV, BS30 | B4 & AP46]

Cerebric Fungus — three attacks, two with 15ft reach. [DV60, LLV | B3]

Weedwhip — pretty slow, but three attacks with 15ft reach, and a nausea poison. Good for
shutting down enemies, particularly if you want to take them alive or somesuch. [LLV, BS30 | B4]

Psychepore - Three attacks, close or ranged, doing 1d3, two saves wisdom poison. You
probably don't get the Confusion effect as it's named under a separate effect. Good for stacking
against low wisdom enemies to drop. [DV60, LLV | B5]

Gains resistance to elements at this level, which there is a couple of decent options
with. And a couple good large options too.

— Small Plant
Nothing particularly great at this level

— Medium Plant
Green Man — Electricity resistance. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B6]

Fungus Queen - Gains acid and cold resistance.

Mi-Go — Gains cold, electricity and fire resistance. [LLV, BS30 | AP46]

Cerebric Fungus — Gets some cold resistance. [DV60, LLV | B3]

— Large Plant
Mosslord — Four attacks with okay damage, fire and electricity resistance. [DV60 | B6]

Viper Vine — Five attacks, four secondary with 20ft reach & grab, constrict, acid resist. Slow
though. [ LLV, TS60 | B2]

Shambling Mound — Two reasonably big attacks with grab, constrict, fire and electricity
resist. [DV60, LLV | B]

Stranglereed - Three attacks, two with grab, very slow swim. Good for impersonating a bunch of
reeds, though alas you don't get the Freeze ability, not exceptional otherwise. [LLV | B5]


Huge plants become possible, but also regeneration and damage resistance are
available here, both of which are damn handy. Somewhat restricted in options that
actually have them unfortunately.

— Small Plant
Nothing particularly great

— Medium Plant
Green Man — DR 15/epic and slashing and regeneration Deific and Mythic, if your GM allows
you to have it. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B6]

Fungus Queen - gains DR Cold Iron or Good. [DV60, LLV | - & B6]

Myceloid — Two claws, damage resistance, several elemental resistances, electricity

vulnerability. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B3]

Living Topiary — Two attacks, but here mostly because it gets Damage resistance. Also, you’re
a walking sculpted hedge. Myceloid is better though [DV60, LLV | B4]

— Large Plant
Mosslord — Gains DR 15/Magic and Slashing, and Regeneration 5. [DV60 | B6]

Sargassum Fiend — Two slams with grab, constrict, damage resistance, cold resistance, swim,
climb [BS60, TS120 | B3]

Nirento — Two attacks with 15ft reach, grab and trip, damage resistance, sonic resist. [LLV, BS60 |

— Huge Plant
Giant Flytrap — Four attacks with grab, resist acid. [LLV, TS60 | B]

Treant — two big slams, trample Damage resistance. Fire vulnerability. [LLV | B]

Quickwood — Four attacks, 60ft reach on three of them. [DV60, LLV | B2]
Tendriculous — Two attacks, regeneration, immune to acid [LLV| B2]

The spell
Importantly, this form allows you to retain your armour and weapons; most or all of the forms
have slams or claws, but you can use your own weapons, and said weapons expand with you,
increasing their damage and increasing what you can hit with Reach weapons. These make this
a pretty good option for hitty Alchemists; you get quite good stat boosts, and the various troll
options give you three attacks plus rend and regeneration.

Regeneration and rend are the big things here, and the fact trolls get both make them the best
option in their various variations. Rock throwing and catching is the main advantage of true
giants, if you need a ranged option. You gain resistance if your form has resistance or immunity
(and gain vulnerability if they do), which is one of the main distinguishing difference between the
forms here.

— Large Giant
Rock Troll — Best combat form at this level, roughly the same as normal troll, but swaps fire for
sonic in terms of regeneration defeating, and fire is far more common (and expected to be used
against trolls). [DV60, LLV, Sc | B2]

Desert Giant — Fastest Giant, plus fire resistance (without the cold vulnerability that Fire Giants
have) and rock throwing. [LLV | B3]

Ice Troll — Resistance to cold damage which can be useful. But vulnerability to fire, which also
defeats its regeneration, so be careful with it. [DV60, LLV | B2]

Troll — If the other troll types aren’t what you need, there’s always the original. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B]

Size and various other things go up, including rock throwing range and damage. You now get
the full elemental resistance or immunity that the form has, which is pretty useful at times.

— Large Giant
Desert Giant — Gets immunity to fire damage at this level. [LLV | B3]

Ice Troll — Gets immunity to Cold damage at this level. [DV60, LLV | B2]
— Huge Giant

Mountain Troll — Regeneration, three big attacks and rend, probably the best combat form at
this level. Rock throwing, rock catching. Vulnerable to sonic damage though. [DV60, LLV, Sc | LotLK]

Gegenees — Six Slams with grab, weapon attacks and five, or similar. With that many grabs,
you can look at just grappling with that one hand. [DV60, LLV | B5]

Sun Giant — Fire Immunity, Cold and Electricity Resistance, Rock Catching. [LLV | B5]

Moon Giant — Cold and Fire Resistance, Rock Throwing & Catching. Not as good as the Sun
unless you want to chuck. [LLV | B5]

Storm Giant — Reasonable attacks and electricity immune, fast, swim speed, rock catching.
[LLV | B3]

Ocean Giant — Fairly similar to the Storm Giant; loses the immunity to electricity, but resists
both that and cold. Loses rock catching, gains rock throwing. [LLV | B4]

The spell

Much like Giant Form, this allows you your armour and weapons to stick around. It also goes up
to huge, and has a much wider array of forms and available abilities than Giant Form does,
albeit lacking the regeneration and later elemental immunity, and having lower attribute
bonuses. But what it does have is quite a few options with a high number of attacks, though
none that I’ve found with pounce to make more use of them

Much like the other entry-level shapeshifts, the granted abilities here are mostly movement and
senses, making the main questions ‘How many attacks does it have?’ and ‘Does it have flight?’

— Small Monstrous Humanoid

Charda — Five attacks, swim speed. If you need to be a small monstrous humanoid, this is
probably your best bet unless you need another movement type. [DV120 | B2]

Ningyo — Three attacks, swim speed. [DV60 | B4]

— Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Deathsnatcher - Six primary attacks, and fly. Upgrades at every single level of of this spell, alas
no Soul Rend. Now the best Level 3 spell combat form, though the others can be better at night
as you don't get its See In Darkness. [Sc | B6]

Popobala — Five attacks, one of them big, two of them secondary, flight. Used to be thebest
combat form. [DV60, BS60 | B3]

Gargoyle — Four attacks, flight, slightly better ground speed than the Popobala, plus all its
attacks are primary. [DV60 | B]

Euryale — At this level, it's the stat buffs and six snake bites with reach; your GM might rule that
they always count as secondary even though RAW bites are primary – that you get the
downsides but not the upsides of Snake Independence. Good if you've got weapon wielded
attacks, or you want to cast. Significant upgrades later. Oh, and you'll non-literally petrify people
when they see a medusa coming towards them. [DV120 | B3]

Sabosan — Flight and scent if you need that combination. Three attacks. [DV60, BS60, Sc | B3]

Rokurokubi — A fairly big bite with 20ft reach. Also? Creeeeeeeeepy! [DV60 | B4]

At this point you gain grab, increased alternate movement speeds and… a few very specific
abilities that specific monsters have. You also get trip and pounce, but I don’t think I could find
any Monstrous Humanoids that actually had them. Potentially, wearing spiked armour with
enhancement bonus/special abilities on the spikes could be a workable tactic here.

— Tiny Monstrous Humanoid

There are no tiny monstrous humanoids.

— Small Monstrous Humanoid

Kappa — Two attacks, grab. [DV60 | B3]

— Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Deathsnatcher - Gains Pounce, flight improves. [Sc | B6]

Popobala — Gains two grabs at this level. [DV60, BS60 | B3]

Gargoyle — Gains the Freeze ability at this level, useful in urban environments. [DV60 | B]

Sabosan — Gains two grabs at this level. [DV60, BS60, Sc | B3]

Witchwyrd — Four slams, all with grab. [DV60 | B2]

Doppelganger — Mimicry allows you to use any weapon or armour, but more importantly makes
all spells count as being on your list for spell completion and trigger items; you don’t need use
magic device for most things if you’ve got this form. [DV60 | B]

Kuchrima — Best flyer at this level, three attacks. [DV60, LLV, Sc | RoRl]

Malenti — Should you ever need to speak to sharks, this is the form for you! (You probably
won’t need to). [DV60, BS30 | AP56]

Mongrelman — Mentioned only for its Sound Mimicry ability. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B2]

— Large Monstrous Humanoid

Four Armed Gargoyle — Six attacks, flight, freeze. Best combat form at this level. [DV60 | AP48]

Vouivre — Five attacks, flight. [DV60 | B4 & AP30]

Girtablilu — Fairly fast, three attacks (two with grab) plus attack with your weapon too.
[DV60, TS30 | B3]

Annis Hag — Three attacks, two with grab. [DV60 | B3]

Lamia — weapon attacks plus two claws, but mostly mentioned because it’s fast. [DV60, LLV | B]

Calikang — Weapon attacks plus four slams [DV60| ISWG]

Tikbalang — Finally, a Monstrous Humanoid that can pounce. Three attacks, or four ranged
spines (though limited spines per day). If you’re charging a lot, or have other things you want to
do on the charge, this is pretty good. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B4]

Fen Mauler - Five attacks on a pouncing charge (two from Rend). [DV60, LLV, Sc | B6]

Formian Queen — Very slow, but two 4d8 claws — potentially very nasty with Vital Strike. [DV60,
BS30, TS60, Sc | B4]

Nependis — Two claws with grab, and a 2d6 damage gore, climb speed. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B4]

Ichthyocentaur — Decent swimming pouncer with weapon attacks, plus a pair of naturals.
Aquatic, poor land speed. [DV60 | B5]


Yet more abilities with the traditional size increases. Blindsense, poison and rake are probably
the most useful of the gained abilities.

