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Open access Protocol

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 on 12 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 15, 2022 at Hogskolan I Gavle (University of Gavle).
Flexible Work: Opportunity and
Challenge (FLOC) for individual, social
and economic sustainability. Protocol
for a prospective cohort study of non-­
standard employment and flexible work
arrangements in Sweden
Sven Svensson ‍ ‍,1 David M Hallman ‍ ‍,1 SvendErik Mathiassen,1
Marina Heiden,1 Arne Fagerström,2 Jean Claude Mutiganda,2 Gunnar Bergström1,3

To cite: Svensson S, ABSTRACT

Hallman DM, Mathiassen S, Introduction Flexibility in working life, including STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY
et al. Flexible Work: Opportunity non-­standard employment (NSE) and flexible work ⇒ Recruiting organisations in different sectors employ-
and Challenge (FLOC) for ing workers with different socioeconomic status,
arrangements (FWAs), offers the organisation a better
individual, social and economic ethnicity and gender allows for addressing effect
ability to adapt to changing conditions while also posing
sustainability. Protocol for a
considerable challenges for organisations as well as modification in subgroups with varying employment
prospective cohort study of
conditions and work arrangements.

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non-­standard employment and workers. The aim of the Flexible Work: Opportunity and
flexible work arrangements Challenge (FLOC) study is to investigate associations ⇒ Repeated measurements of exposures and out-
in Sweden. BMJ Open between NSE and FWA on the one hand, and individual, comes allow for estimation of temporal relationships.
2022;12:e057409. doi:10.1136/ social and economic sustainability on the other. ⇒ Flexible Work: Opportunity and Challenge will com-
bmjopen-2021-057409 Methods and analysis This prospective open cohort bine survey data, interviews and diaries with objec-
study targets approximately 8000 workers 18–65 years tive data collected from company records, registers
► Prepublication history for
this paper is available online. old in 8–10 public and private organisations in Sweden. and technical measurements of physical workload
To view these files, please visit We will use a comprehensive battery of measurement and psychophysiological indicators. This will offer a
the journal online (http://dx.doi.​ methods addressing financial performance, physical and comprehensive array of exposures and outcomes.
org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-​ psychosocial exposures, and physical and mental health, ⇒ Non-­standard workers are only temporarily affiliated
057409). both at the organisational and the individual level. Methods with a certain employer. This could result in a high
include valid survey questionnaires and register data, and, dropout rate.
Received 14 September 2021
in subpopulations, technical measurements, interviews
Accepted 17 June 2022
and diaries. Main exposures are type of employment and
type of work arrangement. Main outcomes are indicators improved capacity for flexibility in organisa-
of social and economic sustainability and, at the individual tions.1 Non-­standard employment (NSE, the
level, health and well-­being. Data, collected over 54 hiring of different sorts of temporary staff)2
months at approximately 18-­month intervals, will be mainly provides flexibility for the organisa-
analysed using multivariate methods considering main tion, whereas flexible work arrangements
effects as well as potential effect modifiers. The analyses (FWAs, employment agreements allowing
will take into account that respondents are nested in
work to be performed at a discretionary
organisations, divisions and/or have specific managers.
time and place) mainly provide flexibility for
Ethics and dissemination FLOC is approved by the
Swedish Ethical Review Authority (decision numbers workers.3
2019–06220, 2020–06094 and 2021–02725). Data will Both NSE and FWA could potentially
be published in peer-­reviewed journals and presented benefit both employers and workers.
at international conferences, and researchers will assist However, this potential is not always realised;
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2022. Re-­use the organisations in improving policies and routines for NSE and FWA can imply more autonomy
permitted under CC BY. employment and organisation of work. but also that you will have to follow others’
Published by BMJ. needs.4 5 This is highly actualised during the
For numbered affiliations see ongoing COVID-­19 pandemic, where many
end of article. INTRODUCTION organisations have been able to maintain
Correspondence to Increased global competition and new infor- operations and employments because of
Dr Sven Svensson; mation and communication technology has FWA. At the same time, non-­standard workers
​sven.​svensson@h​ ig.​se brought about an increased need as well as an (NSWs) have in many cases been the first to

