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Q.1) Which of the following statements is/are true Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
regarding reforms of Napoleon Bonaparte in territories
under his control. a) 1 only
b) 2 only
1. He did away with privileges based on birth and c) Both 1 and 2
established equality before law. d) None of the above
2. He abolished the feudal system and freed peasants
from serfdom but guild restrictions in towns Q.5) Which of the following is Not a correct statement
remained. regarding the Greek War of Independence.
3. There was improvement in transport and a) The Greeks got support from many west Europeans
communication systems. who had sympathy for ancient Greek culture.
b) The Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognized
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Greece as an independent nation.
a) 1 and 2 only c) The English poet Lord Byron severely criticised the
b) 1 and 3 only war of independence
c) 2 and 3 only d) The Greek War of Independence helped to
d) 1,2 and 3 mobilise nationalist feelings among the educated
elite across Europe.
Q.2) In the context of Conservatism in Europe after the
fall of Napoleon , Consider the following statements. Q.6) Consider the following statements regarding the
Economic hardships in Europe in First half of the
1. The conservatives did not supported the nineteenth century.
modernisation brought by Napoleon as they
thought it could weaken monarchy. 1. The small scale textile production across Europe
2. The cconservatives believed in preservation of faced stiff competition from machine goods of
Social hierarchies and monarchy . England.
2. Overcrowded slums had emerged in urban areas
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? due to migration of population from rural areas.
a) 1 only 3. In most of the countries the seekers of jobs were
b) 2 only more than the employment .
c) Both 1 and 2 Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
d) None of the above
a) 1 and 2 only
Q.3) Consider the following statements about b) 2 only
Giuseppe Mazzini. c) 3 only
1. He founded two secret societies young Italy and d) 1,2 and 3
Young Europe. Q.7) Consider the following events.
2. Mazzini opposed monarchy and supported the
idea of democratic republics. 1. Beginning of Greek struggle for independence.
2. Unification of Italy
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? 3. Unification of Germany
a) 1 only 4. The Vienna peace settlement
b) 2 only Which of the following is the correct chronological
c) Both 1 and 2 sequence of the above events ?
d) None of the above
a) 1-4-2-3
Q.4) With reference to the term ‘ Absolutist ‘, consider b) 4-1-2-3
the following statements. c) 2-1-4-3
1. It is the government with no restraints on the d) 1-4-3-2
power exercised . Q.8) In the context of Revolution of the liberals across
2. In history it refers to monarchial government Europe in 1848 , Consider the following statements.
which was centralized and militarized.
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1. The revolt of liberals was parallel along with the Q.11) Consider the following statements regarding the
revolt of peasants and workers. formation of Great Britain as a Nation state.
2. Freedom of the press and freedom of association
were the Parliamentary principles demanded by 1. The formation of Great Britain nation state was a
liberals for creation of a nation state. long dawn out process.
3. Women had formed their own political 2. It was mainly the imposition of dominance by
associations and founded newspapers to take up England Nation over the surrounding countries and
their cause. islands to form the nation state.
3. The catholics of Scotland and Ireland were
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? systematically suppressed by English .
a) 1 and 2 only Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only a) 1 and 2 only
d) 1,2 and 3 b) 2 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1,2 and 3
Q.9) Consider the following statements regarding
personification of the nations in the Age of revolutions. Q.12) Consider the following statements regarding the
1. The female form was chosen to personify a
particular woman in real life. 1. The inhabitants of Balkans were broadly known as
2. Christened Marianne became the allegory of the Slavs.
German Nation . 2. The Balkan area was a area of intense tensions and
3. The images were marked on postal stamps and conflicts among the different nationalities.
coins representing the nations. Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?

Which of the above given statements is/ are Not a) 1 only

correct ? b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
a) 1 and 2 only d) None of the above
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 3 only Q.13) With reference to the term Indo-China , Consider
d) 1 and 3 only the following statements.

Q.10) Consider the following pairs. 1. Indo-China comprises the modern countries of
Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
2. The nationalism in Indo-China developed in a
colonial context.
3. Vietnam gained formal independence after India .
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 3 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1,2 and 3
Which of the pairs given above is/are correct ? Q.14) Consider the following statements regarding the
a) 3 only colonisation of Vietnam.
b) 1 and 3 only 1. The French control was dominant in military and
c) 1 only economy but they failed to reshape the culture of
d) 2 and 3 only Vietnamese.
2. France had to fight the Chinese for control of some
Vietnamese territories .
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Which of the above given statements is/ are Not d) 1,2 and 3
correct ?
Q.18) With reference to civilising mission of French in
a) 1 only Vietnam.
b) 2 only
1. Education was seen was one of the ways to civilise
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above the native.
2. They rebuild the Hanoi as a modern city as a part
Q.15) Consider the following statements regarding the of this mission.
colonial economy in Vietnam.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. The colonial economy in Vietnam was primarily
based on rice cultivation and rubber plantations a) 1 only
owned by the French and Vietnamese elite. b) 2 only
2. Indentured Vietnamese labour was widely used in c) Both 1 and 2
the rubber plantations. d) None of the above
3. Employers could bring criminal charges against Q.19) Consider the following statements regarding
indentured labourers and punish and jail Confucius.
them for non-fulfilment of contracts.
1. He was a Vietnamese thinker who developed a
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? philosophical system based on Good conduct and
a) 1 and 2 only practical wisdom.
b) 1 only 2. People were taught that relationship between
c) 2 and 3 only ruler and people was the same as that between
d) 1,2 and 3 children and parents.

Q.16) Consider the following statements regarding the Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
term ‘ Agent orange ‘. a) 1 only
b) 2 only
1. It was a chemical weapon which was used to
destroy forests and fields. c) Both 1 and 2
2. It is known to cause cancer and brain damage in d) None of the above
children. Q.20) Consider the following statements regarding
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? religion in Vietnam colonies of France.

a) 1 only 1. Vietnam’s religious beliefs were a mixture of

b) 2 only Buddhism , Confucianism and local practices.
c) Both 1 and 2 2. Christianity was introduced by French which
d) None of the above tolerated the easy going attitude of Vietnamese
Q.17) Which of the following measures were adopted 3. The scholars revolt was led by officials at the
by France for essential supply of Natural resources and imperial court against the spread of Christianity.
Essential Goods from Vietnam.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. They built a vast network of irrigation works for
cultivation in mekong delta. a) 1 and 2 only
2. Forced Labour to maximize the cultivation. b) 1 and 3 only
3. Infrastructure projects such as railway lines were c) 2 and 3 only
developed for transport of goods for trade. d) 1,2 and 3

Which of the above given statements is/are correct ? Q.21) With reference to Ho Chi Minh trail , Consider the
following statements.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only 1. It was an immense network of footpaths and roads
c) 1 and 3 only to transport the material during war.

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2. It was symbolic of how Vietnam used their limited c) Both 1 and 2

resources . d) None of the above
3. Most of the trail was inside Vietnam with some
part lying in Laos and Cambodia. Q.25) Which of the following were the effects of First
world War on India.
Which of the above given statements is/ are
correct ? 1. It led to huge increase in defence expenditure
which was financed through War loans .
a) 1 and 2 only 2. Introduction of Income tax and increase in custom
b) 1 and 3 only duties.
c) 3 only
d) 1,2 and 3 Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?

Q.22) Consider the following statements regarding the a) 1 only

end of Vietnam War. b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
1. A peace settlement was signed between US and d) None of the above
Vietnam which ended the war and unified
Vietnam. Q.26) Consider the following statements regarding the
2. US had succeeded in achieving its objectives with idea of Satyagraha.
crushing of Vietnamese resistance. 1. Mahatma Gandhi called satyagraha as passive
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? resistance as physical force was not used.
2. In a Satyagraha, the satyagrahi appeals to the
a) 1 only conscience of the oppressor.
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2 Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
d) None of the above a) 1 only
Q.23) With reference to Woman participation in b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
Vietnam War, Consider the following statements:
d) None of the above
1. Women were present not only as workers but also
as warriors in army. Q.27) In the context of Rowlatt Act , Consider the
2. They helped in nursing wounds and construction of following statements.
underground tunnels. 1. The Act was passed unopposed through Imperial
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Legislative Council as there no Indian members.
2. The act allowed detention of political prisioners
a) 1 only without trial.
b) 2 only 3. Mahatma Gandhi launched a non-violent civil
c) Both 1 and 2 disobedience against the unjust law.
d) None of the above
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Q.24) Consider the following statements regarding the
term ‘ Napalm ‘. a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
1. It was an organic compound used in fire bombs c) 1 and 3 only
developed by US. d) 1,2 and 3
2. It was used by US in second world War and due to
international outcry its use was avoided in Vietnam Q.28) Consider the following statements about the
War. Khilafat committee.

Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? 1. To defend the Ottoman emperors temporal
powers , a khilafat committee was formed in
a) 1 only Bombay.
b) 2 only

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2. Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali were the young b) 2 only

muslim leaders who took Active part in formation c) 3 only
of the committee. d) 1,2 and 3
3. Mahatma Gandhi supported the khilafat
committee and launched a unified national Non- Q.32) Consider the following events.
cooperation movement. 1. The demand of Purna Swaraj by Indian National
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Congress.
2. Lord Irwin announced Round table conference.
a) 1 and 2 only 3. Beginning of civil disobedience movement.
b) 2 and 3 only 4. Irwin refused to negotiate eleven demands of
c) 3 only Gandhi ji.
d) 1,2 and 3
Which of the following is the correct chronological
Q.29) With reference to the idea of Non-cooperation sequence of the above events ?
, consider the following statements.
a) 1-4-2-3
1. The movement with idea of Non-cooperation was b) 4-1-2-3
to be unfolded in stages. c) 2-1-4-3
2. Gandhi ji in his book Hind Swaraj talked about the d) 1-4-3-2
idea of Non-cooperation to attain swaraj.
Q.33) Consider the following statements regarding
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? reaction within congress after withdrawal of Non-
cooperation movement.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only 1. C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed the Swaraj
c) Both 1 and 2 Party within the Congress to argue for a return to
d) None of the above council politics.
2. Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose
Q.30) Which of the following statement regarding Non- pressed for more radical mass agitation and for full
cooperation movement is incorrect ? independence.
a) Students left government controlled schools and Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
colleges , teachers also resigned.
b) The council elections were boycotted in all the a) 1 only
provinces of India. b) 2 only
c) Production of Indian textile mills and handlooms c) Both 1 and 2
went up. d) None of the above
d) Merchants and traders refused to trade in Foreign
Goods. Q.34) Consider the following statements regarding Civil
disobedience movement.
Q.31) Consider the following statements regarding the
involvement of tribal peasants of Andhra Pradesh in
1. The people were now asked to break the colonial
Non-cooperation movement.
laws along with Non-cooperation.
1. A militant guerilla movement of tribal peasants had 2. The forest laws were violated at many places by
spread against the colonial government. entering reserved forests.
2. Alluri sitaram Raju who was proclaimed as 3. There was no violence during the Civil
incarnation of God led the movement in Gudem Disobedience movement.
3. The tribal peasants were persuaded to wear Khadi Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
and give up drinking.
a) 1 and 2 only
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? b) 2 and 3 only
a) 1 and 2 only c) 3 only

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d) 1 and 3 only 2. The Poona pact gave the depressed classes

reserved seats in provincial and central Legislative
Q.35) Consider the following statements regarding the councils.
swaraj Flag designed by Gandhiji.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. It was a tricolour with spinning wheel at the centre
which symbolises self help. a) 1 only
2. It had a crescent-shaped moon representing b) 2 only
Hindus and Muslims. c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Q.39) Consider the following statements regarding the
Ancient Silk routes.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only 1. The silk routes were over land and also by sea
c) Both 1 and 2 linking Asia with Europe.
d) None of the above 2. The textiles and spices flown from Asia to Europe
by silk routes in return for Gold and Silver.
Q.36) Consider the following statements regarding the
limits of civil disobedience movement(CDM). Which of the above given statements is/ are Not
correct ?
1. The untouchables or Dalits were not moved by the
abstract concept of swaraj and had limited a) 1 only
involvement in the CDM. b) 2 only
2. The relationship between Hindus and Muslims c) Both 1 and 2
worsened during this period. d) None of the above
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Q.40) Consider the following statements regarding the
role played by Food in cultural exchange.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only 1. The Foods such as potatoes and groundnuts were
c) Both 1 and 2 introduced in Europe from Asia.
d) None of the above 2. In 19th century Europe's poor peasants were
dependent on potatoes and suffered from
Q.37) Consider the following statements regarding the
starvation when the crop failed.
growth of Nationalism in India.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. The identity of nation was visually associated with
the image of Bharat Mata which was first created a) 1 only
by Rabindranath Tagore. b) 2 only
2. Abanindranath Tagore painted the famous Bharat c) Both 1 and 2
Mata painting, devotion to which was seen as a d) None of the above
evidence to Nationalism.
Q.41) Consider the following statements regarding
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Types of flows with international economic exchanges
in the nineteenth century.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only 1. The trade in goods or capital flows was more
c) Both 1 and 2 restricted than the flow of labour.
d) None of the above 2. There was movement of capital for investment
over long distances.
Q.38) With reference to Dalit participation in National
movement, Consider the following statements. Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar had organised the dalits into the a) 1 only
depressed classes Association. b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2

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d) None of the above 1. Britain and France lost some of their territories in
the late nineteenth century
Q.42) Consider the following statements regarding 2. United States became a colonial power in the same
multinational corporations (MNCs). century by taking over some colonies in Spain.
1. The first MNCs were established at the end of
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
nineteenth century.
2. The worldwide spread of MNCs in the twentieth a) 1 only
century was partly related to the high import tariffs b) 2 only
imposed by different governments. c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Q.46) Consider the following statements regarding
a) 1 only Indentured Labour Migration from India.
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2 1. The Indentured workers were hired under
d) None of the above contracts with a promise of return travel to India.
2. Most Indentured workers came from the states of
Maharashtra and Kerala
Q.43) With reference to the corn Laws of Britain in Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
nineteenth century, Consider the following
statements. a) 1 only
b) 2 only
1. The corn laws were brought in to increase the corn
c) Both 1 and 2
import to meet the rising demand.
d) None of the above
2. The import of corn helped in bringing down the
high food prices that prevailed in Britain. Q.47) Consider the following statements about Drain of
wealth from India by Britishers.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. British had trade surplus due to high value exports
a) 1 only to India and in turn low value raw material imports
b) 2 only from India.
c) Both 1 and 2 2. British used the trade surplus and revenues to
d) None of the above balance its deficit in world economy and also the
Q.44) Consider the following statements regarding role expenses of British officials.
of technology in the nineteenth century. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
1. The steamships and telegraph were invented in the a) 1 only
nineteenth century. b) 2 only
2. Colonisation stimulated the new investments and c) Both 1 and 2
improvements in transport. d) None of the above
3. Due to advent of technology, variety of food
become accessible across Europe. Q.48) With reference to interwar economy during First
World War, Consider the following statements.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. The deaths and injuries led to decline of working
a) 1 and 2 only age men in Europe.
b) 2 only 2. The first World War transformed US from being an
c) 2 and 3 only International debtor to an international creditor.
d) 1,2 and 3
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Q.45) With reference to colonial powers of the
nineteenth century, Consider the following a) 1 only
statements. b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2

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d) None of the above 1. The earliest factories had come up at the start of
seventeenth century in England.
Q.49) Consider the following statements regarding the 2. Cotton was first symbol of new era of
Great depression of 1929. industrialisation and cotton production increased
1. The Industrial sector was more affected than the with changes with the process of production.
agricultural sector with fall of industrial prices Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
more prolonged than agricultural prices.
2. The withdrawal of US loans affected much of the a) 1 only
World . b) 2 only
3. The US increased the import duties which dealt a c) Both 1 and 2
blow to World trade. d) None of the above
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Q.53) Consider the following statements about the
pace of Industrial Change in England.
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 only 1. In the nineteenth century Iron and steel replaced
c) 2 and 3 only cotton industry as the leading sector in
d) 1,2 and 3 Industrialisation.
2. By the end of nineteenth century more than half
Q.50) Which of the following statements is/are true population of England was employed in
regarding Bretton Woods institutions. technologically advanced industrial sector.
1. It was the Post war international economic system 3. Though technology was available it spread slowly
to preserve economic stability and full across industrial landscape.
employment in the industrial world. Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
2. The International monetary Fund and the
International Bank for reconstruction and a) 1 and 2 only
development are referred to as Bretton twins. b) 2 and 3 only
c) 3 only
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? d) 1 and 3 only
a) 1 only Q.54) Consider the following statements.
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2 1. The upper classes in England preferred machine
d) None of the above made products than the handmade products duets
uniformity and quality .
Q.51) Which of the following statements is/are true
2. The machine made products were standardized
regarding Proto-industrialiation. and Massey produced hence were also exported to
1. The production for International markets which the colonies.
was not based on Factories. Which of the above given statements is/ are
2. The proto industrialisation was controlled by correct ?
Merchants and the goods were produced by vast
number of peasant workers. a) 1 only
b) 2 only
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? c) Both 1 and 2
a) 1 only d) None of the above
b) 2 only Q.55) Which of the following statements is true
c) Both 1 and 2 regarding life of a worker during Industrialisation.
d) None of the above
a) The possibility of job was dependent on the skill
Q.52) In the context of Beginning of industrialisation in level and work ethic.
England , Consider the following statements.