— Diminutive Monstrous Humanoid

There are no diminutive monstrous humanoids.

— Tiny Monstrous Humanoid

There are no tiny monstrous humanoids.

— Small Monstrous Humanoid

Charda — Gets cold vigor at this level – bonus to attacks and damage in cold environments.
[DV120 | B2]

Kappa — Gains rake at this level. [DV60 | B3]

Pukwudgie — Two claws, reasonably nasty con poison. [DV60 | B3]

— Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Deathsnatcher - Gets a 2 saves, 1d4 Constitution drain poison. Pretty strong though you may
want the extra attribute points of bigger forms, or the six Dexterity and Constitution reach bites
of the Eurale. [Sc | B6]

Euryale — Six snake attacks with reach and a poison that does Dexterity and Constitution
damage and makes then Sonic vulnerable. Read up on the rules for stacking poisons before
you get into combat with this. Gets All Around Vision, and if your GM considers Blindsense a
lesser form of Blindsight, you get 30 of that at this level. [DV120, BSi60, AAV | B3]

Jorogumo — Web, three attacks with a strong wisdom poison that’s hard to throw off. [DV60 | B3]

Popobala — Gains blindsense. [DV60, BS60 | B3]

Sabosan — Also gets blindsense here. [DV60, BS60, Sc | B3]

Formian Warrior — three attacks, two with grab, and a sting with Dexterity poison
[DV60, BS30, | B4]

Maenad — Bite, two claws, all with a Constitution poison that takes two saves to stop.
[DV60 | B4]

— Large Monstrous Humanoid

Minotaur — Never become lost! Or flatfooted either. That might be useful, but otherwise not
actually that great – weapon attacks plus a gore. [DV60 | B]

Formian Myrmarch — Four attacks, one with a Dexterity + Sickened poison that takes two
saves to end, Blindsense [DV60, BS30 | B3]

Formian Queen — Gains Blindsense at this level [DV60, BS30, TS60, Sc | B4]

Tikbalang — Gains Trample. So it’s the only pouncing monstrous humanoid, and one of the few
tramplers too. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B4]

— Huge Monstrous Humanoid

Thriae Queen — Weapon attacks, plus a sting that has one of the strongest con poisons, and
staggers its target, flight. Best combat form at this level. [DV60, LLV | B3]

Hungerer — Three attacks, flight. [DV60, LLV | RoRl]

Saurian - T-Rex Man! Bite and claws with good damage on all three, but also the ability to wield
weapons. [DV60, Sc | B6]

This level is just extra abilities; no size increase. The main gain is elemental resistance and the
poison save bonus if the form is poison immune (something the other shapeshift spells lack),
beyond that you also get breath weapons, and rend.

— Diminutive Monstrous Humanoid

There are no diminutive monstrous humanoids.

— Tiny Monstrous Humanoid

There are no tiny monstrous humanoids.

— Small Monstrous Humanoid

Charda — Gets cold resistance and poison save bonus at this level, plus one of the few that can
make use of Darkvision 90 [DV120 | B2]

— Medium Monstrous Humanoid

Deathsnatcher - Final appearance, gets cold and fire resistance, poison save bonus, and an
argument could be made that Rend is a lesser form of Soul Rend, therefore you might be able
to get the damage (though not the level drain) elements of that.[Sc | B6]
Euryale — Gains Sonic resistance, a bonus to Poison Saves, and again potentially Blindsense
60. [DV120 | B3]

Popobala — Blindsense goes up to 60, gains poison save bonus, gains rend. [DV60, BS60 | B3]

Winter Hag — Here for the 30ft, 4d6 cold and blindness breath weapon it has.

— Large Monstrous Humanoid

Yeti — Cold resistance (but vulnerable to fire), two attacks with rend.

Calikang — Gains fairly nasty (but one use a day) breath weapon and electricity resistance.
[DV60| ISWG]

Annis Hag — Gains rend. [DV60 | B3]

Vouivre — Gains a fairly nice breath weapon at this level [DV60 | B4 & AP30]

Formian Queen — Gains Tremorsense here. There’s better combat forms, but a nice suite of
senses and still two strong attacks. [DV60, BS30, TS60, Sc | B4]

— Huge Monstrous Humanoid

Thriae Queen — Gains sonic resistance and poison save bonus. [DV60, LLV | B3]

Hungerer — Gains acid resistance and poison save bonus. [DV60, LLV | RoRl]

Saurian - Gets a Roar that Stuns on a failed Will Save, and Shakes on a successful one. [DV60,
Sc | B6]

The Spell

Noticeable split in spell levels - Druids and Shamans get it earlier than the rest. Stats bonuses
are nice if you're early entry, less good if not, but still noticeably better for creatures of their size
(which given size penalties to attacks and AC, does add up some), however no Natural armour
bonus (though you can keep what you're wearing).

Potentially pretty nice for a Magus, as man can wield weapons for spell combat and some have
natural attacks to throw in as well, and if you're using spells that are on the Fae's list, no
countering or verbal/sonomatic components.
However, beyond that, I'm not that convinced of the usefulness of the Spell Likes, thus I haven't
dwelled on them much beyond a few places where an array of them on a particular form look
useful. There's potentially a few benefits — still being able to cast whilst pinned (though difficult
Concentration check required), being able to cast when in the area of Silence or whilst tied up.
But it's pretty niche — you could build a mage-killer Magus who gets a friend to cast Silence on
her, whilst in the form of a Svartalfar, so can still cast a bunch of those touch spells. But it feels
like it's either something like that, to build for, or something that you'll occasionally find useful,
but mostly won't notice.

Worth noting all the levels give you the creatures' weaknesses, so those can be a downside on
otherwise nice forms.

Because a lot of forms have a steadily improving capabilities, I'm going to put those
improvements under their first entry unless an upgrade makes a major change to the usefulness
of a form, is the only thing at a given spell level with a capability.

Strength or Dex plus Constitution bonus is pretty nice (though losing the Constitution can be
slightly risky). Has the unusual thing of a maximum speed on the form, to stop the super-speedy
forms being too powerful. No particularly exciting special abilities granted.

— Medium Fey

Erlking - fast and flies (both maxed out at this level), but only weapon attacks. Steadily improves
over the levels. [DV60, LLV, Sc | B4]
At II: 1d6 Bleed, Poison Resistance, DR 2/Cold Iron
At III: Acid, Cold and Electricity Resistance, DR 5/Cold Iron, Poison Resistance Improves
At IV: Elemental and damage resistances improve, gains spell resistance.

Ijiraq - two claws bite gore, and a few potentially useful spell-likes (Dimension Door & others)
[LLV | B4]
At IV: Hide in Plain Sight in icy terrain

Thin Man - bite, two claws with Reach [LLV | ISB]

At II: Bleed, Compression – pretty good fight form for tight spots.

Rusalka - You won't get staggering touch, but as they're listed as attacks you may get hair
attacks without the 'not grappled whilst grappling' and Charisma to CMB - or your GM may rule
they're only there because of the Tresses special ability you don't have. If your GM allows it,
four 15ft reach grab attacks, plus Aquatic with a decent swim speed [LLV | B3]
At II: Constrict, DR 2/Cold Iron, At III: Fire Resistance, DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Spell Resistance
Svartalfar - Slightly faster than a standard race, and has a whole bunch of touch spells-likes
that'd be good as a Magus if you need that. Weakness: Light Blindness [DV120, LLV | B4]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, At III: Cold, Electricity Resistance, DR 5/Cold Iron, Darkvision 90
At IV: Spell Resistance

Vilderavn - two claws and bite, flight. [LLV, SiD | B3]

At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, See in Darkness, At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, Frightful Presence
At IV: Spell Resistance

Kamaitachi - A flying weasel with sickles for feet because… why not? Good flyer with four
attacks. [LLV, Sc, BSi60 | B6]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, Bleed on attacks, At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, Blindsight, At IV: Spell Resistance

Wild Hunt Monarch - weapon attacks, gore, good upgrades later. [LLV, Sc, Sid | B6]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, See in Darkness
At III: Fire, Electricity Resistance, DR 5/Cold Iron, Darkvision 90, At IV: Spell Resistance

— Small Fey
Boggle - Has four attacks [LLV | B6]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Spell Resistance

Redcap for the stat bonuses of a small creature plus a secondary Kick attack that you can use
whilst moving (and fast movement). [LLV | B2]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, At III: DR 5/Cold Iron,
At IV: Fast Healing 3, albeit you lose it if you lose your hat.

Calpina - Has a bite with Grab, albeit the Grab would only work on small targets.[LLV | B2]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, At III: DR 5/Cold Iron

Nixie - Just here for if you need something Aquatic and with a Swim speed. [LLV | B3]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Spell Resistance

Boggart - two claws plus abduct (basically a free and better reposition if you hit with both claws.
[LLV | B6]
At II: DR 2/Cold Iron, At III: DR 5/Cold Iron

This effectively 'jumps' a level compared to Beast Shape and Monstrous Physique, and again a
split between availability levels, and again this makes it much more attractive to the early
accessers than those getting it later. Poison, DR 2/Cold Iron, Bleed and resistance to Posion
and Mind Affecting where the form is immune come in here.
Burn is listed as an ability gained here, but I've yet to find any Fae with it.