Svensson S, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e057409. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 1

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 on 12 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 15, 2022 at Hogskolan I Gavle (University of Gavle).
be laid off.6 Thus, understanding the trade-­off between a good psychosocial working environment for flexible
positive and negative aspects of flexibility in working life workers.32–34 The proportion of FWA in an organisation
is a pertinent issue. may influence the working conditions even for workers
NSE and FWA may also represent challenges regarding with non-­FWA.35 Although FWA may allow workers a
work environment and health challenges that can hamper better work–life balance,36 it also puts higher demands on
social and economic sustainability. Social and economic workers to set limits to their work.37 38 Failure to set such
sustainability refers to the long-­term balance between limits may contribute to excessive workload and overtime
the needs of different stakeholders in organisations and work, insufficient time for recovery and increased stress.39
companies. This includes organisations’ need to maintain Most research on health in workers with FWA is cross-­
sound finances while at the same time providing a health-­ sectional,31 36 and evidence of long-­term health effects
promoting work environment7 8 and even securing the of FWA remains scarce.40 Prospective studies are needed
needs of individuals for sustainable health and well-­being to improve knowledge, aiming at determining potential
until retirement.8 temporal associations between NSE and FWA on the one
Results regarding organisational effects of NSE and
hand, and individual, social and economic sustainability
FWA are rare and mixed. Some evidence suggests that
on the other.41–44
industries with a large extent of NSE have a weaker
product innovation propensity9 and that NSE is associ-
ated with either higher or lower wage costs.10 Both issues Overall aim
are matters of current debates.9 10 Literature addressing The overall aim of the present Flexible Work: Oppor-
effects of hiring NSW on the economic performance of tunity and Challenge (FLOC) study is to determine in
an organisation is sparse, although low as well as high which ways and to which extent NSEs and FWAs are asso-
proportions of NSE might be negatively associated with ciated with social and economic sustainability, in terms
financial performance.11 of the financial performance of organisations, their work
environment and workers’ health and well-­being.
Work environment and health in NSE
It may be difficult to involve NSW in occupational health Primary aims and research questions (RQs)

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and safety routines, for example, due to ambiguities in
the division of responsibilities12 or communication diffi- Aim 1
culties.13 NSE appears associated with physical and mental The first objective of this study was to evaluate the extent
ill health14–16 and increased risk of occupational injury.17 to which different forms of NSEs and FWAs are associ-
However, mixed findings have been reported.15 17 18 NSE ated with the financial performance of the organisation,
often results in poor physical and psychosocial work envi- its work environment, and health and well-­being among
ronments.14 19–22 However, differences compared with
the workers.
standard work appear small.23
RQ1: What are the opportunities and challenges pre-
Studies of NSE often suffer from methodological weak-
sented by NSE/FWA in the context of an organisa-
nesses.15 17 18 24 Specific types of NSE appear to be differ-
tion’s financial performance and its management ac-
ently associated with work environment and health, but
counting and control?
most studies mix various forms of NSE.24 Most studies
are cross-­ sectional. Few studies have compared the RQ2: To which extent are different forms of NSE/FWA
working conditions of NSW to those of standard workers. related to physical and psychosocial exposures at work?
Most previous studies have focused on the psychosocial RQ3: To which extent are different forms of NSE/
rather than the physical work environment. Most often, FWA related to outcomes describing health and well-­
non-­ validated instruments and self-­ reports have been being?
used,14 18 likely introducing bias, for example, when RQ4: To which extent do the answers to RQ1–RQ3 dif-
measuring physical activity.25 fer between occupational sectors and according to age,
gender and socioeconomic status of the worker?
Work environment and health in flexible work
Before COVID-­19, 40%–65% of the Swedish workforce Aim 2
could, to various extents, decide their working hours26 or The second objective of this study was to evaluate the
work from home.27 The prevalence rates of telework (eg, contents and implementation of organisational policies
working from home) have increased since the outbreak and routines regarding NSE/FWA.
of the COVID-­19 pandemic.28 29 Of those working from RQ5: What are the contents of organisational NSE/
home in the summer of 2020 due to COVID-­19, 46% did FWA policies and routines?
so for the first time.30 RQ6: How knowledgeable are managers, workers and
FWA may improve work–life balance for workers and union representatives regarding policies and routines
potentially benefit the productivity of organisations.31 for NSE and FWA?
At the same time, employers may find it difficult to RQ7: How do managers use/implement policies and
maintain occupational health and safety routines and routines for NSE and FWA in everyday work?