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b) Due to advent of technology the factor of Q.59) Consider the following statements regarding the
seasonality of work was overcome and work was early entrepreneurs of India.
available all round the year.
c) The wages of workers increased in early nineteenth 1. Dwarkanath tagore of Bengal had invested in
century . shipping industry and had close contacts with
d) The workers welcomed the advent of new Chinese traders.
technologies. 2. J.N.Tata set up the first iron and steel works in
Twentieth century much later than textile
Q.56) Consider the following statements regarding the
industries in India.
age of Indian textiles.
1. The coarser cottons were produced in many Which of the above given statements is/ are Not
countries but the finer varieties came from India. correct ?
2. The export of cotton goods outside India had
a) 1 only
started in pre-colonial times itself.
b) 2 only
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
a) 1 only
b) 2 only Q.60) Consider the following statements regarding
c) Both 1 and 2 Industrial development in India after First World War.
d) None of the above
1. After the First World War, factory industries grew
Q.57) Consider the following statements regarding the more than the large industries in India.
term ‘ gomastha ‘. 2. Except Bengal and Bombay , rest of the country
was dominated by small scale production.
1. It was a paid servant appointed by English East
India company to supervise the weavers. Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
2. The gomastha were the local merchants who had
a) 1 only
control over the local trade .
b) 2 only
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
a) 1 only
b) 2 only Q.61) Consider the following statements regarding the
c) Both 1 and 2 urbanisation during Industrialisation.
d) None of the above
1. Even decades after beginning of industrial
Q.58) In the context of Beginning of Age of Factories in revolution most of the Western countries were
India , Consider the following statements. largely rural.
2. In England the industrial cities were constituted of
1. The first cotton mill in India started in Mumbai in migrants from rural areas.
First half of the nineteenth century.
2. The jute mills came up in Bengal region in the Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Second half of the nineteenth century.
a) 1 only
3. The First weaving and spinning mill was started in
b) 2 only
South India .
c) Both 1 and 2
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? d) None of the above

a) 1 and 2 only Q.62) Consider the following statements regarding

b) 2 and 3 only Temperance movement.
c) 1 and 3 only
1. It was a largely middle-class-led social reform
d) 1,2 and 3
movement which emerged in Britain and America
from the nineteenth century onwards.

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2. It aimed at reducing the consumption of alcoholic Q.66) Consider the following statements regarding the
drinks particularly amongst the working classes. presidency city of Bombay.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? 1. The Portuguese had gifted the city of Bombay to
the British in seventeenth century.
a) 1 only
2. It became a important administrative and
b) 2 only industrial centre by the end of nineteenth century.
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Q.63) With reference to the principle of Garden city , a) 1 only
Consider the following statements. b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
1. The concept was developed by Ebenezer Howard , d) None of the above
which would produce better quality citizens.
2. The place was designed with a space full of plants Q.67) With reference to the Labour in Bombay
and trees where people would both live and work. presidency during colonial period , Consider the
following statements.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. The establishment of textile mills in Bombay in
a) 1 only nineteenth century led to the surge of migration of
b) 2 only workers.
c) Both 1 and 2 2. Women’s numbers in mill workforce dropped
d) None of the above steadily across twentieth century as jobs were
Q.64) Consider the following statements regarding the taken over by machines or Men.
development of Transport in England. Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. The first underground railway in the world started a) 1 only
in London in nineteenth century. b) 2 only
2. The underground railways turned out to be a boon
c) Both 1 and 2
with cities like New York and Tokyo developing a d) None of the above
efficient transit system.
Q.68) With reference to Housing in Bombay in colonial
Which of the above given statements is/ are Not period , Consider the following statements.
correct ?
1. More than 70 per cent of the working people lived
a) 1 only in the thickly populated chawls of Bombay.
b) 2 only 2. There was no discrimination on the basis of caste
c) Both 1 and 2 in chawls.
d) None of the above 3. Each chawl was divided into smaller one-room
Q.65) Consider the following statements regarding the tenements which had no private toilets.
presidency cities in India. Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
1. These are the capitals of Presidencies of British a) 1 and 2 only
India viz.Bombay , Bengal and Madras. b) 1 and 3 only
2. These were multifunctional cities with large c) 2 and 3 only
proportion of India ‘s urban population. d) 1,2 and 3
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Q.69) Consider the following statements regarding the
a) 1 only beginning of Printing.
b) 2 only 1. The earliest print technology was developed in East
c) Both 1 and 2 Asian countries which was hand printing.
d) None of the above 2. The ‘ Accordion’ book is a traditional book in
Chinese whose only one side of page was printed.
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Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? 2. The ballads were never printed as they were orally
a) 1 only
b) 2 only Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
c) Both 1 and 2
a) 1 only
d) None of the above
b) 2 only
Q.70) With reference to introduction of print in japan , c) Both 1 and 2
Consider the following statements. d) None of the above
1. The buddhist missionaries of China introduced Q.74) Consider the following statements regarding
hand printing technology in Japan. Protestant reformation.
2. The buddhist diamond sutra is the oldest Japanese
book . 1. A sixteenth-century movement to reform the
Catholic Church dominated by Rome.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? 2. Martin Luther was one of the main Protestant
a) 1 only
b) 2 only Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above a) 1 only
b) 2 only
Q.71) Consider the following statements regarding the c) Both 1 and 2
term ‘ vellum ‘. d) None of the above
1. Vellum means an ancient parchment on which Q.75) With reference to manuscripts before the age of
things can be handwritten. print , Consider the following statements.
2. The vellum is usually made of a Ancient tree found
in China. 1. Manuscripts were copied on palm leaves and
handmade paper.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? 2. Manuscripts gave away to printed books and
almost disappeared after eighteenth century.
a) 1 only 3. Manuscripts were not used in everyday life as the
b) 2 only script was written in different styles .
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above Which of the above given statements is/ are
correct ?
Q.72) Consider the following statements.
a) 1 and 2 only
1. Shift from hand printing to mechanical printing led b) 1 and 3 only
to the print revolution. c) 3 only
2. Gutenberg printed the as Bible as his first book d) 2 and 3 only
which was also the first book printed in Europe.
Q.76) In the context of the book Gita Govinda , CoThe
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? sider the following statements.
a) 1 only 1. The book was written by Jayadeva in eighteenth-
b) 2 only century.
c) Both 1 and 2 2. It is a palm leaf handwritten manuscript .
d) None of the above
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
Q.73) With reference to the term ‘ ballads ‘ , Consider
the following statements. a) 1 only
b) 2 only
1. A historical account or folk tale in verse, usually c) Both 1 and 2
sung or recited.
d) None of the above

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Q.77) Consider the following statements about Q.81) Consider the following statements regarding
beginning of Printing in India. Mahatma jyotiba phule.
1. The printing press was introduced in India by 1. He was the pioneer of low caste protest
Portuguese missionaries. movements in Maharashtra.
2. In the beginning the books were It rinted in the 2. He wrote about injustices of caste system in his
konkani and Kanara languages. book Gulamgiri.
Which of the above given statements is/ are Not Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
correct ?
a) 1 only
a) 1 only b) 2 only
b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2
c) Both 1 and 2 d) None of the above
d) None of the above
Q.82) In the context of vernacular press act of 1878 ,
Q.78) With reference to magazine ‘ Bengal Gazette ‘ , Consider the following statements.
consider the following statements.
1. It allowed the government to seize and confiscate
1. It was edited by James Augustus Hickey as a the press.
commercial paper open to all. 2. It was modelled on the lines of Scottish press laws
2. Governor General Warren Hastings supported the .
newspaper as it promoted the image of colonial 3. It allowed the government to censor reports and
government. editorials.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
a) 1 only a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 only b) 2 and 3 only
c) Both 1 and 2 c) 1 and 3 only
d) None of the above d) 1,2 and 3
Q.79) Which of the following newspaper was published
Q.83) Consider the following statements regarding
by Raja Rammohun Roy.
epistolary novel.
a) Samachar Chandra
b) Sambad kaumudi 1. It uses the private and personal letters to tell its
c) Jam-i-jahan story.
d) Shamsul Akbar 2. Sometimes popular ballads were also used in these
Q.80) Consider the following statements regarding the
Expression of women through writting and print. Which of the above given statements is/ are Not
1. Amar jiban was the first full length autobiography correct ?
published in the bengali language by Rashsundari a) 1 only
debi. b) 2 only
2. Tarabai shinde of Maharashtra wrote about the c) Both 1 and 2
miserable life of upper caste widows . d) None of the above
3. The Hindi printing had began early and formed a
base for other languages. Q.84) Consider the following pairs .

Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?

a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 only
c) 3 only
d) 2 and 3 only
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a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
Q.88) Which of the following statements denote the
meaning of the term ‘ Kabirlarai ‘.
a) Family gatherings in courtyard.
b) Language associated with women’s speech
c) Poetry contests as entertainment
Which of the pairs given above is/are correct ? d) Dance performances

a) 1 and 2 only Q.89) Consider the following statements regarding the

b) 1 and 3 only term ‘ Satire ‘.
c) 3 only 1. It is a form of representation through writing and
d) 1,2 and 3 drawing that provides a criticism of society.
Q.85) Consider the following statements about Charles 2. Rokeya Hossein wrote some satiric novels about
dickens. need for women to reform their condition in the
1. He was critical of effects industrialisation on
peoples lives and characters. Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
2. The novels Oliver twist and Hard times were a) 1 only
written by him. b) 2 only
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above
a) 1 only
b) 2 only Q.90) Consider the following statements regarding the
c) Both 1 and 2 Hindustan Socialist Republican Army (HSRA).
d) None of the above 1. It was found by revolutionaries to target the
Q.86) Consider the following statements regarding the symbols of British power.
novels in Marathi. 2. Bhagat singh and Batukeshwar Dutta threw a
bomb in central Legislative assembly.
1. Yamuna Paryatan of Baba padmanji was the 3. Bhagat singh wanted to glorify the cult of the bomb
earliest novel in Marathi. and pistol.
2. All the Marathi novels were realistic as vernacular
development was related to local factors. Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?

Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 only
a) 1 only c) 2 and 3 only
b) 2 only d) 1,2 and 3
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above Q.91) Which of the following collection was related to
the plight of millworkers.
Q.87) With reference to spread of novels in Assam ,
Consider the following statements. a) Sacchi kavitayan
b) Istri dharma vichar
1. The First novels in Assam were written by the c) Ghor kali
missionaries. d) Bombay samachar
2. Manomati is one of the major historic novels of
Assam which talks about Burmese invasion. Q.92) With reference to role played by print culture in
French revolution.
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?

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1. Print helped in popularizing ideas of Enlightenment  Statement 3 is correct. Transport and

thinkers. communication systems were improved.
2. It created a new culture of dialogue and debate.
3. The print culture attacked the sacred authority of Q.2) Ans: b
church and despotic power of state. Exp:
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?  Statement 1 is incorrect. Most conservatives did
a) 1 and 2 only not propose a return to the society of pre-
b) 1 and 3 only revolutionary days. Rather, they realised, from the
c) 2 and 3 only changes initiated by Napoleon, that
d) 1,2 and 3 modernisation could in fact strengthen traditional
institutions like the monarchy.
Q.93) Consider the following statements regarding the
term ‘ chapbook ‘.  Statement 2 is correct. Following the defeat of
Napoleon in 1815, European governments were
1. These are pocket sized books sold by travelling
driven by a spirit of conservatism. Conservatives
believed that established, traditional institutions
2. Chapbooks due to there small size and low price
of state and society – like the monarchy, the
were affordable for the poor.
Church, social hierarchies, property and the family
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ? should be preserved.

a) 1 only Q.3) Ans: c

b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) None of the above  Statement 1 is correct. Giuseppe Mazzini , Born in
Genoa in 1807, he became a member of the secret
Q.94) Consider the following statements regarding
society of the Carbonari. He subsequently founded
Development of Bombay City.
two underground societies, first, Young Italy in
1. Bombay city was developed through massive Land Marseilles, and then, Young Europe in Berne,
reclamation projects. whose members were like-minded young men
2. As the city grew the reclamation was led by both from Poland, France, Italy and the German states.
Government and private companies.  Statement 2 is correct. Mazzini believed that God
had intended nations to be the natural units of
Which of the above given statements is/ are correct ?
mankind. So Italy could not continue to be a
a) 1 only patchwork of small states and kingdoms. It had to
b) 2 only be forged into a single unified republic within a
c) Both 1 and 2 wider alliance of nations. Mazzini’s relentless
d) None of the above opposition to monarchy and his vision of
democratic republics frightened the
Q.1) Ans: b conservatives.
Exp: Q.4) Ans : c
 Statement 1 is correct. The Civil Code 1804 – Exp:
usually known as the Napoleonic Code –did away
with all privileges based on birth, established  Statement 1 is correct. Absolutist – Literally, a
equality before the law and secured the right to government or system of rule that has no
property. restraints on the power exercised.
 Statement 2 is incorrect. Napoleon simplified  Statement 2 is correct. In history, the term refers
administrative divisions, abolished the feudal to a form of monarchical government that was
system and freed peasants from serfdom and centralised, militarised and repressive .
manorial dues. In the towns too, guild restrictions
Q.5) Ans: c
were removed.
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Exp:  Statement 1 is correct. Parallel to the revolts of

the poor, unemployed and starving peasants and
 The statement ‘ c ‘ is incorrect. He supported the workers in many European countries in the year
Greek war of Independence. The English poet Lord 1848, a revolution led by the educated middle
Byron organised funds and later went to fight in the classes was under way.
war, where he died of fever in 1824.
 Statement 2 is correct. They took advantage of the
 Nationalists in Greece got support from other growing popular unrest to push their demands for
Greeks living in exile and also from many West the creation of a nation-state on parliamentary
Europeans who had sympathies for ancient Greek principles – a constitution, freedom of the press
culture. and freedom of association.
 The Treaty of Constantinople of 1832 recognised  Statement 3 is correct. The issue of extending
Greece as an independent nation. political rights to women was a controversial one
 An event that mobilised nationalist feelings within the liberal movement, in which large
among the educated elite across Europe was the numbers of women had participated actively over
Greek war of independence. the years. Women had formed their own political
Q.6) Ans: d associations, founded newspapers and taken part
in political meetings and demonstrations.
Q.9) Ans: a
 Statement 1 is correct. Small producers in towns
were often faced with stiff competition from Exp:
imports of cheap machine-made goods from
England, where industrialisation was more  Statement 1 is incorrect. Artists in the eighteenth
advanced than on the continent. This was and nineteenth centuries found a way out by
especially so in textile production, which was personifying a nation. In other words they
carried out mainly in homes or small workshops represented a country as if it were a person.
and was only partly mechanised. Nations were then portrayed as female figures. The
 Statement 2 is correct. Population from rural female form that was chosen to personify the
areas migrated to the cities to live in overcrowded nation did not stand for any particular woman in
slums. real life; rather it sought to give the abstract idea
 Statement 3 is correct. The 1830s were years of of the nation a concrete form.
great economic hardship in Europe. The first half of  Statement 2 is incorrect. Germania became the
the nineteenth century saw an enormous increase allegory of the German nation. In France she was
in population all over Europe. In most countries christened Marianne, a popular Christian name,
there were more seekers of jobs than which underlined the idea of a people’s nation.
employment.  Statement 3 is correct. Marianne images were
marked on coins and stamps.
Q.7) Ans: b
Q.10) Ans: c
 The Alternative ‘ B' is the correct sequence of
 1814-1815 > Fall of Napoleon; the Vienna Peace
1821 > Greek struggle for independence begins.
1859-1870 > Unification of Italy.
1866-1871 > Unification of Germany.

Q.8) Ans: d Exp:


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 The Pair ‘1’ is correct. Crown of oak leaves  Statement 1 is correct. The most serious source of
signifies Heroism. nationalist tension in Europe after 1871 was the
 The pairs ‘2’ and ‘3’ are incorrect. area called the Balkans. The Balkans was a region
Olive branch around the sword – willingness to of geographical and ethnic variation comprising
make peace. modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece,
Rays of the rising sun – Beginning of new era. Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia,
Serbia and Montenegro whose inhabitants were
broadly known as the Slavs.
 Statement 2 is correct. As the different Slavic
nationalities struggled to define their identity and
independence, the Balkan area became an area of
intense conflict. The Balkan states were fiercely
jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more
territory at the expense of the others.
Q.13) Ans: a
 Statement 1 is correct. Indo-China comprises the
modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and
 Statement 2 is correct. Nationalism in Indo-China
Q.11) Ans: d developed in a colonial context.The knitting
together of a modern Vietnamese nation that
Exp: brought the different communities together was in
part the result of colonisation but, as importantly,
 Statement 1 is correct. In Britain the formation of it was shaped by the struggle against colonial
the nation-state was not the result of a sudden domination.
upheaval or revolution. It was the result of a long-  Statement 3 is incorrect. Vietnam gained formal
drawn-out process. There was no British nation independence in 1945, before India, but
prior to the eighteenth century. it took another three decades of fighting before the
 Statement 2 is correct . English nation steadily Republic of Vietnam was formed.
grew in wealth, importance and power, it was
able to extend its influence over the other nations Q.14) Ans: a
of the islands. The Act of Union (1707) between
England and Scotland that resulted in the
formation of the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’  Statement 1 is incorrect. The most visible form of
meant, in effect, that England was able to impose French control was military and economic
its influence on Scotland. domination but the French also built a system
 Statement 3 is correct. The Catholic clans that that tried to reshape the culture of the
inhabited the Scottish Highlands suffered terrible Vietnamese.
repression whenever they attempted to assert  Statement 2 is correct. After the Franco-Chinese
their independence. Ireland suffered a similar war the French assumed control of Tonkin and
fate. It was a country deeply divided between Anaam and, in 1887, French Indo-China was
Catholics and Protestants. The English helped the formed.
Protestants of Ireland to establish their dominance
over a largely Catholic country. Catholic revolts Q.15) Ans: d
against British dominance were suppressed. Exp:
Q.12) Ans: c
 Statement 1 is correct. The colonial economy in
Exp: Vietnam was, however, primarily based