— Medium Fey

Alp - 3 attacks, Crushing Leap, DR 2/Cold Iron. [DV60, LLV | B6]

At III: Gains Frightful Presence, DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Spell Resistance, Cold Resistance

Candlestone Courtier - See in darkness [LLV, SiD | ABF]

Cold Rider - Icewalking [LLV, DV | B3]

At III: Cold Resistance, At IV: Spell Resistance, Cold Resistance improves

Swan Maiden - Trackless Step, DR 2/Cold Iron [LLV, DV | B3]

At III: Electricity and Cold resistance DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Spell Resistance

Hamadryad - tree meld, DR 2/Cold Iron [LLV | B4] At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Fast Healing

Twigjack - Woodland Stride, two claws, vulnerable to fire [DV60, LLV | B2]

— Small Fey

Korred: Animated Hair, decent ranged Rock Throwing, weapon attacks. DR 2/Cold Iron [LLV | B2]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Fast Healing

Lurker in Light - There's an argument that a dagger amongst your stuff might suddenly become
coated with Poison, if so this is a flying poisoner. If not, not so great. DR 2/Cold Iron [LLV | B2]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron

Dvorovoi - Compresion on a Small creature means this can fit in pretty tiny spaces. Oversized
Weapons means it can still use medium weapons rather than losing damage. Though
depending on your GMs interpretation, you may have to put the weapon down whilst you shift.
DR 2/Cold Iron [DV60, LLV | B2] At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Spell Resistance

Nuglub Gremlin - Bite with grab, two claws, and Kneecapper giving it a bonus to Trip DR 2/Cold
Iron [DV120, LLV | B5] At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, At IV: Spell Resistance

Sangoi - Bite and two claws, all with Bleed, Blood Rage, DR 2/Cold Iron. [LLV | B5]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron
Bagiennik- Two claws, swim, aquatic. Touch attack Nasal Spray that does fire and acid damage,
sets things on fire, but which can also be used to cure ability damage (if you can heal the
damage after). DR 2/Cold Iron. [Sc | B5] At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, small Acid and Fire Resistance

— Large Fey
Nuckelavee - Weapon attacks plus a primary bite and two secondary hooves. Aquatic, poison
resistance. DR 2/Cold Iron. [Sc | B3] At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, Poison Resistance improves.

Ankou - Fast flight, Two primary attacks, three secondary with 2d6 bleed, Blindsense DR 2/Cold
Iron. [LLV, BS120 | B3] At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, flight improves.

Whisperer - Probably Six reach 20 touch attack tentacles doing 3d10 (no strength) though it
could be argued that they're a function of the Cursed Wound ability you don't get. Flight,
Blindsight far further than the spell gives you, see in darkness, and resistance to both Poison
and Mind Effecting. [LLV, BS360, SiD | B6]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, Poison and Mind Affecting Resistance improves, gains Cold and Sonic
At IV: Gains Spell Resistance, Cold and Sonic resistance improves.

Wild Hunt Horse - Fast, Rideable if you have a party member who wants to do that or need to
get someone away from somewhere, one primary attack and two secondary attacks with bleed,
DR 2/Cold Iron, plus Cold, Electricity and Fire resistances, See in Darkness. [LLV, SiD | B6]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, Cold resistance improves, gets faster.

— Tiny Fey

Fastachees - Two attacks that have 30 foot reach (sidestepping the usual 'zero reach' issues
with the littlest creatures) long reach. DR 2/Cold Iron [LLV | B5]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron

Fuath Gremlin - 2 claws, climb and swim, DR 2/Cold Iron, but vulnerable to fire and takes
Constitution damage from sunlight. [DV120, LLV | B3]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron, Gains Cold resistance.
At IV: Gains Spell Resistance.

Pooka - Okay flight, can blow a poison (or drunkenness) cloud, weapon attacks, DR 2/Cold Iron
or Silver. [DV60, LLV | B4]
At III: DR 5/Cold Iron or Silver
At IV: Gains Spell Resistance, and Fast Healing 2.

Grimple Gremlin - 30 foot line of Nauseating vomit, bite, climb, fly, DR 2/Cold Iron. [DV60, LLV | B4]
Fortunately this one doesn't skip another level, so it's more comparable to the others for the
early entrants. Diminutive Fey have similar stats to Tiny Magical Beasts, Huge Fey have same
Strength and better Constitution than Huge Magical Beasts, but in both cases you're losing out
on the natural armour (though can wear actual armour).

— Medium Fey

Wild Hunt Hound - three attacks (big bite for a medium creature), damage resistance, cold,
electricity plus fire resistance, and good senses. [LLV, Sc, SiD, BS60 BSi30 | B6]

— Small Fey
Chaneque - here for its fear aura. Has a claw attack, climb and climb fly claw. [LLV | B4]

Quickling for high speed, and Supernatural Speed which gives Concealment, Uncanny Dodge
and Evasion. DR 5/Cold Iron [LLV | B2]
At IV: Speed increases to 120.

— Tiny Fey
Sprite - here for Luminous, should you want to be a variable level light source. Other than that,
good flight, weapon attacks, DR 2/Cold Iron

— Diminutive Fey
Tooth Fairy - Good flight, bite, weapon attacks.DR 2/cold iron [DV60, LLV | B3]

Mockingfey - Good flight, two talons [LLV | ISB]

— Huge Fey
Tunche - This is the only huge fey, but thankfully it has five primary attacks, one with
Constitution, Wisdom and nauseating poison. Also has Sound Mimicry if you need that. DR
5/Cold Iron [DV, LLV, Sc | B4]

Skips a level again, making this level 8 or 9. No new sizes, so no extra stats - there are
definitely better spells for stats at this level. It's all about the new abilities - which are pretty nice.
Spell Resistance, Fast Healing, plus some extra speed. But because it's such a high level, if
you're using this, you want to be using something with Fast Healing and/or Spells Resistance,
depending on your needs — otherwise just use a lower level version.
Because it's just upgrades, most of the options here have been covered at previous levels. In
terms of the best forms at this level, Quickling is good for high speed if you want to build around
that, Pooka is a flying, DR, Fast Healing, Spell Resistance option, and Whisperer has reach,
touch attacks, Spell Resistance and elemental resistances - probably one of the good combat
options for this level. For sneaky types, Ijiraq has hide in plain sight (icy terrain only) and four

— Medium Fey

Nereid - Here for Beguiling Aura — the ability to fascinate everyone around you, and
Transparency — underwater invisibility. Also has a poison that it can deliver by ranged or meele
touch, for d2 Constitution damage and blindnes, plus Spell, Cold and Poison Resistance, and
DR 5/Cold Iron. Potentially pretty nice for a melee mage, in that I think you could maybe deliver
a touch spell and its touch poison in the same attack. [LLV | B2]

Banelight - You don't get the Light Vortices, so no attacks, but it has DR, Fast Healing, high
speed flight, and it could be argued that spell resistance is a lesser form of its immunity to
magic. However, the spell Darkness will stagger you and turn off your Fast Healing. [Bsi60, LLV |

Fossegrim - If you'd rather your underwater invisibility came with two slams, rather than poison.
DR 5/Cold Iron [LLV | B2]

— Small Fey

Spring-Heeled Jack - Not entirely sure this should be here, as it's not made clear from the
description whether or not this is a unique creature. On the other hand, it's the only thing with
the Vault ability, which is why I've included it. Other than that, not anything special. [LLV | B4]

The spell

The Undead Anatomy spell is problematical. It uses templated undead as examples and gives
you powers that only templates have, but does not overrule the rule that polymorph effects do
not allow you to take the form of templated creatures. Also, it gives you three natural attacks,
which implies you don't get the natural attacks of your form, but doesn't specifically say you
don't, therefore RAW you get both the granted attacks and the creature's natural attacks. Finally,
it allows only 'roughly humanoid' forms, yet allows you to take forms at sizes where there are no
(non-templated) forms that fit that description.

I’ve listed first all the non-templated creatures, and then I’ve gone through the templates, with
both I have assumed that they only get the natural attacks granted by the spell. I plan to later
return to this, and look at what the best options are if either or both of those assumptions are

Like Giant Form and Monstrous Physique, you can continue to use your armour and weapons in
these forms, though you also get the attacks mentioned above. You also detect as undead, and
are treated as undead for positive/negative energy, which may make it harder for your party
healer to heal you, but you avoid being caught by the nastier anti-undead spells.

At this level, there’s not really much difference between the forms — it’s pretty much just
movement capabilities and senses, as the spell dictates your abilities.

— Small Undead
Tikoloshe — Has a swim speed, and people may think you’re blind (stats not on d20pfsrd).
[BS60, BSi30 LLV | AP40]

Shredskin — Flight. [DV60 | B4]

— Medium Undead
Shadow — Flight, and its appearance will often scare people, if they recognise it. [DV60 | B]

Bhuta — Flight and Scent. [DV60, Sc | B3]

Minor Reaper — Only medium undead I could find with low light vision, should you want that.
Probably also fairly intimidating to people. [DV60, LLV | AP48]

Ghul — Climb speed, if you need that. [DV60 | B3]

More abilities, meaning more meaningful choices. Grab, blood drain, and damage resistance
are the stand-out abilities here, though I’m not sure what DR counts as lesser than others, so
what you get is not entirely clear. You also get save bonuses against the attack types undead
are immune to, though at the cost of also gaining their vulnerabilities.

— Tiny Undead
Pickled Punk — Included because it’s the only Tiny undead that that has a shape I’d call
‘roughly humanoid’ enough for the spell. Has DR 5/Bludgeoning, and being a Tiny creature with
the 3 attacks the spell gives is reasonably good.

— Small Undead
Attic Whisperer — Has darkvision. [DV60 | B2]

Shredskin — Gains a pair of grabs [DV60 | B4]

— Medium Undead
Shadow — Flight improves slightly, gains darkvision. [DV60 | B]

Bhuta — Flight manuverability improves slightly, gains a fairly strong blood drain. Appears to
either have a different blood drain to most creatures, or an additional capability; draining from
creatures with bleed effects instead of/as well as when grappling. One of the better combat
forms at this level. [DV60, Sc | B3]

Manananggal — Best flyer. Grab on its claws, blood drain. Possibly gets DR; unsure if
‘5/Bludgeoning’ counts as a lesser form of ‘10/good or silver’ for the purposes of polymorph
rules. Probably best combat form of this size + level if it does. [DV60 | B3]

Witchfire — Flight, sound mimicry. [DV60 | B2]

Skeletal Champion / Draugr / Winterwight / Guecubu — All will get you DR 5/bludgeoning,apart
from the Draugr where it’s bludgeoning or slashing but it has a swim speed. Apart from that,
they’re relatively indistinguishable from each other, for what you get.
[DV60 | B] / [DV60 | B2] / [DV60 | B2] / [DV60, TS60 | B2]

Mohrg / Revenant — Slams/claws with grab. [DV60 | B] / [DV60 | B2]

Guardian Phantom Armour — There’ll be moments when the Freeze available with this is a
good way of hiding, if you have sufficient duration on your form. [DV60 | B4]

— Large Undead
Grim Reaper — Good flight, intimidating appearance, possibly DR. [DV60, LLV | AP48]

Giant Phantom Armour — Good for hiding somewhere a large suit of armour might be, as
Freeze lets you take 20 on that. [DV60 | B4]


DR improves, you get yet more abilities that suggest this spell is suppose to be applicable to
templates. You also get disease, which is mostly useless unless you have long term plans, due
to the slow onset most diseases have. Save bonus against the things undead are immune to
increases here.