2 Svensson S, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e057409. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 on 12 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 15, 2022 at Hogskolan I Gavle (University of Gavle).
public sectors in Sweden, representative of specific types
and extents of NSE and/or FWA.

Eligibility criteria
Recruitment of organisations will be concentrated to mid-­
Sweden. We strive to include organisations from both the
private and public sectors. Large organisations (>250) are
prioritised. Eligible organisations will allow us to approach
all employees, register FWA for all participating workers
and/or have a relatively large fraction of NSWs. In total,
the participating organisations will employ approximately
8000 blue-­collar and white-­collar workers. Eligible study
participants are individuals 18–65 years old at baseline.
Those employed because of political labour market initia-
tives at baseline are excluded (see figure 1). The organi-
sations should be willing to share financial records as well
as data on, for example, sick leave and form of employ-
ment, to allow measurements during working hours and
to commit to the collaboration over several years.
Figure 1 Recruitment of study population and data
collection (intended numbers). LISA, Longitudinal Integrated Study procedures
Database for Health Insurance and Labour Market Studies. Data will be collected from approximately 8000 employees
in the participating organisations between 25 May 2020
and 30 November 2025. Data include excerpts from the
Longitudinal Integrated Database for Health Insurance

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and Labour Market Studies (LISA) at Statistics Sweden,45
FLOC is a prospective study with an open cohort approach;
organisational data, a questionnaire to the workers, tech-
that is, new participants can be added at different time
nical measurements of physical activities and heart rate,
points. The cohort combines surveys with register data,
technical measurements, diaries and interviews. Measure- diaries and interviews. The questionnaire will be admin-
ments are performed at four time points, about 18 months istered at baseline (T0), followed by three follow-­ups at
apart. The overall design and timeline of the study are approximately 18 months intervals. Data will be combined
shown in figures 1 and 2). The project is followed by a with information from organisational records and the
reference group with representatives from trade unions, LISA register over the 4.5 year follow-­up period (T0–T3).
the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Swedish At each measurement point, participants will be asked for
Work Environment Authority and universities. their informed consent to participate and will be followed
via their social security number in the LISA database and
Recruitment in organisational records. Thus, follow-­up data will be
We will apply a purposive convenience sampling of organ- available even for study participants who drop out of the
isations and employees within organisations. Recruit- study during the data collection period. Participants will
ment strategies include distributing messages on a also be asked for their private contact information, which
well-­attended work environment blog, e-­mailing potential allows follow-­up data to be collected from study partici-
organisations, and giving presentations for unions and pants who have, for instance, changed employer, become
employer organisations. The study population will, even- unemployed or turned to studies.
tually, consist of 8–10 organisations within the private and The FLOC questionnaire will mainly be composed of
digital versions of validated questions from, for example,
Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire III (COPSOQ
III),46 the standardised questionnaire for the analysis of
musculoskeletal symptoms,47 and the Karolinska Sleep
Questionaire48 (see table 1 for a complete list of question-
naires). It will be sent to all employees in the participating
organisations, primarily via e-­mail. The electronic FLOC
questionnaire will be hosted by Qualtrics (Provo, Utah,
USA), with survey data stored at servers in the European
Union. Depending on the accessibility of different groups
Figure 2 Flow of the data collection. LISA, Longitudinal of workers, the questionnaire will also be distributed via
Integrated Database for Health Insurance and Labour Market short message service (sms) or in a paper-­ and-­pencil
Studies. version.

