C&C v2.2

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If you gain health then slide the card up by the amount of health gained so

Rules v.2.2 © 2022 Mark Tuck

that your new, higher, health value becomes visible. As you slide the card
up, your skill(s) value may also be increased.
Starting the game
You start your adventure (and each new level) at the crossroads in the
centre of the top card. Both caverns on this card are considered empty.
On each turn:

Slide the top card in the to reveal almost all of the card
below and show where the pathway leads to:
An 18 card in-hand A pathway can lead to either:
solo adventure A cavern: either small (A) or large (B). Large caverns generally have
trickier encounters but greater rewards. Flip the card you slid to
10 mins Mark Tuck A crossroads.
you slid
On the outskirts of the village of Handerley there lies the entrance A dead end. You cannot travel through a dead end. Recycle the card
to a large network of caverns running deep below the ground. you slid (don’t look at the encounter side). The turn ends
turn you must travel away from the dead end you revealed.
And within these caverns can be found untold treasure - riches
jealously guarded by all manner of fearsome creatures. If you entered a cavern you must then resolve the encounter. The other
cavern on that card is considered to be empty.
Many a brave, or foolish, soul has ventured into the darkness to
seek their fortune. But very few have returned to tell their tale.
Example of exploring
The aim of the game
Journey through 3 levels of pathways and caverns, overcome creatures
and other obstacles, gain treasure and useful items... and make it out alive!
Components A A
16 Cavern cards. One side of a card shows caverns (small and large)
connected by pathways The dice will be used for resolving encounters.
The other side shows encounters, as well as treasure (on the short edges ) B
and items (on the long edges). B

1 Character B
values for health and skills (magical , weaponry and stealth/
agility ), as shown on trackers on the card.
1 Level/Exit card.
Set up
(caverns side facing up 0 You are at the crossroads.

Place the Level card, with ‘End of Level 1 Both caverns are empty.
You can travel north, east or west.
You cannot travel south as there
the half of the card with your chosen character is visible above the deck is a dead end.
(the character’s baseline should be level with the top of the deck). You decide to travel north.
Slide the cavern card

You are now ready to enter the Caverns of Handerley.

travel The path north leads to a large cavern (B)
Terminology on the card below it.
During the game you’ll be recycling, discarding, packing and equipping cards: Flip the card that you slid to discover what
Recycle: place the card, caverns side up card slide you encounter inside the cavern.
Discard: place the card, encounter side up, fully into the deck,

Equip: when you gain an item, it is ‘held’ by your character. Another example of exploring

the long edge of the card with the item is visible.

that both are visible. You may only hold a maximum of 2 items at
If you gain a third item then one of the items must
be used immediately or discarded. BB B
Some items are magical (indicated by stars surrounding it).
These have a single use and, once used, they must be discarded. B

Pack: any treasure you gain is put into your ‘backpack’. Place
the card, with the treasure at the top, fully into the deck, behind

recycled cards. You are at the crossroads. The path west leads to dead end on the card below.
Character health and skills Both caverns are empty. Recycle the card that you slid.
You can travel north, east or west. On the next turn you must travel east (back the way
card tracker (see example on the next page). You keep track your You cannot travel south as there
health by sliding the card up or down accordingly. is a dead end.
When you lose health, slide the card down into the deck by the You decide to travel west.
amount of health lost. As you slide the card down, your skill(s) Slide the cavern card to the right. travel card slide
value may also be reduced.
Resolving encounters
An encounter can be with a creature, a peaceful dweller or an obstacle. Example of an Cavern size (A or B)
Treasure with level number
encounter card
The dice in the corners of the cavern cards are used to resolve encounters. A3. B3 Treasure
Gold 2
top value
cavern card Stars indicate

Breaks through a dead end to the cavern

or path in the opposite direction
item is magical
right) is your encounter score. Slide the top card back down. Cavern size (A or B)

A1.B2 . Pick Axe

encounter and applicable skill(s) B Cavern size and
of the current level of the game. 6.7.8 level number

next L or S encounter in the deck.

for levels 1 · 2 · 3

Transforms a creature into the

B1 . Scroll of Mutation
Using a skill: If you have one of the applicable skills shown for the Skeleton
score. Only one skill type may be added.
Giant Rat

Using an item: Before an encounter die is revealed, you may use an item you Magical item

Before an encounter die is revealed, you may also add ‘ ’ Creature

4.5.6 encountered
Food may also
then decrease your health by the same amount. +2 Food
A2 be found instead
of treasure