— Diminutive & Tiny Undead

None of the diminutive or tiny undead are ‘vaguely humanoid shaped’ to an extent I’d consider
them usable for this spell.

— Small Undead
Tikoloshe — Gains blindsight at this level. [BS60, BSi30, LLV | AP40]

— Medium Undead
Mummy — Has DR 5/–. You might also get Mummy rot ability because it’s disease infliction, but
I doubt it. [DV60 | B]

Revenant — Gains constrict. [DV60 | B2]

Guecubu — Gains burrow. [DV60, TS60 | B2]

Festering Spirit — Constitution damage trample, good if you’re facing a lot of small opponents.
[DV60 | B4]

— Large Undead
Grim Reaper — Gains fear aura at this level. [DV60, LLV | AP48]

Daughter of Urgathoa — Immediate onset constitution damage + fatigue disease. [DV60 | ISWG]

— Huge Undead
These are the only two options that are humanoid enough; both are reasonable for combat.

Nightwalker — Damage resistance. [DV60, LLV | B2]

Gashadokuro — Grab on its bite. [DV60, LLV | B4 & AP54]

No size increase, but noticeable increases in DR, and you can now get resistances (gaining 30
rather than the usual 20), breath weapon, fast healing, and most usefully, incorporeality, albeit
the last at the cost of a much shorter duration (unfortunately, this is not optional, meaning
Undead Anatomy will sometimes be a better option, if you want a the abilities/look with a longer
— Diminutive & Tiny Undead
None of the diminutive or tiny undead are ‘vaguely humanoid shaped’ to an extent I’d consider
them usable for this spell.

— Small Undead
Nothing particularly new or interesting here.

— Medium Undead
Voidstick Zombie — Lifesense, Fast Healing. [DV60, LS60 | AP57]

Wraith — Incorporeal, Lifesense, flight. Staggered if in sunlight though. [DV60, LS60 | B]

Guecubu — gains tremorsense, electricity & cold resistance, fast healing. [DV60, TS60 | B2]

Dybbuk — Incorporeal, damage resistance, no weaknesses (unlike most of the other

incorporeal undead) [DV60 | B3]

Festering Spirit — Becomes incorporeal. [DV60 | B4]

— Large Undead
Ecorche — Strong damage resistance, fast healing [DV60 | B3]

Grim Reaper — Gains incorporeality and DR improvement at this level. [DV60, LLV | AP48]

— Huge Undead

Gashadokuro — Gains a fairly strong breath weapon [DV60, LLV | AP54]


Because of the nature of the templates, the abilities they grant, the fact that they can be applied
to a variety of forms, and the fact there’s a limited variety of of them, I’m looking at these in turn
and mostly splitting up what it gains from each level of the spell, though there are a few that are
simple enough that I’m not bothering with that..

Ghost — Mostly only worth taking for the look, and the eventual incorporeality. If combined with
a creature with many natural attacks, could be pretty effective with incorporeal touch attacks.

I — You look like a ghost, and you can fly though you’re not incorporeal.
II — Flight improves. No other benefits.
III — No benefits gained
IV — Gain incorporeality, at the cost of reduced duration
Vampire — Starts off fairly awful, if you really want Blood Drain then it’s good from UA II, but it’s
really UA III & IV where this starts to get good. Probably pretty good if applied to creatures with
Grab, maybe Rake too from UA III (not sure if you can rake and drain simultanously).

I — You look like a vampire. That’s it, no form-specific bonuses at this level
II — Gain blood drain, possibly DR (at this level you can get 5/Bludgeoning, the Vampire has
DR 10/Magic & Silver). You also gain Shadowless (shadow & reflection-less). and it’s
vulnerabilities; not sure if you get all of them though.(sunlight, mirrors, holy symbols, need for
invitation) — text says that you gain its vulnerabilities to attacks, with sunlight as an example.
III — Gain resistance to cold and electricity, possibly get DR 5/Magic and Silver (since that can
be reasonably argued to be lesser than DR 5/-)
IV — Gain fast healing 5, DR 10/Magic and Silver

Vampire Variants
Nosferatu — DR is just 5/wood and piercing, but has sonic resistance, low light vision, and

Skeleton / Skeletal Champion — Not that great, but probably alright for pretending to be a
random mook skeleton, and also if you want good cold resistance with a bit of DR - if you’re
fighting a White Dragon, or similar. Skeletal Champion gains nothing over the standard

I — No special abilities, just the look.

II — Gain DR 5/Bludgeoning
III — Gain cold resistance
IV — Cold resistance improves

Skeleton Variants — Gallowdead gains DR 5/Magic and Bludgeoning at UA III, DR 10/Magic

and Bludgeoning at UA IV. Burning Skeleton gains fire resistance at UA III, and Fiery Aura, Fiery
Death, and better fire resistance at UA IV

Zombie — Probably gets DR 5/slashing at UA III, as that’s when DR 5/- is available. Gains no
other special abilities. Only worth it if you want to look like a zombie. Does have the advantage
that you don’t have the staggered special quality, so you’re not a slow zombie.

Lich — Fairly light on gained abilities, though fear aura is quite nice, and at the higher level
having resist 30 to two elements, and the highest DR is pretty useful.
I — Just the appearance.
II — Probably gains DR 5/bludgeoning
III — Gains cold and electricity resistance and fear aura.
IV — Resistances improves, and DR is now 15/bludgeoning and magic

Frostfallen — Cold resistance and decent DR. Lich is just plain better though.
I — No special abilities, just the look.
II — Gain DR 5/Bludgeoning. Become vulnerable to fire.
III — Gain cold resistance.
IV — Gain DR 10/Bludgeoning (assuming you’re 11+ HD), Cold resistance improves.

Graveknight — Good if you need the extra resistance versus something specific/rare
I — Just the appearance.
II — Nothing.
III — Gain DR 5/Magic, and resistance to cold, electricity and an element of your choice.
IV — Gain DR 10/magic, all three resistances improve.

Orison Mummmy — Gain DR 5/- at UA III, at the cost of a single elemental vulnerability that
enemies may be able to work out (if they have high perception and linguistics). Probably mostly
best for sticking on something with good attacks/other useful capabilities, that you want to add
DR 5/- to.

Penanggalen — Am assuming you take the form of just the separated part. Not bad if you want
the flight, otherwise Vampire is better.

I — Appearance (and a freaky appearance it is!) and flight.

II — Gains blood drain. Flight improves. Not sure if the light sensitivity and staggered in sunlight
effects count as vulnerabilities to attacks for the spell.
III — Gains DR 5/Silver and slashing, resistance to cold and fire
IV — Fast Healing 5.

Ravener — Requires your GM to let you take the form of an undead dragon, and its abilities are
fairly dependent on what the dragon has. If allowed that, you get blindsense 30 at UA III, and at
UA IV that and your darkvision gets increased, and you get a breath weapon which deals both
damage and negative levels. You might get DR 5/good at UA III, if the dragon had DR 5/magic
or more.

Wyrmskull — Another ‘will your GM let you be an undead dragon’ one. Roughly similar to
Ravener, though not as good, barring better fly. Has DR 5/Bludgeoning.

Juju Zombie — Not bad, but Lich or Vampire is generally better. Main reason for taking this is
increased possibility of people not knowing what it was.
I — No special abilities.
II — No special abilities.
III — DR 5/Magic and Slashing, cold, fire, and electricity resistance
IV — Cold and electricity resistance increases, DR probably increases to 10.
The Spell

A good number of attacks, a breath weapon when you need it, some resistances (though also
sometimes some vulnerabilities), and the benefit that you can have five or six attacks without
your GM complaining that you’re minmaxing to choose a weird form with too many attacks. If
you have a GM who’s fairly restrictive on what you can choose from for the other spells, this and
Elemental Body may be better, as they’re absolutely clear what you get.

Relatively little changes as the levels go up, as it’s largely a case of just increasing

I — five attacks, and a decent damage breath weapon. Various special movement capabilities,
take what you need. Best forms is probably Green or Gold if you want a cone Breath Weapon —
both because they lack vulnerabilities, Green because acid is a less resisted element and Gold
because Fire is an often used element, so the resistance is more useful. Black or Copper are
probably best if you want a line breath weapon, again because acid damage and no

II — Numbers go up statwise, damage-wise, adding a sixth attack and upping your fly speed,
but otherwise the only real change is the addition of Damage Resistance 5/Magic. For here and
above, cone breath weapons probably beat lines, unless your enemy is a long way away or you
need the precision to avoid hitting your party.

III — Elemental immunity, and breath weapon every D4 rounds is pretty strong, alongside the
good stat bonuses and attacks. This with the right buffs is a very effective mook-killer - breathe
on them every few rounds, and spend the rest of the time rending them apart, and DR 10/Magic,
+8 Natural armour, and Frightful Presence plus Blindsense for keeping them scattered, yet
finding them. Blindsense 60 and Darkvision 120 make this the sensory radar station that
dragons are known for being.