Svensson S, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e057409. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 3

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 on 12 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 15, 2022 at Hogskolan I Gavle (University of Gavle).
Table 1 Exposures, outcomes and contextual factors Table 1 Continued
Primary exposures Psychological safety climate 2o
Type of employment contract 1, 2a Functionality, IT tools 2a
Duration of employment 1, 2a Overtime work 2a
Perceived demands for 2g
Type of flexible work 1, 2a availability
Perceived flexibility 2a
Extent of flexible work 2a
Occurrence/content of NSE 1
Experience of flexible work 2a policy
Primary outcomes Occurrence/content of 1
Financial performance flexible work policy
 Value added and ratios 1 Private expenses related to 2a
 Sick leave 1, 2b, 3
Biomechanical load 2p
 Wages 1, 3
General metabolic load 5
 Turnover 1, 3
Physical activities during 5
 Productivity 1, 2c, 2d
work and non-­work time
 Presenteeism 2b
Physical variation 2g, 5
Management control 4
Physical exertion 2q
Worker health and well-­being
Mental exertion 2a
 General health 2e
Heart rate 5
 Musculoskeletal pain 2f
General metabolic workload 5
 Depression 2g

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1, organisational records; 2a, self-­developed survey item; 2b,
 Well-­being 2h survey73; 2c, survey51; 2d, survey52; 2e, survey54; 2f, survey47; 2g,
 Job satisfaction 2g survey46; 2h, survey55; 2i, survey57; 2j, survey60; 2k, survey48; 2l,
survey56; 2m, survey58; 2n, survey59; 2o, survey64; 2p, survey61; 2q,
 Work-­ability 2i
survey63; 3, LISA register; 4, interview; 5, technical measurement.
 Exhaustion 2g FW, flexible work; IT, information technology; LISA, Longitudinal
 Stress 2j Integrated Database for Health Insurance and Labour Market
Studies; NSE, non-­standard employment.
 Sleep quality 2k
 Need for recovery 2l
 Work–life balance 2m
Data from organisational records regarding for
 Work–life conflict 2n example, types of employment or employment rates will
Secondary exposures, secondary outcomes and be handed over by the organisations’ human resources
contextual factors (HR) departments in Excel spreadsheets before the
Voluntariness, employment 2a measurements, completed for any new worker at each
contract follow-­
up. For participants having given their consent
Voluntariness and flexible 2a to be followed up in organisational records, the organ-
work isations will give complementing information regarding
Management and leadership 2g, 4 social security number, salary and annual days of sick
quality leave for each employee. Salary and sick-­leave data will
Job demands 2g be updated on a yearly basis. The social security numbers
Influence 2g obtained from the organisational records will also be
Social support 2g used to follow each employee and obtain outcome vari-
ables from the LISA register during 2020–2024.
Recognition 2g
Indicators for calculating organisational financial
Predictability 2g performance will be given by each organisation’s accounts
Job insecurity 2g department and HR department in Excel spreadsheets
Vertical trust 2g during each data collection wave. These data will include
Organisational justice 2g information on organisational structure, including which
Offensive treatment 2g employees are subordinate to specific managers in each
organisational department. Documents for policies and
routines will be provided by the HR departments.

4 Svensson S, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e057409. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 on 12 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 15, 2022 at Hogskolan I Gavle (University of Gavle).
In a subcohort, technical measurements of physical standardised into full sick-­leave days (net days); wages will
workload will be performed during work time and non-­ be analysed at the individual level in terms of net incomes
work time at T0 and T2 (details as follows). Participants from employment after income tax as well as gross income
will be recruited via an item in the questionnaire as well before tax, and job turnover is measured as the number
as via information given on notice boards in each organ- of employers during the follow-­up period. Work perfor-
isation. Measurement equipment will be administered at mance at the individual level is measured by two items for
the workplace or sent to the participant’s home address productivity impairment, one due to ill health and one
along with an extensive instruction for attachment and due to work environment problems.51 52
operation. In the latter instance, a trained instructor is Self-­rated sickness absence and presenteeism will be
available via the video conference tool Zoom. measured by one item each.53 Individual semistructured
Interviews with managers will be performed after the interviews with 15–20 managers will give information on
baseline measurement. Participants will be recruited via how management perceives control in the context of NSE
the HR departments at the organisations, and via e-­mail. and FWA. The interviews will concern managers’ experi-
The interviews will be recorded and transcribed verbatim. ences of leading working groups with NSE or FWA, and
In some cases, we will have access to two data sources, their ideas of challenges and opportunities in connection
for example, as regards organisational policies. This with hiring NSW or in connection with FWA. Examples
allows us to examine possible differences between the two of question areas are advantages and disadvantages for
datasets and discuss these differences and their interpre- managerial control of the working environment, and
tation with relevant parties. production consequences of hiring NSW or in connec-
tion with FWA.
Exposures, outcomes and contextual factors Worker health and well-­ being will be self-­ rated,
Addressing the influence of NSE and FWA on social and measured with questionnaires for general health
economic sustainability at the organisational level and (Short Form Health Survey, SF-­ 36),54 musculoskeletal
health and well-­being at the individual level requires a pain, exhaustion, depression and job satisfaction from
number of exposures and outcomes to be followed. Also, COPSOQ III,46 sleep quality (Karolinska Sleep Question-
a broad range of potential precursors and intermediate aire),48 well-­being (the WHO’s well-­being index, WHO-­