Example of treasure gained Example of tracking health
If you succeed in a large cavern On the example below, if you lose
dweller or get past an obstacle).
encounter (B) on level 3, you would 4 health then slide the card down
The treasure or item you gain depends on the cavern size (A or B) and the
gain the 'B3' treasure or item shown 4 spaces on the health tracker.
level you are on (1, 2 or 3) as shown on the encounter card.
on the encounter card. It will then show a value of 2.
You may choose to take a lower level treasure or item, as long as it is for the
same size of cavern. On the example below, this would Your weaponry will be reduced to 1
and you would have no stealth.
Pack the treasure or equip the item gained.
Food gained instead of treasure (shown on the short edges of the cards)
must be used immediately. Discard the card.
The tracker
Food gained as an item (shown on long edges of the cards) may be held, to Example 1 A1
Silver 1
2 1 shows that your
of a failed health is 6,

Protects against one failed encounter

or keep hold of to score at end of game
A 3 . 3 . 3

B2. Armlet of Protection

may use and/or discard an item held to make room for the food). Otherwise encounter Magical Kobold
4 2 weaponry is 3
it must be used immediately. item held 5 and stealth is 1
6 3 1

A3. B1 2
7 Ranger
G ol d 8
+1 for any one encounter

You are then free to either pass through the cavern or go back the way you / 5. 6. 7
2 Monster 6
A3 . B3 . Wand

came B
A2 B 2 encounters

+1 for

4 5
. . S pe ll B


B 3. S kis a sk ill +1
ll P ot io

1 3 4
2 B 3
Giant S Cavern card
Incr ea se

your score. 1 A 2
oo k

Slime M 3 Gold
onster A2. B1
Then recycle the encounter card.

You cannot pass through the cavern and must go back the way you came to 4. 5. 6 B
A 1
Avoiding encounters A
S ilv er
You may also choose to avoid an encounter by . Reduce your health 1 A1

by 1 (you were dealt a glancing blow) and recycle the encounter card.
Encounter card 3
Optional encounters You have travelled north and revealed the pathway to large cavern (B). 1
o Your health is 6, as shown on the tracker. On entering the cavern you have
These cards are always recycled, whether or not you decide to accept the 2 to reveal the ‘B’ encounter: a Giant Spider!
encounter (unless a treasure or item on the card is gained, in which case the 7.
card is then either packed or equipped). 3 and you also decide to use the
Magic Wand that you hold to add 1 to your score. So you will require a die
3 to succeed in the encounter (3 + 1 + 3 = 7).
Note that, whether the encounter resulted in success, failure, retreat, cavern card up,
die is a 2, so,
1. You slide the cavern card back down.
End of level
Once you reveal the Level card then you have reached the end of the level. To reduce your health you slide the Character card down into the deck by
1 space on the health tracker, so that your health now shows as 5
(doing this will also reduce your weaponry to 2 and your stealth to nothing).
You recycle the encounter card and discard the magic wand.
End of game On the next turn you must travel south.
If your health ever falls below 1 then, unfortunately, you perish in the caverns
and lose the game.
make it out of the caverns. If you see a treasure or item that you really desire, but it is for a higher level
than the one you are on, you can retreat and recycle that card with the
possibility that you’ll encounter it again later in the game.

Note that, show your health, trying using a paper clip to keep track of your health level.
Slide it up or down on the card’s health tracker as necessary.
Creatures and Caverns v.2.1 Page 1: front © 2022 Mark Tuck

End of Level 1
Shuffle the recycled cavern cards,
rotate them 180 degrees and place them A
(caverns side up) on top of this card.
Then place the top 2 cavern cards at
the bottom of the deck.
Rotate this card to show
‘End of Level 2’.

Flip this card to show the ‘Exit’.

(caverns side up) on top of this card.
rotate them 180 degrees and place them B
Shuffle the recycled cavern cards, A
End of Level 2




Creatures and Caverns v.2.1 Page 1: back © 2022 Mark Tuck
A2. B1 A3. B3
2 o
+1 Main skill ( / / ) Exit

Protects against failed


A2.B2 . Bottomless Bag


B3 . Amulet
You’ve made it out!


No limit to how many

Count up your treasure ? :
No effect

items you can hold

on <5 You pay off your debts
5- 9 You treat yourself to a holiday
Rickety Bridge 10 -16 You buy an alehouse and
name it “The Handerley Arms”
A1. Enchanted Axe

17-23 You write a bestseller

Mystic Pool based on your adventure and retire
24 -29 You become a celebrity
throughout the kingdom
30+ Your name is known
across all the lands and bards
sing songs about your
+3 for one

daring exploits!