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on rice cultivation and rubber plantations owned It was also driven by the idea of a ‘civilising
by the French and a small Vietnamese elite. Rail mission’. Education was seen as one way to
and port facilities were set up to service this sector. civilise the ‘native’.
 Statement 2 is correct. Indentured Vietnamese  Statement 2 is correct. When the French set about
labour was widely used in the rubber plantations. creating a modern Vietnam, they decided to
 Statement 3 is correct. Indentured labour – A form rebuild Hanoi.The latest ideas about architecture
of labour widely used in the plantations from the and modern engineering skills were employed to
mid-nineteenth century. Labourers worked on the build a new and ‘modern’ city.
basis of contracts that did not specify any rights of
Q.19) Ans: b
labourers but gave immense power to employers.
Employers could bring criminal charges against Exp:
labourers and punish and jail them for non-
fulfilment of contracts.  Statement 1 is incorrect. Confucius (551-479 BCE),
a Chinese thinker, developed a philosophical
Q.16) Ans: c system based on good conduct, practical wisdom
Exp: and proper social relationships.
 Statement 2 is correct. People were taught to
 Statement 1 is correct. Agent Orange is a respect their parents and submit to elders. They
defoliant, a plant killer, so called because it was were told that the relationship between the ruler
stored in drums marked with an orange band. and the people was the same as that between
chemical was sprayed from cargo planes by US children and parents.
forces in Vietnam War to destroy forests and Q.20) Ans: b
 Statement 2 is correct. Its effect has been
staggering, continuing to affect people till today.  Statement 1 is correct. Vietnam’s religious beliefs
Dioxin, an element of Agent Orange, is known to were a mixture of Buddhism,Confucianism and
cause cancer and brain damage in children. local practices.
Q.17) Ans: d  Statement 2 is incorrect. Christianity, introduced
by French missionaries, was intolerant of this
Exp: easygoing attitude and viewed the Vietnamese
tendency to revere the supernatural as something
 Statement 1 is correct. The French began by to be corrected.
building canals and draining lands in the Mekong
 Statement 3 is correct. An early movement
delta to increase cultivation.
against French control and the spread of
 Statement 2 is correct. The vast system of Christianity was the Scholars Revolt in 1868. This
irrigation works –canals and earthworks built revolt was led by officials at the imperial court
mainly with forced labour, increased rice
angered by the spread of Catholicism and French
production and allowed the export of rice to the power.
international market.
 Statement 3 is correct. Infrastructure projects to Q.21) Ans: a
help transport goods for trade, move military
garrisons and control the entire region.
Construction of a trans-Indo-China rail network  Statement 1 is correct. The trail, an immense
that would link the northern and southern parts of network of footpaths and roads, was used to
Vietnam and China was begun. This final link with transport men and materials from the north to
Yunan in China was completed by 1910. the south.The trail was improved from the late
Q.18) Ans: c 1950s, and from 1967 about 20,000 North
Vietnamese troops came south each month on this
Exp: trail.
 Statement 2 is correct. The story of the Ho Chi
 Statement 1 is correct. French colonisation was Minh trail is one way of understanding the
not based only on economic exploitation.
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nature of the war that the Vietnamese fought  Statement 2 is incorrect. It was used in the Second
against the US. It symbolises how the Vietnamese World War. Despite an international outcry, it
used their limited resources to great advantage. was used in Vietnam.
 Statement 3 is incorrect. Most of the trail was
outside Vietnam in neighbouring Laos Q.25) Ans: c
and Cambodia with branch lines extending into Exp:
South Vietnam.
 Statement 1 is correct. First of all, the war created
Q.22) Ans: d a new economic and political situation.
Exp: It led to a huge increase in defence expenditure
which was financed by war loans.
 Statement 1 is incorrect. A peace settlement was  Statement 2 is correct. Taxes were also increased
signed in Paris in January 1974. This ended conflict to finance War expenditure: customs duties were
with the US but fighting between the Saigon raised and income tax introduced.
regime and the NLF continued. The NLF
occupied the presidential palace in Saigon on 30 Q.26) Ans: b
April 1975 and unified Vietnam. Exp:
 Statement 2 is incorrect. The prolongation of the
war created strong reactions even within  Statement 1 is incorrect. Mahatma Gandhi said
the US. It was clear that the US had failed to this power of satyagraha is not passive
achieve its objectives: the Vietnamese resistance resistance; indeed it calls for intense activity i.e it
had not been crushed; the support of the is active resistance.
Vietnamese people for US action had not been  Statement 2 is correct. Without seeking vengeance
won. or being aggressive, a satyagrahi could win the
battle through non-violence. This could be done by
appealing to the conscience of the
Q.23) Ans: c oppressor.

Exp: Q.27) Ans: b

 Statement 1 is correct. Women were represented Exp:

not only as warriors but also as workers:  Statement 1 is incorrect. Rowlatt Act (1919). This
they were shown with a rifle in one hand and a Act had been hurriedly passed through the
hammer in the other. Some stories spoke of their Imperial Legislative Council despite the united
incredible bravery in single-handedly killing the opposition of the Indian members.
enemy – Nguyen Thi Xuan, for instance, was  Statement 2 is correct. It gave the government
reputed to have shot down a jet with just twenty enormous powers to repress political activities,
bullets. and allowed detention of political prisoners
 Statement 2 is correct. They helped in nursing the without trial for two years.
wounded, constructing underground rooms  Statement 3 is correct. Mahatma Gandhi wanted
and tunnels and fighting the enemy. non-violent civil disobedience against such unjust
laws, which would start with a hartal on 6 April.
Q.24) Ans: a Q.28) Ans: d
Exp: Exp:
 Statement 1 is correct. Napalm – An organic  Statement 1 is correct. The First World War had
compound used to thicken gasoline for firebombs ended with the defeat of Ottoman Turkey. And
, it was developed in US. The mixture burns slowly there were rumours that a harsh peace treaty was
and when it comes in contact with surfaces like the going to be imposed on the Ottoman
human body, it sticks and continues to burn. emperor – the spiritual head of the Islamic world
(the Khalifa). To defend the Khalifa’s temporal

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powers, a Khilafat Committee was formed in  The movement started with middle-class
Bombay in March 1919. participation in the cities. Thousands of students
 Statement 2 is correct. A young generation of left government-controlled schools and colleges,
Muslim leaders like the brothers Muhammad Ali headmasters and teachers resigned, and lawyers
and Shaukat Ali took active part in formation of gave up their legal practices.
the committee and began discussing with
Mahatma Gandhi about the possibility of a united Q.31) Ans: d
mass action on the issue. Exp:
 Statement 3 is correct. Gandhiji saw this as an
opportunity to bring Muslims under the umbrella  Statement 1 is correct. Tribal peasants interpreted
of a unified national movement. At the Calcutta the message of Mahatma Gandhi and
session of the Congress in September 1920, he the idea of swaraj in yet another way. In the
convinced other leaders of the need to start a Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh, for instance, a
non-cooperation movement in support of Khilafat militant guerrilla movement spread in the early
as well as for swaraj. 1920s.
 Statement 2 is correct. The person who came to
Q.29) Ans : c lead them was an interesting figure. Alluri Sitaram
Exp: Raju claimed that he had a variety of special
powers: he could make correct astrological
 Statement 1 is correct. Gandhiji proposed that the predictions and heal people, and he could survive
movement should unfold in stages. It should begin even bullet shots. Captivated by Raju, the rebels
with the surrender of titles that the government proclaimed that he was an incarnation of God.
awarded, and a boycott of civil services, army,  Statement 3 is correct. Raju talked of the greatness
police, courts and legislative councils, schools, and of Mahatma Gandhi, said he was inspired by the
foreign goods. Then, in case the government used Non-Cooperation Movement, and persuaded
repression, a full civil disobedience campaign people to wear khadi and give up drinking. But at
would be launched. the same time he asserted that India could be
 Statement 2 is correct. In his famous book Hind liberated only by the use of force, not non-
Swaraj (1909) Mahatma Gandhi declared violence.
that British rule was established in India with the
cooperation of Indians, and had survived only Q.32) Ans: c
because of this cooperation. If Indians refused to Exp:
cooperate, British rule in India would collapse
within a year, and swaraj would come.  The correct chronological sequence is ‘c ‘
 October 1929 – Lord Irwin announced a vague
Q.30) Ans: b Dominion status offer and Round table conference
Exp: to discuss a further constitution.
 December 1929- under the presidency of
 The statement ‘b' is incorrect. The council Jawaharlal Nehru, the Lahore Congress formalised
elections were boycotted in most provinces the demand of ‘Purna Swaraj’ or full
except Madras, where the Justice Party, the party independence for India.
of the non-Brahmans, felt that entering the council  Feb 1930 – Lord Irwin was unwilling to negotiate
was one way of gaining some power – something the eleven demands of Gandhi ji.
that usually only Brahmans had access to.  March 1930- Mahatma Gandhi started his famous
 The effects of non-cooperation on the economic salt march accompanied by 78 of his trusted
front were more dramatic. Foreign goods were volunteers.
boycotted, liquor shops picketed, and foreign cloth
burnt in huge bonfires. Q.33) Ans: c
 In many places merchants and traders refused to Exp:
trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade.