The Spell

Slightly strange one here, as the spell tells you the majority of what you get, but you still need to
look at the elemental’s statblocks to see what attacks you’re getting, and stuff like the size of
your Whirlwind, Vortex or Burn damage. As mentioned with Form of the Dragon, this is good if
your GM dislikes the vast number of different things and therefore attack combinations the other
shapeshifts can grant; you get a bunch of different possibilities from the four elemental options
here, but it’s still quite manageable for someone to read. It’s also good if you want a simple form
to use yourself - all you need to know is the stat bonuses, your Slam damage, and one special
ability per element (Whirlwind/Earth Glide/Burn/Vortex).

The slams that the forms give are natural attacks, and I’d say the forms are humanoid enough
to wield weapons (barring turning into a Whirlwind or Vortex), so with Multiattack and/or a high
enough BAB, you should be able to use a weapon alongside them, though individual GMs might
rule differently, and once you’re getting mutiple slams it becomes a little less if you should lose

Speaking generally, the Air elementals are good for scouting and sneaking with their flight and
high Dexterity, and their Whirlwind can be useful at higher levels. Earth is the best direct combat
form — Strength bonus, plus higher damage dice at all levels, though it loses out on AC towards
the end. Fire is fast on land, and does burn damage with its attacks, so if you can improve them
or apply them to more people, then that’s a strong option. And water gets decent AC and
Constitution bonuses making it a good tank, with utility benefits when you’re in, well, water.


Air: Effective Total effective +4 armour (size, Dexterity, Natural). Easy access to Perfect flight
(meaning you don’t need any/many skill points invested to fly acceptably well), a single D4
Slam. Whilst it’s not so great at this level unless you’re picking up Rats or other tiny creatures,
overall Whirlwind is actually pretty good as a PC ability — you’ll have an OK duration as it’s your
HD that’s based on, it’s effectively a grapple that they make a save against (and the DC is that
of the spell), and if they fail, then they don’t get another try unless they have Flight or some
other way out. They can attack you, but they can’t move, and you can still fly, and deal them
slam damage each round if they fail a save. Very good if there are handy cliffs or other long
drops around, and even just going straight up and dropping them will probably do a fair bit of

Earth: Effective +5 armour, a D6 Slam, this is good for combat. Earth Glide also makes it pretty
nice for sneaking into places or similar, bit slow at 20ft move though.

Fire: Effective +4 armour, the only Elemental to get a resistance (Fire, 20) at this level, though it
does also get a cold vulnerability. D4 slam and Burn; against poor Reflex save opponents that
could be useful, getting a bunch of them on fire, but it’s not that great yet. As always, the save is
that of the spell, not the monster’s DC. 50ft move, so quite fast.

Water: Actually pretty much as tanky as the Earth Elemental; bonus constitution instead of
Strength means damage output would be less but you can take more. Slow outside of water, but
the Swim speed and water breathing is good utility now and then. Vortex is identical to
Whirlwind except less often usable, but it’s a good way of taking something out of the fight when
you can, albeit with less capacity to drop them to their deaths.
All have an effective +5 AC bonus from a combination of Natural and Dexterity bonus, so no
difference there unless you’re facing lots of Touch attacks or flatfooted strikes.

Air: The Whirlwind is starting to get more useful as Small opponents are more common than
Tiny, has a single D6 slam.
Earth: D8 slam and a decent strength bonus. Otherwise, same old same old.
Fire: D6 slam, D6 burn.
Water: More constitution, D8 Slam, and a bigger Vortex


The stat bonuses start to get slightly broader here as you become Large, it’s also the point
where all the types get a second slam, and Reach 10. Finally, this is where you become immune
to crits, bleed, and sneak attack, meaning it’s damn useful if you’re going up against a thieves
guild or other sneak or crit happy set of opponents.

Air: Effective +5 AC, Whirlwind can now pick up multiple medium opponents, so is pretty useful,
even if it means you’re only getting one D8 slam rather than two (unless you’ve got multiple
enemies in there).
Earth: Effective +4 AC, starts getting Constitution bonus here, Slams are 2d6.
Fire: Effective +5 AC, D8 slams and D8 burn — this is the point where multiple attacks and
better damage dice means setting multiple opponents on fire is a decent option.
Water: Effective +4 AC. Even with that, the big constitution bonus, combined with the
immunities this level gives, means this is a fairly good tank form if you have a decent AC from
other effects.


This spell is huge… well, your form at this level is, anyway, giving you 15ft reach. This final
version gives you DR 5/– which is always useful.

Air: +5 AC, a damn fast Fly speed, and a Whirlwind that can pick up multiple Large, or a whole
bunch of Medium enemies, then fly straight up for a few rounds, and drop them all to their
deaths (hopefully). At this level they’ll be making a DC20-25 save depending on your stats, so
good for gathering up mooks, combined with the DR to take their attacks when inside you. 2d6
Earth: +3 AC; the Size plus Dexterity penalties are adding up. Lots of bonus Strength though,
and as always slightly better damage than Air or Fire with the 2d8 slams.
Fire: +5 AC, your Speed increases to 60ft, and your slams and burn are 2d6.
Water: +3 AC, Constitution bonus gets bigger, you can start to grab Large Sharks with your
Comparison of equivalent shapeshift spells
What’s the best form to take? Obviously, it depends on level, as Form of the Dragon I is likely to
beat Beast Shape I for combat purposes (though not for subtlety). So, I’ve gone through all the
base spells, compared them level by level. I’ve also given my general thoughts on how each
spell stacks up overall compared to the others.

Levels given at the top of the comparisons are the class levels those classes get one or all of
the spells (usually all, except in the case of Wild Shape)

Beast Shape: The old dependable. Very good for not being noticed as an ordinary animal, the
most options in terms of specific animal or magical beast forms for a given need. Strong in
combat throughout — early on Monstrous Physique beats it, but later the better stats and more
esoteric abilities of the Magical Beasts win it for Beast Shape, unless you’re making heavy use
of weapon attacks or your armour.

Monstrous Physique: The massive bonus that this and Giant Form get is that you can stack
your worn armour on top of that given by the spell, and your weapons resize with you, making
the form a lot more survivable, and with decent BAB you can get a lot of attacks out. Less utility
abilities than some of the others, but being able to talk and open doors is often useful.

Undead Anatomy: As well as the already-mentioned issue that it’s not clear what attacks you
get with it, it’s generally behind the others in terms of attribute bonuses and abilities granted. If
you want the specific stuff it has that other stuff doesn’t, such as blood drain, incorporeality,
Damage Resistance, or the bonuses to the stuff Undead are immune to then it’s good.
Otherwise, it comes well below the rest.

Vermin Form: A few good poisoners, but other than that and its bonus to Mind Affecting, it
comes too much after the rest to be worth taking in comparison.

Elemental Form: For pure combat, the much lower number of attacks the Elementals get
means they don’t compare well with the rest. However their utility abilities, such as perfect flight
early on, earth glide, etc, are quite nice. And they’re one of the simple options, if your GM
doesn’t like you saying “But it’s in this book so I can take its form!”. It also gets a nice set of
immunities later on.

Plant Shape: A few things with long reach or strong poison, but overall it's another one like
Undead Anatomy and Vermin Form – the special stuff generally isn’t worth the narrower options
and higher level spells.
Giant Form: As mentioned under Monstrous Physique, the ability to keep your armour and
weapon is very handy here. Regeneration means that Trolls are the form of choice here; you
just don’t get enough other abilities from anything else. Pretty strong at all the levels it’s
available, and doesn’t really require changing your combat style other than for size.

Form of the Dragon: Being a dragon is always fun. Early on, the low stat boosts for the spell
level are a bit underwhelming, but it ends up with the best ones of all. You don’t have the wide
array of special abilities that some of the other spells can get you, but you get a lot of attacks, a
few useful abilities from the different dragon types, elemental resistance, and a breath weapon
that gets more useful as it goes up. And Form of the Dragon III is a glorious thing to be able to

Alter Self
Wizard/Witch 3rd, Sorcerer 4th, Alchemist/Bard/Magus/Summoner 4th,
Wildshape 13th at will

There’s nothing really to compare with at this level, just to note that this spell exists, and can get
you some speed, or three natural attacks, as a level two spell.

Beast Shape I = Monstrous Physique I = Undead Anatomy I

Wildshape 4th, Wizard 5th, Sorcerer 6th, Alchemist/Magus 7th, Bloodrager 10th.

Attributes and size/Special abilities:

Attribute bonuses are identical, as are granted special abilities.

Beast Shape is probably better for some varieties of sneaking when pretending to be an animal,
and for surviving in the great outdoors, Monstrous Physique is good for being someone else
who can still talk, and Undead Anatomy for getting by in a graveyard, and not taking damage
from Inflict spells.

In terms of the available combat forms, Beast Shape has the Deinonychus with four attacks
(one secondary) and landspeed speed 60 in the , Monstrous Physique has flight with either four
primary attacks in the Gargoyle, or three primary (one of those big), and two secondary in the
Popobala. As I’ve said in its individual entry, it’s not clear whether you get the spell’s three
attacks, or what the form gets, but even if you do Undead Anatomy doesn’t appear to have any
four or five attack nastiness to compete with the other two.

Conclusion: Monstrous Physique wins on combat, more attacks, higher damage, and flight is
generally more useful than being slightly faster. Everything else is take whatever’s most useful
at that moment
Beast Shape II = Monstrous Physique II =
Elemental Body I = Vermin Shape I
Wildshape 6th, Wizard 7th, Sorcerer 8th, Alchemist/Magus 10th, Bloodrager 13th.
(Druids & Witches get Vermin Shape I at 5th.)

Attributes and size:

Beast shape and Monstrous Physique have the same attribute changes again, the pluses are
getting bigger, but now there's minuses. +4 Dexterity and the bonuses from Tiny size make that
pretty useful for stealth. Vermin shape is essentially one level behind those two for attributes
and size options, but you do get slightly better armour and a bonus to saves against Mind
Affecting. Elemental Body is also at roughly Beast Shape/Monstrous Physique I level of
attributes, but you can choose between Strength, Con and Dex, and can get better armour.