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outcomes will be assessed to capture relevant aspects of 5),55 need for recovery (short form scale),56 workability
physical and psychosocial exposures at work in different (a single item from Ilmarinen57), work–life balance (a
data sources. In addition, there is a need to consider validated single item),58 work–life conflict59 and a valid
characteristics and contextual factors specific to each stress item.60
organisation. Table 1 shows a complete list of exposures,
outcomes, precursors and contextual factors, with refer- Secondary exposures, secondary outcomes and contextual factors
ences to data sources. Information on working time is obtained through organ-
isational records and in the questionnaire. Self-­reported
Primary exposures data regarding the physical and psychosocial work envi-
Main exposures are NSE and FWA. In the present study, ronment will include biomechanical load based on scales
NSE refers to different kinds of temporary employment from the MUSIC study,61 physical variation assessed with
and temporary agency workers.2 The main FWA will be an item from COPSOQ III,46 physical activity measured
telework, or combinations of telework and on-­site work, with the international physical activity questionnaire
so-­called hybrid work.49 Data on NSE and FWA will be (IPAQ),62 and physical exertion using a single item
collected in the questionnaire and from organisational from Borg and Kaijser.63 Additional self-­developed items
records. Self-­reported exposure data will be used when no will be used to measure mental exertion and working
organisational data are available. NSE is recorded using a postures. Psychosocial exposures (job demands, influ-
self-­developed item based on the forms of employment ence, social support, recognition, predictability, job inse-
registered in Statistic Sweden’s Labour Force Surveys.50 curity, management quality, vertical trust, organisational
An FWA, according to the worker, is recorded using self-­ justice, offensive treatment, demands for availability) is
developed items for FWAs concerning its type, prevalence, measured using indices or single items from COPSOQ
duration and extent (days per week and total hours). III.46 Psychosocial safety climate is measured with the four-­
item Psychosocial Safety Climate scale.64 Self-­developed
Primary outcomes questions address even functionality of information tech-
Organisational records provide information about the nology tools, overtime work, voluntariness regarding
financial performance of organisations, including indi- employment form and FWA, perceived demands for avail-
cators for value added, financial ratios, wages, turnover, ability, perceived flexibility, occurrence of a policy for
productivity, sick-­leave costs and—conditional on partic- flexible work, commuting routines and private financial
ipants’ consent—individual sick leave in days. The LISA expenses related to flexible work.
register will be used to obtain additional outcome data of Objective data on physical exposures during work and
relevance for financial performance in the organisations non-­work time will be collected by technical measure-
for 2020–2024. Partial sick-­leave days are transformed and ments using small-­size triaxial accelerometers fixed to the

Svensson S, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e057409. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 5