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 Statement 1 is correct. Within the Congress, some One such group was the nation’s ‘untouchables’,
leaders were tired of mass struggles and wanted to who from around the 1930s had begun to call
participate in elections to the provincial councils themselves dalit or oppressed.
that had been set up by the Government of India  Statement 2 is correct. Some of the Muslim
Act of 1919. C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed political organisations in India were also lukewarm
the Swaraj Party in their response to the Civil Disobedience
 within the Congress to argue for a return to Movement. After the decline of the
council politics. NonCooperation-Khilafat movement, a large
 Statement 2 is correct. Younger leaders like section of Muslims felt alienated from the
Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose Congress. From the mid-1920s the Congress came
 pressed for more radical mass agitation and for to be more visibly associated with openly Hindu
full independence. religious nationalist groups like the Hindu
Mahasabha. As relations between Hindus and
Q.34) Ans: a Muslims worsened, each community organised
religious processions with militant fervour,
Exp: provoking Hindu-Muslim communal clashes and
 Statement 1 is correct. People were now asked riots in various cities.
not only to refuse cooperation with the British, as Q.37) Ans: b
they had done in 1921-22, but also to break
colonial laws. Exp:
 Statement 2 is correct. Peasants refused to pay  Statement 1 is incorrect. It was in the twentieth
revenue and chaukidari taxes, village officials century, with the growth of nationalism, that the
resigned, and in many places forest people identity of India came to be visually associated
violated forest laws – going into Reserved Forests with the image of Bharat Mata. The image was
to collect wood and graze cattle. first created by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay.
 Statement 3 is incorrect. When Mahatma Gandhi In the 1870s he wrote ‘Vande Mataram’ as a hymn
himself was arrested, industrial workers in to the motherland. Later it was included in his
Sholapur attacked police posts, municipal novel Anandamath and widely sung during the
buildings, lawcourts and railway stations – all Swadeshi movement in Bengal.
structures that symbolised British rule.  Statement 2 is correct. Moved by the Swadeshi
Q.35) Ans: a movement, Abanindranath Tagore painted his
famous image of Bharat Mata. Devotion to this
Exp: mother figure came to be seen as evidence of
one’s nationalism.
 Statement 1 is correct. By 1921, Gandhiji had
designed the Swaraj flag. It was again a tricolour Q.38) Ans: c
(red, green and white) and had a spinning wheel
in the centre representing the Gandhian ideal of Exp:
self-help.  Statement 1 is correct. Dr B.R. Ambedkar, who
 Statement 2 is incorrect. During the Swadeshi organised the dalits into the Depressed
movement in Bengal, a tricolour flag (red, green Classes Association in 1930, clashed with
and yellow) was designed. It had eight lotuses Mahatma Gandhi at the second Round Table
representing eight provinces of British India, and a Conference by demanding separate electorates for
crescent moon, representing Hindus and dalits.
Muslims.  Statement 2 is correct. When the British
Q.36) Ans: c government conceded Ambedkar’s demand,
Gandhiji began a fast unto death. He believed that
Exp: separate electorates for dalits would slow down
the process of their integration into society.
 Statement 1 is correct. Not all social groups were
Ambedkar ultimately accepted Gandhiji’s position
moved by the abstract concept of swaraj.
and the result was the Poona Pact of September
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1932. It gave the Depressed Classes (later to be Q.42) Ans: b

known as the Schedule Castes) reserved seats in
provincial and central legislative councils, Exp:
but they were to be voted in by the general  Statement 1 is incorrect. Multinational
electorate. corporations (MNCs) are large companies that
Q.39) Ans: d operate in several countries at the same time. The
first MNCs were established in the 1920s.
Exp:  Statement 2 is correct. The worldwide spread of
MNCs was a notable feature of the 1950s and
 Statement 1 is correct. Historians have identified
1960s. This was partly because high import tariffs
several silk routes, over land and by sea, knitting
imposed by different governments forced MNCs
together vast regions of Asia, and linking Asia with
to locate their manufacturing operations and
Europe and northern Africa.
become ‘domestic producers’ in as many
 Statement 2 is correct. Chinese pottery also countries as possible.
travelled the same route, as did textiles and spices
from India and Southeast Asia. In return, precious Q.43) Ans: b
metals – gold and silver – flowed from Europe to
Asia. Exp:

 Statement 1 is incorrect. Under pressure from

Q.40) Ans: b landed groups, the government also restricted the
import of corn. The laws allowing the government
Exp: to do this were commonly known as the ‘Corn
 Statement 1 is incorrect. Many of our common
 Statement 2 is correct. After the Corn Laws were
foods such as potatoes,soya, groundnuts, maize,
scrapped, food could be imported into
tomatoes, chillies,sweet potatoes, and so on were
Britain more cheaply than it could be produced
not known to India until about five centuries ago.
within the country. This led to lowering of rising
These foods were only introduced in Europe and
food prices.
Asia after Christopher Columbus accidentally
discovered the vast continent that would later Q.44) Ans: d
become known as the Americas.
 Statement 2 is correct. Europe’s poor began to eat Exp:
better and live longer with the introduction of the  Statement 1 is correct. The railways,
humble potato. Ireland’s poorest peasants steamships,the telegraph, for example, were
became so dependent on potatoes that when important inventions without which we cannot
disease destroyed the potato crop in the mid- imagine the transformed nineteenth-century
1840s, hundreds of thousands died of starvation. world.
Q.41) Ans: b  Statement 2 is correct. colonisation stimulated
new investments and improvements in transport:
Exp: faster railways, lighter wagons and larger ships
helped move food more cheaply and quickly from
 Statement 1 is incorrect. Labour migration was
faraway farms to final markets.
often more restricted than goods or capital flows.
 Statement 3 is correct. Now animals were
 Statement 2 is correct. Economists identify three
slaughtered for food at the starting point – in
types of movement or ‘flows’ within international
America, Australia or New Zealand – and then
economic exchanges. The first is the flow of trade
transported to Europe as frozen meat. This
which in the nineteenth century referred largely to
reduced shipping costs and lowered meat prices in
trade in goods (e.g.cloth or wheat). The second is
Europe. The poor in Europe could now consume a
the flow of labour – the migration of people in
more varied diet.
search of employment. The third is the movement
of capital for short-term or long-term investments Q.45) Ans: b
over long distances.

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Exp: each other to pay for them. So Britain borrowed

large sums of money from US banks as well as the
 Statement 1 is incorrect. Britain and France made US public. Thus the war transformed the US from
vast additions to their overseas territories in the being an international debtor to an international
late nineteenth century. creditor.
 Statement 2 is correct. The US also became a
colonial power in the late 1890s by taking Q.49) Ans: c
over some colonies earlier held by Spain. Belgium
and Germany became new colonial powers.
 Statement 1 is incorrect. agricultural regions and
Q.46) Ans: a
communities were the worst affected. This was
Exp: because the fall in agricultural prices was greater
and more prolonged than that
 Statement 1 is correct. In India, indentured in the prices of industrial goods.
labourers were hired under contracts which  Statement 2 is correct. The withdrawal of US
promised return travel to India after they had loans affected much of the rest of the
worked five years on their employer’s plantation. world,though in different ways. In Europe it led to
 Statement 2 is incorrect. Most Indian indentured the failure of some major banks and the collapse of
workers came from the present-day regions currencies such as the British pound sterling. In
of eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, central India and Latin America and elsewhere it intensified the
the dry districts of Tamil Nadu and Not from slump in agricultural and raw material prices.
Maharashtra and Kerala.  Statement 3 is correct. The US attempt to protect
Q.47) Ans: c its economy in the depression by doubling import
duties also dealt another severe blow to world
Exp: trade.
 Statement 1 is correct. Over the nineteenth Q.50) Ans: c
century, British manufactures flooded the Indian
market. Food grain and raw material exports from Exp:
India to Britain and the rest of the world increased.  Statement 1 is correct. The main aim of the post-
But the value of British exports to India was much war international economic system was to
higher than the value of British imports from preserve economic stability and full employment
India. Thus Britain had a ‘trade surplus’ with India. in the industrial world. Its framework was agreed
 Statement 2 is correct. By helping Britain balance upon at the United Nations Monetary and Financial
its deficits, India played a crucial role in the late- Conference held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in
nineteenth-century world economy. Britain’s New Hampshire, USA. The post-war international
trade surplus in India also helped pay the so called economic system is also often described as the
‘homecharges’ that included private remittances Bretton Woods system.
home by British officials and traders, interest  Statement 2 is correct. The IMF and the World
payments on India’s external debt, and pensions of Bank are referred to as the Bretton Woods
British officials in India. institutions or sometimes the Bretton Woods
Q.48) Ans: c twins.