Special abilities:
The ability list is pretty much the same between Beast Shape and Monstrous Physique, the only
difference is that the latter gets a few special abilities that certain humanoids have. Vermin
Shape has the ability list of the previous level, plus Lunge. Elemental Body is quite nice here;
you get the specific abilities by form, and there’s several you get here earlier than the other
spells give — perfect flight, not only Burrow but Earth Glide, Resist Fire, and Whirlwind/Vortex.

Combat: Beast Shape’s Dire Tiger is three big attacks with grab and pounce, a favourite for a
good reason., or a Deinonychus with pounce now if you want to stay Medium. Monstrous
Physique offers up the Four Armed Gargoyle, six attacks with flight, and freeze means it can be
an okay stealther, even at Large. There’s also the Tikbalang, the only pouncing Monstrous
Humanoid; not the best once you’re engaged, but alright, and the Formian Queen with its 4d8
damage claws for Vital Strikers. This is the point where most Humanoid forms have Reach 10,
which gives ‘em an advantage over the generally quadrupedal Beast Shape forms. Vermin Form
and Elemental Body are well behind Beast Shape and Monstrous Physique here, none of their
forms compare well with what’s on offer.

In a direct comparison between the Dire Tiger and the Four-armed Gargoyle, the former has
higher damage dice, Grab and Pounce, the latter Flight, Reach and twice as many attacks.
Gargoyle probably wins unless you can drop things with the tiger’s attack in a round and then
charge again, or if you’re grapple-focused.

Utility: most of the Monstrous Humanoid forms aren’t really adding much unless you want their
specific ability (you can get Sound Mimicry, Speak to Sharks, or the Doppleganger’s Mimicry
ability for making use of items), and there aren’t any tiny ones for stealthing, whereas there’s a
good choice of subtle, fast and/or flying Tiny Animals to become.

Conclusion: Monstrous Physique for the four-armed Gargoyle for combat, utility-wise, Beast
Shape for being a cat, crow or a horse, Elemental Body for perfect flight, fire resistance, or
Earth Glide.
Beast Shape III = Monstrous Physique III = Elemental Body II = Vermin
Shape II = Undead Anatomy II = Plant Shape I
Wildshape 8th, Wizard 9th, Sorcerer 10th, Alchemist/Magus 13th
(Druids & Witches get Vermin Shape II at 7th.)

Attributes and size: Beast Shape and Monstrous Humanoid are the same for Diminutive and
Huge forms (not that there are any Diminutive Monstrous Humanoids), but Beast Shape also
gets Magical Beasts, which have better bonuses and lower minuses than the other stuff their
size. Undead Anatomy II and Vermin Shape II are once again one level behind the rest in the
sizes and bonuses they’re offering, but both also give +4 to saves against relevant stuff. Plant
Shape is two levels behind, but gives a Constitution bonus. Elemental form is roughly the same
as Magical Beasts, except slightly better armour and the option of increasing constitution.
Overall, Huge or Diminutive Animals give the biggest bonus, then it’s equal between Magical
Beasts and Elementals for bonuses without penalties.

Special abilities: are similar to last level - same stuff gained except Monstrous Physique picks
up a few more specific creature’s abilities. Vermin Shape II is rather better than I for abilities —
poison and web mean it’s not lagging behind the III’s for abilities so much, and it gets Blood
Drain which they don’t. Plant Shape starts with poison and grab, but doesn’t get any special
movements, which makes it a bit less useful.

Combat: the Huge animals have relatively low numbers of attacks, though the 4D8 bite on the
Behemoth Hippopotamous is nice for Vital Strikers. The Medium magical beasts have some
cool stuff, but nothing with a load of attacks to make it better than the damage of the Huge
Animals. If being small is handy, there’s the Aurumvorax and Rat King both with five attacks, the
former with four rakes. The Thriae Queen is probably your best bet if you’re okay with weapon
attacks, as it can combine the benefits of hugeness with that, and a nasty Constitution poison
on a sting. Elementals are still on a single hit, so really not that great unless you want to use the
Air’s whirlwind to pick up Small and Tiny creatures. Vermin Shape lags behind except on
Poison, which I’ll come to in a moment. Plant shape has the Mi-Go with four grabbing claws, but
not much else.

Undead Anatomy has the Manganal at this point, which can fly in, use its Grab, then start Blood
Draining, which if you’re sufficiently grapple-focused is pretty nice.

Poison-wise, there are a few options. Viper is a good one for sneaky assassinations — tiny
creature with a good Dexterity bonus, and Constitution poison. For poisons usable in combat,
your choices are basically between the Bluetip Eurypterid with 15 foot reach and a D4 Con, two
saves poison, Emperor Cobra, for 1d3 Con, two saves if you have Beast Shape instead of
Vermin, the Great Diadem Urchin if you want Con damage and stunning your opponent (and
can live with the 10 foot speed), or the Weedwhip to take people alive with four tentacles doing
Nausea poison. Humanoid-wise, the Pukwudgie has 1d3 Con, two save poison that it can use
on claws or ranged quills, but isn’t so great in combat beyond that, and the Jorogumo has a 1d6
Wisdom, 3 saves poison that won’t kill people, but will shut them down when their Wisdom hits
zero, and can Web them for good measure.

Utility: Blindsense amd Tremorsense appear on various spells. Galvo is an alright combat
Magical Beast that gets Blindsense, the Bluetip Eurypterid has already been mentioned for its
combat power, and gets Tremorsense, Popobala is an okay combat form (five attacks) with
Blindsense and flight.

Conclusion: At this level, there aren’t really any standout options that are much better than the
rest; it’s more about picking what has the combination of abilities you want. Beast Shape,
Monstrous Physique and Vermin Shape are definitely the ones for combat at this level though.

Beast Shape IV = Monstrous Physique IV = Undead Anatomy III =

Elemental Body III = Plant Shape II =
Form of the Dragon I = Giant Form I (Alchemists Only)
Wildshape 10th, Wizard 11th, Sorcerer 12th, Alchemist 16th

Attributes and size: Monstrous Physique gets no upgrades here, whereas Beast Shape gets
the Tiny and Huge Magical Beasts, which are great for sneaking (or Weapon Finesse attacks)
on the Tiny ones, and for a lot of bonus with little penalty on both. Undead Anatomy gets
Diminutive and Huge forms, with zero and two options respectively there. Elemental Body is like
the Magical Beasts bonuses, but with more options for where to put it, Plant Shape is still
somewhat behind the rest, as is the newly appearing Form of the Dragon.

Special abilities: Breath Weapon appears here for Beast Shape and Monstrous Physique, and
because it’s not limited use unless the creature’s stat block says it is, that makes them better
firebreathers than the dragons of this level. Those two also get Rend, which adds a bit more
damage, sense and movement distances increase, and this is the point where energy
resistance gets common — everything at this level can get it. This is the point where Elemental
Body gives you crit, bleed and sneak immunity, useful against thieves guilds or similar.

Combat: Five attacks and a 6d8 short-range Breath Weapon makes Chimera pretty nice.
There’s a few other interesting Beast Shape ones like the Death Worm, with Breath Weapon
and poison both on its bite and on skin contact. Dragon is nice if you want to stay medium whilst
having a lot of attacks, elemental resistance, and firebreath, but Chimera beats it by having
more attacks primary, higher damage dice, better attribute boosts and unlimited breath weapon
(though slightly shorter range).
Elementals become Large, with reach and a second slam, but unless you’re wanting to
Whirlwind, they’re well behind the other options. Plant Shape doesn’t really have anything that
competes well with the other options at this level.

Utility: Dragons worry people even when they’re medium sized. Becoming a Gorgon means
you could make a lovely statue garden. More seriously, there’s a few other useful Breath
Weapons around — blast of wind or making mist on the Dragon Horse. Formian Queen from
Monstrous Physique has Darkvision, Blindsense and Tremorsense all in one.

Conclusion: Beast Shape (probably as Chimera) for combat, and also for utility, as there’s a lot
of options at this level.

Alchemists: Because they max out at 6th level spells, Alchemists are given Giant Form I a spell
level earlier than everyone else. It's quite nice for them, as they can still throw bombs, drink
potions, and do whatever else, alongside regeneration as a troll. Beast Shape is still better for
combat unless you're particuarly fond of your weapons, armour or explosives.

Elemental Body IV = Plant Shape III = Giant Form I = Form of the

Dragon II = Magical Beast Shape
Wildshape 12th, Wizard 13th, Sorcerer 14th.
Attributes and size: Magical Beast Shape has the best Dexterity at +10, albeit there's only one
(fairly crap) form that qualifies - though with it the stealth bonus will be pretty huge. Huge
Magical Beasts has options, and whilst other forms match its strength, it does have the best
natural armour (though the Dexterity penalty effectively removes that). Form of the Dragon II is
nice is you want no penalties, though Elemental Body IV is 2 more strength for the cost of -2
Dexterity, as well as having two high Dexterity options, and one with big Constitution.

Special abilities: Elementals get faster fly and swim, Dragons fly faster (though slower than the
Air elementals), and both get Damage Resistance, the elementals are again better as it’s
unbeatable, rather than beaten by magic. Magical Beasts get Fast Healing, Giants get
Regeneration (the two are fairly equivalent as your form won't persist after death, Regeneration
is easier to turn off.

Combat: Huge Air elementals can pick up a lot of medium or a few large enemies in a
Whirlwind, fly straight up for a few rounds, then drop them right back down again, which should
prove a fairly effective combat tactic outdoors. However six attacks from the Dragon, plus two
Breath Weapons each casting put that firmly ahead… until Magical Beast Shape shows up as
the newcomer, which has forms with more attacks than the Dragon, better damage breath
weapons, more resistances, and fairly comprable stats. Though the Dragon does have Damage
Plant Shape’s Quickwood is good if you want 60 foot reach, but otherwise there’s little in that
one that’s not beaten by earlier spells. Giant Form is good if you want your armour and weapons
and regeneration, although regeneration is its only real advantage over Monstrous Physique.