A1. B1 +1
4 Sapphire
A3 B2

A1 A1.A2 A1.B2
Silver 1 Food +1 Silver 1
A 2.3.4 A 3.4.5
See into a cavern before encounter

A2. B1. Healing Potion

Recycle that card if you decide

3.4.5 FAIL:
not to enter and retreat

A3 . B2 . Lantern

No effect
by current level number

& can



Before the encounter transports you

B1 . Ring of Teleportation
B1 . Charmed Flute
through No retreat

to the other cavern encounter


Vampire Bats Hermit Sabretooth

Puts a creature into a stupor :
+2 for one encounter
A3. B3 . Food

in the hand Thief

A2 . A3. Food

A Bard
and discard it.
through cavern treasure/item
& can pass Choose one
on from you!
6.7.8 No effect FAIL: Steals
FAIL: No retreat
B 3.4.5 5.6.7 B

Diamonds 1 Crotals 3 Gold

7 B2 . Silver
B3 B3

A3 . B1 A2 A1
Emerald 6 Food +2 Silver 1

next A or B encounter in the deck.

Transforms a creature into the

B1 . Scroll of Mutation

A2. B3 . Food

King 4.5.6
Breaks through a dead end to the cavern
or path in the opposite direction
A1.B2 . Pick Axe
encounter card before choosing
If a choice of caverns, see the

A2 . B2 . Spell Book

Giant Rat Slime Monster

A1. Crystal Ball

B3 . Skill Potion
Increases a skill +1

Skeleton Giant Spider


+1 for

Dragon Queen
8 . 9 . 10 B 5.6.7
Tiara 2 Gold Gold
8 2
B2 .Jewelled A3. B3 A3. B1
Creatures and Caverns v.2.1 Page 2: front © 2022 Mark Tuck
2 1
4 2
A A 5
6 3 1
7 Ranger
B B 2 6
4 5

1 3 4

2 3

1 2



Creatures and Caverns v.2.1 Page 2: back © 2022 Mark Tuck
1 A2. B2
2 Halfling 1 o A To take a drink
choose ‘left’ or ‘right’
and reveal the die

3 1 No A 5.6.7

A3. B1
4 2 Rabid
Ale Dog
5 2 +1
6 3 Elixir

(except Chest)

A1. Winged Sandals


+3 for one encounter

next card (caverns are empty)
7 Start next turn in B cavern of

(if O then chest is empty) Ogre

Protects against
3 6 B cavern treasure for this level
SUCCEED: Take top card’s
1 5 7.8.9

1 2 4 Locked / /
Lose equal to level number
1 2 FAIL: Booby trap goes off!
Elf 5.6.7 / B Chalice
9 B3. Golden

A1 A1. B1
Silver 1 Silver Lamp 1 o Gold 5

5.6.7 4.5.6
Equip this card.
+1 for To break the spell
B2 . Invisibility Cloak and claim a reward
Defeat the Witch 5

Counts as an item and


Frog ( Prince)
A3 .B3 . Staff of Commands

cannot be discarded
Get the Spell Book 5
creature encounters

Goblin or

Warrior Successfully encounter the

Wizard and hold this card
A2 . Mystic Gloves

when you exit the caverns 10

Protects against

Demon (once the spell is broken by the

+1 for

6.7.8 Wizard, the frog becomes a Prince

Witch and no longer
B2 . Sword

counts as a
+3 for one

held item)

B Frog
10 Crown
2 Gold 5 Ruby Jewelled
A2. B1 A3 . B3

Pay silver Pay gold A3 A1

o +1 +2 Silver 1 Silver 1
or keep hold of to score at end of game
Protects against one failed encounter

A 3.3.3
Will fetch a good price from a merchant

B2. Armlet of Protection

A2. B2. Ornate Walking Stick

Pay silver or gold for food Kobold

Strength Potion +3

(eat immediately:
discard this card
and your
silver/gold card)
4 Poisonous
Exchange a Stalactites - avoid !
magical item
you hold for a A 3.4.5
Hold at end of game to score

+1 for any one encounter

Strength Potion
(discard your
B3 . Golden Sceptre

4.5.6 B
magical item card) Monster
A3 . B3 . Wand

Rockfall - run !
Sell any item
you hold for gold 4
(discard your item card
and pack this gold)
Merchant B

2 Gold Bones 3 Gold

A1. B1 A2. B1

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