Exp: Q.51) Ans: c

 Statement 1 is correct. Most of the killed and Exp:

maimed were men of working age. These deaths  Statement 1 is correct. Even before factories
and injuries reduced the able-bodied workforce in began to dot the landscape in England and Europe,
Europe. there was large-scale industrial production for an
 Statement 2 is correct. The war led to the snapping international market. This was not based on
of economic links between some of the world’s factories. Many historians now refer to this phase
largest economic powers which were now fighting of industrialisation as proto-industrialisation.

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 Statement 2 is correct. This proto-industrial  Statement 2 is correct. Machines were oriented to

system was thus part of a network of commercial producing uniforms , standardised goods for a
exchanges. It was controlled by merchants and mass market. Machine-made goods were for
the goods were produced by a vast number of export to the colonies.
producers working within their family farms, not
in factories. Q.55) Ans: c

Q.52) Ans: b Exp:

Exp:  Statement ‘c' is correct. Wages increased

somewhat in the early nineteenth century. But
 Statement 1 is incorrect. The earliest factories in they tell us little about the welfare of the workers.
England came up by the 1730s , i.e in eighteenth  The actual possibility of getting a job depended on
century and Not seventeenth century. existing networks of friendship and kin relations. If
 Statement 2 is correct.The first symbol of the new you had a relative or a friend in a factory, you were
era was cotton. In 1760 Britain was importing 2.5 more likely to get a job quickly.
million pounds of raw cotton to feed its cotton  Seasonality of work in many industries meant
industry. By 1787 this import soared to 22 million prolonged periods without work.
pounds. This increase was linked to a number of  The fear of unemployment made workers hostile
changes within the process of production. to the introduction of new technology.
Q.53) Ans: d Q.56) Ans: c
Exp: Exp:
 Statement 1 is correct. The most dynamic  Statement 1 is correct. Before the age of machine
industries in Britain were clearly cotton and industries, silk and cotton goods from India
metals. Growing at a rapid pace, cotton was the dominated the international market in textiles.
leading sector in the first phase of Coarser cottons were produced in many
industrialisation up to the 1840s. After that the countries, but the finer varieties often came from
iron and steel industry led the way. India.
 Statement 2 is incorrect. Even at the end of the  Statement 2 is correct. A vibrant sea trade
nineteenth century, less than 20 per cent of the operated through the main pre-colonial ports.
total workforce was employed in technologically Surat on the Gujarat coast connected India to the
advanced industrial sectors. Textiles was a Gulf and Red Sea Ports; Masulipatam on
dynamic sector, but a large portion of the output the Coromandel coast and Hoogly in Bengal had
was produced not within factories, but outside, trade links with Southeast Asian ports.
within domestic units.
 Statement 3 is correct. Technological changes Q.57) Ans: a
occurred slowly. They did not spread dramatically Exp:
across the industrial landscape. New technology
was expensive and merchants and industrialists  Statement 1 is correct. East India Company
were cautious about using it. appointed a paid servant called the gomastha to
supervise weavers, collect supplies, and examine
Q.54) Ans : b the quality of cloth.
Exp:  Statement 2 is incorrect. Company to eliminate
local traders and brokers had appointed
 Statement 1 is incorrect. In Victorian Britain, the gomastha . Gomastha were otutsiders with no
upper classes – the aristocrats and the local link with weavers. Those weavers who took
bourgeoisie – preferred things produced by hand. loans from the company to buy raw materials had
Handmade products came to symbolise to hand over the cloth they produced to the
refinement and class. They were better finished, gomastha.
individually produced, and carefully designed.
Q.58) Ans: b

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Exp: than three-quarters of the adults living in

Manchester were migrants from rural areas.
 Statement 1 is incorrect. The first cotton mill in
Q.62) Ans: c
Bombay came up in 1854 and it went into
production two years later , i.e it started in the Exp:
second half of nineteenth century.
 Statement 2 is correct. Around the same time jute  Statement 1 is correct. Temperance movement –
mills came up in Bengal, the first being set up in A largely middle-class-led social reform
1855 and another one seven years later, in 1862. movement which emerged in Britain and America
 Statement 3 is correct. By 1874, the first spinning from the nineteenth century onwards.
and weaving mill of Madras began production.  Statement 2 is correct. It identified alcoholism as
the cause of the ruin of families and society, and
Q.59) Ans: d aimed at reducing the consumption of alcoholic
drinks particularly amongst the working classes.
Q.63) Ans: c
 Statement 1 is correct. In Bengal, Dwarkanath
Tagore made his fortune in the China trade , He Exp:
invested in shipping,shipbuilding, mining,  Statement 1 is correct. Architect and planner
banking, plantations and insurance. Ebenezer Howard developed the principle of the
 Statement 2 is correct. In 1912, J.N. Tata set up Garden City, He believed this would also produce
the first iron and steel works in India at better-quality citizens.
Jamshedpur. Iron and steel industries in India  Statement 2 is correct. It was conceptualized as a
started much later than textiles. pleasant space full of plants and trees, where
people would both live and work.
Q.60) Ans: c
Q.64) Ans: d
Exp: Exp:
 Statement 1 is correct. While factory industries  Statement 1 is correct. The very first section of the
grew steadily after the war, large industries Underground in the world opened on 10 January
formed only a small segment of the economy. 1863 between Paddington and Farrington Street in
Most of them –about 67 per cent in 1911 – were London.
located in Bengal and Bombay.  Statement 2 is correct. The Underground
 Statement 2 is correct. Over the rest of the countr eventually became a huge success. By the
except Bengal and Bombay , small-scale production twentieth century, most large metropolises such as
continued to predominate. New York, Tokyo and Chicago could not do
without their well-functioning transit systems.

Q.61) Ans: c Q.65) Ans: c

Exp: Exp:

 Statement 1 is correct. Industrialisation changed  Statement 1 is correct. Presidency cities – The

the form of urbanisation in the modern period. capitals of the Bombay, Bengal and
However, even as late as the 1850s, many decades Madras Presidencies in British India
after the beginning of the industrial revolution,  Statement 2 is correct. In the early twentieth
most Western countries were largely rural century, no more than 11 per cent of Indians were
 Statement 2 is correct. The early industrial cities living in cities. A large proportion of these urban
of Britain such as Leeds and Manchester attracted dwellers were residents of the three Presidency
large numbers of migrants to the textile mills set cities. These were multi-functional cities: they had
up in the late eighteenth century. In 1851, more major ports, warehouses, homes and offices, army

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camps, as well as educational institutions, Exp:

museums and libraries.
 Statement 1 is correct. The earliest kind of print
Q.66) Ans: a technology was developed in China, Japan and
Korea. This was a system of hand printing.
 Statement 2 is correct. As both sides of the thin,
 Statement 1 is correct. In the seventeenth century, porous sheet could not be printed, the traditional
Bombay was a group of seven islands under Chinese ‘accordion book’ was folded and stitched
Portuguese control. In 1661, control of the islands at the side. Superbly skilled craftsmen could
passed into British hands as a gift after the duplicate, with remarkable accuracy.
marriage of Britain’s King Charles II to the
Q.70) Ans: c
Portuguese princess.
 Statement 2 is incorrect. Gradually, it also became Exp:
an important administrative centre in western
India, and then, by the end of the nineteenth  Statement 1 is correct. Buddhist missionaries
century, a major industrial centre. from China introduced hand-printing technology
into Japan around AD 768-770.
Q.67) Ans: c  Statement 2 is correct. The oldest Japanese
book,printed in AD 868, is the Buddhist Diamond
Sutra, containing six sheets of text and woodcut
 Statement 1 is correct. With the growth of trade in illustrations.
cotton and opium, large communities of traders
Q.71) Ans: a
and bankers as well as artisans and shopkeepers
came to settle in Bombay. The establishment of Exp:
textile mills led to a fresh surge in migration.
 Statement 2 is correct. Women formed as much as  Statement 1 is correct. Luxury editions were still
23 per cent of the mill workforce in the period handwritten on very expensive vellum, meant for
between 1919 and 1926. After that, their numbers aristocratic circles and rich monastic libraries
dropped steadily to less than 10 per cent of the which scoffed at printed books as cheap
total workforce. By the late 1930s, women’s jobs vulgarities.
were increasingly taken over by machines or by  Statement 2 is incorrect. Vellum – A parchment
men. made from the skin of animals and Not a tree.

Q.68) Ans: b Q.72) Ans: c

Exp: Exp:

 Statement 1 is correct. More than 70 per cent of  Statement 1 is correct. shift from hand printing to
the working people lived in the thickly populated mechanical printing led to the print revolution.
chawls of Bombay. In contrast the richer Parsi, The number went up in the sixteenth century to
Muslim and upper-caste traders and industrialists about 200 million copies.
of Bombay lived in sprawling, spacious bungalows.  Statement 2 is correct. The first book he printed
 Statement 2 is incorrect. People who belonged to was the Bible. Gutenberg’s Bible, the first printed
the ‘depressed classes’ found it even more difficult book in Europe.
to find housing. Lower castes were kept out of Q.73) Ans: a
many chawls and often had to live in shelters made
of corrugated sheets,leaves, or bamboo poles. Exp:
 Statement 3 is correct. Each chawl was divided
 Statement 1 is correct. Common people lived in a
into smaller one-room tenements which had no
world of oral culture. They heard sacred texts read
private toilets.
out, ballads recited, and folk tales narrated. Ballads
Q.69) Ans: c are a historical account or folk tale in
verse, usually sung or recited.