Utility: Little that’s particularly special here that’s not covered earlier, apart from Pipefox in
Magical Beast Shape combining +10 Dexterity and Diminutive Size for an effective +17 stealth
compared to a medium standard form. Oh, and a large dragon is more convincing than a
medium one for intimidation purposes.

Conclusion: Dragons are pretty nice, but Magical Beast Shape has added a bunch of rather
better options. One of those two is the best option unless you want Whirlwind or some other
specific effect.

Giant Form II = Undead Anatomy IV = Form of the Dragon III

Wizard 15th, Sorcerer 16th

Attributes and size: Dragon very much wins here, with the best attribute bonuses of any of
these spells. Giant comes next with the second best overall too. Undead Form is giving you the
same bonuses of Beast Form or Monstrous Physique from several levels back, though the +8
bonus against most of the stuff Undead are immune to can be useful.

Special abilities: Damage Reduction, Frightful Presence, great senses and an elemental
immunity on the Dragon make it very strong here. Undead can get better Damage Resistance in
the right form, as well as good senses, breath weapons, fast healing and incorporeality (at the
cost of much reduced duration for the last).

Combat: Once again Troll is the way to go for Giant Form, a Mountain Troll specifically; three
big attacks or two and weapon strikes. But the six attacks and breath weapon from Form of the
Dragon, combined with its high stat boosts, and DR mean that’s probably a better option. If you
want high DR for dealing with mooks, or fast healing (which unlike Regeneration, can’t be
stopped by specific attack types), then the Lich and Vampire are your friends, though the stat
bonuses will be much lower if you’re medium, there’s also the Eorche which combines high DR
with at least some bonuses for being big, but Undead Anatomy is well behind the other two..

Utility: The Dragon has fast flight, long darkvision, blindsense, and an elemental immunity,
which probably puts it ahead of the others which are fairly combat focused, bar the
Undead incorporeality option.

Conclusion: The huge stat bonuses and all the different extra things it gives you means that the
Form of the Dragon is probably the way to go here, unless you really want regeneration or
weapon attacks.

Other polymorphing spells

Sorcerer/Wizard 5, Alchemist 5 — Lets you become a form from Beast Shape II (4th level spell),
Elemental Body I(4th level spell), or Alter Self (2nd level spell). Spell here.

Sorcerer/Wizard 7 — Lets you become a form from Beast Shape IV, Elemental Body III, Alter
Self, Plant Shape II, or Form of the Dragon I (All 6th, bar Alter Self). Spell here.

These two are good if you’re not sure what you’re going to need - Earth Glide or Whirlwind, the
ability to be an elf, or turning into a Dire Tiger or Chimera and tearing people’s faces off. The
extra spell level for that benefit is quite a cost, however. Possibly of more use for Sorcerers,
giving them increased flexibility of form, whereas a Wizard would probably be more likely to
know multiple spells, and pick the one he wanted.

Druid 9, Sorcerer/Wizard 9 — Lets you become the top level of any of the Core Book
shapeshifting spells; Alter Self, Beast Shape IV, Elemental Body IV, Form of the Dragon III,
Giant Form II and Plant Shape III. Spell here.

Much more worth it — whilst yes, there are many other lovely level 9 spells you could cast
instead, but this has two real benefits that Polymorph and Greater Polymorph lack. Firstly,
duration. This will be lasting a minimum of almost three hours, rather than a third of one.
Secondly, flexibility. The ability to change shape each round as a free action means you can
have the best of all worlds; a pouncing form to get close, then the biggest damage when in
combat. A brief Draconic moment when you need to burninate a large number of foes, then
back to a humanoid form to open and walk through a medium door.

Alchemist 4, Bard 4, Magus 4, Sorcerer/Wizard 4, Summoner 4, Witch 4. Alter Self with the
ability to change what you’ve turned into a number of times. Spell here.

Great if you’re a serial killer. By which I mean, the main use I can see for this is pretending to be
of a particular race, getting someone else of that race alone, then turning into a humanoid with
claws and bite to rip your poor victim into piecse. More seriously, there will be times when this
can be useful, but an increase of two spell levels for the ability to change what you turn into is a
hefty charge. Some utility uses for changing quickly between movement or attack types, or
losing pursuers in crowds, but really not that great. If it’d increased the spells duration, it’d be
much more worth it, and the form changes themselves would be handier.

Druid 8, Animal Domain 7. Turn multiple willing targets into Beast Shape III stuff for hours. Spell

High level, but the long duration and high number of targets make this definitely have its
moments. By the time you can cast it, your party is likely to be specialised enough that it won’t
increase their combat abilities that much, though it might be useful for upping the close combat
abilities of casters. The two big uses for it are turning a bunch of low to medium mooks (town
guard, animals you’ve befriended, or similar) into much more of a threat, and utility effects such
as letting your party sneak into somewhere as rats or cats, fly around as hawks, or similar.

Ranger 3, Sorcerer/wizard 4, Witch 4. Take the shape of your animal companion or familiar, as
Beast Shape II. Spell here.
Is your animal companion or familiar a strong combat form? This lets you become them, and
also has a pretty long duration. Potentially you could build a ranger around this concept, taking
a Deinonychus as your familiar, taking on that form, and then both you and it would have five
pouncing attacks, which would be pretty damn nasty. Alas, there don’t seem to be any
particularly good Animals that a Sorcerer, Wizard or Witch can have as a Familiar for this.

I'm not going to give a general "what's good in combat" list, as those are covered all over the
place. So, yes, stuff like Power Attack is handy.I’m going to concentrate more on things that are
specifically good with shapeshifters, clever tricks you can use, etc. Because there are so many
different ways and classes you can get shapeshifting from, I’m not going to try and rate stuff,
just say what I think is useful, either generally or in association with specific tactics.

Eldritch Claws: Natural Attacks have the downside that they’re neither silver nor cold Iron, so if
you’re going for rending and tearing rather than a humanoid or giant form that can wield
weapons, this lets you bypass a couple of the restrictions, though bypassing DR/Magic is less
useful as you’ll likely have a Amulet of MIghty Fists or other buff to that.

Multiattack: The best forms are usually the ones with lots of primary attacks, so this isn’t an
absolute requirement, but it does widen your options, let you use something with a useful
resistance or sense without hurting your attacks too much. Also good for combining natural
attacks with weapon ones in forms with hands.

Rending Fury (and Improved and Greater): If you want to focus down the Giant Form route, then
these with a troll form would be pretty good.
Alas the feat Rending Claws probably doesn’t count as the Rend special creature ability, thus
wouldn’t qualify you for those. But it’s a bit of extra damage.

Vital Strike (Improved, Greater, Devastating Strike, Improved) One generally useful set of feats
that’s extra useful with shapeshifting is the tree; some animals have particularly high damage
dice, so doubling or tripling that damage can have a big effect. Beast Shape II+, Monstrous
Physique II+, Giant Form (via enlarged weapons as well as natural), and Vermin Form all have
some good options for this, I’ve mentioned them in the listings.

Flyby attack: If you’re going heavy on the flyers, and are going to regularly have the room to use
it, then this can be handy, though you won’t get full attacks. Works with Vital Strike, limited
choice of flyers with big attack dice, but there are some.

Feral Training: This does two big things. Firstly, Stunning Fist is now Stunning Claws, ditto
anything else that you’d usually channel through your unarmed attack. And secondly, you can
flurry a natural attack. Combine this with creatures with a particular large damage dice attack,
and this can be very nasty.

Nightstalker: Slightly niche, and has a slightly speedbumpy feat, but if you or your party are big
on stealth, here’s a way to sneak around in big forms.

Noxious Bite: Given the DC is going to be of whatever spell you use, this makes acid-breathing
monsters (already quite good due to the lower likelyhood of immunity) rather stronger as they’re
now nauseating their opponents.

Snatch: Effectively gives grab to claws and bite even if that form doesn’t have it, along with a
useful ability to chuck grabbed targets around.

Wild Shape Feats:

A few of these, as Druids Wildshaping is one of the more common ways to shapeshift.

Natural Spell: If you’re a druid who cares about Wild Shape, and has spells, you want this. The
ability to heal and buff in your form, to combine your spells with unusual shapes, is just so

Quick Wild Shape: Some utility, but denying you the stronger forms really reduces the utility of

Planar Wild Shape: Costs you an extra use of the ability, but the bonus of this are very nice (and
get nicer as you level up, which is also when the cost becomes effectively less). Not worth it for
every form, when you’re taking shapes for utility or minor combats, but for something you’re
going to stay in, for the big boss fights, the resistances, DR, smite and crit bonuses versus the
other alignment, and the Spell Resistance are all very nice.

Wild Speech: Don’t take this feat. Take a Ring of Eloquence, and prepare Animal Speech as a
spell instead.

Powerful Wild Shape: If you’re wanting to make a lot of use of grapples, trips, or other stuff like
that (which a lot of forms have) then this is good.

Shaping Focus: Quite nice, lets you take some levels of fighter or ranger for feats and BAB, of
non-Wildshape enhancing prestige classes, or whatever else, whilst still being the best
Wildshaper you can be.

If you’re going down the Vital Strike tree, a couple of good feats to make that even better are
Grasping Strike and Winter’s Strike, entangling or fatiguing your enemies when you Vital Strike
them, albeit a limited number of times a day.

Archetypes & Class Options

(Bloodlines, Arcane Schools, Discoveries, etc)

There are no real stand-out candidates amongst these, nothing that screams “Take me now!”,
but there are a few nice tricks.

The Brown-Fur Transmuter gets a few shapeshifting enhancements; they can spend an arcane
point to boost a stat their shapeshift improves, and they can cast their shapeshifts on other
people, plus a few more bonuses at 20th. It’s alright, an extra +1 to hit or AC is nothing to be
sneezed at, but it doesn’t blow you out of the water.

They’ve also got a couple of Exploits that are good; Altered Shifting lets you change to another
option from your current spell’s forms, Shift Caster lets you cast whilst transformed, and Spell
TInkerer lets you Extend your shapeshifts for an arcane point.