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 on 12 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 15, 2022 at Hogskolan I Gavle (University of Gavle).
thigh. Data will be collected over 7 days and processed and be taken to limit the number of variables in the models,
analysed using Acti4.65 We will quantify the occurrence as allowed by the size of the dataset.
and temporal pattern of sitting, standing and physical
activities.66–68 Data will be allocated to work and non-­ Data analysis
work time based on diaries.69 Heart rate will be measured Workers with NSE will be compared with standard
using a Bodyguard2 monitor with a standard two-­lead workers. Workers with FWA will be compared with those
configuration, estimating general metabolic workload, not having FWA. For FWA, duration and extent will be
for example, in per cent of heart rate reserve. Heart rate included as modifiers in the analyses. For both NSE and
variability will be analysed70 and used as a marker of auto- FWA, preference for NSE/FWA will be included as modi-
nomical cardiac modulation. fiers. Differences in outcomes over time will be analysed
Organisational records will give information on avail- primarily using linear mixed models or generalised linear
ability and content of policies for NSE and FWA. They will mixed models, depending on scale (continuous/cate-
also be used to nest respondents in organisational divi- gorical) and the distribution of data, considering main
sions and to specific managers. Interviews with managers, effects as well as potential modifiers. Respondents nested
workers and union representatives will offer information in different sectors, organisations and/or departments
on the knowledge of NSE/FWA policies and of the extent as well as to specific managers will be addressed specifi-
to which they are implemented. cally where possible. Groups may also be stratified based
on gender, age and socioeconomic status. Theoretically
Confounders relevant confounders will be considered in all analyses.
To avoid the risk of mixing effects of a certain exposure Data loss will be inspected and treated using appropriate
with the effect of another variable, that is, confounding,71 analytical imputation methods. Interviews will be analysed
potential confounders will be identified from a large using thematic analysis, for example, qualitative content
array of variables, for instance, demographic and socio- analysis.72
economic factors (including family situation), union
membership, smoking habits, physical activity during Patient and public involvement
leisure or prevalence of diagnosed disease. The selec- No patients were involved.

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tion of confounders will depend on the specific RQs in
different studies, as well as theoretical and empirical
considerations. Data on confounders will be collected ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION
from organisational records, the LISA register and the The study is approved by the Swedish Ethical Review
questionnaire. Data regarding the economic situation of Authority (decisions numbers 2019–06220, 2020–06094
the local community are available from Statistics Sweden. and 2021–02725), and will be performed according
to the declaration of Helsinki. Participants answering
Sample size the questionnaire will provide their informed consent
The sample size was guided by a priori power analyses of in the online questionnaire. Participants in interviews
primary exposures on the individual level (NSE/FWA) and/or technical measurements will give their written
and outcomes (well-­being, exhaustion, register informa- informed consent to the researcher before starting the
tion from organisational records on sickness absence in interview and/or starting measurements. FLOC data will
days). For minimally important score differences of 0.5 be published in peer-­reviewed journals and presented at
SD, we estimated that about 200 workers per employment international conferences. Participating organisations
category (eg, temporary contract and standard employ- will not receive information that can be tracked down to
ment) or work arrangements category (eg, telework and individual workers. Reports of results at an aggregated
site work) would be sufficient to detect significant level will be delivered to, and discussed with, participating
(p<0.05) differences of 10 scale points with 80% power organisations. Based on these discussions, researchers
for well-­being and exhaustion and 12 scale points for will assist the organisations in improvement of policies
burnout.46 A similar sample size is also sufficient to detect and routines, where relevant. The researchers will not
a difference of 20 days of sick leave between categories receive any economic compensation from any partici-
of workers. We aim at a target population of approxi- pating organisation. Results from the study will be contin-
mately 8000 workers in the cohort. Out of these, approx- uously discussed with the cohort’s reference group, which
imately 4000 will be standard workers, 2000 NSW and consists of members from employers’ organisations and
2000 will have FWAs. In some cases, a particular worker unions, representatives for the Swedish Work Environ-
may be represented in both the latter categories. We ment Authority and researchers. The FLOC project group
expect a response rate of approximately 50% at baseline will be open for collaboration with other researchers and
and a total dropout of, at the most, 30%, which will give data will be shared, conditional on the provision of a
approximately 2800 workers in the final sample. This will research plan to the project group and congruence with
give enough respondents to adjust for relevant covariates the ethical approval.
and possible effect modification (eg, by age and sex), in The FLOC study is expected to contribute with original
comparisons between categories of workers. Caution will evidence concerning the effects of flexible employment

6 Svensson S, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e057409. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409

Open access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057409 on 12 July 2022. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on July 15, 2022 at Hogskolan I Gavle (University of Gavle).
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David M Hallman http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2741-1868
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