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 Statement 2 is incorrect. Printers began 50 books had been printed in the Konkani and in
publishing popular ballads and folk tales, and such Kanara languages.
books would be profusely illustrated with
Q.78) Ans : a
pictures. These were then sung and recited at
gatherings in villages and in taverns in towns. Exp:

 Statement 1 is correct. From 1780, James

Q.74) Ans: c Augustus Hickey began to edit the Bengal Gazette,
Exp: a weekly magazine that described itself as ‘a
commercial paper open to all, but influenced by
 Statement 1 is correct. Protestant Reformation – none’.
A sixteenth-century movement to reform the  Statement 2 is incorrect. Hickey published a lot of
Catholic Church dominated by Rome. Several advertisements, including those that related to the
traditions of anti-Catholic Christianity developed import and sale of slaves. But he also published a
out of the movement. lot of gossip about the Company’s senior officials in
 Statement 2 is correct. Martin Luther was one of India. Enraged by this, Governor-General Warren
the main Protestant reformers. Hastings persecuted Hickey, and encouraged the
publication of officially sanctioned newspapers
that could counter the flow of information that
Q.75) Ans: b damaged the image of the colonial government
Exp: through Bengal Gazette.

 Statement 1 is correct. Manuscripts were copied Q.79) Ans: b

on palm leaves or on handmade paper. Pages Exp:
were sometimes beautifully illustrated. They
would be either pressed between wooden covers  Rammohun Roy published the Sambad Kaumudi
or sewn together to ensure preservation. from 1821.
 Statement 2 is incorrect. Manuscripts continued  Hindu orthodoxy commissioned the Samachar
to be produced till well after the introduction of Chandrika to oppose Rammohun roys opinions.
print, down to the late nineteenth century. From 1822, two Persian newspapers were
 Statement 3 is correct. They could not be read published, Jam-i-Jahan Nama and Shamsul
easily as the script was written in different styles. Akhbar.
So manuscripts were not widely used in everyday
Q.80) Ans: a
Q.76) Ans: c
 Statement 1 is correct. In East Bengal, in the early
nineteenth century, Rashsundari Debi, a young
 Statement 1 is correct. Gita Govinda was written married girl in a very orthodox household, learnt to
by jayadeva or jayasi in eighteenth-century. read in the secrecy of her kitchen. Later, she wrote
 Statement 2 is correct. This is a palm-leaf her autobiography Amar Jiban which was
handwritten manuscript in accordion format. published in 1876. It was the first full-length
autobiography published in the Bengali language.
Q.77) Ans: d  Statement 2 is correct. In the 1880s, in present-day
Exp: Maharashtra, Tarabai Shinde and Pandita Ramabai
wrote with passionate anger about the miserable
 Statement 1 is correct. The printing press first lives of upper-caste Hindu women, especially
came to Goa with Portuguese missionaries in the widows.
mid-sixteenth century.  Statement 3 is incorrect. While Urdu, Tamil,
 Statement 2 is correct. Jesuit priests learnt Bengali and Marathi print culture had developed
Konkani and printed several tracts. By 1674, about early, Hindi printing began seriously only from the
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Q.81) Ans: c  Many early novels carried a clear message of social

reform. For example, in Indirabai, a Kannada novel
written by Gulavadi Venkata Rao in 1899.
 Statement 1 is correct. From the late nineteenth Q.85) Ans: c
century, issues of caste discrimination began to be
written about in many printed tracts and essays. Exp:
Jyotiba Phule, the Maratha pioneer of ‘low caste’
protest movements also wrote about it.  Statement 1 is correct. Charles Dickens wrote
 Statement 2 is correct. He wrote about the about the terrible effects of industrialisation on
injustices of the caste system in his Gulamgiri people’s lives and characters.
(1871).  Statement 2 is correct. He has wrote novels Hard
times (1854) and Oliver twist (1838).
Q.82) Ans: c
Q.86) Ans: a
 Statement 1 is correct. When a report was judged  Statement 1 is correct. The earliest novel in
as seditious, the newspaper was warned, and if the Marathi was Baba Padmanji’s Yamuna Paryatan
warning was ignored, the press was liable to be (1857), which used a simple style of storytelling to
seized and the printing machinery confiscated. speak about the plight of widows.
 Statement 2 is incorrect. In 1878, the Vernacular  Statement 2 is incorrect. Not all Marathi novels
Press Act was passed,modelled on the Irish Press were realistic. Lakshman Moreshwar Halbe’s
Laws. Muktamala (1861). This was not a realistic novel;it
 Statement 3 is correct. It provided the presented an imaginary ‘romance’ narrative with a
government with extensive rights to censor moral purpose.
reports and editorials in the vernacular press.
Q.87) Ans: c
Q.83) Ans: b
 Statement 1 is correct. The first novels in Assam
Exp: were written by missionaries. Two of them were
 Statement 1 is correct. The epistolary novel, used translations of Bengali including Phulmoni and
the private and personal form of letters to tell its Karuna.
story. Samuel Richardson’s Pamela, written in the  Statement 2 is correct. Rajanikanta Bardoloi wrote
eighteenth century, told much of its story through the first major historical novel in Assam called
an exchange of letters between two lovers. Manomati (1900). It is set in the Burmese invasion,
 Statement 2 is incorrect. Walter Scott stories of which the author had probably heard
remembered and collected popular Scottish from old soldiers who had fought in the 1819
ballads which he used in his historical novels about campaign.
the wars between Scottish clans. Q.88) Ans: c
Q.84) Ans: d Exp:
Exp:  The old merchant elite of Calcutta patronised
 All the pairs given above are correct. public forms of entertainment such as kabirlarai
 Naro Sadashiv Risbud used a highly ornamental (poetry contests), musical soirees and dance
style in his Marathi novel Manjughosha (1868). performances.
 Chandu Menon wrote delightful novel called  Jatra in the courtyard where members of the
Indulekha, published in 1889, was the first modern family would be gathered.
novel in Malayalam.  meyeli, the language associated with women’s

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Q.89) Ans: c Exp:

Exp:  Statement 1 is correct. Print popularised the ideas
of the Enlightenment thinkers.Collectively, their
 Statement 1 is correct. Satire – A form of writings provided a critical commentary on
representation through writing, drawing, tradition,superstition and despotism.
painting, etc. that provides a criticism of society in
 Statement 2 is correct. Print created a new culture
a manner that is witty and clever
of dialogue and debate. All values, norms and
 Statement 2 is correct. Rokeya Hossein (1880- institutions were re-evaluated and discussed by a
1932) was a reformer who, after she was widowed, public that had become aware of the power of
started a girl’s school in Calcutta. She wrote a reason, and recognised the need to question
satiric fantasy in English called Sultana’s Dream existing ideas and beliefs.
(1905) which shows a topsy-turvy world in which
 Statement 3 is correct. They attacked the sacred
women take the place of men. Her novel Padmarag
authority of the Church and the despotic power of
also showed the need for women to reform their
the state, thus eroding the legitimacy of a social
condition by their own actions.
order based on tradition.
Q.90) Ans: a Q.93) Ans: c
 Statement 1 is correct. Chapbook – A term used to
 Statement 1 is correct. In 1928, the Hindustan
describe pocket-size books that are sold by
Socialist Republican Army (HSRA) was founded at
travelling pedlars called chapmen. These became
a meeting in Ferozeshah Kotla ground in Delhi.
popular from the time of the sixteenth-century
Amongst its leaders were revolutionaries Bhagat
print revolution
Singh, Jatin Das and Ajoy Ghosh.In a series of
dramatic actions in different parts of India, the  Statement 2 is correct. In England, penny
HSRA targeted some of the symbols of British chapbooks were carried by petty pedlars known as
power. chapmen, and sold for a penny, so that even the
poor could buy them.
 Statement 2 is correct. In April 1929, Bhagat Singh
and Batukeswar Dutta threw a bomb in the Q.94) Ans: c
Legislative Assembly.
 Statement 3 is incorrect. During his trial, Bhagat Exp:
Singh stated that he did not wish to glorify ‘the  Statement 1 is correct. One of the ways the city of
cult of the bomb and pistol’ but wanted a Bombay has developed is through massive
revolution in society. reclamation projects.
Q.91) Ans: a  Statement 2 is correct. The need for additional
commercial space in the mid-nineteenth century
Exp: led to the formulation of several plans, both by
government and private companies, for the
 The poems of another Kanpur millworker, who
reclamation of more land from the sea.
wrote under the name of Sudarshan Chakr
between 1935 and 1955, were brought together
and published in a collection called Sacchi
 Workers in factories were too overworked and
lacked the education to write much about their
experiences. But Kashibaba, a Kanpur millworker,
wrote and published Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal in
1938 to show the links between caste and class
Q.92) Ans: d


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