It’s also worth noting that the other exploits are typically Supernatural Abilities rather than spell
likes, meaning you can use them whilst transformed. That, combined with the archetype and the
specific exploits above mean that if you’re wanting to play a full caster who can access all of the
different shapeshift spells, Arcanist is probably your best bet.

Whilst they don’t get the highest level spells, there are some nice things the angry-casters do
get. The Arcane Bloodline has to wait a while for it, but at 16th level, they can take on Beast
Shape IV or Form of the Dragon I whilst they’re bloodraging, and can combine that with their
earlier abilities to get a bunch of other buffs, meaning they can leap into combat with no prep

The Draconic bloodline gives you Form of the Dragon II whilst bloodraging, so narrower options,
but that is the point where the Form of the Dragon spell starts to get nice.

They also have the Rageshaper archetype, which gives your forms a couple of slight buffs and
can extend your shapeshift spells, though alas there’s no real synergy with the two Bloodline’s
granted stuff.

There’s a few Archetypes that widen your options — the Cave Druid lets you turn into Oozes,
emulating that with Beast Shape plus their crit/sneak & poison immunity, though you lose the
natural armour and won’t get many of their nicer abilities. The Desert Druid does the same for
Vermin (again using Beast Shape rather than the newer Vermin Shape, this alllows you to
become Huge and Diminutive Vermin which could be handy). And finally of those terrain
archetypes, the Mountain Druid does the same but giving you Giant Form at 12th and 16th

All three of those lose Plant Shape (which doesn’t matter that much as it’s not great), and are
two levels behind on the rest of their shapeshifting, so they’re good if there’s something specific
you want from them. If you’re playing a high enough level game to make use of it, Mountain
Druid is probably the best, as it’s the strongest of those spells.

Similar to the latter, there’s the Goliath Druid, which loses a fair bit of flexibility in that it can’t
become elementals, plants, and the only animals it can become are dinosaurs and megafauna
(losing a lot of subtle, hidden forms and utility options), but it can become giants, getting a
lesser form of that at 6th level, then the full versions at 12th and 14th (the latter being the
earliest that can be got by just about anything). It can also take some good Cleric domains for
combat. If you want a direct ‘beat stuff about the head with a huge weapon’ character, with the
side options of being able to bite their head off as a dinosaur (and still flight and a few other
options), then this is a pretty good choice.

Not a class you’d really associate with Shapeshifting, but a few of the Mysteries do have
Revelations that grant subsets of the spells in a progression. And there are few races
(Aasimars, Sylphs and Ifrits) that give you faster Revelation progression.

The best Mystery here is probably the Dark Tapestry, as that has the Many Forms mystery, that
starts off as Alter Self at 3rd, goes through Beast Shape I & III, and eventually reaches Greater
Polymorph (at 15th level for most, or 11th level for those using the Racial Favoured bonus. You
only have one ‘cast’ worth of the form each day, but can split it up into minute chunks —
probably fine for combat, but less good for utility. That one also has other useful Revelations,
like one providing Armour AC and a stealth bonus. And the Final Revelation gives you a bunch
of buffs and Shapechange once a day, without money cost. If you're wanting Shapeshifting just
for combat, then a carefully built version of this should work well, though you will sometimes run
out of duration.

The Wood mystery has the Tree Form revelation, which starts off just with tree shape, but does
later give you Plant Shape I to III. Like Dark Tapestry, that revelation starts at 3rd, which is good
for those using the Favoured Class bonus. Long duration (hour/level), but only one use a day.
The lack of any particularly useful other revelations there and Plant Shape being one of the
weaker options makes this less of a good option.

The Lunar mystery has Form of the Beast granting you Beast Shape I to IV from 7th to 13th
level, like Wood, it’s one use a day lasting hours. The downside is that starting at 7th gets you
less acceleration from the Favoured Class ability, though it does have some other useful
Revelations — Charisma on AC rather than Dexterity, and the ability to grow an extra natural

Not that much here; the Aberrant & Nanite bloodlines both give a 50% duration increase on the
relevant spells, though neither has that much that’s useful to shapeshifters in the rest of it,
though the later stuff has some okay things for combat.

Transmutation’s Shapechange Focused school - get an extra attack or two, bonuses to a stat,
and a few more rounds of Shapeshifting each day. Not the most stupendous gifts, but if you
want to be a wizard, this is probably your school. There are a couple of good Arcane
Discoveries though; Multimorph gives you a fair bit more flexibility on your shapeshifts, and
Werewolf Shape gives you an extra option with some nice DR, albeit less attacks and stat
bonuses than your other options. Though the way the Lycanthrope template is written, the
animal’s attributes replace yours if better, meaning you can dump your physical stats and still do
alright here.

Magic Items
There are a number of magic items that improve your shapeshifting ability, detailed below. The
only one I’d say is really a requirement is the Amulet of Natural Fists (unless you’re
concentrating on Giant Form or Monstrous Physique, and using normal weapons), as the ability
to do magic damage, and to add bonuses or special abilities to your attacks is very good.

Polymorph effects means that you get the constant bonuses from items, but not activatable
effects, which narrows your options on standard items quite a bit. But it does mean that things
like Rings of Protection, Amulets of Natural Armour, and similar are still useful and worth getting.

There are a number of items that let you turn into specific forms (usually ‘turn into X, as Beast
Shape II’ or similar), I’ve not yet gone through finding and comparing all of those, as there aren’t
any real stand-out options amongst them that give you the breadth of capability that is one of
the major benefits of shapeshifting, but it’s something I’ll return to.

The items that I’d say are useful for a shapeshifter are:

Amulet of Mighty Fists — Pretty standard, and whilst it gets pretty expensive, those bonuses
can be being applied to a lot of attacks, so it’s worth taking. The main decision to make is
whether you want to go for a high bonus (useful if you’re a lower BAB class, and for bypassing
damage reduction), or for special abilities. The number of different attacks you can put out does
make extra damage or similar effects quite useful. If you’re concentrating on extra abilities, it’s
also worth noting that you can have the amulet giving you no enhancement bonus at all, but
then have a casting of Greater Magic Fang with Permanency on yourself, giving all your natural
attacks in whatever form a +1 enhancement bonus.

Trident of the Storm Captain — if you’ve got the money for it, and you like forms with a big bite
(perhaps combined with Vital Strike) this can compete well with a similarly costed Amulet of
Mighty Fists, and with a few other nice effects on it too.

Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes: More expensive than a weapon, but cheaper than the Amulet of
Mighty Fists, this is an okay option if you’re concentrating on forms with one big attack, or with
two or three if your BAB is good.

Deliquescent Gloves: A bit more damage, for cheaper than adding the effect to the Amulet of
Mighty Fists, but only on one attack around.

Gauntlets of Rending: For some reason not yet on d20pfsrd, these give you a flat +2 damage
bonus on your claw attacks, and then that times the number of hit rending attacks on a rend. For
the price, very good, and will stack with Amulet of Mighty Fists or other bonus effects, as the
bonus is untyped.

Hat of Disguise — Polymorph spells don’t let you imitate a particular being. But combine a
polymorph effect to become the right race, then use this to look like the being in question, albeit
the Will Save to ignore it isn’t going to be that hard as it’s a level 1 spell effect. You may also
occasionally have to talk fast to explain what the hat itself becomes in the new form, but a skull
stuck onto a Red Dragon’s spikey crest counts as a head decoration, right?

Ring of Eloquence — one of the things that’s always annoying about shapeshifting is losing the
ability to speak. This gives you that ability back with a bunch of specific languages (as well as
some minor social bonuses). You can only speak those languages in those forms, but it’s still a
lot better than without. And it’s cheap enough that you can stack it atop another ring’s effect
without breaking the bank if you need to.

Wild Armour — this can add a really significant amount to your AC if you’re using Wild Shape,
and is well worth getting hold of.

Mask of Giants: this gives you the ability to use Wild Shape to turn into essentially a slightly
weaker version of Giant Form, with the stat bonuses not as good, the resistances not as great.
However, you can still become a Troll and get regeneration, and thus be fairly effective. They’re
very expensive though.

Polymorphic Pouch is a pretty good way to still be able to use stuff if you’re in a form with
hands, or even if you just want to have your pouch of potions for a party member to pour down
your throat. It’s cheap enough that it’s worth grabbing.

Scarab Breastplate gives Druids you Vermin Shapes as a Wildshape option, which adds a few
nice poisons to your list, though not all that much else you don’t already have. However it could
be pretty good for any Druid archetype that has limited shapeshifting options, like the Goliath
Druid, adding in a few wider possibilities. Whilst it’s not cheap, it does also give a bunch of other
useful things you can do with it when you’re not wildshaping.

Spell Totem gives you a quick buff in combat without costing you an extra action, and you can
cast into it yourself or get someone else to do so. The main downside is that it’s in the form of
one specific animal or magical beast, it’s only on turning into that form you can activate it, and if
you shift to something else, the spell ends. So, if you have a favourite form, this is a good way
to buff it.

Planned improvements (in no particular order):

● Fae Form - In Progress

● Form of the Alien Dragon, Form of the Exotic Dragon
● Ooze Shape
● Infuse Self (Native Outsider version of Alter Self)
● Aquatic section; covering the best options for when you’re getting wet— DONE!.
● A quick look at the shapeshift spells that give specific bonuses, rather taking pre-existing
creatures forms — Elemental Body & Form of the Dragon — DONE!
● Comparison of best forms at certain spell levels — DONE, or with other things (e.g. best
forms at certain Druid levels, best forms available from the spell Polymorph, etc.
● An easy way of visibly marking the best combat forms for each level of each spell.
● Looking at what forms become available if Undead Anatomy allows templates (as some
GMs may allow that), and if the RAW is more closely followed regarding natural attacks
— if the creature has attacks beyond the two slam/claws and one bite the spell gives.
Done for templates. Not really touched on the attacks, there doesn't feel to be
much demand
● Useful feats, equipment and tricks for people going heavy on shapeshifting. Including
stuff like taking Vital Strike and combining it with forms that have one large attack. —

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